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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. I guess so. 6 is quite a good number.:D Go check the Adventure Section!!
  2. Sakura

    Element X

    [color=teal]Amber:Hikage get up and start firing some Voids![/color]she said as she wrestled with the troll.She made a quick void and threw it so she could get out from under it. She jumped up and attacked with slashes and cuts with her glaive.Max and Meteo jumped in to help.Hikage fired Voids.
  3. Sakura

    Digimon Crisis

    Rika: Don't panic!EVERYONE DIGIVOLVE!DIGI-MODIFY!!DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!!! Renamon digivolved to..........Kyubimon!! Takato:Right!DIGI-MODIFY!!DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!! Guilmon digivolved to..........Growlmon!! Henry:Terriormon!!DIGI-MODIFY!!DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!! Terriermon digivolved to........Gargomon!! Kazu:Uh...DIGI-MODIFY!!DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!! Gargomon digivolved to.......Andromon!! Chris:Patamon!DIGI-MODIFY!!DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!! Patamon digivolved to......NeoAngemon!! Markell:Gatomon!DIGI-MODIFY!!DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!! Gatomon digivolved to........Angewomon!! The digivolved digimon charged forward waiting to see their new foe.
  4. I'm starting it now but I still need some people to take extra characters or we can just do without them. If anyone still wants to join PM me the Recruitment info.:D
  5. I don't think you needed the location but the Mace of Zeus is right. Your question Steiner.
  6. Sakura walked through the halls with Clarity. "How cool!!I can't believe we're X-.....People."said Sakura happily. Clarity agreed.She thought it was pretty cool too. "We'll make a reasonable team right Clarity?!" "Sure."They walked on talking about what it would be like and experiences.
  7. This is after the end of KH.It's a new plotline and in this Riku's a good guy.He may change later in the story.But at the moment he's good.
  8. Name:I can't remember!! X Name:Rogue Mutant Ability:Take other people's energy away. Children:Nope Good or bad:Good Someone tell me her name please?!
  9. Sakura

    The 8 Mages

    Sakura walked into the dining area and saw there was some food on the tables.She stole a bit of food before dinner and walked on.She walked through the halls eating.She saw some of the others around and continued walking past them.Soon she got tired of wondering and went back to her room.
  10. Sakura:Eevee but in Master Quest it evolves into an Espeon. Setsuki:Jolteon Sumomo:Vaporeon Tomeyo:Flareon Kome:Umbreon I don't know the correct spellings but that's it. [b]Question[/b] What are the name of the Battling Eevee Brothers and what are their eevee evolutions?
  11. I like Freya's and Beatrix's the best.Freya's hat's cool.And I agree with Vince about Beatrix. The worst is either Quina,Amarant or Steiner. Quina wears something like an apron,Amarant wears those long pants like things and Steiner's in the heavy suit of armor everytime you move you hear an infernal clanking as he walks. The reason I've done all FFIX is because the costumes in the others are okay for me except in FFVII everything is so computered.They're all bulky and wierd but the costumes are still good.
  12. Aiko arrived at an igllo where the light shone right into it. Aiko just shrugged and walked in.It was nice and warm in there and it was out of the snow.She rubbed her arms for warmth.She looked at her watch.It had stopped but the time it said was 9pm.she decided she would head out first thing in the morning.She curled up on the floor and went to sleep.
  13. Sakura

    Element X

    Suddenly a Saber Tooth Tiger runs past. As it passes a tooth falls onto Amber's hand. It turned into a glaive. Amber ran forward with glaive in hand swinging it at the monster. Am I allowed to get my weapon yet?If not I'll delete it.
  14. Why is Sora and Riku the enemies? Aren't they good guys?!
  15. Sakura got up.She was in the middle of no where.She was surrounded by ice and snow.She hugged herself for warmth and noticed there was a stone next to her.She almost missed it because of the colour blended with the snow.The stone glowed and it shone into a direction.She decided to follow it as long as it brought her out of the snow and ice.
  16. Sakura


    Name:Sakura Age:15 Hometown:?? Appearance:Chocolate brown hair with vibrant emerald eyes.She wears a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside and blue pants and blue and white joggers. Bio:Sakura was an abandoned child from when she was young.She was given to an orphanage and was about to be given to a couple.Sakura didn't like it so she ran away into the nearest forest and met two eevees.She was so exhausted from running she fell on the ground and the eevees took care of her.They became her friends and she took care of them and trained them.Soon they evolved and became an Umbreon and an Espeon.Now they're her pokemon partners. Pokémon*:Umbreon,Espeon Is that good?Or do I have to have a hometown?
  17. Amber growled.'Why would I trust him after all he has done?!' 'How dare he ask me to forgive him?!' 'He betrayed us,stole Celestines sphere and has taken our crystals.I can't trust him anymore!!I gave him chances but this is it!!!' Amber turned back to the others.She had the same hatred in her eyes and she just walked on.Celestine and Leigh knew how she felt.They also hated Shiro for what he had done.
  18. Sakura:We'll have to be careful.Since we beat them they may become our new enemies that will keep appearing and trying to beat us. (They are going to be our main enemies but they change Zoids when they lose.)
  19. Amber stared at Shiro evilly.Hikaro undid the invisibility. Shiro shot a wave of power,Amber called vines and they whipped it away.They exchanged shots.Amber on the defense and Shiro on the attack. [color=teal]"I'll never forgive you for what you've done!!"[/color]Amber growled.Suddenly she used some animals to come to her aid.There were so many that Shiro was trying to shoot them.Amber called out some vines and tried to get Shiro's sword but it ke[pt moving trying to shoot the animals.
  20. Amber and the group arrived at Primary Village and looked around.There were billions of cots full of digieggs and digibabes. Elecmon walked over and they talked about where the closest place would be.He told them that the next closest town was to the east from Primary Village.It's called Tama City.They stayed with elecmon for a while and helped hatch the digieggs before they realised they had to leave to Tama City.The group thanked him for his hospitality and walked east. As they arrived at Tama City they realised why it was called that.There were dozens of Otamamon roaming the town.the group stared in disbelief.They walked in and tryed to ask for information but all the Otamamon just ignored them.Amber whistled loudly and everyone stopped and payed attention.They got some more information and left Tama City.Heading West this time and they walked on with their digimon following behind them.
  21. Sakura

    Element X

    Hikage walked back to Amber and Max. She told them about Nate and they all felt sorry for him. Amber thought deeply.Suddenly some tree vines shot out from no were and wrapped themselves around Hikage.Max and Amber panicked.Fire was too far away teaching the others.Max made a Fire Void and threw it at the vines.As it came into contact Amber cried out in pain and suddenly more vines wrapped themselves around Max.Amber cried for Fire to come over.Fire ran over. [b][color=red]Fire:Amber let go!This is your doing!![/color][/b] Amber's head shot up and looked at Fire in confusion. [b][color=red]Fire:Let go Amber!![/color][/b] he ordered. Amber concentrated hard and soon the vines slowly untangled Hikage and Max. [color=teal][b]Amber:Hikage!Max!I'm so sorry!!I didn't mean too.It seems nature is connected to my feelings and thoughts.[/b][/color] Hikage and Max rubbed their wrists,mouth,legs,ankles and where ever the vines had caught them. [color=crimson][b]Max:Fire.When I threw a void at the vines Amber screamed and I was coated in vines too.Why?[/b][/color] [b][color=red]Fire:Like Amber said.She is connected to nature now.If you do anything to her vines/trees/animals then she will scream in pain since they are connected and she will use defense like wrapping you in vines.It's an instinct or reflex.See her power is quite interesting.She is connected to it.Unlike you Max.You are fire and if someone puts out the fire then you won't be hurt.Nate is in a way connected to his power since it's made of bad memories.[/b][/color] They understood and Fire returned to the others warning Amber to keep control.Amber looked down sadly.They could have been killed. Amber walked up to the tree and rubbed it's trunk in a re-assuring way for her and the tree.She sighed sadly and climbed into the bough of the tree in thought and away from Hikage,Max and Nate.She was scared now.Afraid to be around people in case she lost conrol.She could never let it happen again unless she wanted too.Amber cried softly in the bough.Why did her power have to be tied to her.The pain she had felt when Max attacked the vines.It was like a searing pain in her core and it still ached from the attack.Hikage and Max called up to her.She couldn't face them.She climbed higher and higher into the tops of the tree and sat there crying for the pain she had caused and the pain that had been returned.She made a void out of anger that was a darker green then usual and threw it as far and as hard as she could.It shot off into the distance.Everyone watched it.Then looked at the tree Amber was in.She continued to sob by herself.She needed to be isolated.Fire understood her pain and got the others back into training.As Hikage and Max continued to look up into the trees in hope of seeing Amber but no chance.She would stay there until she was ready.even if it meant de-hydration or stavation.Amber stubbornly told herself that she won't go back until she was ready and in full control.She stopped crying and wipped her eyes with her sleeves and started meditating.
  22. Sakura decided that they should have a meeting about where they should go now.Everyone gathered around and lot's of people gave their suggestions about where to go. but like usual Alastuin and Raven were just leaning against a tree. Sakura looked at them and growled softly and turned back to the group. 'Why do they have to be so annoying?!'Sakura thought in her head.
  23. Sakura charged forward with Blade Liger. "Blade Rush Liger!!"she yelled. The two blades glowed and crackled with electricity.Liger rushed past the last Lightning Syke and put a nice cut through it from torso to back of back legs.Sakura and Liger cheered.Liger roared out the victory and they looked at the fallen foes.The pilots got out.Sakura and the others continued their treck leaving a large trail of dust behind them and choking the pilots of the Sykes. "Way to go guys.We really make a good team!!"said Sakura through the com. The others agreed happily.
  24. Cool you guys.You're all in.Chaos I hope this will be good. We'll wait a while longer before starting the actual RP. We need about 7/8 people to join before starting. We have 4 so 3 or 4 more to go!:D
  25. Sakura

    Digimon Crisis

    OOC:Okay.Don't worry about that part then.Mandy can if she wants. BTW Mandy post up some stuff about Gatomon.
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