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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. In a Realm of ruin! A world of lost hearst and souls!Five kids must stand together! When the road might look tough don't worry, Count on your friends to help! A Rod of great power has fallen into the hands of a young girl name Sakura! A girl that only in her dreams thought of this much power! She must go on a journey that only gods now of and Imagination leads! She must fight with her will and her heart! The journey will not be easy, though evil beings will try to destroy this Rod! Don't get discouraged! With the heart, soul, and justice of these kids will strengthen even a slightest weapon! Now her journey begins in the realm of fire! She's not alone for others have teleported from their homes! The journey begins as it will end With Friendship! Now take the step to the realms and feel the power of the rod! Your weapon can vary from sword- bow- to a ax something from the old ages!Eg. No GUNS or mechanical weapons. Magic: Fire Earth Nature Ice Lighting Wind Gravity Time Cure Water Speed One more aspect is the Burning Stone! There are 6 so I'll list them: Love-Mighty Kai Courage-DJ. Tatum Justice-aYokano Destiny-oekakiotaku Friendship-Sky Moonflow Hope-Little Serenity Truth-Geist Promise-Sky Moonflow's Brother? Those are the good ones.The final one is evil.The Betrayel Stone.The one who chooses that is evil and the main enemy.I'll make the info for the evil one.You can make up the name,age,gender,description,bio and weapon though. Name: Sakura Age: 16 Sex: Female Description:Sakura has chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,blue pants and blue and white joggers. Bio:Most of it's explained above. Weapon: The Rod of The Realms!(It can change forms) Magic: All Burning Stone: A stone with a part of each.It's called the Ultima Stone.Very powerful. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC:Speech colors: Ultima:[color=navy]Navy[/color] Love:[color=red]Red[/color] Courage:[color=orange]Orange[/color] Justice:[color=silver]Silver[/color] Destiny:[color=purple]Purple[/color] Friendship:[color=blue]Blue[/color] Hope:[color=yellow]Yellow[/color] Truth:[color=sienna]Sienna[/color] Promise:[color=teal]Teal[/color] For these colors you don't have to use them just for speech.You can make your whole post that color like I do. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=navy][i]Sakura woke up and looked around.Lying next to her was a Silver Rod and a Navy Blue stone.Sakura picked the two items up and tried to remember what had happened. Then she remembered she had gotten a message about saving the world from evil and she was teleported here.Sakura stood up and looked at her surroundings.There was fire everywhere and it was getting hot.There was a beeping sound.Sakura looked down to see a small device.Sakura leaned down and picked it up.A female voice came out:[/i] "Hello Sakura. You are in the Realm of Fire.You have been chosen to save the realms from the evil that has befallen us.I am Silia.This device that you are holding is a Cellcom.The stone that you picked up is the Ultima Stone.It has great power.The Rod is a powerful weapon.The only weapon that can save the Realms." Sakura stared at the device.(It resembles the D-Tectors from Digimon Frontier.) [i]Then Sakura looked around and saw there were kids scattered around.[/i] "Silia.Who are these kids?!" "They are to help you on your quest sakura.They each have a weapon,a burning stone and a Cellcom." [i]Sakura put the cellcom in her jacket pocket and walked over to the other kids waking them up and checking they were okay.[/color][/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alright guys go for it!!
  2. It's STARTED!! Everyone is in!!! ENJOY ALL!!!
  3. [color=navy][i]Sakura and Akira walked back inside and prepared for sleep because it was night.Sakura checked Basu's cage once more and walked into her corner and propped her back up against the walls and folded her arms over her chest before dozing off. Basu looked around saw that everyone was asleep.He cast a silencing spell so no one could hear what he was about to doing.Basu began to make blasts of energy in the cage trying to break free but the blasts were also injuring him.He continued even though he was injured.Now and again he would stop to check no one was awake.Soon he was really badly injured and wanted one more shot.He charged up a large blast and fired.The cage finally broke and Basu broke free from his prison and ran outside.He telepathically called to the Dark Riders to get him and he cast a healing spell on himself.When they arrived the new 2nd in Command held the reins of Darkmoon,Basu's mare.BAsu mounted and they rode away with Basu swearing revenge on Sakura,her group and especially Umeko.[/i][/color]
  4. Sakura woke up and looked around.This time she was outside the chapel.Her Ice Blade from Sasuka lay next to her and next to it was her stone.Sakura got up and picked up the blade and the stone hanging it around her neck from before.Sakura walked towards the chapel and into the door looking around.She immediatly spotted her old friends.She smiled and ran up to them. [color=teal]Sakura:Hey guys!!How've ya been?![/color] [color=silver]Tate:Hey Sakura!You've changed a lot![/color] [color=orange]Kiara:How have you been Sakura?[/color] [b]Domino:Everyone's changed I guess.[/b] They all talked about what had happened and wondering why they were back in this island and catching up on old times.
  5. Person Player Name:Sakura Character Char. Name: Sora Appearance: [url]http://www.squareuniverse.net/downloads/wallpaper_winampskins/kh/sora_1280x1024.jpeg[/url] Bio: Sakura designed new items,clothes and modifications to Sora and his weapons etc.She liked the character Sora because of his bravery and hope to save his friends and even people he didn't know and to risk his life trying to save them. Info: From Kingdom Hearts. Friends are Riku,Kairi,Donald,Goofy,Mickey and lots of other Disney and SquareSoft Characters.He cares about his friends and will do anything to save them.He's a strong fighter because of his magic and his keyblade. Is that enough?And about the pic I don't know what happened to it.For some reason my attachments aren't working.
  6. JJRiddler has let me change to Animal unless GinnyLynn signs up. If she signs up then I'm going back to Mythical.
  7. This is Sky Moonflow's Brother that can't log in at the moment. Name: Ryu Age:17 Sex: Male Description: Black pants and black shirt. Black shoes. Red gloves. Blue hair. Green eyes. About 6"2 Bio:Ryu is Amy's brother. He had promised their mother that he would keep a watch over Amy. But Amy had gotten lost and was thus seperated from him. He then promised himself that he would find his sister and after 15 years he still hasen't found her. By the age of 17 and still no sight of Amy. He decided that he should do something. But then he heard of the Rod of Realms. And decided that was the way he would find his sister. Weapon: A sword that has a dragon head carved on one side of the handel (he did this) and an Angel on the other side (his mother carved this). Magic: Gravity and Time Buring stone: Promise Ryu- "I promise that I will find my sister....Amy.." And yes you can have opposites and ones that people have chosen.
  8. Future with a bit of modern. Like nothing especially futuristic. Everyone's in.There's still 3 more spots!!! Please come in and take the spots.
  9. Name: Sakura Abalon Codename: Summon/BioMass Age: 24 Occupation: Member of the Mutant Brigade. Identity: Most people don't know of Sakura Abalon?s existence. Legal status: None Place of birth: New York Group affiliation: Mutant Brigade.Operation Group #4:Solidarity Strength level: Intensive regular exercise Mutation type: Summoner Known superhuman powers: Sakura can cause living animals to appear out of thin air. However, they will always appear from areas where you can't see, behind or inside something. She always has two very intelligent wolves with her that are summoned, they look like normal dogs when not in battling state or anything. Summoned animals are virtually invincible and only disappear when people aren't looking.
  10. Of course you can Mandy!! And Sky you're in too. I actually have a little sister!! We can all be a big happy group. Sky is my friend and Mandy's my lil sister!! How cool!!!!
  11. Sure you can be friends. Everyone.You can be my friend already or related to me or meet me on the way!:D Thanks for changing it.Sorry for the trouble.
  12. In a Realm of ruin! A world of lost hearst and souls!Five kids must stand together! When the road might look tough don't worry, Count on your friends to help! A Rod of great power has fallen into the hands of a young girl name Sakura! A girl that only in her dreams thought of this much power! She must go on a journey that only gods now of and Imagination leads! She must fight with her will and her heart! The journey will not be easy, though evil beings will try to destroy this Rod! Don't get discouraged! With the heart, soul, and justice of these kids will strengthen even a slightest weapon! Now her journey begins in the realm of fire! She's not alone for others have teleported from their homes! The journey begins as it will end With Friendship! Now take the step to the realms and feel the power of the rod! Your weapon can vary from sword- bow- to a ax something from the old ages!Eg. No GUNS or mechanical weapons. Magic: Fire Earth Nature Ice Lighting Wind Gravity Time Cure Water Speed One more aspect is the Burning Stone! There are 6 so I'll list them: Love-Mighty Kai Courage-DJ. Tatum Justice-aYokano Destiny-oekakiotaku Friendship-Sky Moonflow Hope-Little Serenity Truth-Geist Promise-Sky Moonflow's Brother? Those are the good ones.The final one is evil.The Betrayel Stone.The one who chooses that is evil and the main enemy.I'll make the info for the evil one.You can make up the name,age,gender,description,bio and weapon though. Name:Your character's name Age:How old.Teens Sex:Male/female Description:What does your character look like Bio:History of your character. Weapon:No GUNS or mechanical weapons. Magic:2 Max.List above Burning Stone:1 each.List above Name: Sakura Age: 16 Sex: Female Description:Sakura has chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,blue pants and blue and white joggers. Bio:Most of it's explained above. Weapon: The Rod of The Realms!(It can change forms) Magic: All Burning Stone: A stone with a part of each.It's called the Ultima Stone.Very powerful. The Evil One!!-KnightoftheRose Name: Ryan Schezar Age: 19 Sex: Male Description: Ryan dresses in a long black trenchcoat and has pure white hair. His skin is very pale and his build, medium. His eyes are a very dark blue. He keeps his facial hair down to a mere stubble. 6'2". Bio: Weapon: Serrated Long Sword Magic: Shadow and Darkness Burning Stone: Betrayel Sign Up and Enjoy!!!
  13. [color=navy]Sakura galloped across the field and arrived at the log that led to Kokiri Forest.Sakura dismounted and leaded Epona through and into the forest.Sakura mounted again and made her way through the tunnels before arriving at Kokiri Village.Trotting up to her treehouse Sakura dismounted again and tied Epona up and let it eat some grass. She looked around and noticed Samantha exiting the hollow log of the Elders. Sakura patted Epona fondly as Samantha walked up. "Wow Sakura.Where'd you get her?"said Samantha patting Epona. "I went to Lon Lon Ranch.Looks like the old Epona that father used to ride had a foal and Malon had a daughter.They called the foal Epona after her mother and the girl's name is Salon.She let me take Epona because of my father's reputation.How'd it go with the Elders?" "Fine.They told me to wait for you to come back and help guard Kokiri Forest and Village." "Right.Might as well get started now right?" Samantha nodded.Sakura quickly got her bow and quiver from the house and mounted Epona.Sakura reached out her hand to Sam and she got on.Epona didn't like the extra wait so they only did it that time.Sakura passed Sam the bow and quiver and grabbed the reins steering her through the tunnels.They stopped at the mouth of the tunnel,the entrance to Kokiri Forest.Sakura tied Epona to a tree and looked at Samantha. "Sam.I'm going to wait at temple of Time for the others.Stay here and take care of Epona.Use my bow instead of your slingshot and when there are hard enemies play Saria's Song on your Ocarina.I'll come.Be careful.You don't know what monsters may be coming." Samantha nodded and gulped hard.Sakura waved as she pulled out her Ocarina of Time.She played the Song of Time and was transported to the Temple of Time.Sakura sat on the pedestal and played songs on her ocarina to waste time.[/color]
  14. [b]Name:[/b]Sakura [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Digimon:[/b]Sirimon [b]Digimon Attacks:[/b]Ice Blaster,Frost Bite [b]Biomerge name:[/b]Fenrismon [b]Biomerge Attack:[/b]Blizzard Slash,Ice Punch,Ice Kick(And same attacks from Sirimon) [b]Appearance:[/b]Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes usually covered by her blue tinted sunglasses,a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside with a blue chinese dragon coiled on the front,blue pants and blue and white nikes. [b]Soul:[/b]Ice [b]Bio:[/b]Sakura was a social person and one day she got the email that would change her life.Thinking it was a joke from a friend she opened it and recieved the ice soul.Soon after she met Sirimon a wolf like digimon that seemed cool.Sakura and Sirimon clicked instantly and are best friends. [b]Description:[/b] [b][u]Sirimon:[/b][/u] Sirimon is a wolf like digimon that has navy blue fur. [b][u]Fenrismon:[/b][/u] Same navy blue fur but can't see much of it because of the armor.The armor is silver with blue stripes like Lobomon's but without the scarf.Fenrismon has a blade that it uses to battle with and has a sheath connected to it's belt.Fenrismon can walk and attack on both 2 and 4 legs.
  15. Sakura woke up and saw Cannon leaning over her placing a damp cloth on her forehead. Sakura:What happened? Cannon:You were badly injured during training. Sakura groaned and sat up keeping the cloth in place by putting her hand up to hold it. Sakura:I need to continue training...My journey starts tomorrow. Cannon:Jenna said you should stay in bed until you're better. Sakura:But my journey starts tomorrow!I have to be ready!! Sakura said stubbornly as she got up and dropped the cloth on her bed.She changed and walked into the training area with Flame Blade in hand. Sakura:*looking at the dummy*Inferno Flame!! The dummy burst into flames and Cannon put it out with a bucket of water. Jenna walked out and looked at Sakura training hard like usual. Jenna:I thought I told Cannon to keep you in bed. Sakura:She did tell me Mother.But my journey starts tomorrow!! Sakura said stubbornly while still training. Jenna:*thinking*I hope you do well Sakura.Do me proud and collect all those Djinns. JEnna smiled at her daughter and walked back into the house.
  16. [color=navy][b]Sakura:[/b]Ah yes.I must explain to you.We killed Tsubasa because he poisoned our friend Umeko.The two brothers were very close and now Basuka wants to get revenge on us.Especially me since I killed him.In case you haven't noticed I'm Sakura.I am the Legendary One Summoned by the great goddess Eden.And these nice people. [i]Sakura said waving her hand around the room.[/i] [b]Sakura:[/b]Are here to help me volunterily.We are on a quest to find the Crystals to save the world from destruction and evil.we would be pleased if you joined us. Akira smiled and nodded. Sakura went around introducing everyone and now Akira felt at home with people.Akira was a bit confused in her mind.She was the summoned one and they were all helping her?Does that mean they are the Chosen Ones?Akira shrugged it off and talked to Sakura about them.[/color]
  17. Sasuka stepped up and propped her glaive against the wall. She took the torch and shone it at the wall in amazement. Sasuka seemed in a trance and she stretched out her arm and ran her hand along the wall feeling the hieroglyphics. Sasuka:The hieroglyphics...They are mystical... Everyone looked at her strangely but she was still tranced. Suddenly she snapped her arm back away from the wall as if it was a fire. She picked up her glaive and walked to the others. Sasuka:I wish I knew what they meant...I might not go with you because I need to figure out these Hieroglyphics because I have a feeling they have something to do with us...I mean we're all from abusive homes and we just happen to meet each other.I think it's more than a coincidence. The others agreed.They put Corey down and started to build a fire. Sasuka remembered the powers of the glaive and made a fire with it. They huddled around it keeping warm.
  18. Aiko smiled at Kiara.It was good to have some training. Aiko smirked and fired a blast of ice before jumping away and getting into her fighting stance,crouched a bit with sword stretched behind her and her empty hand in front. Kiara dodged the ice attack and got into her own fighter stance. Kiara fired a beam of light that Aiko deflected with her blade. The battle had started.
  19. Does that mean I'm not in? If so then ok.I don't mind really.
  20. Name:Sakura Race: DragonLord Age:16(Youngest DragonLord) Dragon form's name:Sakuya Weapon:An Elemental Blade Appearance: [b][u]Human:[/b][/u] Sakura has chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,blue pants and blue and white joggers. [b][u]Dragon:[/b][/u] Sakuya has navy blue scales,emerald eyes and large wings. Short Bio:Sakura used to be a normal girl in high school before she found out she was a dragonlord.Now she leaves on a search for others of her kind and to save her kind.
  21. [color=navy][b]Sakura:[/b]Talk!Or you will never be able to talk. [i]Basuka opened his mouth but whipped up his hand and fired a blast of fire at Sakura.But Sakura's a master mage!So she already had a barrier around her.[/i] [b]Sakura:[/b]Nice try!You think a master mage like me would talk to a low life like you without a barrier?!I don't think so!! [i]Sakura pressed her blade to his neck tighter.It nipped the skin and blood came out in a tiny stream. The group came around and stood around him.[/i] [b]Sakura:[/b]I need a favour from everyone.Even you. [i]Sakura looked at her group and Akira.[/i] [b]Sakura:[/b]Alright everyone.Hold your right hand infront of you above me and Basuka with palms facing down. [i]Akira backed up and joined the circle.They all held out their right hands and waited for further instructions.Sakura made a spell to keep the blade pressed against his throat even though she wasn't holding it.Sakura stepped half over Basu and started to float.[/i] [b]Sakura:[/b]Okay...Everyone concentrate hard!Ignore everything around you.Close your eyes.It helps.Now keep concentrating. [i]Everyone obeyed and Basu started to talk.The blade pressed even tighter and Sakura cast a silence spell.Everyone was calm and obeying.Sakura told them to open their eyes but keep their palms outstretched and the concentration at a maximum.They opened their eyes and Sakura glowed a brilliant white.Sakura muttered a spell in a mystical language and suddenly under their palms a yellow light glowed.Sakura then shouted the final word and out of the globe of light came wires that all joined at the top to form a cage around Basu.Sakura changed to her original state and floated to the ground.She fell as she touched down and Eve caught her.Everyone was surprised at the power and looked at Basu in his glowing cage of light.[/i] [b]Sakura:[/b]You can carry the cage.It will feel light.If you are Dark hearted you will feel pain as soon as you touch it.Look. [i]Just as she spoke Basu grabbed a bar and howled in pain.They looked back at Sakura but she had fainted from exhaustion.Chaos took her and they trekked home with Akira carrying the captive.Chaos looked down at Sakura and smiled.She was a master mage now.Just like she dreamed of when they were younger.[/i][/color] OOC: During the night Basu will escape.He will escape by means of blasting the cage.It won't work for a while and only hurt him but soon after a lot of tries he will break free.You people can post but I will post the scene when he escapes.
  22. Aiko and Kiara looked around in amazement. They waved with their free hands at Banner. He just stared in confusion then shook it off and continued training. They flew around for quite a while before landing. Aiko:Thanks Tate.That was fun. Kiara:Yeh..Thanks...And good battle. Tate:My pleasure.It was a great battle Kiara.Well done. They all smiled and walked back to the main camp.Aiko decided to do some training.She made cuts and slashes against an imaginary foe then suddenly a blade connected with hers.Aiko looked up to see who it was and saw...... [Anyone can insert here.If no one wants to then I'll battle Sasuka]
  23. Sakura

    The Tribe.

    OOC:Hey Vicky how was the trip?Did I control the RP ok? Sakura howled in her vixen mode.She raced around in the dark with her black coat.Sometimes all you could see if you looked hard enough was her red tipped ears and her tail that lashed out behind her.Sakura scratched at unaware shadows.Sakura looked at Leonx.Her life had changed as soon as she joined the Dark Warriors.Now...They were here family.And she would do anything to protect them...even if it meant death.Sakura saw that Leonx was about to use a fireball and got behind him like all the other Dark Warriors and Leonx unleashed the flames with his tribe standing behind him.Sakura stood next to Leonx and exchanged whispers.Sakura nodded at the final whisper and leapt out from next to Leonx in mid run she changed into a Leopard and chased the shadows around like sheep.They were gathered closely Sakura ran up to Leonx and he threw her some rope that he held one end of.Sakura raced around them again tying them up.Sakura smirked and changed back to vixen and slinked over next to her position next to Leonx.Leonx nodded in a congratulation and charged a fireball unleashing it on the group.Unfortunately the slinked out of the rope.
  24. OOC:Actually can I change to Master of Animals? If I can't then I'll stay with Mystical.Thanks.
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