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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. There is a new group of Medabot Thieves.They're known as the Jackers.They are like the RubberRobos but better,smarter and more caniving.Their leader is Dean.Their goal is to find the Ultimate Medabot and the Rarest Medal.They are in the Temple of Zion. A girl,Mia has just moved into the neighbourhood and has made a lot of friends already.She also has her own Medabot as do her friends.They like to Robattle each other but then they heard a member of the Jackers talking to another member about robbing the museum that night to steal the rare medals and the 4 Element Medabots.Mia and her friends have decided to stay up and go to the museum and guard the medals and Medabots. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (((We're starting during the day and flow into night))) [[Scorpio you can post your own thing away from us until we meet in the Museum k?]] Mia and her friends had just finished school for the day and she was talking to Austin because he wanted the Robattle he had asked her for when they first met.Mia finally gave in. Mia:Fine!But prepare to lose to Rokusho!!Transport Medabot!! Mia pressed the button on her medawatch and a light appeared and Rokusho formed. Austin:Alright!!I won't be losing!!Transport Medabot!! Austin pushed the button on his medawatch and another light appeared and Metabee appeared. Mr Referee:This is an Authorised Robattle.This will be a Submission Battle.The first Medabot to lose the medal loses.Ready?!....FIGHT!! Mia looked around and saw a crowd had formed and in the front were her other friends that she robattled with.Jacen,Van and Akki. Mia:Go Rokusho!!!SWORD!! Rokusho rushed forward and swiped with his Chanbara Sword on his left arm.Metabee was dodging and then he fired with his gun arm. The battle had begun!! ------------------------------------------------- There's the Beginning!!! If anyone else wants to join go to the RECRUITMENT SECTION!! MEDABOTS REBOOT!!!
  2. Character Sheet Name:Sakura Age:15 Element:Forest Bio:Sakura was an original Element X.She had recieved the power of the forest because of her close connection to Nature and plants and animals.She always loved walking through the forests and talking to the animals and trees and they actually seemed to understand her.During her time in the Element X camp Sakura had become a lot stronger than she was before and has mastered her abilities like summoning the Void and controlling plants and animals.One problem she had earlier was that whenever someone injured a tree she would feel pain and would either attack the attacker with vines/trees/animals or wrap them up and try to suffocate them.She couldn't control it because of her link with Nature but now she has calmed down but still feels the surging pain but nothing happens.She could have killed Max because of that last time. Background:Sakura has parents that love her well but they discourage her powers and she is never allowed to use them at home.Sakura is very upset by that and always goes outside and sits in the boughs of her favourite tree and thinks.She just talks to whoever's there and then is happy.Unlike normal teenagers she doesn't like to sit in front of the TV or in her room.She'd rather outside and sometimes she camps outside to talk to the animals. Appearance:Sakura has chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes and wears a kind of light green but not too light t-shirt and murky green pants with her blue and white joggers that stand out in her outfit of green.
  3. Okay I think I'm gonna start this. Hey Majin since no one has signed up for a member of the Jackers you can make up some flunkies and control them until someone chooses to become a Jacker.I never did ive Dean a Surname.Couldn't think of one so that's good. Everyone's in so check the Adventure Arena.
  4. Have you read the rules?! Double posting is against the rules and you've done quadruple posting.If you make a mistake use the EDIT BUTTON!!!
  5. Sakura brought out her pipe flute again and played some notes.Mia and Amber again broke through the brush. Sakura:Go find a human in these woods.Get other animals to help. But all the others heard were barks and yips. The wolves barked and jumped off.Sakura turned to the others. Sakura:They'll find him or her in a little while.
  6. Azure Wolf I was talking about actually perfecting every type of class. I don't know the servers and to tell the truth I haven't seen or played any Hack stuff. I just do what I always do and look at sites on the internet and cram info.
  7. Sakura

    Music Mania

    Sakura VS Samantha!Would you both come to the stage? They arrived and shook hands before the announcer called out FIGHT! Sakura began her fast tune on the violin until Ki appeared. Samantha played her instrument in a low sad tune as it was the bassoon and then a fox appeared and it was covered in fire. Sakura:Come on Ki!We can defeat it. Ki roared and lunged forward and slashed at the fox with his large claws.The fox dodged nimbly but was caught on Ki's last slash and it left a large wound across it's body. Sakura:Now finish it!!! Ki flapped his wings and took to the sky of the arena.He opened his jaws wide and energy began to gather.He reared his head and threw it forward releasing the fireball and the fox returned to Samantha's bassoon.Sakura held out her violin and Ki disappeared into it. Sakura is the winner!!! The crowd cheered loudly and Sakura walked off the stage. The next matchup is.....
  8. Here are the spots but JJRiddler said you can go for a taken one and he'll pick the best. Good Season 1 and 2 Dark Season 1 and 2 Good Season 4
  9. My goal would be to master being a Wavemaster and move to a LongArm,HeavyBlade,TwinBlade etc. and master all the different classes. Then I would strive to defeat all the evil and help others in need.I also want a baby Grunty.They're soooooo cute!!! I also want to be part of a group so I don't have to do all those things alone.
  10. Sakura

    Music Mania

    Sakura:'Course you can Cell. Sakura began to play a fast tune on her violin and a light emitted and the dragon appeared. Sakura:This is Ki. She said as she petted the navy blue scaled dragon.Ki lied down and Sakura climbed up.She put her hand out for Cell and he grabbed it. Sakura stood on Ki but Cell decided to sit. Kyle played his harmonica and Pegasus appeared.Sky mounted and was ready to go. Kevin grabbed his bagpipes and played those special notes and the flames appeared bringing forth the fiery phoenix.Sakura was amazed at how Kevin could get on the fiery bird without being injured. Sakura:Looks like we're all ready to go!!
  11. Sorry. I changed it and that is original.It's from a fanfic I've written but with a different character and Digimon. I hope that's ok now though. If not tell me and I'll see what I can do. EDIT:Hey don't worry about it.I was tired at the time and that was the first thing that hit me.Anyways I'm better now so I was going to fix the Bio.
  12. [color=blue][b]Hydraia:[/b]I discovered my powers when I was a baby faerie.I fell into this very lake and it was deep and I couldn't get out.Soon I realised that I could breath underwater and didn't srown.When mother realised she checked me over and I told her.She was surprised.Then everyday she let me go into the water and I became friends with your parents.They were very nice and liked to play with me.I grew up and I learned how to use my powers.Mother taught me how to summon water and I learned how to lift amounts of water.Then I was quite old and I was working on my summoning.I learned how to create Aquas. Fish:Who's Aquas? Hydraia:I never introduced you to Aquas?! The fish shook in a negative. Hydraia closed her eyes and the water around her swirled in a spiral around her and a dragon made of water appeared and roared loudly.Hydraia petted it and then she flicked her hand and it disappeared. The fish were stunned. Hydraia:Now that's Aquas.Anyways I soon learned how to summon him at a split second and became friends with him.Sadly your parents died but not before giving birth to you guys.I learned to master all of my powers and practised.Then I finished and I talk to you guys all the time when not in my waterfall area talking to the fishes there. The fish had been listening carefully and holding onto every word.Hydraia saw the time and broke to the surface of the water. Hydraia:Sorry guys I gotta go.I hope you enjoyed the story. Hydraia waved and flew off with the same blue trail behind her. She arrived back at her waterfall and saw there was a note.It said how Gaea was leaving the forests for a while and would be back within the week.Hydraia crumpled the paper and looked out the waterfall.She knew Gaea had to do it because she was going through a hard time like the time of the drought they had had.[/color]
  13. [i][b][u]Real World[/u][/b][/i] [b]Name:[/b]Sakura Mimato [b]Age:[/b]15 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Description:[/b]She has short black hair and dark brown eyes.She usually wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,blue pants and blue and white joggers. [b]Bio:[/b]Sakura was a happy child and had lots of friends until that dreadful day that would change her life forever.Sakura had gone to a friend's house for the day and then she was to walk home.Sakura thought that day was great but then she arrived at her house.It was in ashes and there were lots of police and firemen.Sakura ran up and asked what had happened.One of the firemen told her that a fire started when someone in the house left a cooking flame on and it burnt the house down along with the two people inside.Sakura screamed and cried angrily.She cried and cried as the authorities tried to calm her down. Eventually she was put in an orphanage and was very unhappy because they treated all th children cruely aand her life had taken a 180 degree turn.She was so upset and then she heard of a VR MMORPG called "The World".She wrapped herself into the game to escape her miserable life and soon became obsessed and only stopped playing for sleep,school,food,toilet breaks and any other important things to do.Soon she learnt how to hack into the game and began to become a master. [b][u][i]"The World"[/i][/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b]Kimana or Ki [b]Class:[/b]WaveBladeArm [b]Weapon:[/b]Sakura has a quarterstaff made of polished oak that has delicate designs and mystical words carved on it and on both ends are metal caps.She also has a long silver blade that has the same designs carved into it.Sakura doesn't need anything to access her magic abilities. [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Description:[/b]Ki has chocolate brown hair and bright emerald eyes that glitter.She wears a red jacket open with a yellow t-shirt inside with a black sign on it,murky green 3/4 pants and red joggers.
  14. Sakura


    Mia sort of glided out of her home which was a hollow she had found when she had just ran away from her village.It was unoccupied and was large enough so Mia could fit and live in. She breathed deeply enjoying the forest life more than her past life in the village where everyone treated her differently.She combed through her hair with her fingers and looked around.It was early morning and it was time to start her day.Mia spread her wings and flew deeper into the forests. She broke through the brush and arrived clear,tranquil and crashing waterfall that landed in a large lake.It looked like something in a fantasy.Mia smiled and dove head first into the lake.She sighed happily underwater enjoying the cool water.She broke to the surface and scrubbed her hair. After her "shower" she returned home and dried herself using large gusts of wind and sunlight.Mia decided she was hungry and left to get some fruits and berries.Her wings flapped and she flew into another section of the forest.The whole area was full of fruit trees.Berries and all the fruits you can imagine.Mia flew to a tree and pulled a basket off the branch.She always kept the basket there.Mia fluttered around picking the fruits she wanted.Finally the basket was full and she began to make her way home. Mia sat quietly in her silent home and began to eat her food slowly.
  15. Sakura stood still and the dragon swooped behind her close to the ground at a fast speed towards her.At the last second she did a backflip and she landed on the dragon's back gracefully.Sakura smirked and played some notes on the pipe flute and animals raced out from the forests with Amber and Mia in the lead. Sakura said something to the dragon but again everyone only heard roars.The dragon roared in response and opened his jaws and a ball of flames began to form in his mouth.Sakura pointed at the big group.the dragon reared his head and threw it forward releasing the fireball.The others were quickly covered by a large glowing forcefield.They turned away not knowing they wouldbe protected.They didn't get injured and looked and saw that they were surrounded by a small dome made of vines. The vines unwrapped and they saw Sakura still on the dragon with her hands stretched in front of her.The dragon began the descend and Sakura jumped off and petted the dragon. Sakura:I'll call you Drake. Sakura roared.Drake roared with pleasure. Sakura:Are you guys ok? Sky:That was amazing.... Matt:They're all dead?With one blast?! Sakura:Yup.Thanks to Drake. David:Who's Drake?! Sakura:The dragon!Come on.Let's keep going.
  16. Sakura looked at the fallen demon. Sakura:....When you killed the demon I didn't feel anything.Whenever an animal dies I get this feeling inside.... Sakura walked up to the demon and placed a hand on it. Sakura:Kill all the demons you like.They have no connection to me.They don't even have a life force.That's why I can't feel it.Demons are made of evil,ghosts,dirt anything evil and those things don't have life forces. Everyone nodded and Sakura stood brushing off her hands.
  17. Please people sign up!! Just a few more. I forgot you can also play as a member of the Jackers. The first person to sign up as Dean gets him. If anyone who signs up needs help/info/pics then just ask me. I have good sources to go to besides my brain. I'm a really big Medabots fan.
  18. Sakura

    Music Mania

    Sakura:I'm totally up for it!I love tournaments!! Kevin:But how are we going to get there? Kyle:We could ride our beasts... Cell:But people would look at us. Sakura:So how [i]are[/i] we going to get there. Sakura took the flyer and looked at it. Sakura:We can't walk either because it's really far away.
  19. Sakura

    Music Mania

    Sakura ran in playing her violin at a fast pace.The violin began to glow and a large dragon appeared. Sakura:Are you guys okay?I saw what happened.So he's Strike. Everyone slowly got up and re-collected their instruments.Mia disappeared back into the violin and Sakura looked around.
  20. [b][i]Good Digidestined Season 3 Female Sign Up[/b][/i] [b]Name:[/b]Sakura [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Digimon:[/b]Renamon [b]Digivolutions:[/b]Renamon-Kyubimon-Taomon-Sakuyamon [b]Short Bio and Personality:[/b]Sakura has lived in Japan for her whole life but on her 8th Birthday everything changed.She was on the computer.Sure it may sound strange that an 8 yr old is on the computer but she's always been good at Computing.She suddenly got an email with no address.It told her about the Digital World and the problem that had arisen about the Dark Digidestined.Sakura read intently and was mystified wondering if it was a net prank.Then suddenly the screen lit up with a blinding flash and Sakura had to turn away from the screen.She heard a beeping and slowly opened her eyes.On the table next to the keyboard a strange device had appeared out of no where and next to it was a deck of Digimon Cards.The top card was different from the others.Sakura lifted it and saw it was blue unlike the others.She looked at the strange device and saw there was a slot on the side.Something in her head told her to swipe the card through the slot.As she did the screen of the device lit up and another bright flash of light surrounded the room.When Sakura looked nothing had changed except the card had disappeared...or so she thought.She heard a noise and quickly turned around.Standing behind her was a yellow fox like creature with purple gloves that stood on two legs.The creature revealed itself as Renamon the fox digimon.Being so young se was afraid of the creature until she said that she was here to protect Sakura and to help defeat the Dark Digidestineds together.Sakura looked at the device and then at Renamon.Finally she gave in and believed Renamon.They grew up together ever since her 8th birthday and now they're best friends and always talk to each other.Sakura is a kind and caring person.She is strongwilled and will do anything to help a friend.But if she's annoyed she can be very dangerous and vicious. [b]Continent:[/b]Japan
  21. I like my guy in Real Life Fine enough! Besides me having Austin A.K.A. aYokano I have my real boyfriend.But we don't talk much in Real Life but we talk a lot over MSN. How about's Flynn and Luci?They're a real couple on both.Real Life and on OB.That is so cool.Anyone else have a double life relationship? BTW:PM me if you wanna talk to me on MSN.I'll give you my email or....you can go to my profile i think....
  22. Hahaha.Is there a pic of you somewhere? I wanna see I wanna see!!! I might post a picture of myself in the Picture Section but I might not.Stay tuned folks.
  23. Sakura bent down and sat at the dragon's head.He roared but it was muffled because his jaws were clamped shut. Sakura:Behave yourself!! All the others heard was a roar from Sakura.Sakura always communicated to animals in what she thought was english but it actually translated into the animal's speech.In this case a roar. The dragon put his head down on the ground and Sakura began to talk to it.Everyone watched with curiosity,amazement. Sakura:So you see we're not trying to hurt you but I had to wrap you up because you were going to hurt us. The dragon made a kind of muffled purring noise and Sakura unwrapped it.Everyone was scared because they hadn't understood a word Sakura had said for the past 5 minutes.Everyone readied their powers and weapons as th dragon stood.Sakura petted it on the snout fondly and told everyone it was okay.They relaxed and Sakura told them what the dragon said: Sakura:Somone told him that we were evil so he came to attack but I told him the person lied.Now I can summon him just by blowing on my whistle and he'll come.Neat huh? Everyone agreed and the dragon opened his large wings and grunted a greeting before beating his wings and taking off.
  24. Austin I got it from a random page but I found a pic of Metabee for ya.Just add IMG tags to this URL-http://www.medaclasm.hpg.ig.com.br/Metabee.jpg I also took liberty of getting the info for Metabee. Name:Metabee Type:Hercules Beetle Medal:Kabuto Special Attack:Seeker Missiles And use the Pic I gave you as Description. T Man I found out the type of Medal and Medabot and got a pic for you. Medabot Type:King Lion Medal:Kabuto [url]http://www.medabotplanet.hpg.ig.com.br/warbandit.jpg[/url] Put IMG tags on it. If anyone needs a picture or info then come to me. Have fun and thanks for joining!!
  25. Sakura

    Music Mania

    Name:Sakura Age:16 Insturment:Violin Summon Monster:A Dragon Description:Medium height for her age,chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,blue pants and blue and white joggers. Bio:She was given the violin from her father.It was easy to play and she soon got the hang of it and played it all the time and then she mastered it and summoned the monster within.
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