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Everything posted by Sakura
Sakura walked over to a statue of Sora from Kingdom Hearts. She touched it carefully and the statue turned into the Disney Hero. Sakura sees some other people that were doing the target test and she quickly ran up to them with her keyblade in hand and was ready to begin.
[b]Name:[/b]Sakura Shadima [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Age-group:[/b]Teen [b]Race:[/b]Fairy [b]Alliance:[/b]Rainbow Alliance [b]Appearance:[/b]Sakura has chocolate brown hair and sparkly and vibrant emerald eyes.Her wings are a light fushia.Which is a touch of blue and pink mixed together to make it a pastel colour.Like all fairies she can change into her human form. [b]Biography:[/b]Sakura was raised as a noble Room of Florafleur.Sakura has always enjoyed festivals,banquets,feasts and other such celebrations.Her parents were greatly known and when the war started her parents opted with the King and Queen respectively.Sakura hated choosing sides so she joined a new group she had heard of made by a young fairy boy named Callisto otherwise known as Catmint.She had learned that the new group the Rainbow Alliance was against war and wanted to regain peace. She joined and met the young boy and decided on helping this new alliance to bring back the peace and harmony of their land.
Awww Can't we make one up? Oh well I'll live. Name:Gabumon Level:Rookie Digivolutions:Garurumon(Champion),WereGarurumon(Ultimate),MetalGarurumon(Mega) Attacks:Blue Blaster,Scratch attack Personality:Friendly,Fun loving and loves to play around. Sorry I'm late Mandy.
Sakura had watched worriedly at what had happened and decided to take action.She grabbed the hilt of the sword and unsheathed the blade of Martin the Warrior.She took a deep breath and leapt into the pond. As Sakura started to Sink to the bottom she tried to adjust her eyes to the darkness.Sakura saw a shape of a large fish and at the tail dragging behind was an otter.Sakura quickly swam to the fish and grabbed onto it's tail and saw Skipper.She had gone unconsious.'Hold on Skip' Sakura thought.She plunged her sword into it's tail and the fish released the death grip.Sakura quickly grabbed Skipper's paw and paddled to the surface.Sakura was running out of air fast and it was a long paddle to the surface.The fish swam at Sakura trying to attack her but Sakura slapped it away with the flat of her blade.Sakura clawed to the sides of the pond and began to climbwith the Sword of Martin in between her teeth and Skipper's paw in her left hand.Sakura could see the light and swung hard with Skipper throwing her onto the surface and climbed faster keeping a firm grip around the blade. Sakura burst to the surface and she rolled onto her back dropping the sword from her jaws and gasped big lungfuls of air.They all backed away from the pond and went on with the feast.Sakura layed under a tree still panting with the great Sword of Martin at her side.
Sakura saw Tate and the others.She ran over to them and they stared at her. Tate:Uhh.....Sakura....Did you know you look like Pikachu? Sakura nodded and her ears bounced. Sakura studied them.Tate as Sonic,Lorelei as Dixie,Yoko as Sakura and Maria as Jin. Sakura:What's going on here?!
Sakura was awakened by a knock at the door.She yawned and got up and headed to the door.At the frame stood Skipper and Jerine. Sakura saw that they weren't here for a normal visit by the looks on their faces. [b]Sakura:[/b]What's wrong Skipper? [b]Skipper:[/b]Today some dibbuns were playing and some ferrets attacked.Queen of the Squirrels came to help but they already knew she was there but had never said anything. Sakura thought hard. [b]Sakura:[/b]we have to be careful now.Don't let dibbuns go outside the walls at any cost.I'll alert Abbot and he can announce it at the dinner tonight.I think we need to post some guards outside the walls now and I will be on guard at all times of the day except at nights. Skipper nodded and thanked her and apologising for coming when she was asleep.Sakura brushed it off saying the Abbey's more important than I am. Sakura sighed and sat on her bed quietly.She got the Sword of Martin and left the gatehouse and walked to the main building. Soon she found Abbot Jerchio and told him of the problem.Abbot nodded and thanked Sakura and walked off.Sakura stood around the courtyards waiting in case anything happened.
Hey Little S.You forgot about me. I'm Sakura.In your group too if you read above.
Youy can't forget the mages. In every game they're pretty much the same. They have the glowing yellow eyes,pointy hats just each game the graphics of them becomes better.But there isn't a mage in X and XI.
OOC:Everyone who signed up please post!! We need everyone to wake up before we can move on.
[b][color=navy]Sakura:[/b]I think we're here to save a place called the Digital World.I got a message on my phone.How about you? [b]David:[/b]My instructions were to follow a girl with your description. [i]Sakura and David sat and talked as they waited for other people to arrive before the train left.[/i][/color]
[color=navy][i]Daggar arrived with Meteo at the Temple of Time and joined Sakura.[/i] [b]Sakura:[/b]You guys done? [i]They both nodded and the sat on the pedestal with Sakura waiting for Reei.[/i][/color]
Sakura walked around Redwall. Everyone greeted her friendily.Sakura sighed and put her hands into the sleeves of her rich blue habit. She walked out into the Courtyard and was bathed in rich golden sunlight.Her fur showed the rich chocolate color that was hidden in darkness. Sakura saw the dibbuns playing with Hilder.Sakura chuckled and walked over.Sakura ruffled a dibbun's fur before walking over and sitting under the tree the dibbuns were playing around. After a while Sakura got up and said goodbye before heading the CavernHole(Is that what it's called?) and sitting with the little dibbuns that were young and didn't like playing around so much.Sakura played around with them for a while before leaving again.Next sakura headed to the kitchens to help Friar Kiek.Sakura was a good cook and Kiek enjoyed her help and gave her some food at the end of the help.Sakura bit into one of the warm pasties and headed the cellar to help the cellar keeper and got a beaker of Strawberry Fizz for the work.Sakura drank and ate and headed before heading to the Gatehouse and resting on her bed from tiring day and fell asleep.
[i]Sakura looked around and saw she was in a room with lots of animal digimon and on a throne like chair.[/i] [b]Sakura:[/b]Gatomon!!Kyukimon!! [i]The digimon looked at Sakura and ran to her hugging her.[/i] [b]Kyukimon:[/b]We missed you.The Digital World is in terrible danger. [b]Sakura:[/b]I know.that's why I'm back.I got an email. [b]Gatomon:[/b]So you did get it!!We're so glad!! Sakura hugged them tightly and called the other animal digimon and they all hugged each other.Sakura walked back to the throne and sat.Kyukimon stood by her as her guard on the right and Gatomon stood on her left.Sakura got up and walked to the computer.She typed some things and then waited.The computer beeped loudly and Sakuara continued.Sakura just stood with Gatomon and Kyukimon next to her typing.
[b]Name:[/b]Sakura [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Digimon:[/b]Fenrismon [b]Digimon's Attacks:[/b]Howling _____(Element),Blizzard Slash,Frost Bite [b]Your appearance:[/b]Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a baby blue jacket with a hood open with a white t-shirt inside with a blue coiled up Chinese Dragon on the front,blue pants and blue and white Nikes. [b]Digimon's Appearance:[/b]Fenrismon is a dark navy that almost looks like black wolf with silver streaks and armor.He can battle on 2 legs or 4.His teeth and claws are enough to reduce his need for weapons.But he still carries the sword like blade around from Lupismon but it's better.He uses that in his 'Werewolf' form.When he battles on all fours then he puts the sword in a sheath.When on 4 legs he attacks with his sharp claws. [b]Power:[/b]Ice [b]Bio:[/b]Sakura had just returned from a tiring day of school and she recieved the email.At first Sakura dismissed it and deleted it thinking it was a prank from her friends.But the email kept returning and in the end Sakura decided to believe it.She replied and was sucked into the computer and into the Digital World where she met Fenrismon.She met him because she was lost in a forest and he rescued her.
Name:Sakura Age:16 Gender:Female Affiliation:Good Power:Magic,Summoning Abilities Weapon:Elemental Blade and a staff made of oak.It has ancient writing and delicate designs carved into the staff.And it has a sapphire orb sitting on top.(The weapons can vanish and reappear so Sakura doesn't have to carry them.) Appearance:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a blue mages robe and tunic. Bio:Sakura learned about her powers when she was quite young.Her mother taught her how to control them and she learned fast.Sakura was brought up with daily practise and is now a great mage at the age of 16.Now she had decided to go on a quest.
[b]Name:[/b]Sakura [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Character:[/b]Pikachu(Pokemon,Smash bros,Melee etc.) [b]Powers:[/b]ThunderShock,Thunder,Agility,Tackle,Tail Swipe,Headbutt etc. [b]Description:[/b]Pikachu's ears,little nose,Pikachu's tail,Pink cheeks,Wears yellow jumper with a hood and yellow pants. [b]Bio:[/b]Sakura is an only child.Sakura was playing Smash Bros. Melee on the Gamecube as her favourite cute character Pikachu when *FLASH*. Sakura woke up the next morning and noticed the changes and put on yellow clothes and headed off to high school.On her way people looked at her strangely.At school everyone stayed away from her except a few people.Her friends and her arch enemy Mark and his gang.Mark and his gang walked up to Sakura and began to pull her ears and tail.Sakura got angry and shocked them all.
Digimon Frontier has ended.The Past Spirits have passed away and look over the Digital World.But now the Digital World needs help again.6 Children are chosen to save the Digital World. They all meet at the Trailmon Station like last time.It doesn?t matter how you arrive but to start you head there. [color=navy]Ice-Me[/color]-Navy [color=red]Fire-aYokano[/color]-Red [color=green]Wind-Sky Moonflow[/color]-Green [color=orange]Thunder[/color]-Orange[FREE SPOT!!] [color=sienna]Light-Mina[/color]-Sienna [b]Dark-Takuya[/b]-Bold Black Here?s mine:I got the Goggles [b]Name:[/b]Sakura Kanashi [b]Age:[/b]12 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Type:[/b]Ice [b]Spirit Evolutions: Human:[/b]Sirimon [b]Beast:[/b]Fenrismon [b]Description:[/b]Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes with the goggles on her head like all the other kids with goggles.A baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside with a blue chinese dragon coiled up on the front,blue pants and blue and white nikes.She wears blue gloves that don?t have fingers.They cut off above the knuckles. [b]Bio:[/b]Sakura arrived at the Trailmon Station by a message left on her Mobile Phone.Sakura followed the message and arrived bording the train not knowing what was about to happen. [b]Color of D-Tector:[/b]Blue and White like Koji's Just a few rules.Those colors I put with the spirits is your Speech Color. 1)Obey the speech colors 2)No short posts or 1 paragraph posts.Must be atleast 7 to 8 lines. 3)No modding!! 4)No being a pain and finishing my RP(Kumomaru!!) 5)If you're going to do something drastic in the group in the RPst and get the go ahead because it may mess with my plans. 6)Unsure about anything?PM me please!! 7)No SPAM!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sakura ran home from school with a towel around her neck collecting the dripping sweat.She had just had a long and hard practise of soccer.The championships were on soon and their team was training hard.Sakura arrived home and dumped her bag running to the kitchen and getting a coke fromthe fridge and gulped it all down enjoying the feeling of the cool bubbly liquid going down her throat.She finished it and threw the can in the bin before running upstairs to her bedroom. Sakura sighed and flopped exhaustedly on the bed.She heard a beeping from her pocket and rolled over on her stomach and pulled out her small mobile phone.She flicked it open and saw she had a new message.She opened it quickly and saw it didn't have a sender.It said: The Digital world needs help Sakura. We need you! Go to the subway at Kanta Avenue. Take the elevator down to underground and go to the number 6 train. Please follw these instructions...We need your help... Sakura stared at it and shrugged.Something drew her to follow so she got up and put the towel down.She changed into her favourite clothes of a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside with a blue coiled up Chinese Dragon on the front,blue gloves that cut off above the knuckles and at the wrist,blue pants and blue and white nikes.She combed out her chocolate brown hair and rubbed her emerald green eyes to wake her up from exhaustion. She quickly wrote a note telling her parents she'd be gone for a few days and ran out of the house and to the subway and into the elevator.She reached the underground and looked around.There were a lot of trains.She shrugged and walked into the one labelled 6 and lay down horizontely on a bench and waited for other people to come or for the train to leave.She heard a voice overhead.It shouted. "First Stop when we move!Icicle Terminal!!" Sakura sat up and wandered around the cars looking for anyone before returning to her original car and sat down playing on her mobile. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go for it guys and OBEY THE RULES!!!!!:D
Come on people!! We need a thunder!! I can't be bothered waiting so I'm starting but whoever wants the spot had better take it fast and catch up. remember.We meet at the Trailmon Station. You have to talk about getting the message etc. how you got there. If you're confused just follow my post.
Name:Sakura Age:15 Desired Duel monster:Toon Blue eyes Deck Type:Mixed Bio:One of the best female duelists around.Sakura got an invitation from Kaiba corp that she had been waiting for.She quickly got her best cards and ran off to Kaiba Corp.
Sakura went down to the food area of the inn and sat.She overheard a lady talking about a guy that had just entered and tried to hit on her.Sakura chuckled and ordered some food and ate it in silence. Soon a man came down rubbing his eyes of sleep.The same lady said he was the man.Sakura looked at him and chuckled again going back to her food.The man walked over and sat down next to Sakura. ??:So who are you miss? Sakura:I'm Sakura.And you are? ??:The name's Ki. Sakura:Ah..So your name is Ki.Bad things are being said about you. Ki:Oh really? Sakura:Yup.Sounds like you tried hitting on a counter lady. Ki:...Oh that... Sakura laughed:Going to eat anything? Ki ordered some food and looked at Sakura. Ki:So Sakura...Are you single? Sakura growled and slapped him. Ki:OWWWWWWWWWW A SIMPLE NO COULD HAVE WORKED!! Sakura smirked and finished her food getting up. Sakura:Ki...I have a strange feeling about you.Are you a DragonLord?! Ki gasped and nodded quickly making sure no one heard or saw. Sakura: Don't worry.I'm with you.I'm one too. OOC:I hope you don't mind aYokano.If so tell me and I'll edit.
Sakura weakly got up.It was night time. She looked around and ran out of the town and remembered the fire. She ran to where she saw the fire. After a long time Sakura arrived.Sakura saw some people beginning to light fire to houses.Sakura growled angrily and leapt at the people.They ran away in terror and Sakura quickly started helping the townspeople put out the flames.Sakura had reached just in time and the place was fine with only a few singes.Sakura smiled under her hood and left.But the townspeople stopped her and gave her a place to stay and food for the night.
[i]Sakura arrived home after a tiring day of school full of exams.She dumped her bag down and went to the kitchen.She opened the fridge and took a soda and drank it throwing the can in the bin.She got a bit of food and left the house running a few blocks. Sakura arrived at the Vet's and ran in the door.She went into the surgery room and started to help her mother.She was working with a small puppy.Sakura stroked it soothingly because it was restless.Soon it became comfortable and her mother finished.Sakura rubbed it's ears and scratched its tummy before letting it go.[/i] "Hey Mom any good patients today?" "Ah Sakura.Yes there was a small kitten that needed an operation because it smallowed a sharp object and was giving it pain.Anyways how did your exams go?" "So so I guess.I think I did ok." "That's good.Go home.We don't need you and you need to study for tomorrow's exams.If we need you I'll call." [i]Sakura nodded and ran out the door and back around the few blocks. Sakura entered the house and ran up to her room.She sat at the computer and went online.She had a new email.Sakura opened it and read it.It was about the Digital World.[/i]{Have I been before?If not I'll edit}[i]The Digital World needed help again.There was a link.Sakura got a backpack full of things and left a note for her parents.She ran back to her room and clicked the link. Sakura was transported to the Digital World.Sakura groaned and got up.She looked around and gasped...[/i]
[b]Part 1- Player Character[/b] [b]Name:[/b]Sakura [b]Kind of character:[/b]Sword Master [b]Weapon:[/b]A silver blade that looks like Seifer/Squall's gunblades from FF8 without the trigger.Instead it has a silver handle that just stretches straight out instead of curving down for the gun handle and trigger.It has delicate designs carved into its blade [b]Character Description:[/b]Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,blue gloves that cut off above the knuckles and at the wrist,blue pants and blue and white joggers. [b]Personality:[/b]Same as in the real world [b]Part 2?Real World Character[/b] [b]Name:[/b]Samantha [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Description:[/b]Brown hair,maroonish brown eyes,a red jacket open with a yellow t-shirt inside and murky green 3/4 pants. [b]Bio:[/b]Samantha or Sam likes to play The World to get away from reality and just for the fun of it.She transformed to her Online Character when a guy almost pushed her off a balcony. [b]Personality:[/b]Kind,Caring,Usually Always Happy unless annoyed terribly,Friendly and Dangerous.
Sakura looked at the list and scanned for her name. She would be in Arena 15. She sighed and walked into the waiting room and leaned back relaxing and drifting off to sleep to wait. ~In her Dreams~ Shadow was on the arena and was doing great.There was another Navi but it was in shadows so she couldn't see it.Suddenly the shadow leapt and it disappeared re-appearing behind Shadow and attacked it hard.It continued to do that and Shadow was weakening.SAkura used a lot of chips but to know use.It was too fast and soon Shadow fell and the match was over.The shadow smirked evilly and dove destroying Shadow to bits. Sakura woke up with a start.She was covered in a cold sweat.She wipped her forehead and got up going for a walk and hoping the dream wasn't a premonition.