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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. Name:Kimana "Ki" Toki(No one calls her by full name) Age:16 Description:Since she's a good thief she likes to steal from shops etc. to get good clothes.She wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,navy blue pants and blue and white shoes.She also carries a blue backpack for her tools. Weapons and Tools:She carries 8 knives/daggers.She has 2 wrist daggers that are held in the sleeves of her jacket in their sheaths by hemp which she can control magically to have the daggers fall into her hands when needed,2 boot knives,2 around her waist and 2 inside the folds of her jacket.She carries a lock pick set,a master key,a few small cameras for investigating.They're hard to see,and a grappling hook. Bio:Born and raised in Mercury City she has become an exellent thief starting when she was 4 when a Theif Lord took her in.They began with the basics and then moved to the real stuff.When she was younger her best trick for stealing from people was the lost child routine.She would cry and then a person would come and hug her to stop her crying.She would take their wallets and then she'd cry 'mummy' or 'daddy' and rush away.Ki grew and soon she became great.She would pretend to bump into someone and in that quick time she would take their wallet and pocket it.She doesn't hang around with the Thief Lord and the gang much any more.She seems to have gone solo.When she sets her eyes on a prize there's no stopping her!
  2. Renamon gasped with shock and surprise.It was wonderful.She looked around staring at everything making sure to take in every little detail of the marvellous place.She heard Strabimon say 'Oh my' Renamon felt like saying the same thing.She contined to stare as the others started to walk on.As soon as she became aware that they were moving she quickly followed.Zuquiaomon spoke as they walked and they all listened to his wise words and telling them about what would be happening.
  3. Nisha was still helping to clear out the people.More people were coming to help out now.People were carrying buckets and others were rushing into the flames to help anyone else inside.Nisha was darting in and out of the flames carrying children that were from the house.She was covered in soot and ash and her clothes were smouldered in some places.She laid them down and ran back in.The next time she came out she saw a boy and a girl with another boy.They were all covered in soot and ash and they were heading towards the building. "Do you know who's house this is?"Nisha asked the boy. "Yes.It's my family's.My name's Fujio." "Oh!I didn't realise.My name's Nisha.Nice to meet you." "And I'm Hikomi.I'm Fujio's youngest sister." "Why are you covered in ash and soot from the house?"asked Fujio "Oh I'm dirty from helping out evacuating the house.I've pulled out some children.I think they're your sisters."Nisha said pointing. Fujio and Hikomi rushed over and looked at them.They woke them up. "I'm sure there's still more people inside."said Fujio.He saw that Nisha was tired so he told her to rest and that they'd do it.Nisha was about to protest but had a coughing fit from inhaling too much smoke so she sat back and the flames reflected in her eyes.
  4. Nisha sat up in bed.She was in a cold sweat.She had a premonition about a house burning in a village that was close by.She didn't know if it was real or not but it seemed so real.She had felt the heat of the flames and heard the cries clearly.Nisha floated out of bed.Well actually she flew.And she headed towards the bathroom.She turned on the tap and splashed cold water over her face.She wiped her dripping face on a towel and flew out of the bathroom.She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep so she quietly flew to the front door and eased it open carefully and escaped.The sun was about to rise and was casting its first rays of the day over the plants of the forest and shone on the dew.She flew into the light and let its golden light wash over her and the forests.She decided to check if her premonition or dream was true so she beat her wings and flew off quickly to find out. As she flew over the forest and the other scenery she saw smoke coming from the closest town.She muttered an "Oh no" and flew faster.As she approached she landed and continued on foot.Soon she saw it.There was a cottage that was on fire.People were escaping from the house.She shook her head sadly seeing that it was no dream and she went to go help the people put out the inferno and help the members of the family that lived in that house.
  5. Sakura

    Crystal Wars

    Okay you heard him.I don't want this closed so I'm asking for at least a [b]2 paragraph post of 4 lines each.And some destinction where the speech is would help.Whenever someone speaks please skip a line and float it in the middle and any other speech that replies can be under then start the typing after.[/b] -------------------------------------------------------- Ki looked around and saw the corpses of the wyverns.She sheathed her blade and spread her wings. "Hang on guys.I'll check where we are."she said as she took off. Ki looked over the scenery and soon saw that they were almost at the mountain that they were heading for.She grinned and swiftly made a U-turn and headed back to the others. "Come on!We're almost at the mountain!"Ki said landing. They continued to walk on and soon they met the mountain. "How are we gonna get over?At some places there aren't holds to climb up."Meteo thought aloud. Ki thought.That was a good question.Tai and herself could fly up but the others didn't have that priviledge.Then an idea hit her. "I've got it!"she exclaimed loudly.Everyone looked at her. "Kyp can I borrow your bow and arrows?"she asked kindly. He didn't know what was happening but he'd help anyways do he handed them over.Ki thanked him quickly before aiming at a spot at their level on the mountain.Then he made more not too far apart and soon there was a staircase of arrows for them to use to scale the mountain.She handed Kyp the bow and arrows before flying up to an arrow and standing on it and she shut her wings so all of her weight would be on it.It held her weight so she knew it was ok.She headed back to the ground. "Ok guys.It's safe."she said as she landed.No one moved. Finally Kai stepped forward. "I might as well if no one else is going to."and he started his ascend.After him the others followed and Ki and Tai just hovered beside them.
  6. I like the First one. It's very cute.=^-^= Kawaii! The second one...I agree with klinanime1. That is one long needle! The third one is a bit weird because it's a bit fuzzy. And Astroboy!!!He's a classic!! It's good except that it's a bit small. Got anymore?And I hope you're better k? ^_~
  7. Name:Nisha Toki Age:16 Weapons:A Shiny Silver Blade,a staff made of polished oak with metal caps covering both ends and a bow made of young willow with a quiver full of different types of arrows.All of her weapons have mystical words in another language engraved into them. Description:Ki has Chocolate brown hair and emerald eyes.She wears regular clothes with protection spells cast through them.She wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt that has a baby blue chinese coiled up dragon on the front,navy blue pants and blue and white nike joggers.She also wears a blue metal gauntlet on each hand.But they stop at her wrist and are made of stretchy material like normal gloves.There are 2 slots cut out in the back of her clothes where her wings petrude.They area a misty blue colour.Like fushia but more blue than pink. Bio:Nisha has been outcasted by people for a long time because she is a crossbred of a human and a fairy.Her father left her mother when Nisha was born so she's been living with her mother and doesn't remember her father.Both of them were outcasted because it seemed that her ex-husband and Nisha's father hasd told everyone.They only had one choice.Return to her mother's origin.The forest.Nisha's mother fled from the village with the baby Nisha wrapped up in her arms and ran straight into the forest.From there the lone woman brought them into her old house that looked as good as if it had just been made.Nisha has lived in the forests with her mother since she can remember but whenever they must travel to the village to buy items the people always look at them.Nisha loves her fairy side.With it she flys,does acrobatics and many other things that makes her happy.But the main thing is she has magic.She has been training since young and she's almost completed her master training. The weapons she have have origins.The blade belonged to her mother's father,the staff was her mother's and she made bow with the quiver and arrows coming from her mother's older brother.
  8. Hey sorry to kinda drop the bomb but this might not be continuing. If you look at Tical where his member status is then you'll see...he's banned.Maybe one of you guys can start it or something... *shrugs*Sorry...I just had to tell yas.
  9. Sakura

    Crystal Wars

    Ki looked up at Kyp. "Yeah...Well the Earth crystal is like over those mountains and in a cave at the base on the other side but the mountain rangges run so long that it would take longer to go around the whole ranges then just going stright over."Ki explained as she began to thread the fish onto sticks."I'm sure there'll be some kind of trap in the cave and as we travel over the mountain.Anyways after the Earth crystal there's a very sereal(sp?) pond.The catch is it's hidden by a mirage and I don't know how far away it is from the mountain.That's where the Water crystal is hidden."by the time she had finished talking she had finished threading all the fish and put the sticks into the ground right up close to the fire so they stood horizontally and she watched as they cooked.When they were about done she pulled the sticks out of the ground and passed a stick to everyone.They all started to eat the fish.Ki had caught brim.They enjoyed the food and then Kitty spotted a lot of pairs of red eyes from the forest surrounding them.As they came closer they were identified as Wyverns.And there were lots.Everyone quickly finished their meal and grabbed their weapons.This was their first battle as a group.
  10. Chibomon-Bubble Blow Demi-Veemon-Pop Attack Veemon-Vee head butt, Vee punch, Veemon head spear, Wind up punch, Head slam, Rapid punch ExVeemon-Vee Laser, Critical Punch/Crunch, Vee Punch, Vee Kick Paildramon-Desperado blaster, Cable Catcher, Sting strike, Speedy scratcher Imperialdramon-Positron Laser, Mega Crusher, Splendor Blade Hope it helped ^__^
  11. Sakura

    Crystal Wars

    Ki had a kind of likeness for Kai.She didn't know why but there was some kind of connection.She looked at the group and saw that they were all here. "Okay guys and girls.I think it's time to begin our journey!"Ki said standing.She clapped her hands together and the flame in her hands extinguished and the fireball in the air followed suite. Ki looked at the group and saw that they were an interesting group of people.An angel,a demon cat,a dwarf and a demon.The others seemed pretty normal. "We'll be heading north over the mountains to find the Earth crystal.Will there be any problems?If there are let me know."Ki said as she began to head towards the mountains.They were pretty far away and it would be a long trek to the mountains and over them. Ki soon got tired of her feet so she made two slots in the back of her jacket and shirt and her wings pressed out.She spread the widely and took to the skies enjoying the cool breeze.She flew over the clouds and it was warm and sunny very much unlike the cold and darkness below.She flew around in circles a few times and a hole opened in the sky above the travellers on the ground letting in the sunlight and warmth.Ki flew down and hovered above them going at their speed. "I don't suppose anyone brought any food?"Ki asked. Everyone shook their heads. "I'll be back in a while.Just keep heading to the mountains.If you guys really need me blow this." Ki handed Kai a golden whistle. "I can hear it anywhere on the earth or even if I'm not on the earth.Only use it when you really need me.I'm going to look for food." With that she beat her wings and took off at an amazing speed. she flew above the scenery looking around.Finally she spotted a nice clean river and she could see fish.She landed carefully and sharpened the end of a stick for a spear.She collected a lot of fish and placed them in a backpack she had brought along for the journey.She found wild berries and nuts and then headed to the others.They had gone about half a kilometer since she had left.She saw that they were all walking so she decided to make it fair and started to walk as well.
  12. [b]Name:[/b]Nisha Kamiya [b]Nickname:[/b]Nish(Pronounced Neesh) [b]Descendant of:[/b]Kari Kamiya [b]Crest:[/b]Loyalty [b]Appearance:[/b]Ki has Chocolate brown hair and emerald eyes,She usually wears silver,reflective sunglasses over them so they are usually covered.She wears regular clothes with protection spells cast through them.She wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt that has a baby blue chinese coiled up dragon on the front,navy blue pants and blue and white nike joggers. [b]Personality:[/b]Kind,caring,social,easy to get along with. [b]D-Pihc Colour:[color=royalblue]Baby Blue[/color][/b] Digimon- [img]http://www.digilenda.hpg.ig.com.br/botamon%5B1%5D.gif[/img] [b]Fresh:[/b]Botamon [b]Attacks:[/b]Bubble Blow [img]http://www.dgexpert.hpg.ig.com.br/Figuras.2/d1evo_01.gif[/img] [b]In-Training:[/b]Koromon [b]Attacks:[/b]Bubble Blast [img]http://mz.emuparadise.org/Frontier/Flamon.jpg[/img] [b]Rookie:[/b]Flamon [b]Attacks:[/b]Baby Salamander [img]http://www.geocities.com/gamesandmore2000/Agunimon.JPG[/img] [b]Champion:[/b]Agunimon [b]Attacks:[/b]Burning Salamander,Salamander Break [img]http://mz.emuparadise.org/Frontier/BurningGreymon.JPG[/img] [b]Ultimate:[/b]BurningGreymon [b]Attacks:[/b]Pyro Barrage,Wildfire Tsunami [img]http://mz.emuparadise.org/Frontier/Aldamon.jpg[/img] [b]Mega:[/b]Aldamon [b]Attacks:[/b]Atomic Inferno,Solar Wind Destroyer [img]http://mz.emuparadise.org/Frontier/EmperorGreymon.jpg[/img] [b]Unified:[/b]EmperorGreymon [b]Attacks:[/b]Nine-Headed Dragon Ranks,Dragon Flame Attack,Dragon Fire Crossbow
  13. I've started the RP finally. So you can post. People can still join if they wish. All of you go to the Adventure Arena!!
  14. Sakura

    Crystal Wars

    On Chikyuu, there are legends of the energy crystals; which are the elemental crystals that control what happens on the planet Chikyuu, Earth controls earthquakes and land growth, Water controls the oceans, lakes, ponds, and rivers, Wind controls direction of winds flow, Fire controls the volcanos, Spirit controls all living things, and Weather controls what weather conditions are. These crystals were used to control what happened on everyday basis. Guardians at every crystal. Earth Guardian Eipido the Earth snake, Water Guardian Kappa the Water Demon, Wind Guardian Jito the Air Serpent, Fire Guardian Gorou the Fire Dragon, Spirit Guardian Ferya the Spirit Fairy, and Weather Guardian Neiko the Weather Angel. All these crystal were very well protected, but an evil was lurking waiting for its awakening from the forbidden crystal...the cursed Blood Ruby; forged by dark elves, covered in demons blood, was the forbidden crystal because of it chaotic powers. It made men go hunger for power whoever possesed it. It was buried and sealed by High elves and buried beneath the ground. One day the elves fortress was attacked by an army of demons and creatures of the dead, a emperor of Chilak, one of the 7 continents in the land of Chikyuu, Malak his name was and he tristed for the power of the blood ruby. After his assualt and win he found the cursed blood ruby and wish to gain the powers of the other crystals. Once the guardians found about his actions they summoned warriors of every race from the 7 continents, who were brave enough to take on the challenge of Malaks armys and protect the world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ki walked along the streets of the little town.She blew out a puff of hot air that made a mist in front of her.It was a cold morning.She shivered slightly resisting the urge to leave and get back into bed.The reason she was outside was because she was waiting for the warriors who she was to help on their quest to save Chikyuu.She sat down on a wooden crate to wait for anyone who was going to be coming.She held her palm facing up and a ball of fire appeared in her palm.She added her other palm so it was like she was cradeling the flames.It gave her warmth.She placed it in her left palm and flicked her right wrist towards the sky.A ball of flames shot out from her hand and hovered in the air above her.She hoped that would help the warriors to notice where she was.Then she cradled the flame in her hands again hoping they would arrive soon so they could leave. ------------------------------------------------------- That's it!!Let's arrive and leave!!If you still want to join go ahead!Still lots of space left.
  15. Name:Miles "Tails" Prowler Gender:Male Home world:Eggopilise Description:See attachment
  16. It was a dark night.There was no moon,the street lights were out for some unknown reason and dark clouds covered the sky and masked the stars.In the second floor of a house was a half opened window.Inside that room was a bed with a girl sleeping peacefully on it snuggled up in the blankets. Suddenly the computer monitor in her room glowed a bright gold colour and two objects were released from it and landed on the foot of the bed.The girl was unknown to what happened because she was still sleeping but she would find out soon enough. That next morning the girl awoke from the beeping of her alarm clock.She groaned and slammed the off button.As she sat up in bed she noticed the two objects that had emitted from her monitor.She rubbed her eyes in case it was a dream but they were still there.She reached out to grab them.They were an egg and a strange device.She rubbed the egg curiosly and heard some cracking.She held it away and the eggs top cracked off and a small red creature with three horn like things.The girl stared at it curiosly. "Puni!Puni!"it cried.The girl was confused so she grabbed a chocolate bar from her drawer and held it out to it.Punimon snatched out with his jaws and chomped the down the chocolate bar.Punimon was covered in light and it had changed into a round creature with a long horn sticking out of its forehead but it didn't have arms or legs.The girl was staring in shock and surprise. "Thanks a lot.That egg was cramped."the creature said happily. "W-W-W-What are you?"she stammered. "I'm Tsunomon!I'm a Digimon short for Digital Monsters.And you are?" "I'm Kimana Toki.Just call me Ki.So what are you doing here?And what's this thing?"she asked holding out the device. Tsunomon looked at the device and started to explain everything.Ki lay back in bed knowing it would take a while...hopefully not too long so she wouldn't be late for school.
  17. Nisha Fairsight or Nish as she liked to be called had slept in and woke up with a jolt.She got off her bed and changed into her blue tunic and navy blue breeches and hurried out the back door.Nish looked around and saw that it was still quite early in the morning.The first thing Nish did was head towards the stables.She opened the door and saw 2 horses inside.She owned a Strawberry Roan and a Chestnut with socks.Nish walked in and rubbed their sides before grabbing the food bucket and leaving.Nish headed over to the food shed and loaded the bucket with hay and food before going back to the horses.Nish hung up the bucket and the two horses stuck their noses in and started to munch away.Nish just stood with them rubbing them tenderly.Soon they had eaten until they were satisfied and Nish let them out of the stable into the ranch area.She grabbed the reins,bit,saddle,blanket and spurs from their holding areas and walked out into the field.She gave two sharp whistles and the strawberry roan trotted over to her.Nish placed the bit in her mouth and looped the reins over her head.Then she placed the blanket on his body and strapped the saddle on and connected the spurs.When she was all saddled up Nish placed her left foot in the spur and swung her right leg over. "Come on Berry."Nish said to the horse as she clucked the horse into a steady trot.She took Berry for a few rounds in the field before heading towards the jumps.Nish set Berry up carefully and they jumped over the series of fences before heading back to the normal field.She dismounted and turned Berry out. She took the Chestnut,Choco for the same exercises before turning him out also.Nish headed back into the house and fed her dogs and cats and playing around with them. Nish always went through the exercises about 3 times a day for the horses to keep them fit. After Nish was done caring for the animals she left the house and went to see what was happening in town.
  18. [b]Name:[/b]Kimana Toki(Ki) [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Appearance:[/b]Ki has chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside that has a print of a baby blue Chinese coiled up dragon,navy blue pants and blue and white shoes. [b]Occupation:[/b]Mage and Part Warrior [b]Bio:[/b]Ki has been training since she was very young.When she was a little baby she showed signs of having magical abilities so they began her training.They began to discipline her at a young age.Soon she was done with her magic and she began her training of physical combat.Just incase of times when she would need physical attacks over magic.Soon she was done and she left her hometown to go on an adventure and find something good in life. [b]Weapon:[/b]A Blade that looks a bit like Squall's Gunblade but it doesn't have the trigger.It doesn't have a cross-hilt either.It stays on her back in a sheath.She also has a staff made of polished oak with silver metal caps on both ends. [b]Attack:[/b]Multi-Slash [b]Mag.Attack:[/b]Comet,Bahamut Zero I hope that's ok:D
  19. Name:Nisha "Nish(Pronounced Neesh) Fairsight Age:18 Race:Elf/Human Gender:Female Occupation:Animal Carer?Is that what they're called?Oh well too bad. House Type:Stone House with a Ranch like thing at the back. Looks:She has chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes and wears a blue tunic with navy blue breeches. Small Bio:Nish has cared for animals ever since she was young.It started with an obsession when she was young because she saw an injured dog that had injured its paw.Nish saw it and immediately brought it home to her parents' house and helped it to get better.Then her osession grew and grew and now she's devoted her life to caring for animals.She has a few horses and some dogs and cats at the moment.She knew she was mixed ever since she was young and she's closer to her mother because she's the elf side of her.
  20. I'll be a friend of yours ^_^ [b]Name:[/b]Nisha "Nish(Said Neesh)" Fairsight [b]Age:[/b]12 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Description:[/b]Nish has chocolate brown hair that ends around her shoulders and vibrant emerald green eyes.She usually wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside and navy blue pants and she wears blue and white shoes.Her wings are a misty blue/purple colour.It's like fushia with more blue than pink in it and she has small pointy ears. [b]Background:[/b]Nish is a caring,funloving goobly.She enjoys helping tend nature.Her best friends are Finny and the others and all animals.Animals have a close place in her heart because once she was lost in a thick forest away from Goobly village.And some animals came to her rescue by leading her through the forest and showed her the way home so she enjoys taking care of the native animals.She helps tend the plants and the Rumbumbalo tree.In her free time she hangs around with Finny and the others.
  21. A yellow and purple blur hurried through the dense folliage of the Digital forest.It rushed through and it slowed down and it was soon visible that it was a Digimon.A Renamon to be specific. "I'm going to be late..."she mumbled to herself before continuing to jump over the branches and through the forest. Soon Renamon reached the end of the forest and grinned.She looked around in the open and saw that there was a strange glow far on the horizon.Renamon groaned and started to walk slowly towards it.She knew what the glow was.It was the Apex.Where she was headed.She had been chosen to help save the world and she was going to fulfil that destiny. "Milleniummon..."Renamon growled angrily.She hated him. Renamon continued to walk with her thoughts towards the strange unearthly glow. --------------------------------------- OOC:Sorry if it's short.You people can have Renamon arriving at the apex.
  22. I love them. I don't know any of those animes except Hack but I liked the Please Teacher one.I like the japanese.Onegai Teacher. And not to hurry you or anything Juna but can you get my banner done soon?Thanks a lot.I know you're busy with work and stuff too.
  23. OOC:I'm sorry DigiFan but could I make a request?Please don't use Capitals for every word.It's a bit confusing. ------------------------------------------------ Ki yawned and sat up in her bed.She rubbed her eyes and looked at her bed.On the front of her bed was a furry,purple,dinosaur creature curled up in sleep.Ki chuckled softly and poked it.It squirmed slightly but settled again.Ki poked it again and it opened an eyelid lazily. "Kiiiii"it whined. "Oh come on Dorumon!" Dorumon sighed and sat up. "Come on.Let's see what's for breakfast ok?"said Ki. Dorumon immediately perked up and got up off the bed hurrying Ki.She laughed and quickly changed into her usual atire.She walked with the dinosaur infront of her out of her room and down the stairs.They entered the kitchen and were greeted by the smell of bacon,eggs and toast. "Morning Mom!Smells great!"Ki said sitting at the table. "Yummmmm...."drooled Dorumon licking his lips. "Morning Ki,Morning Dorumon."Mom half laughed. She walked over to the table with 2 plates in her hands.She layed them down and Ki and Dorumon took in the smell.They picked up their forks and immediately began to devour the food.Soon they were done and Ki stood. "Dorumon stay here.I'm just going to get the mail."Ki said as she walked out of the kitchen and out the front door.She walked to the letterbox and pulled out the stack of letters and the newspaper.She headed back while looking through the letters and saw one was addressed to her.She pulled it out and tucked it into her jacket pocket. Ki walked back into the kitchen and put the letters on the table.She pulled out her letter and held it out to Dorumon.He dragged his claw across the top.It made a tear across the top and Ki slid the letter out and it read: You have been chosen to join The Elite DigiFaction.The DigiFaction is a team of the Top Tamers in The World chosen to defend the Digital World.We discontinued it when we thought we had finally destroyed the Final Evil in the Digital World.Now a new evil has emerged and we need help to stop it. Jijimon Ki finished reading it and stood from the table.She looked at Dorumon and he immediately knew what it meant and he stood. "Mom.I gotta go and help save the Digital World again." "Ok Ki.Just promise to be careful.Take care of her Dorumon." "No worries.I'll protect her with my life." Ki ran upstairs and grabbed her cards and D-Power.She turned the position of the D-Power and started to slide a card through it. "Digi-Modify!Digi-Portal Open Activate!!"Ki cried as she swiped the card.A glowing portal appeared infront of the digimon and tamer.Ki jumped through first who was followed by Dorumon and then the portal disappeared... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When she arrived in the Digital World she saw another boy and a digimon.It was as if they had already been there for a while.Ki and Dorumon walked over to introduce themselves. "Hi.My name's Ki and this is Dorumon."Ki said extending a hand. "Hi.Nice to meet you.I'm Chris and this is Patamon."Chris replied accepting the hand. "Did you get that letter too?"asked Ki curiosly. "Yeah.I think there's more coming.Looks like we'll just have to wait and see."Chris replied thoughtfully. Ki sighed and sat on a rock waiting for other people to show up.
  24. OOC:I'm sorry.I haven't been on for 2 days.So who's on my team? --------------------------------------------- Ki walked along in Blade.There were a few people on her team now.She quickened Blade's pace slightly until she was walking next to Kai's Lightning Saix. "Funny how this started out with only us two right?"Ki said. "Yeah.It's good we've got more people." "That Kitty seems a bit distant don't ya think?" "Yes...She seems to like cats a bit." Ki laughed.It was an understatement.She was obsessed with cats.Ki and Kai had been best friends since they were little kids.Ki and Kai walked along and then realised they'd fallen behind.They picked up the pace and went at a fast pace until they had caught up.Ki looked back and saw that Kitty was far back a bit.Ki told Kai what she was going to do and then she turned around and headed toward the Hellcat. "Hi Kitty." "Hi..." "Why are you back here?" "I dunno.I just feel like it." "You'll warm up to me and the others in time." "Yeah...." "Come on Kitty.We'd better catch up." Kitty nodded and they pushed their Zoids until they were with the others but Kitty still stayed distant even though they were together.Ki looked at her new team and smiled.
  25. Ki walked through the school halls remembering the events of the morning. ~FLASHBACK!~ Ki woke up and grabbed her brush off the beside table and began to brush her chocolate brown hair.She rubbed her eyes and placed her silver,reflective,custom-made sunglasses over her emerald green eyes.She got up and was shocked to see an egg and a device sitting on the middle of her bed.Ki picked up the egg and device and studied them.Ki rubbed the egg and heard a cracking sound.Suddenly it hatched and out popped a baby monster. "Hi."the creature said cheerfully. "Uh hi...Who and what are you?"Ki asked unsurely. "I'm Skimmon.I'm a digimon.Short for Digital Monster." "Ok....And what's this?"Ki said holding up her device. "That's your Digivice." "Right...I need to get ready!I'm gonna be late!!!"Ki panicked. Skimmon just watched from her bed as the girl rushed around her room.She changed into her clothes and grabbed her backpack.She opened it and let Skimmon jump in then she ran out the door and down the stairs.She rushed into the kitchen and grabbed some toast before running out the door of the house and running down the street. ~END FLASHBACK!~ Ki walked over to her locker and opened it.There was another digimon inside the locker now. "Ok now what happened?"Ki asked calmly. "I digivolved.Now I'm Swimmon."the digimon replied. "Ok then.Here I brought you some food.Just stay quiet ok?"Ki put some food infront of Swimmon and closed the locker.She walked off down the halls again off to find someone to talk to.
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