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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. Sakura

    Dragon Gem

    Fine i come from a village called Miran. Description:She has chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes(What timeline?) Bio:She left Miran in search of adventure.She had shown magical abilities at a very young age.She had set fire to a taperstry as a baby.Her parents and the other adults around were in shock and began to get buckets to collect water to put out the fire.Then they were surprised when they saw Ki also put out the fire she had created.The tapestry was half burnt and was on the floor.Ki was just laughing as she was only an infant and didn't know what was going on.After that her parents immediately began her training and lessons even though she was not older than 4 years.Soon she became 10 and had already mastered all her magic abilities and summoning.Now she does daily lessons and meditation to keep her mind sharp. OOC:I hope you don't mind me having all the magic and being aable to summon.If you do tell me.
  2. Sakura

    Utada Hikaru

    I am a HUGE Fan of Utada Hikaru. I love her songs because they're touching. It all began when I saw an ad for Kingdom Hearts. The small section of the song was pretty catchy so I read the bottom of it and they said Utada Hikaru "Simple and Clean". I immediately jumped on the net and looked for a download of the song.It took me a long long [i]long[/i] time to find it.It was very interesting.Then I heard there was an original to it.I went searching and found out the name of it was "Hikari" which meant Light in Japanese.I listened to it and examined the major differences in the lyrics.I discovered I liked the Japanese version better. After that I listened to her song "First Love".When I first heard it,it really touched me.It was so sad and emotional.About the guy she liked and then they broke up but she still loves him and won't forget him.I listened very carefully and I am seriously moved by it. Then I heard Colours.It was very interesting.All the different things she associated with colors and the memories they brought back of her boyfriend. Finally I heard Sakura Drops.It was about heartbreak and about her boyfriend again. All her songs are about her boyfriend.They broke up but she still loves him.It may be real,it may be fake but whatever it is.It is very interesting and touching. What do you guys out there think?You can comment on the songs I've mentioned or you can talk about others I havent mentioned. PS:For anyone who's wondering I understand Japanese so I can understand "Hikari","First Love" and "Sakura Drops" ~Ohkami:D
  3. Sakura

    Dragon Gem

    Name:Kimana Toki(Ki) Age:16 Village:List? Weapon/Powers:A blade,a staff and lots of magic Description: Bio: I'll fill the rest later.
  4. Can I make my second Character up? [b]Name:[/b]Ki [b]Age:[/b]14 [b]Weapon:[/b]Keyblade or Staff [b]Bio:[/b]Came to the Islands immediately after Kingdom Hearts.She made friends with Sora,Riku and Kairi.She always talked to Kairi because they were the only 2 girls on the island.And she talked to Sora and Riku for just anything. [b]Pic:[/b]N/A [b]Original Island:[/b]Destiny Island
  5. Ki:You can talk?! Cooth licked his paw and nodded. Ki:Why have you never talked before this then?! Cooth:No need to. Ki:Now there is a need? Cooth:Yes.You are Sailor Arctis! Ki:Sailor Who? Cooth:ARCTIS!I am not your pet.I was not given to you on your birthday by chance.I am here to guide you as your Guardian Beast. Ki was in shock. Coth:I must awaken your hidden powers and you must help defeat the evil. Ki remained silent as she listened to her cat talking. Ki:You're not joking are you? Cooth:No.This is the truth. Cooth jumped into Ki's arms.He jumped out again and something was nestled in her arms where Cooth was sitting.Ki held it and saw it was an object that was like an icicle.It was pointed on both ends and was sort of like a diamond. Ki:What is this? Cooth:Concentrate.does it bring back any memories? Ki closed her eyes and suddenly it happened. [i]It was a flashback of their time on the moon.It was in danger. "We must fight!![b]Artis Star Power,Make Up![/b][/i] Ki snapped her eyes open and gasped at all the memories that had suddenly came rushing back. Ki:I remember.I have to help save Earth like we tried to on the moon. Cooth:*sigh*Good you remember. Ki:There's an enemy somewhere.I don't know how I know.I can just feel it. Cooth:Good your sensing abilities are returning.Follow your instinct. Ki took off her backpack from school and set it on the ground.She held onto her ice crystal tightly.She bent down and picked Cooth up off the floor.She ran out the door and towards where she was sensing it.She arrived at an area. Cooth:Feel for it. Ki and Cooth were silent and then hand and paw pointed into the distance. Ki and Cooth:There! Cooth:You are destined to fight this with the other Senshi that have been awakened. Ki:Ok...Here goes!!Arctis Star Power,Make Up!! She began her transformation.Soon her clothes disappeared and she was wearing her fuku.Ki looked at herself. Ki:Woah...Way cool!!! She raced off into the direction with Cooth still in her arms.
  6. Ki walked out of her house.She had just finished the morning's lessons and training.At a young age she had already mastered the skills of summoning and healing and helping spells.Now she wished she could be a full Elemental Mage.They were so great.They had so much power and control.She sighed and sat on the front step of her house.But she enjoyed being a summoner and helping people.She was friends with her summons and they were very close.She sat with her staff across her lap.She ran her hand over the carvings in the beautifully polished oak wood.She looked up at the sky and dreamt of flying.She did so very often.The large blue infinity above them.She wanteds to fly up in it.To feel the breeze.She heard a sound and looked around.She smiled as she saw her friend coming. ???:Hi Ki.Still dreaming of flying? Ki:Yeah...I won't stop until I fulfil that dream.So how are you Jet? Jet:I'm okay...(He started to fidjet(sp?)) Ki:What's wrong? Jet:uh...Nothing...I'm fine. Ki:If you're sure... Jet:I'm fine, really. Ki:Okay.Just tell me if there's anything wrong k? Jet:Alright. Ki:So what's it like being a Mystic Knight? Jet:So so.Ups and downs.What about being a Healer and a Summoner? Ki:It's fun.The summons are my friends and I like to help people. Jet:Do you still dream of being a Full Elemental Mage? Ki:Yeah...They have so much power and control.You can't help wanting to be one.Jet...I'm leaving Miran... Jet:What?!Why?! Ki:I'm going on a quest to help people. Jet:It's dangerous out there Ki!And you only have healing,summons and a bit of physical. Ki:Oh well.That's what I'll have to use! Jet:No you won't!I'm coming with you! Ki:What?! Jet:You heard me!It's dangerous out there and I don't want you to get hurt. Ki:Awww thanks Jet.I didn't know you cared.I meet you in the square tomorrow morning. Jet nodded and Ki kissed him quickly on the cheek.Jet flushed a bright red and nodded.Ki smiled and walked into her house starting to get prepared for tomorrow and the beginning of her quest.
  7. Sakura


    Name:Kimana Toki(Ki) Age:16 Timeline:Future somewhere Weapons:A blade,a quarterstaff,rante locked on her wrist Spells:A lot that I can't be bothered naming Bio/personality:Tired will do later promise.tomorrow
  8. Sakura


    OOC:Sorry I haven't posted for so long. Mia woke up and decided the forests were getting boring.She needed adventure,she needed excitement!She opened her large wings and flapped them and exited her tree hollow she called her home and headed through the forests.The morning light shone through the canopy and around her giving her a golden glow.She decided since it was still morning to rest a while.She went to the waterfall again and jumped in to wake her up.She broke the surface and flew out and shook herself getting rid of most of the water.She floated over to a tree and sat watching the light shine on the water and how it made the water glow.She saw some fish swimming inside and some other marine animals.A fish jumped the surface before sinking back down into the depths.Soon unknowingly Mia drifted off to sleep in the warmth of the morning sun. When she awoke it was afternoon and she was supposed to be leaving and going on adventures.She sighed and flapped her wings and got out of the boughs of the tree she had been resting in.She yawned and flew straight up.She broke through the canopy and looked at the sky that she ever hardly saw under the thick leaves of the canopy.It was beautiful.So blue and wide.Like never-ending.And the puffy white clouds.Mia smiled happily and beat her wings hard and topok off into the distance not knowing where she was going but just following her instincts.
  9. Hey I'm Back. Name:Kimana Toki(Ki) Age:16 Description:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,red jacket open with a yellow shirt inside,murky green pants and blue and white joggers. Bio:Sakura(Old Story) taught Ki about what happened and how to control powers.Ki and Sakura were closer then just student and teacher.They were friends and Ki always talked to Sakura about her problems.She is a very curious girl and it gets her into a lot of trouble. Weapon:Sakura's blade which she gave Ki as a present and a staff made of polished oak.It has the same designs on it as the ones on the blade.And there is a metal cap on both ends of the staff. Power:She can use magic and she is very swift,agile and stealthy which gets her out of a lot of tight situations.
  10. The next morning when Mia woke up she yawned and reached into her pocket.Her hand came out and in it was the Kabuto medal.She grabbed her medawatch off the side table next to her bed where she had left it last night and ran down stairs.She flipped the hatch at the back of Rokusho opened and put the medal in.Rokusho's head snapped up. Rokusho:What happened? Mia:Mega Emperor got knocked out but as he died he let out his Death Missiles on you and you got knocked out.We met up with Arika and Kaishi. Rokusho:Really?!That's great!! Mia:Wait...They're part of the Jackers. Rokusho:What?!Aren't the both of you best friends?No,Sisters?! Mia:Yes.I couldn't take it so I ran from the museum.Later she came by and I was angry at her.Then we were happy and then I came back to reality.I asked what would happen if we had to fight each other.She said she wouldn't fight.Now we're back together and then she left.Later that she came back with a NeutraNurse and fixed you.She left a note.I was going to have to buy you a whole set of new parts.She wrote the note on my list of parts.Here. Mia passed Rokusho the piece of paper and his eyes widened. Rokusho:that's a lot of parts and that'd make a huge dent in your account.Why couldn't you just ask someone at school?? Mia:I've beaten them all.they don't want to help me.They'd rather see you down so I can't robattle.She's a true friend and sister.
  11. That's ok Arika. Hey aYokano you're automatically in with Jubei and Arika. Because they're made up characters.
  12. Name:Kimana Toki just call her Toki.I'd say Ki but that's Austin. Species: Drow with Human Age: 800 Rank:Warrior,Magic user,Sorcereress Appearance:She has Chocolate brown hair and emerald eyes because of her human blood.She usually wears either a blue robe or tunic or a forest green robe or tunic with matching pants.She keeps a sheath strapped across her back.Her skin is lightly tanned. Weapon:A silver blade without a cross-hilt.It has designs and mystical words engraved on it.The hilt has a black grip around the hilt.She also has a staff.It's made of polished oak with the same designs carved on it.On both ends there is a silver metal cap covering the butts of the staff. Bio:She is a young drow and she comes from a pretty rich family.Her mother was a human and she had the chocolate brown hair and the emerald eyes.Her father's a Drow.Her family has a lot of White elves as slaves but she is always kind to them and has made friends with one particular female elf.They talk a lot and Toki always makes sure she's treated with kindness.Some people dislike her because of her cross-breed.They're always talking about how they're pure Drow.But Toki doesn't care.She just cares that she's special and different.
  13. At the moment here is what's up with Applications. Ashtari-Me Maya-Oekakiotaku,terra Xanthus-Dmitri_Dragon Kish-Oekakiotaku? Hiro-Jubei Yagyou Kinomen-aYokano Eiko-Arika
  14. Yes you can do that.If that happens then Oekakiotaku will be open to Maya. But let me try to straighten this.you want to be Hiro's partner.Your character fell in love with Xanthus for a while amd then betrays Xanthus.Then betrays Hiro then goes back to Hiro? Is that what you're talking about?Just talk to me over PM coz this is spam and I dun wanna get into trouble with Harlequin.
  15. Ki flipped open her laptop and brought up the network.She began to tap the keys on the keyboard quickly searching for information.A screen came up and she called David over. "Hey David come and look at this...Sorry but you guys wouldn't understand the computer language." David leaned over and read the screen.Now and again Ki would tap some more keys and another page wold pop up.Ki stood and began to speak. "Okay.I have discovered that there is an evil aura floting around the city.All of you felt a wave of it today am I correct?" Everyone nodded and muttered a yes.Ki continued. "It is all a cause of the Dimension Crossing happening.As I think you already know we are not from Earth.We come from Alternate dimensions.The evil we felt is a small piece of the evil that destroyed our homes those years ago and now it's coming to destroy Earth.No one else can defeat it.Only us.The humans' guns and military weapons will do little harm to them.It's all up to us.Us and our powers." Everyone was silent.Ki thought most of them were in shock from the news she had just unleashed on them.She sat down and continued to search for anymore information.
  16. That's ok.So your bio will look like: He is Ashtari's and her group's Arch-nemises, the reason is that he was at his masters dojo that was about a day from his village. When Hiro got back the village was burned down and only one survived. The survivor told Hiro it was Ashtari and her group. But the information the villager gave him was incorrect, for it was actually a pack of wolves. So with vengence in his blood Hiro searches to find Ashtari and her group. Instead of being stronger you can make up to 3 flunkies to help you.Give me their profiles like any normal character.Other people can be them if they wish to but you are allowed to create them.Atleast one female in your group k?
  17. Ki was tapping at the keys of the keyboard frantically trying to find out what was happening.She heard the phone ring. "Hey David.I think you should get that.It's probably Arika."Ki said not looking away from the monitor.David nodded and got up.He picked up the phone and answered. "Hello?Oh hi Arika.Christian's at your house?And Destiny's on her way?Ok Ki and I'll be there in a while.Bye." Ki had overheard the conversation and was locking the network so no one else could use it.She picked up her laptop and stood. "Let's go." David nodded and they left.
  18. Ki sat in maths class toying with her pencil.She hated maths.It was her worst subject.The bell rang and she packed her bag quickly and darted out the door.That was the final period for the day.She walked through the halls as they began to pack with students.She exited the school and began to make her walk home.She put her hands into her pockets and walked slowly.She saw a shadow of something behind her but when she turned it disappeared.Ki shook it away thinking she was imagining things after the boring maths class.Little did she know it was an animal following her.Ki looked at her watch and realised she should have been home 5 minutes ago.She quickly began to run and hurdled over obstacles.She was a very good athelete and did very well in school. OOC:I don't have a Guardian Animal so I kinda need one.
  19. Name:Kimana (Ki) Age:14 Magic:Plants Bio:Ki is a normal person.Not noble and not a street rat.She has always had an interest in plants and nature.One day she touched a wilted plant and it straightened and was better.She heard of Winding Circle and decided to go there to see if they could help her. EDIT:Ki is a commoner.Not a noble but not a street rat.She has always enjoyed the company of plants and animals.She has a small plant that grows on her windowsill.She takes care of it and spends most of her time caring for it and watching it.When not doing that she is taking care of the plants in her family's garden and talking to the animals that stay there. Teacher:Briar
  20. Thank you for signing up. I have let Jubei make a new character because I have remembered that I haven't made an enemy. So Jubei instead of just being after Xanthus you want to go after all of them because they're all together and he thinks they burnt the village. I'm hoping for a few more sign ups before I decide who's going to be accepted.
  21. Can I be Sora?Tell me if I can't [b]Name:[/b]Sora [b]Age:[/b]14? [b]Weapon:[/b]Keyblade [b]Bio:[/b]Sora was caught in the eclipse and was thrown off Destiny Island again and into Pride Rock where he saw Cloud who had changed sides fighting Sephiroth. [b]Pic:[/b][img]http://www.asianweek.com/2002_09_13/images/consumer_kingdomhearts.jpg[/img] [b]Original Island:[/b]Destiny Island
  22. Ki sat throwing a ball and waiting for a bark to be heard.She heard it and threw it again.Ash raced up and down with Mia trying to catch the ball and then running back waiting for another throw.Ki heard a girl shout out a while away.Ki got up slowly and walked towards where the voice had come from.She saw a girl pushing a Charmander and an Eevee on a swing.Ki walked with Ash and Mia by her sides.She looked innocent enough but maybe she was someone from Team Ball.Ki returned Mia into her pokeball and quietly hid into a tree and told Ash to investigate for her.
  23. Hahaha good one. Thanks at the end I'll make a decision. However if no one else signs up for the part then you get it autmatically.
  24. Name:Sakura Kitana User name:Ki Age:16 Description:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,wears blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside and blue pants with blue and white joggers. And all the Digimon levels: [img]http://rabds.tripod.com/Pictures/Rika/reremon.jpg[/img] Reremon(Not very good) [img]http://rabds.tripod.com/Pictures/Rika/pokomon.jpg[/img] Viximon [img]http://rabds.tripod.com/Pictures/Rika/renamon.jpg[/img] Renamon [img]http://rabds.tripod.com/Pictures/Rika/kyuubimon.jpg[/img] Kyubimon [img]http://rabds.tripod.com/Pictures/Rika/taomon.jpg[/img] Taomon [img]http://rabds.tripod.com/Pictures/Rika/sakuyamon.jpg[/img] Sakuyamon
  25. I love YGO!! I have a mixed deck. I mainly like the dragons because they're powerful. But the faeries are useful.I use them for sacrifice,defense,healing and other such but I don't mainly use them for battle. I have quite a lot of magic cards.I love them because they are powerful.I love to upgrade my monsters and I have a lot of cards. I don't believe in "only boys" things.I am a tomboy and I don't deny it.I am involved in pretty much all the guys anime as much as others.I have in turn like Beyblades,Pokemon,Digimon,the DragonBall series.DB to DBZ to DBGT.And many others.I am a fan of all manga and anime in existence even if it should be an "only boys thing".
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