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Everything posted by Sakura
Name:Mia Race:Fairy if allowed "Class":Mia is a mage,a summoner and pretty good in physical combat. Bio:Mia is a fairy who has lived in the village all her life.Mia acts normal but people think strangely of her because of her wings.Mia mainly ignores them but sometimes she just has an urge to leave the big life and fly away.Even though she has lived in the village all her life she has always had a feeling that she doesn't belong there.Finally Mia was sick of her life in the village and everyone treating her strangely.She fled from the town and ran into the nearest place...the forest. As soon as she entered the forest she felt like she was at home.It wasn't the same in the village.Here in the forest she felt more complete.Mia opened her wings gracefully and flew all over the forest exploring and seeing new things.Finally she settled down and saw there was a large tree with a giant hollow in it.Mia entered curiosly and saw that someone had lived in it.Mia decided to make it her new home and got somethings and began her new life,complete in the forest. Description:Mia has chocolate brown hair that ends at her neck close to her shoulders,vibrant emerald eyes that shine with exitement and become a deep teal color when angered,casting a difficult spell that will take a lot of energy out of her or is concentrating very hard.She likes to wear a lot of rich blue.She wears a robe or tunic of the blue.She has made slits in the back of all her clothes to allow her wings to petrude out.Her wings are a fushia like color except there is more blue than pink so it makes it more of a misty blue/purple color. Other:Mia has an Elemental Blade.It is silver and is long.Instead of having a cross-hilt it just goes into a hilt.On the blade is delicate designs and mystical words written in another language.She can use the blade to cast spells and use them through the sword like Steiner's Sword magic in Final Fantasy 9.She also has a long bow and quiver full of different types of arrows.The amazing thing is that they never run out.After using one it returns.The bow is made of willow and has a string with a notch stretching from the top to the bottom.Mia chose a willow for her bow because it can bend easily and won't snap easily if handled with care.Her last main weapon is a staff.It's made of polished oak and has the same carvings on it.On the ends are 2 silver caps. I hope that's okay.It took quite a long time to think it all up.
Other than OB I go to 2 other forum boards.One of them has a RP Hack thing going on it's pretty interesting and the other has custom titles under the username and above the Avatar. It's quite interesting how there are different layouts.However the RP Hack thing really confuses me.Like the newbies aren't part of it.Only the old members that have been around for a long time.It's either they stopped it or they don't put it on newbies. The custom titles are fun because you just write anything but there's a character limit.For example mine on the other boards is "EXECUTE!!!SPIRIT EVOLUTION!!!AGUNIMON!!!" because I have the same avatar and banner in the other forum. Here's the set out for the custom title forum: Username Custom Title Rank Avatar A small profile sign,a small pm sign and a small emaikl sign. (These are quick click buttons to take you there.If you click PM on the person's name of course it will take you to a pm sheet addressed to them.The signs are a little person,a sheet of paper and an envelope.) Post count Registered date Just incase that helped.I'll post the RP Hack one soon but atm it's being updated so the site's down.
Hydraia sat in her waterfall of a home.It was really a hollow in the rock around the waterfall.She saw a red glow through the water a bit far off.'It must be Brushfire.'she thought.She saw it was raining and was confused because Brushfire never went out in the rain.She smiled as noticed that she was flying through a path of leaves that covered her.Hydraia stopped the waterfall briefly and saw Brushfire clearly.The path of leaves stopped and so did Brushfire. [color=blue]Hydraia:What's wrong Brushfire?[/color] [color=red]Brushfire:Hydraia!You know I dislike water and it's raining.I'm not leaving unless I have cover.[/color] [color=blue]Hydraia:*sigh*You should learn to be in the rain.How can you dislike such a beautiful and calming thing?[/color] Brushfire glared at her sister angrily. [color=blue]Hydraia:Okay Okay.My goodness.[/color] She created a small air bubble around Brushfire but she still didn't move. [color=blue]Hydraia:What's wrong Brushfire?[/color] [color=red]Brushfire:How does this....bubble help?![/color] [color=blue]Hydraia:Oh Brushfire!The bubble is like a barrier.You won't get wet by the rain.[/color] [color=red]Brushfire:Are you sure?![/color] [color=blue]Hydraia:YES!!Now are you coming or not?![/color] Brushfire sighed and cautiously exited the leafy path.She was still dry even though she was in the rain.She became more comfortable and flew into Hydraia's home.Hydraia made the waterfall run again and she and Brushfire sat.Soon enough Hydraia saw a green glow approaching at a fast speed.Hydraia quickly stopped the waterfall again as Gaea entered.As soon as she was safe inside the waterfall continued to flow. [color=blue]Hydraia:What's wrong Gaea?![/color] [color=green]Gaea:*puffing*Someone's poisoning our forests!!If we don't stop it...Our beautiful forests will be destroyed!!![/color]
Mia growled angrily and took to the skies and looked for golden glitters of light that indicated the innocents.She flew down and broke through the stones covering them.She quickly gathered them and lifted them from the destruction area.Mia smiled at them before flying back.But when she flew back it was too late and many innocents were lost from suffocation.Mia felt her heart rench as she felt the many innocents die and their souls leaving to their destination based on their lives on earth.Mia fell to the ground and lay in a crumpled heap of feathers and clothes.Mia stared at the sky and hoped she would meet Unas again someday and she would get revenge for the death of the many innocent lives. Mia got up weakly and spread her wings widely before flying back to the humans she had saved.Mia looked at them hopelessly.they knew that the others were dead from the look on Mia's face. Mia: Do not fear humans.You shall be protected... She said to them soothingly.She saw that she had saved a little girl and her mother. Girl:Mummy...Where's daddy? Mother:*sob*Daddy's gone sweety.But he'll be watching over you... Mia closed her eyes briefly before re-opening them and looking at the little girl. Mia: Do not fear.Your father was a brave and heroic man.He has made it safely to heaven and I can say he is watching over you and always will be. The little girl sobbed briefly before nodding and hugging her mother tightly. The mother looked up at Mia with tears in her eyes.She mouthed silently "Thank you".Mia smiled and replied to the mother in thought speak "It was no problem.Just take care of your daughter.I shall be watching over you too." Then Mia flew away with the wind of healing under her wings giving her hope after seeing the little girl and her mother.Mia sighed and left off to find other humans that needed protection or help.
Mia floated through the skies on her large feathery wings.She looked down on the world below.She heard an explosion and saw the flames.She gasped and flapped her wings and headed in the direction.She arrived and landing quietly.She ran around and checked if anyone was injured.Mia looked around trying to find a source of the explosion but no luck.They had already left the area.Mia briefly saw a figure in the corner of her eye before she was blasted by a large amount of power.Mia looked up and saw a demon. Mia:Who are you?! ???:I am your destroyer angel!!Calas Mortum. Mia quickly covered herself with her wings and they began to glow making a shield.The liquid green ball of mass hit the shield and rolled off the sides.Mia uncovered herself and her blade appeared in her hand. Mia:If you want a fight bring it on!!Heaven's Charm!!! Mia's magic spread out and surrounded the humans. Mia:Humans.Trust me and stay in the shield.It will only disappear if you wish it to go away.You can move around and shall be protected.Now leave this area at once!!Quickly!! The humans knew Mia quite well and had learned to trust her and they fled from the area as fast as they could. ???:Ha!You think your shields will protect those pathetic humans?!After I kill you I will kill them all one by one.Then you would have failed your mission down on earth Angel. Mia:My name is Mia!!And you still haven't told me your name!! OOC:Sorry if you didn't want to meet me DeathKnight but it looks like you were quite close.
Sakura looked around her forest area from the tree she was sitting in.Sakura liked the company of nature more than the busy sounds of the city.She sighed and hopped from tree to tree until she reached a bright area.Sakura flipped out of the tree gracefully and landed softly and quietly in a crouched position.Sakura was bathed in sunlight and sat and listened to the splashing of the waterfall.Sakura saw something move in the corner of her eye and quickly drew her bow and fired a bolt at it.Sakura walked over to it and saw it was a small cockroach that was slaughtered by her arrow.She checked it and saw that the head of the arrow was buried into the tree.Sakura returned to her peaceful setting and looked around.She was a deadly shot with her bow but even better with her blade.Sakura set the bow and quiver down and stood and unsheathed her blade.Sakura got into her fighting stance and slashed at a tree.Nothing moved for a few seconds then the branch she slashed at slid away from the rest of the tree and fell to the ground with a thump.Sakura smirked and sheathed her blade before seting it on the ground.She took a run and jumped into the small lagoon and broke the surface under the waterfall as she took a refreshing shower.
Ifrit,Bahamut,Doomtrain,Cactuar,Tonberry,Brothers,Cerberus and Eden. I think that's right. I'm not sure if this has been asked before but: What FF8 GF's must be drawn and who/what enemy are they drawn from.
Kaiser ran through the bushes and into the human side.Everyone gasped in shock and horror at him. Kaiser:Wait!I'm not here to hurt anyone.I just want to see the Elder. The mothers grabbed their children and held them tightly.Someone pointed to a large hut.Kaiser bowed and thanked the human and walked over to the hut. Kaiser:Elder? An old man walked out from the hut and didn't look fased by the dragon looming above him. Elder:I am the elder. Kaiser bowed:I am Kaiser.I have a brother also.For a long time I have watched you humans as you go about doing your daily things. Elder:I am aware of such things.I see you in the bushes watching intently at all the things we do. Kaiser:I think you are all very interesting.But that is beside the point.My brother and I would like to become friends with you humans. Elder:Of course Kaiser.Let's meet your brother shall we? Kaiser:Oh yes.Thankyou.Kashin!!
There are new enemies.They have come to destroy the Elemental Lighthouses like the others.Then it was revealed that there was a new Lighthouse.More powerful then all the others.The Lighthouse of Saturn.Now new heroes must rise up once again and help defeat the new evils. Players So Far Character-Element-Planet-Player [color=indigo]Sakura-All-Saturn-Ohkami(Me)[/color] [color=blue]Alexander-Water-Mercury-G/S/B Master[/color] [color=red]Jin-Fire-Mars-aYokano[/color] [color=navy]Mercule-Water-Mercury-JJRiddler[/color] [b]New Leader:[/b] [b]Name:[/b]Sakura [b]Age:[/b]17 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Weapon:[/b]Saturn Blade.A silver blue blade without a large bulky crosshilt that just stretches into a hilt.It has delicate designs carved into it and mystical writing in another language. [b]Element:[/b]All [b]Planet:[/b]Saturn [b]Hometown:[/b]Vale [b]Description:[/b]Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,rich blue tunic and pants,Mercury Blade kept in a sheath on her back. [b]Bio:[/b]Sakura has lived in Vale her whole life but never told anyone of her powers.Sakura became friends with the other adepts but still never told them.Finally she told them of her powers and they were shocked because they had never heard of her power before.Then they were told about the new Lighthouse and the new evils trying to destroy it and the others.Sakura immediatly knew her Lighthouse was in danger and gathered whoever wanted to come and left Vale on a quest to find the evil and defeat them before they destroyed any of the Lighthouses. [b]IF ANYONE STILL WANTS TO JOIN GO TO THE RECRUTIMENT SECTION!PLEASE JOIN PEOPLE!!![/B] ---------------------------------- [b]RULES[/b] 1)NO SPAMMING!! 2)NO GODMODDING 3)POSTS MUST BE ATLEAST MORE THAN 4 LINES LONG!! 4)POST FREQUENTLY AND REGULARLY 5)ANY QUESTIONS OR IDEAS PM STRAIGHT TO ME 6)OBEY THE RULES!! ---------------------------------- [color=indigo][i]Sakura,Jin and Alexander left Vale quickly.Sakura was walking at a fast pace.[/i] Jin:Sakura!Do you have to go that fast?! Sakura:My lighthouse is in danger.Along with the both of yours! [i]Sakura stopped and Jin and Alexander looked at her.She pointed ahead and there was a small creature lurking beneath a tree.Sakura walked over to it carefully and looked and the timid little creature.It was so cute.It was a blue,red,green and yellow color.[/i] Sakura:Hi little one.What and Who are you? [i]The creature looked up at Sakura.[/i] ???:I am Amber.I'm a Djinn. Sakura:A Djinn?!They're legendary and only join destined warriors!! Amber:That's right.I'm joining you.I know your cause and I think it is very noble. Sakura:Wow!!Nice to have you along Amber! [i]Sakura turned to the others and introduced them all.Sakura continued at her fast pace.Finally Sakura stopped for a rest.She went through her bag and found a roll of parchment.She unrolled it and placed her finger on a spot.[/i] Sakura:We're here... [i]Sakura dragged her finger in a north-east path and stopped on a small village indicated on the map.[/i] Sakura:And we're heading here.Be prepared because it's going to be a long walk and I want to get there by nightfall. [i]They nodded and they set off on their journey.[/i][/color]
Writing Golden Sun:the Final Lighthouse-The Story
Sakura replied to Sakura's topic in Creative Works
Oh JJRiddle we haven't started yet. Don't worry.I may be starting soon though. Thanks for the feedback. -
[b]Name:[/b]Mia [b]Age:[/b]16 in Human years about 160 in real [b]Alignment:[/b]Good [b]Race:[/b]ArchAngel [b]Short Bio:[/b]One of the highest of archangels despite her age.Many people dismiss her of her age but inside she is strong willed and strong hearted.She was sent down as a trusted warrior to fight and help the remaining willing humans from doom. [b]Weapons:[/b]Elemental Blade with designs and mystical words in angelic language carved into it,Staff made of polished oak with the same carvings and words carved into it and a sapphire orb sitting on the top. [b]Spells:[/b] [b]Terminos Fluros-[/b]She can charge her blade or staff to use a special type of magic. [b]Heaven's Charm-[/b]Heals fallen allies,protects allies that she chooses,stuns enemies for a long time. [b]Total Maximos-[/b]Calls on all the major elements and monsters rise up with their respective elements.It causes total chaos in the area and takes a lot of energuy to use it so she hardly uses it. [b]Transformas Infigurasis-[/b]Her transformation and summoning abilities.Uses them a lot. [b]Description:[/b]Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,wears a lot of blue and has large feathery wings that sprout from her back.
Kaiser had returned to the area he was watching the humans from earlier.The eating part of the feast had ended and now they were tallking and playing.Kaiser watched in excitement as the little humans ran around and squealed joyfully.Kaiser sighed. '5764 years of living and wanting to be with the humans.5764 years of torture from revealing himself to the humans he oh so wanted to meet.5764 years of the stupid mission.'he thought angrily. Kaiser heard another crunch and turned to face Kashin again. Kaiser:Kashin... Kashin: Don't worry.I'm not here to hurt you.Here's my plan... [Go for it vicky]
OOC:I'm not sure but I'll give it a shot as Kaiser.I don't usually play guys. Kaiser watched dreamily through the cover of bushes at the humans.There was a kind of feast going on.There were big humans and little humans around all dancing and talking to each other.Kaiser's navy blue tail flicked back and forth as he watched enjoyably.Somewhere in the back of his mind he heard his brother Kashin calling him but he threw it away and continued to watch happily.His beady emerald eyes watched and his ears flicked listening to their conversations. Suddenly he heard a large crunch and a roar.He looked quickly and got up on his feet.He was grabbed by the tail and Kashin took off with Kaiser hanging hopelessly by his tail but flapped his wings to help.They landed at their home and Kashin glared at Kaiser Kaiser:K-K-Kashin.... Kashin:I TOLD YOU TO NEVER GO NEAR THOSE DAMNED HUMANS!! Kaiser:But they're so interesting.... Kashin:WE"RE NOT HERE TO MESS AROUND!!WE HAVE A MISSION!! Kaiser:I know I know.You've only told me a hundred times.I'm sick of this mission!!I just want to have fun!!I want to learn about the humans!! Kashin: Don't you understand Kaiser?!If they discovered us they would slay us before we could flick our tails. The silver dragon looked down on the navy blue. Kaiser:But they're so sweet and interesting.I want to know about why there are small humans and big humans. Kashin:You will never understand!But you must stay away from them at all costs! Kaiser:It's not fair!!I want to talk to them!! Kashin growled angrily and lashed out at Kaiser with his tail. Kashin:FOOL!DO WHAT YOU LIKE!!IF YOU ARE KILLED DON"T SAY I DIDN' WARN YOU!! Kashin roared loudly before flapping his wings heavily and flying back to the tower.Kaiser just rolled onto his back and stared at the skies and the puffy clouds.He sighed and rubbed where he was hit before flapping and taking off into the skies. OOC:Sorry if it's not like you planned Vicky.I can edit it if you want.
Sign Up Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Sakura replied to Shikaku Kitoku's topic in Theater
Name:Sakura Woods Age:12 Sex:Female Eye:Vibrant Emerald Green Hair:Rich Chocolate Brown Wand:Phoenix Feather,Redwood,8 3/4 House: Year:First Personality:Sakura is a very friendly,caring,loving and helpful person.She will go to the ends of the earth to help her friends out when they're in need or trouble. Biography:Sakura has grown up in a magical family.Her mother and father was a wizard and witch and so were her older brother and sister.Now it's her turn to go to Hogwarts and become successful like her whole family.Sakura feels like she has a lot of weight put on her shoulders as the youngest that she needs to be successful like her family.Sakura was given Amber her owl and her wand for presents before she left for the train station.She had packed all the items she needed in her trunk and was ready. When she arrived at Platform 9 3/4 she was afraid but her family re-assured her and she ran through the barrier.She was amazed by the train and boarded and talked to her family with her head out the window.They all wished her the best of luck and they hoped she'd be safe and to send letters. This isn't my best sign up but I've been rushed lately.I hope I get in.:D -
As some of you may have seen this is based on an RP I'm making.I made the story first but I've only posted it now. I want feedback here and I'm not a great writer. There are 4 main characters to begin with. [color=indigo]Sakura-Main Character.[/color]-Indigo [color=red]Brendan-Her best friend since children.[/color]-Red [color=blue]Katrina/Kat-Good friend.[/color]-Blue [color=teal]Alex-Just met as they left Vale on their journey.[/color]-Teal If you want more info on the beginning storyline check the Recruitment Section. ---------------------------------------------- [b][SIZE=3]~Chapter One~[/SIZE][/b] Sakura,Brendan,Kat and Alex yawned,stretched and rubbed their eyes from sleep.They groaned and rubbed their backs from the uncomfortable night's sleep on the hard ground.Sakura and her friends grabbed their blades and strapped them onto their backs.All the blades had the same design.(Look at attachment.Minus the gun part of it.Instead it stretches straight out into a hilt without a cross-hilt)Sakura's was a a silver blue color with delicate designs and mystical writing in another language engraved on the blade.She called it the Saturn Blade.Brendan's looked like the Flame Saber in the picture.It was a fiery red color and was named the Inferno Blade.Kat's was like the Water Saber in the picture.It was a deep,rich blue color named the Tsunami Blade.And Alex's was an emerald green color called the Wind Blade. [COLOR=indigo]Let's go guys![/COLOR] Sakura looked in her bag and brought out a roll of parchment and unrolled it.Sakura placed her finger on a spot on the parchment. [COLOR=indigo]We're here...[/COLOR] Sakura dragged her finger in a north-east path on the map and stopped at a small village. [COLOR=indigo]And we need to get to here.Everyone be prepared because it's going to be a long walk.[/COLOR] Sakura said as she rolled up the map and pointed into the direction they would be heading. [COLOR=indigo]I want to get there by nightfall.[/COLOR] Everyone nodded and they began the next section of their journey. --------------------------------------------------- Ok people some feedback please. [img]http://www.rpgplanet.com/ff9/fanart/11.jpg[/img]
Name:Sakura Age:16 Weapon:Mage Blade(As we go on I'll get Inferno Blade,Arctic Blade,Thunder Blade,Quake Blade and finally the Elemental Blade) Secondary weapon:Element Arrows Armor: Head, Bandana; Body, Padded Leather; Hand, Element Armlet; legs, pants. Blood Type:O
Hydraia sighed happily and floated outside of her home and fluttered around in the rain. Hydraia saw something and floated over leaving a glittering blue trail behind her that was disquised by the rain. She arrived and saw it was a small mouse that was running to get shelter from the rains.Hydra picked it up carefully and stroked it's damp fur with a finger. [color=blue]"It's ok little one..."[/color] She fluttered off again and saw a hollow in a tree just big enough for the mouse to go in.Hydraia checked it and made sure it was empty.She set down the mouse and fluttered off and returned a while later with some dry straw she found in another unoccupied hollow.Hydraia took out the mouse and put the straw in it before placing the mouse back in. [color=blue]"There.Now if you need help from the rain ask me ok?"[/color] The mouse squeaked and fell asleep in the straw. Hydraia smiled and flew off back home for some rest.
Sakura sighed and walked away from the computer.She sat down and looked around. Sakura:We're leaving.Kyukimon and Gatomon can come with me. Sakura got up and walked out the door of the main chamber and continued to walk through the giant rooms.Sakura reached her private room and opened a cupboard and pulled out her Digivice.Sakura looked at it and brushed some dust off before clipping it to her belt. Sakura:Alright...Let's go. Sakura walked into the room where most of the digimon stayed and saw who she was looking for. Sakura:Pegasusmon!!I need you.We're leaving. Pegasusmon nodded and trotted over.They exited the mansion/castle/whatever it is and Sakura got onto Pegasusmon. Sakura:Gatomon!!DIGI-ARMOR ENERGIZE!! Gatomon:Gatomon armor digi-volved to............Nefertimon!!! Sakura and Pegasusmon took off with Kyukimon and Nefertimon following.Sakura unclipped her digivice and saw there was a red dot quite far to the West. Sakura:Head West Pegasus.Neferti follow. Pegasusmon began to fly west and Nefertimon followed beside them.
Sora destroyed crystal after crystal as he mowed through the enemies with his keyblade and magic. Then one specific crystal warrior fell.Sora looked at it evilly.It was a copy of himself.A crystal Sora.Sora ran at CS and slashed with his keyblade only to be blocked with CS's own keyblade.Sora growled and jumped back.This one was smarter than the other crystal fighters.Sora charged again and faked a slash before planting his keyblade head first on the ground and put his weight on it and pushed forward and Sora flew over CS's head and slashed from behind.CS stumbled and got up and stared evilly at Sora.Sora just smirked and stood with his arms crossed with keyblade in his right hand.CS charged and the mini battle began.
I'll try Logan. I can when I concentrate really. I'll do my best and at the moment I am doing well in War of the Fay.
Sakura got up and groaned and rubbed her head.In her hand was a clear emerald.More like a crystal.Sakura looked around and saw she was on an island. Sakura:Is anyone here?!?! Sakura cried out.No answer. Sakura:HEY!!HELLO?!?! ????:Hey hey quiet down!! Sakura looked around frantically. Sakura:Who said that?! ???:I did.Look at your hand. Sakura looked down at her crystal. Sakura:You can talk?! ???:I can do much more than talk.... A bright light flashed and a young boy about the same age as her appeared.He had the same brown hair and emerald eyes as her.Sakura was shocked.He looked like her except he was a guy. ???:Hey I'm Jace. Sakura:Sakura.Are you the emerald? Jace:Yes.I can change like this whenever I want. Sakura:Cool!So where are we? Jace:We're in Zarcadia. Sakura:Ok so why am I here?! Jace:Hey look someone's coming!!! Sakura and Jace waited and Jazz and Blaze ran up. Sakura:Hi!I'm Sakura and this is Jace. Jazz:Hey.I'm Jazz and this is Blaze. Sakura:Umm is Blaze an emerald perhaps? Jazz:Yup.So that means Jace is an emerald too? Sakura nodded. Sakura:So now what?
Name:Sakura Age:16 Power:Light Emerald Color:Clear Special Skill:Can make light anywhere and can use it as a weapon to blind people.???What powers does Light have? Weapon:Crystal Blade
I don't really mind if it's real or not as long as it isn't all powerful.Mine may be a bit stronger than all of yours because Sakura's powers are kind of legendary.Yes so as long as they aren't all powerful,have reasonable attacks and are related to your element.
[img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/elementals.jpg[/img] Elemental Fairy Sister: Name:Hydraia/Hydra Age:124 Specialties:Controls the power of water. Bios: Living in the Mystical Forest of Zanjahar, these three sisters have been on their own much of their lifetime. Not much is known about their parents.