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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. Sakura


    An brown eagle flew through the plain blue skies.It screeched and beat it wings strongly getting altitude.It saw a pillar of hot wind and flew right into the thermal letting it take it even higher.As the eagle arrived at the peak of the thermal it spread its wings open widely and soared through the air.Then it suddenly closed its wings around it and pointed its body down in a streamlined position and began to plummet at a speedy pace.Just as it was about to hit the ground it opened its wings again and broke the fall,floating to the ground softly.It closed its wings and shook out its feathers.The eagle began to do something strange and any on lookers would be horried at what they would have seen..... It was changing.The feathers were beginning to shrink away into the body and turn into smooth skin and clothes began to form.The beak and beady eyes became a nose,mouth and emerald eyes with silver,reflective,custom made sunglasses.The feathers on the top of its head stayed the same chocolate brown colour and but changed to become hair that stopped around her neck/shoulders.The talons stretched out and became legs and feet with shoes and socks on them.The eagle stood,now as a human. Her name is Kimana.Known as Ki.She is the main shape shifter and does it swiftly and quietly so as not to be discovered. Suddenly a group of wyverns jumped out at her snarling and scratching. Ki smirked and unsheathed her blade of her back and made some quick,swift and deadly cuts and the wyverns lay in pieces on the ground.Ki said one "ha" and then sheathed her blade before shape shifting into a common street dog and trotting off down the lane to visit the village.
  2. Ki had just gotten her digivice and ComWatch and then noticed there was a message attached. "Hey Flamon look at this message." The strange fire creature walked over and sat next to her reading the note. "It's not too far away at least.Just a few blocks." "Then it's best that we get going!" Ki got up and got anything she would need before running out the door of her bedroom,down the stairs and out the front door with Flamon following her from above not letting anyone see him.She pulled out the note again and read the directions.The instuctions was to go to Maryland St.Ki smiled and turned a left with a red blur following her from above jumping from place to place. Ki arrived at Maryland St. and looked around in confusion.She was looking for someone she didn't even know what they looked like.Suddenly she spotted some people with some strange creatures standing next to them. "Bingo.Flamon."she whispered. The blur jumped down from above somewhere and landed. "Let's go.Time to see who they are..." Ki and Flamon walked over and held up her digivice and hand with the comwatch on it to show. "Hi..My name's Kimana.Everyone calls me Ki...And this is my partner Flamon.So who sent the note?"
  3. Kari walked into the park and smiled.It was a fine day and it was good to be back in Japan.She looked around and groaned in frustration. 'Where is he?He said he'd meet me here...' She tilted her sunglasses down a bit to see clearer.Suddenly she saw a boy sitting on a bench in the middle of the park waving at her. "Hey TK!!"Kari said as she ran towards him with her jacket blowing in the wind behind her.The boy smiled and greeted her.Kari sat down next to him and they started to talk.They used to come to this park all the time when they lived in Japan. "Hey TK where're the others?" "Oh they're out somewhere." "So what did you do before I got here?" "Oh...I met this boy...His name was Lee.He talked about some monsters?Pretty weird...Then he had to go to speak to his friend Takato." "Monsters?Pretty strange..." "Yeah I know...He bumped into me." "Oh well.We might meet up with him again.Come on let's go find the others." "Yeah sure." They got up off the bench and Kari fixed her sunglasses and jacket.They made their way out of the park and down the road through their old neighbourhoods.Some places had changed but some had stayed the same like what they were used to.They just continued to walk around their old town remembering the old times and forgetting their life in the US for a while. Suddenly they spotted who they were looking for. "Davis!!"cried Kari to a boy standing with a younger boy and a girl. "Kari!!I've been looking for you!!" "Save it Davis." Davis sighed in defeat and TK and Kari arrived with the group. "Hey Yolei,Cody." "I'm hungry!Let's eat like old times!"said Yolei. "Yeah!!"agreed the others and they walked off to find some good food. OOC:Sorry if it wasn't my best work...
  4. Name:Kimana Toki(Ki) Age:16 Bio:Ki was always a happy child and was popular.She had lots of friends and was part of a caring family.One day she went to her friend's hosue and when she was walking home she saw smoke coming from the direction of her house.Ki quickly began to run towards her house.She saw that it was on fire and there were firemen trying to put out the blazing inferno.Police arrived and said that her family was killed in the fire.Ki cried and cried.Neighbours came to share her grief as even though her family was rich they were kind and not snobbish.One of her close friends that lived next door let her stay with them.She spent all her time crying and then one day she was walking to clear her mind and she came across a strange creature who turned out to be her partner Flamon.She got a ComWatch and a Digivice and a strange message to meet up with a girl named Elyse so she grabbed the items and joined forces with the strange creature and went off to find the Elyse girl. Home Country:Japan Digivice and ComWatch color:Blue Digimon: [img]http://mz.emuparadise.org/Frontier/Flamon.jpg[/img] Rookie:Flamon>Baby Salamander Champion:Agunimon>Burning Salamander,Salamander Break Ultimate:Burning Greymon>Pyro Barrage,Wildfire Tsunami Mega:Aldamon>Atomic Inferno,Solar Wind Destroyer ???:Emperor Greymon>Nine-Headed Dragon Ranks,Dragon Flame Attack EDIT:I changed it to what you said Blanko.
  5. [b]Name:[/b]Renamon [b]Level:[/b]Rookie [b]Attacks:[/b]Diamond storm,Rapid Kick,Power Paw,Flaying Kick [b]Digivolutions:[/b]Reremon,Viximon,Renamon,Kyuubimon,Taomon,Sakuyamon,Sakuyamon Priestess Mode [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied6/images/Renamon2.jpg[/img] [b]Allegiance:[/b]Guardians [b]Bio:[/b]Renamon is a caring digimon although is dangerous when she's angered.She is a very helpful creature and likes to help others in need.One day she came across another digimon Flamon and for some reason he now considers her his greatest rival. OOC:Why am I your Rival Logan?
  6. [b]Name:[/b]Kimana Toki(Ki) [b]Age:[/b]15 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Element given:[/b]Water [b]Power given:[/b]Can transform into anything.Eg.Creatures,Animals,objects. Can manipulate Water [b]Description:[/b]She's medium height.Her chocolate brown hair stops around her shoulders.She has emerald green eyes but they are usually covered by her silver,reflective custom made sunglasses.She always wears a blue jacket unzipped with a white t-shirt inside that has a print of a baby blue coiled up chinese dragon on the front,navy blue pants and blue and white joggers.
  7. [b]Name:[/b]Kari Kamiya/Yagami [b]Main Digi-Egg:[/b]Courage/Light [b]Digimon:[/b]SnowBotamon->Nyaromon->Salamon->Gatomon->Angewomon->Ophanimon [b]Attacks:[/b] [b]Salamon-[/b]Puppy Howling [b]Gatomon-[/b]Lightning Paw,Cat's Eye Hypnotism [b]Angewomon-[/b]Celestial Arrow,Heaven's Charm [b]Ophanimon-[/b]Sephirote Crystal,Shining Javelin(Thanks Taki!) [b]Description:[/b]She's turned in her Pink and White shirt and long gloves,yellow shorts and pink shoes.Now she wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside that has a print of a baby blue chinese coiled up dragon,navy blue pants and blue and white joggers.She still wears her camera around neck and she wears silver,reflective sunglasses over her eyes.She's not into the pink anymore.She keeps her D-Terminal in a pocket inside the folds of her jacket.
  8. Both of you have to send me those samples... aYokano has already done so and now I wait... I think the both of you will get in anyways...
  9. 500 years ago... In the medieval age, magic was the way of life. Sorcerers were the most renown figureheads and politicians in the Shouichi era. Many scholars were only schooled in writing, mathematics, and sorcery. Sorcery of elements, Sorcery of healing, Sorcery of summoning. More sorceries were discovered with each coming decade, further widening the reach of magical properties. 300 years ago, a small amount of sorcerers proved to be the strongest and the mightiest of the Shouichi era: Huozen Tetsuya, the Sorcerer of Fire Millia Raikou, the Sorceress of Wind and Thunder Umika Hazairu, the Sorceress of Water Butoken Farsell, the Sorcerer of Earth Aoi Katari, the Great Priestess of Light Croy Velven, the Hellmage of Darkness Mikan Moisen, The Master Mage Saria Desie, The Great Summon Mistress They each rivaled the others with their own magical prowness. They were all equals in the field. 100 years ago, magic started to decline... technology replaced magic. A modern era called the Dailiti era began. Machines replaced Sorcery Guns replaced Swords and Staves Urban Grey replaced Village Pastures It was very bleak... 50 years ago, was the Revolt of the Magi. Descendents of the eight sorcerers began a joint effort in an uprising to bring back the magic nature that was once was the Shouichi era, into the Dailiti era. They succeeded, thus bringing upon many people who were crossbred street smarts and mechanical knowledge with magical prowness. However, with the eight descendants revolt being successful, led to new possibilities of hostile actions, those that could destroy the world. Classes: Many different Job Classes reside in the Neo-Dailiti era. Technical classes, sorcery classes and hybrid classes. Technical classes: Classes that attack with machines but have no proficiency with magic. Primary weapons are guns and make the best long-range attackers. All their weapons use ammunition. Marksman - Gun proficient. Excellent aim with gun-type weaponry, but can't wield rifle type weapons. Ranger - No proficiency. Can wield both types of guns, with moderate speed. Sniper - Rifle proficient. Superb aim with rifles, but are awkward with guns. Can't move while using Sniper Rifle. Sorcery Classes: Classes that attack with magic. They have no proficiency with machines however. Primary weapons are staves, with low-attack power, primarily used for defense. Elemental Mage/Magess - Heat Mage, Aqua Mage, Wind Mage, Earth Mage - proficient in their type of magic. Heat Mages are best in Fire Magic. Aqua Mages are best in Water Magic. Wind Mages are best in Wind and Thunder Magic. Earth Mages are best in Earth Magic. Priest/Priestess - Keepers of the white sorcery. They are able to heal, with few attack spells in their repertoire. Archmage/Archmagess - Black Sorcerers. They came emulate and toy with human emotions, inflict various amounts of health inflictions, not to mention the Gravity and Dark spells they can cast. Summoner/Summon Mistress - A sorcerer who can call grand beasts from the runes imprinted on their body. Hybrid Classes: Classes they have no proficiency, but can use both magic and machines. They can use many varieties of weapons, depending on class. Gun Mage/Magess - Gun Heat Mage, Gun Blue Mage, Gun Wind Mage, Gun Ground Mage - Their main weaponry is guns with magic as part of their arsenal. Heat - Fire, Blue - Water, Wind - Wind/Thunder, Ground - Earth. Blade Mage/Magess - Heat Blade Mage, Aqua Blade Mage, Wind Blade Mage, Earth Blade Mage - Mages that can use swords, with magic as part of their arsenal. Their swords can be mechanically customized. Mercenary - Marksman and Swordsman who have tuned into and control the power of darkness in the form of magic. Mechanically-reinforced items and weaponry. Swordcaster - Heat Swordcaster, Aqua Swordcaster, Wind Swordcaster, Earth Swordcaster, Light Swordcaster, Arch Swordcaster - A swordsman who primarily uses a sword to attack, rather than a Blade Mage whose primary form of attack is magic. They can combine two elements into their repertoire. (i.e. Aquaheat Swordcaster - A swordcaster with fire and water magic) Guncaster - Heat Guncaster, Aqua Guncaster, Wind Guncaster, Earth Guncaster, Light Guncaster, Arch Guncaster - A marksman who primarily uses a gun to attack, rather than a Gun Mage whose primary form of attack is magic. They can combine two elements into their repertoire. (i.e. Heatwind Guncaster A Guncaster with fire and wind magic) Gun Summoner/Summon Mistress - A marksman who can summon creatures as their main arsenal, but is able to use Guns. They can also use Staves Blade Summoner/Summon Mistress - The same as a Gun Summoner, except using swords instead of guns. Restricted Classes: Classes restricted to only one character. It is first come-first serve, only for those worthy enough to possess it. Machine Master - A superb marksman who surpasses anyone's ability in the art of projectile weaponry. No magic proficiency, however. Blade Sorcerer/Sorceress - A powerful swordsman who is also a powerful sorcerer. Can cast magic from all elements and can summon creatures. Gun Sorcerer/Sorceress - A powerful marksman who is also a powerful sorcerer. Can cast magic from all elements and can summon creatures. Master Mage/Magess - The most powerful mage, whose magic capabilities far exceed even the greatest sorcerers. Staves only. Can cast magic from all six elements. Grand Summoner/Summon Mistress - The most powerful summoner, whose summon capabilities far exceed the greatest of sorcerers. Staves only, and can have up to 6 runes. Summoning: Body Runes: To summon creatures, Summoners must draw energy from runes on various parts on their bodies. Runes are incinerated onto the body with a great torrent of pain, and each body can only have up to four runes. These runes cannot be changed. These runes are also not lost when a creature is summoned, however, only one creature may be summoned at a time. The Grand Summoner/Summon Mistress can have up to six runes. The extra two can be placed in conjucntion on any of the four limbs. The extra runes signify status. Runes can only be on the left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg. Normal Summoners, including Blade and Gun Sorcerers and Summoners, cannot equip more than one Grand Master Rune. High level monsters will drain more of the summoner's stamina than low level monsters, so sometimes it is wise to summon a low level monster. Rune of Pyroclasm - Left Leg - A rune of fire, a Triangle with the character of fire in the center. Rune of Forests - Left Leg - A rune of elves, a Diamond with the character of elves in the center Rune of Desolation - Left Leg - A rune of hell, a Square with the character of darkness in the center. Rune of Tsunami - Left Leg - A L2 rune of water Rune of Quakes - Left Leg - A L3 rune of earth Rune of Fluen - Left Leg - A rune of the Wind Grand Master Rune of Seafare - Right Leg - A rune of water, a Circle with the character of water in the center. Rune of Vritra - Right Leg - A rune of angels, a Circle with the character of angel in the center. Rune of Skylight - Right Leg - A rune of the heavens, a Triangle with the character of light in the center. Rune of Firestorm - Right Leg - A L2 rune of fire Rune of Storms - Right Leg - A L3 rune of wind Rune of Rhins - Right Leg - A rune of the Earth Grand Master Rune of Tornadoes - Left Arm - A rune of wind, a Square with the character of wind in the center. Rune of Draconus - Left Arm - A rune of dragons, a Triangle with the character of dragon in the center. Rune of Jagras - Left Arm - A rune of the Heaven/Hell Grand Master, a Circle with the character of moon in the center. Rune of Mountains - Left Arm - A L2 rune of earth Rune of Tidal - Left Arm - A L3 rune of water Rune of Meis - Left Arm - A rune of the Fire Grand Master Rune of Spikes - Right Arm - A rune of earth, a Diamond with the character of earth in the center. Rune of Hellsprite - Right Arm - A rune of demons, a Square with the character of demon in the center. Rune of Maxwell - Right Arm - A rune of the elemental Grand Master, a Diamond with the character of sun in the center. Rune of Hurricanes - Right Arm - A L2 rune of wind Rune of Burning - Right Arm - A L3 rune of fire Rune of Tetra - Right Arm - A rune of the Water Grand Master List of Summons: Level One Summon - One Rune: Class 1A: Pyris Katrin - a fire spirit who incinerates the caster's enemies. Required: Rune of Pyroclasm Aquis Katrin - a water spirit who drenches the caster's enemies. Required: Rune of Seafare Airis Katrin - an air spirit who blows heavy winds at the caster's enemies. Required: Rune of Tornadoes Earis Katrin - an earth spirit who trembles the earth beneath the caster's enemies. Required: Rune of Spikes Draco Katrin - a dragon with a white breath attack fries the caster's enemies. Required: Rune of Draconus Elvin Katrin - an elf with healing prowness heals the caster and his allies. Required: Rune of Forests Angel Katrin - an angel who casts White Light, which heals all allies to their fullest. Required: Rune of Vritra Devil Katrin - a devil who casts Black Darkness, which attacks all ennemies with a dark light. Required: Rune of Hellsprite Class 1B: Hell Demon - a demon from the depths of the Underworld is summoned as an ally. Required: Rune of Desolation Heaven Angel - an angel from the castle of the heavens is summoned as an ally. Required: Rune of Skylight Tidal Sprite - a sprite from the sea is summoned as an ally. Required: Rune of Tsunami Flame Sprite - a sprite from the flames is summoned as an ally. Required: Rune of Firestorm Spike Sprite - a sprite from the mountains is summoned as an ally. Required: Rune of Mountains Windy Sprite - a sprite from the winds of hurricanes is summoned as an ally. Required: Rune of Hurricanes Level Two Summon - Two Runes: Class 2A: Fire Knight - a knight with the burning passion of fire. Required: Rune of Pyroclasm, Rune of Firestorm Aqua Knight - a knight with the flowing nature of water. Required: Rune of Seafare, Rune of Tsunami Wind Knight - a knight as cool as the breeze of wind. Required: Rune of Tornadoes, Rune of Hurricanes Earth Knight - a knight as hard as the barren ground. Required: Rune of Spikes, Rune of Mountains Class 2B: AquaHeat Jogress - a creature with mixed properties of fire and water. Required: Rune of Pyroclasm, Rune of Seafare EarthWind Jogress - a creature with mixed properties of wind and earth. Required: Rune of Tornadoes, Rune of Spikes EarthHeat Jogress - a creature with mixed properties of earth and fire. Required: Rune of Pyroclasm, Rune of Spikes AquaWind Jogress - a creature with mixed properties of water and wind. Required: Rune of Seafare, Rune of Tornadoes Class 2C: Fire Paladin - a paladin with the burning passion of fire. Required: Rune of Firestorm, Rune of Burning Aqua Paladin - a paladin with the flowing nature of water. Required: Rune of Tsunami, Rune of Tidal Wind Paladin - a paladin as cool as the breeze of wind. Required: Rune of Hurricanes, Rune of Storms Earth Paladin - a paladin as hard as the barren ground. Required: Rune of Mountains, Rune of Quakes Maxwell Class A (One Attack Chance - appears for one attack and disappears): Heat Maxwell - The elemental Grand Master shows his power of fire. "Flare" Required: Rune of Pyroclasm, Rune of Maxwell Aqua Maxwell - The elemental Grand Master shows his power of water. "Tsunami" Required: Rune of Seafare, Rune of Maxwell Wind Maxwell - The elemental Grand Master shows his power of wind. "Storm" Required: Rune of Tornadoes, Rune of Maxwell Earth Maxwell - The elemental Grand Master shows his power of earth. "Ripper" Required: Rune of Spikes, Rune of Maxwell *Grand Summoner only* Maxwell Class B (One Attack Chance): Pyro Maxwell - Maxwell shows his greater power of fire. "Flash Flare" Required: Rune of Firestorm, Rune of Maxwell Wave Maxwell - Maxwell shows his greater power of water. "Torrent Storm" Required: Rune of Tsunami, Rune of Maxwell Cane Maxwell - Maxwell shows his greater power of wind. "Heavy Winds" Required: Rune of Hurricanes, Rune of Maxwell *Grand Summoner only* Spike Maxwell - Maxwell shows his greater power of earth. "Earthquake" Required: Rune of Mountains, Rune of Maxwell Maxwell Class C (One Attack Chance): Burning Maxwell - Maxwell shows his greatest power of fire. "Burning Flash" Required: Rune of Burning, Rune of Maxwell *Grand Summoner only* Flowing Maxwell - Maxwell shows his greatest power of water. "Flowing Tide" Required: Rune of Tidal, Rune of Maxwell Tornado Maxwell - Maxwell shows his greatest power of wind. "Tornado Course" Required: Rune of Storms, Rune of Maxwell Quaking Maxwell - Maxwell shows his greatest power of earth. "Quaking Helix" Required: Rune of Quakes, Rune of Maxwell Jagras Class A (One Attack Chance): Vritra Jagras - Jagras shows his angelic power to heal. "White Light" Required: Rune of Vritra, Rune of Jagras Hellsprite Jagras - Jagras shows his demonic power to destroy. "Dark Hell" Required: Rune of Hellsprite, Rune of Jagras Grand Master Summon (two to four runes - One Attack Chance): Meis Class: Pyroclasm Meis - Grand Master Meis casts "Pyroclasm" Required: Rune of Pyroclasm, Rune of Meis Firestorm Meis - Grand Master Meis casts "Firestorm" Required: Rune of Firestorm, Rune of Meis Burning Meis - Grand Master Meis casts "Burning" Required: Rune of Burning, Rune of Meis Pyrostorm Meis - Grand Master Meis casts "Pyrostorm" Required: Rune of Pyroclasm, Rune of Firestorm, Rune of Meis PyroBurning Meis - Grand Master Meis casts "PyroBurning" Required: Rune of Pyroclasm, Rune of Burning, Rune of Meis Burningstorm Meis - Grand Master Meis casts "Burningstorm" Required: Rune of Firestorm, Rune of Burning, Rune of Meis Pyrostorm Burning Meis - Grand Master Meis casts ultimate fire spell "Pyrostorm Burning" Required: Rune of Pyroclasm, Rune of Pyrostorm, Rune of Burning, Rune of Meis Meis Class GS: (GS = Grand Summoner only) Meis Maxwell - Meis and Maxwell's powers combine to cast "Fire Bomber" Required: Rune of Maxwell, Rune of Meis Tetra Meis - Meis and Tetra's powers combine to cast "Torrent of Fire" Required: Rune of Meis, Rune of Tetra Tetra Class: Seafare Tetra - Grand Master Tetra casts "Seafare" (healing) Required: Rune of Seafare, Rune of Tetra Tsunami Tetra - Grand Master Tetra casts "Tsunami" Required: Rune of Tsunami, Rune of Tetra Tidal Tetra - Grand Master Tetra casts "Tidal" (large tidal wave) Required: Rune of Tidal, Rune of Tetra Sea Tsunami Tetra - Grand Master Tetra casts "Sea Tsunami" (healing) Required: Rune of Seafare, Rune of Tsunami, Rune of Tetra Tidal Tsunami Tetra - Grand Master Tetra casts "Tidal Tsunami" Required: Rune of Tsunami, Rune of Tidal, Rune of Tetra Tidal Sea Tetra - Grand Master Tetra casts "Tidal Sea" Required: Rune of Seafare, Rune of Tidal, Rune of Tetra Sea Tidal Tsunami Tetra - Grand Master Tetra casts ultimate water spell "Sea Tidal Tsunami" Required: Rune of Seafare, Rune of Tsunami, Rune of Tidal, Rune of Tetra Tetra Class GS: Tetra Maxwell - Tetra and Maxwell's powers combine to cast "Water Bomber" Required: Rune of Maxwell, Rune of Tetra Tetra Fluen - Tetra and Fluen's powers combine to cast "Sea Typhoon" Required: Rune of Tetra, Rune of Fluen Fluen Class: Tornado Fluen - Grand Master Fluen casts "Tornado" Required: Rune of Tornadoes, Rune of Fluen Hurricane Fluen - Grand Master Fluen casts "Hurricane" Required: Rune of Hurricanes, Rune of Fluen Storm Fluen - Grand Master Fluen casts "Storms" Required: Rune of Storms, Rune of Fluen Tornadecane Fluen - Grand Master Fluen casts "Tornadecane" Required: Rune of Tornadoes, Rune of Hurricanes, Rune of Fluen Tornado Storm Fluen - Grand Master Fluen casts "Tornado Storm" Required: Rune of Tornadoes, Rune of Storms, Rune of Fluen Hurristorm Fluen - Grand Master Fluen casts "Hurristorm" Required: Rune of Hurricanes, Rune of Storms, Rune of Fluen Hurristorm Tornado Fluen - Grand Master Fluen casts ultimate wind spell "Hurristorm Tornado" Required: Rune of Tornadoes, Rune of Hurricanes, Rune of Storms, Rune of Fluen Fluen Class GS: Fluen Maxwell - Fluen and Maxwell's powers combine to cast "Wind Bomber" Required: Rune of Fluen, Rune of Maxwell Rhins Fluen - Fluen and Rhins' powers combine to cast "Heavy StormQuake" Required: Rune of Fluen, Rune of Rhins Rhins Class: Spikes Rhins - Grand Master Rhins casts "Spikes" Required: Rune of Spikes, Rune of Rhins Mountain Rhins - Grand Master Rhins casts "Mountain" (large ranges rise up and crumble) Required: Rune of Mountains, Rune of Rhins Quake Rhins - Grand Master Rhins casts "Quakes" Required: Rune of Quakes, Rune of Rhins Spike Mountain Rhins - Grand Master Rhins casts "Spike Mountain" Required: Rune of Spikes, Rune of Mountains, Rune of Rhins SpikeQuake Rhins - Grand Master Rhins casts "SpikeQuake" Required: Rune of Spikes, Rune of Quakes, Rune of Rhins Mountain Quake Rhins - Grand Master Rhins casts "Mountain Quake" Required: Rune of Mountains, Rune of Quakes, Rune of Rhins SpikeMountain Quake Rhins - Grand Master Rhins casts ultimate earth spell "SpikeMountain Quake" Required: Rune of Spikes, Rune of Mountains, Rune of Quakes, Rune of Rhins Rhins Class GS: Rhins Maxwell - Rhins and Maxwell's powers combine to cast "Earth Bomber" Required: Rune of Rhins, Rune of Maxwell Rhins Meis - Rhins and Meis' powers combine to cast "Eruption" Required: Rune of Rhins, Rune of Meis Rules: -Restricted Classes go to Respected RPers... Can't trust them powerful classes to people who just barely get by. If this applies to you, give me proof. -Two Paragraph Rule in effect. Every RP post must be two paragraphs or more. Penalty by Ejection. -No God-like characters. Last thing we need is people who think they're all powerful ¬_¬ -Your characters will be manipulated by the storyline, regardless. You may not control another RPer's character for a main part of your post. -No Single-OOC posts... -I will be making a cut list if this does well -More will be added once it comes to me. Taken Restricted Classes: Machine Master- Gun Sorcerer- Blade Sorcerer-aYokano Master Magess-The Harlequin Grand Summoner-Meteora Master Allrounder-Ohkami(ME)-Can do summoning,magic and uses blades and staffs. Character Creation: Name: Age: (no whacked out ages like 500 or so... keep it REASONABLE) Gender: (male or female - no hermanphrodites or anything of the sort... everyone's human, by the way) Class: (one of the aforementioned classes.. no duplicates) Weapon Type: (gun, sword, staff, rifle) Weapon Name: (name of weapon) Runes: (if summoner type only. If not, bypass) Left Leg: Right Leg: Left Arm: Right Arm: Extra: (Grand Summoner only) Magic: (magic type only. If not, bypass. Summoners do NOT fall in this category. Minimum 3 spells, Maximum 5 spells) Physical Description:Picture allowed Personality: History: [b]Name:[/b]Kimana Toki(Ki) [b]Age:[/b]17 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Class:[/b]Master Allrounder [b]Weapon Type:[/b]Swords and Staffs [b]Weapon Name:[/b]Rush Blade and Staff [b]Runes:[/b] [b]Left Leg:[/b]Rune of Tsunami [b]Right Leg:[/b]Rune of Firestorm [b]Left Arm:[/b]Rune of Draconus [b]Right Arm:[/b]Rune of Maxwell [b]Extra:[/b]Summons...I'll tell you them later. [b]Magic:[/b] Fire Arrow - shoots an arrow of fire Aqua Shower - large gush of water is hurled Raging Heat - a concentrated attack of fire is cast upon a single enemy Angel's Tears - Water from heaven heals AquaHeat Nova - fire and water combine to perform a devastation explosion [b]Physical Description:[/b]Ki has Chocolate brown hair and emerald eyes,She usually wears silver,reflective sunglasses over them so they are usually covered.She wears regular clothes with protection spells cast through them.She wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt that has a baby blue chinese coiled up dragon on the front,navy blue pants and blue and white nike joggers.[b][She's from further in the future!No clothes like mine][/b]She also wears a blue metal gauntlet on each hand.But they stop at her wrist and are made of stretchy material like normal gloves. [b]Personality:[/b]Kind,Caring,Mysterious Nature[b][You'll find out more about her later][/b] [b]History:[/b]Ki is a bit further from the future who was somehow thrown a bit back in time.She has joined with he others to stop the disaster which is occuring.When she was in her time she was entitled the Master Allrounder for her abilities at the different skills.One of the youngest to ascend into one of the 6 Legendary Titles.She lost all memory of when she was in the not so much future and only remembers being in her time.She was sent back when she was 1.So she has lived in the past time for about 16 years.No one knows about her coming from the future.All they know is that one day a baby girl appeared out of no where and has lived with them ever since.She made lots of friends and is now going to help them with the predicament. -------------------------------------------- I hope this RP does well...I'm sorry of it's length... I've been working hard on this so please obey all the rules. Sign Up and give it a try. [b]I would like a test post from an RP you have been in with no less then 3 Paragraphs long.I would like it sent to me to prove you deserve to be in this RP.Send it to me via PM not here!![/b] Have a shot...You might get in. Sign Up and Enjoy another of my RPs ~Ohkami:D
  10. Don't worry Juna. No rush.I know how people can be busy. I like the First Set because of the effect it gives. The Second Set is still good.But I like the First like klinanime1. Keep up the good work.
  11. Sakura had sat down happily and not as nervous as before.All the older Gryffindor's cheered and she just smiled and thanked them.Then she waited quietly as the Sorting Hat continued its ritual.Soon others were sorted and the tables cheered loudly to their new members.Soon it was finished and some new people she had met on the train were with her in Gryffindor. Professor Dumbledore announced that it was finished and immediately all the plates infront of them filled with food.Sakura grinned and grabbed some food.She ate it slowly not rushing herself.Soon she was done and she waited talking to some other members of Gryffindor. She started to talk to Danbee and Laura.They were still eating and talking at the same time.Sakura picked up a Chocolate Frog and unwrapped it.She took the card out of it and bit the chocolate.She munched it and swallowed.She looked at the card and saw it was Professor Narcissus.She looked at the picture and then put it in her pocket.She continued to talk to the others while imagining what it would be like at Hogwarts.
  12. I'll join but I think it should have more of a storyline. Name:Kimana Toki(Ki) Age:16 Digivolution:Card/Xevolution Digimon: [img]http://www.digimon.channel.or.jp/chronicle/image/dodomon.jpg[/img] Fresh-Dodomon [img]http://www.digimon.channel.or.jp/chronicle/image/dorimon.jpg[/img] In Training-Dorimon [img]http://www.digimon.channel.or.jp/chronicle/image/dorumon.jpg[/img] Rookie-Dorumon [img]http://www.digimon.channel.or.jp/chronicle/image/dorugamon.jpg[/img] Champion-Dorugamon [img]http://www.digimon.channel.or.jp/chronicle/image/doruguremon.jpg[/img] Ultimate-Dorugremon [img]http://www.digimon.channel.or.jp/chronicle/image/dorugoramon.jpg[/img] Mega-Dorugoramon Attacks: Dodomon-Little Iron Drop/Grain Dorimon-Metal Drop Dorumon-Metal Cannon Dorugamon-Power Metal,Cannonball Dorugremon-Metal Meteor,Bloody Tower Dorugoramon-Brave Metal,Dorudiin I can't be bothered creating a Digimon..... Xevolution is a different type of evolution...
  13. Hey if there aren't enough girls I can fight guys. In the Battle Arena I always fight guys... Now that I think about it I've never fought a girl before... Our location I think is somewhere in the US. ________________________________________________ I've decided to add something. Ki has always been a fair person and always kind but when it comes to mean people and bullies she turns rough.She gets reasonable grades for someone that has just arrived on Earth.She is an exellent fighter despite what others may think.When she has the will she can do anything...Literally.Now and again she glows with a palish yellowy orange raidience.Only special members of the school can see it(You guys).
  14. Uh what? This has no Maya in it. Name:Ki Toki Age:16 Desc:later Bio:Later Element:Nature Weapon:Later
  15. Ki decided to head out as well.She got Austin and began to ask for anyone else who wanted to come.While they were waiting for responces Ki decided to catch some new pokemon. Soon she caught one of the monkey things and she decided to name it Monning said (Mun-ning).Then she walked to water and caught a Airophin and they both went to her PC Box.She found a small crabish like pokemon and smiled saying it was so cute but then it surprised her and enlarged becoming a large crab with spikes all over it and it had giant pinsers.It was a purplish colour and began to clamp it's pinsers together at Ki.She smirked and pulled a pokeball off her belt. Ki:GO Sparks!! And she threw the pokeball.It bounced and in a yellow laser Sparks appeared and the ball returned to Ki. Ki:Sparks Thunder!! Sparks:Jolt!Jolt!Teonnnnnnnnnn!!! The crab was surrounded by thunder but shook it off although he was a bit dazed.He ran at a fast pace and clamped his pinser around Sparks. Ki:No!Get out of it!!Sparks Thunder again!! As Sparks was being crushed it charged up power and released it giving everyone a good light show.The crab let go and Sparks panted. Ki:Sparks are you ok? Sparks:Jolt! Ki:Good!Now do our Agility Special!! Sparks:Jolt!Jolt! Sparks began to do an agility drawing closer to the crab.Then it jumped and used Thunder before using an electric tackle/quick attack.The crab growled angrily and it began to glow brightly.And it opened it's pinsirs widely.Soon small balls of glowing light began to form in them and he began to spin his pincirs and then he released.Sparks jumped as high as it could.Ki saw that the attack had tired the crab and threw an updated heavy ball at it.The crab was absorbed in a purple light and it shook violently for some time before finally sealing.She sighed and returned Sparks for a well deserved rest and she decided to name the pokemon Spincer. She continued to run around catching pokemon waiting for anyone to reply with coming along on their journey.She already heard Matt,Kitty and Dayu were going off to the Grasslands then to the Volcanoes.So Ki decided to route to the grasslands and then to the ponds for some new water pokemon.
  16. Ki looked around in confusion.Win glared at her and then she looked down at Lox the half dog half cat.Then a dragon appeared and Enix called Fang bat and got on it's back to fight the dragon. Ki quickly drew her sword.Her hand was still aching a bit but she had to help.She slid her hands into position on the blade and got ready incase Enix got into trouble.Enix had a thing of getting himself into trouble.Enix was deflecting the fireballs back at the dragon but then the dragon fired three.Enix got one but the other two were headed at Kitty and herself.Kitty grabbed Lox and took off to the sky.Ki quickly sheathed the blade and did some backflips away from the fireball and they crashed into the spots where Kitty and Ki were just standing seconds ago.Ki ran around and got closer to the dragon.She dodged the stray fireballs that Enix couldn't bat away and arrived directly beneath it and began the under attack with magic and sword skills.
  17. Sakura


    I'll have a shot at it. Lore persona -------------------------- Name:Kimana Toki(Ki) Age:16 Race:Morpher Class:Morpher,Mage,Warrior? Description:Can look like anything but when not in a morph she looks like her real self out of Lore. Real life (Before being sucked into the game, of course) -------------------------- Name:Sakura Kitaki Age:16 Description:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes which are usually covered by her silver,reflective sunglasses.She wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside that has a coiled up Chinese dragon on the front,navy blue pants and blue and white nike joggers. Bio:Sakura looks like a normal teenage girl when she's at school.She's bubbly and friendly and loves to talk to her friends.But out of school is another matter.When she gets home she runs up the stairs of her double story house and goes into her room.It is packed with Technical things and futuristic things she has made.She is a computer addict and gets a lot of money from people for making programs,fixing viruses,repairing computers etc.She's also a Video game addict.She heard about the Lore game and immediately got one and decided she wanted a morpher creature so she could change with what she needed.She became engulfed in it and was addicted.Soon she became one of the top players using her computer skills.Then she was sucked in and began living the life of Ki and used her powers and strengths to gain more levels.
  18. Name:Kimana (Ki) Toki Age:Looks 14 Description:Ki has chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes and when she was in heaven she wore long flowing white robes.Now she's on earth she wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside that has a coiled up Chinese dragon on the front,navy blue pants and blue and white nike joggers and she wears silver,reflective sunglasses over her eyes so you usually don't see them. Bio:Well pretty much in the First Post and my other post on Page 2 Schedule: Items:Stationary,Books,File all in her Backpack,a Cell phone...If I think of anything else I'll post it or If I'm missing something tell me.
  19. OOC:It's ok Austin.And yes I'll let you use the Dragon Scale.Anyone can use a evolution item but not all the time and try not if you can help it. Ki:Why not? Austin smiled and held it out to Seadra.Seadra began to glow and started to change slightly and then... ???:KINGDRAAAAA!! Kingdra called out loudly before jumping into the water.Austin's other pokemon played around with the others on board.Bagon played with Rush mainly because they were both best friends like Austin and Ki. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Soon they finally arrived on the island and everyone rushed out of the boat.They were on a beach and already they could see new pokemon around,crawling over the sand and splashing in the water.Ki watched as all her pokemon ran around the area. Ki:We're finally here!! She pulled out her PokeNAv and pulled up the map.There was a bunch of dots on the beach area. Ki:So let's get going! Captain:Wait. He had come out and stood in the doorway. Captain:I was told to give these to you when we arrived. He went around and handed everyone a few different pokeballs. Captain:They're like the acorn balls from our area but they are updated versions and are better.Like for Fast Balls they can catch faster pokemon just incase there are any here like that and so on. Ki:Thankyou. Captain:You're very welcome.I will tell you when I will pick you up before I come.I'll tell you through the PokeNavs.Now take care.You can split yourselves anyway.Goodbye and Good luck.Catch lots of Pokemon. They nodded and he walked back into the ship and they left. Ki:Okay guys.We'll stick as a group for now and whoever wants to can leave and go solo if you're up to it because this is a very new place to us so I think we should stick together. ----------------------------------------- Okay so we have arrived!YAY!!!Stay on the beach for a while and catch some new pokemon.You are allowed to make up the type and name.
  20. OOC:Sorry guys but you'll have to wait for that battle of yours. The next morning Ki awoke and she rolled out of bed.She went to the bathroom and took a shower before brushing her hair and placing her sunglasses back over her eyes.She walked outside and saw it was a sunny day.Her pokemon followed her and they stretched.Ki looked around and then knocked on Austin's door.He answered and gathered his things and walked out with Ki.They walked out onto the deck and saw that they were almost at the island.They cheered and headed to the Cafeteria.They ordered some food and the others began to walk in and sit at the table.Then Ki noticed a new boy. Ki:Excuse me but I haven't seen you before.When did you arrive? Boy:I came in last night as the ship passed my hometown.I'm Gavin! Ki:Oh hi.I'm Ki.This is Austin,Kevin,Kitty,Kenji,Seion,Dayu and Matt. Gavin:Oh cool...Hey Kenji you still up for the battle? Kenji:Of course! Then a voice came out from the speakers overhead. Captain:I'm sorry both of you but there will be no time for a battle.We will be arriving very soon.You will have to put it off for another time.I'm sorry to cause any difficulties. Kenji and Gavin groaned sadly.Ki brought the match box sized object out of her pocket and pressed the enlargement button.She pressed a button and the lid flipped out to reveal a small holographic disc.There was another button that she pressed and a map hologram came out of the disc.Ki examined tthe island and saw there were many different sections.There was rocky areas,jungles,volcanoes and many other types.Then she pressed another button and a small pokemon device popped up.It was blank and Ki scrolled through it.They had to discover the pokemon and they would be recorded in the PokeNav.Ki pushed the minimize button and it returned to the matchbox like shape and went back into her pocket.Ki couldn't wait. OOC:I decided to change it...Still no one post about the island.I would have gotten to the island but I don't have time.I'll do it tomorrow.
  21. OOC:No sorry Scorpio.Because then they could have strong attacks or whatever.It's better to stick with the regulars. Ki dragged Kenji to the lower deck and into the mess hall with the others.They sat at a table and she began to introduce him to the others.After they started talking Ki got up and went to the counter. Ki:Could I have some large bags of Pokemon Food? Lady:Of course. She got the food and Ki took them back to the table.Ki whistled loudly and it was heard through the boat.There were sounds of thumping and Amber,Shadow,Blaze,Sparks and Wave ran over and they and Rush dug in to the bags as she set them on the floor gently.Ki smiled and turned back to the group.Rush finished and jumped into her lap and the others continued to si there and eat.Ki tickled his ears and he growled in a happy way. They all started to talk about random things and what it would be like on the island.Soon it was dark and they decided to get some rest for the big day tomorrow when they would finally arrive. OOC:I have decided to fast forward because we're already on the 3rd page.[b]No one post about the island yet ok?[/b]
  22. Sakura


    OOC:Sorry...I forgot I was part of this...:sweat:Heh heh... It was a dark night and you could see an outline of a figure as it raced along the rooftops.If you looked close enough you could see it was an outline of a female figure.She was dressed in full tight black leather and had silver,custom made,reflective sunglasses.She was headed somewhere in a hurry.Finally she arrived.It was an abandoned amusement park.[I know I'm not male but tough!] Girl:Odd diet for a Super Villain. Spin Cycle:What do you want? Girl:Ha!Will you never learn Spin Cycle?!Stop picking on children. Spin Cycle:I'll do as I please!! Girl:Not while I'm around you won't!! Spin Cycle:And who exactly are you girly!? Girl:My name is Elle.For Element!And I will punish you! Spin Cycle smirked and began to move around.Elle raised her hand and rain began to fall and then she threw her hand down and thunder began to crackle and boom and lightning licked across the sky.Elle brought it down around Spin Cycle violently.Then she remembered the two in the roller coaster and saw it was moving close to the track break.Elle quickly called some vines from no where and they made some tracks for the roller coaster to continue.She continued to try to hit the crazy moving villain with no success.Suddenly Spin Cycle headed towards Elle and was trying to tackle her with the force of her attack.Elle quickly flipped away and onto the roller coaster.She looked at the two males. Elle:It'll be ok...I promise.Just sit tight. Suddenly a large wind picked up and it took the roller coaster off the rails.Spin Cycle stopped momentarily and Elle quickly got some more vines and wrapped him to the ground.He growled angrily and shouted.the three of them just hovered over the entrapped villain as he squirmed around and tried to use his powers to escape.Soon he stop and he yelled loudly.Elle had somehow found his weakness and he slowly began to meltdown.Elle smirked happily and the tornado beneath them carried them back to the town and set them down at their respective places.Elle left the roller coaster with Kyle before flipping away and back over the rooftops.*You see through her sunglasses and into her eyes*They glint happily and her voice in a happy tone says(In her head):"I hope you're proud of me Mum and Dad and I hope you're watching over me...Wherever you are...I miss you...And I hope I'm doing the right things." As she landed at her home that was never sold because in the will it said to give it to her when she was of age.And when she reached the age she got it.Now she was 18.She entered the house and pulled the sunglasses from her eyes to reveal the sparkling emeralds.She shook her head and her chocolate brown hair shook out.She got to her bedroom on the third floor and took off her tight leather top and bottoms before getting into bed to relax after a hard night's work.
  23. Sakura arrived and saw some she knew and some she didn't. Sakura:[COLOR=green]Hey guys!Long time no see![/COLOR] She took off her custom made silver,reflective sunglasses and looked around at the camp they had spent so long in and now they were back.Sakura smiled and ran up into a tree.It was her favourite tree to sit in and think.She looked down on the group and saw the new boy. Sakura:[COLOR=teal]I'm Sakura.I'm another Original.Who are you?[/COLOR] Van:[COLOR=silver]I'm Van[/COLOR] Sakura:[COLOR=teal]What power do you have Van?I have the power over nature.[/color] She raised her hand slightly and vines came up behind her. Van:[COLOR=silver]*Gulp*I have the power over Iron.I can make my hands into hammers,spikes etc.[/COLOR] Sakura just nodded and scaled the tree like a squirrel and shot straight up to the top.She looked around and then jumped off the tree to land on the ground. Sakura:[COLOR=teal]So there's a new evil huh?[/COLOR] Max:[COLOR=red]Yeah.It looks like Death didn't give up without leaving another evil.[/COLOR] Sakura:[COLOR=teal]Typical villains...[/COLOR]
  24. Ki tiredly woke and saw that Rush was still asleep.Ki chuckled and prodded him gently.Him squirmed around on his back.Ki laughed and prodded him again before he woke up.Ki got off the bed and Rush jumped off and followed at her heels.As she reached the top deck she saw all the trainers' pokemon out.She also saw a boy being taken away by a security guard.She walked out and stretched.She grabbed the other pokeballs off her waist again and threw them.Vaporeon landed in the water with another splash. Ki:Go guys.Have fun and make some new friends but make sure you're back before it gets too late.You can go too Rush. All her pokemon went off to find new friends.Ki turned to the others and realised she still had her blade strapped to her back.She unclipped the sheath and held it. Ki:Haha I knew something was annoying me when I slept!:sweat: Everyone::therock: Ki:Has everyone eaten? Everyone replied with a positive.Ki pulled the PokeNav out of her pocket and flipped it open.Inside was a screen and along the bottom was a small keyboard.It was a simple but good.The Nav flippde out with a lid that flips up.It's not broken up but just flips whole and it is very thin but quite large.Then Ki discovered that there was a strange button so she pushed it and it became a as small as a matchbox.She tucked the now minimized version into her pocket and continued to talk to the others.
  25. Ki looked around and saw lots of trainers had arrived already.She let go of Rush and he ran off somewhere to play or explore and Ki talked to whoever was on the top deck.Then Ryan,Kevin and Boris walked up from the lower deck. Ki:Hi I'm Ki. Austin:Hey I'm Austin. Kitty:I'm Kitty. Seion:I'm Seion. Dayu:and I'm Dayu. Kevin:Hi I'm Kevin. Ryan:Hello I'm Ryan. Boris:Hey I'm Boris. After the introductions they talked to each other.Ki leaned over the rails and let the sea breeze whip at her hair.She reached up to her eyes and took her sunglasses away.The light of the sun shone in her eyes and they shimmered and glowed.Everyone except Austin gasped because so far they hadn't seen her eyes.She tucked her sunglasses into the front of her shirt,hanging out and started to talk as usual.She had decided it was too beautiful today to be wearing her sunglasses.She picked a pokeball off her belt and it opened in her hand.the pokemon splashed into the water and Ki jumped off.Everyone looked down and saw that Ki had landed on Wave her Vaporeon.Ki surfed around with Vaporeon and saw a group of Magikarp swim past from under them.Ki pushed off Wave gently and flipped back up onto the top deck.She returned Wave and put her sunglasses back on and walked off to the bottom deck telling them she'd be back. She continued to walk until she reached her room.She walked inside and fell back onto the bed.For some reason she felt really tired.She was about to close the door but Rush ran in.He jumped up onto the bed and snuggled against her.He must have sensed something was wrong.Ki smiled and rubbed his ears.Ki hugged Rush and then quietly fell asleep and soon after so did Rush.
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