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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. OOC:When you guys are done don't forget about little ole me.:D At the moment I don'tknow where I'm running to but I'm just running so feel free to tell me where I should be going.
  2. OOC:No Problem KiaraStarr.Glad to have someone to talk to. The next morning Sakura and Sirimon got up.WGmon walked into the hut. WG:Sakura,Sirimon there is a girl and her digimon wishing meet you. Sakura nodded and got up with Sirimon trotting beside her.They walked into the hut that WGmon showed them to and Sakura smiled. Sakura:Hi.I'm Sakura.And this is Sirimon. Saffire:Hi.I'm Saffire.This is Tsunadramon. Sakura:I heard you wanted to talk to us? Saffire:Oh yes.I was thinking that since we're both tamers that we could travel together.And since we are kind of the same I thought we could be friends. Sakura:That'd be great.Is your element Water? Saffire:yes.And you are Ice.that's why we're alike. Sakura smiled and they started to talk and the digimon talked getting to know each other before they started their journey.
  3. It would help if you gave a Profile Sheet but since one isn't provided I shall make one and tell me if it needs changes. [b]Name:[/b]Sakura [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Adept:[/b]Water [b]Weapon:[/b]Water Blade [b]Description:[/b]Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a rich blue robe and tunic. [b]Bio:[/b]Sakura is a great Water Adept and help the people in her village by providing everyone with fresh water everyday.The town loves her and especially the children because on hot days Sakura will make a fountain of water for them to play in.Even though she's only a teenager she has great power and control because when they first discovered her powers at a young age of 1 years of age she was taught how to control them and now she uses them with complete control. They first discovered her powers when she was young and accidently summoned a large wave of water that flooded the town.For a while no one knew who was responsible until they saw Sakura had a typed of air bubble surrounding her that protected her. Then finally Sakura heard about the Lighthouses and immediatly set out knowing she would be needed so she began her quest. [b]Tell me if I'm missing anything or did anything wrong.[/b]
  4. OOC:I just signed up in Recruitment Sakura woke up and yawned and stretched.She looked at the time and jumped out of bed.She ran to the bathroom.She quickly combed out her chocolate brown hair and brushed her teeth.She ran back to her room and changed into her clothes.Sakura rubbed her eyes of sleep and found her blue tinted sunglasses.Sakura placed them over her emerald eyes and looked at her self in the full length mirror.She sighed and got her backpack and headed down the stairs into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of toast before running out the door.Sakura was a very atheletic girl and ran a lot so it was no problem to run the 3 blocks to school. She made it just in time and sat pulling out her things to get ready for class.Then she felt a sudden chill go down her spine. 'Oh no...Not now...Please not now'she hoped but it was for nothing.The desk and chair and anything else she was touching became ice.Everyone gasped and Sakura ran from the room. The chill went away and everything changed to the original state.Sakura shook her head and ran from the school not knowing where she was going but something inside told her to go that way.
  5. Name:Sakura Age:16 Dragon Soul:Arctis Element:Ice Weapon:Ice Blade Bio:Sakura is very smart and is in 2nd last year of High School.She's very popular and has a lot of friends but most of that changed when she realised her powers.She hid away and didn't talk to anyone for a week.Then finally she was normal and returned to the way she was.Everyone on the outside thought she was fine and nothing was wrong but really,Sakura had a large and heavy hinderance. Time:2010?
  6. Sakura

    The Tribe.

    Sakura bounded across the fields and spotted the rock. She saw Starr and gasped.She was a griffen. Sakura:Starr!!Is that you?! Starr:Yeah!Cool isn't it!! Sakura:Come on Starr we have to go in. Starr nodded and Sakura transformed into her bird morph and hid among the feathers and fur of Starr. Sakura:I'm going to give them a little surprise. Sakura and Starr smirked evilly and Starr headed into the Shadow Lair.
  7. Sakura:What if everyone thinks about what World they might be good in.I'll be good in Toon World because I am a Toon Blue Eyes. Sakura flapped the small wings on her back to get some air and look around.Everyone started to think about what World they would be best in.No one else was a Toon Character so they would be quite bulky and stand out.Sakura flapped onto the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon's head and continued to look around.
  8. Sakura and Fenrismon left the village and walked around. They saw some people and digimon.Sakura looked and saw two were about to fight each other and one was hiding behind a boulder and watching.Sakura and Fenrismon crept up and looked at what was happening.She tried to do it without the girl behind the rock seeing her but no luck,she saw Sakura and shouted out at her.
  9. Is there anymore room? Name:Sakura Age:16 Race:Fairy Class:Warrior/Mage/Summoner Bio:A great mage even though she's at a young age.The reason behind this is that at a young age Sakura's powers developed and she was taught how to control them straight away.Then she finally decided to leave and go on a journey. Appearance:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes and a rich blue mages robe. Personality:Friendly,Kind,Dangerous Weapons:Elemental Blade Other:Can fly with the wings on her back.
  10. Sakura and Sirimon finally arrived at the village. Sakura gasped in awe.It was beautiful.It was a small patch of huts covered in snow like a scene in Christmas.There were Gabumon,Gomamon,older evolutions of them and many other water and ice digimon.Sirimon rode into the village and everyone cowered at the sight of Sakura. Sirimon:It's ok.She's my Partner!! Everyone was silent for a few more moments before they errupted in cheers.All the villagers surrounded her and talked to her wanting to know about her and where she came from.Sakura struggled to keep up when a voice boomed out over everyone. ???:Give her peace!! Everyone backed away and Sakura soon saw the one who called out.It was an old looking Zudomon.Sakura suspected that he was the Elder. Elder:Sirimon!Bring the girl to me! Sirimon nodded and nudged Sakura forward.Sakura walked slowly and stood infront of Zudomon.He looked at her and began to speak. Elder:What is your name girl? Sakura:I'm Sakura... Elder:Sakura...What is your business here? Sakura:I'm Sirimon's Partner... Elder:Is that true Sirimon? Sirimon:Yes Elder. Elder:So this is the one you have been waiting for for 3 years? Sirimon:Yes...She has finally arrived after the message I got in a dream those 3 years ago. Sakura:3 Years?! Elder:I see Sirimon.She may stay with us until you must leave on your Journey. The Zudomon turned and left and Sirimon bowed deeply.Everyone decided to have a feast that night in her honour.They had a lot of fun and Sakura told everyone about her and the real world.Then it was dark and everyone went to sleep.Sirimon brought Sakura to his hut and they got comfortable. Sakura:Sirimon...Why didn't you tell me how long? Sirimon:I didn't want to make you worry and say I didn't have to wait. Sakura:Everyday?! Sirimon:Yes.I got a message in a dream those 3 years ago and I have been going there everyday ever since and you're finally here... Sakura smiled. Sakura:Goodnight Sirimon. Sirimon:Goodnight...Partner.
  11. Name:Sakura Onimoshi Age:15 Weapons Best With:Katana and Shruikens Description:Sakura has chocolate brown hair and bright,vibrant emerald eyes and has a medium build which is just right for her size. Bio:Sakura grew up with a family of men.It was her,her mother,father and 3 elder brothers.Sakura was excited about becoming a ninja when a plague hit the town and took her family.Sakura cried for days on end and refused any food.Finally she stopped and washed and ate hungrily.She decided to become a ninja like her brothers and father so she took her father's prized Katana given to him by the Captain for defeating a powerful enemy and left not looking back.All she left of her was a lot of Sakura petals in the house. I hope it's ok.
  12. Sakura was riding on Fenrismon's back as he brought her to the village.Soon they arrived at an area with a ring of Data spinning around in mid-air.Sakura slid off Fenrismon's back. Sakura:Fenrismon...What is this? Fenrismon:It's a Digital Warp.Jump through.I'll be right behind you. Sakura nodded unsurely but trusted Fenrismon and jumped through not knowing where it would take her. When they arrived out of the portal they were at a beautiful village of Gabumon,Gomamon,older evolutions of them and different other animal like digimon. Everyone looked up when they heard Fenrismon call to them.Then they looked scaredly at Sakura.Fenrismon told them he finally found his new partner and everyone cheered happily.Fenrismon went there everyday and it had been 3 years since he got the message in his dream.Everyone told him to give up but he was stubborn and it finally payed off.He got his own Partner.They had a feast in their honour and then headed off to sleep as it began to get dark.Fenrismon took Sakura to the area they slept in and they got comfortable and fell asleep.
  13. Sakura was the Toon Blue Eyes. She felt so different compared to the others. She was much smaller then everyone too. Sakura shrugged and waddled and tripped. Sakura:I'm going to have to get used to this.... Sakura stood again and walked next to the Dark Magician Girl. Sakura:Hi.I'm Sakura.I don't look like much but don't mess with me!
  14. Name:Sakura Age:18 Gender:Female Description:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,medium build Bio:Sakura was an average girl with nothing wrong.She went to a publc school and was very popular and had lots of friends.Though not many people knew she was very good at Computers and she did pretty much everything on her computer.When not on the computer she was with friends,at school or researching Ancient Legends and Civilisations.The reason for the legends and civilisations was because she liked to get away from Real Life and enter a world of mystery and things from the past. Sakura always wears a jacket and pants wherever she goes even in Winter.The reason being she always feels she needs to because she suspects there will be a lot of rain everyday and most times she's right.Even on a very fine day at some time it would heavily rain and she would be fine while everyone else would be soaked from head to toe.Never suspecting it was her powers. On the 23rd of December at 2:30 she was supposed to meet her friends there to go out but they never arrived and she met the other 7 and began the fateful journey. Elemental Force:We can have 2 right?Water and Wind
  15. After a long time Sakura and Fenrismon still hadn't reached the village. Sakura:Fenrismon!How far away is this village of yours?! Fenrismon:Umm....A few more DigiKilometers. Sakura:FENRISMON!!!! Fenrismon:Sakura.You can ride on my back.I'm big enough and strong enough. Sakura shrugged and carefully got onto Fenrismon's back and he sped off again weaving through the trees with Sakura on his back with the wind whipping at her clothes and hair.Sakura tucked the strands of her chocolate brown hair behind her ears and watched as the scenery flew by.Sakura and Fenrismon began to have conversations and time passed faster.
  16. Sakura

    War of the Fay

    Sakura listened to the conversation going on about how to stop the raging war.Sakura took in everyone's suggestions. Sakura:Catmint.I think we should rest and think about it.We can't do anything rash like take the leader captive or the other Faerie folk may be caught in our problems. Everyone and Catmint looked at her.She had been quiet the whole meeting.Catmint nodded and closed the meeting for today to be resumed tomorrow. Sakura sighed and walked outside and fluttered onto the branch again.She looked out into the setting sun and watched it happily.She hadn't noticed but someone came up and sat next to her. [Anyone in Raindow Alliance enter here!!]
  17. Sakura arrived home from school.It was a hot day and she was dripping sweat everywhere from her hard Soccer Match.Sakura quickly got a towel and wiped herself and then drapped it around her neck.Sakura ran to the kitchen and opened the fridge.She saw there was a nice cold can of Lift.She grabbed it and gulped it all down before throwing the can in the bin. She sighed and ran up to her room.She dumped her bag heavily and sat at the computer logging on.The computer beeped and a message popped up. "YOU HAVE ONE NEW EMAIL" Sakura clicked it and a short email popped up. [b]To who this may apply: Help, the digital world is in trouble. We ask for your help. If you are willing then please we need you now. We need any help, we need you now. Our world is being destroyed, help....[/b] Sakura looked at it.She thought she heard a voice calling to her and she had the urge to put a hand on the moniter.Sakura was tranced and put a hand on the screen of the moniter. Suddenly she was sucked into the computer and she was falling for a long time through Digital Streams.Sakura looked around in awe as they continued to fall. When she landed she saw she was in the middle of a large forest.It was quite dark and there were a lot of noises.Suddenly she heard a low growling sound.Sakura looked around in fright.Then she saw 2 emerald green eyes looking at her from the coverage of the shadows and forests. Sakura:W-W-Who's there?! The monster growled again.Sakura gulped. ???:Who are you?! Sakura:I-I-I'm Sakura. ???:Why are you here?! Sakura:I don't know.I got an email telling me about a place called the Digital World that needs help... ???:Then you must be a DigiDestined!! Sakura:A Digi what?!And who are you?! ???:I am Fenrismon...I am your partner. Fenrismon stepped out of the shadows to reveal a navy blue wolf with armor and everything. Sakura:My partner? Fenrismon:Yes.I have been waiting for so long!! Sakura smiled and ran up to him and rubbed his ears friendily.They got to know each other and began the bond of Digimon and Partner.
  18. Sakura

    War of the Fay

    Sakura sighed and looked into the sky from the branch she was perched on.The wind whipped at her hair and clothes.Sakura tucked a strand of chocolate brown hair behind her ear and continued to watch. Sakura fluttered off the branch and back to the ground.She was now part of the Rainbow Alliance.It was what she wanted so why did she feel so sad?Then she thought of her parents and realised that was why she was so sad.Sakura shook her head and returned to the main area of the Rainbow Alliance and sat down.
  19. Name:Sakura Age:13 Race:Human Anime:Card Captor Sakura Appearance:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,assortments of battle costumes or casual clothes or school uniform. Bio:Sakura has changed all the Clow Cards into her own Sakura cards and is now the Card Mistress and controls the cards. Extras:Sealing wand/Star Wand,Clow/Sakura Cards and Kero her trusty companion:P
  20. Sakura


    Sakura saw a police officer in front of her.Sakura glanced back and saw there were 2 following her.2 cars surrounded her and she looked around.She was blocked in.Sakura saw the car and on the other side further down was Kaola,Nogard and some others.Sakura ran up to the car closest to them and jumped onto the bonnet and over the roof escaping to the other side and running to join them. Sakura saw that 3 others got caught and ran over to Kaola,Nogard and some others and they ran to Kaola's house. Sakura slumped on a chair and looked around at who was left.They had to rescue the others no matter what.Sakura held her blade carefully tightening her grip around the hilt.She sat up and listened to what Kaola wanted to say.
  21. Sakura read the email and replied.As soon as she replied she was sucked into her moniter. Sakura looked around and saw a wolf peering out from the forests. Sakura:Hey...Come on out...I won't hurt you...I'm only here to look for my partner digimon and I think I have the Spirit of Ice.I'm Sakura...And you are? ???:I'm Sirimon.You're finally here!!I've been waiting so long!! Sakura:Why have you been waiting so long? Sirimon:I have the spirit of Ice too.Everyday I come out here waiting for a partner to come and you've finally arrived. Sakura smiled and watched as Sirimon slinked out of the forest.Sirimon was beautiful.He was a dark navy blue wolf.Sakura stood quietly and Sirimon moved towards her slowly.Sakura put down a hand and stroked him and rubbed his ears.Sirimon purred softly but not in a cat like way. Sirimon looked up at Sakura and Sakura looked down at him.After a while they walk off together into the forest with Sirimon telling her of their village.Sakura can't wait til they arrive and starts running with Sirimon bounding along next to her.They laugh together bonding as Partner and Digimon.
  22. [color=navy][i]Sakura was sitting in the cottage when she saw a bird flap and peck at the window.Sakura looked at it strangely and walked over opening the window.The bird fluttered onto Sakura's shoulder and held out it's foot.Sakura carefully un-tied the note and quickly read it.She alerted the group and they all read the note deciding it was time to rescue Umeko before it was too late.[/color][/i]
  23. Sakura


    Sam ran to school as fast as she could.She looked at her watch quickly and saw if she ran fast enough she could make it in time.Then it happened.Sam's dark brown hair and maroon eyes changed to Light Chocolate Brown hair and bright,shiny vibrant emerald eyes.Her red jacket and yellow inside shirt changed to a blue jacket and a white t-shirt inside.Her murky green 3/4 pants changed to blue pants and blue gloves that cut off at the fingers just above the knuckles and at the wrist and blue and white joggers appeared.And lastly a silver blade appeared in her hand. Sam stood there shocked. "This isn't going to be good...."she said quietly and continued to the school. When she arrived the teacher was about to tell her off when she noticed the change of Sam.Sam saw the shocked look on the teacher's face and just entered the room and sat calmly.The class didn't see too shocked because half of them were in her state as well.Sam sat by her best friend quietly and saw that she was in her world character form.Sam shook her head and lay her blade across her lap and began to prepare for the day's classes.
  24. Sakura

    A Legend Reborn...

    OOC:Sorry I'm late.^_^;;; Sakura ran quickly and swiftly through the forests.She was running.Not of fear but to forget her memories.Sakura had just left her little hometown and wanted to leave to not remember.A piece of her robe snatched on a twig and Sakura quickly yanked it free making a small tear and leaving a piece of twig in the tear. Sakura stopped briefly and climbed the closest tree and looked above the foliage.It was nearing Sunset so she had been running for a day.Sakura descended and sighed heavily.She sat on a log and stretched out from the day of running.Sakura opened her bag she was carrying and brought out the small knife her father had carved her that had taken him a long time.A fat chubby tear ran down the side of Sakura's cheek and landed on the blade.Sakura placed it gently into her bag and brought out an apple she had picked that day before she left and crunched into it loudly.Her family was known for magic,farming and blacksmithing.Her mother was a mage,her father and older brother were farmers and blacksmiths and her younger brother and sister helped out whenever they could.Sakura had inherited the 2 abilities from her parents.Although she was more to her mother's side but she was still good at farming and blacksmithing. Sakura wiped her face on a part of her robe and quickly finished the apple digging a hole and burrying the core for it to re-grow.Sakura dusted her hands off and hauled the packed bag onto her back and headed off through the forest again hoping to arrive at the next town before Nightfall and hopefully to find other people on the same quest as her.
  25. Sakura


    Name:Kei Age:14? Description:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes with a medium build. Pokèmon:Catch others later.Eevee freak.:P Umbreon Espeon Vaporeon Flareon Jolteon
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