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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [i][color=navy]Sakura saw the pain in her eyes.She put a comforting hand on her shoulder.[/i] [b]Sakura:[/b]Ok then...As soon as you get all the pollen out of your system then we'll leave.I don't want to travel with someone sick.Rest up guys.We'll need it.And Umeko.Don't worry about it.Just get better okay? [i]Umeko nodded sadly.Sakura smiled weakly and patted her softly.Sakura looked back sadly and walked into a corner to get some rest.[/color][/i]
  2. OOC:Hey Yokano.The name's Sakura!Dun worry.Plz delete the span Ult. "Well Hi!Nice to meet you!I'm Sakura...The Ultimate Chosen One and the cause of all this terror...I'm sorry.I'm the Chosen of Nature." Everyone was quiet.Sakura looked around and continued. "Everyone.I would like you all to take a look at the Legendary Book of the Moons." Everyone continued paused and Sakura waited for their responce.
  3. OOC:Hey visser 3 Can you help a little?I don't know much about Megaman stuff. Name:Sakuya Age: 14 Appearance:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,blue pants and blue and white joggers. Bio: She loved her old Navi but it's too old and she has to get a new one. Personality: She's kind,karing,friendly and is nature because of her love of animals and nature. Battle chips: Call of Nature,Call of the Wild,Vine Bomb, The net: Name: Sakura(Cherry Blossom=Plants=Nature) Appearence: What are we supposed to look like? Style(optional): ?? Signature attack: Call of Nature
  4. What do you mean? Is it something about mine?
  5. What do they look like? Coz don't we have to have resemblance?
  6. So are there any good female demons not taken? And if there is can you explain those too? Thankies.
  7. Sasuka looked up from where she was.Her fuzzy ears twitched. "Mum!Did you hear something?"Sasuka called out. "No Suka!What am I supposed to hear?"replied Sango. "Don't worry.I'm going on a journey mum.Don't expect me back anytime soon though." Sango came around and looked at Suka. "Oh Suka.Take care of yourself ok?"a tear formed in her eye. "Don't worry mum.I won't leave you like Dad did.I promise." Sango smiled and watched as Suka walked off her tail swishing behind her and her ears moving with the wind and twitching at every sound. -------------------------------------------- Hey Blanko.I posted this question in Recruitment too but are there any good female demons coz I'm thinking of being a Full Demon. Thanks!!:D
  8. Thanks Blanko. I got Sango then. Because I know a bit about her already. I have never heard of Rin. ------------------------ Actually.Are there any good Demon women coz I might decide to be a full.Blanko I'm looking to you for this one.Can ya help me?
  9. Hmmmm good question Kaede. I dunno.I haven't seen the show b4. Whatever you people think I should be desended from and who I'm most like.
  10. [b]Name-[/b]Sakura Kinomoto [b]Age-[/b]22 [b]Sex-[/b]Female [b]Description-[/b]Sakura has beautiful rich chocolate brown hair that goes up to the middle of her neck.She has vibrant emerald eyes that shine and glitter when light hits her eyes.She usually wears her blue-tinted sunglasses so you don't usually see her eyes.She wears a baby blue coloured jacket with a hood at the back that's left unzipped and open to show her white t-shirt inside.Her white t-shirt has a blue stripe down each side of her arms and a blue design of a chinese dragon in the center on her front.She wears normal long blue pants.Her socks are white with a thin stripe of blue going around the top hem.Sakura's joggers are blue and white.Most of it is blue though with certain parts white. [b]Bio-[/b]Sakura had the ESPM implanted when she was about 5 years old.It was implanted when she was lost in a supermarket.A man came up to her and gave her a 'lolly' or so she thought.It was really a sleeping pill.Then they implanted the ESPM.when she woke up her mother was carrying her.She thought that all that had happened was she got lost,fell asleep and a shop person found her and brought her to her mother.But she was wrong and didn't find out until many years later.She found out in a strange way.It just popped out from no where and she didn't know what was happening. I came when she was eating dinner one evening and her mother told her to eat vegetables.The food she hated the most.They had a fight and suddenly her mother stopped trying to feed her vegetables.Then Sakura realised that was what she was trying to will her mother into doing.Then her father tried.Sakura willed him down too.She made him eat all the vegetables off the large platter.Sakura laughed a bit and then she decided to leave.She willed her parents to give her lots of money so she could rent a house to live in.It worked and she ran to her room to gather her things.She brought all her most treasured possessions and set out.She didn't know what was happening but it was beginning to become kind of fun. On her way she saw a dog.It came up to her.Sakura wanted to see if she could control her powers on animals.She concentrated at first nothing happened then after a while the dog started to do somersaults.Exactly what she was willing.She tried a few more and got some but it would be harder for a human because their brains are not as simple as a dog's.She found a place and rented it out staying there for a mean time. Then she found out about a thing called the Gray-Phase.And some man with a weird name was making some weird devices to make people have special powers.She also discovered that she is part of it.She had something called Invade where you can make people do things they don't want to do.The man was named Tjaden.She decided to set out and find him to get more answers. [b]Abilities-[/b]Invade Is this 200 words?
  11. Sakura

    Element X

    OOC:What about me on the rampage about to kill everyone in camp?
  12. There's so many FF RP's.*Sigh* Name:Sakura Age:16 Appearance:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes usually covered by her blue tinted sunglasses,a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,blue pants and blue and white joggers. Bio:She was outcasted by her village becuase she was a mage even though she was good.She set out on a journey to find others to defeat the mages and prove to her village she's good and always has and always will be good. Occupation:Mage(Good Mage) Spells:All Weapons:A double edged sword made of all the elements
  13. Name:Sakura Age:16 Description:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,blue pants and blue and white joggers. Country:Japan Bio:A very intelligent girl.One day walking home she saw something glittering in the sewer.She didn't know what it was but it couldbe valuable so she jumped in and got it.Her crystal.Now she Crystal Fights. Crystal:Nature Special Attacks: Call of Nature-Animals,plants etc come to her aid and attack. Hunter's Call-All animals she wants comes and helps. Tree Call-Vines,plants etc. come and help. Team:Hyper Speed Knights if Knight of the Rose doesn't mind even though I'm not fast. Appearance in Crystal:See description and add blue tinted sunglasses.
  14. Sakura


    Aiko entered her house and dumped her bag exhausted from the lecture in University.She went to the computer and logged on and began to play C-D. -------------------------------- [color=blue]Sakura wakes up and sees she's next to a lake and there's two people close by.She gets up and walks over. Sakura:Hi.I'm Sakura. Chaos:Name's Chaos.Nice to meet you. Nie:I'm Nie.Pleasure meeting you. Sakura:Nice to meet you too.Isn't there anyone else here? They shook their heads.They stood together and talked.[/color]
  15. Sakura


    Sakura had gone to the Pokemon Center and had healed Sparks. She arrived at Pacifidlog town.She looked up in amazement at the Sky Pillar.She sighed and started her long climb up the stairs. As she finally reached the top she slumped to the ground and hoped someone would see her and help her.
  16. I'm guessing Desbreko's Question. I think it's limited by Magic Power too. Am I right?In all the games I know the Hurricane Spin is limited by Magic Power.
  17. Aiko saw Kiara and Tate were worried.She ran over and they told her. She grasped the hilt of the IceBlade tightly. Aiko:Quick.We have to find Silia. They all nodded and ran to find Silia.
  18. OOC:The goddess is Eden just telling you:D [color=navy][b]Sakura:[/b]It depends on how you look at it.We most probably are in trouble.Tsubasa's older brother is Basuka.Or Basu for short.The two were very close.Tsubasa was a captain under his older brother.Once Basu finds out we've killed his only family left he will not be happy and he will hunt us down.From now on we must be careful. [i]She said as she walked over to Umeko.Umeko was still sick.[/i] [b]Sakura:[/b]See.If another thing like this happens then we will be in trouble.I think we should get some ammo!! [i]Sakura smirked and walked over to the bookshelf and took the book on plants down.She flipped through and looked at the flowers.She smirked again and grabbed some small baskets.She threw one at Chaos,Max and DFX and kept one.[/i] [b]Sakura:[/b]Chaos go find flowers with a purple pollen,DFX go find some maroon,Max you got Pink and I got the Red.Got it guys?Eve you have to stay here and take care of Umeko.Well be back soon. [i]The guys nodded and they headed to the teleporter.They reached the bottom and went searching for their flowers.Sakura went around picking all the red pollened flowers and looked around.chaos wasn't too far away picking purples.Max and DFX were quite far away.She sighed and continued picking.Soon they got enough and went back into the cottage.They put the baskets down and sat talking about how they could defeat a large group of Dark riders if they were as strong as Tsubasa.Sakura wouldn't be able to summon the Holy Bow and Arrows every time.[/i][/color]
  19. Sakura

    Element X

    Amber leaned against a tree.She was tired. She saw something at the corner of her eye.She spun around with her glaive poised.It was a teenage guy around her age. [color=teal]Amber:Who are you?What do you want?[/color] ????:I'm Michael.I'm here to see Amber. [color=teal]Amber:I'm Amber.What do you want?[/color] Michael:I want to have a talk.But I have lost track of time.Please meet me here tomorrow. [color=teal]Amber:Wait.Do you have powers?[/color] Michael:Of course.Mine's the power of grass. He made a lighter green void then hers and threw it at a tree.Grass grew all over it. [color=teal]Amber:Ok.Tomorrow.[/color] Michael:Wait.Take this present from me. Amber accepted the gift.It was a ring. She was about to say something but then she noticed he had gone. Amber slipped the ring on.Her eyes flashed red. She grabbed her glaive and went back to camp to find her first victim.
  20. Hmmm....... Question: What pokemon's name can be read backwards and forwards? I know it's easy but I can't think.
  21. Name:Sakura Forest Type:Bard Age:16 Instrument/Weapon:Violin BIO:She loves the forests and that's the reason she chose a wood instrument.She found the violin when walking through a forest.There was a hole in the forest roof and a light shone on the violin.She picked it up and it changed her.Now she sets out to find others. Is that ok?
  22. OOC:Hey Seren just put an attachment link. Whoever's online I repeat once more!! Any posts that are after the part where Umeko gets poisoned and before Serenity's new post and spam etc. delete them!
  23. OOC:Please everyone delete all the extra posts that belong to you.Lots of people have done so already and I appreciate it. [color=navy]Sakura and DFX appeared out of no where and saw Max. there was a Dark Rider there. [b]Sakura:[/b]Max!!What happened?! She said watching the Dark Rider. [b]Max:[/b]Umeko was poisoned by a purple flower!! [b]Sakura:[/b]So who's he?! She said hitching her thumb towards the Dark Rider.Max shrugged. [b]Sakura:[/b]Hey you!Who are you?!And What are you doing here?! [b]???:[/b]I am Tsubasano Yabun Kuro!I am here because I was ordered to do so!!Abnd now I'll kill you! Tsubasa charged forward and Sakura quickly put another shield wall. She charged up a fireball between her palms.It gradually got bigger and was soon the size of a globe.Sakura dispelled of the wall and threw the fireball at Tsubasa before closing the wall again.Max and DFX had their weapons out ready.Sakura dispelled of the wall again and Max,DFX and Tsubasa charged.Sakura's sharp hearing picked up a sound in the bush.Soon someone came crashing through the forest. Sakura gasped.Could it be?! [b]Sakura:[/b]Chaos!!!Is it you?!?! Chaos looked over at her.He smiled.Sakura blushed.They were old friends and when they were a bit younger Sakura had a crush on him. [b]Chaos:[/b]Sakura?!You're so different!!! Chaos ran up to her.They hugged in a friendly way. [b]Sakura:[/b]Chaos what are you doing here?!?! [b]Chaos:[/b]Me?!I'm here to find the one summoned by Eden!! [b]Sakura:[/b]well you found her..It's me!Are you here to help?! [b]Chaos:[/b]You?!Of course I'm here to help my old friend.We need to catch up on old times! [b]Sakura:[/b]I agree but not right now. She said looking in the direction of the battle.Chaos turned around and saw the battle. [b]Chaos:[/b]I'll go help.Wish me luck! Sakura smiled and he ran down to the battle.He pulled out his sword and slashed. Sakura held out her hands palms forward pointing to the battle.Thunder crackled in her palms and thunder came from her hands and hit Tsubasa.Chaos turned around in surprise and looked at her.When they knew each other a few years ago Sakura was only a beginning mage and now...she was a master mage. Sakura clasped her hands and whispered mystical words. A glowing bow and arrow dropped from the sky. Sakura had always been good with all weapons.She notched an arrow to the string and drew it.She pointed it at Tsubasa and fired.It was a Holy Arrow.Eden gave her the power to call on the legendary Holy Bow and Arrows.They were only to be used against evil.Since it's holy it destroys evil.It plunged through Tsubasa's heart and he crumpled to the ground.A light shone around Sakura and the bow and arrows disappeared.She sighed and smiled. Max,DFX and Chaos ran up to her.Sakura grbbed their hands and teleported them back to Eve's house.Sakura slumped on the couch.She quickly introduced Chaos to them and fell asleep from exhaustion.[/color]
  24. Oh!!! the one with the Islanders thinking Meowth was a god. It was all about Team Rocket,Meowrth and the Islanders. I can't remember the title...
  25. Thanks Scorpio and Visser 3. This is getting complicated. I think we need to back up quite a lot. KLet's go into the past..... We need to go back to before the fight with Tsubasa. We'll start again from where Umeko got poisoned ok? Does anyone have a disagreement to that? I'll make a post where everyone who wants to be there here's the scream. It will go back to Eve rescuing Umeko and taking her back to the house. For the others.Tsubasa will be killed by us because the leader is his older brother who will get very angry and will be our arch enemy. So everyone delete their extra posts and the chatty bit we've been having. Here's what's going to happen. Max,Eve,Sakura and DFX will hear Umeko and come to her.Eve will teleport Umeko away while Me,Max and DFX fight.Have I skipped anyone?Any disagreement?I'll leave this for a few minutes and wait for replies before I start the new paragraph.so please everyone including me delete the posts except for Serenity's when she gets poisioned.And everyone will run in together ok? Thankyou.That's all I have to say.Now please read and obey.
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