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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. Hey Mandy! Save me a spot as a good guy.
  2. I'm with Mina. If you need me I can play 2 no prob:D If you're in trouble remember me and Mina's offers are here!
  3. I'm half ether and half water. I'm a very mysterious person but also strong and changeable.
  4. I think it is gross and wrong. Lesbian couples and Gay couples just freak me out because they have to do it in gross,weird and disgusting ways.
  5. Amber looked around astonished at what the day had had in store for her. [color=teal]"Looks like we won't be going anywhere until David gets back.Get comfortable you guys.We're gonna have quite a long wait ahead of us."[/color] Everyone went to different places and did their own activities. Amber walked into the forest surrounding and called some animals to her to keep her company.She talked to them softly and asking them to scout for her.They went in groups and had shifts now and then.She petted the ones that had just scouted and talked to them soothingly and told them to rest.Animals fell asleep in her lap and she listened carefully for any reports.Finally she gave up and set the sleeping animals in their homes and called the scouts back and sent them home.She yawned and headed back to camp.Everyone was either sitting quietly or asleep.She climbed her favourite tree and fell asleep in it's boughs.
  6. Might as well... Character name:Fox McCloud(StarFox 64) Reason for choosing character:I love StarFox!!It's the best!!! My Knowledge of this character:I know everything!I've passed the game heaps of times and I love it!! [img]http://www.gdtree.com/media/art/ssbm8.jpg[/img]
  7. Sakura walked around town looking around. Her stomach grumbled and she saw a very expensive restaurant.She smirked and made a path right for it. She walked in and up to the counter. [b]Owner:[/b]Excuse me Miss.Do you have a reservation?! [b]Sakura:[/b]No I don't.But I can still eat here. She willed.The man waved her into the main part of the restaurant and sat her down passing her a menu.Sakura ordered a large meal and ate it all and got up ready to leave.The spell had weared off and now the owner came to her demanding a large sum of $3250.Sakura smirked again and willed him to let her leave without paying a cent.It worked again and she walked out with a full stomach. She went around buying things from shops without any costs. Then she stopped and went searching for info about the mysterious Tjaden guy and found nothing.Sakura got a bit angry but kept going hoping to find anyone that could shed some light on the subject.
  8. OOC:Spam is what you're doing right now!! It's useless posts that take room and have no purpose. So please delete both of your unneccessary posts. Thankyou. [size=1][color=red]I took care of it. I removed the posts pertaining to his spam, other than this one. Feel free to just do what you like with this post and continue your RPG in peace. - Semjaza[/size][/color]
  9. I think it's 7 times. Question: In Festival of the Hunt in Lindblum what do you recieve if you let Freya win?
  10. Sakura woke up and looked around. Then she remembered what had happened. She clutched her head in pain as it throbbed. She looked down and saw that the glaive lay to her side. She stumbled to her feet and picked up the glaive. Sakura made her way through the folliage and undergrowth until she came to a clearing.She used the glaive to keep her up and staggered over to a rock and sat.She slid her hand over the blade and she felt better.The headache,aches and pains had all disappeared and she felt better than ever.She looked at the blade and saw that it glowed white.'White must be healing'she realised. She got up and ran through the rest of the forest.She saw a light a bit further ahead and she sped up to try and get to it.
  11. [i][color=navy]Sakura's eyes snapped open.[/i] [b]Sakura:[/b]I feel Basu.He's close by.In the town next to here. [i]Sakura,Eve,Max,Chaos,DFX and Umeko looked at each other.[/i] [b]Sakura:[/b]What do you want to do?Run or fight?[/color]
  12. The Story... Link,Zelda,Gannondorf and all the others have all grown up and passed away.Now I know you're all thinking Saria's a Kokiri and thus can't grow up.Well too bad!In this RP they all grow old and die.Now they're the new Sages besides Gannondorf.But before they died they had children.The new terror has arrived.It is Gannondorf's child.He/She is planning on ruling Hyrule like his/her father.The Hero Children must rise up against it and help rescue Hyrule like their parents before them. Here's a list of parents.But [b]only one person per adult!![/b] [color=navy]Link-Me(Sakura)[/color] [color=orange]Zelda-Kain(Kani)[/color] [color=green]Saria-Deedlit(Samantha)[/color] [color=royalblue]Navi-JJRiddler(Davi)[/color] [color=red]Darunia-K.K.C(Daggar)[/color] [color=blue]Ruto-Sky Moonflow(Reei)[/color] [color=sienna]Nabooru-Dj Professor DM(Meteo)[/color] [color=indigo]Gannondorf-Shinkoru(Manatsu)[/color] If I forgot anyone then please tell me. My Profile: Name:Sakura Age:16 Description:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a blue tunic suit like Link's. Weapon(s):The master sword passed on from Link,Bow and arrows,Hookshot,Shield Race:Hyrulian Parent:Link Extra Item:Ocarina of Time with all the Songs. ---------------------------------------------- Sakura woke up in her little tree hut.She yawned and got up.A blue dot flew around him greeting him. [color=navy]"Morning Davi.Time to train."[/color] [color=royalblue]"Morning Sakura.Okay!!"[/color]said Davi her fairy. Sakura grabbed her sword,shield,hooskshot,bow and quiver of arrows,her ocarina and jumped to the ground with Davi floating behind her.She ran to the training area and started. Sakura picked up her bow.She spun around to a target and shot 3 bolts.She looked and saw the first one had hit bullseye and the other 2 had split each other in half.She put the bow down. Next she trained with the Master Sword making slashes,cuts and slices.She jumped around and flipped and then put it away.She stood far away from a target and used her hookshot connecting and pulling her over to it.She tried a further target and was dragged around the training area. She stopped and wipped her forehead.Davi floated down next to her checking she was alright.Sakura picked up the Ocarina of Time and played some soothing songs that were learnt on this ocarina. Finally she got tired and went back to her hut to drop off her weapons.She always kept her Master Sword,Shield and Ocarina with her though.She went walking through the Kokiri town visiting friends and talking to people. OOC:Okay Get Started!!
  13. Sakura walked over to stand next to him. Sakura:You were hurt in a line of duty.Zaber's doing ok.He has a lot of marks and a bit of trouble in piloting but other than that...he's ok.We have to get to the next town and get zaber fixed and get you to a doctor. Come on guys!We're off!! Sakura called out.The others got into their zoids.Sakura put Fox in the back of her Liger and told Zaber to follow them.They head out onto town.
  14. Yes Shinkoru.I'm sorry. Everyone's in. I forgot about the Gerudos. I'm not sure what's going to happen with Starr.... Starting!!
  15. OOC:Mei I was right! I just didn't put the comma in between!!
  16. Darunia is the Goron from OoT. If you're Gannondorf's child then you have to be evil. You need to choose one Kiarra and put a Description. [img]http://perso.wanadoo.fr/link_to_the_fan/img/goron.gif[/img] That's a pic of a goron.I'm sure you know what Gannondorf looks like.
  17. Hero: Name:Sakura Age:16 Weapon:A double edged sword made of the elements isn't in a sheath.She can teleport it back and forth between dimensions so she doesn't have to worry about it. Race:Summoner,Mage,Part Physical Warrior. Description-Before:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,blue pants and blue and white nike joggers. Description-After:Same except on her t-shirt at the front is a baby blue/blue chinese coiled dragon and she has blue tinted sunglasses. Bio:Sakura was a friendly bubbly kind of person and fun to be around.She had tons of friends.And half were boys.Boys excepted her because in case you haven't guessed she's a tomboy.Guys and girls treat her the same way. She always went to her friends' houses and they came over.She had never heard of the Apocalypse until it happened.She walked out side into the sunlight about to walk home from school with her friends and saw a shadow in the corner of her eye.She turned around and saw something black and shadowlike dash away.She shook her head and continued walking. When she got home her friends had already gone their different paths and she saw the shadow again.She turned around and once again it dashed away.Sakura looked around her and walked into her house.She walked into her room and dumped her backpack on the floor and sat at her computer logging on.She turned on the TV to the news and learnt about the Apocalypse. Then she noticed there was something on the bed.She got up and picked it up.Suddenly she saw white light flash around her and when it stopped she looked at the weapon in her hands.She walked to her mirror and saw she had changed a bit.She noticed everything was blue because of her sunglasses.She took them off and studied her newish look.She liked the dragon.Then she sat at the computer and studied the sword.It had delicate designs carved into it.The sword was silver and changed colour when she used a certain element.(Eg.Red-Fire,Yellow-Thunder,Blue-Water etc.)She looked out her window and saw the shadow acompanied by his friends.Sakura breathed deeply and walked out of the house with her weapon in hand.She knew it was now time to save the World from the New Evil as it had said on the news.
  18. You're both fine. Go for it and bring it back to life!!
  19. Yup. You're fine Kiara. Join whenever.
  20. OOC:Just letting you know whoever takes the place of Navi then it will be my fairy.If no one takes the spot then I'll play 2.And Sky.Ruto's race are the Zora.
  21. Sasuka ran with her feet slapping the ground as she sprinted. She heard a shout from behind her.She ignored it and kept running. She tripped over a stray rock and fell.She groaned and looked behind her.They were catching up fast.She scrambled up and continued her run. ~~~Flashback~~~ Sasuka cowered as her father stood over her yelling and screaming. [b]Dad:[/b]I told you to never touch that!!Ever!! He slapped her hard.Sasuka let tears roll down her cheeks silently for if she cried aloud she would be punished. She looked over at the precious item.It was a glaive that was made of the elements.It was her 'father's' most prized possession. Earlier that day: Sasuka had only wanted a look at it.It was beautiful.The blade was silver originally but could change colours to the element.She touched the interesting design.The haft was made of Oak and it was polished so it was very smooth.It had unique designs ingraved into it.Sasuka gasped and forgot about her father's rule and picked the glaive up.Her father entered the room snatching the glaive from her grasp and placing it gently back on its stand before slapping her hard. She had enough.Her father continued screaming at her and she lunged forward and grabbed the glaive.She put it against his throat and backed up with him towards the door.She let go and ran for her life.She heard her father run into the house and grab another weapon and shouting for everyone in the house to go help him catch her. ~~~End Flashback~~~ Sasuka looked at the glaive she now carried.She saw a forest not too far away and put more power into running and ran in hiding behind some trees and leaves.Sasuka's family saw past her and kept running hoping to find her.Ssasuka let out a sigh and sat down exhausted falling asleep.
  22. Answer: 32500gil. Question: In FFIX for The Festival of the Hunt what do you get if you let Freya win?
  23. Hi All. I have decided to make this thread because there aren't any current Zelda RP's. The Story... Link,Zelda,Gannondorf and all the others have all grown up and passed away.Now I know you're all thinking Saria's a Kokiri and thus can't grow up.Well too bad!In this RP they all grow old and die.Now they're the new Sages besides Gannondorf.But before they died they had children.The new terror has arrived.It is Gannondorf's child.He/She is planning on ruling Hyrule like his/her father.The Hero Children must rise up against it and help rescue Hyrule like their parents before them. Okay.So now Profile Time!!!YAY!! Name: Age:Not too old!! Description:Nothing recent!This is Hyrulian times. Weapon(s):Max 3 Race: Parent: Extra Item:1 item!! I think that's all the info needed. Here's a list of parents.But [b]only one person per adult!![/b] [color=navy]Link-Me(Sakura)[/color] [color=orange]Zelda-Kain(Kani)[/color] [color=green]Saria-Deedlit(Samantha)[/color] [color=royalblue]Navi-JJRiddler(Davi)[/color] [color=red]Darunia-K.K.C(Daggar)[/color] [color=blue]Ruto-Sky Moonflow(Reei)[/color] [color=sienna]Nabooru-Dj Professor DM(Meteo)[/color] [color=indigo]Gannondorf-Shinkoru(Manatsu)[/color] If I forgot anyone then please tell me. My Profile: Name:Sakura Age:16 Description:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a blue tunic suit like Link's. Weapon(s):The master sword passed on from Link,Bow and arrows,Hookshot Race:Hyrulian Parent:Link Extra Item:Ocarina of Time with all the Songs. Sign up and Enjoy!!I hope it goes well!!!:D
  24. How about for what I look like a kinda of Human like Wolf thing? Wolfish.Eg.Pointy ears,long muzzle like thing,stands on 2 legs and has hands,wolf body etc. And style.I'm not very original so Nature. Hows that?No good?Tell me coz I have no clue.:D
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