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Everything posted by Sakura
OOC:What am I supposed to look for in Icicle Inn? I thought I got both of my chocobos.What do I need here? Just tell me what kinds.
Amber looked at their surroundings.She whistled and the animals came again.They understood and started clawing on the robots.Blinding them by covering their eyes and playing with wiring. Amber twirled her glaive and lunged at the robots. She made a series of swipes in a kind of dance.After she had put a few cuts into a robot she plunged the glaive through it's stomach.She jumped away as the robot fell and lunged for the next.The animals hung onto her and changed robots whenever she did. Amber saw the others fighting as well.Roket was doing well with his staff and Max was attacking with his and so was Dr Cat. Amber saw a robot grab the pouch that Max had the crystals in and charged at it.She ran up to it and sliced it's head off. Max caught the pouch and thanked Amber as they went back to destroying the robots.
Shiro and Amber decided to head back to camp. Amber gathered everyone together for a meeting. [color=teal]"Okay everyone.It's time to continue our hunt for the crystals.The next is the Angelic Crystal at Angel's Pond."[/color] Everyone nodded and collected their stuff together. They met at the trial. [color=teal]Ok Leigh.When you see your crystal glow or vibrate even a bit tell me okay?Because the spheres react to the crystals."[/color] Leigh nodded happy that with the boost power she would be able to heal better and maybe find out what her staff does.
[color=orange]"Sounds good.I get to bet on the Chocobos!!"[/color]he cried happily.Auron stood on the farm and evreyone got on board. [color=teal]"First stop!Gold Saucer!"[/color]Cecil piloted the Cargo Ship up to the Gold Saucer's entrance.He cheered and hollered as he got off and ran into the entrance. [color=red]"Wait.We have to find a GOOD male in here."[/color] So Freya got down and started searching for a GOOD chocobo. When she found one she leaded it back to the Cargo Ship. [color=red]"Okay I have a GOOD male now I need a GREAT female.Cecil can you go to Rocket Town?"[/color]Cecil nodded and piloted to Rocket Town.After quite a while of searching,running and chasing Freya finally successfully captured a GREAT female. [color=red]"Now the last thing I need is a Carob nut.But we'll get the greens and nuts at the end.Sephiroth it's your turn!"[/color]
Cool. Just a few more and we can begin.
Tantalus raced back to the Cargo Ship and headed for Chocobo Farm. It was decided that Cecil,Freya and Sephiroth would capture the chocobos. And Auron and Zidane would breed and take care of them. ---------------------------- OOC:Sorry.If you want changes just switch with a member if they give approaval.(I kept Seph and Cecil because Seph is from FF7 world and Cecil is a driver.And Auron can keep Zidane out off trouble.An chocobos run fast so Zidane with his hyperness can catch and take care of them.Hope there's no problems!:D) ----------------------------
Freya looked around.She spotted a place with a small hut and no monsters in sight. [color=red]"Found it!Just down infront!!"[/color]Freya called jumping back to the deck.Cecil saw the site that Freya had indicated and prepared to land. Once they had landed the members of the Tantalus team got out and stretched.Freya jumped up ontop of the hut and surveyed the area. She was also acting as a scout for any monsters. Zidane got to work with his 'fixing skills'.He climbed all over the Cargo Ship inspecting it.Freya looked at him and choked a laugh at his thinking face.She looked down at her other team mates.Cecil was next to Zidane making sure he didn't break the ship even more.Auron was inspecting the hut.And Sephiroth was doing his normal sitting in a corner of the hut.Freya took another glance in case of monsters and jumped down.She picked up her javelin and walked over to Cecil and Zidane. [color=red]"What's happened so far?"[/color]whispered Freya. [color=teal]"Absolutely nothing!He's been 'thinking' for 5 minutes!"[/color]Freya chuckled.And they both watched Zidane 'think'.
Sure.His name's up there. Just put a description thingy up.
Freya nodded and put on a serious face. She took her javelin and cut through the ropes. [color=orange]"FINALLY!!Cid will hear about that!"[/color] [color=red]"Shut up and get ready!"[/color]Freya said throwing him his daggers.They all got into fighting stance and readied to attack the monster.Freya started it off by jumping and putting her weight on the weapon for a jump attack.Everyone else attacked after her. [color=red]"How did it get in anyways?!"[/color]Freya said while attacking. [color=darkblue]"Don't know.I just saw it."[/color]Auron replied.
OOC:Yo Sage Please say this is not permenant!!We'll DIE!!! *Ahem*On with the story!^_^; [color=red]"Oh yeh...I'll take these!"[/color]Freya said walking back to Zidane and taking his daggers. [color=orange]"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"[/color]Zidane cried. Then an idea popped into his head.He started knawg at the ropes hoping to bite through them. [color=red]"Oh and don't try to bite through them.They're really tough!"[/color]shouted Freya from somewhere up front. [color=orange]"Damn..."[/color]he muttered. He just sat there and shouted for freedom. After a while Sephiroth came over. [color=orange]"Great!!Sephiroth you've come to free me!!"[/color]Zidane cried happily...until he saw that Sephiroth had more rope. [color=orange]"NOOOOOO!!!!HEL*mph*"[/color] Sephiroth had gagged him and walked off to his corner again. [color=red]"Good one Sephiroth!"[/color]yelled Freya happily. Zidane sat there staring daggers at anyone that walked past. OOC:Sorry Zidane.Like Ginny said.It's fun to play with you!:D
Markell turned around to see Patamon and Chris on the ground. "Who are you two?"she asked looking at them. "Haha....I'm Chris and this is Patamon."he said rubbing the back of his head.Patamon waved."What are you doing here?" "We could ask you the same question!" "If you must know I came here for a card batle but no one's here." she said showing her deck. "We're here because....We want to go to the Digital World!" "The digital World?"she asked.
You're fine Tatum Join the RP
"You're not taking them Venom!!" shouted Amber. She whistled and all her animal frineds came to her aid.She pointed at Venom.They were fierce little animals.Their beaks,claws,teeth and other pointy parts jabbed him.Amber let out a series of noises and some monkeys went up to it and took the crystal and returned.She smiled and petted it,taking the crystal from him. "So Max tell us a bit more about yourself!" said Amber kindly. He told them about him being an ancestor of Knuckles and that he's supposed to take care of the Chaos Rubies.She heard it and decided that Max should have the crystal.She handed it over.Max thanked her and the three of them walked off together with Cat in Doxto.
Alex is medium.She's strong but not full out muscly.
Name:Sakura Age:16 Tribe:Mamutoi Weapon:A wooden staff with a light sapphire orb on top with a pair of small birds wings ontop Occupation:Mage/Healer Appearance:Chocolate brown hair with emerald eyes and normal clothes. Description:She loves to help people.She uses her magic/potions/herbs to help people.She's friends with everyone and everyone knows her.
OOC:Haha...It's like Rikku on Avalanche!! They arrived at the prison area and looked at the desert wasteland. [color=orange]"So what are we looking for again?"[/color]asked Zidane.Freya still holding his tail inase he decided to go back and bet on the chocobos.
Sounds like fun Xra! Name:Alex Age:16 Detailed Description:She has chocolate brown hair with emerald eyes usually covered by blue tinted sunglasses.She wears a light but durable baby blue jacket open that conceals her wings and a white t-shirt inside.She has blue pants and white and blue joggers. Sex:Female Detailed Bio:Alex has been on this earth since a baby.She has gotten used to the culture and she has many friends.She knows magic?She likes to dress cool but still sporty and not over done. Race:Fairy Weapon:A glaive with a blade on one end and a light sapphire orb on the other end.
[color=red]"We might as well just sit and wait until Cid comes."[/color]said Freya sitting on a bench.Sephiroth stood and looked around and Zidane was begging to go into the Gold Saucer or hitting on the counter lady.
[color=red]"Hmph!He called me a Rat!I should show him!!Anyways so where's the key?If chicken man doesn't have it then maybe the counter has it."[/color]Sephiroth walked up to the counter lady.Her face went pale.[color=purple]"It's okay.I'm a mascot.Do you have an airship key?"[/color] OOC:Sage who has the key in this wild place?
[color=red]"Auron Wait!"[/color] Auron turned around.[color=darkblue]"I can't!"[/color] Soon enough Auron and Freya reached the Gold Saucer. They jumped off their mounts and landed near the entrance. They stood and waited and soon the others caught up. [color=orange]"Come on let's go!!"[/color]cheered Zidane happily. [color=purple]"Hey Monkey Boy!We're here for the Airship remember?!"[/color] [color=orange]"Awww.......I never get to have any fun!"[/color]Zidane replied pouting.Now it was Freya's time to laugh. They walked into the Gold Saucer. [color=sienna]"So where's the key?"[/color]asked Cecil. [color=orange]"Maybe the chicken has it!"[/color]he said running up to the guy in the chicken suit.
Everyone got on the chocobos and Zidane couldn't stop laughing at Freya.He tried to mount but he kept falling from laughter,in the end he needed help up.But he was still laughing.Freya ignored him and followed the others. [color=red]"I can't believe you're leader!"[/color]Freya said in disgust.
[color=red]"Come on everyone!If we're going to get the airship we had better make a move on!Avalanche have already left!"[/color] [color=sienna]"So we're headed to the Golden Saucer?"[/color] Zidane nodded.[color=purple]"So how we getting there?"[/color] [color=orange]"We gotta go to Chocobo Farm.Seph can you lead us there?"[/color]Sephiroth nodded.They all nodded and started running in the direction Sephiroth directed them.
Hey don't worry.I havven't played it either.But I know the whole storyline and everything. For summons there is: Simba-Lion King-Attacks Bambi-Bambi-Drops rare and recovery items Tinkerbell-Peter Pan-I think she heals Mushu-Mulan-Casts Flare Genie-Aladdin-Uses Magic
OOC:Don't forget that you don't own air for power but you can use it.Focus on lightning and stuff because someone else has the air sphere.
Hey Tantalus I made a speech colour code.You can change it but these are the main ones that are left after Avalanche Zidane:[color=orange]Orange[/color] Auron:[color=darkblue]Dark Blue[/color] Freya:[COLOR=red]Red[/COLOR][COLOR=crimson]Crimson[/COLOR] Cecil:[color=sienna]Sienna[/color] Sephiroth:[color=purple]Purple[/color]