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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. Zumara re-entered the room followed by a fidgetting Maya. Zumara sat in a chair opposite of Ashtari.There was only one chair left and it was next to Ashtari.Maya sat unsurely and got a cup of tea.Zumara picked up her cup and sipped carefully.Ashtari sipped at her tea. [COLOR=darkblue]Ashtari:This is the herbal tea you used to make for me Zumara.[/COLOR] Zumara:I'm glad you still remember. [COLOR=darkblue]Ashtari:How could I forget?[/COLOR] Maya sat uncomfortably in her chair as she drank her tea. Ashtari put down her cup and looked at Maya with a firm look.Maya shrank back and quivered under Ashtari's gaze. [COLOR=darkblue]Ashtari:You have changed a lot since the first time I saw you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Maya:Y-Y-You saw me before?I don't remember...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Ashtari:You wouldn't have remembered.It was when you were a baby.I saved you from your ruined village and brought you here to Zumara.The raiders didn't see you in your cot behind a chest.I knew you were special.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Maya:I never knew that...What happened to my parents?[/COLOR] Ashtari and Zumara's eyes met. [COLOR=darkblue]Ashtari:Have you not told her?[/COLOR] Zumara:No.I feared she could not take it.But it is time. [COLOR=darkblue]Ashtari:*takes a deep breath*Your parents were killed by the raiders.They lay in the street outside your house covered in blood and mud like many other villagers.I would not have gone to the village if not for the flames and the smoke I saw.I helped to put out the fire.The raiders were long gone and there were no surviving villagers except you and one other man who had some how escapd.Maybe there were others that were not in the village at the time.They stole all the valuable possessions and fled.I'm sorry Maya.[/color] Maya was frozen with shock and horror of the tale.She looked up at Ashtari with tears in her eyes.Ashtari felt sorry for the young girl.She was only 13 and already a large and heavy burden placed on her shoulders. Zumara:This is the reason I was reluctant to tell.I was afraid of what would happen to the happy,cheery Maya I had gotten used to. Ashtari reached into her pocket and brought out a hankerchief and held it out to Maya kindly.Maya paused and then accepted it with gratitude and a small thanks.Ashtari and Zumara smiled despite the sadness because Maya was warming to Ashtari. Zumara:This is hard on you Maya.Maybe you should go lie down and have a sleep.Ashtari will be staying for a few days. Maya hickupped and nodded.She weakly rose from her chair and slowly made her way to her room. Zumara:That was hard on the young girl. [COLOR=darkblue]Ashtari:I agree but she had to know sooner or later.[/COLOR] Zumara nodded and they picked up their cups of tea finishing the herbal drink inside.Zumara moved into Maya's chair and began to talk to Ashtari about the old times and what she had been doing and what new things she had learned.They began to talk happily but inside Ashtari's heart strained for the pain of knowing.Ashtari had gone through that too.Until she had found her long lost younger brother Xanthus.
  2. For Zane and the 3 characters on his team Maybe some people that have already signed up will play double characters? If not then this might not start or they are played as defaults and are used whenever needed and now and again Arika posts something through his view?Just some suggestions.
  3. I loved it. Yeah it took a while to load but most of it was worth it. I couldn't read the words though because they flashed by too quickly. That was weird seeing Mickey Mouse doing a somersault. I agree with Shanghai.The hodded guy should be Sora because at one point I saw some red hair sticking out of the hood.And the banded guy should be Riku because you can just tell.
  4. Sora slashed and attacked with his keyblade. Heartless:Give up!!You will never get her!! Sora:I'll destroy you!!KAIRI!!Hang On!!! Kairi:HELP ME SORA!!!! Sora dodge-rolled under the Heartless' claw as it lashed out. Sora:LET HER GO!!!This is between you and Me!!! Heartless:HAHAHA No.If I let her go you shall leave and anyway.Holding this girl disables your abilities incase you injure her.She means a lot to you and that other boy. Sora gripped the hilt of her keyblade tightly.What could he do.If he used magic he risked hitting Kairi.Sora jumped as high as he could and brought his keyblade down.At first it was aimed at its head.Then Sora changed and it was going towards Kairi. Kairi:SORA!! Then the keyblade hit.The heartless' hand was severed off.Kairi fell to the ground.Sora landed next to her.He quickly freed Kairi. Sora:Kairi go now.Go and hide away. Kairi:What about you Sora?!I already lost Riku.I don't want to lose you too. Sora:Hey don't worry.You won't lose me!Now go! Kairi nodded and ran off looking back to see Sora still fighting the Heartless. Sora smirked as the Heartless roared in pain at his severed hand. Heartless:You will pay for that Fool! Sora:We'll see about that!! Sora held up his hand and fire surrounded the heartless.The heartless roared and launched a barrage of dark energy towards Sora.He did his dodge-roll around them.And slashed at his leg before rolling away.The heartless crashed to the ground not being able to support itself on one leg.Sora took the advantage and climbed up to its head.It slashed angrily at Sora until Sora hacked at its head.He roared angrily.Sora continued until it fell to the ground heavily.Sora panted heavily and wipped his arm against his forehead collecting the sweat.Then he remembered Kairi and ran off. Sora arrived at the hut.He checked everywhere in the hut but she wasn't there.Sora searched around the island.Finally he found her in a crevice of a rock.Sora helped her out and they sat on the rock for a while. Kairi:What happened to Riku? Sora:I don't know Kairi.I don't know... They sat there together. [Screen fades out]
  5. Back to Taki Ebina's question. Can we use Ruby and Sapphire Pokemon? If so I would like Poochyena instead of Pikachu.
  6. Ki stood still.She didn't know where to go.Either follow Christian and Destiny to save Ken or to go to David's house.She looked left and right without a clue and finally decided to help David check out what was happening.Destiny and Christian would be fine together and David and herself were always good at figuring things out together.She grasped her laptop tightly and was about to run off when she remembered Arika.Ki quickly ran back and arika was staring out into the sea. Ki:Come on.we gotta go to David's house. Arika snapped out of it and nodded.They began to run because David sounded serious over the phone. Arika:What happened to Ken,Christian and Destiny? Ki:Something happened to Ken and he called out so Christian went to go help then Destiny followed. When they arrived David answered the door and he was tense.They entered and sat in the lounge. Ki:Christian and Destiny are saving Ken. David:This is serious.We are in big big BIG trouble. Arika:What kind of big trouble? David turned on his TV and pushed play on his VCR. David:This serious. It played the footage that was on the news just earlier.He had managed to quickly push record. Ki and Arika gasped as they saw the scene at the beach of David throwing a fireball at the monster. Ki:This is bad....
  7. This is the first of many I hope. She went to a fortune-teller and the lady reminded Ashtari of those years back then and she remembered.Then she let a surprise on Ashtari. "Zumara is too old to continue the girl's training.The time has come for you to fetch Maya and take her in as your apprentice." "What?An apprentice!I can't be slowed down by some young girl!There are so many things that I must do...I have promised to help the people of Kalassia."Ashtari argued but she knew she had to.It was her duty.Ashtari rose and left a bag of food for payment and left towards Zumara's cottage. The quest will start at Ashtari arriving at Zumara's cottage and picking up Maya. [b]Name:[/b]Ashtari[Ohkami] [b]Age:[/b]21 [b]Weapon:[/b]All types. [b]Description:[/b]Chocolate brown hair,emerald green eyes and a purple tunic. [b]Bio:[/b]Look above [b]Name:[/b]Maya[terra] [b]Age:[/b]13 [b]Weapon:[/b]Staff,Bow and Arrows [b]Description:[/b]Dark brown hair parted down the middle and plaited on each side with a blue ribbon tied on the end of each one,blue eyes and a blue tunic [b]Bio:[/b]Look above [b]Name:[/b]Xanthus(Don't come in until I say)[Dmitri_Dragoon] [b]Age:[/b]18 [b]Weapon:[/b]Sword,Bow and arrows [b]Description:[/b]Black curls,brown eyes and a brown tunic. [b]Bio:[/b]He is Ashtari's younger brother and is like Ashtari and helps people.He's very handsome and girls fall for him all the time.Including Maya.He flirts with girls all the time. [b]Name:[/b]Kish(Don't come in until I say)[oekakiotaku] [b]Age:[/b]22 [b]Weapon:[/b]Broad Sword,His claws [b]Description:[/b]He's half man,half dog.He has a human figure but has elongated furry ears,a moist black,slightly flattened nose,patches of brown fur on his skin,and his hands have fur on them and it ends in sharp claws. [b]Bio:[/b]A close friend of Ashtari and Xanthus.Has just met Maya and has become close.Despite his appearance he is very kind and friendly. [b]Name:[/b]Hiro Tanahama[Jubei Yagyou] [b]Weapon:[/b]Spear [b]Description:[/b]Jet black hair,blue eyes,all black samurai outfit. [b]Bio:[/b]He is Ashtari's and her group's Arch-nemises,the reason is that he was at his masters dojo that was about a day from his village.When Hiro got back the village was burned down and only one survived.The survivor told Hiro it was Ashtari and her group.But the information the villager gave him was incorrect,for it was actually a group of raiders from an enemy village.So with vengence in his blood Hiro searches to find Ashtari and her group. [b]Name:[/b]Hidetoshi Okakura(Hiro's Flunky)[Jubei Yagyou] [b]Age:[/b]24 [b]Weapon:[/b]Masamune [b]Bio:[/b]Follower of Hiro ever since his teen age,he always listened and respected Hiro.But he disliked Eiko for he suspected betrayel on her part. [b]Name:[/b]Kinomen (Ki) Nimtoen(Don't come in until I say)[aYokano] [b]Age:[/b]22 [b]Weapon:[/b]Scythe and hand to hand combat. [b]Description:[/b]On missions he wears white bandages that covers his upper body and simple silk pants(like medievil pants).When not on missions he wears a silk black robe.He has white hair and red eyes. [b]Bio:[/b]He is a assassian that was sent by Hiro Tanahama to kill Ashtari.His pass is unknown,but he was a member of a wealthy family,but nevered like the way of wealth that he nevered earned.He took the way of a assasin.He would never kill a lady...well a pretty one. [b]Name:[/b]Eiko(With Hiro)[Arika] [b]Age:[/b]17 [b]Weapon:[/b]Twin katanas,throwing daggers,twin butterfly sword,two chrome sais,shuriken [b]Description:[/b]Red tunic(tank top type),black pants,red sash around waist to hold butterfly swords and sais,daggers hidden in shoes,shuriken placed in scabbards twin katanas crisscrossed on back sheathed in scabbards,silver necklace with orb hanging,can change into ninja equipment right before your eyes and she's not even naked. [b]Bio:[/b]Girlfriend of Hiro she has stuck by him his whole life. Although learning a different style of fighting, they are a good team. Hiro seems to be the leader but sometimes Eiko defies him now and then.Has betrayed Hiro for Xanthus but has now returned to Hiro's side. [b]Name:[/b]Lennol Edbar(With Hiro)[Ben] [b]Age:[/b]30 [b]Weapon:[/b]Bow & Arrows, bow has blades on each end for close combat. [b]Description:[/b]Medium build with brown hair and brown eyes. Has baggy, sand brown pants and a navy blue shirt with a wrinkled green vest. [b]Bio:[/b]A grizzled veteran of several foreign wars, Lennol has developed a taste for action and fighting.He was roaming through a forest,toting the carcass of a dead boar behind him,when he met Hiro.They talked and Hiro convinced Lennol that life working for him would be more than enough to satisfy his need for fighting. Okay so there's the placings and everyone got a spot!! People can still join by being one of Hiro's flunkies.If not wait for next time.The Second Quest!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][u]Speech Colors!!Please Obey!![/b][/u] [color=navy]Ashtari-Navy[/color] [color=blue]Maya-Blue[/color] [COLOR=sienna]Xanthus-Sienna[/color] [color=chocolate]Kish-Chocolate[/color] [COLOR=green]Hiro-Green[/color] [COLOR=orange]Hidetoshi-Orange[/color] [COLOR=teal]Lennol-Teal[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Kinomen(Ki)-Red[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Eiko-Purple[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [u][b]Rules!!Please Obey!![/b][/u] [b]1)[/b]No Spamming!!! [b]2)[/b]No Godmodding!!! [b]3)[/b]If you are going to do anything drastic [b][i]PM ME FIRST TO GET PERMISSION AND TO JUST LET ME KNOW!!![/b][/i] [b]4)[/b]I will PM you to tell you to come in if you are one of those who are waiting for a signal.Do not post before then!! [b]5)[/b]Obey the Speech Colors!! [b]6)[/b]Obey the Rules!!These and the OB Rules!!Or I'll sink Flynn on ya!! [b]Now that all the nasties are over we can start!![/b] *~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~* Ashtari walked through the meadow.She could see Zumara's cottage a little far off. She remembered when she was a child and a student of Zumara.But Zumara was more than a teacher to Ashtari.She had raised Ashtari ever since she was 3 years old.She taught Ashtari almost everything she knows.Memories of her childhood of training and Zumara flashed through her mind.Then when she was about 14 she left the cottage of Zumara."You are ready.Now you must go and help others.Use what I have taught you." Those were the words that Zumara had told her before she left.Ashtari was reluctant to go but Zumara made her.She left sadly and silently promised she would make Zumara proud and use what teachings she had learned. She roamed the land of Arcadia going around helping those in need.Then she saw the burning village.She ran to it and saw that there were dead bodies lying in the muddy streets.Raiders had come to the village and killed the villagers.She began to get water and started to exstinguish the flames.Then she saw it.There was a cot hidden behind a wooden chest.Ashtari was almost afraid to look in case she didn't like what she saw but then she saw there was a baby girl inside and she was alive.The strange thing was she was very calm and was not crying.As soon as their eyes met Ashtari knew that the girl was special.She rescued the baby and left the ruined village whos flames had died away and began the journey back to Zumara's house. When she arrived at Zumara's house Zumara was surprised.Then Ashtari showed her the baby girl.Zumara took the girl in and said she would train her and teach her.Then Ashtari left again. Soon after that she discovered she had a younger brother by the name of Xanthus.Ashtari set out to find him as her only known family.Soon they were united and she discovered he was very mischievous and liked to play with girls' hearts.Then they travelled together helping people.They met more friends and usually travelled together. All the memories flashed through her mind and she smiled.Xanthus was off in a village after she told him she had to pick up an apprentice after seeing the fortune-teller.And she would meet Kish later. She arrived at the cottage and took a deep breath before knocking the door.Ashtari waited patiently holding her breath.The door opened and a young girl stood in the door. [COLOR=blue]Girl:Hello.Do you need business from Zumara?[/color] [COLOR=darkblue]Ashtari:Uh no...My name is Ashtari.I'm here to pick up Maya.[/COLOR] The girl looked shocked before asking Ashtari to wait a moment while she got Zumara.Ashtari waited again and soon she saw the familiar figure of Zumara. [COLOR=darkblue]Ashtari:Zumara!How are you!![/COLOR] Zumara:Ah I'm doing well!!Maya get her a cup of tea! The girl nodded and rushed off into the house. [COLOR=darkblue]Ashtari:That's Maya?![/COLOR] Zumara:Yes.Timid little thing isn't she? Ashtari smiled.Zumara always liked to joke. Zumara:Well what are you doing standing in the door?Come in!!Welcome back! [COLOR=darkblue]Ashtari:Thankyou.It's good to be back.[/color] Zumara:You must stay for a few nights!! Ashtari was about to argue but saw the stubborn look on Zumara's face and agreed and entered the cottage where she had been raised up.Despite the years it still looked exactly the same... --------------------------------------- Yay!!It's started!!Have fun and Enjoy!!Terra you can post.
  8. Name:Kimana Toki(Ki) Age:14 Description:She has chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,navy blue pants and blue and white nikes.She also wears silver sunglasses that are reflective so you can't see her eyes.She's had them ever since she has had Pikachu because of the sparks and the light. Basic Pokemon:Pikachu Bio:Ki has always loved pokemon because they were friends for life.She never really had many friends when she was young.Her main best friend was the boy next door.They had been close friends ever since they were kids and they grew up together.They both shared the same passion with pokemon.On her birthday when she was finally allowed to get her license she got a Pikachu.The boy next door also got a pokemon and they usually trained together and went out looking for new pokemon.
  9. Hero Name:Elle(Element) Real Name:Kimana (Ki) Toki Powers:Can control the elements.Make fires,lightning,water,ice,forest,earth etc. etc.Is also very acrobatic and swift. Weaknesses:Talking about her family. Description: Hero:She wears just plain tight,black leather top and pants.She wears a pair of silver sunglasses that are reflective so you never see her eyes. Normal:She wears the same sunglasses but she always wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,navy blue pants and blue and white joggers. Bio:Ki's parents were killed when she was very young.It was a group of robbers that wanted to steal her family's jewels and precious items.Ki's parents fought but lost and they were killed.Ki ran from the house and was found 2 days later in the alleyways in her neighbourhood.The police took her and put her into an orphange.She stayed there until she was 14 then she left.From then on she decided to be strong and took help defeat crime so no one else and no other children would have to go through what she did.The pain of losing her only immediate family because she was an only child.She began her life of defeating crime.
  10. "Vega's right.That card should help." Arctis held upo her hand indicating for Vega to pass it.Vetga was holding it between her middle fingers.She flicked her wrist and let go.It spun,cutting through the air and Artis caught it in the same way Vega was holding it.Arctis examined it. "What do you think Cooth?" Arctis bent down to pass the card to the cat. Cooth began to examine it carefully. "Cooth might take a while.Maybe we should introduce ourselves and get to know each other?"Arctis said unsurely. Vega nodded and she stood to speak...
  11. OOC:I meant as in Liger has different CAS Modes.If the answer's still no then it's ok. Mech Pilot-(Created) Name:Kimana (Ki) Toki Age:14 Eye Color:Emerald Green Hair Color:Chocolate Brown Anime or Manga From:Zoids Bio:Ki is a lone warrior so to speak.She travels around with her partner Shadow.They are partners and best friends.They have been together for a long time and they are usually undefeated.Whenever she battles she usually lies back and kind of relaxes but still wins.She trusts in Shadow and Shadow trusts in her.They are a great team and usually win.She has versed many of the great fighters like Jack Sisko and has won despite their advantages and experience.Now she strives for a bigger challenge. Picture: (Do you want me to post a description?) Mech-(Does this have to be real?If not I'll change this) Name:Shadow(Blade Liger) Weapons:Strike Laser Claw,3 cell Plasma Cannon attached to the underbelly,Two blades that flick out from his sides. Anime or Manga From:Zoids Other:Is an Ultimate X Organoid.Can use stealth.(Cools down and disappears so cannot be seen or tracked)Blades can be charged with energy,released like boomerangs to return and click back. Picture:[img]http://www.zoidsunofficial.coolfreepages.com/CG_Blade_Liger_perspective.jpg[/img] Is like that but is a black and has some mystical words in another language written on it in silver paint.
  12. Hey can you save me a spot for a Zoid on your team Austin? I gotta go out but I'll do the sign up later.I want the full Liger stuff.All the suits if that's allowed. I gotta go! Bye! Thanks.
  13. Sakura sat around in her bedroom.She was sprawled out on the bed again.She was so bored she finally decided to do some homework.She grabbed her bag and sat at her desk.She opened the bag and pulled out her stack of books.She layed them out and began deciding what she would start with.She reached out for her Japanese book when she heard a beeping.She opened her drawer and brought out her digivice.There was a message from Kier.She read it quickly. "Alright Renamon!!Finally a bit of action!!" Sakura jumped onto her bed and opened the drawers in her bedside table and pulled out her sunglasses and cards.She put her sunglasses on and tucked the cards into her pocket before pushing a button on the digivice.Suddenly a Digital Field appeared.Then it disappeared and Sakura and Renamon disappeared with it. They arrived in the Digital World and Sakura saw a large column of light coming from a boy and his digivice.Sakura smiled and she and Renamon ran over. "Hey Kier!!What's up?" "Hey Sakura!That was fast!I just sent that message!" "I know.I was bored to death at home and I'm so happy for that message." "Oh good I was worried I interupted something." "Just me doing homework.So what's wrong?" "I messaged everyone to meet here so we can go search for the essences." "Have you found them?" "That's what I'm doing at the moment.This column of light is searching for them.We gotta find them quick and go get them because the Darks are already trying to get them.they have locations of 3." "Then we'd better get a wriggle on.Go for it Kier!How about we scout for the others?" "Yeah that'd be great." "Right." Sakura unclipped her digivice and grabbed a card. "DIGI-MODIFY!!!DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!!!" "RENAMON DIGIVOLVED TOOOOOOOOO...........KYUBIMON!!!" Sakura got on Kyubimon's back and rode off and began looking for the others.
  14. You can post if you like Ben. Just nothing much to do with Ashtari at this point. Just talk about you're with Hiro and Eiko and Hidetoshi. And a bit about your history.
  15. Sakura

    Chrono Souls

    OOC:Hey where am I? Ki:Open our minds?Restore our former selves?What do you mean?! Amelia:Here.Take this Ki. Amelia placed the gem into Ki's hand and a bright flash emitted. The beam shot into her eyes.She fell backwards and she soon got up. Ki:Amelia!How have you been!I haven't seen you for so long!Hello Sirius. Ki gave Amelia her gem back and started to talk about what had happened.
  16. OOC:Sorry to bash in but where am I? I haven't posted for a while and what's up with the french?
  17. OOC:Krillen has retired so there is now another free spot at Tidus. As they walk deeper into the forest it became darker and there were noises of things inside the forest that weren't visible.Only limited light was available and that was what was coming from the flames in Sora and Riku's hands. Sora felt something on his head and he looked up seeing if he could see a bit of what was on it's head.He couldn't see it so he prodded above his head with his keyblade.Sora just poked it a few times and then it screamed... [color=deeppink]Kupo:KUPOOOOOO!!!!!!!![/color] [color=red]Sora:Hahaha Sorry Kupo.[/color] Kupo started hammering Sora's head from above by thumping it with her fist.Sora just sighed and waited for it to stop.She was right and soon it stopped.Sora and the group continued and Sora swore he could see some light ahead.As they drew closer he realised he wasn't imagining it and there really was light which meant the end of the Dark Forest.Everyone was happy because they had been walking for what felt like 2 or 3 days. They stepped out of the final dark trees and bush and were bathed in light.Everyone shielded their eyes because they weren't used to light.Sora and Riku closed their hands and the balls of flames disappeared with a small sizzle. Sora looked around and saw that they were in a large room with doors with keyholes in them.They had symbols above the doors that indicated which world.Sora twirled his keyblade. [color=red]Sora:Well which one should we go into?[/color]
  18. Just letting you know he scratches a lot because he's part dog. Now here's the updated list of Applications: Ashtari-Me Maya-terra Xanthus-Dmitri_Dragon Kish-Oekakiotaku Hiro-Jubei Yagyou Kinomen-aYokano Eiko-Arika I'll be leaving this open for one more day then we'll start if no one else joins.After this there will be another chance to join for the Second,Third,Fourth,Fifth,Sixth Quest.(I'm not sure we'll get that far but it's a dream:sweat: ) [b]Remember there also also spots still for Hiro's flunkies or else he'll be controlling them.[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since no one else has signed up then everyone's in. Check the Adventure Section! Have fun!!:D
  19. I don't know much about cars so forgive me. I'm with Arika!! [b][u]Racer Sign Up[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b]Sakura Toki [b]Racing Alias:[/b]Ki [b]Age:[/b]19 [b]Nationality:[/b]Japanese [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Description:[/b]Ki has chocolate brown hair that ends around the middle of her neck.Her bangs fall into her eyes and end around her top lip over the sunglasses she wears.She wears custom made silver reflective sunglasses all the time so no one hardly sees her beautiful sparkly emerald green eyes.Only on rare occasions or when doing activities that are needed for them to be removed.She always wears a blue jacket left unzipped and open with a white t-shirt inside that has a coiled up Chinese baby blue dragon on the front.She wears navy blue pants and blue and white nike shoes. [b]Personality:[/b]Ki smirks a lot and jokes around with her friends.When it comes to her enemies she gets a hard on appearance and is ready to kick anyone that stands in her way.She's tough and is a fighter. [b]Bio:[/b]When Ki was younger she trained in a martial arts dojo.She did so since the age of 6 up to the age of 16.She is very skilled in all the different martial arts including weapons.She left Japan that year off to find an adventure worthy of her.She then met up with Alex.They soon discovered they had many things in common and soon became bestfriends?.They found out about their same taste with Cars.They liked flashy things nothing dull.They were both had no family and soon became as close as sisters.They always hang out together and never have arguements like people always do. [b]Extra:[/b]Ki always carries her silver blade and her long metal pole or staff.It's collapsible and she shrinks it into a small cylinder that is as long as a match stick that she keeps in a pocket in her jacket.She has shurikens in the pockets in the folds of her jacket.Also in the cover of her jacket in the sleeve connected to her wrist is a rante that sits locked to a clip that's on an armlet when not in use.It slides on and off easily. [b][u]The Vehicle[/u][/b] [b]Brand:[/b]Toyota [b]Model:[/b]Supra [b]Color:[/b]Is silver with parts that are blue.It has a nice gloss to it as it is well taken care of.There is an anime type wolf on the bonnet.On each side there is the word in a flaming red color "Ohkami"(May be editted) [b]Speed:[/b]220 [b]Extra:[/b]NOS,Mini Computer with flat screen,turbo,blue lights,she also owns a bike the same as Alex's except has some parts that are blue on it with the silver.
  20. Sora ducked and weaved between the Heartless trying to reach Yuffie and Selphie.They were the only two girls in the group and they were being picked on by a group of heartless.They were fighting them off with Yuffie's shyuriken and Selphie's nunchuks(sp?).Sora arrived and began to slash the heartless down one by one.Soon there weren't any around them. [color=red]Sora:Are you two alright?[/color] They nodded. [color=red]Sora:Good.Shout if you need help.^_~[/color] Sora winked and then rushed off to defeat more heartless.Until he was trapped by a wall of heartless all around him. ----------------------------------------------- Riku was running around stabbing the heartless and sweeping them off their feet.He thumped them at a very fast pace.It was so fast the pole looked like it wasn't solid.He defeated one and then moved on continuing until he was trapped by a wall of heartless all around him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sora and Riku were surrounded by Heartless.Suddenly a lot of them had appeared from no where and they pushed Sora and Riku back.They felt somethhing hard and the turned around.Then they realised the heartless had put them back to back.They were surrounded on all sides.It was a circle of lots of heartless and they were in the middle of it all. [color=blue]Riku:Sora?[/color] [color=red]Sora:Right![/color] Sora and Riku each took a side-step opposite of each other and linked arms with their weapons in the other hand.They held out their weapon and began to spinfrantically like a Square dance gone wrong.They began to knock over all the heartless around them and then moved out making a path through the hertless to get out of the group.The others jumped in to help,slashing,hitting,thumping defeating the other heartless. Finally they were all gone and Riku and Sora were very dizzy and couldn't walk straight.Suddenly Leon spotted two eyes watching them from inside the bush. [color=red]Sora:Who...is....it?(He's still dizzy)[/color] [color=deeppink]???:Kupo?[/color] [color=red]Sora:*snaps awake*Kupo?!Is that you?[/color] [color=deeppink]Kupo:Kupo.You found me![/color] [color=red]Sora:What are you doing here?[/color] [color=deeppink]Kupo:I'm here to go on that quest!Kupo![/color] [color=blue]Riku:*Finally snaps awake*It's too dangerous Kupo![/color] [color=deeppink]Kupo:I'm going!Kupo!No changing my mind!Kupo![/color] Sora and Riku shrugged to the others.Kupo crossed his tiny arms in a stubborn way. [color=red]Sora:Okay.But no going back now.[/color] [color=deeppink]Kupo:Ok!kupo!Let's go Kupo![/color] [color=red]Sora:She's right.Let's go.But this next part of the forest is very dark.I'll lead the way and Riku you follow at the rear.[/color] [color=blue]Riku:Right.[/color] Sora and Riku made balls of fire in their hands to see where they were going and to watch for any heartless or other monsters.
  21. Mia:Yeah I know.come on rokusho.Let's go visit Van.He said he was pulling an all nighter to fix his,Austin's and Max's medabots. Mia got up and they left the house.As they were walking they met up with Austin. Mia:Hey Austin where are you going? Austin:Hey Mia,Rokusho.I'm going to Van's house.He said he was fixing Metabee. Mia:We're headed there too.come on. They all walked together chatting happily and proud of how they protected the museum but inside Mia still went over the scene with Arika in the museum.Soon they arrived at Van's house.They saw Van asleep on the couch with the medabots around him.They were all fixed.Austin walked over to Metabee and opened the hatch and inserted the medal.Metabee looked around and asked what happened.Austin told him about what happened.Then they sat in the room talking quietly waiting for Max to come or for Van to wake up.
  22. [b]This is from quite a while ago.I decided to start a fresh.If anyone new wants to join PM me and I'll tell you the info you need to give me.If anyone doesn't want to be in it anymore PM me as well.[/b] This is kind of the same as the game.But,Different evils(Still heartless),and Mickey isn't captured.It's Kairi that is captured. Here's a storyline... Sora,Riku and Kairi were mucking around on Destiny Island when a dark portal opened up next to them.Sora,Riku and Kairi didn't have their weapons with them.Suddenly some shadows jumped out of the portal.Some attacked Riku and Sora.They didn't see that the other shadows had stolen Kairi.The shadows disappeared through the portal and it closed.Sora and Riku panicked.Then sat and wondered what to do. In Another Place... Little did Sora and Riku know that Kairi had been captured to become the new evil.She was pushed into aa machine and was changed.When she came out she was wearing dark colours of her normal clothes.She aloso carried a staff with a sapphire orb ontop adorned with a pair of bat wings.The shadows bowed down before her. Back at destiny Island... Sora and Riku decided to round up their friends from other worlds and find Kairi.Sora and Riku collected their weapons and supplies and left Destiny Island. Okay.So we have our setup. Characters:[b]Obey the Speech Colors!!![/b] [color=red]Sora-Ohkami(Me)(Simba)[/color]-Red [color=blue]Riku-Ohkami(Me)(Genie)[/color]-Blue [color=sienna]Goofy-[b]Empty Spot[/b][/color]-Sienna [color=royalblue]Donald-FF7 Vincent(None)[/color]-Royalblue [color=navy]Leon/Squall-G/S/B Master(None)[/color]-Navy [color=orange]Wakka-Tatum(Genie)[/color]-Orange [color=orangered]Selphie-Arika(Bambi)[/color]-OrangeRed [color=tomato]Yuffie-Arika(Genie)[/color]-Tomato [color=purple]Cloud-WW2(Dumbo)[/color]-Purple [color=teal]Tidus-Krillen(Mushu)[/color]-Teal [color=deeppink]Moogle(Kupo)-Mighty Mandy(Bambi)[/color]-Deep Pink [color=indigo]Beast-G/S/B Master(None)[/color]-Indigo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sora and Riku were searching Destiny Island for any items they could use on their trip.So far they had collected cocnuts,mushrooms,fruits,rope and other such items they could find.They met back at the main hut.Sora and Riku each had a backpack full of things.In Sora's hand was his trusty Keyblade with a crown Keychain.In Riku's hand was his long metal pole/staff.They stood together and then the portal appeared.They looked at each other and then at the Islands that had just been re done after Kingdom Hearts.They wouldn't be seeing Destiny Island for quite a while.Then Sora walked forward into the swirling mass.Riku followed after him. They exited the other side of the portal.It had brought them to Traverse Town.Sora pulled the straps of his backpack to make it sit more evenly on his back.They looked around and soon spotted a group of people from many different worlds as it seemed.Sora and Riku made their way over. [COLOR=red]Sora:Hey.It's time to go.Let's move out.We'll be going through the Dark Forest first so everyone make sure you're well equiped for any battles.[/COLOR] Everyone quickly checked they had their things and followed Sora through Traverse Town and into the dark parts that they called the Dark Forest.
  23. Ki and Cooth ran into the battle. "Arctic Cage!!!"shouted Ki just as she arrived. Suddenly the Youma was surrounded by an ice cage. "Someone get him!!"she shouted to Vega and Kerika. She looked down and saw Cooth sitting next to her lickling his paws again.Ki tickled his ears and Cooth began to purr happily.
  24. Ki sighed as she sat on her bed.What would the adventure be like?It would be a hard and dangerous road like Jet had said.At least she had him for company.He would be someone she could talk to and a protector.She yawned and lied back.She got back up and went to get her bag to get ready for tomorrow.She rushed around the house getting anything she would need.Finally she got a separate bag and began to pack herbs,potions and any other healing remedies. When she finally finished she lay on her bed again and fell asleep.
  25. Name:Sora Age:15 Which Series is he in:Kingdom Hearts Weapon:A Keystaff.It's like a giant key.On one end is the blockish part of the key.Then there is the staff part and then there is the ring part of the key. Appearance:Same as Kingdom Hearts except of always holding his keyblade he holds a keystaff. Bio:He has lost his keyblade to an awful fate that occured after the sealing of Kingdom Hearts.His and Mickey's keyblades have been taken and are now being used by Riku.Now Sora goes on a quest to find their keyblades and restore them.
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