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Everything posted by Sakura
OOC:Hmmmmmmm lemme think......... *Snaps fingers*Ah ha!I have it!!The main leader guy will be....Basuka.Basu for short.He's Tsubasa's older brother and is angry coz we kill Tsubasa. So I'm with DFX and Max fighting Tsubasa?Ok.If I could get all the little spammy messages deleted then we'll continue? And some people have to delete their extra posts coz everyone seemed to post at the same time.^_^; EDIT:Why does this happen to me?!:bawl:
What's game is it in? R/B,G/S/C,R/S?
Sakura looked over at him. "What's it matter to you?"she replied grumpily. "Because I have reason to believe you are the Chosen One." ".....How do you know?"she asked softly. "I am too..."he replied. Quickly he made a strong breeze quickly blow around them. Sakura's eyes widened. She quickly opened the book and flipped to the page on the Air Moon. He looked over her shoulder and read it. It told of he could control gusts,tornadoes and hurricanes. Sakura closed the book and looked back up at him. "Who are you?" "Oh....I'm Kyte.As you can tell the Chosen of the Air.And you are?" "I'm Sakura.The Ultimate Chosen One.The one who caused all this destruction and the Chosen of Nature.I'm staying here.Get a room near mine.I'll talk to Wim about getting a room near mine." Kyte nodded and Sakura picked up her book and glaive and walked over to the counter where there was a man. "Hey Wim." "Hey Sakura.What do you need?" "See that guy at the bar?"She pointed at Kyte."Can you get him a room next to mine.If not next close to?I'd be a big help." "Since you're a friend I'll see what I can do." "Thanks." Wim went through the database and found an empty room next to mine.He handed Sakura the key.She thanked him and left. "Here Kyte.It's next to mine."she said throwing him the key. He caught it and smiled.Sakura walked up the stairs and walked into her rroom.Kyte followed after she beckoned him.They talked and got to know each other.Finally a Chosen One.After a while Kyte went out and into his room.He put his stuff down and layed on the bed.He sighed.Sakura smiled and left him.
Cool Sheikahmon. You're in.Just post in the RP when you have time.
Just letting you all know I don't know much abt Inuyasha and I have never seen the anime but I've been told stuff and know the characters.. Name:Sasuka(Suka) Age:16 Race:Hanyou Appearance:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,has a navy blue tail,two furry ears Impressions:Heroism,intelligence History/Bio:Unknown Weapons:A glaive
The answer to my second bit was Mary and someone else...
Ok since Bandit can't think of a question here's my last one that didn't get answered coz I got the question wrong. Question: In the show what does PMC stand for?And who are the only 2 members? (I saw it in one of the episodes.It's so funny!)
Real Life Name:Aiko Age:18 Sex:Female Appearance:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,blue pants and blue and white joggers. Occupation:A student at University. Bio:When not studying,going to classes or being with her friends she's usually always playing games.when she heard of C-D she couldn't help it.She bought it and played it immediatly. C-D world Name:Sakura Sex:Female Appearance:Same as above.But now has blue tinted sunglasses. Weapon:A glaive with a light sapphire orb on the end.
Xra.Shouldn't this be in Recruitment? Heads or Tails? Tails!!
Kyubimon leapt forward and slashed at VWG. Rika:Kyubimon!!BE careful!!DIGI-MODIFY!!HYPER SPEED ACTIVATE!! Kyubimon sped up and ran around VWG attacking.VWG growled angrily. Rika:DIGI-MODIFY!!POWER ACTIVATE!!! Kyubimon charged with energy and let out a Fox Tail Inferno and a Dragon Wheel. The other digimon helped her attack. Gargomon:Gargo Laser!! Angewomon:Celestial Arrow!! NeoAngemon:Neon Blade!! Growlmon:PyroBlaster!! Andromon:Spinning blade!! The attacks hit VWG and he turned into Databits. The digimon absorbed the bits and de-digivolved. The Tamers ran up and hugged their digimon and the rested in the cave waiting for morning.
OOC:THe book I have has everything. Weapons,spells,magic,powers,the evil,the chosen ones etc. Just meet me in the town I'm in then you can just use my book. And I think we should delete these because they're counted as spam.
Hey aYokano!! Can we start yet?!
Amber walked over to Hikage. [b][color=teal]Amber:[/b]You're not alone.We'll stick together.Ok?[/color] Hikage smiled and nodded.Amber smiled back and they walked off and talked together. Then they heard Fire shout out there was another monster coming.Amber and Hikage looked at each other. [b][color=teal]Amber:[/b]Glaive!![/color] [b][color=silver]Hikage:[/b]Wand!![/color] The two weapons appeared in their owners hands.They ran over and prepared for the monster that was about to break the surface.
OOC:Ultryneo!Didn't you read my OOC earlier?You can't have the book.There's only 1 copy!Everyone please understand!There's only One copy and I have t.Tho you will be able to use it etc. when you meet up with me.But until then...I'm starting the meeting bit now. Sakura continued walking and arrived at a small ruined town.She walked through and went into a hotel.It was ruined but the best.She asked for a room and hurried up.She quickly dumped her things on the floor and went to the cafeteria.She ordered fod at the bar and sat.Hoping someone would come into this area and be one of the Chosen Ones.
[color=teal]"Don't worry David.You'll get her!"[/color]Amber said re-assuringly and she put a hand on his shoulder. David smiled and they rushed down to the group. They were still fighting DS.Sakura and David got out their sacred weapons and fired shots at him like Shiro,Celestine and Leigh.DS was dodging and firing his own shots of power.He was hurt a lot because there were too many blasts. BTW:Takuya.Remember further up?Can you please delete it?And I have to delete mine.
Amber looked around for David.There he was standing on a hill with Halo.Amber spat on the inside.Who was good?This was all so confusing.Amber looked in her hands and at the others.Nothing had happened.It was all Halo's stupid illusions. Amber rushed forward to the Shiro DS fight.She fired some shots at both of them.They stopped fighting for a moment.She stood between them.They both looked the same and acted the same.She would decided which one would be which by a test of acts.Amber had told Celestine to try to attack her before she walked over and see what would happen.Amber predicted that Shiro would push her away while DS would just stand there.Celestine ran up with her sword and tried an attack.Just as she had predicted.Shiro dove and pushed her out of the way.Amber stood up and charged a ball of energy on the tip of her glaive.She let goand it shot at DS.He flew back a few feet and had wounds on him.Everyone used their powers on him. Amber looked up at the hill and saw that there was a circle around them.Something wasn't right about the circle.Amber ran up the slope. [color=teal]"David!What's going on?!"[/color]she asked. [b]"Amber.Don't step into the circle!It disables the power of any spheres in the radius!![/b] Amber stepped back.[color=teal]"Then why did you do it?!"[/color] [b]Now Halo can't use her sphere to create any illusions now.But the sacrifice is it also affects me.But don't worry."[/b] [color=teal]"Thanks David.Is it permenant though?!"[/color]she asked.
OOC:Hey the name's Sirimon.Don't worry about it. Sirimon felt a surging power flow through his body. Sirimon:Sirimon digivolved to..........Lupismon!!! Lupismon:This is great!Digivolve!! Lupismon charged at IMDM. Lupismon:Howling Thunder!!!!! Out of his mouth a light ball began to build up.It crackled with electricity.Then he shot it out towards the enemy.IMDM surged with electricity.He growled in anger. Lupismon:Howling Inferno!!!! His mouth lit up again with a fireball.He shot the fireball and it blasted on impact.Lupismon was laughing as he used his new found powers. BTW:He can do this in all forms but as the level goes up the stronger it is.
Name:Sasuka(Suka) Age:15 Gender:Female Weapon:A glaive!!! Description(Both):Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,blue pants and blue and white joggers.
There aren't many good ones left so... [img]http://www.shineget.com/koopa.gif[/img] [b]Koopa troopa[/b] Class: Lightweight Special Ability: "Shell" - This ability allows Koopa Troopa to cover the entire kart in a shell for a brief moment, protecting it from enemy attacks. Weaknesses: Koopa is a pretty good driver and doesn't really need to worry his little bald head. However, he doesn't always get along with teammates. Strengths: Koopa's Shell ability is very unique amongst the racing lineup - it can be very useful in races.
I have no idea seeing I have never played G/S in my life. So I guess it'll just have to go to Joey.
OOC:Justin what about the Were's?O_oGosh sorry...:eek: [i][color=navy]Sasuka or Suka as she liked to be called looked at the village she left behind. The town had outcast her after learning she had mysterious powers and could transform into a wolf and had magic.Even her mother and father joined the town with their torches,pitchforks and any thing else sharp they could find.They had rammed into her house and screamed at her.They didn't know it only happened when she didn't control her emotions.She ran to her room and quickly grabbed some items and her favourite weapon.Her glaive given to her for her 13th birthday from her parents and fled the house.Her emotions tipped and she started her transformation in front of the whole town. It started with her ears and tail sprouting out from the top of her skull and the bottom of her spine.Her nose stretched and grew out into a long muzzle.Her teeth and jaws became sharp and strong.She fell onto all fours as her arms and legs became paws.Then finally her clothes disappeared and navy blue almost black fur with silver streaks sprouted in its place. All the townspeople gasped as she let out a large roar.Everyone ran up with their weapons in hand.Suka looked at her mother and father.Their kindness had gone and was replaced by anger and hatred.A tear fell from the wolf's eye as she fled the town forever.She ran across land not knowing how long she ran for and she fell down exhausted.She saw a lush green forest and crawled into it.She changed back into a human slowly. Her ears and tail shrank back.Her muzzle shrank back into her nose.Her teeth and jaws returned to normal.Her paws returned to arms and legs.And finally her fur disappeared and her clothes and skin re-appeared.She cried against a tree.Why did this have to happen to her? It all started when she saw a wolf just outside of town.It looked nice enough.She loved wolves.They were so magnificent.She held a hand out to it.the wolf came nearer and Suka stroked it.Then it bit her sharpely and ran off.She ran home and put a bandage over it.A few days later she was sick.After a week or so she learnt she had gained transformation abilities that were tied to her emotions until she could control them and magical powers. Now this was the outcome.She was a werewolf.She got up and ran through the forest in a daze not knowing what she was doing.[/color][/i] OOC:Gomen...Anyways where would a were belong?Sorry again.I miss some things because I read quickly.Gomen Gomen Gomen BTW:Is there anything else wrong?Just tell me but please don't yell...
Thankyou. I was thinking more to the mortal side anyways. I'm usually human and I know not how to play angel like. Just tell me when the RP will be starting and I'll be there.
Sakura looked left and right.She left the town and into a forest nearby.She sighed and looked at the browning leaves.Even the beautiful forests were wilting.She looked around and saw he animals screeching in terror as the trees wilted and their sources of food disappeared.She let a tear fall from her eye.She tried some of her nature magic.Suddenly out of no where a vine appeared full of fruit and life.The animals hurried to it.Sakura smiled.She finally did something right!She made a few more and the animals spread out.Sakura sat on a branch and watched the happy animals.She only wished the world was like these animals.So easy to make happy.And don't hold grudges.The animals finished eating.Sakura left them a parting gift of food for all of them to last them a long time if they didn't pig out.She waved and continued her way through doing the same in all the parts.she met all types of animals.Big and small.Happy and ferocious.She finally made it to the exit and waved goodbye to all her animal friends and continued her journey. She opened the book again.It was a page about the one who would control Nature.It said she would be friends to animals and all living things.She flipped the page and it was about the one who would control Lightning.she would control the element of thunder and make thunderbolts and lightning storms.The next page was about Water.He would be able to make tidal waves and summon great quantities of water.The next was Fire.She would make fireballs and flames and infernos.After that was Shadow.He would control the dark shadows and could pull people anywhere from where shadows fell.Air.He would contrl the winds and be able to make tornados and hurricanes.Earth.The final good Moon.Controlled the earth and rocks.He would be able to make rockslides and open the earth in earthquakes.then it told of the evil one.He would have power of all the 7 good moons and could use them all.However the powers are weak since they are copied.He would be the one that caused all the destruction and chaos.The 7 Chosen Ones would have to defeat him to return the world to it's previous happy state. Sakura closed the book and walked on putting it in her backpack walking aong with her backpack and glaive strapped to her back.
Does anyone remember what the thing with a big spike on it's head is in the pic?And it isn't Tsunomon.