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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. Name:Sakura Gender:Female Guardian of Hope Appearance:Chocolate brown hair and emerald eyes.She wears a baby blue jacket with a white t-shirt inside with blue pants and blue and white joggers.(Not very Kai like but hey!) Bio:Sakura is friendly.People tend to like her because she likes to be different.She's close friends with Supreme Kai and Sulphy. Personality:Kind,Friendly,Sensitive,Strong. Weapon:A glaive with a blade on one end and a light sapphire orb adorned with a pair of bird/angel wings on the other end.
  2. In answer to Ginny's question I think it's Phoenix and Odin. The 2 attacks are: Phoenix:Heal and Revive and Fire Elemental Attack. Odin:Death and Damage. I don't think that's right but it's a guess.I'll wait for a responce.
  3. Freya arrived outside of the Shooting Coaster.She polished her javelin's blade and sharpened it against the poles.After that she sat down and waited for Avalanche's shooter.
  4. Amber stood on a rooftop letting the breeze blow his hair and jacket. He brought out a small device from his jacket pocket.It started to glow and he turned into a Wolf on 2 legs.He jumped over the rooftops and landed on a grassy plain behind a peacock goddess. "Good Evening to you too Mia"he replied.She turned around and saw Amber in his wolf hybrid.
  5. I mean the one with Terra,Locke,Edgar,Sabin etc. Is that it? If so then... I can't think of any good questions so... In FF7 in ToA(Temple of Ancients)when you go to the clock room what is in every door.List everything in the doors.
  6. Name:Sakura Age:15 Anime Character:Takuya Anime: Digimon Frontier Bio:Sakura loves talking and playing with her friends.She's a very much tomboy and rathers guys then girls.Sakura is a very hyper active always happy kind of person.She likes to climb and run and play sports,while her friends sit and watch.
  7. Final Fantasy 3 I think.
  8. Name:Sakura(Sulabia Nisurence) Element:Forest Appearance:Chocolate brown hair and emerald eyes.She wears blue pants and a white shirt. Equipment:A travelling pack,her glaive with a blade on one end and a light sapphire orb adorned with a pair of bird/angel wings on the other end. Bio:She was brought up in a small village.There she was taught how to fight and they also discovered her magical talents.They trained her magic and taught her how to control it.One day she decided that she had to leave.She took off quietly in the middle of the night and fled away from there.She ran into a forest not too far away.Sakura gained a hawk friend.She found it because it had flown away.She called it Sora(Soarer).Sora sits on Sakura's shoulder and does stuff for her. Strengths:+2 Magic +2 Physical Strength -2 Patience I'm not sure if that's right but yeah.If it's wrong tell me.
  9. Sakura

    Element X

    If Roket wants me too then I can change mine back to dragon.
  10. OOC:They were gun bullets.I don't know who the killer is.It can or can't be you or Rali.
  11. OOC:Anyone can start this up. Just make a new thread.If it's not bad then I might join again. But Kumomaru stuffed it up majorly.
  12. OOC:Hey DBZman.If you do that you lose points.It says that at the beginning. Alex turned around briefly and saw that there were 2 people behind her.She smirked and sped up.She jumped and pushed energy out of her and jumped faster and further.She jumped as high as she could while still going forward and saw it was a long way to go until they reached the hotel.All she saw was trees everywhere.She sighed deeply and continued jumping.Alex jumped and swung around a tree trunk to change paths.She hoped she could lose the 2 people behind her.She was sure the others weren't too far behind either.Alex grinned evilly and went faster changing routes every now and again.
  13. Cool thanks.And I can change my character to be male.Doessn't matter to me but I love the wolf digimon!!They're so cute!!
  14. Sakura

    Element X

    OOC:Someone can take the dragon?!Air maybe?Because dragons fly?
  15. OOC:No matter what form it's in it's always called Blade because it helps confusion.
  16. Since I don't know about most of this I quit and whoever else can take over.I will check now and again to keep up with the story and see how it goes.Still use my character if you can/want.Don't take any of it the wrong way.Just I have other threads/forums to take care of and this isn't a big priority.Especially since school is starting soon.If not then I bid you all adeu!:D
  17. OOC:Hey!!Wait a minute!!I don't check for a few days and this happens?!He can't die.It can't finish this early!Where am I this whole time?I planned something better then just killing the main evil guy.Where's all the fun and the searching?!There's more to it then just killing the guy.Look at the other Sonic thread!!Don't kill him!!!!
  18. I had changes!But since I didn't get them:bawl:So... Name:Amber Appearance:He has icy blue eyes and hair.He wears a light but durable baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside.He has blue pants and blue and white joggers. Bio:Amber's a 16 year old boy that loves playing and talking with his friends.He's a good friend but he's most known for his love of animals.Especially wolves. Hybrid: [b]Human:[/b]Lobomon [b]Beast:[/b]KendoGarurumon [b]Superior:[/b]BeoWolfmon Attacks:I don't know the attacks.Can anyone help out? [b]Lobomon:[/b]Lobo Kendo. [b]KendoGarurumon:[/b]Lupine Laser,Howling Star. [b]BeoWolfmon:[/b]Beo Saber,Clensing Light,Frozen Hunter.
  19. Ocarina of Time had an ocean didn't it??Or were they all lakes?? I'm sure there was an ocean....
  20. [color=teal]"It would most probably be a pond.After all it is called 'Angel's [b]Pond![/b]'"[/color] Sebastian nodded and went up again.He looked around then he went higher and higher. [color=royalblue]"I think I found it.It's over there!"[/color] As he pointed it left a shadow on the ground like a giant compass. They followed Sebastian all around.They started to get tired but Sebastian was happy because he didn't have to walk. After about 2 hours of walking they decided to take a rest in a crevice in the mountain.They set up camp and prepared food.
  21. Alex jumped out of the car and sprinted into the forest. She ran through dodging through any bushes and leaves in the way. She had a head start so far but everyone was close behind. She decided to have some fun and put a bit of distance so she climbed the next tree and started to jump from branch to branch. She gained a bit more lead.And it continued like that.
  22. Freya was crouched down with the two chicks. [color=red]"Awwwwwwwwww aren't they cute?!"[/color]cooed Freya. She picked them up and carried them over Woeby. Woeby seemed to like the two babies.When Freya had put Saffa and Reald down in the stall Woeby immediatly ran up and pushed them gently in a playful way.The two chicks warked happily.Freya smiled and stood.She walked over to the others and talked to them.
  23. Sakura

    Element X

    Name:Amber Age:16 Element:Forest Beast:Saber Tooth Tiger Weapon:Saber Glaive EDIT:There you go.No more wolf.
  24. OOC: Domon.You're Sephiroth yes? You have been dropped off at Mideel to find a GREAT chocobo. Then Cecil will come around and pick us up again.
  25. Freya sighed at the snow.It would be easy enough to spot one but to capture it was another problem.Wonderful Chocobos have the tendency to run fast.She saw a chocobo in the distance and jumped over to it. It let out a surprised 'WARK!!' and ran.Freya ran and jumped after it.She finally caught it by jumping directly ontop of it.She sat on the chocobo and waited for Cecil.
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