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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. OOC:I wasn't online for 2 days and all this happened... ---------------------------------------------------- Ki sat with Flamon.She hugged him tightly.He was feeling upset from being so helpless in the Amazon when all the digimon had him pinned down. "It's ok Flamon...Everyone has their down times..." "I know Ki...but I feel so...I can't explain it." "I understand..." Then they just sat their in silence with Ki's arms around Flamon.Ki was still surprised by Elyse's ability to turn half digimon.She wondered what it would be like to be able to do something like that. "Hey Flamon...?" "Yeah?" "We need to get stronger." "You mean I need to get stronger." "No.The both of us.We're both in it together." "Yeah...We'll work hard." Ki and Flamon silently made a pack to become stronger together.
  2. Nanaki(I'm calling him that.) sat next to the Canyon Fire at Cosmo Canyon.Around the fire sat his cubs.They were almost identical to their father. "Cloud was a great person to me...He was a great friend." "Dad...How did you meet this Cloud?"asked one of his cubs. "Ah...I had been captured by the scientists at Shinra.A scientist named Hojo had me in a glass cage.They tried to do something to me with a girl.I later got to know her and her name was Aeris but I'll tell you more of her later...Anyways Cloud came to rescue the girl and he also helped me.Then we became friends." "Wow Dad.You sure did go through a lot."said another of his cubs. "That was the least of my problems.Cloud,Myself and some other people I made friends with went on many adventures but the biggest of all was an evil man by the name of Sephiroth.He wanted destroy the planet." "What happened?"said a few cubs excited from the story. "Cloud,myself and the others from the group defeated him after a long,tiring and grueling battle.We saved the planet and then we parted ways.I haven't seen or heard from any of them ever since." "Hey Dad.What happened to that girl Aeris?"asked one of his female cubs. "Ah...That's a tragic story.We were at a special place.We were on one of our quests and Sephiroth killed her.He plunged his sword through her stomach right before our eyes.We placed her in the water and let her float away." The cubs had changed from excited to sad. Suddenly thunder crackled overhead and lightning licked through the sky. "Now children it's time for you to go to bed." "Awww do we have to?"protested the young cubs. "Yes.Now go."Nanaki said firmly. The cubs sighed knowing that it was no use arguing with their father.They got up and headed for their home.His grandfather walked up next to him. "I know that look Nanaki."said Bugenhaagen(Is that his name?) "You know me too well." "You have to go don't you?" "Yes.Something inside of me's telling me I have to go.It's another adventure like the ones I went on with Cloud." "What about your cubs Nanaki?" "Grandpa...-"Nanaki started. "Don't worry.I'll tell them.They'll be expecting a lot more stories after these adventures Nanaki." "Like usual." "You have to go then.Quickly before the children decide they want something from you and try to stop you." "Okay.Thanks a lot.Tell them I was sorry but I had to." Bugenhaagen nodded and Nanaki ran off the Canyon fire area(Can't remember the name for it.) and ran down the stairs out of his hometown of Cosmo Canyon excited for what the future held for him.
  3. Ki nodded and smiled.She was glad to know that people had faith in her. "Ok Flamon.You heard her." They set off towards the south following the wind and Ki stepped carefully in case of any traps or any carcasses. "Hey Flamon....?" "Yeah Ki?" "They said I'd be best for this and I'd learn stuff but I'm not sure." "Have faith Ki.Elyse does." "But she's done this before!" "We'll do fine.I'll be here when you need me." "Thanks buddy." "No problem." The two continued to walk on and further up ahead Ki saw a stone building. "I think that's where we need to get to..."Ki said to Flamon. "Yeah...We need to get there but watch out for traps and stuff." Ki and Flamon walked closer and closer.After a lot of walking they arrived at the entrance.She walked through the door and saw that it was a large area. "Flamon Digivolve!!I've got a bad feeling about this place."Ki said holding out her digivice. "Right!"Flamon started to glow and soon in his place stood Agunimon. "Again!We don't have anyone here."Ki said holding out her digivice again. Agunimon started to glow and he changed.In his place stood BurningGreymon. Ki walked to the other side of the room wwith BurningGreymon next to her.There was a small pedestal with a hand print engraved in it.Ki placed her hand and lined it with the print.They were the same and the print began to glow red.There was a grinding of stone and the door they had entered the building by slammed closed.A panel on the left wall opened and a SkullMeramon jumped out from inside. "BurningGreymon!!!!"Ki yelled loudly.BurningGreymon roared loudly and stood infront of SkullMeramon to prevent him from reaching Ki. "Be careful BurningGreymon!!" "Don't worry about me Ki!!" Ki pressed her hand onto the pedestal again and the panel infront of her opened...Along with the left panel.Out of the left came Meramon,Agumon,Greymon and other types of Fire digimon. "BurningGreymon!!!!!HELP!!" BurningGreymon flew to Ki and he put her on his shoulders. "Call the others for back-up fast!!""He said smacking away anyone that got close to him. Ki nodded and quickly sent out a message to Elyse. "Elyse!!!Help me.There's a ton of Fire digimon in here and BurningGreymon can't take them all on alone.We need your help fast.Follow my signal through my digivice."and she cut it off. ------------------------------------------ Everyone had seen the message and were packing up. "Mega digivolution engaged!" Elyse holds her digivice towards veemon "Veemon Mega Shinka too!!!" Veemon yells. Veemon glowed and became Imperialdramon.He zapped everyone up and blasted off. ------------------------------------------ Ki held on as BurningGreymon punched,kicked,slapped etc. the digimon out of his way only to see them get back up and continue the barrage of attacks.Ki heard a sound and Elyse and the rest of the group ran in through the door.Ki sighed happily and waved to them.The digimon partners ran in. "BurningGreymon could use some help guys!I need to go into the passage to get the crystal!!"Ki said.She jumped and flipped off BurningGreymon's shoulders. "BurningGreymon do it!!Guys stand back!" BurningGreymon charged with fire."Wildfire Tsunami!!!!" The fire raced away from his body in a spiral and began to attack the digimon.Ki took the chance and ran into the passage with the door closing behind her.Ki looked at the wall and moved on through the corridor.Soon she arrived into another room and there was another pedestal in the middle.Ki walked up to it and saw that there was a symbol of fire on it.Suddenly it started to get strangely hot in the room.Ki fanned herself with her hand and saw that a stone was rising through the middle of the pedestal.Ki grabbed it and raced down the corridor.When she arrived at the door she thought and then put her hand on the wall.The door opened and she ran through.She gasped when she saw that BurningGreymon was laying on the ground being held down by the hoard of digimon.
  4. [b]Name:[/b]Kimana Toki [b]Nickname:[/b]Ki [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Element Given:[/b]Forest [b]Elemental Power:[/b]Call upon and understand Wild Life [b]Personality:[/b]Calm,Kind,Caring,Happy,Cheerful,Friendly,Vicious when annoyed though. [b]Background:[/b]Ki's history is quite unusual.Her parents divorced when she was very young and she stayed with her mother.the strange thing being is that she lived in a forest.She never knew why though.Her mother taught her everything she knows and now Ki's very skilled.Ki loved it in the forests.She didn't know she had forest powers but she already knew she had magic.She would go out everyday and talk to the animals not knowing they could understand her. About Ki's magic.She has some magical powers that were discovered at her young age and her mother taught her how to control them and has taught her spells,remedies and much more other things. [b]Appearance:[/b]Ki has chocolate brown hair and bright emerald eyes but they are usually covered by her silver,reflective,custom made sunglasses.She wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside that has the image of a baby blue chinese coiled up dragon on the front,navy blue pants and blue and white nike joggers
  5. Sakura


    [b]Name:[/b]Kimana Toki(Ki) [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Main Pokémon:[/b]Poochyena(Rush) [b]Other pokémon:[/b]Lugia,Umbreon,Flareon,Jolteon,Articuno [b]Appearance:[/b]Ki has chocolate brown hair and bright emerald eyes but they are usually covered by her silver,reflective,custom made sunglasses.She wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside that has the image of a baby blue chinese coiled up dragon on the front,navy blue pants and blue and white nike joggers [b]Bio:[/b]Ki has been a Pokemon Trainer since her 10th birthday when she got Rush.Some people think it's strange that she has been training for 6 years and her Poochyena hasn't evolved.The reason being so is that Rush has refused to evolve and has stayed in the same form.Ki is a calm level headed trainer that doesn't have temper problems.She loves each of her pokemon and they are all very special friends to her.She always does well in battles and strives to get stronger if she fails. [b]Pokémon's Level:[/b]90
  6. Hey don't blame me. I got my info from that site. And I heard he was around 16 actually. Maybe he's older now in the story.
  7. Ki had been excited when she heard that she would be going to get a crystal.As they arrived Ki looked around not seeing any lush green forests.Elyse told them that they had been destroyed.When they landed and climbed the hill Ki gasped in shock and horror.Ki looked at Flamon and they both looked worried. "So I have to go alone?"Ki asked.Elyse just nodded and looked out into the distance. "Ok then.Let's do it Flamon!!"Ki said bravely. "Right behind ya!!"Flamon replied strongly. Ki looked at the group and walked off down the opposite side of the hill to whatever was about to befall her next. When she reached level ground again she covered her mouth and nose and looked around.She spoke into her comwatch. "Hey Elyse....What way should I be heading exactly?"
  8. Name:Kimana Toki(Ki) Age:16 Appearance:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes that are always covered by her silver,custom-made,reflective sunglasses,blue jacket open with a white t-shirt,navy blue pants and blue and white joggers. Team:I'm thinking of a name for one.... Bio:Can I get back to you on this? Zoid:Blade Liger(If allowed.tell me if I can't and I'll change it.) Ultimate X:You bet!
  9. Sakura


    OOC:FYI I'm an Eagle at the moment not in my wolf form.Just had to tell you. Nightmare and Ki looked at each other before beginning their descent.Fell barked happily because he knew he wouldn't be alone on the ground any more.Soon Nightmare and Ki touched down.Ki fluffed up her wings and began her morph back to human.Ki stretched happy to be out of the smaller form of an eagle.She ran a hand through her hair and looked up.The 3 travellers had approached.fell barked excitedly and Ki crouched down and whispered something in his ear.Fell stopped and placed his rump on the ground.Ki stood upright and clasped her hands together to stop them from unsheathing her blade.She looked to Nightmare and he returned the gaze. "Hello travellers..."Ki finally said."We are here to bring no one harm.My name is Ki.As you saw I'm a Morpher." Ki waited silently for a response from the other party.Fell had come around and was sitting between Ki and Nightmare.
  10. 500 years ago... In the medieval age, magic was the way of life. Sorcerers were the most renown figureheads and politicians in the Shouichi era. Many scholars were only schooled in writing, mathematics, and sorcery. Sorcery of elements, Sorcery of healing, Sorcery of summoning. More sorceries were discovered with each coming decade, further widening the reach of magical properties. 300 years ago, a small amount of sorcerers proved to be the strongest and the mightiest of the Shouichi era: Huozen Tetsuya, the Sorcerer of Fire Millia Raikou, the Sorceress of Wind and Thunder Umika Hazairu, the Sorceress of Water Butoken Farsell, the Sorcerer of Earth Aoi Katari, the Great Priestess of Light Croy Velven, the Hellmage of Darkness Mikan Moisen, The Master Mage Saria Desie, The Great Summon Mistress They each rivaled the others with their own magical prowness. They were all equals in the field. 100 years ago, magic started to decline... technology replaced magic. A modern era called the Dailiti era began. Machines replaced Sorcery Guns replaced Swords and Staves Urban Grey replaced Village Pastures It was very bleak... 50 years ago, was the Revolt of the Magi. Descendents of the eight sorcerers began a joint effort in an uprising to bring back the magic nature that was once was the Shouichi era, into the Dailiti era. They succeeded, thus bringing upon many people who were crossbred street smarts and mechanical knowledge with magical prowness. However, with the eight descendants revolt being successful, led to new possibilities of hostile actions, those that could destroy the world. Members: Ohkami(Me)-Master Allrounder aYokano-Blade Sorceror The Harlequin-Master Magess Wondershot-Heat/Light Guncaster Meteora-Grand Summoner Lan-Blade Mage Tical-Mercenary Kain-Blade Summoner I'm still wanting more members so join in Recruitment. No doubles of any spots.No exceptions. --------------------------------------------------- [b]-There will be no posts shorter than 2 paragraphs each 4 or more lines long! -Post frequently!!No post in an amount of days and you're considered dead in the RP -No SPAM -No GODMODDING -If anyone disobeys the rules(Points above)I'll tell Harlequin on you!![/b] --------------------------------------------------- It was a cold brisky morning.There was a thick blanket of fog covering a small town by the name of Ambor.If you looked closely you could see an outline of a figure.If you were very close you would see it was a girl.She was in her teens still.She stood out from anyone else that may have been around.She had come from a not so distant future and was here for a mission.She wore a jacket,t-shirt,pants,shoes and sunglasses that weren't from the time she was in but no one really noticed because they had gotten used to the strange girl. She rubbed her arms seeking warmth on the cold day and had to remind herself why she was outside in the streets when many other people were inside their houses sitting by their fire places.She shivered and breathed out a cloud of heat. "I wish they'd get here soon..."she mumbled to herself. The girl looked around her but it was hopeless.The fog blocked her view of everything more than a few feet away from her.The girl growled angrily and finally gave in to the temptation.She tapped the silver,reflective sunglasses that were covering her eyes twice and from her view it was like someone had taken away all the fog.She had cast a spell to make her see through the fog while wearing her sunglasses.Now she scanned the area better looking for anyone.A few people that were outside walked past further up the streets.The girl saw a figure and she tapped her sunglasses once.Like some kind of binoculars they zoomed in and focused on the figure.The girl hoped it was someone she knew.As it focused the girl could see it was one of her friends. "Leon!!!Leon over here!!!"of course the girl had forgotten that not everyone had enchanted sunglasses.She remembered and started to run towards the male figure.She had met Leon only a few days ago when he had arrived into Ambor talking about the quest he was to embark on. The girl arrived at Leon shocking him.He grasped his chest and glared at her. "Ki!!You were calling me?!" "Yes.I saw you from quite far off." "But...But how?In this fog?Oh..."he started.Then he remember her magic and what she must have done. "So anyone else around here Ki?"he asked scratching the back of his head. "No.You're the first.I've been out in this cold for 10 minutes waiting!!!It gets really freezing just standing there you know?!"Ki replied angrily. Leon just shrugged and sat on the street made of cobblestones. "What are you doing?!"Ki said looking down at him. "Waiting...If you forgot not all people can magically see through this blanket of fog!" "Oh yeah...I forgot."Ki said rubbing her head.She stretched and looked around another time before sitting with Leon. "It's gonna be a long wait."said Ki rubbing her hands together. "I'll bet."Leon replied blowing hot air on his hands. Ki quickly looked around and saw there was a tree.Ki grinned widely and ran to it stripping some branches,twigs,leaves and grass from around the trunk. "What are you doing?"Leon said boredly. "Watch."Ki whispered. Leon groaned and watched what the girl was doing.Ki placed the grass in a pile and held up her pointing finger.Suddenly a small flame floated jut on top of it.Ki quickly transferred it to the grass.The grass began to burn and Ki added more grass and the leaves.Soon it was burning and she added the twigs and small branches.Ki smiled and sat down next to it,holding her hands out to collect the warmth.Leon grinned as well and moved over to it and followed Ki.They just sat there together next to the fire waiting in the coldness.the fire not only gave them heat but also shone through the fog as a direction. ----------------------------------------- Okay post often and enjoy ok? ~Ohkami:D
  11. I'm starting this now. I would still like some more people to join. PEople don't need to worry about he sample posts any more. You're all in whether you sent me one or not so check the Adventure Arena and post frequently.
  12. You can't wait for all of my RPs to start.:D All you guys are in. I'm still accepting Sign Ups for my other RP but not many people signed up for it....Probably because it was too long... I'm starting this after I get about 2 more people.
  13. Sakura


    Suddenly a dog ran out from a cover of boxes.It spotted a girl sitting quietly watching the commotion.It made its way over and sat with the girl as guards ran past.They dismissed it as an ordinary dog.As soon as they had passed and it was clear the dog began to change.Soon it grew and became a human. "Hello.My name's Ki.And you are?"she said holding out her hand for a shake. "Oh.I'm Airin.Are you the stow away they're looking for?"the girl replied taking the hand and shaking it. "I suppose so.I'm a morpher mainly.I can use the power of water too."Ki said sitting down next to Airin. "I change into any creature I can think of."replied Airin. "Handy.So what are you doing here?"Ki asked curiosly. "Going to New Earth.You?" "Same reasons.Someone reported me as a stow away.I'm not."Ki said looking around. "That was mean of 'em." "At least you're not the one reported stow away that everyone's after." "I'm sure they'll have it sorted out soon." "Maybe...I heard there's some other people going to New Earth arriving soon." "Cool.We'll have some company then." The two girls continued their conversation finding out about each other and learning about their traits and personalities. [b]OOC: Did I do anything wrong?Anything you don't like?tell me and I'll edit.[/b]
  14. Great guys!! Thanks a lot. The four of you are in a few of my RPs. *Tears*I feel so special!! We're waiting for some more people before I start this ok? Tell your friends and get them to join please!!
  15. [b]Name:[/b]Kimana Toki(Ki) [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]School:[/b]Shimada High (We all go here) [b]Elemental:[/b]Water [b]Digimon:[/b] [b]Baby:[/b]Punimon>Bubble Blow [b]In Training:[/b]Tsunomon>Bubble Blow [b]Rookie:[/b]Strabimon>Light Nail,Light Leg [b]Champion:[/b]Lobomon>Lobo Kendo,Howling Laser,Ancient Spirit of Light [b]Ultimate:[/b]KendoGarurumon>Lupine Laser,Howling Star [b]Mega:[/b]BeoWolfmon>Frozen Hunter,Cleansing Light [b]Elemental:[/b]Aquaticmon [b]D-Elemental Colour:[/b][color=royalblue][b]Baby Blue[/b][/color] [b]Description:[/b]Ki has chocolate brown hair and bright emerald eyes but they are usually covered by her silver,reflective,custom made sunglasses.She wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside that has the image of a baby blue chinese coiled up dragon on the front,navy blue pants and blue and white nike joggers [b]Personality:[/b]Ki is a kind and caring person.Like her elemental she is cool and can keep calm in heavy situations.Sometimes she may get heated up when very aggitated but it doesn't happen very often.Though she can be very upset if one of her friend's are hurt in any way.Physically or Emotionally.She's always there to comfort people and as a shoulder to cry on or a stronghold.
  16. Sakura


    Ki looked around for the source of the help and noticed a demon landing.Ki growled and unsheathed her blade in a defense position. "Who are you?" "My name is Nightmare.And you are?" "I'm Kimana.Everyone calls me Ki and this is Fell."indicating to the pup. The pup barked and wagged its tail happily. "Thanks for the help with those ogres.Before you helped I'd just killed some.They must of heard and were trying to get revenge." "It was no problem.I'm guessing you're the famous morpher I've heard a lot of.Am I right?" "Yes.I'm well known through out this land." "I saw you transform into your wolf morph." "That's one of my favourites.And I can communicate with Fell better in that transformation.What powers do you have may I ask?" Nightmare listed them out and Ki nodded. "Impressive.Lord of Demons huh?I think I've heard of you.That means you're not a Newbie.Thank goodness.Too many of them around." "I agree.They're getting in my way.I certainly know you're not a Newbie." "No way.Been playing for over 2 years." "Anyway I should be leaving.It was nice meeting you Ki.And Fell." "Wait.Why don't we join up?At least until we get to the town of Ghram" Nightmare looked at the girl and the wolf pup and thought. "Ok.Let's go to this town and then we'll see from there alright?" "Great.So let's go.You'll be flying?" "Yes.Best way to travel." "Ok just hold on a minute." Ki began her morph and she soon became the brown eagle. [I can only speak through ways of Mind Speak in animal forms.] "What about Fell?" [He follows from below.Don't worry.] Nightmare nodded and they took off.Fell barked happily and ran after them below.Soon they were approaching the town and they saw two men and a female heading towards them.
  17. On Chikyuu, there are legends of the energy crystals; which are the elemental crystals that control what happens on the planet Chikyuu, Earth controls earthquakes and land growth, Water controls the oceans, lakes, ponds, and rivers, Wind controls direction of winds flow, Fire controls the volcanos, Spirit controls all living things, and Weather controls what weather conditions are. These crystals were used to control what happened on everyday basis. Guardians at every crystal. Earth Guardian Eipido the Earth snake, Water Guardian Kappa the Water Demon, Wind Guardian Jito the Air Serpent, Fire Guardian Gorou the Fire Dragon, Spirit Guardian Ferya the Spirit Fairy, and Weather Guardian Neiko the Weather Angel. All these crystal were very well protected, but an evil was lurking waiting for its awakening from the forbidden crystal...the cursed Blood Ruby; forged by dark elves, covered in demons blood, was the forbidden crystal because of it chaotic powers. It made men go hunger for power whoever possesed it. It was buried and sealed by High elves and buried beneath the ground. One day the elves fortress was attacked by an army of demons and creatures of the dead, a emperor of Chilak, one of the 7 continents in the land of Chikyuu, Malak his name was and he tristed for the power of the blood ruby. After his assualt and win he found the cursed blood ruby and wish to gain the powers of the other crystals. Once the guardians found about his actions they summoned warriors of every race from the 7 continents, who were brave enough to take on the challenge of Malaks armys and protect the world. Name: Age: Gender: Race: (demon, elf, dwarf, human, orc, fairy) Weapon: Appearance: Skills: Attacks: [b]Name:[/b]Kimana Toki(Ki) [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Race:[/b]Angel[Sent down to help others on Quest] [b]Weapon:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b]Chocolate brown hair and emerald eyes usually covered by silver,reflective sunglasses.She wears a light but durable blue jacket open to reveal a white t-shirt inside that conceals her wings.Blue pants and white socks with blue and white joggers. [b]Skills:[/b]Teleport,Telekenisis,Psychic Abilities,Magic,Summoning [b]Attacks:[/b] [b]Magic-[/b]Casts a Spell [b]Phoenix-[/b]Heals party members,revives and casts Regen [b]Manipulate-[/b]Uses her psychic abilities to make the enemy do things. [b]Teleport-[/b]Disappears and re-appears behind the enemy with a deadly attack. [b]Summon-[/b]Summons a Creature Enjoy and Join my other RP Revival of Magic!!!:D
  18. Ki watched as Elyse was thrown off Raidramon and into the hole. "Flamon!!Digivolve!!" Ki held up her digivice and Flamon started to glow.He began to grow larger and soon the light disappeared revealing Agunimon. "Agunimon help Red Greymon and keep Scorpiomon busy!!" Agunimon nodded and rushed forward throwing Fire Darts at the over sized Scorpion.Ki saw that Scorpiomon was being distracted by the two digimon so she ran for the hole and vaulted in.Ki ran down the tunnel in hope of not getting hurt by the attack above ground.Ki looked left and right for any sign of Elyse but couldn't see anything.Then she remembered her ComWatch. "Elyse!Elyse!Come in!"Ki said into her watch pushing the small black button. "Ki?Is that you?" "Yes...I'm in the tunnels.Where are you?!" "I have no idea.Where are you?" "I'm in a room with something that looks like a puzzle on the wall." "Touch the puzzle with your hand and a door will open." Ki obeyed the instructions and a door opened.Ki walked through and it closed behind her. "Now what?" "Just keep going.I'm staying in the same spot to wait for you." Ki continued through the corridor and soon arrived at the spot where Elyse was waiting. "Finally I found you!" "I thought no one was coming for me.So how do we get out?" "Head back to the entrance of the hole.Agunimon's helping Red Greymon.When they're done with Scorpiomon they'll help haul us out." "Ok.Let's hope they're done by the time we get there." ~On the Surface~ "Burning Salamander!!" "Nova Flame!!"said the two digimon at the same time as they both released their attacks on Scorpiomon. The scorpion digimon roared angrily and slashed at them.They nimbly jumped away landed attacking again.They continued like that until finally Scorpiomon roared and fell to the ground with a large thump.Then he started to become digital information and floated off to somewhere[b][I don't know how they die so I used this version.Tell me to correct it if you don't like it.][/b]Agunimon and Red Greymon reached into the hole and pulled out the two girls.Then the two digimon de-evolved into their rookies.They were both panting and Ki hugged Flamon happily. "Let's go.Where's our next location?"said Ki happily. "What?!Did you already get the Ice Crystal?!"exclaimed Ace. "Yes.I have it here in my pocket."Elyse said.She brought out the stone and the others were shocked. "That's the crystal?!It's a stone!!We fought Scorpiomon for that?!"said Damian angrily. "You'll see in time Damian."replied Elyse cooly. "Like Ki said.Let's go to our next location!!"said Matt. "Right...Now we're off to.......[b][Fill in the Blank Blanko.(No pun intended)][/b]Mega digivolution engaged!" Elyse holds her digivice towards veemon "Veemon Mega Shinka too!!!" Veemon barks Veemon transformed and he changed back into Imperialdramon.He sucked everyone up into his "bubble" and he took off in a bright flash of light. [b]OOC:If there's any problems with that please tell me and I'll Edit it:D[/b]
  19. "Well no time like the present so let's go!"Ki said. Ki walked forwards with Flamon walking beside her.Ki looked around in case anything was about to pop out of the ground and attack her like Elyse had said. "So we're looking for some crystal?" "Yeah.It should be light blueish in colour.Like Ice"replied Elyse looking around tryinmg to spot anything. Ki saw something and ran to it.She brushed the ground and called over to the others.Elyse pushed her way through and examined what Ki had found.It was some kind of block with a symbol of a crystal on it.Ki brushed the sand next to it and saw that it uncovered another block with a pyramid symbol.Ki checked the rest of the ground around them but didn't find anything. "What do you think they are Elyse?" "I don't know...They could just be picture blocks..." "I think they're just more then blocks...There has to be something to them!We just have to figure out what." Ki looked closely at the pictures and touched the blocks.She accidently leaned her weight onto the pyramid block and it shifted downwards.Ki gasped and jumped back.There was a sound of grinding rock and they all looked around to see if anything had changed.They gasped when they saw......[Cliff Hanger anyone?]
  20. Name:Red XIII/13/Nanaki Age:16 Gender:Male Description:[img]http://www.icybrian.com/fanfic/nanaki.jpg[/img] Weapon:Headress(Spring Gun Clip) Spells:Contain(If that's too big then I'll have Demi) Bio:Strong, fierce, and coated with fire-red fur, Red XIII is one large and powerful beast. However, his mind and soul are a different story. With amazing intelligence and a warm heart, Red XIII joins with Cloud after being rescued from a horrible Shinra experiment. Although Red XIII becomes a loyal and promising ally, much of his life remains a mystery.[Taken from Final Fantasy Online.Com(FF7 Character Section)]
  21. Sakura


    The next morning Ki got up and grabbed her backpack full of items,her blade and her newly bought willow long bow.She prodded Fell with her foot and he rolled onto his stomach and stood.Ki looked around and checked that she didn't forget anything before heading out of the inn.She gave the key back to the registration and left.She almost left the village but her stomach growled loudly so she headed to a café nearby and sat down at a table.Fell jumped into the chair next to her and started sniffing at the scents of foods.Ki waved a waitress over and ordered some breakfast and something for Fell.The waitress looked strangely at Ki but she just shrugged.The waitress walked away and soon returned with the stack of pancakes with maple syrup and hot chocolate Ki had ordered and a bowl of water and some bread for Fell.Ki thanked her and started to eat.Fell sniffed the food curiosly and bit the bread.Ki looked up at him and broke the bread up a bit so it'd be easier for him to eat.Ki went back to her pancakes and soon finished them,moving to her hot chocolate.She sipped carefully as to not get burned by the heat.Fell by this time was lapping at the water after the dry bread.Soon they were done and Ki payed the bill before leaving with Fell.They walked out of the village entrance and continued their journey. She walked through the plains and the fields with Fell fighting the monsters on the way.Ki had began to train Fell to fight so he could help her in battles.Fell's teeth had began to grow already and his claws were getting longer.Fell would soon grow into a large wolf and not be just a little pup but for now it was fine as he was.She looked down at him bouncing,bounding and frolicking by her side enjoying the sunshine and the space.Ki just chuckled and walked on.A group of ogres came up to Ki and growled menacingly.Ki just smirked and she began a shape change.She soon became a large grizzly bear.Ki reared up onto her hind legs and swiped at them with her large paw.They were bowled over and Ki changed back firing at them with her bow and killing them all with single shots.Ki just shook her head and walked away from them.At first Fell stayed and sniffed at the ogres before rushing off to join Ki.
  22. Thanks for signing up. Both of you are accepted. I still need quite a lot more people before I can start. If you have any questions about it at all PM me or find me on AIM/MSN.
  23. Sakura


    A wolf pup ran across the fields,beside him was an older chocolate brown wolf.They ran together...They were headed for the next town hoping it wasn't filled with Newbies.Fell yipped happily as he played around and Ki just watched on letting him enjoy some time in his childhood before she toughened up. As they arrived Ki swiftly did her shape change and she was as her normal self with Fell at her heels.Ki just walked in ignoring people's stares and gazes.Fell looked around curiosly as Ki recognised the city as the city of Ambor.Fell lifted his nose and sniffed the air before directing it to the ground and sniffing all the new and exciting scents.Ki walked on and into a Weaponry shop.She saw that Fell was still going around sniffing things and gave a loud whistle between her fingers and he bounced over. "Hey there.Haven't seen you in a while eh Ki?" "No sir.Been about a year.Too long Jack.Anythin' new lately that I'd like?" "I dunno really.Go check the back if ya want.Hey what you got there with you?" "Huh?Oh that's Fell.He's an orphan.Parents were hunted.I'm gonna get them.They killed his four other pup brothers and sisters." "That's terrible.Well go on back and see what you like." "Ok thanks.Fell stay."but her voice was wasted as he was already going around the shop sniffing everything.He walked up to Jack and sniffed him.The man laughed and rubbed his ears.Fell decided he liked this man so he jumped into his lap and looked at all the things on the bench. Ki walked into the back room and saw it was packed with new items.There were nice blades there,arrows,staffs,bows-long and cross,shields,some armour and other sorts of things.She shook her head and then spotted something in particular.She walked over and pulled it out.She had been looking for one for some time.It was a long bow made of the branch of a young willow.Willow was a great material for bows because they bend easily and are very flexible so they don't break.Ki looked over it carefully running her hand over it.She picked up an arrow and aimed at the far wall.She notched the arrow carefully but quickly and fired.It flew at a incredible pace and thunked into the stone bricks of the wall.Ki grinned and walked outside. "I've been lookin' for one of these.I'll take it Jack.How much?" "I don't usually do this but for this little fella I'll give it to you for 50."he said refering to Fell who was panting happily. "Done.Thanks.Now unfortunately we gotta get movin' again.You know how it is.Come on Fell." "Yeah.Come back soon Ki.We need to catch up on times.And bring the little guy with ya!" "I will.Don't you worry about it." They exited the shop and Ki headed for the next shop which was the items store. "Hi Jane.Long time huh?" "Ki!!Yes it's been too long.You never visit us any more." "I know I know....I'll try and come back more often." "Good.Now what do you need?" "Some potions,elixers,hi-potions,burn heal,freeze heal,sleepers,awakeners,stun,poison,antidotes,softs,holy water and I think that's it." "That's it?Are you sure?" "Yup." "Okay let me get all that stuff for you." She went into the back and started to rummage through everything that was there pulling out bottles,vials,herbs and others and packing them into bags for Ki.Soon she was done and she came out with some bags and handed them to Ki. "Thanks Jane.How much do I owe you?" "Just 100 for old times." "Thanks a lot." Ki payed up and then took the bags and left again.She placed the bags in her backpack and then she was about to leave town when she decided she was too lazy and she headed to the inn to get a room to stay for the night and leave in the morning.
  24. Sakura


    Ki trotted into the village still in her dog form and she changed back into her human form.She walked out and brushed herself off.She had noticed it was a Newbie town but something wasn't right.The newbies were upset at something. "What's wrong?What happened?"she questioned a male newbie. "It was the Fire Bringer Gang.They came and robbed us." "Typical.Be careful from now on.There are a lot more gangs around in this game so get used to it and get stronger so you can fight against them." She nodded at them before changing back into an eagle and screeching loudly before flapping her wings and taking to the skies again.She looked around and then spotted them.She started a normal descend like a normal bird would and propped herself on a branch nearby so she could listen.Now and again she would make bird movements like scratching and flapping to another branch as to not be suspicious. "I can't log off!"said someone who she suspected was the leader. Ki nodded and screeched before flapping off leaving the "leader" alone.She flew further and landed in a lush green paradise.She had found it a long time ago seeing as she has been playing Lore for a long time.She changed back and lay back in the soft bed of grass.Something strange moved and Ki moved over silently.She grabbed it and found it was a wolf pup.It was only a baby whose eyes hadn't opened yet.It whined softly and looked around sniffing.It was so cute.It was a dusty grey.Ki craddled it softly in her arms and got up to go search for its mother and family.She walked alongnot making any sounds in case the family was close and she scared them off.She pushed away a bit of bush and gasped.She'd found his family but they were all dead.Hunted down.They lay on their sides with blood staining their sides showing and the grass around them.She was glad the pup couldn't see because he'd be in shock.Ki put the little one down and looked at the family.There were the parents and 4 other dead baby cubs.A tear fell from her eye for the pups that never got a chance to live life.And the parents whose lives were so horribly ended.She changed into a digging animal and made them a tomb like thing in the ground and changed back to human before placing them in and changing into a chocolate brown wolf and kicking the dirt over the hole to seal it.She changed back to human again and patted the dirt.She picked up the little pup and let it put a small paw print on the tomb and Ki got up and left the area vowing to help the remaining pup grow up to be strong. After a few days the pup opened it's eyes and looked around curiosly.His eyes were very interesting though.They were limpid blue like his families' but in his right eye below the iris was a sliver of green,like shattered emerald.Ki had decided to named the pup Fell.Ki and Fell from then on became companions and became the best of friends.
  25. [b]-Tamer-[/b] [b]Name:[/b]Kimana Toki[b](Ki)[/b] [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Crest/DigiEgg Given:[/b][color=blue]Heart-Water[/color] [b]Digivice Colour:[/b][color=royalblue]Baby Blue[/color] [b]Description:[/b]Ki has chocolate brown hair and bright emerald eyes but they are usually covered by her silver,reflective,custom made sunglasses.She wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside that has the image of a baby blue chinese coiled up dragon on the front,navy blue pants and blue and white nike joggers. [b]-Digimon-[/b] [b]Fresh:[/b]Skimmon [b]In Training:[/b]Swimmon [b]Rookie:[/b]Wavemon [b]DigiEgg Champion:[/b]Tidalmon [b]Champion:[/b]Ripmon [b]Ultimate:[/b]Surfmon [b]Mega:[/b]Whirlmon [b]Moon:[/b]Oceanomon [b]Star:[/b]Seanomon [b]Matrix:[/b]Tsunamimon [b]I hope it's ok to make up a Digimon...I couldn't think of an existingg water digimon that I liked.[/b]
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