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Everything posted by Sakura
[B]OOC:Read the Rules.Most of you are posting short posts.I want what I asked for.And slow down your posting.I think I'll make it maximum twice a day.[/B] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]Nisha touched the silver teardrop that served as her key.Those 2 new kids were strange.They had picked fights against her friends.Evean was putting her weight on Nisha's shoulder because he had hurt his leg.Soon it was his turn and he got it disinfected and bandaged.They left the clinic with Evean limping on Nisha's shoulder. "Are you ok?"she asked,as they hobbled along. "Yeah....I should be fine." Suddenly Nisha stopped in her tracks. "What's wrong?"Evean asked. "I sense something...A Clow Card.And it's close by."Nisha said.She looked at Evean and saw that he wouldn't be able to run with her.She saw a bench near by and lay him down. "I'm sorry.I have to go."Nisha said strongly. "I know.Go get it for me!"Evean replied smiling. Nisha grinned and strapped on her blades she had in her bag and took off. (Nisha and Alex Thought-Speak=[]) ["Alex!Where are you?!"] ["I'm still in the school area.Why?"] ["There's a Clow Card!Find anyone else and get to the Penguin Slide."] ["Ok.I'll meet ya there!"] Nisha continued and she reached the Penguin Slide.On top of the crown was nestled a giant egg.Nisha gulped. "O Key of Clow! Power of Magic! Power of Light! Surrender the Wand! The Force Ignite!! RELEASE!!!" She cried and wind whipped around her changing tghe silver teardrop into her long sealing wand with a blue bird head on top.Kai flew out of her backpack. "What is this?!"Nisha asked. "I think it's the Fly Card!!"[/color] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][u]Remember!!Post quality!!!Oh.And I am the only one to reveal Clow Cards around.And I will say who seals them.No one seals it yet!!Understand?![/B][/u]
Nisha's eyes became kind of foggy.It was as if she was travelling back into her memories. "The Dark Ocean....It's a terrible place.As you can see everything has no colour.It's all black and white.It brings bad memories and evil thoughts.Even Ken can tell you that.He was quite normal before he came.Then he was emerged into Darkness and became the Digimon Emperor.And Kari.She also came to this place.Sometimes it may stop digivolution and sometimes you will re-live horrible memories that you'll be weakened and an enemy will strike.The last time I came I re-lived a horrible memory and I will never forget it.Be on your guard at all times." Everyone was silent for some time. ----------------------------------------------------- Sorry if it's short.No time.
[color=navy][b]Story so Far...[/b] Sakura and Syaoran sealed all of the cards and changed them into Sakura Cards and sealed the book along with Kero and Yue.Sakura and Syaoran then got married and they had a daughter.Nisha Li.This story begins with Nisha... One Saturday morning Nisha was cleaning out the attic because it was such a mess.She had some piles set on the ground.Things she wanted,Things her Parents would want and the Rubbish pile.Nisha sorted through all the junk until she came across a strange book.On the front was "Clow" emblazed on it in gold and the book was crimson.On the front was a large lion like creature and on the back was a greyish blue wolf.On the spine was a strange creature.It was like a gryphon.It was pure black and had an evil look.Nisha ran her hand over it carefully and put it on her pile.She would ask her parents about it later.Soon she was done and she carried the Rubbish pile into the large bin outside and got the other 2 piles.She left her things in her own room and put the other things on her parents' bed.She yawned and walked to her room.The Clow Book was on the top of the pile so she grabbed it and ran to the kitchen where Sakura and Syaoran were. "Hey Mom,Hey Dad...What's this book I found?"Nisha asked holding it out.Sakura and Syaoran took a quick glance at it and it turned into a long stare. "Where did you find that?!"asked Sakura frantically. "In the attic.I was just cleaning it out."Nisha said placing a hand on the seal.Suddenly it opened.Sakura,Syaoran and Nisha all gasped.Nisha opened the cover and saw there was a hollow with a whole lot of cards in it. "Are these Tarot cards?"Nisha asked picking the first one up. Sakura and Syaoran were trying to grab the book away from their daughter but she was faster than both of them together.She looked at the words at the bottom and read them. "The.........Windy?"Nisha said quietly. Sakura and Syaoran shouted as a gale force wind was created in the house and the cards inside the book scattered everywhere.Out of the walls,through the walls and they all left.Then the wind stopped.The book glowed and the Lion had changed and there was only a small teddy bear like creature with wings.From the back emerged a small greyish blue wolf.Not the large one Nisha had seen earlier and it floated on wings.Then one more monster escaped from the book.The gryphon on the spine was released and laughed evilly before flying off through the roof.the teddy bear yawned and rubbed its eyes. "What happened....?"it said looking around.Then it spotted Sakura and Syaoran. "Sakura......?......Brat?"it asked looking at them. "Kero!!!!"squealed Sakura embrassing him tightly. "I'm not a brat.You stuffed animal."Syaoran said smirking. Kero smirked too.They had gotten over their rivalry before Kero was sealed away but they still joked about it. "What happened?Who opened the seal??Wow...The both of you look different."Kero said floating. "Umm....Well...It's called growing up Kero.And our daughter...Nisha...She opened the seal."Sakura said slowly. Kero spun around and faced the girl who held the book and the Windy Card.She trembled under the gaze of Kero and the adults. "So you did it huh?"Kero said flying closer. Nisha gulped nervously and nodded slowly. "Great!!!More adventures!!!"Kero shouted unexpectedly. "So Kero...Who's that?"Syaoran said pointing to the wolf. "Ohhhhhhhh....Sorry....I forgot!"Kero said rubbing the back of his head nervously.Everyone in the room sweatdropped. "This is Kai.He's the new Moon Guardian."Kero announced. "What happened to Yue?!"asked Sakura in surprise. "Well...He became a God.And now..I'm not a Guardian helper of the Card Captor anymore." "You're not?"Asked Syaoran. "Nope.I'm the Final Judge."Kero said proudly transforming into the great Keroberos at his full size. Sakura walked up to Keroberos and rubbed his side. "I'm the new Guardian of the Card Captor." Everyone turned around and saw Kai.It was the first time he had spoken since the release.Nisha thought and spoke up. "Who was that black gryphon that was released too?" "Takamari was released?!"Kai said loudly. "Is he bad?"asked Nisha. "Definately is.He means trouble.I bet he's off to find an evil Card Captor.He wishes to take over the universe so Clow Reed sealed him in the spine of the Clow Book.Guarded by Myself and Yue but now Kai."explained Kero. Sakura and Syaoran looked at each other before nodding.They both reached into their shirts and pulled out 2 things.Syaoran pulled out the bobble that held his sword that he kept around his neck and Sakura pulled out her key of Clow.they both gave them to Nisha.Sakura's key of Clow changed as soon as it touched Nisha's hand and changed into the silver teardrop.Nisha hung them both around her neck not knowing what was going on. "Nisha...This is going to be hard...You need to go out and capture all of those cards that escaped...Some of them are dangerous so you must be careful.But we'll always be here to guide and help you being Card Captors before you."Sakura said gently. Sakura and Syaoran taught Nisha the incantations and how to capture the cards.Kai floated around them adding small things. After it was all done Kero started to glow and he said his farewells.Sakura was teary eyed and watched Kero disappear.Now Nisha's journey begins....[/color] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Rules!: (1)No SPAMMING!! (2)No GODMODDING!! (3)No controlling other people's characters!! (4)Only post if you have joined and has been approved by me! (5)GOOD POST QUALITY IS A MUST!!ALL POSTS MUST BE ATLEAST 2 PARAGRAPHS LONG.EACH PARAGRAPH MUST BE MORE THAN 5 LINES IN LENGTH!! (6)OBEY THE RULES!!![/b] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [color=navy]It was a Monday morning.Two days after Nisha opened the seal on the Clow Book and re-released the Clow Cards.Kai had told her some more bad news. There was a Legend.If the Clow Book was opened 10 times,The Evil One would be released.The Evil one was an evil demon that Clow Reed sealed away into the Clow Book hoping he would never be released again.The bad part was...Sakura was the 9th so...Nisha was the 10th...[b][It's Takimari.][/b] Nisha had been afraid.She always carried the 2 pendants around her neck in case she came in contact with a Clow Card.Kai slid into Nisha's backpack and Nisha grabbed her school uniform and changed.She shoved her usual attire into her backpack too for after school.Kai climbed to the top and sat on the pile of clothes using them as pillows.Nisha made sure the Windy card was in her pocket and closed her bag.She put it onto her back and ran out of her room and down the stairs. Nisha arrived into the kitchen area and grinned. "Morning Mom,Morning Dad."she said cheerfully. Sakura and Syaoran looked up and smiled. "Morning Nisha."they said. Sakura finished cooking and put them onto a plate before placing it on the table.Nisha took off her backpack and took a seat at the table.Sakura served up a large stack of pancakes covered in maple syrup.She put some on Nisha's plate,some on Syaoran's plate and finally some on her own leaving some left on the pile.They ate quickly and Nisha and Syaoran got up.Nisha grabbed her backpack again.Nisha sat on the bench near the door and strapped on her blades and gloves.She shouted a "bye" to her parents and skated off down the road.Syaoran left the house not long after,off to teach his martial arts classes. Nisha skated through Cheery Blossom lane and the Sakuras(Cherry Blossoms) were falling around her.She lifted her left wrist and saw she would be late and she sped up and got into her class just in time.She said "Hi" to Harru,Tenken,Evean,Alex and Yoshimi.She took her seat next to Yoshimi.She put her backpack down and withdrew her school items that she would need.Then the door slid open and Mr Makanara or Mr Maka as all of his students called him,walked in.He greeted the class and then announced something. "Today is a special day.We have 2 new students.Let's welcome them.Siaga McAmoray and Matt Hawke." The two students walked into the room.Nisha and her friends all got a shiver and Siaga and Matt's eyes were cold. "Okay Siaga and Matt.You can both sit in the back row next to Alex.Alex could you raise your hand to show who you are?" Alex nervously raised her hand and the 2 new students walked towards them.The closer they got the stronger the feeling was for Nisha and friends.They arrived and sat quietly.Their eyes were still cold and hard.Nisha tried to shake thefeeling but it stayed there.Something wasn't right about those two.[/color] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b]Okay so there's the beginning.Sorry if it's a bit long.Anyone else who wants to join can but [u][i]NO MORE CARD CAPTORS!![/u][/i].Ok so post,have fun and don't break the rules.[/b]
Hmmm....Fine Lrb. I'll let you this time... Decide with each other through PM if you know each other or when you'll meet.I don't want any spam going on in here or the RP. That's a nice pic Angelus. Okay Lrb...Since you are new I'll give you the [b]Loop Card[/b]Someone tell me if I've given someone that card because I can't remember.All of the Card Captors now have their starting cards so I think I will start the RP. [b]To anyone who wishes to join:[/b]NO MORE CARD CAPTORS!!!
Nisha sighed and shrugged before snapping her laptop closed.She stood and placed it in her bag and looked around.It was strange that Catt and Icemon just disappeared.Hopefully they would be back soon to give them the information.Nisha looked at Flamon who sat beside her silently with his eyes closed.Nisha waved a hand in front of his face and he didn't move.Nisha shrugged again and thought he was in meditation because he was tired from waiting with Nisha. "The Dark Ocean?That place is a portal there?"Nisha said aloud.She thought about it for a while. "I guess it makes sense.I found something like that when I was searching too.Some type of energy force." Nisha decided that it wasn't good for Flamon to meditate so long so she brought a wooden flute that was vertical and played a light melody.Nisha watched as Flamon's eyes snapped open and he looked around.Nisha stopped and tucked it into her shirt again. "About time Flamon.How long were you meditating for?" "Aw...About ever since you started typing on your laptop.I know how wrapped up you can get." "Hahaha....You know me too well Flamon." Nisha and Flamon got up and went to see if she could find anything interesting while they waited for Catt to come back.
Name:Nisha Age:14 Deck Theme:Nisha likes Dragon types and magic types.Most of her cards are Dragon and Spellcasters.Other parts are Creatures and Magic cards. Description:She has chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,she wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside with a baby blue chinese coiled up dragon on the front,navy blue pants and blue and white nikes. Rarest card:Blue Eyes White Ultimate Dragon-HEr prized possession.
Nisha thought for a second and sat down before openeing her backpack and taking out her laptop.She flipped open the lid and started to tap at the keys quickly.She 'hmmmed' and then continued. "What are you doing?"asked David looking down at her. "I'm figuring out a way to get through the whirlpool area and to our destination."Nisha said looking up."You're not the only 2 computer geniuses around here." Then she put her head down again.A few of her plans didn't work and she groaned.To make sure David was right Nisha also started a scan program and saw that he was right and there was a whirlpool effect going on that could cause some trouble on their journey. "So you were talking about the Dark Ocean?"Nisha asked without looking up. "Yeah."David replied. Nisha 'hmmmed' again and started a search about the Dark OCean.She got some information about it and nodded. "Yeah.I've heard of it before."Nisha said.She stood and stretched, flexing her fingers from their cramp.She looked around and thought.Suddenly an idea came to her and she started working the keys.
[color=navy][b]Name:[/b]Cheetor [b]Alligence:[/b]Maximal [b]Transformation/Beast Mode:[/b]Cheetah [b]Primary Fuction:[/b]Jungle Patrol/Patrol [b]Basic Information:[/b]Like a bolt of greased lightning, Cheetor strikes fast and strikes hard. Quiet and confident with incredible reflexes, he is equally efficient when battling in robot mode or in his artificially enhanced organic earth form. Cheetor constantly stalks the jungle in search of Predacon enemies, daring them to challenge him and his laser-powered quasar cannon! [/color]
Guys I want to start this but we have a problem. No one has signed up to be the Bad Guy/Girl!! We can't start until we have one. So get someone in here to play the evil person.
Nisha was surprised at all the information David had told them.So they had tried to make another Sovereign but he was evil and he changed into Milleniummon.Nisha was kind of sad because of what had happened and that MetalGreymon had betrayed the other Sovereigns' trust. Nisha looked to Angel and Alexa who weren't really standing next to each other but were close.Then she looked around and saw the others and their partners. "Flamon...isn't it sad how MetalGreymon turned against the oters and became Milleniummon?"Nisha whispered to him quietly. "Yes it is tragic.But it was his choice.He could have chosen to stay good.But he declined.He was one of the many in the world who are power hungry.Being a Sovereign wasn't enough for him.He wanted more so the power finally devoured him and he was taken by his own greed to transform into Milleniummon."Flamon replied wisely.Nisha nodded in understanding and they watched the others.
Ok Angelus_Necare and T Man you are both Card Captors.I think Arika and Shanghai are too so I'll start deciding the Cards you begin with.Just reminding you we all know each other because we all go to Tomoeda High. Stick Fairy:It was no problem helping you.Just remember what I said in the last PM. [B][SIZE=3][FONT=arial][COLOR=red]1000 Post!!!I'm an OTAKU![/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/B]
Oh no!!! I'm so sorry! I forgot to add a section of [b]Role:[/b] [b]Arika:[/b]I'll allow you to be a Descendant and Related to me.But sorry you can't have your own cards and a book or Guardians.Sorry but it's unfair to the others. :( [b]Angelus_Necare:[/b]Arigato ^_^ for the praise.I hope this gets off the ground too. [b]Please state who are Card Captors.I may allow all of you if you wish because I forgot to add the Role section.[/b] [b]Okay Card Captor Members:[/b]We all know each other at school.Sorry if I forgot to mention that.When I released the cards a card went to each of you.I will give them to you at random when you tell me you're a Card Captor.I will decide and no one else.You will recieve a PM from me telling you which card you have recieved.[b](I'm only addressing the people above this post.)[/b]
I don't know if there's many Card Captor fans out there but even if you don't know about it come and have a look anyway.It doesn't really have much to do with the old series. Sakura and Syaoran sealed all of the cards and changed them into Sakura Cards and sealed the book along with Kero and Yue.Sakura and Syaoran then got married and they had a daughter.Nisha Li.This story begins with Nisha... I'll explain the rest in my Bio. Profile Info: Name: Age:10-15 Role: Key and Staff/Magical Weapon(If non-card captor please just state weapon if you have one or how you help.): Description: Bio: Mine: [b]Name:[/b]Nisha Li [B]Age:[/B]14 [b]Role:[/b]Card Captor/Releaser of the Neo Cards. [b]Key and Staff/Magical Weapon:[/B]She has Syaoran's old sword for fighting with and using magic and a new type of key and staff.It resembles a teardrop made of of silver with an outline of a cherry blossom that hangs around her neck on a silver chain.When it becomes her staff it's made of light silver alloy and has the same bird head as the one on Sakura's but it's baby blue and red. [B]Description:[/B]Nisha has chocolate brown hair from a cross of Sakura and Syaoran and Sakura's emerald eyes.She wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside it that has a print of a baby blue chinese coiled up dragon on the front,navy blue pants and blue and white nikes. [B]Nisha has inherited the magic,flexibility and acrobatic abilities from her parents and is as great as either of her parents.[/B] [b]Incantation:[/b] O Key of Clow, Power of Magic, Power of Light, Surrender the wand, The force ignite! RELEASE!! Return to your Power Confined!! _______ Card!! Force know my plight, Release the light!! [b]Bio:[/B]One Saturday morning Nisha was cleaning out the attic because it was such a mess.She had some piles set on the ground.Things she wanted,Things her Parents would want and the Rubbish pile.Nisha sorted through all the junk until she came across a strange book.On the front was "Clow" emblazed on it in gold and the book was crimson.On the front was a large lion like creature and on the back was a greyish blue wolf.On the spine was a strange creature.It was like a gryphon.It was pure black and had an evil look.Nisha ran her hand over it carefully and put it on her pile.She would ask her parents about it later.Soon she was done and she carried the Rubbish pile into the large bin outside and got the other 2 piles.She left her things in her own room and put the other things on her parents' bed.She yawned and walked to her room.The Clow Book was on the top of the pile so she grabbed it and ran to the kitchen where Sakura and Syaoran were. "Hey Mom,Hey Dad...What's this book I found?"Nisha asked holding it out.Sakura and Syaoran took a quick glance at it and it turned into a long stare. "Where did you find that?!"asked Sakura frantically. "In the attic.I was just cleaning it out."Nisha said placing a hand on the seal.Suddenly it opened.Sakura,Syaoran and Nisha all gasped.Nisha opened the cover and saw there was a hollow with a whole lot of cards in it. "Are these Tarot cards?"Nisha asked picking the first one up. Sakura and Syaoran were trying to grab the book away from their daughter but she was faster than both of them together.She looked at the words at the bottom and read them. "The.........Windy?"Nisha said quietly. Sakura and Syaoran shouted as a gale force wind was created in the house and the cards inside the book scattered everywhere.Out of the walls,through the walls and they all left.Then the wind stopped.The book glowed and the Lion had changed and there was only a small teddy bear like creature with wings.From the back emerged a small greyish blue wolf.Not the large one Nisha had seen earlier and it floated on wings.Then one more monster escaped from the book.The gryphon on the spine was released and laughed evilly before flying off through the roof.the teddy bear yawned and rubbed its eyes. "What happened....?"it said looking around.Then it spotted Sakura and Syaoran. "Sakura......?......Brat?"it asked looking at them. "Kero!!!!"squealed Sakura embrassing him tightly. "I'm not a brat.You stuffed animal."Syaoran said smirking. Kero smirked too.They had gotten over their rivalry before Kero was sealed away but they still joked about it. "What happened?Who opened the seal??Wow...The both of you look different."Kero said floating. "Umm....Well...It's called growing up Kero.And our daughter...Nisha...She opened the seal."Sakura said slowly. Kero spun around and faced the girl who held the book and the Windy Card.She trembled under the gaze of Kero and the adults. "So you did it huh?"Kero said flying closer. Nisha gulped nervously and nodded slowly. "Great!!!More adventures!!!"Kero shouted unexpectedly. "So Kero...Who's that?"Syaoran said pointing to the wolf. "Ohhhhhhhh....Sorry....I forgot!"Kero said rubbing the back of his head nervously.Everyone in the room sweatdropped. "This is Kai.He's the new Moon Guardian."Kero announced. "What happened to Yue?!"asked Sakura in surprise. "Well...He became a God.And now..I'm not a Guardian helper of the Card Captor anymore." "You're not?"Asked Syaoran. "Nope.I'm the Final Judge."Kero said proudly transforming into the great Keroberos at his full size. Sakura walked up to Keroberos and rubbed his side. "I'm the new Guardian of the Card Captor." Everyone turned around and saw Kai.It was the first time he had spoken since the release.Nisha thought and spoke up. "Who was that black gryphon that was released too?" "Takamari was released?!"Kai said loudly. "Is he bad?"asked Nisha. "Definately is.He means trouble.I bet he's off to find an evil Card Captor.He wishes to take over the universe so Clow Reed sealed him in the spine of the Clow Book.Guarded by Myself and Yue but now Kai."explained Kero. Sakura and Syaoran looked at each other before nodding.They both reached into their shirts and pulled out 2 things.Syaoran pulled out the bobble that held his sword that he kept around his neck and Sakura pulled out her key of Clow.they both gave them to Nisha.Sakura's key of Clow changed as soon as it touched Nisha's hand and changed into the silver teardrop.Nisha hung them both around her neck not knowing what was going on. "Nisha...This is going to be hard...You need to go out and capture all of those cards that escaped...Some of them are dangerous so you must be careful.But we'll always be here to guide and help you being Card Captors before you."Sakura said gently. Sakura and Syaoran taught Nisha the incantations and how to capture the cards.Kai floated around them adding small things. After it was all done Kero started to glow and he said his farewells.Sakura was teary eyed and watched Kero disappear.Now Nisha's journey begins.... ----------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Sorry if that was long but you have to read it to know what's going on.If you wish to be the evil one you have to PM me a sign up.I'm looking for description and how well you RP.All you others can be friends and help in ways.[/b] There can be: [b]I'm allowing 2 other Card Captors not including the enemy.[/b] Techno Wiz Costume Designer Anything else you can think of. [b]The Card Captor spots are First come first serve but I have the right to reject you if I don't think it's good enough.You others also play important parts later in the story ok?I promise.[/b] Now sign up and enjoy!!:D ~Ohkami
Renamon had been scared a bit by Zhuqiaomon yelling at her but she regained her composure and took the baby blue digivice from the Angemon's hand and strapped it around her left wrist and ran through the portal.She was enveloped in the emerald green light and she felt herself being pulled at the speed of light through the emptiness and then..... ******************** Her paws touched solid ground again and she looked around.There were lots of conveyor belts and the dank smell of petroleums and other chemicals they used.The air had a frosty touch to it.Renamon lifted her wrist that had the digivice on it and saw the beeping light of the others all together.Renamon turned around and saw Strabimon and Salamon.She walked over and they started to work out where they would be going to find the crystals.
Nisha arrived at the door of the house and panted before knocking on the door.A boy answered the door. "Uh...Excuse me.I'm looking for David...He sent me this message."Nisha said opening the message on her D-Terminal. "Yeah...That would be me.Come in.So you're Nisha." "Yah....Sorry if I'm late or anything...It's a pretty far run." He let her in and Flamon followed her. "Sit wherever you like.We're all here now."David said addressing Nisha,Catt and Angel. Nisha shrugged and sat cross-legged on the ground with Flamon sitting next to her and listened as David started to speak.
Ki cursed in fairy and beat her wings until she arrived at the top and she muttered some words in fairy and spread her hands apart and blasts of energy were released from her body and destroyed the rest of the wyverns.Ki went back to the others and hurried them.Soon they were all on top and Ki used some magic to smoothen the other side. "Come on guys...It's like a really big slide!!"Ki said before running and sliding down the smooth slope. Everyone else followed and soon they reached the base of the mountain and as Ki promised there was a cave. "Okay...It's time."Ki said as they walked into the cave.
Nisha tapped her pacer against her paper in boredom.There were only a few minutes left of school and she was in Social Studies.After a few more torturing minutes the bell rang and she quickly packed her things away and left the classroom.Nisha headed to her locker and put some books away before taking out a small device in a small compartment.Nisha clipped it to the waistband of her pants before slamming the locker and locking it.She sighed and walked out of the school and started her walk home. Nisha opened the door to her house and ran upstairs to her room.automatically she dumped her bag on the floor and jumped into her comuter chair and logged on.A small window poopped up saying she'd gotten a new message.Nisha clicked it open hoping it was something exciting and read it.Nisha gasped.It talked about Digimon and an evil digimon named Milleniummon and that they needed help to defeat him because they'd already tried to defeat him before.Nisha immediately knew it wasn't a joke and grabbed her backpack and started to pack supplies and anything that would help including her D-Terminal.Nisha put her fingers into her mouth and whistled loudly.There was a groan from downstairs in the lounge room so she ran down stairs and saw Flamon waking up from a nap on the sofa. "Hey Flamon.We've got trouble.Come upstairs."Nisha said. Flamon immediately jumped up at the word trouble and ran upstairs with Nisha and read the message.He gasped as well.Nisha and Flamon looked at each other and Nisha picked up her laptop and placed it in her backpack. They both ran downstairs and Nisha quickly wrote a note about saying what had happened.Her parents knew about Flamon and digimon so it was ok and she told them they could email her on the computer or through the D-Terminal.Then they both ran out the door and to where the message said to go.
[b][u]Offline Character-[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b]Ki Toki [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Location:[/b]Tokyo,Japan [b]Appearance:[/b]Ki has chocolate brown hair that ends around her shoulders and emerald eyes.She wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside that has a print of a baby blue chinese dragon coiled up on the front,navy blue pants and blue and white nikes. [b]Personality:[/b]Kind,caring.friendly,fun-loving,a great person to be around.Will become angry if any of her friends are in danger. [b]Bio:[/b]Austin.Do I know you in Real Life?I promise to do this tomorrow ok? [b][u]Online Character-[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b]Nisha [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Personality:[/b]Same as Real [b]Appearance:[/b] [u]V-Room:[/u] She wears a red jumper/jacket with a hood and navy blue pants. [u]Adventure:[/u] Same as Real [b]Class:[/b]White Knight [b]Weapon:[/b]Sword [b]Armor:[/b]Leather [b]Stats:[/b] [b]Level:[/b]
[b]Name:[/b]Sakura [b]Tribe:[/b]Dark Warriors [b]Animal:[/b]Wolf(Her actual form),Dragon,Bengal Tiger(White Tiger),Leopard,Falcon(Hawk),Vixen,Shark [b]Power:[/b]Transformation obviously,Elemental Control,Magic,Summoning Creatures [b]Description:[/b] [u]Wolf:[/u] Greyish blue but can quickly change to dark Navy Blue almost black when she wants to.She has a scar on her side from the Tribe war. [u]Dragon:[/u] A light baby bluish colour. [u]Bengal Tiger:[/u] Nothing different.Usual looking white tiger with black stripes. [u]Leopard:[/u] Nothing different.Usual looking Leopard with normal colours. [u]Falcon:[/u] Chocolate brown and white. [u]Vixen:[/u] Black with red eartips and red on the end of her tail. [u]Shark:[/u] Normal looking shark. [b]Others:[/b]Each form is better at something than the others. [b]Bio:[/b]Sakura was born a wolf but something in her genes let her transform into different creatures and also the ability to aquire DNA to allow her to change into that creature and keep the DNA to use whenever she likes.Sakura has been part of the Dark Warriors for a very long time because her parents were killed and she had to fend for herself until she discovered the tribe.She immediately became good friends with the tribe members and close to Leonx.During the war when Leonx was hurt she was so upset that she even challenged the enemy to a battle even though she knew she would lose.Leonx has fought by Sakura most of her life and she'll do the same for him. [b]Rank:[/b]2nd in Command
A large Black Blade Liger bounded over the sands of the desert.Inside the cockpit you would be able to see a girl inside piloting it.She controlled it with so much ease. "Come on Shadow.We need to get through this sand and then head over the quicksand.Remember when we get to the quicksand be light on your feet and take quick steps."she called to the Zoid.It roared back in reply. Soon as the girl had said they arrived at a quicksand area.Shadow started to ran quickly and as lightly as he could over the sinking ground beneath them.When they arrived on the other side the girl told Shadow to go to a town nearby where there was going to be a quick battle.Shadow roared and shoved its boosters and sped over the rest of the sand that soon changed to grass and tar as they got out of the desert area.When they arrived at the town she headed to the sign up area. "Hi.I'd like to have a small battle."she said to the man at the register. "Alright...Name please?"he asked grabbing a pen and a piece of paper. "Nisha.Nisha Toki." "And Zoid type and name?" "His name's Shadow.He's a Blade Liger." "Organoid?" "Yes.Kai." "Ok that's all thanks.Your battle will be here tomorrow at 9am." "Thanks.See you then."Nisha said as she left the building and jumped back into Shadow. "Okay boy we've got a battle tomorrow at 9.Are you up for it?" Shadow roared loudly with approval and they headed for a hotel.Shadow was parked in the Zoids Garage at the hotel and a greyish blue wolf exited Shadow and came up next to Nisha.Nisha bent down and petted him before picking him up and heading inside to get a room.
Nisha heard a man cry out for a healer or a doctor so she quickly got up and ran over to a small bunch of people.There was a person in the middle that was injured so Nisha started to push through the crowd until she finally arrived in the center.She saw that there was a man.He had cuts and wounds over his body.He had been in a fight with someone or something and was unconscious.Nisha stretched out her hands and held them over his body.Golden light flowed from her hands and into the man's body closing the wounds.His eyelids started to flutter and they opened.He sat up and looked around. "Who are you?Are you alright?"Nisha asked withdrawing her hands. "Me Fang.Me ok..."he said in uncivilized speech. "That's good.What happened?"Nisha said standing. "Me attacked,Demons.Me fight.Me get hurt.Me come here."he replied. "Ok.So you're ok now?"Nisha said finally. "Ya.Me ok now."Fang said standing. Nisha smiled at him and said a quick farewell before going back to help any others that were injured by the fires.
I'm speechless. I don't really know you very well but I'm here for you anyways. Little Christophe does deserve to be remembered.I'm sure he's watching you and hoping you'll get better and I hope it gives you strength through this time of trouble. I'm so sorry for what has happened to you.It's terrible of what has happened. I am Christian so I'll say that I'm sure God is watching from above and I'm sure little Christophe is with him and that they're both watching you hoping that you'll get better and not be burdened by the pain and suffering.Just remember he's always with you in spirit even if he's physically gone from you. Just remember you can take comfort in the OB members and family,relatives,close friends.Never think you have to go through these things alone.There will always be someone,somewhere that cares for you. Sincerest Regards ~Ohkami
Nisha lifted Hikomi's head gently and laid a hand cool hand over her forehead.Nisha closed her eyes and light began to glow under her palm and into Hikomi's forehead.Suddenly Hikomi groaned and sat up. "How are you feeling Hikomi?"Nisha asked taking her hand away. "I feel much better.What did you do?"Hikomi asked. "I just gave you some energy.You were so weak that you couldn't even walk or stand." "Thanks Nisha." "No problem.Are you sure you're ok though?" "Yeah I'm fine." The two girls stood and went to see what happened to the mother,baby and dog Hikomi had saved from the fire.Nisha checked over them healing any burns and then the mother thanked them and walked off with the baby cradled in her arms and the dog following at her side.
[u][b]Character:[/b][/u] [B]Name:[/B]Nisha Toki [B]Age:[/B]16 [B]Gender:[/B]Female [B]Bio:[/B]Nisha was a normal teenager until that day.She's a popular girl and has a lot of friends that all care for her.But she has two personalities.When she's outside of her house and with her friends she acts very carefree.However when she's at home she changes completely.She goes straight to her room and turns into the computer freak she actually is.She's very good at computers and programming and is also a part time hacker.Not many people know the hacker and computer freak side of Nisha except those who are close to her like family.Nisha loves logical problems to solve and likes to create challenging for other people who think they can be as good as her.She figures out problems quickly and she always carries her laptop just in case. [U][b]Digimon:[/U][/B] [B]Rookie:[/B]Flamon [B]Champion:[/B]Agunimon [B]Ultimate:[/B]BurningGreymon [B]Mega:[/B]Aldamon [B]Fusion:[/B]EmperorGreymon ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tell me if there's anything wrong ok?
I hope it's not too late. --------------------------- Character Sign Up Name:Nisha Toki Age:16 Race:Human Sex:Female Height:??? Weight:??? Occupation:Mercenary Allegiance:Republic Rank:N/A Weapon:A dagger that's kept in the sleeve of her jacket. Appearance:Chocolate brown hair and emerald eyes usually covered by silver,reflective sunglasses.She wears a light but durable blue jacket open to reveal a white t-shirt inside navy blue pants and white socks with blue and white joggers Personality:She's fun and carefree.She's a great person to be around and a very loyal friend.She's very bubbly and lots of people like her. Personal History:Nisha comes from a normal family.Her father was a Zoid Pilot.He piloted Blade his blade liger.One day he was killed in battle and they brought back Blade.He was badly damaged and Nisha set out to fix it up.After getting new parts and adding some things to it she painted it black and painted silver words in another language on it and renamed it Shadow. Organoid Sign Up Name:Kai Type:Wolf Height:?? Appearance:A wolf that is a greyish blue colour. Special Ability:Healing,Stealth,Can give extra damage or more defense. Zoid Sign Up Name:Shadow Zoid Type:Blade Liger [img]http://www.zoidsunofficial.coolfreepages.com/CG_Blade_Liger_perspective.jpg[/img] Appearance: Height:12.2 metres Length:25.9 metres Weight:124 tons Max Speed:400 kph Weapons: Dual Impact Cannons Dual Hardened Alloy Laser Blades Hardened Alloy Teeth 2x Pulse Beam Cannons Support Systems:Frontal Force Shield,Speed,Stealth Extra Custom Modifications: It has a Powerful Electricity generator in the mouth and will cause severe damage to anyone in a 15 mile radius.And she has a small black button that causes her stealth which causes the zoid to lower its heat and disappear as to not be traced by radar.She also has an infra-red scanner for tracking.