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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [color=navy]Oops, sorry I forgot to officially announce it, but I've removed myself from CAF. I just haven't been motivated enough to post something of good quality, even with help from other people. I get small ideas but never something substantial enough to fill up a post. Sorry all, but if anyone still wants to use Clyne then feel free. Happy Holidays, all.[/color]
  2. [CENTER][B][SIZE=6]Fight 1[/SIZE] [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]Zelda[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Green]Samus[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Introduction Post[/SIZE][/b][/CENTER] [COLOR=Navy]Samus looked at Zelda from the corner of her eyes. She'd taken off her helmet when she had arrived at the Mushroom Kingdom to be somewhat polite to the other contestants. She wondered if Zelda's fighting style had changed much since the Melee tournament. People started to go through their portals; Falco and Link, followed by Mario and Mewtwo, then Kirby and Bowser. Samus pulled her helmet back on, securing it and sealing it to make it airtight; breathing through the circulating oxygen system installed inside. She accessed her files through her power suit, reviewing fighting styles of each contestant. She had a great deal of faith in her team and thought that they could all win their battles. Samus was dead set on winning against Zelda, she just reminded herself to watch out for when she changed into Sheik. Zelda was looking at her now and she did a few final checks to her power suit, making sure nothing was faulty that could make her lose the battle, though if worse came to worse she'd just abandon the suit and complete battle in her Zero Suit. Not waiting for what Zelda did, Samus just nodded to Pikachu before she jumped through the portal without a care. [CENTER]***[/CENTER] As she felt herself come out the other side of the portal she curled her body and rolled on impact, moving fluidly to her feet. Not long after she emerged, Zelda came through and the glowing portal disappeared, leaving them in their arena. Samus sighed as she looked around. Mushroom Kingdom was one of her least favourite arenas to fight in, with her favourite being home, Planet Zebes. [b]"I hope you put up a good fight, Princess."[/b] a hint of mocking evident in her voice. [b]"I'm more worried for you actually."[/b] she replied carelessly. [b]"Don't hold back."[/b] they said simultaeneously, smiling even though Samus' couldn't be seen. She shifted her feet and her body into a fighting position, her arm cannon was aimed and ready. Zelda slowly moved into position too before they lunged at each other[/COLOR]. [B]OOC:[/B] Shocking post but wanted to get it in so Fight 1 at least [i]kinda[/i] started.
  3. [COLOR=Navy]Sorry it took me so long everyone. But yeah, I posted, and now it's time to kill *evil laughter* And yes, I still had my Teleport Card from the last round because I didn't use it. And since this is pretty much the last round, besides White's shocker, I thought I should use it.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy]Feng coughed and spluttered, horrified at the thought of dying by noxious green gas. She stopped suddenly, realising there was nothing they could do about it besides getting to the exit within 4 days. She looked at the pile of rocks, getting close to it and hearing Joachim and Maya talking from within the mound. [B]"Joachim, try using your sword."[/B] Lita advised. There was a bright flash from within that shone out through the gaps in the rocks, and a few rocks tumbled off. [B]"I think we should all try."[/B] Feng suggested, holding her hands out in front of her, flames started to dance over her hands as she concentrated her power. Janet nodded and threw a couple of seeds onto the pile of rocks. The vines grew and sunk into the crevices, widening the gaps between the rocks. Feng let loose her blast of fire, knocking off a layer. Then from within there was another flash, brighter, as Joachim tried again, this time it blew the rocks away, leaving them standing there. [B]"That took us too long to get out of. We must hurry, we're running out of time."[/B] Maya said. Everyone agreed and they quickly continued on their path, their pace slightly faster since they now had a time limit and had already been delayed. They followed the stone walls, winding through the endless corridors, constantly alert incase there was another avalanche or something of the sort. They were somewhat relieved in a way when they arrived at an open area, which just looked like a forest, with trees, grass, dirt and vines everywhere. They were only happy because it meant that they hadn't been going around in circles, that they had made progress...hopefully. They cautiously moved through the area, ducking under vines and leaves hanging from above. It was quite dark because the thick canopy seemed to block out the source of light, whatever it was. They didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, so they just continued, but just looking, the forest seemed to go on for a long way. Feng Li stopped in her tracks, sniffing the air carefully. The rest of the group stopped too to look at the youngest member of their group. [B]"What is it, Feng?"[/B] Janet asked kindly, laying a gentle hand on her shoulder. [b]"...Smoke."[/b] she breathed as she detected what the smell was, distinguishing it from the green smell of the plants. [b]"And where there's smoke, there's fire!"[/b] Everyone snapped to attention and were suddenly running for the other side of the forest. Everything would go up in flames, including them if they stuck around for too long. There was a loud crash and a large part of the greenery behind them were already burning brightly, the flames chasing after them on all sides. Feng cried out as her foot hit a protruding vine, sending her sprawling as the others kept going. Janet noticed and ran back for her, eyes wide with fear. Feng Li put her hands up and shouted as the flames got close. Suddenly there was a wall of her own fire, and that of the forest. She blinked at it, then came to her senses. She jumped to her feet and ran, grabbing Janet's hand as she went past, catching up to the others who had also stopped. [b]"Keep going! I don't know how long my wall will last."[/b] she called, and they all raced. Feng felt her wall collapse, and the caged fire leapt out, consuming more than before, getting stronger and stronger. They were sweating from the run, and the heat of the fire. Feeling like this gauntlet would never end. They all hoped for some miracle which would save them or get them out of there. [B]"Get me out of here!"[/B] Feng shouted loudly, not at all suspecting herself to be engulfed in a light before disappearing. Everyone else faultered in their step with wide eyes, calling out to Feng who had suddenly left them in the middle of a burning forest. [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Labyrinth/labyrinth-teleportcard2.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Labyrinth/labyrinth-feng.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Navy]Just a quick question. Do I still have to do that one post before killing anyone? Or can I just use a Death Card since we have a time limit now?[/COLOR]
  6. [center][img]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b191/Bklynstyles/samus.png[/img][/center] [CENTER][B]Samus Aran[/B][/CENTER] [color=navy]A gunship flashed through the quiet space, interrupting the silence with the roar of its engines as it pursued a Space Pirate ship. Samus tightened her grip on her ship's control stick, maneuvering it with practised ease. Typing with one hand on the keyboard, she locked onto the ship, aiming at a thruster. She hit the button on top of her control stick, watching green lasers shoot from her own vessel toward the other. It had been barrel-rolling since getting the notification it had been locked on to, but Samus kept her aim steady. She knew all the tricks and could easily read them and predict the pattern, getting into the space where the other would be headed. She was a veteran bounty hunter after all. Samus repeated the process, aiming at several of the other thrusters until it had slowed considerably. [B]"If you surrender, you'll keep your lives. It doesn't matter if I deliver you dead or alive."[/B] she warned. They foolishly tried to push their ship to its maximum thrust, which really wasn't much. Her face hardened beneath her visor as she charged a stronger laser shot, aiming for the main weak spot of that model, the underbelly. With a bit of fancy flying she maneuvered her ship under the Space Pirates and released the blast, watching as the long green laser speared the ship. She pulled away slightly as several small explosions happened within. When it seemed safe, she exited her ship, floating across to the other to collect the bodies, storing them in her own ship again. There were several Metroids in the ship for an odd reason, so as she left, she blew up the remains of the ship with a few well placed blasts. Samus delivered the Space Pirate corpses to the Galactic Federation, and was paid for another job well done. She removed her helmet, revealing her blonde hair tied back in a simple ponytail and clear blue eyes. If people didn't know her better, they'd just think she was some woman, no one would suspect her as the power suit clad, bounty hunter, Samus Aran. Though you could discover that if you searched her eyes, seeing the hardness beneath the surface. She checked that the sum she received for the job was correct and smiled that it was, as usual. As she was about to get into her gunship to head for home, a shuttle arrived, and she was surprised at one of the species that exited. The small creature looked around, clutching something to themselves. She chuckled because it looked intimidated by the other larger species around it. Somehow knowing it was here for her, she walked over, plucking the Toad from the flow of crowd heading to wherever it was they were going. [B]"Miss Samus! Thank goodness I've found you."[/B] the mushroom creature looked relieved. [B]"I thought you were here for me. What is it?"[/B] she asked, tucking her helmet under her left arm. The Toad handed her the letter which was the object it had been clutching. She read it quickly and her facial expression turned grim. Re-reading it to make sure she lowered it and sighed, looking away at nothing in particular. [B]"I guess I don't have a choice."[/B] she said reluctantly. Toad was silent, not liking to be the bearer of bad news. Samus was watching it and shrugged, there was no point in arguing. All she could do was go and fight, as she had the times before. [B]"Want a lift back to the Mushroom Kingdom? It's on my way."[/B] she asked, pulling her helmet back over her head. Toad nodded in the affirmative and followed the female bounty hunter into her ship, taking a seat in the passenger area. [B]"Buckle up, it's gonna be fast."[/B] Samus warned, pulling on her own safety harness. She was slow exiting the docking area, but as soon as she got out far enough into space, she glanced back to make sure Toad was secure, before pushing her thrusters all the way, gaining speed before she flipped a hatch and pressed a green button. The engines seemed to roar loudly and it jerked forward at tremendous speed as it entered warp drive. Samus gripped the control stick tightly as the space in front of the ship formed a wormhole-looking tunnel, being sucked in. After several long minutes, they emerged at the other end. The Toad saw it was familiar territory as Samus left him at the Mushroom Kingdom, before taking off for Star Hill, wondering what awaited the challengers, and just who was willing to do it all over again...[/color] [B]OOC:[/B] It's not very good, and I made this up because frankly, I know nothing about Metroid. Never played it in my life. ^^; But I told you that BK =P.
  7. [color=navy]But that's what I'm finding the problem to be. What if someone takes away said Magi crystal, then they're left powerless, no? And like I said, there is the Summoner's problem if they have many, though I guess you could keep putting them in jewellery...[/color]
  8. [color=navy]Meh, I don't think I have a problem with any of it. Though, we don't always actually have to pull these Magi crystals out do we? That would get a bit tiresome, plus what would you do if someone took it away? Though if I am understanding it right (which I'm not sure if I am), these crystals are just physical manifestations of the powers right? And aren't necessarily needed to be held for the power to work? Because for Summoners they'd probably rack up a few of them for their different Summons. Bah, I dunno. I feel stupid and confused. Don't mind me~...[/color]
  9. [SIZE=1][B]OOC:[/B] -Sorry for not posting much, it moves pretty fast and I've been preoccupied the last few days. -Let me know if this post needs corrections. I've fallen behind with the posts and have so far just lightly skimmed them so I may have missed something. -Oh, and sorry if Syrus and/or Strom seem OOC. >
  10. [COLOR=Purple]Oooh, having a straight answer for this one's tough, because as it keeps being said, it all depends on balance. But honestly, I have to say I prefer that it's controlled with a strong purpose to it, with leeway for a bit of wavering and personal creativeness. My shot on this is because if it's uncontrolled, I lose inspiration for what I'm writing in, and what exactly is supposed to be happening. I've found that I need a guideline of sorts to help me post or I can't reach my full potential. It's really quite sad but I must continue to blame the terrible writer's block that has been plaguing me for over a year. My inspiration is incredibly low and I find it hard to think of good quality, long posts. But yeah. I personally prefer controlled to uncontrolled.[/COLOR]
  11. [color=navy][CENTER][B]Wednesday 33rd of Estembre, 9:40pm[/B][/CENTER] [SIZE=1]Clyne covered a yawn, she blinked a couple of times, she hadn't realised she was so tired. Syrus was walking beside her quietly, looking around at the I dorms. It seemed quiet and the only sound was their footsteps, until they rounded a corner and saw two male students standing outside a door with the number 116 on it, conversing in hushed tones, sometimes turning to look at the door. [B]"Kyo~!"[/B] a female voice could be heard. The male student with dark blue hair lifted his head and pushed his glasses up, watching as a violet haired female came up to him. [B]"Hey Aaron."[/B] she greeted with a bright smile. [B]"Sakura, hi. Hey Kyo, I'll handle that guy. See you later."[/B] Aaron nodded to them both and headed back into 115. Kyo and Sakura smiled at each other before striking up a conversation and walking off hand in hand. Clyne and Syrus continued after the hall had been cleared, not wanting to be caught up in anything. [B]"Who was that girl, Sakura?"[/B] Syrus asked, looking in the direction the couple had gone. [B]"Sakura is a popular student around the academy. Smart, cool, calm, collected-"[/B] [B]"You mean your complete double?"[/B] he grinned, interrupting her. Clyne glared and swung her hand at him, just enough to tap him. He laughed and the two continued on. Something was plaguing Clyne, and Syrus could clearly tell from her facial expression. [B]"What is it?"[/B] [B]"Huh? What are you talking about?"[/B] [B]"There's something bothering you. What is it?"[/B] Syrus sighed, looking at her. [B]"It's nothing."[/B] Syrus grabbed her upper arm, forcing her to stop walking. He looked her in the eye and she squirmed under his gaze. She let out an exasperated sigh and flung her arm up, breaking free from his grip and folding her arms across her chest. [B]"If you [I]must[/I] know. I was wondering what you actually [I]were[/I] doing instead of training."[/B] she knew it had to do with Monique, but she wanted to hear it from him. [B]"....I was with Monique. But you know that."[/B] he rolled his eyes. [B]"I know there's something more to this Syrus. You forced me to tell you, so now you have to answer."[/B] [B]"I slept with her."[/B] he shrugged simply. [B]"You wanted the truth, that's it."[/B] he responded to her look of surprise. Inside Clyne felt herself being crushed. And started wondering exactly how long they had been doing it. She was also afraid of that answer, and on one hand didn't want to know. She had been his friend for so long, yet he didn't pay any attention to her, always going for someone he didn't know, or a complete flirt. She hadn't realised she'd been quiet for so long and soon saw that Syrus was snapping his fingers in front of her face to get her attention. [B]"Oi, you ok?"[/B] he asked. [B]"Fine."[/B] she ground out, pushing forward, now she really wanted to get back to her dorm. Syrus hurried to keep up with her, not paying attention to where he was going as he tried to get her to talk to him, asking why she suddenly got angry. He felt someone bump into him and turned to look, seeing Aizen. [B]"I'm so sorry!"[/B] she cried, looking up, but then her face changed to relief. [B]"Syrus!"[/B] she whispered, smiling and relieved it was someone she knew. Syrus lightly gasped and waved frantically, his face flushed and hysterical. [B]"Uh.. uhm.. h.. hi, Aizen!"[/B] he finally replied, [B]"I had no idea you were going to be up this late!"[/B] [B]"Yeah me neither,"[/B] she replied, smiling, [B]"but I couldn't sleep, so I was headed out to the garden."[/B] [B]"Oh wow! That's really nice!"[/B] [B]"Um... are you okay? You seem really uptight..."[/B] "Oh he's fine, just a bit [I]flustered[/I] by what happened today," Clyne finally engaged in the conversation, lightly punching Syrus in the stomach, glaring at him. Syrus yelped a bit and scratched his head, smiling an even more confusing smile. Knowing that something was going on, but not wanting to go into it even further, Aizen smiled and nodded, walking in the opposite direction they were going. [B]"Okay, then... I'll see you guys tomorrow!"[/B] she whispered loudly, waving as she walked down the dark hallway. Syrus and Clyne waved back until she was gone, Clyne then giving him a stern look. [B]"You do realize what you've done, don't you?"[/B] Syrus looked at the ground and sighed. [B]"I know... but... I don't know what to do..."[/B] He really enjoyed Momo's company, but something about Aizen made him feel as if he'd just done something terrible. [B]"Well... guess you'll just have to do this on your own,"[/B] Clyne replied, turning and walking with Syrus down to their destination. Clyne mostly stayed quiet until they split up. She entered her room in the L dorms and said goodbye to Syrus as he continued on to the F section. With another yawn she shuffled around the room, changing out of her uniform and into a pair of fitness pants and a t-shirt. Her mind continually played the scene when Syrus simply told her he had slept with Momo, she growled and started shadow boxing in her room, things of the day still running through her mind, and the long going problem of Syrus still not seeing her. She finally felt tired and fell onto her bed, wiggling under the covers and curling up to go to sleep, mind still whirring with everything that happened, especially things concerning Momo and Syrus. Clyne woke up to a knocking at the door. She lifted her head from her pillow, eyes squinting open to look at her clock. The time read 1:18 in the morning. She was tired and half asleep, wondering who the hell would be knocking on her door at 1 in the morning. With a growl she rolled out of bed and flung open the door. She snapped awake immediately when she saw that it was Momo standing in her doorway looking disheveled and restless. Clyne stiffened and her fists clenched, the memories of the day before were still fresh, along with Syrus' information. It was still raw and now Momo was here. But she remembered Momo was her friend and reluctantly allowed her entry. The two sat on her bed, slightly facing each other. [B]"I'm sorry that I woke you up, Clyne. I had a nightmare and I felt that I had to talk to someone about it."[/B] Momo said quickly, going to describe her dream and ramble about everything she wanted to say. Clyne kept yawning during the tale, she was still tired, and Momo's voice was making her go to sleep. When the other girl finally finished she had a bright smile on her face, she was happy to have gotten all of it off her chest. [B]"So, how long have you been with Syrus?"[/B] Clyne probed, she really wanted to know, and it was the ideal opportunity. [B]"Well, I don't think we really have a proper relationship. It's an on and off sorta thing."[/B] [B]"Syrus is so picky about things he does. What do you guys usually do when you get together?"[/B] Clyne was good at masking her emotions and her look showed complete curiosity with nothing else hidden. Momo then went on to describe what kind of things they got up to. Some things she didn't go into detail about, and Clyne was glad for that because she didn't know if she'd be able to take it. It was past 2am by the time Momo left her room, majority of the time taken by her talking about her dream. Monique thanked her and apologised again before heading to her room. Clyne fell back onto her bed and went to sleep, now pondering on the new information she had gotten from Momo, maybe she could use it to her advantage.[/size][/color] [size=1][B]OOC:[/B] Sorry, wanted to complete things from the night before. Yes, Clyne is jealous and she wants Syrus too. [B]Kitty[/B], feel free to elaborate on that if you want, but I'm feeling tired and don't know what you want.[/SIZE]
  12. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Hey, long time no see. The first step to trying to figure this problem out depends on the type of RP it is. I've known you for quite a long time now, and I've seen all sorts of RPs being released by you. I'm just gonna use two of yours as examples, nothing against you, but I think you'll get it easier if it's used against your own stuff. The school one you did, "Welcome To Your Lesson on Love", where you made all the players have a character of the opposite gender they are IRL. That one had no control, and everyone did what they want. In the end, characters were in several places at once, no one knew what was happening, everyone was going crazy with posts, and it died an early death, slightly over a month. Another one is "Fast and Furious: Monaco Blaze". You started that one with a set posting order which was a bad idea because some people didn't post for a long time, yet you did realise that problem and changed it to free range. It lasted to barely a month with 2 pages. Now, these are different, with one more controlling than the other. The free range went crazy and allowed people to explore, but there was no aim to it. The one with the posting order killed itself because it took so long for people to post and get through the roster that everyone lost interest. But yes, it is very much about balance. I honestly think posting orders are bad ideas because not everyone can stick to them. Depending on how fast your RP goes from the start, judge whether you need to give a post limit per day. Working in Chapters might be a good idea because then there's a certin goal to head towards, then once that's accomplished you can move on. But yeah, the RP needs fences and a path, but the path has to have a bit of leeway for creativeness, but not so much that it totally goes off track and in the wrong direction.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. True that. I'm hoping people slow down a little or else it may burn out quickly like the old one, because if you remember, it had about the same speed as this one is right now. Also, I think we have to be careful with the time because we don't want to be jumping around like crazy and not know what's happening. My opinion is we go back to what we did last time, stating where and when the characters are at. Could be simple like; The Cafeteria and a time that fits. I just think that would be easier for everyone to keep track of. *shrug* I'll try to get a post in later.
  14. Yay~ I think it'd be awesome for characters from the last CAF to come in contact with the present. How many classes do we actually have? Is it up to us? Because so far the people that posted their timetables only have 4. Just a question out of curiosity.
  15. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Clyne stretched as she exited another session of [I]Advanced Summoning II[/I]. She walked along the halls with her friends discussing problems others were having with controlling their summons. Clyne shifted her backpack and tried to explain to them that they had to have a close relationship with their summon for everything to work out well. She was a little surprised that even though they were taking [I]Advanced Summoning II[/I], they were still facing simple problems like relationship issues. She approached her turn-off and left the group, heading toward the change rooms. She had memorised her time table from the first day and she now had [I]Advanced Combat II[/I] with Instructor Shavers. She knew today was a spar session so she changed out of her stiff uniform into more comfortable and free clothes. Clyne slipped her gauntlets from her belt and pulled them on, flexing her fists in preparation as she headed out with her things. She dumped her stuff near the wall where everyone else did and moved into the group of students, finding some space and beginning stretches to limber herself before going straight into fighting. She twisted her neck, popping the vertebrae. Instructor Shavers spoke up, assigning them sparring partners for the session, she was paired up with someone other than her regular partners. The boy looked dejected; with dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes. [B]"Instructor?"[/B] she questioned, looking at the other student who wouldn't meet her eyes. Instructor Shavers didn't usually put her with people she didn't match with. [B]"His technique needs a bit of work. Maybe you can help."[/B] he nodded gruffly, signifying it was the end of the discussion. Clyne shrugged and approached her opponent, stripping the gauntlet from her right hand. He looked up when she held her uncovered hand in his line of vision. [B]"I'm Clyne, Clyne Geiger."[/B] she introduced politely. [B]"I know who you are. Everyone knows who you are."[/B] he mumbled, looking off to the side. [B]"My name's Rick."[/B] he took the hand slowly, giving it a brief shake. Clyne nodded, yes, she knew most people in the school knew her. She pulled her gauntlet back on and asked him about his fighting style. She learnt he was a student of the old style Chinese kung fu. During the session she let him attack while she just dodged and blocked. Then she started giving him tips, showing him by doing it herself and getting her to repeat. By the end of it Rick looked a lot more confident and was smiling and meeting her eyes. [B]"Thanks for the help. I hope to get better, then we can have a proper spar."[/B] he said, shaking her hand. [B]"Sure, I'll be waiting. Let me know if you need more help."[/B] she said, taking off her gauntlets and picking up her backpack. [B]"Good work, Geiger."[/B] Shavers had been watching her throughout the period and was pleased with how she had handled the situation. She nodded and smiled before continuing on her way. As she was heading toward the change rooms, Monique stopped her quickly. [B]"Hey, a bunch of us are gonna meet in the cafeteria to study for Morris' History exam. Wanna come?"[/B] she asked cheerfully. [B]"Yeah sure, I'll just get changed. If you're not still around I'll just head over."[/B] Clyne jogged into the change rooms and put on her regular uniform, putting her other clothes in her bag, and tucking her gauntlets into her belt. She combed her fingers through her hair and fixed herself until she was satisfied with her appearance. Heading out she couldn't see Momo or any of the others so she took off on her own toward the cafeteria. When she arrived she spotted Syrus sitting at a table with some food and his History text book set in front of him. She raised an eyebrow, noticing the others weren't around, and figured they were still taking showers. [B]"Hey Syrus."[/B] she greeted. He looked up, smiling at her and waving because he had just taken a bite of his food. Clyne slid into the seat beside him and glanced at the chapter he was reading. [B]"Chapter IX? Ah, Ancient Roots of Magi Formation. Having troubles? I'll ask you a question, ok?"[/B] she asked. [B]"Yeah, I haven't studied this chapter at all yet. Fire away."[/B] he took a gulp from his drink, concentrating on Clyne. [B]"Ok. What shape does a matured and uncut magi take after it drains it's extent of power from the spiritual energy of the earth's mantle?"[/B] she pulled the book out of his line of vision. [B]"....What the hell kind of question is [I]that[/I]!? Is that seriously a valid question?!"[/B] [B]"Yes, I read it the other night. Now just give it a shot."[/B] she replied calmly. [B]"Ok ok, I know this! A square! Right?"[/B] he said with confidence. Clyne smiled grimly rubbing her right temple. [B]"Sorry, it's an elliptical oval."[/B] Syrus cursed quietly, while Clyne patted him reassuringly on the back, pushing the text book back toward him. Then she spotted the others arriving through the main entrance.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Question and Answer courtesy of BKstyles ^^;;.[/SIZE]
  16. [COLOR=Navy]Janet didn't know how long she stayed in the same position, sobbing from the stress of all the situations she was facing, and the desire to find her way out of the maze to get back to her children. She continued to cry until her voice was hoarse and she had no more tears. She scrubbed the tears away with her hands and weakly picked herself up. [B]"I have to get out of here. My children need me..."[/B] she whispered, the phrase becoming a mantra to fuel her determination. For the first time she paid attention to the area she was in, the scattered pieces of Ayame were still visible only a few metres away from her. Janet continued walking and saw a mangled mess crumpled at the base of one of the stone walls, a bloody mess on the wall from where she guessed the body had been smashed against. She was reluctant but wanted to find out who it was, lifting their head. She wanted to throw up again but there was nothing left in her stomach. Kalas' eyes had been poked out and his skull was smashed in, the only way she could tell it was him was from the blood matted hair. Taking in the body she couldn't take it, leaning against the wall and dry heaving. She was as weak as a newborn kitten, all her strength had abandoned her after the crying and vomitting. Janet willed herself to leave the area because it was a disgusting scene that she didn't want to linger in any more. She leaned against the wall and slowly followed the stone corridor. Ahead of her, at the end of the long hall she could see an opening to a rocky looking area. She contemplated heading back to see if there was another way out, but she didn't want to see the bodies again. She pushed forward and looked around at the wide area, it looked like a valley, the sides of it forming the walls of the maze. Janet could just see the door on the other side of the valley, but there was an obstacle ahead of her. A very large obstacle. [B]"What a monstrosity!"[/B] she gasped, staring at the moving pile of rocks and clay in front of her. The golem groaned, shifting onto its feet. The creature's small beady black eyes sweeped the valley, finally landing on Janet's form. It made slow groaning noises which sounded like it was trying to communicate, and slowly lumbered forward. She didn't know what to do, all she did was watch as it reached out a hand toward her, getting steadily closer with its large steps. Each foot fall made the ground shake and Janet was afraid of the towering giant, since she couldn't fight. Her hand went to her pocket, finding a few seeds that she had left. She decided to take a chance, pulling her hand from her pocket and drawing it back. As the golem got closer she released the seeds, watching as the vines began to grow all over the creature almost immediately. The monster roared furiously, thrashing to try to remove the plaguing vines that were crawling all over it. It took a few stumbling steps forward before it lost its balance. Janet realised too late that she was in a bad position, and she was too weak to run away. [B]"NOOO!! My children need me!!!"[/B] she cried as she tried to get out of the way futilely. The golem collapsed heavily, crushing Janet beneath its heavy weight. Several minutes later the rock and clay broke apart from the plants sinking into the cracks, but it was too late. Janet had been killed on impact, already weakened. [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Labyrinth/labyrinth-deathcard.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Labyrinth/labyrinth-janet.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Navy]Hmm, I seemed to have put myself in quite a tight spot actually, because I don't know what to say and don't have a strong argument like others. Firstly I'll just say that I personally don't have anything against Tekkaman, but this is how the game works. Well....Tekkaman was a target of the group pretty much straight away after his first post. A reason that was mentioned was because he was first to post, but that will be discluded seeing as it isn't valid for a case since [I]someone[/I] has to speak first. But this also may have been an attempt to show that he's innocent by being first to speak up. It could be a tactic that he's been very active in the Underground thread, trying to draw attention to others such as Boo. Of course trying to show yourself as innocent is allowed, but some of his reasonings behind suspecting others is weak. He even admitted in his Accusation post that he was just picking out random townsfolk. The fact that he was [I]very[/I] defensive when he was talking. Again, it's ok to try to show your innocence, but the way it came out seemed like he was trying to hide something as if he were guilty and started panicking since people were getting on his trail. The last reason is that he admits to it. [QUOTE=Tekkaman][font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]So what would everyone think if I said I [u]was[/u] the killer?[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]Would you all believe me then?[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]Sure, I killed [color=indigo]Delta[/color]; that's what everyone thinks anyway. So if my death proves otherwise - then so be it.[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] Heh, it may have been sarcastic or whatever, but he still said it *shrugs*. And Townspeople aren't allowed to lie, seeing as he did, that means he's the Mafia, Priest or Detective, increasing the chances that he's the culprit. There were also many others that made strong points in the Underground thread which lead me to suspect Tekkaman strongly. Though it could be someone that has kept quiet. For now we can only go on what we have. It's really not much, but that's it.[/COLOR]
  18. [SIZE=1][B]OOC:[/B] Very happy that CAF's being redone. Shame that I'm a bit late for Weapons. *shrugs* I'll work on the Snippet and try to get it done soon. [B]EDIT:[/B] Done, but not exactly happy with it. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Clyne Geiger [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Student Template:[/B] [Free] Calm, Responsible, and Level Headed [B]Weapon:[/B] Martial Artist (Pair of [URL=http://img47.imageshack.us/img47/6740/lorsaurongauntlet2fe.jpg]Gauntlets[/URL]) The gauntlets are made of a special material which is tough; hard to dent, scratch or break, while being flexible so she can easily create fists. They just aid her in the strength of her attacks, though she is still as good without them. [B]School of Magic:[/B] Summoning Magic [B]Minored School of Magic:[/B] Elemental Magic [Lightning] [B]Abilities/Spells:[/B] [B][I]Summon - Sideria:[/I][/B] Clyne summons a large, powerful dragon. She uses him for attacking, defence, or for fast transportation. When attacking, his greatest attack releases a series of searing hot fireballs on the enemies. [I][B]Ikazuchi (Thunder):[/B][/I] Clyne can call on bolts of lightning to attack. She can either have them strike from above, by throwing down her right hand, or any other direction with the same movement, or simply gather it in her palm to throw or use for light. She is also able to pass the currents through weapons; be them her own or her allies' [B]Personality:[/B] If you asked someone to describe Clyne in a few words, you would mostly always find the words; kind, patient, cool, calm and collected being mentioned, because that is pretty much Clyne's personality in a tiny little nutshell, which is a little unusual since she specialises in martial arts/fighting. She's one of the more popular students in the school, with her good looks, high grades, and patient personality. Clyne enjoys that she emits the feeling that people can approach her easily without being afraid because she's kind and always willing to help people. Since no one's perfect, every so often she has a period where she is quite cranky, these times are usually when she's very tired after a long day and when people are consistently bugging her about things. She's been known to blow a fuse, and at times it makes her literally sick, making her come down with a fever for a number of days where her senses are sensitive and she's very irritable during that time. She is most often sought out for her wise decision making, unmatched by others. Sometimes it may take some deliberation before she reaches a conclusion, but when she does, it is 90% the right choice. This also comes in handy during class where teachers often like to test the students by having them make a quick and rational decision while facing a rapidly oncoming peril, where the wrong decision could cost them their life. In hot-headed moments and fights, Clyne is often one to step in with her calm reasoning, acting as the peacekeeper since she herself dislikes arguing and loud noises. Clyne is awfully quick on her feet, described as being fast as lightning, like her element. She has always been agile, since she was a child, this is one of the things that makes her a great martial artist. While seeming small and delicate, she is a tough young woman, able to take hard blows and deliver them with equal strength. Being agile and flexible makes her a good candidate for gymnastics, which she also happens to be good at, which is another characteristic needed by martial artists. The fighting disciplines that she has learnt vary, from Western style; boxing, brawling, street fighting, etc. to the older, more complex Eastern/Asian styles like; karate, ninjitsu, tae kwon doe, muai thai, etc. including the "Drunken Boxing" style. She has covered majority of the types of disciplines out there, though there are still some left for her, like the ones taught in small secret villages. Clyne is pleased with her skills but continually strives to be better. [B]Physical Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/8384/1128715287cpinkshoesqi2.jpg]Here[/URL] [B]Outfit:[/B] [URL=http://img475.imageshack.us/img475/1230/christiancj6.jpg]Here[/URL], but in Black instead of creamish white. She also sometimes wears clothes like in her Physical Appearance picture, with intricately layered dresses or skirts, and a pair of stylish yet comfortable shoes. [B]Snippet:[/B] The room was empty and quiet, just the way she liked it when she was concentrating. Working on upper body strength, she pulled herself into a handstand, keeping perfectly steady as the length of her body formed a straight line. She exhaled lightly, bending her back slowly to curl over her head. Her feet touched the ground in front of her face, and she fluidly pulled the rest of her body up. Clyne was wearing simple clothes that would be easy to move around in; a pair of light fitness pants and a tanktop. Her long pink locks were pulled up in a loose ponytail, just so it wouldn't interfere with her training. She made her way over to the punching bag that hung from the roof near one of the walls of the gym area. Clyne picked up one of the lengths of bandage that sat on the bench with the rest of her things, with practised ease she made the first knot with her teeth and wound the cloth around her knuckles and hand, finishing it with another knot. She flexed her hand several times to make sure it wasn't too tight or loose before she proceeded to do the same with her other hand. She stared down her "opponent" and started bouncing on the balls of her feet as she delivered a hard jab to the sand-filled bag, setting it swinging. She moved around it slowly, eyes constantly moving as she would do when normally fighting someone. Clyne delivered a hefty right jab followed by a left roundhouse kick. She dodged around it and attacked it swiftly, a series of blows; kicks and punches, her movements were fast, almost too quick for the eye to see. Then Clyne kicked the bag one last time powerfully with her right leg, the weighted tool swung wildly, snapping from its mount. Clyne swiped her forearm across her forehead to wipe away the sweat, walking over to the broken punching that had sand steadily flowing from a tear she had created. She sighed, it was an often occurance that she broke it, so as usual she propped it against the wall and scribbled a quick note; [I]"Charge it to me, Clyne"[/I], and she stuck it onto the bag. She glanced at her watch and realised she didn't have much time before her next class. She grabbed her backpack and ran toward the change rooms. Clyne emerged from the change rooms looking refreshed and back in her uniform, if someone didn't know better, they wouldn't have suspected she'd been training. She headed to her Summoning class quickly, entering the large building and taking a seat. Some of her friends came and sat with her, she greeted them with a smile and they discussed what they had been up to lately. She paid attention while pulling out her notes for class, setting everything up perfectly. The room quietened almost instantly when the teacher entered, starting up by giving a quick recap on the variety of seals they had learnt since they'd be having a test on them soon. Clyne twirled her pen between her fingers, as the teacher talked, adding extra notes when they were told something new. [B]"Who'd like to display their use of seals?"[/B] the professor looked around. [B]"No volunteers? Miss Geiger, how about you?"[/B] Clyne nodded and descended the stairs into the centre of the room where the space was large. Her professor held out a piece of chalk for her but she shook her head. [B]"Why don't you draw the circle, professor. Make it quite strong too."[/B] His eyebrows raised at her words, but he shrugged, everyone knew Clyne was capable of amazing things, and was often underestimated. He obeyed and drew a complex seal. Clyne inhaled deeply, drawing herself into the deep recesses of her mind. She called on Sideria and watched as the large navy blue and silver dragon appeared in the centre of the room, inside the seal. The dragon growled at being trapped in the circle, but calmed at Clyne's soft words in his head. [B]"Professor, please open the ceiling, he'll want to fly up once he's out."[/B] He activated the mechanism and the ceiling opened to reveal the beautiful blue sky, full of fluffy white clouds. Clyne's eyes met the emeralds of her partner and she went through a series of incredibly fast hand seals, many of which weren't caught by the onlookers. But the circle started to glow with a shining navy magi, and tendrils of lightning extended from the edge of the seal. [B]"Kai."[/B] she pronounced clearly after finishing the last hand seal, it was her dispelling word, seeing as most people had their own. The circle flickered and glowed brightly with the shimmering navy before disappearing. Sideria roared powerfully, beating his wings and taking off into the blue sky before Clyne dismissed him. The class was quiet, but then applauded her. You couldn't really say anyone was surprised at seeing her do that, but it was a feat. The professor continued to talk about the seals, using Clyne's demonstration as his examples, and soon class was over. Everyone left the class, with lots of people praising her, she thanked them graciously as she moved toward the food hall, hoping to meet up with a couple of her close friends.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Feng Li's eyes were narrowed in a glare as she followed the two adults in their continuous pattern of left, right, left, right. She stopped walking and frowned, looking around the green corridor. [B]"This isn't getting us anywhere. I think we need a new plan."[/B] she suggested firmly. [B]"What do [I]you[/I] think we should do then?"[/B] Vanna asked with a bored expression. [B]"Geez, let's try to find something other than a corridor, for one."[/B] Feng said, reaching to her left where a wall of hedge rose high above her. Feng Li shoved her small hands into the plant and blinked as a controlled fire burnt a medium sized hole in the wall, large enough to allow them passage if they were to crawl. The young girl turned to the adults, determination written on her face as she dropped to her hands and knees, crawling through the space. Scott and Vanna glanced at each other. Scott was the next to go through, silently admitting that he too was sick of seeing the same thing over and over. Vanna reluctantly decided to follow them. The three now stood in a large space, unlike the corridors they had been seeing. There was a rustling behind them, and the hole closed up, leaving them trapped in this area. Feng cautiously walked into the centre, suddenly the grassy ground shifted to form coloured tiles, stretching across the entire area. A hole opened at the other end, it was evident that that would be the only way out of the area, and there was something special about these tiles. [B]"Do you think something will happen if we step on a wrong tile?"[/B] Scott questioned. [B]"Without a doubt."[/B] Vanna answered the question frigidly. [B]"Then how do we know what the safe path out is?"[/B] [B]"We don't..."[/B] Feng Li mumbled. There had to be a logical solution to the puzzle, a certain way that they could get out...Right? Feng wasn't so sure any more. [B]"Maybe it's a colour sequence?"[/B] Scott thought aloud, staring at the coloured panels. [B]"We need a way to test the tiles before we step onto it."[/B] Vanna reasoned. She carefully lifted her right foot and tapped the tile in front of her quickly before snapping her leg back, the action was fluid, done with the grace of the seasoned ballerina she was. Nothing happened, so she cautiously stepped forward onto the tile. She continued the pattern, seemingly dancing across the tiles until she came up beside Feng Li who remained in the same spot from when the tiles appeared. On her way she had found a few traps; bottomless pits, jets of flames, spikes, etc. Scott frowned, trying to figure out a solution to get across, he wasn't as graceful as Vanna to pull of her trick. He started to bump his fists against each other in thought, surprised when bright sparks started to appear when he hit them together. Curiously he did it harder, smashing them together forcefully, amazed as lightning appeared, striking in front of him, leaving a mark on the tile. His eyebrows raised and he stepped forward, continuing that method until he was in line with Feng Li and Vanna. Feng had been thinking the entire time. She still hadn't come up with a method of her own to get to the hole at the end. She had faith in her light-footed steps, and speed, so she dashed across a few tiles, stopping on one safely. She smiled brightly. [B]"Let's go."[/B] she said to the adults, waiting for them to come beside her again. They made their way toward the hole, each coming across some traps that they barely avoided. Feng Li jumped onto a tile and felt it sink under her, causing her to suddenly spring to the side, right into where Vanna just landed. This bumped the ice queen aside, leaving her splayed across several tiles, one below her middle shifted and her shriek pierced the air as a large spike impaled her through the stomach, bursting through her back. Feng's eyes were wide, hands at her mouth as she looked at Vanna's dead body, her blood seeping across the tiles around her. [B]"Feng Li, we have to keep going."[/B] Scott murmered, pulling his gaze away. She nodded shakily and the two arrived at the hole, climbing through, leaving the tiles and Vanna's body behind them. Feng collapsed to her knees, trembling. She could still see Vanna's body on the spike in her mind's eye. [B]"Come on, we have to keep going."[/B] Scott encouraged her quietly, lightly grabbing her upper arm and hauling her to her feet. The now reduced pair continued their way through the maze, hoping to find their way out soon. [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Labyrinth/labyrinth-deathcard.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Labyrinth/labyrinth-vanna.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/COLOR] ----------------------------------------------------- [B]OOC:[/B] Bah, that was horrible, but it's the only thing I can come up with at the moment. -__-;;[/SIZE]
  20. [COLOR=Purple]Hmm, all the posts so far have been good, with substantial proof and reason behind them. I don't really have any thoughts right now, though the arguments against Tekkaman are strong enough for me to start suspecting him. I'm just randomly throwing this out, but what about thinking of perhaps Aaryanna_Mom? She's new to the game and seems quite innocent and friendly to all, putting up good points against others as suspects. No one would suspect her so she'd be the perfect culprit. I dunno, but I am starting to think it may be Tekkaman or Aaryanna_Mom.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][I]He was in a dark space, everywhere was black. But it seemed he glowed with an inner luminescence, as did an object that stood a few metres away from him. There was nothing else visible in the darkness so he moved toward the object, curious. He approached it cautiously and glanced down at it, seeing that it was a stone plate. His brows furrowed, there was nothing really special about it, it just had a star engraved on it and the word 'Nexus'.[/I] Then suddenly the dream was fading away as he regained consciousness... Joachim groaned as he awoke from his strange dream, [B]"'Nexus'? What's that supposed to mean? And why did I have a dream about it?"[/B] he questioned, not exactly expecting an answer. He felt as if he was in a tightly enclosed space as he tried to spread his arms and legs. He opened his eyes to look around, when he realised he was in a rectangular plot of ground. Voices could be heard, some sounded closer than others. He could distinctly hear differences that set everyone apart, they mostly all had different accents, plus you could tell the difference of gender and ages, as some sounded clearly like children. [B]"Where am I?"[/B] he whispered to himself, expecting to be on his plush mattress at home, not on the ground. He glanced around his hole and saw that there was an object lying beside his right hand; a ceremonial looking sword. He picked it up in his hands, grasping the hilt carefully and drawing the beautiful blade from its sheath. It was wonderful, the steel of the blade shone brightly, reflecting the sunlight that filtered from above, with the hilt decorated ornately. After staring at the sword for a few minutes he realised he hadn't moved and was still in the hole. He returned the sword to its cover and got to his feet, reaching up, he placed the sword on the ground before pulling himself out. The first thing he saw as he exited the plot was a headstone. His eyes went wide at the sight. [B]"'Joachim Gale'? T-That can't be..."[/B] he whispered in disbelief, staring at the engraved letters of his name. [B]"T-This can't be real."[/B] he shook his head, grabbing the sword from the ground and grasping it tightly in his hands. He reached his right hand out, touching the stone in front of him. His fingers felt cool from the contact. He traced the letters with gentle fingertips, brain still working to try to grasp that he wasn't home in Germany any more, and that this place seemed real enough. He glanced around the field, finding other people getting up out of their own graves which were set in a circle, all reacting at finding their names written on headstones. [I]'More graves? What and where in the world [/I] is[I] this place?!'[/I] he screamed in his mind, eyes taking in the brightness of the field, enclosed by hedges. There were a few people who stood around the centre, looking at something in the middle. He made his decision to take a look at what was there, since it must be something to note. He tied the loop on the sheath to his belt on his left hip, he tried to gather his wit as he walked forward toward the centre. He still glanced around as he walked, there were a number of others who were out of their plots but were standing or sitting around socialising with others. The people gathered around the centre moved slightly as he excused himself, trying to get a better glance of what it was that was so fascinating. And there it stood. In the middle of the field was a stone plate with a star-like compass engraved on it, identical to the one he had seen in his dream moments ago. [B]"Nexus..."[/B] he breathed. He swallowed, suddenly feeling a lump in his throat. [B]"Does anyone know what's happening here?"[/B] he asked, looking at the others who stood there, all still looking at the plate. [B]"No, we don't know anything. My name is Ayame."[/B] a woman with whitish, pale hair and violet eyes introduced herself, shaking her head. [B]"I'm Joachim. I wish we knew what was going on here."[/B] he frowned, staring at the stone plate, as if hoping it would simply reveal its answers.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]Whee, OB Events~ [B]Why do you think being Mafia would be the best?[/B] Honestly? Because it'll be a challenge. You have to lie, and be subtle at all times, never leaving even the slightest clues or connections behind lest you be discovered. I always get a thrill from challenges so this one will be no different really. Plus you have to get the Detective before s/he gets you. [B]Why do you think being Townspeople would be the best?[/B] A challenge on a different level of course. The task now being to try to find the Mafia before being killed, and obviously before they win by eliminating everyone. It takes a sharp eye and close analysis to look out for even the smallest clue left behind, which could be the clincher to the 'case'. Honestly, either position has its own pros and cons, both a challenge in its own sense. [B]Have you played a version of Mafia before?[/B] I think so, this seems awfully like the game "Murder in the Dark", though it wasn't really as complex, with just the Detective and the Murderer, everyone else was just "townspeople" I guess. [B]If so, did you like it?[/B] Yep, definitely. It's always good fun to play, though its only really good with a good sized group of people. But I've always been a lover of detective type games, and things that take analysis and logical thinking.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [COLOR=Navy]Clyne woke up, this was it. It was only a couple of hours to go until the Master's people came to pick her up to take her to wherever it is they were going. She rolled out of bed and headed straight to the large computer system against one of the bedroom walls. Checking her bank account she was satisfied that the thirty thousand dollars still sat there. Clyne leaned back in the chair, for the thousandth time she wondered [I]why[/I] she was doing this. After all, she didn't need the money that would come in the end if she won, because she had plenty already. Then she remembered, it said he would grant their greatest desires, and hers was someone to love her, and if he said he could do it, then it's worth a shot. She got up and walked into the ensuite, taking a nice warm shower to energise her. She took her time getting ready because there wasn't a hurry, she had everything prepared. Clyne slipped into some cream cargo pants and a light blue tank top, her dressing styles were usually simple but still looked great. Though she did know how to dress flashy when the occasion called for it. She placed a fine silver chain with a [URL=http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/2889/heartpendantuo6.jpg]heart pendant[/URL] around her neck and gently clasped it, sliding it into place. Then she quickly combed her hair, brushed her teeth, and put on some lipgloss. She then packed her toiletries and put them into one of her bags. She tapped her chin as she looked around the room. Her bags were all at the foot of her bed, packed full of everything she thought she'd need. Clyne walked to her computer, shutting it down for the first time in a few years. Her mini computer sat beside her large one, she picked it up and checked that everything was ok before slipping it into a pocket. It looked like she was ready. The doorbell rang, she slipped on some stylish joggers and went to answer the door, seeing two men in formalwear standing there. [B]"We are from the Master, we were told to receive a Clyne Geiger at this address."[/B] the first man said stiffly. [B]"Yes, I'm Clyne Geiger."[/B] she answered. [B]"Please follow me to the limousine."[/B] that was the second man this time. [B]"May you tell me where your bags are?"[/B] the first asked. [B]"Ah yes, they're in my bedroom. Straight up the hall, make a right, then into the next hall and take a left."[/B] she guided, walking with the second man into the limo. She slid in as he held the door, closing it when she was comfortable. Clyne touched the leather upholstery, it was nice, and the surface of the limousine was spotless, without smudges or marks anywhere. She soon saw the men coming out with her large bundle of bags, storing them in the boot. They got into the front and turned back. [B]"Are you all prepared to leave?"[/B] the driver (which was the second man) asked. [B]"Yes, ready and waiting."[/B] she smiled. The man nodded and started the engine, pulling away from her house. Clyne watched it until it was out of sight, then sat back and relaxed as her favourite music played out of the speakers.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] A pretty crap post, but that's how we usually start, no?
  24. [SIZE=1][B]OOC:[/B] Sorry for not posting, been busy with mocks 'n' all ^^; I hope the post is ok, let me know if it needs to be changed or anything. [COLOR=Navy]Clyne returned to her room, flopping on it and staring at the ceiling, folder still clutched to her chest. She felt a weight on her hand holding the file and tilted her head down, looking the dragon straight in the eyes. The two just lay there, not speaking but understanding each other perfectly well. [I][B]"That bad, huh?"[/B][/I] [B]"Mhm."[/B] [I][B]"What are you going to do about it then?"[/B][/I] Clyne looked at Aibou, he had a cold face on, but then, who could really tell with a dragon? But Clyne knew what emotion he was portraying. [B]"I'm gonna get to work..."[/B] she whispered, sitting up suddenly. Aibou flapped off and hovered in the air, a small smile played on his face as he disappeared. She rolled off the bed, changing into a black tanktop with silver designs on it, and her creamy white track pants from the night before with Trysten. She ran a brush through her hair and grabbed a chopstick looking stick, twirling her hair with it and shoving the end of it into the mass so it held up her hair neatly. Clyne laced up her joggers and picked up the damage report that she hadn't yet looked at. She jogged out into the common room, going straight to the fridge to grab a bottle of water in case she needed it later. She spotted Trysten hanging around the kitchen area. [B]"What're you doing?"[/B] she asked. [B]"Huh? Uh, nothing. You?"[/B] [B]"Going to the hangar, if you want a job done, you gotta do it yourself."[/B] she shrugged simply. [B]"Coming?"[/B] she questioned, heading toward the door. [B]"Maybe in a little bit."[/B] [B]"Alright, seeya later."[/B] she smiled, jogging from the dorms and toward the hangar. When she got there Rusti and Artek were already there talking. She gave them a quick 'hello' but continued on, stopping in front of her dragon. She swallowed heavily, there was a lot of damage evident. She stared up at the battered and battle worn machine, it had been brand new when they had received them, was the job of putting them together that bad that they couldn't take even one battle without taking severe damage? Clyne held her bottle and file in her right hand, stepping into the stirrup and tugging the lift with her left. There was an awful grinding sound and a groan before it started to bring her up slowly and jerkily. She finally got to the cockpit, sitting in the chair as she finally opened the file for the damage report. It was as bad as she had speculated; unknown engine problems, unresponsive controls, damage to skeleton all over, alignment for aiming off, slow responses for weapons, low ammo, offline weapons, etc. etc. She frowned at the pages as each word was stored in her memory like a photograph. She flicked through it quickly, digesting everything with ease. Clyne flicked on the power, checking the stats of the mech, it was flashing red practically all over like the report stated. She turned on the comm and pushed the station-call button. [B]"Lieutenant Geiger, calling Second Lieutenant Clerval."[/B] she pronounced clearly, eyes staring at the LCD screens as she did a deep check, going into the MechAnima's whole system, algorithm by algorithm, fingers flying on the keyboard. [B]"I hear you Clyne, whatd'ya need?"[/B] [B]"Cain, I wanna work on the Dragon, but you gotta keep an eye on everything and let me know anything that I don't."[/B] [B]"I can do that. Doing a deep systems check?"[/B] he asked, getting into the system. [B]"Yeah, trying to see if any of the problems are coming from the tech work. If I don't find anything I'll start on the outside."[/B] [B]"Alright, I'll start isolating the top priority areas of the wiring and skeleton that need to be worked on."[/B] The two broke off as they worked, Clyne stared at the screen, eyes running back and forth in the tight lines. Her eyes started to hurt after a while so she had to stop and rub, getting a sip of water before continuing. When she finally reached the end she couldn't find anything wrong with it, but she'd have to check again later after fixing the physical part of the MechAnima. [B]"Got everything for me?"[/B] she asked into the comm. [B]"Yeah, while you were doing the systems check I had enough time to order everything, so it's from top priority to lowest, sending....now."[/B] [B]"File received."[/B] she responded, opening the document on the screen. She memorised it and rubbed her chin, the top priority was the engine failure, which was the major thing she'd been worried about. [B]"Can you call me some techies if there's any handy? I need this baby lifted, I need tools, a lift to get into the cockpit easier since the pulley's on the fritz...and a radio comm since I won't be in the cockpit to talk to you."[/B] [B]"Can do. They'll be over in a bit."[/B] Within five minutes a group of three tech people that helped with the MechAnimas came out, getting everything she requested. She slung the toolbelt around her waist, and clipped on the radio comm while they raised the Dragon high enough for them to get under. [B]"Clyne, you read?"[/B] [B]"Yeah, I hear you, Cain."[/B] she responded, holding the device up to her mouth. [B]"Alright, let me know if you need anything."[/B] [B]"Hey, are you guys specialised to certain MechAnimas?"[/B] she questioned the three young looking people who stood close by. [B]"Yeah, us three are specialised with the Dragon, but we can work on other Air Division MechAnimas when needed."[/B] one said. [B]"Okay, so that means I'll probably be communicating with you guys quite often while we're here. I'm Lieutenant Clyne Geiger, but call me Clyne."[/B] [B]"The name's Penelope Strauss, Pen for short."[/B] the only female of the trio stated, she had light pink hair that brushed her shoulders, and a delicate face with amethyst eyes. [B]"I'm Justin Morgan."[/B] he had soft brown spikes, a large friendly grin, and emerald eyes. [B]"And I'm Noah, Noah Huntley."[/B] the last one had his arms crossed and was looking off to the right. But he was the most handsome, with fine silver hair that brushed his shoulders, delicate almost feminine facial features, and crystal blue eyes. [B]"Nice to meet you all, now let's get started."[/B] They all nodded and strapped on their gear; toolbelts, gloves, hairties, etc. Clyne got into the new lift, which was a platform that raised when a button was pressed, and got into the cockpit. [B]"All clear of the engines!"[/B] she bellowed to everyone. When she got confirmation everyone and everything was out of the way she started the engines slowly, they all noted that it spluttered at starting and had trouble keeping a low power. Slowly she increased it to full and they waited for a while, until it spluttered, dying suddenly. No one moved, and seconds later it burst back to life. She killed the engine and took out the Mod Soul, pocketing it safely. [B]"Ok, so now you've seen it up close and personal. Let's get about fixing it then."[/B] Clyne suggested. The three nodded and the four of them reached for their toolbelts, grabbing the blowtorches and ducking under the skeleton as they fired them up.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1][B]OOC:[/B] Sweet~. I think I've signed up for every episode of this. I'll try to post when I can, but the end of year's pretty hectic for me. Hopefully this one won't die, huh? [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Clyne Geiger [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Location:[/B] Tokyo, Japan [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img314.imageshack.us/img314/3008/asiangirlfe6.png]Here[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Clyne is an extremely athletic person and enjoys playing sports and working out in her free time, she loves the adrenaline rushes she gets from the exercise and it helps keep her fit. She's an achieved gymnast, acrobat, and master of several martial arts and weapon skills. She only does things she truly and honestly loves participating in, and those are her favourites, along with horse riding for luxury. Even though she usually keeps a cheerful attitude, she's aching on the inside because she can't have what she wants the most, which is to be loved by someone, anyone. Sometimes she wallows in sorrow, and there have been times when she's sat in the empty bath, a razor pressed against her wrist because of the depression she's feeling. Being an athletic person, people don't expect Clyne to be much of a computer person, but she has an "alter ego" per say, her other half being completely and utterly known with anything and everything technological, being a famous programmer in Japan, and secretly she's a hacker, able to break into some of the most complex security systems ever created. Her mind is extremely quick with learning and can create formulas and programs on the spot with some fast planning. But still, she won't be happy until she gets everything she wants, and her greatest desire is the one thing she can't control whether she'll get or not. [B]Bio:[/B] Clyne grew up in the buzzing capital city of Tokyo, one of the most technologically advanced places in the world, which is no wonder she got a hold of it quickly and easily. Though her life as far as she can remember started in a small, rundown orphanage that no one cared for. She thinks back on that place as 'Hell on Earth' because her life was terrible. Clyne and the other children grew up there, their routines were drab and mundane as it was same ole, same ole, day after day. No one ever visited the orphanage and all the children lost hope of ever being adopted into a loving home. The only outsiders they ever saw were delivery people for supplies, mail, etc. and people who came to dump their unwanted children, mostly single mothers that looked like they had drug addiction problems. When she was 17 she was allowed to leave because she was considered an adult. She couldn't wait to get out of there and signed the necessary contracts to leave. But after she did leave she felt like her heart was heavy, and that something was missing. After examining herself she realised that she had no where to go, and no one to turn to. Clyne lived on the streets for some time, eating crumbs and picking bins for morsels. As she grew older, even though she lived on the street, she turned into a beautiful young woman. Her athletic side first showed as she became a thief to supply her needs, quickly becoming nimble and swift in all ways, running and gymnastic skills came naturally to her as she discovered her body's flexibility. She finally got a job when she was 19, becoming a model for the next year. This happened because she was sitting around on the streets, singing for money and someone from the company saw her and picked her up. She got the job immediately and was given money, food, expenses, and an apartment. Clyne earned a lot of money for her work and bought some things for herself, including technological items that she became quickly and easily adept at, teaching herself how to program and everything else in the time when she wasn't exercising or modelling. When she was 20, Clyne pulled away from her modelling career and used her vast amount of money to concentrate on the things she loved, like martial arts and weapons lessons, sports, and more technology. Her mind absorbed everything like a sponge and soon before she knew it she was rising in the world, becoming rich and owning a house by 23, having everything she wanted...except someone to love, and that loved her. But she was happy with her life, she'd overcome so many things in her life, then that faithful day arrived as she was getting ready for the day her [B][URL=http://img169.exs.cx/img169/9809/rensq0227p01027xe.jpg]mini computer[/URL][/B] (that she always carries with her) buzzed loudly. Checking it she saw that she had a new email. [B]Greatest Desire:[/B] To truly be loved and cherished. [B]Greatest Fear:[/B] Rejection of any sort, and being hurt (emotionally/physically)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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