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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy]Mike and I have discussed a little bit of the challenge so far and as an alternative to Stephen's idea of how to do it we thought something like this: We will of course be the Heroes, duh. Our enemies could be the other teams as Crime Syndicates. And maybe Stephen and Tiana could take care of our graphics needs first before being added to the writing list, unless they'd rather write of course. [B]Types of graphics things we thought of were:[/B] -Table/background graphics -A title graphic/splash -And character images if possible Mike and I both said we wouldn't mind doing a lot of the writing with direction from the plans we come up with. But now I've just realised that we kindly left Beth out >
  2. [COLOR=Navy]Yay~! Welcome to The Titans, Mike. Now we're the team with the most members and I hope we can all work together well to win all the challenges ^^[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Navy]So it's decision time, and we still haven't heard from Tiana in a while. Uhm...I'm just trying to nut this out logically, and the logical choice would be Mike (AKA The Boss) right? Since that's the one that both Stephen and I agree on, and Beth said she wouldn't mind any of the ones we named. Captain's vote matters most. I just wish we knew what Tiana is doing. She may still have exams... But....YAY TITANS on our first VICTORY!!! =D[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy]Yeah, we should really decide on who we want for our team. My vote would go to either The Boss, or Veritas because I'm confident in both of their abilities. Both are creative and loyal from how I've seen them participate in other things like RPs. They're both quite active from how I've seen which means it'll help with working out challenges. Talking about the challenge, I'm just glad I could do it for the team. For once I was glad for timezones because it was posted at 4:06pm, giving me the entire evening/night to work on it. While a lot of others would be away doing daily things, I have holidays with pretty much nothing to do, so as tiring as it was it was fun because it took up time. I'm happy we won, but sorry again since it seems like I made all the decisions on my own. Though it does seem my reasons for posting are worthy because A_M posted only about an hour after me.[/COLOR]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Cameron covered her mouth with her hand, trying to calm her harsh breathing. She took deep breaths through her nose, calming her body as she tried to listen to all the sounds around her but the noise was disguised by the sound of raindrops pounding on the pavement. She sniffled quietly, wiping the water from her amethyst eyes and pushing the wet bangs of her hazelnut hair back away from her face. Her ratty clothes were drenched and she was chilled to the bone but she was on the run. Looking down at her sorry form she looked like nothing more than a street rat that could be frequently seen roaming New York, wearing dirty, torn articles of clothing that looked like they hadn?t been washed; a faded worn t-shirt with holes all over it, and jeans with dirt marks and holes riddled in it. Concentrating silently her hearing became stronger and more focused. For anyone that saw her at that moment they would stare, as she now had furry wolf-like ears that sat atop her head, twitching and moving, trying to pick up sounds around her. When satisfied that no one was nearby in this torrential rain, her ears slid back down her head, looking normal as human ears would be. She got up from her crouched position, breathing steadily as she took off out of the alley. She enjoyed the rush of running, her shoes slapping the pavement with each step. And she enjoyed the thrill of pretending to be something she wasn?t? That?s right. She wasn?t really a street urchin, the type of people that her parents looked down upon. She was in fact Cameron Hille the 17 year old daughter of Carter Hille, the owner of a large, successful technology empire. She was making her way home now after a day of hanging out with her friends that genuinely lived on the streets. Her friends of course didn?t know that she was from an upper class family, with a heap of money. To them she was just ?Cammy?, the orphan thrown out onto the streets as a child who?d learnt the ways of life the hard way. People would ask why she wanted to do such a thing, pretending that she was homeless and needed to resort to thievery and deception. It was incredibly fun and she really enjoyed it. Running amuck on the streets with her friends, helping them to trick and steal from others and stores. She was well known around the place as the daughter of a rich man, but when she was on the streets her clothes looked filthy, unlike the stylish things she wore as Cameron. And she?d usually rub dirt onto her face and into her hair so no one would recognize her. Another reason she did it was because her parents always wanted her to be the sophisticated rose and to not hang around with those people on the streets, she did it just to spite them, even though they were unaware of her actions. Today had been a pretty unsuccessful day since it had started raining in the early afternoon, causing everyone to run for shelter, including her friends, taking off in search of somewhere warm to wait out the storm. Knowing there would be no use staying around any longer she set off for home, shivering slightly as she felt the effects of staying out in the rain. After she was sure she wasn?t being followed she slowed her pace to a casual walk, shoving her dirty hands into her worn pair of jeans, black from grime and torn in many places. Cameron had to raise an eyebrow as she saw a man wearing a long hooded black rain coat standing statue still on the pavement, looking in her direction. She became wary of him and moved to walk around him. Just as she was beside him, his arm snapped out, grabbing her wrist tightly. Her eyes flashed and she glared at him, though she was unable to see anything since he was covered in the shadow of his hood. She tested his strength by jerking her hand, trying to pull away. His grip only tightened more, squeezing the flesh tightly. [b]?What do you want??[/b] she asked in the end. [b]?My master wishes to meet with you.?[/b] was all he said. Cam watched him, his grip was unrelenting, and it looked like he wouldn?t be letting her go if she didn?t give him an answer. [b]?What for? I?m nothing special, just a street rat.?[/b] [b]?Don?t lie. My master is aware of your talent and wishes to put it to use.?[/b] [b]?I?m not going to see any master of yours, now let me go!?[/b] she yelled, turning and lashing at him with her right leg. He turned too and caught the limb, squeezing it painfully. [b]?You [i]will[/i] come with my one way or another.?[/b] [b]?We?ll see about that.?[/b] she growled lowly. Cammy took a deep breath, putting a form in mind. Slowly the hooded man released her, manipulating the shadows to form a shield around himself. Cameron wasn?t paying attention to what he was doing however, just falling to all fours as she underwent her transformation. The sickening grinding sound of shifting bones could be heard as her skin stretched to accommodate the change. Her clothes disappeared and her body was covered in navy blue scales. She arched her back as wings pierced her back. They were thick and leathery, filled with the lightweight bones of most flying creatures. Her spinal cord extended, creating a thick, powerful tail that swished with agitation. The man just stared at her new form as it became complete with the change of facial structure and appearance. Now with slitted cat-like eyes and a long muzzle. Standing in human Cameron?s place was now a beautiful navy blue dragon. Who had an angry glint in her eye. She reared her head back, thrusting it forward as a stream of flames emerged from her mouth, surrounding the man. He could feel the heat but wasn?t injured as he had put up a shield. Cameron shifted back to human as the man fought off the flames and the heat. She didn?t glance back as she ran down the street, sprinting the distance home. When she reached her house she was feeling sick and tired, and all she wanted was a hot shower, some food, and bed. Cam looked at her extravagant looking abode, rolling her eyes at her parents? taste in houses. It was a mansion even though her family only consisted of her and both her parents. But the servants of the house also lived there so it had to be large enough to accommodate them too. She walked up the steps and pulled a key from a grimy pocket, opening the door silently and slipping into the large entrance. Used to doing this many times she scuttled along the marble floors and silently glided up the staircase, eyes constantly searching for her parents that could be home, but probably weren?t. Cameron made her way to her bedroom and locked the door. Pulling off the clothes that were making her sick, she wrung them out and hung them to dry in her en suite. Her muscles relaxed under the hot water of the shower, just enjoying the time to herself and washing the dirt from her hair which flowed below her mid-back. Yes, this was a time for just her; not Cammy the street rat, and not Cameron Hille the sophisticated princess, this was one of the times where she didn?t have to pretend.[/COLOR] --- I hope that wasn?t too long or anything, Mike. To clear up, Cameron?s a shape shifter. She can change into any living thing; be it other people, animals, creatures, or even things from mythology such as the dragon. The power stops at inanimate objects. Let me know if that?s too overboard ^^;;[/SIZE]
  6. [COLOR=Navy]I'm not sure if my team will hate me for this but I'd like to submit our answer, and I'm willing to accept any hatred that comes toward me from anyone. I'm assuming we won't be penalized for incorrect answers, but here goes... Thread titles: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=17361]Gods Among Us[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=3590]Otaku War[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=48099]RahXephon & Evangelion (Angels & Gods)[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=8162]Brutality (IT SHALL LIVE AGAIN)[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=24355]The Tale of Untold: Beginning of Ends[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=40596]Hunt for Ashobi[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=36484]Earth's Special Team[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=36484]Inuyasha and the Rose of Truth[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=26875]Bionicle: The Evil has Arrived[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=17361]Road Trip[/URL] Using the first letter of each thread title I came up with the words; [B]BIG BROTHER[/B][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Navy]For a difference I went from 52 to 69. And in those travels I only found one. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=24355]The Tale of Untold: Beginning of Ends[/URL] Eh, but now I'll continue along my original path, Going into 26 onwards. [strike]So letters are: [B]G O R B T[/B][/strike] We can do this guys! When I go to bed I'll post where I stopped so anyone else can continue. [B]EDIT:[/B] Got another, [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=40596]Hunt For Ashobi[/URL] [strike]New letter count is: [B]G O R B T H[/B][/strike] [B]EDIT2:[/B] Here's another one, [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=36484]Earth's Special Team[/URL] [strike]Letters: [B]G O R B T H E[/B][/strike] [B]EDIT3:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=31003]Inuyasha and the Rose of Truth[/URL] [strike]Letters: [B]G O R B T H E I[/B][/strike] [B]EDIT4:[/B] I've now finished, having met up with 52 but I am depressed to discover that I only have 9 threads, not 10, 11 or 12. I'm thinking I've missed one somewhere...I'm re-checking the 52-69 right now, but the ninth thread is [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=26875]Bionicle: The Evil has Arrived[/URL] [strike]Making the letter count: [B]G O R B T H E I B[/B][/strike] [B]EDIT5:[/B] SUCCESS! I have found number 10, which I had overlooked. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=17361]Road Trip[/URL]. I'm unsure if there are any more so I'll continue to 69 just to make sure. I'm tired as hell right now and so glad that we've atleast found 10 making the letter count: [B]G O R B T H E I B R[/B] [B]EDIT6:[/B] Well it looks like we only have 10. Though I think Argo and LOLs may have 12 since I've seen so many of them searching through. Running our 10 letters through a Anagram Generator I got several things but the one that really stuck out to me was [B]BIG BROTHER[/B] since the hint Sandy gave us was 'spectacular name'. I'm really sorry to do this, and sorry if any of you don't like me after it but I've decided to post in the game thread with this guess in case one of the other teams solve it soon. Apologies and I'll accept all your wrath and hatred later. And sorry if it kinda seems I'm over ruling you Beth. I don't mean it in that way at all.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Navy]Well team, looks like a new challenge. If there's 96 pages, and 4 of us, maybe we can do 24 pages each? Then once someone's finished their 24 try to help out others, probably those that aren't being as active. Each time anyone finds one we should post a link here so we can keep them all in one place. Currently I'm working from the front inwards (1-24). It's up to you guys to choose a batch of 24 pages and to work from there. Good luck guys, hope we can get this done soon. [B]EDIT:[/B] I got one! [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=54262]Gods Among Us[/url] [B]EDIT2:[/B] One of my friends was browsing threads earlier and found one [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=3590]Otaku War[/URL] [B]EDIT3:[/B] Got another! Yay. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=48099]RahXephon & Evangelion (Angels & Gods)[/URL] [B]EDIT4:[/B] Alright, I've finished my 24 and later I'll continue by starting on the next 24. But so far our letters are [B]G O[/B] and [B]R[/B][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Navy]Yays, I liked this game when it was here before but I kept forgetting about it. [B]Taco Bell > United States > Cold War[/B] How about...[B]Australia[/B] to [B]Jagdish Bhagwati[/B][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Navy]Looks like we need to make a decision very soon on everything and post them up quick smart... Uhm, personally I think our name should be [B]The Titans[/B], seeing as that's the name Stephen put on his banners. As for the Team flag. If there won't be any more attempts I'd go for the first attempt. If there's time though, maybe Stephen could adjust it? I like the square background effect in the second, but like everything else in the first. These are my own opinions, of course we don't have to follow them. Ultimately the decision mostly relies on Beth since she's Team Captain. I'm just putting this forth because we're running out of time and we don't want to lose automatically because of indecision.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Mari was slightly behind everyone as they made their way back to Crusade VII, with half of her Knight damaged by the blast from the research ship. She was saddened at the loss of the smaller ship, she had tried to protect it as much as she could, but one small moment of lost concentration had cost them so much. Her thrusters were pushed to maximum but because of the damage they weren't working to their full capacity. She listened to the report on the way back, adding information when needed since she had been closest to the ship most of the time, and Min talked about the technical side which she had discovered. [B]"Hey, Leon."[/B] she opened a private link to Altair. [B]"Mari, you ok?"[/B] [B]"Yeah, I'm fine. Though Houka's pretty knocked up I think. Thanks for saving me, it was a hell of a risk, you know. You could've been caught up in the explosion too."[/B] [B]"I know Altair's capabilities, and I knew I could beat that blast."[/B] he said confidently. [B]"Yeah yeah. Anyways, thankyou."[/B] [B]"Yeah, you owe me."[/B] The two laughed before closing the link. Mari was the last to dock, adding short bursts of the thrusters to land safely, shutting off Aibou and getting out. As she got to the ground she walked back and took a look up at her mech, not surprised at the amount of damage. The whole left side of Houka was dented in, black from the flames as she had briefly been in the explosion before Leon had rescued her. The damage on her Knight was worse than the others since she had been closest to the research ship when it exploded, while the others were further distanced, yet were still damaged. One of the technicians handed her an electric screen (you know, the large touchscreen things that look like clipboards they have in futuristic shows/anime) so she could do a damage report. She studied Aibou and wrote down everything she could see, double checking with Houka's OS for things she missed. The entire left side was unoperational, with everything damaged from the heavy blast. There were also dents, pot marks and slashes/scratches around the rest of the Knight from fighting the enemy mechs. She rubbed her eyes and sighed, handing it back to another techie so they could start work on getting it fixed for the next time it was needed. She let them know she'd be back soon to help after typing up her mission report. With a sigh she trudged back to her room, changing out of her plugsuit ([URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v626/lonely_tsukasa13/Gundam-Seed-Wallpaper.jpg][B]Here[/B][/URL], guy on the right [Kira]) into a creamy beige tanktop and navy blue trackpants with two thin light brown and green stripes running down both sides. She sat at the computer and worked at her mission report, knowing it'd be better to get it over with while the mission was still fresh in her mind. It took a little over an hour before she finished, rubbing her eyes while it printed. She took a manilla folder from the large stack she had and slipped the sheets of paper in. The manilla folders all had her name emblazoned on it as she picked it up. She pulled on some comfortable joggers and grabbed a bottle of water before she left her room, locking it behind her. She moved through the halls quickly and dropped off the report. As she headed back toward the hangar she sighed at the long job ahead of her. Houka was in a bad condition and it would take a lot of work and time to get it back to perfect order. She walked up to her Knight and picked up the tool belt that had been left for her for whenever she came back. Strapping it around her waist she called over some technicians and started work, trying to get as much done before she became too tired to do any more.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Navy]I quite like the flag you made, Stephen, though the fist with the thunder makes me think of a football team we have in Australia >
  13. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]So team, how about we try to get to know each other more while we wait for everyone to respond to confirm the team name? Hopefully we can get that decided soon so Stephen and Tiana can get started on the banner. To reiterate, my vote for the name goes to [B]The Titans[/B]. Uhm, maybe some questions? Anyone can add more in their next posts but I guess I'll start... [B]What's your favourite colour and why?[/B] My favourite colour has to be shades of Blue, though I don't like bright shades like aqua. I'm not quite sure why I like the colour blue, I've always been attracted to it since I was young. Going through primary school when we used to have "factions" I always ended up in Blue, so I kinda gained blue pride from there. I really enjoy navy blue because it's dark and I tend to lean more toward the dark spectrum of things. I also really like the literal colour of the sky, not the shade "sky blue" but the actual colour. It's deep and endless, so I dunno, I just really like it. [B]What's your favourite real animal and why?[/B] My favourite animal would have to be the Wolf. Again I'm not 100% sure why I like it. But they're so cool, and powerful. I also feel that they represent me in a way, that they can stand strong on their own, but at the same time they can work well in a pack. They also have only one large pack that they trust explicitly and will hunt with. I see them as loyal, fierce, strong, powerful. Things that I am and/or hope to be. I've always been a bit like that, a bit of a loner in life but I still have a large group of friends that I hang around with and trust a lot, and I'm loyal to my friends. That's all I can think of reason-wise for now, though I may think of something else. [B]What's your favourite hobby and why?[/B] As silly as this sounds, and perhaps unbelievable, my main hobby is actually RPing right here in OB. I dropped it for a month or so in the end of last year because I had my major exams of high school, but now I'm trying to get back into it while I have the time before I start Uni. But yeah, I'm usually involved in at least one RP at a time, and have been in up to.....9 simultaneously I think. RPing is my passion, has been since I first arrived at Otakuboards. When I first came I had no idea what it was and I was quite a shocker of a newbie as I said in my earlier post, but I learnt and the Square is my OB home, even if the main reason I joined was for anime XD. But speaking outside of OB...hm, it'd probably be watching tv/anime/movies and listening to music, or playing videogames. These are just things I do to pass time and to chill out and relax for a while. I guess it's become habit since all these things are easily accessible and perfect when you kinda just want to laze around.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Navy]Alright, I finished my earlier post so check it out ^^ Congratulations to Beth, I'm sure you'll be a great Team Captain. For Team Name I'll go with The Titans, no offence but it sounds more powerful than The Nifty Titans. But if it swings that way I don't have a problem. I have a question: [strike]When using the banner in our sigs, do we have to use the official one? Or can we choose to use one that was made but wasn't chosen as our official?[/strike] [B]EDIT:[/B] Duh, my bad >
  15. [COLOR=Navy]Yeah!!! I can feel the excitement of starting in another Survivor already. I hope that all of us will stay united as a team for as long as we're together and that we'll all be posting faithfully in each challenge ^^ [B]Team Name:[/B] I really do like the sound of The Titans, sounds powerful. [B]Team Colour:[/B] I have to say that I'm with Tiana, and I'd like a shade of Blue, though I quite like Green as well. [B]Team Flag:[/B] If it wouldn't be too much hassle, maybe Tiana and Stephen could both do the flag, then we can choose. If not, either one is fine by me because both of them are awesome Graphic artists ^__^ [B]Team Captain:[/B] Hmmm, well I don't really know Beth but I'll pick her because she seems like a good decision, seeing that everyone else trusts her. And I hope to get to know you better over the game ^^ [B]A Little About Myself:[/B] Goodness, where should I start? Uhm, my name's Mary, I'm 17 turning 18 on February 15, and I originally come from Malaysia along with the rest of my family. When I was 18 months old we moved to Australia, my current residents, and since arriving I haven't left the state, which means it'll be my 17th year here in August >
  16. [SIZE=1][B]OOC:[/B] Sorry about the length, couldn't really think of much. -BTW, for information on armaments I'll be using refer to [URL=http://seedgenesis.net/index.php?action=mecha/strikefreedom/analysis][B]HERE[/B][/URL] because since I'm using Strike Freedom I might as well use what it's been given, with the Elemental properties being optional. -Let me know if I should change anything. ^^;; [COLOR=Purple]Mari watched the alien ship cautiously while Menerva tried to scan. Suddenly an alert flashed in the top corner of her screen, informing her that long range communication had been severed. She narrowed her eyes; this would be the reason why the research ship couldn?t communicate earlier to inform of their problem. The research vessel rocked violently in space as it was hit. Everyone pushed their thrusters as the alien ship took aim at them and fired off a volley of shots. The shots sprayed the area, making the Knight pilots stay on the defensive as they couldn?t get closer to the ship. Mari took a chance and flew over the spray toward the research ship, flying with it to provide as much protection as possible. Houka?s fanned wings provided a larger shield as she fired off a couple of long bursts from her hip railguns. The other Knights were steadily approaching the alien ship, blocking or dodging shots, firing their own in return. [B]"Aim for the cannons!"[/B] she shouted over the comm, locking onto one of the large protrusions. She fired her callidus multi-phase beam cannon (abdomen large beam cannon), sending a long stream of energy towards her target. She let out a cheer as it hit its mark, blowing off one of the protrusions and damaging the ship. Alex fired Ares' beam rifle destroying another cannon on the alien ship. She flew up beside Mari and discussed the best way to get past the sweeping ammunition. They continued to fire against the assault as they talked, keeping watch on the other Knights too in case they were in need of backup, but Mari was still covering the research ship. Suddenly the ship paused in its fire. Altair took that opening and rocketed toward the ship, slashing at the protrusions with its beam saber. There was a hiss and an electrical whirring sound as a hatch opened, revealing tracks with lights along it. Suddenly there was a beeping noise and a whoosh as eight mechs were deployed from the runway, into space. Each of the mechs looked the same on the outside, but most had different armaments on them. [B]"Knights, split and take care of 'em. Don't let them get to the ship."[/B] Forte called. Everyone replied with the affirmative and scattered, concentrating on the enemy mechs, but still keeping an eye on the alien ship in case it pulled anything while they weren?t watching. Mari watched carefully, she didn?t want to abandon the research ship, but she knew that sooner or later, one of the mechs would head toward her. This happened faster than she expected as one came full on, brandishing a bright beam saber. Mari apologized to the crew of the ship before giving them a shove to get out of the active battlefield. She quickly drew her own twin sabers, blocking the downward sweep with her left and slashing with the right, aiming for the shoulder joint. The enemy twisted lashing out with its right leg to push her away before firing a beam rifle aimed at the cockpit. Mari used the extra exhaust thrusters in her wings and performed a backflip, flying up and back to avoid the stream of energy. She fired her railguns at it in return, adding more electricity to it than usual, utilising her Knight's abilities. Mari made her target, aiming for the head of the mech where its main cameras were for visual. The energy smashed in one side of the head, knocking out one of its major cameras. Flying around to its blind side she swooped in with an extra kick from her thrusters, as she got close she pulled out one of her beam sabers and slashed at the head, cutting through most of the neck area, rendering the top cameras useless by slicing through the wiring. The enemy mech pushed his thrusters, shifting into a ramming position in an attempt to deal damage by shear physical force. She stayed still until the last possible moment, boosting out of the way to catch the mech in the back with a roundhouse kick. The mech was pushed forward by the force of the kick, but instead of coming back like Mari expected it to, it continued to fly in the direction it had been heading. She levelled one of her twin beam rifles and fired. It seems they expected it and dodged quickly, turning and firing a couple of shots in return. It seemed like the mech was retreating, but when Mari focussed on its direction she realised it was heading for the research ship. She pushed her thrusters forward, jetting after it as it increased its speed. A visor for sharp aiming flipped down infront of her right eye as she aimed for the thrusters of her opponent. The enemy rolled out of the way, firing at the little ship as it tried to escape. Mari flew in front of the enemy and knocked it back in the direction they had come from. [B]"Everyone, watch out that your enemy or the ship doesn't go for the research ship. They want it for something. Min, if you can try to find out what information that ship has that our enemies may want."[/B] Mari said quickly, alerting everyone to the fact that the little ship was already damaged around the engine area, slowing it down.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][B]OOC:[/B] -Whee~, you finished it ^___^ -When you said ?sealing wand? I hope it was an example since mine?s more a weapon like Syaoran?s. -Originally I did the snippet differently but realised it was their first card so they'd be pretty clueless. -I may redo the Personality section, it was kinda rushed. [COLOR=Purple][B]Name:[/B] Kaori Hamasaki [B]Country of Origin:[/B] Japan [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/8384/1128715287cpinkshoesqi2.jpg]Here[/URL]. Kaori has been gifted with a lithe and lean athletic body since she was a child and she is naturally flexible which helps her in her gymnastic abilities. Her normal clothes are more casual than that, with a mixture of skirts and pants in her wardrobe. One of her typical outfits is a grungy looking black tanktop, baggy jeans and a pair of joggers. [B]Personality:[/B] Kaori is a mature individual, despite being in her early/mid teens. She hates when others treat her like a child because she feels she's proven on more than one occassion that she's capable. She?s a quick thinker and has a strategical mind, loving logic type puzzles and strategy games. Lately she?s been learning to accept the abnormal since magic has been working around her in the form of the Sakura Cards and her new guardian, Yue. Kaori seems like quite a serious person, which she is at times, but most of the time she?s actually quite friendly and approachable. A way to read her emotions is to watch her eyes, because they change shades with how she feels; from their usual stormy blue to a crystal blue, or a dark grey. She?s a dedicated person so when she devotes herself to something she puts her whole self into it and won?t give up, showing an incredible amount of determination toward the task, an easy example in her life is gymnastics. She?s been working at that skill since she was a child and enjoys it immensely, and she?s already great at it. The skill has come in handy on more than one occassion. [B]Family Members:[/B] Mother (37): Rio Hamasaki Brother (9): Takeo Hamasaki [B]Sample:[/B] Kaori walked the streets of Tokyo, her hands were stuffed in her pockets as she strolled along the path that cut through a park. Her feet scuffed against the concrete slabs as she went, eyes firm and determined as she walked at a leisurely pace. It was a fine day, the sky a never ending mass of blue, not a cloud to be seen. Suddenly a strong breeze blew past her, making strands of hair fly into her face. Her hand brushed the hair back into place, eyes searching curiously. She didn?t know why, but the wind felt...unusual. Kaori chuckled to herself and removed the idea from her mind, she was being ridiculous, it was just wind. She continued walking and a stronger wind gushed past, making her hair fly crazily and her to force her body back against the force of it. She looked over her shoulder toward the direction the wind was coming from and thought she saw golden streaks in the wind. Kaori blinked and rubbed her eyes, when she opened them the streaks could still be seen, though now there was a wispy golden yellow figure soaring on the breeze. Her eyes narrowed and the stormy blues changed into a grey steel-like colour. [B]"What [i]is[/i] that?"[/B] she asked, staring at it. There was another gush of wind and suddenly a tall handsome man landed beside her. He had long silver hair and deep blue cat-like eyes and a pair of beautiful white wings that resembled those of an angel. [B]"That is the Windy, it is a Clow Card. Or to be more precise, a Sakura Card."[/B] [B]"A what? What?s that? And who or [i]what[/i] are you?"[/B] [B]"My name is Yue, I am the guardian of the Moon, and Windy is one of the cards under my guardianship. You are destined to capture this card, and from that moment I will be your guardian. But only if you can prove yourself worthy."[/B] [B]"Riiiight."[/B] Kaori just looked at the guardian strangely, disbelief written all over her face. [B]"Your pendant will be your sealing item."[/B] He pronounced, pointing a finger at it, shooting a blast of ice at it. The silver pendant was engulfed, before the ice shattered moments later. She grasped the [URL=http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/2889/heartpendantuo6.jpg][B]pendant[/B][/URL] that hung from a fine silver chain around her neck and checked it for any damage. [B]"Repeat after me, [I]'Stellar light, with powers burning bright, Reveal the scythe and shine your light! Release!'[/I]"[/B] he said sternly. [B]"Stellar light, with powers burning bright, Reveal the scythe and shine your light! Release!"[/B] she obeyed, not really believing anything would happen. A force whipped around her and surrounded the pendant, shining brightly as it transformed into a [URL=http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/9408/scytheyl8.jpg][B]scythe[/B][/URL]. She reflexively hefted the weapon up over her right shoulder so it rested across the back of her neck (see picture). [B]"Woah, that?s...amazing."[/B] Kaori said with wide eyes. The wind still blew around her, but now it wasn?t just in one direction, the wind flew in the same direction as the golden figure. She looked to Yue but he had his arms crossed and was just watching. His words rung in her mind, ?But only if you can prove yourself worthy?. She frowned at the prospect of having to handle this on her own when she had no idea what she was supposed to do. Kaori decided to go with her instincts and chased after the figure entwined with the wind, the scythe?s weight offset her balance slightly as Windy flew straight toward her, sending a great gust of wind in her direction. [B]"Windy!"[/B] she yelled loudly. The figure became clearer slightly as her true form was revealed. A beautiful wispy female. It was tiring and hard to keep up with her as she flew, finally when she got closer Kaori brought her scythe down hoping to at least slow the figure down, the tip hitting Windy just as she tried to fly past. A blank tarot card appeared at the tip. A phrase suddenly came to her and was out of her lips before she could even think about it, [B]"Windy, return to your power confined!"[/B] (if I can think of a better one I?ll change it or use it differently in the RP) Windy looked sad as she was sucked into the tarot card. When the process was complete, the card flew up and into her hand. She looked at the pink card curiously, staring at the female figure that had just been flying around. [B]"Well done. You did reasonably well for your first time."[/B] Yue said, a slight smile on his face. Her scythe shrunk down and disappeared, returning to its pendant form around her neck. [B]"That?s great, now tell me exactly what?s going on?!"[/B] Kaori frowned, wanting answers.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple][B]1. What name would you like to be used for you during this competition?[/B] [B]Sakura[/B] or [B]Mary[/B] will be fine. [B]2. What is your age and gender?[/B] [B]Female[/B], [B]17[/B] currently but turning 18 in February. [B]3. What country do you come from?[/B] Born in Malaysia, raised in [B]Australia[/B]. [B]4. What areas of OtakuBoards you consider as your strengths and weaknesses?[/B] [U][I]Strengths:[/I][/U] ~RPGs ~Creative Writing/Literature [U][I]Weaknesses:[/I][/U] -Art/Graphics -Music [B]5. Name one member of OtakuBoards that you consider your friend here.[/B] [B]The Boss[/B] is a pretty close friend of mine. [B]6. What one thing would you take with you to a deserted island?[/B] Hmmm, if I got stuck on a deserted island I think I'd want to bring a box/crate of emergency supplies; including food, fresh water, cotton blankets, solar stills, flares and rain catchers. [B]7. Why do you want to participate to OtakuBoards Survivor 4?[/B] The real reason I want to participate in OBS4 is because it's a thrilling ride, always exciting and challenging. I've been in two other installments before this, which were Final Fantastic Survivor, and Otakuboards Survivor: Game On! and they were great to be in. Bur now that we'll be playing as ourselves with challenges related to the boards, I'm even more excited. I'm interested in how the teams will be put together, hopefully putting people together who usually don't come into contact. I'm totally in for the ride, but more of to play with others hopefully from out of the Arena so I can get to know other members better. Also I hope to win this one or to get as far as last time, because last time I got so close, only to lose my last challenge by a point, which lost me the game. And I was still new when Final Fantastic Survivor was on, which made me easy to vote off since my posts weren't substantial.[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  19. [COLOR=Navy]Heh, well I don't usually hang around the Antho, let alone make comments because usually I can't think of anything to say. But yeah, I've read quite a few of the OB Parodies people have posted and this is looking to have a lot of potential. Right now I really like it, but it will become more clear as the story advances and as the characters develop. For a dark fic it's good, and is a relatively new idea since I don't really remember any fics being about a whole load of contractors after James, though I may be wrong about that. Like DW said, your description is great and is one of the things that draws me to your story, because good description helps you to really get in there and pretend that you can see the events. I think another thing I like about it are the chapter titles. I dunno, it's weird but they relate to the chapter, while sounding funny in a way. Anyway, it's going great so keep up the good work ^_~ And can't wait to see my appearance =P.[/COLOR]
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Black][B]OOC:[/B] This sounds awesome. I've been looking for a good Mech RP. Finally finished! Took a while but it's done.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B]Name:[/B] Mari Takeuchi [i](Mah-ree Tah-keh-oo-chee)[/i] [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Nationality:[/B] Japanese [B]Rank:[/B] Captain [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg]Here[/URL]. Mari is normally seen wearing tops and pants when not in uniform. She's not a big fan of dresses and skirts, but has been seen wearing them for times when she feels like she needs to, ie. special occassions. She has a lithe, toned, athletic body and stands at about 5'7". [B]Personality:[/B] Mari is strong willed in nature, and with that comes stubborness. She is one of the more stubborn people you will ever meet and she enjoys it immensely if she is able to get her way, even through much argumenting and deliberation. She has a strong personality and it may be overwhelming for some people because she looks more delicate than she actually is, as the saying goes 'looks can be deceiving'. She's in fact strong physically and enjoys doing gymnastics in her spare time because she was gifted with a suitable body from childhood. Mari is always dedicated to everything she sets out to do and has shown good leadership skills in the past. She has a quick strategic mind, which is a great skill and always comes in handy when she's out on the battlefield. After helping out with numerous plans for attack she was promoted to Captain status. Even though she looks like she's all business, she loves to sit and chat with friends, and enjoys a good joke. She's a very laidback person but is more serious when in the midst of battle. [B]Knight:[/B] Elemental [[URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/38/Strike_Freedom_Gundam.jpg]Houka[/URL] (She usually calls it [I]Aibou[/I])] [B]Berserk mode:[/B] Houka's special attack involves the two guns beside its legs and the eight blue wing components on its back (which spread out when it's flying to look like wings). The two guns flip up like how she normally uses them but this time they only release waves of fire, while the blue components detach from each other and fly around, releasing spirals of electricity. All aspects of this attack can lock on. Mari will usually lock with the DRAGOONs (the wing components) so they are more directed, even though they can attack on their own without help. [B]Special ability:[/B] The special ability Mari has is pyrokinesis. It's not overly powerful, but enough to deal damage. It's quite a handy ability and her fire usually always comes in handy for something or another. The fire comes from a well of energy within her body, all she has to do is reach out to it and draw some, turning it into a physical energy that burns and flickers brightly like a ball of fire. [B]Weapons:[/B] [URL=http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/7128/nagamakiqn5.jpg]Nagimaki[/URL]. Mari has been trained to handle a large variety of bladed weapons, from staved blades like the glaive, to short dagger like weapons and projectiles. But her favourite was always the Nagimaki, a nice mix between a staved blade and a katana. She keeps the blade sharp at all times so it is always ready for slicing or stabbing. It's an olden style weapon in their technologically advanced world, but she loves it all the same. Though it has been modified. There is a small button in a carved niche of the hilt, when pressed will make a glowing navy blue aura appear around the blade increasing the strength of the weapon. [B]Snippet:[/B] Mari nodded to the technicians as she climbed into the cockpit, falling into the seat. Her hands naturally went around the controls as she started up the OS. She pulled the keyboard out from beneath the control panel and checked the changes that had been made because of a new program upgrade, adjusting some things that had accidently been shifted. She pressed the button which disconnected the restraints and walked forward slowly, heading toward the exit. Mari flew out into space, she loved flying with Houka. Space was a silent abyss and she felt free just floating around. She let herself just float for several minutes before beginning a short regime of exercises, trying out the new adjustments and making mental notes of some things that should be altered. She conducted a flurry of punches and kicks, flying acrobatically. Mari smiled as she thought of when she had first piloted a mech... [I]Mari looked up at the machine. It was a training module since she was just starting out. The technicians were describing things about the Knight and she nodded her head, absorbing the information like a sponge. Finally it came time for her to put the information to use. She was helped into the machine via a platform lift, so she could get into the cockpit. She obeyed the order to turn on the comm link as soon as she got in there so she could communicate with the technicians. She was walked through how to turn on the Operating System and was told to find her co-ordination. Shakily she took several steps with the controls, finding her balance. As she gained confidence her steps grew sturdier, until she tried to take a step that was too big, which sent her falling backwards. She picked the Knight up and started going through commands that was being relayed to her. Punching and kicking to get used to the controls. Finally they allowed her to go out into space. Her first experience of piloting a Knight in space was spent more trying to get a hang of things than actually enjoying the experience. Now that there wasn't a solid surface beneath her she had to learn how to use the thrusters in conjunction with attacking and evading. This time it took her longer to adjust. After a couple of hours she was called back in, ending the session until next time. They were still testing people out for who would be best suited to piloting a Knight permanently, and even though Mari had yet to adjust to working in space with a Knight, she had done better than a lot of other members they had tested.[/I] Mari smiled fondly at the memory, it had been a challenge, which was why she had enjoyed it immensely. She had succeeded in working in space within the next session and moved on to more advanced things. Finally she had been chosen as a pilot, which is when she had received her very own Knight. When it was given to her, it was just called the "Elemental Knight". Mari had decided that her partner deserved a name, and after a couple of minutes of thinking, she came up with Houka. She named it Fire/Gunfire because fire is one of its initial elements, because of her own power of pyrokinesis, and the fact that it is used for combat which results in gunfire. Mari was satisfied with her notes on what had been changed and put a burst of power into her thrusters, jetting herself toward the hatch, calling the ship's technical control so they'd open it for her. When she landed she got out of the cockpit and wrote her mental notes down on a piece of paper, handing it to the techs so they could do a couple more re-adjustments before heading off to the gym to do a workout. [B]Notes:[/B] -Raised as an only child, father was military personnel, brought up by a nanny -Has used the Nagimaki since she was 10, taught by her father -Discovered her pyrokinetic abilities by accident when she was 8 -Learnt how to pilot a Knight when she was 14 -Other than the training module, Houka is the only mech she's ever piloted -She usually refers to Houka as "Aibou"[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  21. [color=navy]I've read through this thread and I have to say that I don't really mind if the swear filter is reimplemented because I don't usually use swear words when I'm RPing, nor do I care about removing graphic sexual situations. The thing that I am more concerned about is flattening graphic violence. Now don't get me wrong, I disagree with pointless graphic violence, but when it comes to assassin type RPs and things that requires a lot of killing, it won't have the same effect if we can't describe the act happening. Unless of course each RP creator of that sort does the 'PM someone and plead the case' type thing.[/color]
  22. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I decided I'll post in this even though I don't really believe in Star Signs... [B]1) What day is your birthday?[/B] 15th of February, 1989 [B]2) What is your zodiac sign?[/B] Aquarius, Year of the Snake [B]3) How does your zodiac sign describe your personality?[/B] "Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac and associated with future ideas and the unusual. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a creative, challenging, entertaining, progressive, stimulating, and independent character, but one which is also prone to rebelliousness, coldness, erraticism, cowardice, and impracticality." [B]4) Does the description of your zodiac actually describe you? Why?[/B] Actually, it does so quite accurately. I like to see myself as creative mostly, unless we're looking at drawing and visual art...Challenging is accurate because I can be a bit of a pain to deal with at times. My friends seem to think I'm entertaining all the time, even though I don't mean to be =/ And I tend to be independant, I dunno, I just don't like having to rely on other people. On the other hand, I am quite rebellious towards certain things, though I do have a limit. Then coldness and erraticism I have spurts of every now and then. Though I don't think I'm a coward or impractical. [B]5) How does your zodiac sign PWN over the rest?[/B] Hey, what's cooler than a [b][I]Water[/I][/b] Bearer being of the element [b][I]Air[/I][/b]? >
  23. [QUOTE=BKstyles][font=tahoma]Super Mario RPG =). Sub-Title: A [i]complete story[/i] 1) Released originally in 1996 for a system by a company without a next-gen console. 2) Involved carefully detailed anime cutscenes and gave you the option of collecting provocative pictures of the game's heroines.[/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Woot, browsing and saw this, even though I don't really know much about subtitles and stuff... I'm quite sure the answer to this one is [B]Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete[/B]. I personally haven't played this one because I can't get a hold of one, but I love the sequel. Hmmmm... [B]Sub-title:[/B] A Musical Adventure [B]1)[/B] Released in 2000 for the Playstation [B]2)[/B] Co-created by the makers of [I]Disgaea[/I][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Navy]Alright, as a member of Labyrinth I'm here to say that it wasn't White's fault that it "died". Which it hasn't. Just because people didn't post for...say a week or two. It was getting a little long for me, but I just posted so we're that much closer to the end, now we're just waiting for BKstyles. I think the reason it "died" is yes because of the holiday season, and people have lives outside of OB which means most likely spending time with family, which I did personally. But also I think that it had become....somewhat repetitive? Because like an RP it requires you to constantly come up with something new and interesting for each new area we entered. And being a maze type thing with rules it kinda limited in ways. But anyway, if anything it'd be the blame on the contestants, me included for it "dying" just because we didn't post. That could be because of timing, other commitments, or just a laziness to post. Either way once BK posts we can exit, and see what White has in store...[/COLOR]
  25. [B]OOC:[/B] Yeesh, I'm just posting so this is over already. >< Sorry BK, I felt I had to. [COLOR=Navy]Maya and Janet ran through the torrential rain, leaving the remains of their fellow contestants behind. The rain chilled them to the bone, making their travels more troublesome as their saturated clothes clung to them and added extra weight to their exhausted bodies. Janet looked toward the exit, hoping that nothing terrible awaited them. Maya was tired, using a lot of energy to put out the fire, and earlier when rescuing Feng. Their pace slowed gradually until they were just walking. Each of them were trembling from the cold and they just wanted to get out of this strange maze. [B]"Do you think Feng's alright?"[/B] Janet questioned, thinking of the youngest contestant still alive, having disappeared in a flash of light. [B]"I'm sure she is. She may be young in comparison, but she can hold her own."[/B] Maya re-assured. It took them a long time, but they made it to the exit of the forest without encountering another problem. The two women halted as they looked at the expanse of area they were in. They just stood and stared. The two of them were positioned on a thin ledge, and several hundred metres away they could see another doorway, but between them and the doorway was an expanse of nothing but water. They didn't know how deep it was because they weren't able to see the bottom. So who knew what could be lurking in the depths, ready to ensnare them. [b]"Any ideas on how to cross it?"[/b] Maya asked, trying to think if anything she could do would help them. [B]"Hmm, maybe just one."[/B] Janet said quietly, kneeling down at the edge and dipping her hand under the surface. She searched the waters for plant spores and when she found some she started to separate them into species. She lit up when she found some spores for lilypads and looked up at Maya with a smile as she sent power into the spores, encouraging them into a rapid growth, multiplying quickly until there was a trail of lilypads from their ledge to the other side, with a barely manageable gap between each pad. Janet took a deep breath and started across, using long strides to traverse each gap finally arriving on the other side. It wasn't as easy for Maya because Janet's walk across had shifted the lilypads so they weren't in perfect alignment, and some gaps were larger than others. She took a calming breath and started, making it across the first few with little problem. But she was stuck in the middle as the next lilypad was obviously too far. It started to drift on the water, and when she thought it was close enough she jumped, but her foot slipped on the leaf platform and it slid away from her foot, dumping her in the water with a loud splash. She gasped and floundered at the surface, quickly trying to swim across. There were bubbles from the waters and she tried to swim faster. It was of no use as a leviathan rose from the water, striking forward quickly to grab Maya and drag her under screaming. Janet gasped as she watched, feeling helpless and she started to sob as the waters turned crimson with Maya's shed blood. She painfully turned away and continued through the doorway to whatever was awaiting her, wondering if she'd see Feng Li again before they got to the Arch.[/COLOR] [CENTER][img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Labyrinth/labyrinth-deathcard.png[/img][img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Labyrinth/labyrinth-maya.jpg[/img][/CENTER]
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