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I'm just wondering how many people know about Vandread. I think it's a pretty good anime myself. I'm also thinking of starting an RP about it. So who likes it and who would want to join an RP about it? And Vandread Fans.Feel free to talk about it here but don't SPAM. Spamming's bad m'kay? I dun wanna get busted by da mods....
I think you are able to participate.Just get Function and post in the RP. Maybe Taki/Joko just missed the post. Don't worry.I think he let you in. Next time please don't post like this. Just kindly PM him and tell him. But I hope it's cleared up now. ~Ohkami
[color=navy][b]Name:[/b]Nisha Toki [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Country:[/b]Japan [b]Appearance:[/b]Nisha has rich chocolate brown hair that ends around her shoulders,bright emerald eyes that sparkle when she's happy or go dull and lifeless when she's upset or grieving over something.She wears a shirt tunic of a rich blue and navy blue breeches.Her skin is slightly tanned but not very darkly.She always carries her weapon on her back.[More in Weapons] [b]Bio:[/b]Nisha was born to a special family.Her father was a close samurai guard to the emperor and her mother was a good friend of the empress.So when she was young she was introduced to the prince.He was around her age.They both disliked each other very much.His name was Shin.Shin and his friends were always making fun at her and her friends.They were bad enemies but whenever their parents were near they acted nicely to each other.As they grew older they disliked each other even more.Then the emperor died.The empress and Shin were upset for a long time.The hate flowed away between them,their emotions connected byy the grieving of the deseased emperor.They became friends and Shin took the throne.His mother spoke to him in private one day and told him some shocking news. Nisha and Shin were talking casually like they usually did one day and then Shin sprung it on her. "Nisha...Mother says I must find a bride because I am coming of age and in case anything happens to me..." "Yeah..So you'll be going away for a few days to find the lucky girl huh?"Nisha said not understanding what Shin meant. "No......I was thinking......you...."he said shyly. Nisha was shocked and didn't understand too well.She said she had to think about it.He gave her 3 presents one day.One was the sword she carries,another was the Liger armor and the other was a ring.It was made of silver and there was a cherry blossom on it.It was divided in half.The first half was pink while the second half was emerald green.They were the jewels Pink Zirconia and Emerald.Nisha was shocked and said she'd think more. Then one day something terrible happened,he was attacked by the neighbouring lands trying to conquer other places.Nisha was on her way to telling Shin that she would accept.Wen she walked into the throne room she saw her mother,father,the empress and servants crowded around something.Nisha walked up and the servants parted and she saw.She shook her head and tears flowed from her eyes.Shin was on the ground,held by his mother the empress.There was a patch of blood on his abdomen.A broken arrow lay on the ground next to him.He groaned and opened his eyes weakly.He smiled slightly. "Nisha..."he gasped. "Shin....What happened!!!"Nisha cried holding his hand. "China..."was all he said. "I came to accept your offer...But I was too late."she cried. Tears fell onto his hand and he reached up a hand to brush them away. "I'll always watch over you....Take care...."then his eyes closed,never to open again.Everyone in the room cried out their griefs.All of the servants liked Shin because he was kind and requested instead of ordering.He also rewarded them with good pay. From then Nisha decided to leave and travel the world defeating people and destroying those who killed Shin. [b]Animal Hide:[/b]Liger-A white Tiger with wings on his back. [b]Armor Appearance:[/b]Nisha's armor is hidden under her clothes and are only shown in battle.It's white with black stripes and Liger's wings are on the back,they are two of the only parts of her armor that show because she's cut slits for them to be free.On the breastplate is her crystal.It's cut like a Ying Yang symbol.Half is milky white with a royal blue dot and the other half is royal blue with a milky white dot.The other part that sticks out from her armor is Liger's tail.She has gauntlets made of silver with sharp claws made of alloyed silver pointing out at the knuckles.They can be used as weapons. [b]Weapon:[/b]She carries a sword with a blade made of unbreakable,sharp crystal and the hilt is made of silver with dents for hand positions for different moves and it sits on her back in a silver sheath. [b]Body Weapon(s):[/b]The claws,they can be shot out and they return to slide back into their positions.The guards under her clothes can create a barrier to block attacks.She moves faster,swifter and more agile then she usually is.It also pumps strength and adreneline into her system so she can fight longer.On a clear sunny day her eyes will turn royal blue activating a super charge to her already charged system from the armor.The wings on her back can actually make her fly up. [b]Style:[/b]She knows many techniques to do with her sword.[/color] [b]OOC:[/b]Sorry if the Bio's kinda long.I think it's one of the best stories far that I've done....
[COLOR=darkblue]Cheetor admired himself in one of the Axalons.He was a cheetah,the fastest and swiftest animal in the world. "This is wicked Big Bot!!"Cheetor said as he ran around,he was a blur. "And you're an....ape!!"he said halting. "Gorilla,Cheetor!!"he said firmly."I'm a gorilla." "Then I'm a monkey's uncle!Jus' kiddin'"Cheetor joked. "Cheetor Maximize!!"He changed and turned into his normal self. He ducked quickly as Airazor flew over.He had suddenly changed forms that he was tall and Airazor would have hit him.Cheetor looked back at Rattrap who was still complaining about being a rat in Beast Mode.Cheetor laughed quietly and walked to Rhinox who was in his Rhino form. "Woah!I gotta be careful of you now don't I!"Cheetor said feeling Rhinox's horn.It was hard and very pointy. "You always had to be careful of me Cheetor."he replied. "Rhinox Maximize!!"and Rhinox returned to Cybertron form. Cheetor continued to go around the room talking to the others about the new morphs.Everyone was excited except the rat who scampered around the room,under everyone's feet.[/color]
[COLOR=darkblue]Kayley nodded and got into her Cynet.She watched Nina walk away to do training at the gym and saw Koga doing the same as herself.When she was inside she checked everything was ok and powered up.She thought about her spirit and imagined moving.Iris started up.Kayley walked it forward and stood above Dr Tao. "Ready Doc!"Kayley called from her cockpit section. She turned and saw Koga in his Cynet,Trance walking towards them. "I'm ready Dr Tao."he said. "Good.Both of you head to the training area and I'll go start the simulation program." They both said ok and walked off to a door large enough for any of the Cynets.Koga opened it and Kayley followed after him,closing the door.On the wall was a glass panel and they could see Dr Tao at the controls.He spoke into a microphone. "I'll set a place and you'll be fighting each other.Then I'll have you fight some 'enemies'."Dr Tao's voice rang out into the room. He looked at the controls and typed some commands and watched. "Good luck."he said as the room started to change. Trees appeared and grass and plants grew under them.Koga and Kayley looked around and saw they were in a forest with a clearing.One of Kayley's favourites.The room disappeared and they were in a large space.Dr Tao could still see them but now they were in open area with no confinements. Kayley got Iris into control,ready to fight Koga.They didn't fight each other often.They usually partnered someone else but it would be interesting.[/color]
Nisha sat alone in her room.Her parents were stuck in their own room too.They weren't allowed to leave their room until Chris-their Dog Guard allowed them to. She sat at her computer.She was on an online chat with one of her friends,Serena.She hated being confined in her own bedroom by a lousy dog.Sometimes she had to fight the urge of speaking back.She always reminded herself that one of the many dog guards around would catch her and she would get into deep trouble.At least she still had the programs and she could talk to others. The door opened and Chris walked through the door.Nisha glared at him angrily and he growled and strided up to her. "What are you glaring about?!You should be glad I haven't hurt you!I just got news from Max."Nisha knew Max was Serena's Dog Guard."He hit the girl for lying to him." Nisha clenched her mouth shut and it was hurting her mouth.She wanted to lash out but kept her tongue.She continued to glare until he turnd his back and strided out of the door and slammed it shut. Nisha told Serena all about it and asked if she was badly hurt by that idiotic dog guard Max.She said it wasn't too bad.It hurt for a while but it didn't huirt as much now.
[color=navy][b]Name:[/b]Nisha Toki [b]Age:[/b]18 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Race:[/b]Ethai?En [b]Location:[/b]Feurith,Maurii-But she goes to Tal?Ebot often. [b]Occupation:[/b]Half Merchant half Trader.Her mother's a Merchant while her father's a Trader so she follows both. [b]Appearance:[/b]Nisha has rich,chocolate brown hair that stops around her shoulders.She has bright emerald eyes that sparkle when she's happy or go dull and lifeless when grieving or sad.She usually wears a blue shirt and navy blue breeches but sometimes she wears a blue tunic.She has a dark navy blue almost black pair of boots that just stop at her ankles.On her back she always carries a silver sheath.Inside it is a sword.The blade is made of sharp,unbreakable crystal and the hilt is made of silver with indents for hand positions when doing different moves.She also carries a bag on her back.She carries supplies and other things.On her belt are two smaller sheaths where she keeps her twin daggers,both made of silver.Around her neck is a silver chain that has a pendant of a silver teardrop.a cherry blossom is carved into the front.All the things are gifts from people that she helps daily.They are her rewards and pay.The sword was given to her from her father though.Nisha also has hidden daggers in her boots and when she wears one of her blue jackets she has daggers in her sleeves that are held with a magical wire that will release at her command to allow them to fall into her hands whenever she needs them.When she uses her flight spell and her fairy wings sprout they're a misty blue.Like fushia with more blue than pink.It kinda divides into 2 wings.A big one on top and a smaller on the bottom but they act as one. [b]Personality:[/b]Nisha's a kind,caring and considerate young lady.She has a bubbly attitude and is usually always happy unless angered or saddened by a certain turn of events.She cares for her friends and family and whenever they are in trouble or problem she will do whatever she can to help. [b]History:[/b]Nisha is an exellent mage.She has learned many great and wonderful spells from the libraries of the monks in her hometown of Feurith.The monks there all know her because she goes there everyday unless she's busy helping her parents or travelling off to other cities-mainly Tal'Ebot.Sometimes she can be thievish because she's very stealthy,skilful and definately acrobatic.But she also makes a good fighter.She's agile and quick but strong.Her brother.Who is a warrior taught her how to fight well. She daily helps her parents with their different jobs.First she'll help her mother as a merchant and she sells things quickly,then she'll rush off to help her father who's a trader and they get many customers.Then after she'll go and visit the libraries and she'll stay there for the rest of the day until it's time to get home.Many times she'll practise small spells in the books in small quiet areas of the libraries. When she has free time and doesn't go to the libraries she'll go to an open field near her home and practise her spells in small and big forms.And she'll practise sword,dagger and hand to hand combat movements making sure each cut,slice,stab or hit is accurate and hits the mark. Also on somedays Nisha will fly to Tal'Ebot.One of her favourite spells is the flight spell.She sprouts fairy wings and takes off.She uses it often so now she can fly far distances.Sometimes she dreams what it'd be like to be one of the few greatest mages AND warriors.Not many people are skilled at both.Although many of her race are,they're mostly better at one than the other.Nisha's dream is to become great at both. She lives life peacefully in her quiet city.Her transport around town is either jumping from rooftops or flight.She hates the dusty streets below.Sometimes she thinks what it would be like to visit Ii?Kaer.She has been to pretty much all of the towns in Maurii but she hopes to go to Ii?Kaer and learn more. [b]Tidbits:[/b]As I said she's thiefy,skilful,stealthy,agile,quick,acrobatic,magical,physically strong,accurate,carries a lot of weapons and has high hopes. [b]EDIT:[/b]Ok.I finished the sign up.This sounds exellent.I hope I can get in. [b]EDIT:[/b]I changed my angel wings to fairy wings.and I decided for a double wing.[/color]
[color=navy]Kayley got up in the morning and yawned.She did a few stretches and exercises before running downstairs and nade some breakfast.Kayley mixed up some batter and cooked them and she soon had a stack of pancakes.Kayley took quite a lot and put them on a plate for herself.She went to the cupboard and took out some honey and maple syrup.Kayley thinly drizzeled some honey over them and started to eat.In no time the smell had wafted through the house and everyone raced down and started to eat.Soon she was done so she said she was leaving and went to the garage.She grabbed her silver helmet and put it on.She walked to the garage door and then got on her motorbike.She slipped her visor down and revved and took off. Kayley moved around town until she reached the Dr. Tao Company Labs.She parked and took off her helmet shaking her hair.She walked through the large double doors.She greeted people as she walked by and into an elevator.She pressed a button and soon she arrived she walked out and was greeted by scientists in white lab coats.It was bright and she continued down the hall and saw more people before entering through another door full of large robots.She had arrived at the Cynet Dock.She saw Dr Tao talking to another man. "Morning Doc."Kayley said cheerfully."Morning Koga." "Good Morning Kayley."Dr Tao replied. "Morning."was the reply from Koga. "Are you here to train in your Cynet?"Dr Tao asked. "Yeah.Ready for action."Kayley replied still happy. "Good.This will be intense,I hope you're both ready."Dr Tao said. Koga and Kayley nodded before walking away towards their Cynets.Kayley approached a female looking one. "Doc said it's gonna be tough today Iris.Hope you're ready for it."[/color]
He can take over Lynx. I just saw that dayday's been banned. I just saw it in her title so...Empty spot there. And yeah...We need a bad guy!!
[color=navy]Nisha hadn't gotten home yet because she wanted to take some time off but when she saw someone at her doorstep and turning to leave she quickly bladed over. "Hi Yoshimi.Sorry...I was taking my time home."Nisha said happily. "It's ok."Yoshimi said quietly. "Come on in."Nisha said as she unlocked the front door.As she skated past she had picked up Yoshimi's fallen bag. "Here.You dropped it."Nisha said holding it out. Yoshimi took it and thanked her.Nisha walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Want anything to drink?"she called. "What have you got?"Yoshimi replied grinning.It was beginning to be like old times.Before Nisha opened the Clow Book. "Umm....Lift,Fanta,Coke,Orange Juice..."Nisha said as she looked through. "Lift thanks."Yoshimi said walking into the kitchen. Nisha grabbed two cans of Lift from the fridge and handed one to Yoshimi.Nisha pulled the tab and it let out a large hiss.Nisha took a sip and invited Yoshimi upstairs. They both dumped their bags on the ground.Nisha sat in her computer chair and Yoshimi took a seat on her bed. "Did you want to talk to me about something?"Nisha asked taking a sip. "Uh...Yeah..."Yoshimi said nervously. "Come on.You can tell me.We've been best friends since we were babies." "It's just that....I....feel left out....So does Mia." Nisha was quite shocked because she wasn't aware that she was leaving them out. "I'm sorry...I didn't know...Do you mean in Card Capting?" "Yeah....It's just that everyone knows except us." "I see....But I don't know how to contact you...." "Aha!I already thought that over."Yoshimi said grinning.She picked up her backpack and pulled out two mobile phones.She handed one two Nisha. "Woah!!How'd you get these?"Nisha gasped. "My mum.Anyway...Speed Dial 1 for me.2 for Mia.Oh and I have more if the others need them too.I know you and Alex don't." "thanks....alex and I....I'm not sure....Just some kind of bond.Probably because we're related through Clow reed." "Don't worry Nisha.Just don't forget us non captors." "No problem.Now I have a way to contact you." They both grinned at each other and finished their drinks.For the rest of the time they hung around with each other until evening when Nisha's parents came home.Sakura had gone on a shopping spree with Tomoyo and Syaoran had come back from work.Yoshimi decided it was time to go. "Thanks for understanding Nisha."she said as they were exiting. "It's no problem.You should have told me...I didn't realise.I'll always be acrrying my phone so if you need me or wanna talk then call k?" "K.Thanks again.Oh and here are the other phones for the rest of the gang." "Thanks.Seeya tomorrow at school."Nisha said as Yoshimi walked out the door and down the street.She closed the door and decided to do some homework.[/color]
OOC:You could have made the story a bit better.Because I would be able to learn most.After all...My parents are the card captors?Don't worry though. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]Nisha shrugged and she felt a bit dizzy so she decided to blade home instead of using the Fly Card. She waved and pushed off.She was soon home and she saw her mom in the lounge with Syaoran on the couch.Syaoran wasn't moving.He was covered in bandages. "I-I-Is he....?"Nisha gasped suddenly finding it hard to talk. Sakura shook her head and Nisha ran over and hugged her mother.Nisha explained everything and Sakura took it all in.She "hmmmed" and said that she was feeling dizzy because she hadn't started Card Capting long ago and she had used her magic and energy a lot.Sakura told her to go to bed and Nisha was too tired to argue so she went upstairs and changed before getting into her warm bed letting the warmth soothe her aching body. ====Dream Time!!==== Nisha stood in the middle of a serene place.She looked at the ground and saw it had the same design as the Lasin Board.There were gardens and lots of room in this place wherever she was. "Hello?"Nisha called out to the nothingness. A mysterious stranger who was covered in a long robe with a hood over the top appeared. "Who are you?!"asked Nisha jumping back in case it was the Dark One. "I cannot tell you.But we are in the Lasin Shrine.Here you will train and you [i]will[/i] become better and stronger.For now this is all.When you have captured 10 cards and hold them in your possession return here and I will reward you..."and the figure disappeared. ============================= Nisha woke up to the beeping of her alarm clock.She quickly got up and changed for school and grabbed her backpack.She checked Kai was inside and ran down stairs for breakfast before rushing off and snapping on her blades and taking off.She was going to be late.She looked at the Sakura(Cherry Blossom) trees as she bladed through Cherry Blossom Lane. Nisha made it into her class just in time.Mr Maka walked in and greeted the class.They all returned the greeting and got ready for the day of school that was ahead. -----------------------------------------------------------------[/COLOR] [b]No clow cards until I say so.[/b]
OOC:Sorry...I forgot I gave Ruby the card.I'm really sorry guys.It can be the mirror card.Sorry ^_^;;;Gomen Gomen ----------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]Nisha flew back down to the ground and got off the Fly.She got out Syaoran's pendant.In her right hand she still gripped the Lasin Board.Kai was flying next to her the whole time giving her advise. "Force of Light with Ancient Spin. Send forth the magic power within. Force know my plight! Release the Light!!!"Nisha chanted and the pendant took the sword form.Nisha stood in a guard position and tucked the Lasin Board into her backpack. "What do you want Siaga?"Nisha asked coldly. "I want to test you..."she replied strongly. "Test?!You expect us to believe that?!"Nisha said as her voice grew in volume.Nisha glared at Siaga but then turned away sliding the sword into its sheath on her back. "I don't care.We need to capture the clow card."Nisha said turning away from the girl and facing the smirking clow card. Suddenly the card wavered and it became Nisha's dad,Syaoran.He had an evil look on his face and he unsheathed the sword on his back.He held it loosely at his side before lifting it and racing towards Nisha.Nisha quickly unsheathed her sword and blocked it.They clashed together with a clang.Nisha groaned.It was like she was actually fighting her father.Nisha pulled away and sliced at the fake Syaoran.She hit his forearm and it drew blood.But it just smirked evilly.He walked towards her.Nisha continued to lash out making cuts all over with her sword but it continued to walk calmly with that same smirk on its face. ===At Nisha's House=== Syaoran and Sakura were sitting at the dining table,talking normally and suddenly a cut appeared on his forearm and started to bleed.Soon after more cuts appeared all over him and Sakura was trying to bandage up every fresh wound. "What's happening Syaoran?!"Sakura asked as she cut bandages. "I...don't......know...."Syaoran replied weakly before fainting. Sakura quickly got a pillow and propped his head on it before bandaging the fresh wounds.Then it hit her.Nisha. ["Nisha honey?!"]Sakura called through the family link. ===Back to the Forest=== Nisha had just opened another wound when she heard her mother's voice flow into her head. ["Mom?What's wrong?"]Nisha asked back continuing to fight the fake Syaoran. ["What are you doing?"] ["I'm fighting a fake dad....Why?"] ["Stop!Every wound you make on it it's hurting your father!!"] Nisha suddenly froze.The fake Syaoran was covered in cuts and wounds and the blood was flowing everywhere. "What's wrong Nisha?!"Alex called "I'm killing my dad!!!"Nisha screamed. "Fly!!Release and Dispel!!!"Nisha cried and she took off into the sky. ["What do you mean Nish?"]Alex asked quietly through the link. Nisha explained everything and gasped.How were they supposed to weaken the card? Now the Syaoran changed again and now it was Sakura.She held a full deck of Sakura cards and her star wand.Sakura smirked evilly. "I know what card this is!!!"Nisha cried from her place in the sky. "The Illusion!!!!"she shouted loudly. The card revealed itself into the polygon shapes and the light. "Return to your Power Confined!!!Illusion!!"Nisha shouted. A card appeared on the tip of her staff and the Illusion was sucked into the card.It flew into her hand. "Great.about time..."Nisha sighed with relief. The Darkness disappeared and they all left the forest.When they exited Nisha looked around and saw that Siaga had gone...[/color] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][Sorry guys...I'll come up with a card for you all ok?I just felt bored so I've just kept writing and writing...and it seems I've captured it...Anyone want it?I'll have Nisha give it to someone.][/b]
Why are they all men?If this is a guys only thing then tell me. name:Sakura age:14(Changed the age) anime you're from:Card Captor Sakura weapon:Star wand and Clow Cards rank:Soldier/Ranger(She'd be good for both) appearance:See attachment.One in the middle-Not that costume bio:She released the legendary Clow Cards that were sealed in a book by the great Clow Reed.She had the job of capturing them.Her friends Madison,Syaoran and Meilin helped her and now she's the mistress of the Clow Cards. society:Angel Knights
[COLOR=darkblue]Cheetor calmed down and ran to the control section.He watched Rattrap typing on the keys.Cheetor looked over the keys and started to type quickly.There were errors but finally it beeped successfully and [b]"BATTLE MODE READY"[/b] flashed across the screen.Cheetor ran back to Optimus. "Everything's ready Sir."Cheetor said at his return. "Very good Cheetor."Rattrap came up behind Cheetor."You too Rattrap."Optimus said at the two. "Whenever you're ready Sir."said Rattrap. "Thankyou.When we get close we'll fire."Optimus replied. The two Maximals nodded and left.Cheetor decided to head back to his room.He flopped on his bed and looked up at the ceiling.He pressed a button on the wall and the clay disappeared revealing the space.He sighed and continued to watch,but always ready to get into action.[/COLOR]
Sounds good Name:Nisha Age:15 Gender:Female Stone:White Tiger~Snow Description:See attachment Animal form description:Normal White Tiger but she has silver ear tips and a silver tail tip that sparks out like an ice crystal.Also she has snow flake designs,speckled over her body but not too many. personality:Fun,caring,loving,friendly,likes to help people but gets nasty when it comes to the dogs and when her friends are in danger. Extra:Very acrobatic and stealthy EDIT:-No weapons--Check -Continue to having White Tiger--Check.Thanks Kesaki^_^ Anything else I need to add or take?
[COLOR=darkblue]Nisha raised her staff.She closed her eyes and sensed for anything.There was a mysterious figure to the Northwest but there was an evil.... "Somethings not right.There's a spirit and there's an evil."Nisha said to everyone.They all raised their staffs and tried to see through the darkness. "How do we capture a card like this if we can't see anything...It's too Dark!!!"said Harru. "That's it!!"cried Nisha."I can't believe I didn't think of it before!!!" Alex grinned.She understood what Nisha had just realised. "What?"asked Shukuchi in confusion. "It's the Dark Card!!!"Alex and Nisha cried at the same time. Suddenly the mist around them formed into a figure but the darkness remained.They were able to see the Dark Card with medium clearity.She was smirking evilly.Everyone was tense.Suddenly Dark disappeared into the darkness around them and groping arms of darkness shot out trying to grab them. "Fly!!Release and Dispel!!!"cried Nisha and she got on and took off dodging the arms. ["Alex!!Get them into the Float Card!!"]Nisha yelled through thoughtspeak.Alex replied with ok and piled the two guys and herself into the basket of the float.Nisha banked and flew closer to Alex and the others. "We need to figure out a way to capture it!"said Nisha.[/color]
[color=navy][b]Sign-Up[/b] [b]Name:[/b]Kayley Asachi [b]Age:[/b]15 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Appearance:[/b]See attachment[Drawn by someone from OB] [b]Bio:[/b]Kayley is a Shaman but whenever she's around normal people she's an average teenager that loves to hang around with her friends.Her parents let her train with her spirit Dragoon in a quiet room with no one around to distract her or be hurt by her training.Her older brother teaches her physical fighting whenever they both have time and Kayley's very good with a sword so for a present he gave her a blade made of unbreakable and always sharp,crystal and the hilt is made of silver with places for her hands to hold in the correct positions for different moves.Now Kayley carries it with her everywhere along with her staff made of polished oak with metal caps on both ends. [b]Spirit:[u]Dragoon:[/u][/b]Large blue dragon creature.He uses his sharp claws,teeth and magic to help Kayley in trouble. [b]Personality:[/b]Kayley is a fun and caring person and never judges a book by its cover.If she ever sees a friend or family getting hurt then she will fight whoever or whatever it is.Kayley absolutely treasures her friends and family and would never use them for anything.[/color]
[color=navy][b]Name:[/b]Kayley [b]Age:[/b]18 [b]Personality:[/b]Fun,Kind,Caring,Interesting,Likes to help people [b]Bio:[/b]Kayley has always been interested in science and other studies.Her parents were proud of her for her academic awards.One day she heard about what had happened about the new robots called Cynets.She was instantly fascinated and wanted to find out more so she did research.Kayley usually always brings her laptop around with her.She also lately got a motorcycle for her latest birthday so she always travels around on it.[b][See attachment for pic-Supplied from Arika][/b]She's a good fighter despite her appearance and she travels with the souls of her family and friends. [b]Appearance:[/b][URL=http://images.deviantart.com/large/designs/deviantid/my_dev_id_XD.jpg]Shilin[/URL] I think someone from OB drew it.Whoever did I hope you don't mind me using it.If you do then let me know and I will change it. [b]Cynet:[/b]Iris [b]Family:[/b]Mom,Dad,Older Brother,Little Sister[/color]
[COLOR=darkblue]The beam on the Lasin Board pointed down into a part of the forest that was unusually dark.Nisha tilted down a bit and pulled them into a spiral fall.She had full control of it at all times and as they got near to the ground she pulled up and their feet landed safely on the ground.The two girls got off and the wings shrunk away. "Let's go Alex.I can feel that we're not the only two after this card."Nisha said as she started her way into the forest.As soon as she stepped out of the clearing and into the bush it became dark and she got a shiver. "Do you feel that Alex?"Nisha asked not knowing where the other girl was. "Yeah...It's freaky..."Alex replied.She walked through the darkness with her hands in front of her trying to find Nisha.Suddenly Alex bumped into someone else. "Nisha?"she asked the figure. "No...Alex?"replied a male voice that came from the figure she was against. "Harru?!"said Nisha from somewhere else recognising his voice. "Nisha."replied another male voice. "Shukuchi!"said Alex. "Where are you guys?"said Nisha frustrated. "Ok guys stay still.I'm calling Windy to huddle us together so we can find each other ok?"Nisha said. Everyone said ok. "Windy!!Release and Dispel!!!Put us together!!"Nisha said impaling the card with the tip of her staff. The spirit of Windy came out and wrapped them together.Nisha was up against a male. "Harru?"she asked the figure.The figure replied an affirmative so the other two were Alex and Shukuchi. "We need to figure a way to see!"said Alex annoyed.[/COLOR]
[b]OOC:[/b]This is all going by when Radditz arrived on Earth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=navy][b]Name:[/b]Chris [b]Age:[/b]4 [b]Race:[/b]Half Saiya-Jin [b]Character your Replacing:[/b]Gohan [b]Signature Technique:[/b]Masenko Wave,Element Attacks [b]History:[/b]Chris is the son of Koga.He has the tail of a monkey but he doesn't know the purpose of it just yet.He knows the history part of his father's life so he knows a bit about his half saiyan heritage.Chris likes to play with his father whenever they can but his mother says he might get hurt so he's rarely allowed to go and play.His mother wants him to become a scholar when he's older. [b]Appearance:[/b]Look at attachment but he's younger of course so just chibi him up a little. [b]Personality:[/b]He's a kind and caring boy.When he gets angry his power level can shoot up.He loves his friends and family and will do anything he can to protect them. [b]Power level:[/b]710 - 1130 when angry[/color]
[color=navy]Nisha and Alex raced home.Nisha unlocked the door. "Mom!!I'm home!!I brought Alex over."Nisha shouted. Sakura walked out from one of the rooms and smiled. "Hi Alex.It's been a while.So what did you get up to today?"Sakura asked kindly. "I caught a Clow Card Mom!!"Nisha said excitedly. "Wow!What is it?"Sakura said in surprise. "The Fly Card.But it was a hard capture."Alex said. "Why was that?I know first captures are hard but..." "No mom.It kept dive bombing us."Nisha explained. "The fly was vicious but not that vicious..."Sakura thought aloud. "I'll check it up with your dad.Now go on."Sakura said. Nisha and Alex nodded and ran upstairs to Nisha's room.Nisha's computer beeped and she went to check it out.It said she had a new email.Nisha clicked it and saw it was from Yoshimi.She asked if everything went ok and what happened.Nisha replied telling her what happened and then spun around to face Alex who was sitting on Nisha's bed.She was sitting up and her eyes were closed.She opened them. "Do you feel that?"she asked quietly. Nisha closed her eyes too and felt it."A Clow Card..." Alex nodded.Nisha ran out of the room and Alex jumped off her bed and chased after her.Nisha ran to her parents room and searched into one of the drawers and brought out something that resembled a Chinese Checkers board.Nisha held it carefully. "Source of Light with Ancient Spin! Send forth the Magic Power Within! Oracles of Gold,Wind,Water and Electricity! Force Know my Plight! Release the Light!!!"Nisha chanted. A thin blue laser beam shone forth and Nisha went to find her mom.Nisha told Sakura what was happening and she nodded understandingly and wished them luck. "O key of Clow! Power of Magic! Power of Light! Surrender the Wand! The Force Ignite!!! RELEASE!!!"Nisha cried. Her key changed into her staff and Nisha grabbed it from mid-air with her right hand and spun it like a baton.Alex grinned. "Key of the Reed, Locket of the One, Open your magic, soak in the sun. Clow Magic!"she chanted and her locket changed into her staff. They both strapped on their blades and Nisha held the Lasin Board with her left hand. "Bye Mom!!"Nisha shouted as she bladed out of the house with Alex next to her.The beam shot off into the distance.Nisha groaned and handed Alex the Lasin Board. "What are you doing?"she asked. "Fly Card!!Release and Dispel!!"Nisha said impaling the Fly on the tip of her staff.The wings grew and Nisha climbed on. "Let's go!!"Nisha said to her.Alex nodded and got on the back.Nisha pushed off the ground and headed in the direction of the beam.[/color]
I don't usually play Male Characters but.... [u]Name[/u]: Anthony Fowler [u]Color[/u]: White [u]Power[/u]: Super Strength [u]Weapon[/u]: Saba [u]Human Appearance[/u]: short, brown hair, blue eyes, tall. [u]Ranger Appearance[/u]:White Armoured Ranger [u]Zord[/u]:White Falcon Zord
[color=navy]Nisha growled as soon as the mist appeared and the card was wrenched out of her hand. "Windy!!Release and Dispel!!!Clear away the Mist!!!"Nisha cried. Windy emerged in ribbons of yellow and soon made it clear.The new boy and ran off with the card and Alex had followed. ["Where are you Alex?"] ["I have our new 'friend' trapped.Sense me and come over ASAP"] They cut off their link and Nisha sensed Alex's powers not too far away.She pushed her left foot and propelled out of the park and down the street with her staff in hand. After a few more blocks she arrived at an inter-section with Alex and the new boy.Alex had her katana at his neck.In his hand he held her Fly Card.Nisha growled and skated forward snatching the card from his hand. "Windy!!Bind him!!"Nisha commanded firmly.Windy came out again and wrapped itself around the boy until he couldn't move. "Nice trick you tried there."Nisha said gripping the card tightly. The boy just smirked at them. "Source of Light with Ancient Spin. Send forth the Magic Power within. Force know my plight!! Release the Light!!"Nisha shouted and Syaoran's pendant changed into his sword. Nisha drew it and held it at an attack stance.Syaoran had taught her the ways of sword fighting and she was as good as him. "Who are you?"Alex asked coldly,continuing to hold her blade against his throat. "Josh."was all he said in reply. "Why were you trying to steal my card?!"Nisha asked angrily. Josh smirked again."Because I want it."he said stating the obvious. "You will never steal another of my cards.Let's go Alex."Nisha said turning her back on him. "You're just gonna let him go?!"Alex said in surprise. "I'm giving him this small chance."Nisha said before slowly skating away.Then she remembered the card in her hand and she smirked.She returned her sword into pendant form. "Fly Card!!Release and Dispel!!!!"Nisha said happily.The wings on the side of the bird's head on the top of her staff grew larger and Nisha and Alex got on.Nisha cried loudly,shouting.They went higher and were soon in the clouds.Windy's bind disappeared as soon as Nisha and Alex disappeared out of his view.Josh smirked again and ran off.[/color]
[COLOR=darkblue]Nisha and Alex continued to wait.After some time the others arrived. "What card is it?"Evean asked looking up at the giant egg. "It's the Fly Card."Nisha said checking her blade wheels. "So why are we just standing here?"Yoshimi asked as she gripped her umbrella. "We have to wait until the egg hatches."Alex said. Soon Nisha heard something.The egg was cracking.It burst open and a large white bird flew into the sky.It screeched loudly. Nisha and the others all raised their weapons.The Card Captors pulled out their cards ready for use.It was time to fight this giant birdy.Suddenly the Fly started dive bombing them.The group got out of the way just in time.Fly took off again and continued its barrage of attacks. "The Fly Card isn't usually this aggresive.Somethings wrong!"said Kai as he hovered next to Nisha. "Kai.Could it be the Dark One in the Legend?"asked Nisha. "I think so!!"Kai said as they were still dodging attack. "We need to stop it!!Windy!Release and Dispel!!Wrap the Fly Card!!"yelled Nisha as she hit it with her staff. Windy was released and captured Fly in ribbons.Fly fell to the ground and Nisha skated up to it. "Fly Card!!Return to your power confined!!!Fly Card!!!" A card appeared on the tip of her staff and Fly was sucked into it.The card flew off the tip and into Nisha's hand. "Cool..."was all she could say.It just came to her naturally because her parents never taught her those incantations because they forgot.Nisha grinned and they walked away from the Penguin Slide.
"Alright!!"Nisha said happily "You ready Flamon?!" "Yeah!!"he said enthusiastically. "DIGIMODIFY!!DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!!"Nisha cried. Flamon was emersed into flames and when they disappeared a new digimon stood before them. "AGUNIMON!!"he cried. Nisha stood next to Agunimon.He was taller than she was. "Are you ready Agunimon?"NIsha asked. "Of course I'm ready Nisha!" "Great!"