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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. So do I choose only one magic to have? If so I'll take Nature. If not then both:D
  2. Sasuka continued to run and arrived at the light. She saw others.She panted and looked at them. Sasuka:H-H-Hi...I'm Sasuka.You can call me Suka.Who are you guys? Starr:I'm Starr. Ravwrin:I'm Ravwrin. Starr:And that's Corey. She said pointing at the guy. Sasuka nodded and sat on a rock happy she had finally found some others to talk to.
  3. Sakura


    [b][u]Warrior[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b]Sakura [b]Species:[/b]Mouse [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Bio:[/b]Sakura was chosen as Redwall warrior because of her heroism. She was found as an orphan that was dumped in the woods outside Redwall.The elders had found her and took care of her.Now she defends Redwall Abbey from danger.One day a group of SwampRats attacked Redwall.There had been a decoy and the fighters in Redwall had gone to defeat some enemies.It was only the elders,some sisters,sakura,and the dibbuns at Redwall.When they struck Sakura didn't have a weapon but spotted the Sword of Martin the Warrior.She didn't know what to do and grabbed it.The sword didn't feel at all heavy to her and she defeated the army of rats and the elders acknowledged it and dubbed her the new warrior because only the animals meant to be Warriors can wield the Sword of Martin without it feeling heavy. [b]Description:[/b]She's a chocolate brown color and wears a blue habbit when not wearing her plate of armor.She loves playing with the dibbuns and they love playing with her.
  4. [color=navy]Sakura glared at Manatsu.'So this is my arch enemy...' She drew her sword and shield preparing for battle.Then something hit her.She put the sword back in it's sheath and connected the shield to her back and......pulled out her Ocarina! Manatsu stared at her in confusion.Sakura held it to her lips and played a soothing song to the good and a terrible to the bad. The demons screeched in pain and disappeared Sakura continued playing until finally all the demons were gone except Manatsu. "What did you do?!"cried Manatsu angrily. Sakura stopped playing and looked at her. "Just a song called 'Song of the Sun'!It casts away darkness and demons and evil monsters.So send as many as you want but they'll all be defeated.She played another song and Manatsu growled and disappeared shouting insults and curses. Sakura remembered they had to meet the elders so Sakura,Sam,Meteo,Daggar and Reei jumped out of the tree house and headed to the hollow log again. When they arrived the elders looked a bit worried. "Elders.These people are helpers of the Kokiri.See.they even passed through the barrier.They are good.The Gerudo is Meteo.He is the son of Nabooru.The Zora is Reei.Daughter of Ruto.And the Goron is Daggar.Daughter of Darunia.their parents were all friends of my father."The three bowed to the elders.The elders nodded. "We believe you Sakura.You are brave hearted." "Thankyou elders.But we must go on a journey now.We must rescue the child of Zelda and protect the other races in Hyrule.Just earlier before we came we were attacked by a girl named Manatsu.She is the daughter of the evil Gannondorf."The elders gasped at the news. "So you see great elders we must go.For the sake of Hyrule and the sake of Kokiri Forest/Village!"The elders nodded. "We understand Sakura.Go save Hyrule like your father."he looked at the three others"And you three.Children of the friends of Link.I wish you all luck in saving Hyrule like your parents." The five children bowed and left exiting Kokiri Forest. When they arrived at Hyrule Field Sakura spoke to the group. "Everyone make sure you're armed.When you spread to your areas do not ask the members to help.Just ask them to protect their part of Hyrule.We shall meet in the Temple of Time when we are ready.Does everyone know what they're doing?"Sakura said. Everyone nodded."So does everyone understand?" Nodded again."Finally does anyone have any questions?!" Everyone shook their heads and they split up to their different areas.Reei went to the Zora River.Daggar went to Fire Mountain and Meteo went to Gerudo Fortress.Sakura stopped them.everyone looked at her in confusion."Let me teleport you all.It'll be a lot faster." Sakura pulled out her ocarina and teleported them to the different areas.Then she returned to Hyrule Field. Everyone had left and it was only Sakura and Samantha. "Samantha.I need to take a trip to LonLon ranch.Go to the village and warn everyone.I'll meet you at Temple of Time later."and Sakura ran off while Sam turned around back to the village. In Lon Lon ranch she walked into the horse area and saw a young girl that looked like Malon.sakura walked up to her. "Excuse me.what's your name?"asked the girl. "I'm Sakura.I don't know if you've heard of Link have you?" "Oh yes!My mother was his friend!!" "And you are?" "Oh sorry.I'm Salon.My friends call me Sal.I'm the daughter of Malon." "I'm sakura.Daughter of Link." "THE Link?!Hero of Time and Winds?!" Sakura nodded."Why are you here Sakura?Can I help you?" "Well.My father used to ride a horse named Epona.I'm here to see if it's still here of if it had a foal." "Epona's dead but she did have a foal."Salon whistled Epona's Song and a pony trotted up. "Her name's Epona still.After her mother." "Am I allowed to take her?" "For you of course.You're the daughter of Link!!" Sakura smiled and mounted Epona.She ran the course getting control.Epona didn't fight her.She must have known Sakura was good and the daughter of Link friend of her mother.After a few rounds Sakura stopped. "Thankyou Sal.So for her to come I only need to play Epona's Song?" Salon nodded and Sakura thanked her once more before riding off.[/color]
  5. Mine got taken by Zero-Life:bawl:But can I still have it? D.J is this for the old people or the new people? Coz it seems lots of new people are signing up. Name:Aiko Nickname:Sakura Power:Ice Description:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,blue pants and blue and white joggers. Weapon:Ice Blade.Looks like Squall/Seifer's Gunblade(FF8).It's solid unmeltable ice with beautiful designs carved into it.Anyone that doesn't have the power of Ice that picks it up will feel freezing cold to them and will have to drop it or become frozen. Bio:Sakura looked up and saw she was back on the island.She stood up and looked around.Her Ice blade was next to her so she picked it up and headed for the chapel hoping to meet the others again.She hoped she would meet Sakuya again for another battle or just to talk. Stone color:Blue If I'm not allowed to be Ice then I'll be Nature/Earth Same thing right?
  6. New Sign Up [b][u]Master of Animal Digimon[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b]Sakura [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Age:[/b]15 [b]Appearance:[/b]Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,blue pants and blue and white joggers. [b]Bio:[/b]Sakura has lived in the same area all her life and has been brought up in an animal loving home.Her mother is a vet and her father helps.Sakura loved to help animals and her parents whenever she had a chance.One day she met a small wolf pup injured by the road and brought it home.sakura was griefed by the thought of a hunter killing a helpless wolf and leaving the wolf cub to fend for itself in the wild.Sakura's mother helped it and soon it was back to normal and was up and running about.The wolf pup was very hyper-active and since it was still a baby it neede to be fed every hour.Sakura fell on her room floor from exhaustion the wolf pup ran around so much and always demanded food.She was collapsed infront of the computer and was sucked into another Dimension.When she arrived all her exhaustion disappeared.She was happier and got along more but deep in her memories she still remembers what happened to the poor wolf cub's mother.
  7. I think Scorpio meant me ^_^;; [b]Name:[/b]Sakura [b]Age:[/b]15 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Personality:[/b]Kind,caring,friendly,talkative,very social. [b]Bio:[/b]Sakura's related to Jean by cousins because Jenna and Felix were brother and sister.Being daughter of Jenna she has inherited the power of Mars which is Fire.sakura has lots of friends and once she got angry at a bully that was annoying her and her friends and she accidently set his clothes on fire and he rolled around trying to put the fire out until someone dumped a bucket of dirty water on him.She also inherited Cannon as her first Djinn from her mother Jenna and loves playing with it.It follows Sakura around and they train together and sometimes with Jean when she's in a good mood. [b]Appearance:[/b]Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,with blue pants and blue and white joggers.(Is that too modern?If so I can change it) [b]Weapon:[/b]Fire Blade.It's silver and looks like Squll/Seifer's Gunblade without the trigger(FF8).It doesn't have a sheath.Sakura carries it around or morphs it to another dimension so she doesn't have to carry it.It has beautiful and delicate designs carved into the metal.It glows red when sakura uses her magic and can use the magic through the sword like Steiner's Magic Swords with Vivi(FF9). [b]Parent:[/b]Jenna [b]Element:[/b]Mars/Fire [b]Djinn:[/b]Cannon
  8. OOC:Kani is a male.Sakura and Samantha are females as you know.Reei is a female.Daggar is a female and so is Manatsu.Meteo is a male. IC: [color=navy]Sakura and Samantha had decided to go for another walk.This time Sakura carried her Sword,Shield,Ocarina,Bow and Quiver in case of any more monsters.They decided to go to the entrance of Kokiri Forest to stand guard. As they arrived they saw 3 people standing outside of the forest.There was a Zora,a Goron and a Gerudo and they were arguing with the guard.Sakura and Sam walked up and the guard backed away. "Who are you 3 and what do you all want?"said Sakura drawing her sword defensively. The Zora stepped forward first. "I am Reei.I am the daughter of Ruto." Next the Goron stepped forward. "I am Daggar.Daughter of Darunia." Finally the Gerudo stepped up. "I'm Meteo.Son of Nabooru." Sakura looked at each of them carefully. "Why are you all here?!"she said. They looked at each other and the Gerudo spoke. "We are here to find Link..The Hero of Time and Hero of winds and Saria the Forest Sage or their children.Who are the both of you?" Sakura watched them carefully. "Before I tell you anything we must cast a spell.Samantha!" Samantha went to them sprinkling dust on them. "Now repeat what you said slowly and tell us if you're good or evil." They repeated and said they were good.At every sentence nothing glowed to Sakura or Sam.If they lied they would glow red only for Sakura and Sam.Samantha closed the spell and Sakura sheathed her sword. "I'm sorry.We have to do that because there have been monsters attacking Kokiri Village.I am Sakura.I'm Daughter of Link the Hero of Time and Winds.Nice to make your aquaintance." The three gasped in surprise.This was the daughter of the great Link?! Samantha stepped up too. "And I am Samantha.I'm the Daughter of Saria the Forest Sage." They gasped again.They had been infront of them and they didn't notice.Sakura and Sam ignored their surprised gasps and let them enter Kokiri Forest.the guard didn't protest because he knew Sakura and Sam had good judgement. Sakura led them back to her treehouse and they talked again getting to know each other before introducing them to the Elders.They talked about how their parents had known each other and the adventures that their parents had told them of when they were younger.After all the tales the children had a lust to go on a grand adventure like their parents had before them.To save Hyrule once more.[/color]
  9. Sakura

    The Tribe.

    Soon day became night and Leonx returned from thinking. "Are you ok now Leonx?"Sakura asked worridly. Leonx looked at her kindly and smiled softly. "I'm fine Sakura.Don't worry so much about me.I'm fine." "But I worry.It's my job!"she said laughing. Leonx chuckled a bit and went to the tribe. After the speech Leonx had made to the group most were tired.The tribe all went to sleep ready for their shifts when they were called.Sakura and Leonx stood watch talking to each other. "You were gone for wuite a long time Leonx...I was a bit worried." "You know Sakura you worry too much and you care too much." "I can't help it...It's my kind nature showing." "I know Sakura but...what happens when there's a battle?Will you run with the tribe or will you be one of the stand back and watch people?" Sakura looked up at Leonx angrily. "I can fight!!I'm only kind and nice to our tribe!!The Dark Warriors!!" Leonx looked at her through the dark and nodded. "Good!...Wait...Do you hear anything?!" Sakura stopped and listened. "I hear some movement.But it's not part of our tribe cause they're all in bed...What do we do Leonx?!" "Sakura...Go wake up the others...Tell them to keep quiet and don't panic.GO!" Sakura nodded and ran to the others waking them up quietly.They all woke and stood next to Leonx and Sakura. "Alright Sakura,Starr!Transform!"said Leonx. Sakura morphed into Vixen and she melted into the shadows/night. Starr morphed to Dragon and melted into the shadows/night with Sakura. Finally Leonx morphed into his legendary Dragon morph. "Ok Leonx.Waiting for you're command"said Sakura from somewhere in the dark. "We wait and see who's coming and if it's an enemy which it most probably is we attack.Kelatar.Summon some creatures to fight,some to defend and some to distract." Kelatar nodded and started calling some legendary creatures. They stood waiting for the attack and for Leonx's signal.
  10. Sakura was doing some cleaning in her house when she heard the doorbell.Sakura put down the cleaning items and walked to the door. [b]Sakura-[/b]Hello How can I help you? [b]Ryan-[/b]I'm Ryan.Do you remember? Sakura thought then she remembered nodding. [b]Ryan-[/b]Yes.Well I'm here to give you the invitation to the Tournament.I'm sorry I forgot to mail them because I was modifying my crystal. Ryan said holding the envelope up and showing her the crystal. [b]Sakura-[/b]Thankyou so much! Sakura said happily taking the envelope.She studied the crystal.It was great.She brought out hers from around her neck. [b]Sakura-[/b]So Ryan...when do we leave?!
  11. Sakura

    The Tribe.

    OOC:Yes Sir!:P Sakura ran off after Leonx.And walked beside him. "Leonx are you ok?You seem worried and shaken up after that." "Sakura...I can't stand to lose any of my tribe..." "I know...But sometimes you just can't help it." "Yes..I know but I'm hoping it will never happen to me or anyone in this tribe.Go back on lookout.I have some thinking to do.I'll be back before nightfall."Leonx said as he walked off to some place only he knew.Sakura looked after him.She shook her head and went back on watch. Once in a while Sakura would morph into her falcon and search the area from above.The tribe knew what her morph was like so didn't stand totally on guard but still on guard in case it was a fake.She'd land and then morph back to human.She continued to sit on her rock waiting for any sign of danger.
  12. Sakura

    The tribes.

    Just a small change Name:Sakura Tribe: Dark Warriors Animal:Wolf/Vixen/Leopard(SnowLeopard)/Falcon(Hawk)(These are her main transformations) Power:Transformation,Magic and Summoning Abilities Description:Her wolf form is dark navy blue almost black.She has silver streaks through her coat.The Vixen form is black with red ear tips.Her Leopard/SnowLeopard is a misty grey color.And her falcon(hawk) is brown and white speckled with dots. Others:Every form is better at something else than the others. Rank:2iC
  13. OOC:Hmmm I think you have 2 choices.Either use magic to get yourself out or slice through with a sword or whatever weapon you have. IC: [color=navy]Sakura raced after Sam slicing any monsters that came at them.they made it into the hollow log where the elders stayed and rested.The council area was spelled against all evil. "Elders.Suddenly there are monsters appearing around Kokiri Forest and the Village.Already I have fought over 10 just on my way here."said Sakura."Yes.I have also fought some monsters before sakura came to help me."said Samanatha.The faeries agreed with them.The elders nodded and Sakura and Samantha told them about everything and the shadow that had appeared above them when they were listening to the Great Deku Tree just before the monsters appeared.The elders continued to nod listening carefully to everything.When Sakura and Samantha finished the elders spoke. "We understand the problem.Thankyou for bringing this to us.We shall see what must be done.But for now Sakura daughter of the Hero of Time and Hero of Winds.And daughter of Saria the Forest Sage.I must ask the both of you a favour.I must ask you and any of your friends to help protect our Village until we find a solution to the monsters." "Yes Elder"they both said bowing. They left and fought their way to Sakura's(Link's old) tree house.Sakura sat on her bed while Sam sat on a chair next to her with the faeries floating around listening.[/color]
  14. Aiko was walking along with her Ice Blade and saw the battle between Tate and Kiara. She watched from a bit far off in case their attacks wavered. The battle was raging and getting exciting.Tate had just gotten another sword and was fighting Kiara with 2 swords against 1. Aiko sat cross-legged with her sword in her lap.
  15. Sakura


    Sakura groaned and looked up at a face. It was blurry at first then it became clear. It was a boy. "Huh?....I think I'm okay..." "Here let me help you up." Sakura grasped his hand and he lifted her. "Hi...Thanks.I'm Sakura" "You're welcome.I'm John.How come you were on the floor?" "It was from the long climb up those horrible stairs." "You climbed them?!" "Isn't that the only way?" "No.You can fly up with a flying pokemon or do what I did." "What did you do?" "I used an alakazam to teleport me up." "Lucky...Are you here for a battle too?" "Yup.I'm here for a good ole battle on Sky Pillar." They walked in together and got ready for their battles.
  16. Sakura

    Element X

    Amber swung in with her glaive and hit him with the but of the glaive. Amber quickly helped Mei up and told her to run to the others and warn them.Mei nodded and ran as fast as she could. Amber looked at Nate he put his spiked gauntlets up ready for a fight. Amber:I don't want to hurt you Nate!! Nate:Funny.'Cause I do!! And he lunged trying to sink his spikes into any part of her.Amber did a manuvere where you spin,jump,flip and you're behind the enemy and then you hit them.amber hit him with the but again.Nate stumbled and turned around angrily.Amber had a void ready for him.She threw it and vines erupted and grew around him.He couldn't move his body and only his head showed.Amber ran up to him and took the mask off and destroyed it with the but.She talked to Nate and found out he was normal so let him free of the vines. Nate:What happened?! Amber:You were being controlled by that mask. She said pointing. Amber:And...During it you bashed up Mei badly.She should be in the infirmary. Nate's eyes widened and ran for the infirmary with Amber following.He ran in and saw the damage he had done.He knelt by Mei's bed and watched hoping she'd wake up so he could apologize. Nate:Why...Why would I do such a thing. Amber:Nate...Don't blame yourself.It was that mask that was controlling you. Nate:But still.Look at the damage! Amber saw Nate was in pain so she left quietly and climbed her favourite tree to think.
  17. Daniel ran up to them in a hurry. Sakura gasped as she looked at him.He was so much different!! He had a long black trenchcoat and silver sunglasses. "Daniel?!Is that really you?!"cried Sakura. Daniel stopped and smiled.He took off his sunglasses to reveal his eyes. "It is you!!"Sakura cried and she wrapped her arms around him. "I thought you were normal like the others!?" "I did too until this happened..."He put his sunglasses back on and held his sword tightly.Sakura stared at his sword and then at hers. "Hey Daniel!Give me your sword for a minute!" Daniel gave it to her and Sakura studied them.They were both the same. "Did you notice they're the same?!" Daniel looked at them carefully and noticed that too. "I never looked at your sword...But now I have they are the same!!" Sakura introduced Daniel to the group and they got to know each other. ------------------------------------ OOC:BTW Daniel will talk in Navy from now on and Sakura is Blue.
  18. I'll change my character because it isn't well known. Character Name:Sakura(Marvel Superheroes VS Capcom/StreetFighter Alpha 1,2,3) Reasons for choosing:Sakura's the best!!I love the way she fights.It's like a female Ryu!! Knowledge:I know all her attacks and specials and her storyline from Alpha 3 because I've played it so many times.She's my favourite StreetFighter Character. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/scarlet/images/sakura.jpg[/img]
  19. Can I change my character? I don't have a picture tho... [b]Pikachu[/b] Class:Lightweight Special Ability: Weakness: Strengths: Pikachu's considered to be Nintendo right? And I read you want to make the Special,Weakness and Strengths so I left it.Thanks!!
  20. Sakura,Kyte,Masao and Nomoku searched the book for some time before sighing and sitting back down on their chairs.They discussed that they would stay here in case any other Chosen Ones arrived. She went to the hotel counter and asked for 3 other rooms next to hers.She knew the owner and he did it as a favour.He gave Sakura the keys and numbers and they walked into the elevator that took them to the 10th floor.They got out and Sakura showed them to their rooms.Sakura was in the middle,Masao and Nomoku were next to her and Kyte was next to Nomoku.They all went in and put their things down while Sakura waited.They all came out again and they went into her room to talk.This hotel is right next to the ocean and you get a lot of breezes if you stand on the balcony.Kyte ran out onto the balcony and sighed happily as the wind ripped around him.Sakura drew him back reluctantly and they had a meeting about how long to wait and what to do while waiting everyday.
  21. [color=navy]Sakura ran in with her sword swinging and her shield up. "Sam!!Go to the Elders!!!"cried Sakura. Sam looked back and ran again as Sakura put a large slice through the shrub.She sighed and ran after Sam in case she came across any more enemies because her slingshot isn't strong at the moment until she gets a better slingshot or nuts.[/color]
  22. Name:Sakura Gender:Female Good/Bad:Good Mutant Name:Element Appearance:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,blue pants and blue and white joggers. Mutant Power:Can control the elements eg.Fire,Water,Wind,Earth,Nature Bio:She first found out her powers because one day she wanted it to rain so she didn't have to go to the doctor and as she hoped it started raining.Sakura thought it was a coincidence but before that it was sunny without a cloud in the sky.As Sakura got older she learnt that she had the power to control the elements.Once she was walking home from school and she saw a house on fire.She saw a tap nearby.She tried to control her magic knowing she's had it for some time.She used her magic to open the tap and made the water flow to the house continually dumping water on the flames.Soon it went out and Sakura ran away before anyone could see her. But then one day it all went wrong...One day she wasn't paying attention to her powers and she got mad at the dinner table.She unknowingly lit a flame and it hit the table which was made of wood and spread through the whole house because the floor was wood.Saklura gasped and ran to her room grabbing prized possessions.She was too late.the flames hit her...But nothing happened to her.She can with stand the elements but others can't.She continued to pack her things before running out the door just in time.As she exited the roof collapsed.Her parents were angry and cast her out from the family. So Sakura ran to Xaviers school of the mutants hoping she would find friends and be accepted. Personality:Kind,Friendly,Nice,Caring,Helpful if you stay on her good side. Is that ok?
  23. I'm Hero Name: Daniel Age:16 Weapon:a double edged sword Race:Warrior Description before Apocolypse:Icy blue eyes and hair,blue jacket with a red t-shirt inside and blue pants. Description after Apocolypse:A black trench coat and silver tinted sunglasses. Bio:He's Sakura's best friend and was doing the exact same thing as she was when it all changed. When the flash disappeared he ran to the mirror and saw his silver sunglasses and the trenchcoat.He gasped and another bright light shone and a sword appeared in his hands.It was silver and had the same design as Sakura but it doesn't have magical properties so it doesn't change colour.It's just silver.Daniel felt something and walked outside seeing Sakura outside too.They both stood together ready to save the world.(They're next door neighbours)
  24. Sakura and Sam jumped to their feet. Davi and Lita hovered beside them. Sakura drew her Master Sword in defense and protection. Samantha drew her slingshot and her deku nuts. She loaded one into the sling and pulled back looking for any monsters that would come out and attack.The other children ran home frightened.Sakura put up her shield. They heard a noise and suddenly a skeleton dog crashed through the bushes.Sakura lunged forward in attack as Sam stood back firing shots at it. [color=navy]"Sam!Tell the Elders at Kokiri Forest!!"[/color] [color=green]"Right!Are you sure you'll be okay?!"[/color] [color=navy]"Don't worry.I'll be fine!Now go!!"[/color] Sam nodded and put her slingshot back in it's pouch and ran off to find the elders. Sakura swung at the skeleton dog and it blocked with it's own sword.They continued to pass blows until Sakura got a hit and the skeleton dog crumbled.Sakura sighed and walked back to the village to help warn the elders of the attacks in case there were to be any more.
  25. OOC:We can't live a normal life until we get all the crystals and destroy the evil and get the Light Sphere.Then we get to go home.
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