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Everything posted by Sakura
Sakura:Give me a shot!! Sakura held her hands to the sky and flooding rains fell from the sky.Sakura panicked and encased everyone in air bubbles to protect them from the water.Sakura stopped the rain and smiled. Sakura:Way cool!! Then Sakura tried to summon like Jacen and an ice dragon popped out of the lake. Sakura:Wow....I'll call it Arctis. Arctis retreated back to the lake and Sakura continued to play with her powers.
Here's the Storyline: Sadly to say Sonic and friends have passed away and now there is a new evil.Times 2.There are 2 new enemies and they're twins.They are Slinx and Jinx the evil Echidna twins.Slinx is male and Jinx is female.They have arrived and are reaking havock around the land.Now it's up to new heroes to defeat them. [b]Name:[/b]Sakura [b]Race of Animal:[/b]Hedgehog [b]Good/Bad:[/b]Good [b]Position:[/b]Warrior [b]Description:[/b]A lightish powder blue colored hedgehog,an Element Blade sheathed strapped on her back. [b]Bio:[/b]She's a tomboy.She's been on the island ever since she was little.Now she's about 16.All she remembers is that she has been on the island ever since she can remember.She has a large piece of memory missing and hopes to discover her past. [b]Speciality:[/b]Super fast speed,martial arts,sword skills,good manuverabilities,since she's been on the island ever since little she can talk to the inhabitants.As in small animals.She can call upon any animal to help her.Hyper speed drive(she climbs a tree and launches herself off it in a flip spin and she can fly for short distances. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]RULES: 1)No MODDING!!! 2)No SPAM!!! 3)All posts must be 3 or more lines long!! 4)All posts must be more than 1 paragraph long!! 5)Don't kill anyone or do anything rash without the person's permission!! 6)ANY QUESTIONS COME STRAIGHT TO ME!![/b] I think that's all for now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sakura ran on the beach and dropped her sword and sheath.Sakura ran happily into the surf and swam out into the deep part of the ocean.Immediatly all kinds of marine animals joined her.Fish,Whales,Dolphins,Starfish,Urchines all kinds swam around her playing.Sakura grabbed onto a Dolphins Dorfal Fin and swam with everyone following.After a long time Sakura swam to the shore and dried herself off.Sakura waved to the animals and they made their calls loudly. Sakura ran through the forest and into a clearing where she saw her good friend Dr Cat at work with Dox. Sakura:Hey Doc! DC:Oh Hi Sakura. Sakura:Still perfecting Dox I see? DC:As always. Sakura and Dr Cat continued to talk unaware of what was about to happen.They would meet 2 new evils that would test their skills.
Amber was shocked. Amber:Shiro?! Shiro:I didn't know you cared. Amber:I didn't either.Why'd you do it Shiro?! Shiro:I had to.Or else Meddigo would have continued his terror. Amber:I'm just glad you're back. Amber smiled.She walked over to Shiro and passed him something.Shiro looked down and saw it was his Static Sphere.Shiro smiled and they walked to the others.Everyone began to talk about what happened and how he survived.
I think we can start now as we have the 2 main baddies. Check Adventure Forum!!
There are new enemies.They have come to destroy the Elemental Lighthouses like the others.Then it was revealed that there was a new Lighthouse.More powerful then all the others.The Lighthouse of Saturn.Now new heroes must rise up once again and help defeat the new evils. Ok now our job is to play as a character. Name-Element-Planet-Player GOOD GUYS [color=teal]Sakura-Nature-Saturn-Ohkami[/color] BAD GUYS We need atleast 2.No more then 4 Here's the info needed: Name:Character's name Duh! Age:How old.No younger then 10 and no older then 30 Gender:Male/Female Weapon:What does your character use.Also give a breif description of the weapon. Element:Either Fire,Water,Wind,Earth Planet:What Planet?Fire-Mars,Water-Mercury,Wind-Jupiter,Earth-Venus. Hometown:Where they came from Description:What does your character look like? Bio:Why are you helping?Some of you can be my friends from the start and leave with me from Vale.I need at least 1 person to leave with me and no more then 3. [b]New Leader:[/b] [b]Name:[/b]Sakura [b]Age:[/b]17 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Weapon:[/b]Saturn Blade.A silver blue blade without a large bulky crosshilt that just stretches into a hilt.It has delicate designs carved into it and mystical writing in another language. [b]Element:[/b]Nature [b]Planet:[/b]Saturn [b]Hometown:[/b]Vale [b]Description:[/b]Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,rich blue tunic and pants,Mercury Blade kept in a sheath on her back. [b]Bio:[/b]Sakura has lived in Vale her whole life but never told anyone of her powers.Sakura became friends with the other adepts but still never told them.Finally she told them of her powers and they were shocked because they had never heard of her power before.Then they were told about the new Lighthouse and the new evils trying to destroy it and the others.Sakura immediatly knew her Lighthouse was in danger and gathered whoever wanted to come and left Vale on a quest to find the evil and defeat them before they destroyed any of the Lighthouses. I will start this after I get about 5/6 Members.Also a warning.If I get too many Sign Ups I will be choosing who's in.Make the Profiles good because it will determine my choice in the matter.But you can't then I may still choose you for trying or being honest.One thing I really don't want is people making their Profiles great and then when it comes to the RP they slack off. Now I must say this as a Warning. [b]Please only Sign Up if you're going to be posting frequently because I don't want to spend time going around and reminding everyone. And also only sign up if you can post more then 1 paragraph per post because I have seen lots of people that just write 1,2 or 3 lines and leave it. One more is don't sign up if can't obey rules because when it starts there will be rules and if you cannot abide by them then please do not sign up.[/b] Sign up and Enjoy. [b]If anyone has any suggestions or want to know something please feel free to PM me.And please even if you haven't played the game before still sign up because it's away from the plotline so all you need to learn are the basics which I and some others can help you with.[/b] Sorry for all the warnings and everything but from previous experiences I know what happens and what can happen so I'm becoming stricter and I have never had to choose members for a RP but I will start. Sorry again:D Ohkami
I guess so. Go ahead Vick. I'll start as soon as I get a Slinx.
[b]Real World:[/b] [b]Name:[/b]Sakura [b]Appearance:[/b]Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,blue pants and blue and white nikes. [b]Bio:[/b]Loves PETS and got Slinx for her birthday when she was young. [b]Personality:[/b]Friendly,fun,great person to be around,caring [b]Bit chips:[/b]Frost Bite,Ice Blade,Blizzard Slash,Dry Ice [b]Special Technique:[/b]Howling _______(Element) [b]Net Navi:[/b] [b]Name:[/b]Slinx [b]Appearance:[/b]Looks like a metal navy blue wolf on 2 legs with a sword in a sheath on his waist. [b]Bio:[/b]Sakura and Slinx are best friends because Sakura got Slinx for a present at a young age and Slinx took care of her.
Sakura looked at Jacen. She turned back to David Sakura:So what you're saying is we have to save the world?! David:I guess so. Sakura:I think everyone already knows who they're connected to.When we first all came together we felt some power flow between you and your connection and you were drawn together.I can say right now I know I'm connected with Jacen. Everyone nodded and looked to the person they were talking to earlier.
OOC:I think so. ----------------------------------------------------- Amber sat on a rock far from the camp.She was crying. [color=teal]Amber:Why do I feel this way?!I hated him!!I hated him for everything and what he had done!So why am I so sad?![/color] Amber continued to search her thoughts. After a long time she staggered back to camp.Her eyes were red and puffy as she had been crying for a long time. David walked up to her and he was carrying something.Amber couldn't focus on anything because her vision was blurry from tears. David:Here Amber. Amber accepted it and discovered it was the Static Sphere.A tear rolled down her cheek and onto the sphere and slipped down the side and onto the ground.The lit up and a hologram of Shiro came out of it. Amber looked at the hologram wondering if the hologram was there for a reason.To tell them something. [Vilearchangemon post here.And are you really gone?]
OOC:Can someone from Rainbow Alliance join me? It said on the last page.anyone at all.
Amber woke up later that night. Amber:Where's Shiro?! David:Amber...He's....Gone... Amber:What?!What do you mean gone?! David:He died...as he killed Meddigo. Amber:No!He can't die!! David:Amber...I'm sorry.He said to tell you he was sorry. Amber:NO!He can't die!! Amber got up and ran from the camp.Leigh was about to go after her but David held her back. David:She needs time to think and let it sink in....
Sakura continued to run.Then she felt something.Like someone was following her.Sakura span aronund quickly and saw 2 men. Sakura:Who are you?!What do you want?! Enix:Are you Sakura? Sakura:Who's asking?! Sakura unsheathed her blade and held it in fighting stance. Enix:I am Enix and he's Thomas.We're finding Dragon Soul carriers.You have one. Sakura:I know I have one.His name is Arctis.The power of Ice.Although sometimes I can't control it. Thomas:We are here from a boy named Cross.We're here to bring you to him and so we can all get together.All the Dragon Soul Carriers. Sakura straightened and nodded sheathing her blade. Sakura:Lead the way.Usually I would fight someone who said something like that but I have a feeling you're telling the truth.
Nice to see you all again and some new memebers.Yes you can be 2. Vicky you are the only other baddy I'm allowing then Slinx and Jinx.
I'm trying again.Last time my Sonic RP was ruined by someone who I will not name but lots of people know who he is. Here's the Storyline: Sadly to say Sonic and friends have passed away and now there is a new evil.Times 2.There are 2 new enemies and they're twins.They are Slinx and Jinx the evil Echidna twins.Slinx is male and Jinx is female.They have arrived and are reaking havock around the land.Now it's up to new heroes to defeat them. Ok so what you need is:NO OLD CHARACTERS!! Name:Name of Character Race of Animal:What race?Fox,Echidna,Porcupine,Hedgehog etc. Good/Bad: [b]Position****Look down!!!Very Important!!![/b] Description:What does your character look like Bio:Why you're helping defeat Slinx and Jinx Specialities/Attacks:Special things about you or any special attacks Before I say anything else.About [b]Position[/b].Here's a list of positions. Scientist [b]Computer Wizz[/b]---Desperately need one!!!Someone to replace Tails!! Warrior---Please I [b]beg[/b] you.Don't all be warriors!!! Medic--Depends.Helpful if we had one. I think that's all.If there's any more I will edit it. Here's my Profile. [b]Name:[/b]Sakura [b]Race of Animal:[/b]Hedgehog [b]Good/Bad:[/b]Good [b]Position:[/b]Warrior [b]Description:[/b]A lightish powder blue colored hedgehog,an Element Blade sheathed strapped on her back. [b]Bio:[/b]She's a tomboy.She's been on the island ever since she was little.Now she's about 16.All she remembers is that she has been on the island ever since she can remember.She has a ;large piece of memory missing and hopes to discover her past. [b]Speciality:[/b]Super fast speed,martial arts,sword skills,good manuverabilities,since she's been on the island ever since little she can talk to the inhabitants.As in small animals.She can call upon any animal to help her.Hyper speed drive(she climbs a tree and launches herself off it in a flip spin and she can fly for short distances. [b]Now if anyone wants to be Slinx or Jinx PM me and I will give you the necessary info for the characters.[/b] I will start the RP after I get about 5 or 6 characters including the 2 villains. Have Fun and Enjoy!! Thanks:D Ohkami PS:If anyone has any suggestions feel free to PM me:D
Sakura looked around and then she felt that feeling.She looked around again and saw the closest person to her was a boy Jacen. Sakura:Hey Jacen.Do you feel that? Jacen nodded and Sakura looked at the others.A new boy had just arrived.She heard his name was David.Jacen and Sakura stood together talking about things and getting to know each other. Sakura:I always wear these clothes because wherever I go I have a feeling that it will rain heavily and it always does.Even on the finest and sunniest days of summer.It's very strange but after it people act like the rain didn't happen. Sakura and Jacen talked some more and walked over to the others. OOC:Sorry it's bad but my mind's blank at the moment.
I understand:D It's fine I love Nature,Water and Ice.
Hey Kesaki if you want us 2 can DNA digivolve. I'm considered a Wolf right?
They finally arrived and walked into the hotel. Boy:Hi.I know you guys are Chosen Ones.I'm Scott. Girl:Yup.We just arrived.I'm Cecilia.We're looking for the Ultimate Chosen One. Sakura stood. Sakura:Hi.It's nice to meet the both of you...I'm Sakura...The Ultimate Chosen One but I wish I wasn't... Scott:Why not Sakura? Sakura:Haven't you seen the destruction and terror outside and even in this hotel?! Everyone looked around and saw some of the hotel was collapsing. Cecilia:Yes.We've seen.But what does that have to do with you? Sakura:I am the cause of all this. *waves hand* Scott:But how?! Sakura:This is all because of a foolish girl with a large curiosity. Everyone looked sadly at Sakura.No one could comfort her. Sakura looked up with strength in her eyes speaking to the whole group. Sakura:But I'm not going to sit around and let it pass.That is why you're all here.You are chosen Ones.Chosen to help me defeat the Mooners and retrieve their crystals to return our land to the way it was originally. Everyone nodded and looked at Sakura happily.She was brave and courageous.No one doubted that but would she give up in their time of need?That was their real question. Sakura:I will need all of your help.Because after we defeat the Ultimate Mooners and take their crystals there will be one final evil to overcome and I will need your help to defeat him. Sakura sat and everyone congratulated her because it was a hard thing to do to admit to doing something wrong and she did it strongly.Sakura crossed her arms on the bar and rested her head on them.A fat chubby tear rolled down her face and onto her arm and more followed in a silent flow.A pleed for help and strength.Why did bad things happen to her.No one knows but she hopes to find out.
Sakura signalled to the others and they all ran.Sakura shot at Meddigo with her glaive and the others with Legendary Weapons helped by shooting. The others ran.Amber cast a spell and made a cacoon of branches around Meddigo. Amber:Go!!that'll keep him for a little while. Everyone ran faster and soon Amber heard Meddigo break free and felt the ground shake as he ran after them.Amber used lots of her magic to try to stop Meddigo by tripping him or anything of the sort.Soon she began to feel faint from using too much power.She fell to the ground.David quickly picked her up and carried her.
Sakura grabbed her sword and ran with the others to search in Mossflower Woods. Sakura caught up to Skipper. Sakura:Reckon it was because they found out it's forbidden now? Skipper:I'd bet my Supper on it.They love these Woods. Sakura nodded and looked around trying to see any sign of them.Then she stopped suddenly. Sakura:Skip!!Look!! Sakura pointed at a branch and it had a patch of cloth snagged on it.Sakura and Skipper ran over to it.Sakura pulled the cloth free and saw it was a piece off Rip's shirt.Sakura and Skip looked at each other in fright.The dibbuns had headed into the deeper and more dangerous part of Mossflower Woods where swamprats,foxes and other enemies lurked.
Sakura looked down at him with worry. [color=teal]Sakura:What happened to him?!He turned into a werewolf!![/color] Everyone looked down at Sakura and Ki.Silia bent down and checked his pulse.He was alive.He was just unconscious.They got someone to carry him and set off back to camp.
Sakura arrived home and began to train again setting the dummy on fire. After a while Jalil arrived and the trained together.they practised hand to hand combat,weapon combat,magic and everything. Jenna:Sakura!Jalil!Come in for some food. Sakura and Jalil smiled and ran inside with Gust and Cannon following.Jenna and set out some food and drinks for them to rest.They ate the food quickly and then they saw the time.Jalil left with Gust and Sakura and Cannon went to her room.Sakura fell on her bed and fell asleep after the tiring day of training. Cannon walked into the kitchen and sat on a chair. Jenna:Fallen asleep? Cannon nodded. Jenna:She's going to do great.I know it.but she'll need you there to protect her. Cannon:Of course.I wouldn't leave her. Jenna:I know you wouldn't old friend. They sat together and talked of old times and the good memories.
Sakura sighed heavily and looked out the window at the storm.She turned away from the window and flopped on her bed.Today was so gloomy.Sakura went down stairs to the kitchen and ate some food.She looked at the window and thought she saw a shadow of someone but it wasn't there.Sakura shrugged it off and finished the food.She walked back upstairs and into her room.She thought she saw the shdow again but it wasn't there.Sakura shook her head and thought she was just sleepy so she got into bed and went to sleep getting away rom the gloomyness.
Sorry.We must have posted at the same time because I was following DeathBug.