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Everything posted by Sakura
Wrong again. Sorry. There's only one more combo left.
Nope sorry. Try again.
Okay so my question still stands
Amber:I say we only use our forms when needed.And we should use our less energy using form instead of this. Amber said changing back into human.
Haha whoops!Sorry!! Okay... The 8 mages awoke and got out of bed.They put on their robes and got their weapons for training with Master Merlyn.Sakura got out of bed and rubbed her eyes sleepily.She got up and quickly put on her robes and went to the bathroom.She quickly exited and got everything else ready.Master Merlyn hated tardiness.Soon everyone was outside weapons in hand.Merlyn said he had a surprise for them.Everyone listened attentively."I have decided that it is time that you all go out and see the world.But you must stay together for I fear that one of you will turn against the pack and turn evil with minions.I pray it doesn't become truth.May the kingdom's hope be with you all." All the students bowed deeply to their Master.They all went to the rooms and packed their things for the adventure. ------------------------------------------ Okay that's the beginning scenario.One of us will become evil.Can I have a volunteer?Just PM me if you want to.If no one wants to then we'll be in trouble.I was kind of thinking Draagul if he doesn't mind.Because since he has the power of undeads.If you don't want to then don't worry.But the offer still stands because some people like to be bad guys.Anyways you won't split up quite yet.Just PM me Draagul and any others so I know then I can plot it out.:D
Amber/Lobomon looked down at Kyala. "Who are you?"he asked down at the cat. "Meow"Kyala replied. "I know you can say more then meow so speak up."
If that's so then I would say flash. Sure you'd be in the dark but that's the only time you use it. Either that or Cut I guess.You could surf around the gym to get in.But the SS Anne wouldn't leave.But Flash is my main guess or Cut.
You don't need Fly.It's useful but not neccessary. That's it I think. Because the others are Cut,Strength,Surf and Flash. Cut is to enter Vermillion Gym. Surf to get through the water ways in caves etc. Strength for moving the rocks in Seafoam and to get through Victory Road. Flash to get through Rock Tunnel. Question:[Simple] In Red/Blue at the beginning when choosing pokemon what order are they in? Sorry.I can't think of any good question at the moment.
OOC:LOL That's so funny!!Way to Go!!*Ahem* ---------------------------- Freya and Zack stared at the strange coaster through the head sets. [color=red]"Okay that was really wierd...I think this is some customisation by Cid to make it harder!"[/color] concluded Freya. Zack agreed with the point.It was never like this.Freya and Zack became more alert with the target and the speed of the coaster.
Okay time to get this thing movin'!! A recap on the story is... It's about Legendary Zoids.They are hidden in the Temple of Zion.But there are some evil people that want to get the Zoids too.the good guys have to get to the Temple and get the Zoids first or the planet will be doomed,because the Zoids are very powerful. Okay now let's start.I take it we're all good?If not tell me if you want to be a bad guy.If no one will be a bad guy then we will make some characters up and use them.:D -------------------------------------- Sakura and Liger headed into the meadow where she was supposed to meet the other Zoid pilots for their quest.Liger roared impatiently.Sakura silenced him.Sakura opened the hatch and sat on Liger's head and stared around looking for the others.She sighed deeply and lied back and put her arms behind her head.Suddenly she heard a Zoid approaching...
Okay y'all I can't be bothered waiting anymore. Let's start!!!
Hey guys! Here's another Element RP! The greatest warlock of all time, Merlyn, is at his last days, and he needs some mages to take over for him. 8 have been chosen. These 8 are too the jobs of what Merlyn did, protecting, trading, and making potions. Here are the eight mages: [b][color=sandybrown]White Mage-Healing-Krillen-SandyBrown[/color][/b] [b]Black Mage-Uses basics of all types-Rhys Mayiessen-Bold[/b] [color=red][b]Red Mage-Uses high fire magic-Kouberei-Red[/b][/color] [color=green][b]Green Mage-Uses high Earth magic-Outlaw-Green[/color][/b] [color=orange][b]Yellow Mage-Uses high wind magic-Mina Karusala-Orange[/b][/color] [color=blue][b]Blue Mage-Uses high water magic-Mighty mandy-Blue[/b][/color] [color=indigo][b]*Silver Mage-Necromancer-Draagul-Indigo[/b][/color] [color=teal][b]*Gold Mage-Druid-Sakuramon(Me)-Teal[/b][/color] *A Necromancer calls upon the undead.(IE, Skeletons,Golems) *A Druid calls upon animals and nature. (IE, birds,plants,animals.) Here are the starting spells: White: Heal1, Cure1 Black: Meteor1, Earthquake1 Red: FireBall1, Lava Flow1 Green: Earthquake2, ForestAttack1 Blue: TidalWave1, Flood1 Yellow: Tornado1, Winds1 Silver: Skeleton1, Zombie1 Gold: Squirrel1, Raven1 Name:Sakura Age:16 Mage:Gold/Druid Weapon:A glaive with a blade on one end and a goldish amber orb adorned with a pair of small angel/birds wings on the other end. Armor:A robe with magical qualities in it like shielding and other protection magic. Let's Start and ENJOY!!
Sorry to break the news Mandy but it's over. Check out the thread in Adventure to see what happened. At least Kumomaru was banned and duty has been served. Sorry Mandy. If you want you can create another thread. It was going fine until that point when Kumomaru ruined it for everyone.
Yes!! I need 1 more person to take red then we can get this up and running!!
Freya and Zack pulled out their weapons.(We do use our weapons right?) Freya went to one side of the rollercoaster and stretched. Zack looked over and shook his head.This would be quite interesting. They put on their headsets and prepared for the targets. 'Zack has a slight advantage since hes from this world.But I will win with skill and power!'Freya thought to herself. Soon the virtual coaster inside the game started to move. There were already a few targets visible up ahead. OOC: Do we have our weapons or little virtual guns?
Amber looked impressively at Hikage.Now she knew she wasn't the only one.Amber was sitting in a tree away from the others practising. Hikage walked over."Why aren't you practising?!" Amber looked down at Hikage "Same reason as you." Amber looked up into the tree she was sitting in.She got up and jumped higher to see the others practising.They were doing okay. Fire pased behind them giving them tips and how to control it better and to keep it on target.Amber looked down again.Hikage was still standing at the foot of the tree.She was watching the practise too. "Hey Hikage!You climb?"Amber shouted down.Hikage looked up. "Of course I do!"she replied and she climbed up into the tree as well.Hikage got up to Amber's point and they both watched.
Sorry Mandy.Could you use another mage? It was very unfortunate that it was deleted.
Amber ran over to the cliff and looked with Shiro and Sebastian. [color=teal]"Raynos!Come over here quick!Reicalg!You too!"[/color] They both ran over next to Amber.Amber told them her plan. Raynos took out his sphere and got a water supply ready hanging in mid air.Reicalg had his sphere ready too.Now all they had to do was wait until Sebastian and Shiro had found David and Halo.
.............Right........ Freya stopped twitching and got in,Zack followed her.The woman closed the door and they got in place.Freya and Zack got ready to shoot.
Mandy.It would help if you sign up again or has someone taken the mage you want? Baka why do you want to be an apprentice?Has someone taken your desired mage?
Cool. All you guys are in. We have 4 people.We'll wait a while longer before starting. If more people don't come we'll start!:D
OOC:What the?How do hit targets in a sim??
Hey guys! Here's another Element RP! The greatest warlock of all time, Merlyn, is at his last days, and he needs some mages to take over for him. 8 have been chosen. These 8 are too the jobs of what Merlyn did, protecting, trading, and making potions. Here are the eight mages: [color=sandybrown][b]White Mage-Healing-Krillen[/b][/color]-SandyBrown [b]Black Mage-Uses basics of all types-Rhys Mayiessen[/b]-Bold [color=red][b]Red Mage-Uses high fire magic-Kouberei[/b][/color]-Red [color=green][b]Green Mage-Uses high Earth magic-Outlaw[/b][/color]-Green [color=orange][b]Yellow Mage-Uses high wind magic-Mina Karusala[/b][/color]-Orange [color=blue][b]Blue Mage-Uses high water magic-Mighty mandy[/b][/color]-Blue [color=indigo][b]*Silver Mage-Necromancer-Draagul[/b][/color]-Indigo [color=teal][b]*Gold Mage-Druid-Sakuramon(Me)[/b][/color]-Teal When you choose your Mage, you fill out this: Name: Age: (lower than 30) Mage: Weapon: Part of it has to be staff like.If you need help look at mine below. Armor: (Please don't use TOO heavy armor, you are a mage after all) *A Necromancer calls upon the undead.(IE, Skeletons,Golems) *A Druid calls upon animals and nature. (IE, birds,plants,animals.) Here are the starting spells: White: Heal1, Cure1 Black: Meteor1, Earthquake1 Red: FireBall1, Lava Flow1 Green: Earthquake2, ForestAttack1 Blue: TidalWave1, Flood1 Yellow: Tornado1, Winds1 Silver: Skeleton1, Zombie1 Gold: Squirrel1, Raven1 Name:Sakura Age:16 Mage:Gold/Druid Weapon:A glaive with a blade on one end and a goldish amber orb adorned with a pair of small angel/birds wings on the other end. Armor:A robe with magical qualities in it like shielding and other protection magic. Sign up and Enjoy!! Once we get all spots filled I will start the real RP.
Amber handed the sphere back to Celestine.When Celestine put her hand on the sphere it disappeared.They all panicked. [color=teal]"That monster must have taken it and put an image in it's place when we weren't paying attention!"[/color]growled Amber. Celestine just stood there in shock.Amber walked over to her and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. [color=teal]"Don't worry!We'll get it back!!"[/color]she said stubbornly.Celestine nodded and blinked back tears. [color=teal]"Okay guys!!Let's head out and find those two!!"[/color]Amber announced to the group everyone nodded and packed their stuff. [color=teal]"Sebastian!I need a favour.Can you float up and see if you can spot 'em?"[/color] [color=royalblue]"I'm on it!"[/color]he replied as he floated up. soon everyone was ready.They started to head back on path while Sebastian floated up ahead still searching for the thieves. Celestine dragged behind the group.Amber slowed down and reassured her again.Celestine nodded sadly and kept walking. OOC:Sorry Celestine's person.If you don't want her like that then I can edit!