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Everything posted by Sakura
[b]Name:[/b]Kimana[b](Ki)[/b] [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Description:[/b]Ki has chocolate brown hair and emerald eyes.She wears a lightish green but not fluero green t-shirt,murky green pants and blue and white joggers. [b]Bio:[/b]Ki's parents both have had elemental powers but not Nature.When they found out she had powers they began to home school her incase another case happened.Once they didn't know.They thought Ki didn't have any powers but they were wrong.One day she was at school and someone kicked a tree and Ki felt the pain.Suddenly vines zoomed out and encased the boy that had kicked the tree.Ki could have killed the boy if her parents weren't called in time and they calmed her.After that they couldn't take any chances and they began to teach her how to control her powers.She spent time with the other people with powers and computers.She can make programs and other computer related things.She hangs out with David quite a bit because of the shared passion of computers and they usually help each other. [b]Element:[/b]Nature [b]Nature-[/b]Control over trees and animals.Can summon vines and animals and can make them do what she wants.She can make balls of vines and fire them at people and instead of exploding they cacoon the person in the vines of the ball.She can talk to animals and the trees and they answer to her.Whenever she calls they come to help. [b]Is this ok?[/b]
Sakura was sprawled on her bed on her stomach. "Renamon?"asked Sakura lazily The yellow fox-like digimon appeared. "What's wrong Sakura?"asked Renamon "It's so boring around here!"Sakura groaned angrily as she turned over onto her back. "It's a quiet time.But I have a feeling it won't be for much longer." Sakura just nodded.Renamon was always right with those things. She heard a noise and quickly ran out the door and checked what was going on.She saw a man in black entering the house.Her parents were knocked out. "Renamon?"Renamon just nodded and fased out.She re-appeared behind the burglar and knocked him out.Sakura called the police and soon they came to pick him up and Renamon was no where in sight. Her parents woke up and didn't remember what happened but they saw the broken window.Sakura was back in her room with the door closed.
OOC:Sorry Arika.I was posting in Medabots when I was doing it and there you're Akira. Ki finally escaped Felix and caught up to Azure and Tonkz. [color=navy]"I'm Ki.I think you can already tell I'm a hacker too.You get chased by the admins too?"[/color] Azure nodded."Yup.It can be annoying but that's what we get." Ki walked next to Arika and continued to avoid the 'Ladies Man'. They talked and Ki always smacked Felix with her staff if he got too close.Soon he learned and stayed away from Ki.
Mia stopped looking at Rokusho for a minute and reached into her shirt and pulled out a silver heart locket.She opened it and looked inside.There was a picture of herself,Akira and Rokusho and Kaishi in the left side and on the right side was a small note with encouraging words written on the piece of paper.Also on the chain next to the locket was half of a heart with half of "Best Friends" written on it.Mia's eyes began to water.She remembered when they took the photo and got the best friends chain.They both didn't have any brothers or sisters so they were as close as sisters.They actually even counted themselves as sisters.They had always been close and were inseparable.Mia thought about how she would react if she had to fight her best friend or sister. Mia wiped her eyes and went back to looking at Rokusho.She knew someone at school that had a NeutraNurse but they wouldn't help her because she had beaten them all and they liked Rokusho being injured so she couldn't Robattle.Mia got some paper and a pen and listed all the parts she would need to buy tomorrow and put them next to Rokusho and went off to bed. When Mia didn't know Akira snuck back into Mia's house with NeutraNurse and healed Rokusho before quickly leaving but not before writing a quick note to Mia on the piece of paper.It said: [color=purple]"No matter what happens Mia I'll always be here for you.We made a promise.I won't go back on it."[/color]
Ki looked when he heard a guy call out. [color=navy]"Who are you?"[/color]Ki said looking at him. "Oh I'm Felix!" [color=purple]"Oh yeah?And what do you want?"[/color] "I just wanted to invite the both of you to a Grunty Race at carmina Gadelica." Ki and Akira looked at each other. [color=navy]"What do you say Akira?Wanna take some time off hacking and getting chased around by admins?"[/color] [color=purple]"Anything to get away from admins!We'll come!"[/color] Felix cheered and walked with Ki and Akira and they caught up with the others. "What class are the both of you?"asked Azure. [color=purple]"Wave Twin Blade."[/color] [color=navy]"Wave-Blade Arm.What about you?I can tell you're a hacker."[/color]
This is the first of many I hope. There is a legendary sorceress in the land of Arcadia.She is known through-out the land and her name is Ashtari.She travels the land as a hero and helps those who require it.6 years ago when she was 15 she went to a village named Ambor.It was being attacked and the village was set on fire.She met a small baby girl whose parents had been killed and lay in the muddy streets.Ashtari knew there was something special about her as soon as she looked into her eyes.For one thing through the fire and her burning house she was un-usually calm and wasn't crying.Only a few people were born with powers,Ashtari was one and so was the baby girl.Her name was Maya.Ashtari took Maya to Zumara's cottage.Zumara was Ashtari's teacher and also the closest thing she had to a family as Zumara had raised her ever since Ashtari was 3 years old and she has taught Ashtari almost everything she knows.Ashtari left Maya with her old teacher and left continuing her quests of helping people. She went to a fortune-teller and the lady reminded Ashtari of those years back then and she remembered.Then she let a surprise on Ashtari. "Zumara is too old to continue the girl's training.The time has come for you to fetch Maya and take her in as your apprentice." "What?An apprentice!I can't be slowed down by some young girl!There are so many things that I must do...I have promised to help the people of Kalassia."Ashtari argued but she knew she had to.It was her duty.Ashtari rose and left a bag of food for payment and left towards Zumara's cottage. The quest will start at Ashtari arriving at Zumara's cottage and picking up Maya.There is a list of characters and no made up characters. [b]Name:[/b]Ashtari[Ohkami] [b]Age:[/b]21 [b]Weapon:[/b]All types. [b]Description:[/b]Chocolate brown hair,emerald green eyes and a purple tunic. [b]Bio:[/b]Look above [b]Name:[/b]Maya [b]Age:[/b]13 [b]Weapon:[/b]Staff,Bow and Arrows [b]Description:[/b]Dark brown hair parted down the middle and plaited on each side with a blue ribbon tied on the end of each one,blue eyes and a blue tunic [b]Bio:[/b]Look above [b]Name:[/b]Xanthus(Don't come in until I say) [b]Age:[/b]18 [b]Weapon:[/b]Sword,Bow and arrows [b]Description:[/b]Black curls,brown eyes and a brown tunic. [b]Bio:[/b]He is Ashtari's younger brother and is like Ashtari and helps people.He's very handsome and girls fall for him all the time.Including Maya.He flirts with girls all the time. [b]Name:[/b]Kish(Don't come in until I say) [b]Age:[/b]22 [b]Weapon:[/b]Broad Sword,His claws [b]Description:[/b]He's half man,half dog.He has a human figure but has elongated furry ears,a moist black,slightly flattened nose,patches of brown fur on his skin,and his hands have fur on them and it ends in sharp claws. [b]Bio:[/b]A close friend of Ashtari and Xanthus.Has just met Maya and has become close.Despite his appearance he is very kind and friendly. [color=red][b]I will be screening parts for this RP.(My first time!) [u]EDIT:[/u]Sign up for a part but at the end post why you think you should get the spot.I will choose the best.If no one else tries to sign up for that spot then you get it automatically.[/color][/b] Thanks a lot!Have a shot.You don't know until you try! ~Ohkami:D
For a while the two best friends were joined again.They laughed it up remembering the times.they were both on the floor laughing and rolling around as they continued to remind each other of the old times.Then Mia stopped and sat upright.Soon after so did Akira. [color=navy]"What if we eventually have to fight each other.How will I be able to destroy Kaishi?!He's as close a friend as you.the four of us have always been together!!What will happen when it comes to that.Dean will eventually make you and I'm the leader of my friends and I'll have no choice!"[/color] Arika and Mia sat in silence as they thought about what would happened.
Name:Sailor Arctis Age:16 Gender:Female Attack(s):Various Ice and Water spells Description:Main fuku part is white,the ribbon is a rich blue with a white center,the sache at the bottom is rich blue,the skirt is rich blue and the flaps at the top around her neck are rich blue with a white stripe around the edge.Her boots are the regular type and are also rich blue. Secret Identity:Kimana Toki(Ki) S.I. Description:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes and you always see her wearing a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,blue pants and blue and white joggers. Personality:Friendly,caring,smart like another Amy,helps anyone in trouble and will do anything to help a friend.
OOC:I'm BACKKKKKKKK!! Freya suddenly snapped to attention and realised she was tightly bounded and gagged.Freya's screams were muffled by the cloth in her mouth and Freya began to struggle as she saw the fake Freya with it's blade pressed against Zell. Soon Auron and Cecil ran into the room and saw Zell and the half man half pixie.Freya screamed louder but they couldn't hear her.She saw a small pebble near her foot and she lashed out with her foot and kicked the pebble.Auron and Cecil heard the skipping sound across the tiles and saw Freya.Auron cut her free and freya got up and rubbed her head sorely. "Thanks.I was standing in this room and then it knocked me out before I knew what was happening.Next thing I know is waking up all tied up like how you found me." Freya picked up her Lance and looked at the creature that had pretended to be her.
OOC:Enter Ki!!! "Sorry.I didn't want to interupt your playing." Ki walked up next to Dango and sat down. Dango noticed that she was carrying a clarinet. "You play?"he asked looking at his flute. Ki ran her hand over the pipe and the keys."Yup.Ever since I was little." "Play something."Dango said cheerfully. Ki began to play a soothing tune and animals began to come and sit,listening to Ki's song.Ki finished and the animals ran away. "That was great."said Dango. "Thanks.I liked your song too.Hey do you know the Rondo?" Dango nodded."Let's play!"said Ki happily. They both began to play the fast paced rondo and animals came again.
Mia looked up at Akira standing in the doorway. She turned away and spoke[color=navy]"What do you want?"[/color] Mia was looking at Rokusho.He was badly damaged and she would need to get him new parts tomorrow at the HopMart. Akira walked into the house and looked at Mia and Rokusho. It was very silent.All they could hear was clanging as Mia checked out Rokusho.What was broken and what wasn't.Then Akira started to speak...
Mia:Rokusho Pipo Hammer!!! Rokusho rushed up and thwomped Mega Emperor on the head part.The most vital part of the medabot. Dean: Death Laser!! Mia:Rokusho!!!!!!! The beam grew closer and closer. Van and Max appeared at the door and gasped.Austin held his breath. Then at the last second Rokusho crouched and jumped high into the air. Mia:ALRIGHT!!!PIPO HAMMER AGAIN!!!! On Rokusho's way down He made one more attack at Mega Emperor's head.Mega Emperor shouted and released his Death Missiles before the hatch popped out and there was a small "cling" as the medal fell to the ground.Rokusho wasn't prepared for the missiles and was hit.Rokusho flew backwards and slammed against the wall and slumped on the ground.His medal popped out too.Mia ran over to Rokusho and picked up the medal and teleported him home.Mia tucked the medal into her pocket and patted it. Van and Max ran over and Austin came out of riding.Mia smiled and then her face hardened.She looked at Dean.He growled and teleported Mega Emperor away before putting the medal in his pocket.Suddenly a girl entered the room. Girl: Dean what happened?! Dean:I lost to this girl..... Mia:Hey if you're going to talk about me at least use my name.It's Mia!!Who are you?! The girl looked up and smiled as it was dark in the room. Girl:I'm surprised you don't know me.... Mia:What?...... The girl whistled and someone or something turned on the lights throughout the whole museum.The girl took off her sunglasses and Mia gasped with shock and horror as she looked at the girl's face. Girl:That's right Mia...It's me and I'm part of the Jackers!! Austin:Mia...Who is it? Mia was in shock and stuttered out her name:A-A-A-Akira.....No..... Akira:It's real Mia.This isn't a dream you can wake up out of. Mia:But.... Van:How do you know a Jacker,Mia?! Mia was just staring. Van:Come on Mia?How? Mia:She's my....best friend....Or...she was..... Akira:I'm still your best friend Mia.But I've decided to join the Jackers. Mia:Why did you join them?!Why didn't you join us!We fight for justice!! Akira looked away and her Medabot walked up next to her. Mia:How are you Kaishi? Her friends were as stunned as Mia. Kaishi:I'm fine...How's Rokusho? Mia:He's injured from the battle with Dean's Mega Emperor. Akira:Mia...Don't be upset.We've always been best friends ever since we were born.We've always been inseperable.Don't let domething like this come between us.Please! Mia:I don't know Akira.I just don't know anymore. Mia turned and walked away and out of the museum and headed home thinking. 'The others can take care of themselves.They don't need me.No one needs me.How could Akira do this to me.We've always been best friends and now we'll have to be enemies because I have to do what's right.Even if it means defeating my best friend...'
Mia and Austin watch carefully from behind some display cases holding the 4 Elemental Medabots. Someone enters the room and Mia recognises him as Dean the boss of the Jackers. Mia decides to do something and she jumps out from behind the case and pushes her medawatch. Mia:Back off Dean!You're not getting these Medabots!! Dean was surprised.Then he smirked and pushed the button on his medawatch. Dean:TRANSPORT MEGA EMPEROR!!! Mia:ROKUSHO SWORD!! Rokusho ran out from behind the case and then ran towards Mega Emperor swinging his sword and slashing at him. Austin quietly whispers to Metabee to be ready to help Mia and Rokusho if they got into trouble.
Name:Kimana (Ki) Age:15 Description:She has chocolate brown hair,vibrant emerald eyes,a red jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,murky green pants and blue and white nikes. Personality:Kind,caring,friendly,does anything to help a friend. Bio:Ki has always loved the game and got Ash for her birthday and then she caught Mia.She loves the both of them and they are very loyal to her.She is very good in battle and has very good strategies. Pokémon:Eevee(Mia),Poochyena(Ash) Team Alliance:Against TB
OOC:I'll be the Hacker. Sakura finished typing the message and sent it.It had said: "Admins are watching you, aren't they? Yeah, I know how that must feel. If the admins are following you, then you've gotta be a hacker, am I right? I am usually right. When you log on to "The World" type in : Black Sheep. This code will let you find anyone or anything. I'll see you in "The World". Sakura smirked and logged into "the World". Ki appeared in Dun Loreig.She typed in Black Sheep and began to look for the one that she had sent a message to.She saw a girl that was very odd.She had a staff and a sword like herself.Ki walked up next to her and tapped her on the shoulder. [color=navy]"Black Sheep?"[/color] The girl nodded.Ki indicated with a tilt of the head to go away from the crowded area. They walked over and Ki looked at her carefully. [color=navy]"What's your name?"[/color] [color=purple]"Akira.What's yours?"[/color] [color=navy]"Ki.So you're a hacker?"[/color] She nodded. [color=navy]"Admins are after me too.I'm a hacker.We have to leave this area and go to another place.I say we team up then we'll have more of a chance against the admins.What do you say?"[/color]
Sign Up Mystical Legends: Act I: The tide of friendship
Sakura replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
Name:Kimana Toki (Ki) Age:16 Weapon:A quarterstaff made of polished oak with designs and words carved onto it. Class:Healer/Summoner Village:Miran Skills: Cure Life Esuna Harpies Servent(summon) Ifrit(summon) Shiva(summon) Ixion(Summon) Appearance:She has chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes and wears a blue robe. Bio:Ki has lived in the village of Miran all her life.When she was young her powers had already begun to develop her abilities.Soon she was 12 and had already mastered her abilities and summons.She is good friends with her summons so they are very loyal to her. -
Yeh you can join. My best friend's a Jacker!! Hahaha go for it Arika.
Could I have the clarinet?That's my real musical instrumenmt in real life too. Name:Sakura Age:16 Gender:Female Nickname:Ki Element:Nature Weapon:A quarterstaff made of polished oak with some designs and mystical words engraved onto it. Instrument:Clarinet or Harp
[img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/force.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b]Ryou [b]Age:[/b]How old should he be?ummm 17? [b]Weapon:[/b]A quarterstaff made of polished oak with delicate designs and mystical words engraved on it and has a metal cap on both ends of the staff.He also has a silver blade that doesn't have a cross-hilt.It has the same designs carved into the blade part. [b]Bio:[/b]When he was young his parents disappeared without a trace and he was put into an orphanage.The orphanage treated him well and din't beat him but somewhere in his memories lied that tiny piece of his youth before the disappearance.Soon he left the orphanage and went to study the arts of fighting and to find his past.He went to many types of fighting schools and passed them all and was given his staff and sword from them all as they joined together and gave him a present for his persistence and hard work and they had also heard of his quest to discover what became of his parents and their disappearance.
Name:ArcBeetle Type:Hercules beetle Medal:Kabuto Special Attack:Fireballs Name:Seagaru Type: Dragon Medal:Phoenix Special Attack:Laser Beam Name:Kantaroth Type:Hercules Beetle Medal:Kabuto Special Attack:Shooting Name:Giganko Type:Weapon Medal: Special Attack: Name:Robo-Emperor Type:Weapon Medal: Special attack: That's all I can find.I hope it helps a bit.
OOC:Hey Austin why do you say I'm from England or Europe?? Majin I'm changing it slightly.we are supposed to be guarding it after all.Sorry but delete that and follow my lead. Mia and the others gathered and discussed the plan of what to do.Suddenly Mia heard someone and whispered and said to keep quiet. Mia:Rokusho get ready.If it's the Jackers get 'em. Rokusho nodded and stood by.A figure walked in and he had a medabot.He looked around and Rokusho jumped him. The guy's medabot growled and was about to attack Rokusho. ???:Wait ShadowCat. Mia:Rokusho stop... Rokusho looked puzzled but walked back to Mia. Mia:Who are you?Are you a Jacker?! ???:I was about to ask you the same question.I'm Max.I'm here to protect the museum from the Jackers who are planning to steal the medals and Element Medabots.What about you guys? Mia:My name's Mia.These are my friends Austin... He waved and smiled. Mia:...Jacen... Jacen smiled. Mia:...Akki... He smiled. Mia:...and Van. Van said hi. Mia:We're protecting the museum too. Then Mia heard a sound.Like people on the roof. Mia:Shhhh they're here.Me and Austin are going to go ahead into the room where the Medabots are.Jacen and Akki take this area and Max and Van take the room with the Medals.If you need help call us. Everyone nodded and Mia and Austin and Max and Van went in separate directions and Jacen and Akki hid.Soon they saw some people land via a long rope and they put on Night vision goggles.
Mia looked through her wardrobe and finally found what she was looking for.She pulled out a black t-shirt and a pair of black pants.She quickly changed and looked over at Rokusho who was wearing black t-shirt and pants too.Mia looked at herself in the full length mirror and smiled. She left her room and went to the kitchen for dinner.It was Chicken Rice.Her favourite food.Mia sat down and began eating quickly.Soon she finished and put it in the sink and went back to her room for Rokusho. Mia looked at her clock on the medawatch and saw that it was close to 8. Mia pressed the button:Hey austin you ready? Austin:Check.I'll meet ya at the museum. He hung up. Mia:Jacen ready? Jacen: Done done and done.Seeya there. He hung up. Mia:Van you done? van:Yeh.I'm at Jacen's we'll meet ya there. Mia:Hey Akki are you ready? Akki:Yeh I'm on my way now. Mia looked at Rokusho. Mia:Ok Buddy time to rock. Rokusho nodded and they both left and ran to the museum.
(((Just letting you know Seeker Missiles wouldn't KOed me.They don't take that much damage off))) Mia:You're getting better Austin.I'll verse you again sometime. Austin:You can count on it. Mia:Hey Akki.Trying to make bets again? Akki just nodded.Mia laughed.Akki always loved making bets. Mia:I gotta train harder now. Jacen:Harder?!I always lose to you already!! Mia:Aww.I was out of it today.Probably because today at school was so boring. Akki,Jacen and Austin agreed.Mia was the only girl amongst the 4 guuys that were her friends.But they treated her the same anyway because Mia has always been a tomboy and fits in with boys more than girls. Mia pressed a button on her medawatch and heard someone on the otherside respond. Mia:Hey Van.Don't forget about tonight at 8 outside the museum.Wear dark clothes ok? Van:Sure Mia.No problems.Seeya then. Mia:Seeya. [[We have better models of medawatches.It's like a phone.]] Mia:You guys got that too? They nodded.Mia got up from sitting on the steps of the school. Mia:I better go before my mum worries about me.Seeya tonight! They said bye and they all headed off home to get ready for operation Protect the Museum.