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Everything posted by Sakura
Sakuran weakly looked over.She thought she was imagining things and had finally gone crazy but then Leonx ran down the hill and stood next to Sakura.Sakura couldn't take it and fainted returning to wolf state."Ha!She has given up!!Now I can kill her!"said Sli. "NO!Sakura shouldn't be part of this.It was originally a battle between the 2 of us.Anyways I'm already better so we don't need the information making the battle a draw."said Leonx as he put Sakura on his back and started his walk home.He hoped Sakura would get better soon.The tribe needed her.
OOC:It's either means your loyalty or another name. Like in the Matrix for example. Real Name:Thomas Anderson Alias:Neo.
Sakura glared up at Sli.She growled angrily. She kicked off the ground hard with claws stretched. She slashed at Sli and flew past him. Blood oozed from the wounds and Sakura smirked. Sli put a clawed hand up to his face and saw the blood. He flew at a fast speed at kicked out. His foot came in contact with her chest and she flew back a bit. They flew at each other and caught each others claws and it turned into a strength test.They pushed aginst each other.Sakura thought of Leonx back at base and it gave her more power pushing Sli away. they glared at each other before flying at each other.At the last minute Sakura flew to the side and whipped Sli with her tail before slying back to her spot ready for another go.She tried the same trick again but Sli caught it in his hands and twirled her around before throwing her.Sakura broke her speed by opening her wings large and catching the wind.Sakura fired a blast of fire at Sli before attacking from behind slashing at his spine.
Are you gonna start this soon Dragon Warrior?!
Sakura pulled the hood of her tunic over her head and face before walking out of the inn she had stayed at. Ever since she had discovered her abnormalty everyone had outcasted her...even her friends and the ones that hurt the most...her family and now she was alone in this cold hurtful,rejecting world.She had fled from her town with everyone chasing her with weapons.Now her quest was to find others of her kind. Sakura walked briskly through the village avoiding people's gazes and all eye contact.She soon reached the gate and felt something.She saw a fire a long way off and suddenly her eyes burned like flames were in her eyes.Sakura fell to the ground in pain and agony calling out for anyone's help.
[color=navy]Sakura looked on in her wolf form at Max and Umeko. Then something hit her.She had to think of a way to help Umeko but she knew what to do for Max. Sakura ran out from the bushes she was hiding in. She changed back into human and looked at Max. Sakura:Max.Let me do something for you.I may only be able to do this once.Are you up for it? Max was silent.He was thinking.Finally he nodded. Sakura looked to the sky and saw it was a purplish colur that was a mix of blue and pink.Sakura smiled.It meant Eden approaved of what she was about to do and would help her. Sakura cast a spell and Max began to change.First he shrank and his arms and legs changed.His arms became wings and his claws and talons.Feathers sprouted from his body and wings.His nose and mouth stretched and curved and became a hard beak.Max's eyes showed fear.Then finally his tail came in a load of feathers.He was a bird.Sakura began her transformation too and they were both birds.She looked at him and cocked her head upwards.Sakura flapped her wings and took off into the skies waitign for Max to follow.[/color]
[color=navy][b]Sakura:[/b]That's Cloud and Ki.That small device is called a Cellcom.The Sais are your weapons. Leena nodded.Leena walked up to them and introduced herself then started talking to Amy. Sakura walked around again checking if everyone was ok or if they wre asleep or unconcious.At least they were all still alive. Sakura twirled her rod around wondering how good she could fight with a pole.She had the urge to throw it up and shout sword.She shrugged and tryed it.sakura did a fancy twirl and flipped it up like a batton twirler and shouted Sword.Light glowed around the sword and it changed into a sword.She caught it and examined it.She said Rod and it changed back to it's original state.Sakura grinned.What a great weapon!![/color]
Sakura changed back to her wolf form. She let out a loud roar and changed into her dragon. Sakura picked him up carefully and flew him away at a fast speed with the other Dark Warriors following.Starr flew beside Sakura. Sakura's eyes turned blood red.She gave Starr Leonx and flew back to the battle field. "Sli!!I challenge you to the battle!If I win you tell us a way to heal Leonx.I lose...I die too.Deal?!"
Name:Sakura Age:16 Gender:Female Desc:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,blue pants and blue and white nikes. Bio:Sakura loves her digimon and takes care of it and never treats it badly or punishes it unless needed. Digi-vice color:Blue Digimon:Wolfmon Rookie Name:Wolfmon Rookie Desc:A navy blue wolf with nothing special. Attacks:Wolf Blast Champion Name:Lupismon Champion Desc:Its a silver Lobomon with blue stripes and armor parts.He doesn't have the cloth that drags behind him either.He carries a sword like blade around. Attacks:Ice Slash,Ice Blast Ultimate Name:Sirimon Ultimate Desc:Sirimon is a navy wolf in armor.He has a metal mask and blades on his sides that flick out.(Looks like KendoGarurumon) Attacks:Ice Smash,Frost Bite Mega Name:Fenrismon Mega Desc:Fenrismon is a dark navy that almost looks like black wolf with silver streaks and armor.He can battle on 2 legs or 4.He has a fierce temper and will take on anyone at this stage.His teeth and claws are enough to reduce his need for weapons.But he still carries the sword like blade around from Lupismon but it's better.He uses that in his 'Werewolf' form.When he battles on all fours then he puts the sword in a sheath.When on 4 legs he attacks with his sharp claws. Attacks:Howling _____(Any Element)Allowed?,Blizzard Slash
Sakura growled lowly like she always did whenever she sensed something. [color=teal]Sakura:Right on!![/color] Sakura called for her Ice Blade and got into her fighting stance. Crouched a bit with free hand bent infront and blade hand behind her. Sakura stared at the door waiting for the monster to arrive. OOC:Sorry for the short post.I had to post because I want to make myself known.
Jump,Seed Cannon,Rotate Kick,Aqua Breath,White Wind,Mighty Guard,Flame,Self Destruct,Stone Breath,Death Sentence,Bad Breath,Nova. Is that what you meant? FFIX Question: What is the monster at the bottom of the Iifa Tree when you visit it for the first time and what level and how much HP does it have. If that's too hard then: What do you get if you collect all the colored stones and put them in the statue at Mountain Path?
If Sakura edits his/her post then I will too. Sakura opened the door. Sakura:Oh!Hello Uncle Felix. Felix:Hello Sakura.Is your mother in? Sakura:Yes.She's in the kitchen. Sakura said holding the door wide so Felix could enter. Felix thanked her and walked to the kitchen.Sakura sat back down with Cannon and finished the food before going to her room to rest with Cannon following.
I know I've created a lot of RPs atm but it hit me and I have to write it before I forget. Digimon Frontier has ended.The Past Spirits have passed away and look over the Digital World.But now the Digital World needs help again.6 Children are chosen to save the Digital World. They all meet at the Trailmon Station like last time.It doesn?t matter how you arrive but to start you head there.In the Bio area state how you got onto the train. The info you need: [b]Name:[/b]Duh!! [b]Age:[/b]Primary School Ages Ok?So from 7-12 [b]Gender:[/b]Male/Female [b]Type:[/b]It has to be one from actual Frontier Series.List: [color=navy]Ice-Me[/color]-Navy [color=red]Fire-aYokano[/color]-Red [color=green]Wind-Sky Moonflow[/color]-Green [color=orange]Thunder[/color]-Orange [color=sienna]Light-Mina[/color]-Sienna [b]Dark-Takuya[/b]-Bold Black [b]Spirit Evolutions:[/b]Make it up or stick to the Originals but whatever way you still have to find it. [b]Human-[/b] [b]Beast-[/b] [b]Description:[/b]What does your character look like? [b]Bio:[/b]How'd you get to Trailmon Station. [b]Color of D-Tector:[/b]What color? Here?s mine:I got the Goggles [b]Name:[/b]Sakura Kanashi [b]Age:[/b]12 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Type:[/b]Ice [b]Spirit Evolutions: Human:[/b]Sirimon [b]Beast:[/b]Fenrismon [b]Description:[/b]Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes with the goggles on her head like all the other kids with goggles.A baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside with a blue chinese dragon coiled up on the front,blue pants and blue and white nikes.She wears blue gloves that don?t have fingers.They cut off above the knuckles. [b]Bio:[/b]Sakura arrived at the Trailmon Station by a message left on her Mobile Phone.Sakura followed the message and arrived bording the train not knowing what was about to happen. [b]Color of D-Tector:[/b]Blue and White like Koji's Okay guys Sign Up and Go for it.ENJOY!!! The first stop off the train is Icicle Station. [b]BTW-If anyone wants more info about the RP,is confused about anything,has questions or wants to know stuff about Frontier feel free to PM me!!Please no one spam in here unless it's a Profile.[/b]
Can we start it now then? I think all spots are taken.
OOC:Cannon's my Djinn.Jean's is echo. Sakura continued to train hard. She wiped her forehead before continuing. Now she was concentrating on Martial Arts. She did kicks and punches. Her enemy was Cannon. Block up,middle,down. Then they moved to sword work. Blocking and connecting blows. Soon it was afternoon and Sakura walked into the house exhausted. Jenna brought out some food and drinks for her. Sakura took them hungrily.
Sakura growled angrily and changed back to wolf not on purpose.She looked around in confusion.Suddenly she gained a new morph.She changed into a large navy blue scaled dragon.She roared loudly in anger and let out a burst of flames on Sli. Sakura stood next to Leonx and Starr came up to stand with them. They looked at each other and let out a large wave of fire at Sli and the Shadows.
The nurse walked outside and talked with Sakura. Sakura nodded and ran to the Zoid Garage and got in Liger. Sakura:Liger!To the Zoid Shop now!! Liger roared and took off. They arrived at the zoid shop and Sakura jumped out and ran into the shop.Soon after Sakura exited and got back into Liger and headed back to the hospital.Sakura ran into the room with Fox in it. Fox:Sakura? Sakura:Here Fox.These are yours. Fox took the envelope that Sakura was holding and opened it. Inside were photos of Zaber.He was as good as new. Fox smiled flipping through the photos. Sakura:See Fox!You have to get better so you can see Zaber again and do more hunting and battling. Fox nodded and smiled:Thanks Sakura. Sakura smiled and left the room.
After about 2 hours Sakura walked back in with a towel around her shoulders to soak the sweat.She ran to her room and saw that it had finished.She looked at the time and saw that she had to leave for the tournament now to make it in time.Sakura grabbed her backpack and shoved her new and favourite chips into it. [b]Sakura:[/b]Come on Shadow.We have to go to the Net Tournament. She ran out the room and grabbed some food and ran out of the house and got on her bike riding as fast as she could to the arena. She arrived and quickly signed up making it in time. Sakura walked with Shadow to the waiting area.
The doorbell rang and Sakura ran to the door with her bag. Sakura-Hi.Are you from Ryan? The chaffeur nodded and took her bag. Sakura looked outside and saw the limo.She gadsped. The Chaffeur opened the door and Sakura sat. Sakura was so excited.She couldn't wait for the tournament.
[color=navy]Sakura sat up quickly startling Umeko. Umeko:Sakura.What's wrong?! Sakura:It's Max.He's walking into danger!! Sakura growled and took off speeding off through the forest hoping to find Max in time.She soon arrived at the area where they had killed Tsubasa.His sword still lay on the ground.Sakura purified it and made it good before picking it up in her mouth and continuing her run.Soon she saw Max up ahead.She tackled him and a sword swiped over them both.Max looked at Sakura.She was sweating heavily.Sakura panted dropping the sword.Max looked at the sword and picked it up.It glowed brightly in his hand and it changed shape.Sakura changed back into her human form and stood up weakly standing next to Max. Sakura: Don't be angry Max...I didn't have a choice... Max looked at Sakura and nodded holding the sword up in a stance. Sakura:I got that sword for you.I know you've wanted a blade for a long time.It's Tsubasa's old sword but I've purified it.It's yours. Max:Thanks...Sakura...[/color]
OOC:Hey ppl Silia is the voice inside the Cellcoms. She isn't actually a person.Everyone edit.You all have cellcoms next to you when you wake up. [color=navy]Sakura looked around and spotted her best friend Amy and Salkala her little sister. Sakura ran up to them and woke them up carefully.Sal looked so confused. [b]Sakura:[/b]You ok Sal? Salkala looked around and nodded. Sakura looked over to Amy. [b]Sakura:[/b]Amy.You ok? [b]Amy:[/b]I'll be ok. They got up and picked up their things.Next to Salkala was a spear,a red stone and a cellcom.Next to Amy was a small metal staff,a blue stone and a cellcom.Sal and Amy looked at the cellcoms studying them. [b]Salkala:[/b]Sakura...What are these things?! [b]Sakura:[/b]They're called cellcoms.They are used to communicate with each other. They walked over to the guys and started talking getting to know each other better.[/color]
[color=navy]Sakura trotted next to Umeko. [b]Umeko:[/b]If anything happens to the group it'll be my fault... [b]Sakura:[/b]No it won't.It's no one's fault. Umeko smiled down at Sakura.Sakura always tried her best to cheer everyone up whenever they were sad or upset. Soon they arrived at a clearing.Umeko sat on a rock and Sakura just sat like a dog.Umeko reached out and scratched her ears.Sakura sighed and lay down.They just sat in silence just happy with each others company.Umeko was so sad it made Sakura sad too.[/color]
Sakura quickly called for some nurses and doctors and a stretcher. Two injured members of the team...Not doing well. Sakura looked at Ki and DFX. They rested their hands on her shoulders and comforted her. The doctors had hooked her up to machines and were bandaging her wounds and pulling out pieces of glass. Sakura,DFX and Ki watched from outside with worry. Sakura heard a mewing.She ran to the Zoid Bay and Jade Fox was mewing loudly.It knew something was wrong with Kirei.Sakura patted it soothingly and told it that everything would be okay hoping that it would.
Sakura woke up and looked around.There was a package near her bed.Sakura walked over to it and read the label.It said it was a NetNavi.Sakura grinned and ripped the paper off.There was a CD inside and Sakura picked it up.Sakura walked over to her computer and put the disk down.She looked at Shiva her old Navi. "Shiva..." "You have to Sakura.You'll be happy with your new one..." Sakura nodded sadly and started to load her disk.She answered the questions and it began.The long wait.Sakura decided to go outside and play basketball for some fitness and to waste time.
[color=navy]Sakura stared angrily at the cage.Her eyes flickered red and she ran out the door and down the teleporter.She closed her eyes and sensed around the area hoping to find Basu but they were far away.Sakura growled angrily and she felt she had gained a new power.She looked at the sky and it turned pink for a while before returning to blue.It was a gift from Eden.Sakura shrugged and felt herself changing.She grew fur and her clothes disappeared.Her nose and mouth stretched out to become a muzzle.Her arms and legs turned into paws.Her ears moved to the top of her skull and became furry and pointy.A tail grew from the base of her spine.She had become a wolf.That was the animal she was thinking of at that moment.The group came out of the house and immediately poised for battle.Sakura howled trying to speak.She thought of her human self and she changed back.Everyone gasped and stared at Sakura. [b]Sakura:[/b]It's a gift from Eden.I now have the power to transform into any animal.[/color]