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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. Amber woke up and stretched.She picked up her glaive and saw the plate of food.She looked at everyone else,they all had a plate of food before them too.She looked around and saw that Shiro was no where around.He must have cooked the food.Amber ate the food up and stood.She walked towards the mountain side.Raynos saw her and asked where she was going.She just said to the other side.As she walked around she saw Shiro training with his sphere and physically. Amber smiled and took out her sphere.As Shiro sent out a bolt of lightning she called a vine and they clashed.Shiro turned around to see Amber with her sphere and her glaive.
  2. Sakura was still walking around when she saw a group of three people "Hey!!" she shouted.Everyone turned around and looked at her running towards her. "Who are you?" asked Saiki."Hi guys!I'm Sakura!" Everyone welcomed her and they discussed what was wrong with "The World" Then she was told the plan about finding an admin.
  3. Amber walked over to Shiro.She shook him awake. He looked scared in case he did something wrong. [color=teal]"It's ok but what happened to the other boy?"[/color] [color=darkblue]"He escaped...There was this alien like figure.She freed us but then they both disappeared...He even wanted me to join them....But I refused.You were right,I've been blind to my actions.Mine and the consuquences(sp?) for you and the others.So I'd just like this chance to say sorry.Sorry to you and the group and Leigh."[/color] [color=teal]"I'm sorry too.I was angry,I'm sorry I did what I did.I have never used my power like that...I was just really upset and angry.[/color] They smiled and shook hands.Then they all went to sleep again.
  4. Amber heard someone speaking.It wasn't the group because they were too far away.She slowly got up and sneaked to the other side of the cave.She saw a boy looking at some sort of device.She took out her sphere. [color=teal]"Vines take movement against this foe.Help me to take what he bestows."[/color]She whispered quietly.Before David knew anything he was wrapped in vines.The vines wrapped tightly around his body and his mouth.[color=teal]"YOU DARE ATTACK US AT THIS TIME?!I'M NOT HAPPY RIGHT NOW AND YOU CHOSE TO ATTACK!HAHA!NOT A SMART MOVE BUDDY!!"[/COLOR]Amber laughed at him.David squirmed around in the vines.Amber walked up to him and took the Dirt Crystal.She studied it.Then she took his map device. [color=teal]"These could come in handy!Thanks!"[/color]she tucked them both away in her backpack.She called out to the others and they all circled around him.They all smirked.They knew Amber wasn't happy right now and it was a really bad time to attack. [color=teal]"Haha...You should really learn to not talk to yourself!It's a big give away!!"[/color] Amber said laughing. David shouted into his vine gag but it was no use.She told some of the group to get Shiro. [color=teal]"See!This is my other captive.Mr. Attitude!If you've been listening the whole time then you'll know that I'm already very angry about this pain in the rump![/color]David kept shouting. She told the people carrying Shiro to prop him against a wall in the cave.Then she got the rest to take David into the cave as well. She walked in after them and shook her head in dis-belief.Two captives in less than an hour.She had never had to use her powers like this but drastic times call for drastic measures.Then she remembered the Dirt Crystal and took it out.She called celestine.She walked over and they exited the cave. [color=teal]"Hey Celestine.That guy had this.I think it belongs to you,since you have the power of the earth and ground."[/color] Celestine stared at the crystal and accepted it when Amber offered it.She couldn't believe it.The very first crystal.And it was hers!And it was right here in the mountain.She smiled and nodded. Amber understood.It was a bit overwhelming.Amber watched Celestine walk back to the cave and followed her. OOC:Hey Takuya.Don't worry.You get your map back and you get released.Halo comes to save you during the night.*Hint Hint Ginny!* And from now on for the crystals we will start with Angelic and work or way up the list ok? Okay that's all.Bye!! BTW:Shiro.When the next day comes I will release you if you are sane. One more point!!:When the bearer of the sphere is close to his/her repective crystal it will glow and vibrate.
  5. Amber ran for her life as the killer returned for her. She screamed in panic as the killer drew closer.'Where was Mango?' she thought to herself.The killer drew his weapon and prepared to shoot.She ran faster and faster.Her glaive had disappeared as well. 'No!' she thought.She heard the killer click the safety.He was preparing to shoot her down.'Why is this happening?!At least I'll be with Mum and Dad!' she thought.Amber kept running.She heard the bullet coming towards her. She sat up in a cold sweat.She looked around.Her backpack,glaive and Mango was there.'It was a dream?!But it seemed so real...' She went to the river and splashed water on herself.It was just a nightmare.But it was so realistic.She petted Mango softly and slowly drifted back into a dreamless sleep.
  6. Amber:Umbreon Night Shade!! Umbreon let out a dark wave.It hurt Exploud and Magneton. Brendan:Golem Rolling Tackle!! Golem rolled into a ball and rolled over to Magneton and Exploud. They both flew up from the attack and they fell to the ground. Amber:Umbreon Confuse Ray!! The confusing light came again and they were confused.They started attacking each other.Soon they both knocked each other out. Amber:Alright!!!Umbreon return!! Brendan:Yeah!!Golem return!! Both the pokemon returned to their pokeballs.The reporter thanked them and returned their pokemon. Amber:Come on!!We gotta catch up with the others!! Brendan:Right!! Amber:Pidgeot GO!!! Brendan:Pidgeot GO!!! The two trainers jumped on their pidgeots and flew up to Mount Chimney.Kaede and Umbreon ran to rail car and took it up to Mount Chimney.
  7. [color=teal]"HEY WAIT!!"[/color]Shiro turned around to see Amber. Shiro turned away.[color=teal]"Haven't you learnt anything from that monster incident?!We're sick of chacing after you and Leigh is wasting all her energy by healing you!!"[/color] [color=darkblue]"But none of this would have happened if I wasn't here!"[/color] he whispered. [color=teal]"You still don't get it!!If you try to walk away I will make you stay!"[/color]she said angrily [color=teal]"LISTEN!!I AM SICK OF CHASING YOU AND I HATE HOW LEIGH IS ALWAYS WASTING HER ENERGY ON YOU WHEN SHE COULD BE HELPING SOMEONE ELSE!!SHE CAN'T KEEP USING HER POWERS TO HEAL YOU ALONE BECAUSE OF YOUR STUBBORNESS!!EITHER YOU STAY OR I MAKE YOU STAY!!"[/color]everyone had woken up and were gathered around.Everyone had heard everything.They had never seen Amber like this before.The nice,kind,caring Amber had disappeared. Shiro looked at them.He looked at Amber's angry face,and then to Leigh.He turned and started walking away. [color=teal]"THAT'S IT!!I'M SICK OF YOUR ATTITUDE!!VINES!!CAPTURE THIS WALKER BRING HIM TO ME!!!"[/color]Shiro tried hacking at the vines with his sword.[color=teal]"DON'T TRY IT!IT'S MAGICALLY PROTECTED!!"[/COLOR]The group watched at every movement that Shiro made Amber made the vines stop him. [color=teal]"VINES!I ORDER YOU TO KEEP HIM HERE UNTIL I SAY TO RELEASE HIM!!"[/color]Everyone stared at Amber as she walked bak to the cave.
  8. Amber walked around and into the forest.Suddenly all the forest animals swarmed around her.Birds,rabbits,tigers,mice al sorts of animals.She petted them and let them climb on her.She jumped up into the trees to play with the monkeys.She swung around with her animal friends following her.Amber climbed up a coconut tree and sliced some coconuts down with her glaive.She kept going and reached bunches of bananas.She cut some and threw them to the monkeys.They jumped on them like ravages.She laughed and cut more.Then she jumped down and said she had to leave.SHe walked out of the forest and up a hill.She was going to visit her good friend Dr. Cat. She walked in the door."Hi Doc!Still working on Dox??" "Hey Amber!" the scientist looked up from his work. "Yup.Still haven't checked the plane mode on it." Amber sat down with Dr. Cat.
  9. Freya heard Cid shout and leaped off the roof. Everyone turned around in surprise. Rikku shouted "There you are Freya!!I was looking for you!!" Freya looked at her and ignored her and kept walking. Everyone listened closely at what Cid was telling them.
  10. OOC:Yup.If you want a check about Crystal locations it's on the very first post. Amber ran at the monster with her sphere stretched out.She locked her sight on the monsters club. She closed her eyes and the sphere glowed. [color=teal]"Club of wood!Come to me!!"[/color]she chanted. The club since it was made of wood flew over to her.She caught it. Everyone took the chance to attack.Soon it was destroyed. Everyone sighed in relief.Amber looked at the club.It was shaped well.She ran her hand over it feeling a bit of life.She felt the bumps and crevices.Then she put it down and ran over to Shiro. [color=teal]"Leigh!!Is Shiro ok?!?!"[/color]she said crouching. [color=deeppink]"He had quite a smack in the head by that monster.But he should be ok."[/color] Amber nodded and stood up and walked over to the others.
  11. Sounds good.... Name:Sakura Age:15 Weapon/Weapons:Psychic abilities,a glaive with a blade on one end and a light sapphire orb on top adorned with a pair of bird/angel wings. Ancestory:Celtic/Nataike Area:Starwin Sex:Female
  12. I guess so... But if can try to be a main character. However if you really want to then ok.
  13. Suddenly Rikku shouted "Hey!!Where's Freya?! Rikku started searching.Under boxes,inside boxes,under people. Freya was standing on the roof of the Highwind the whole time thinking.She looked up at the sky and the fluffy clouds. 'They're all so noisey!Especially that girl.What was her name...Rikku" she thought to herself.
  14. This is kind of the same as the game.But,Different evils(Still heartless),and Mickey isn't captured.It's Kairi that is captured. Here's a storyline... Sora,Riku and Kairi were mucking around on Destiny Island when a dark portal opened up next to them.Sora,Riku and Kairi didn't have their weapons with them.Suddenly some shadows jumped out of the portal.Some attacked Riku and Sora.They didn't see that the other shadows had stolen Kairi.The shadows disappeared through the portal and it closed.Sora and Riku panicked.Then sat and wondered what to do. In Another Place... Little did Sora and Riku know that Kairi had been captured to become the new evil.She was pushed into aa machine and was changed.When she came out she was wearing dark colours of her normal clothes.She aloso carried a staff with a sapphire orb ontop adorned with a pair of bat wings.The shadows bowed down before her. Back at destiny Island... Sora and Riku decided to round up their friends from other worlds and find Kairi.Sora and Riku collected their weapons and supplies and left Destiny Island. Okay.So we have our setup. Characters: Sora-Sakuramon(Me) Riku-Sakuramon(Me)I'll take him unless someone wants to be him. Goofy Donald Leon/Squall-G/S/B Master Wakka-Tatum Selphie Yuffie-G/S/B Master Mickey Cloud-WW2 Tidus-Krillen Moogle(Kupo)-Mighty Mandy (Anyone from the other worlds eg.Tarzan) (If I missed anyone tell me) Name:Every time someone chooses a character I will post it up top. Weapon:Real weapon Summon:Only 1 and from the game Description:A picture/or description Bio:Why they want to help find Kairi Here's mine for Sora [b]Name:[/b]Sora [b]Weapon:[/b]Keyblade [b]Summon:[/b]Simba [b]Description:[/b][img]http://starbulletin.com/2002/10/13/features/artgame.jpg[/img] [b]Bio:[/b]The reason that Sora wants to save Kairi is because Kairi is one of his best friends.Although he doesn't know where she is,or what has happened to her but he won't give up until Kairi is safe again.
  15. The Story... Sonic and co. have died.Now there is a new enemy and new crystals.They are the Chaos Rubies. Here's my Profile. [b]Name:[/b]Princess Amber [b]Race of Animal:[/b]Hedgehog [b]Good/Bad:[/b]Good [b]Position:[/b]Warrior [b]Description:[/b]A lightish powder blue colored hedgehog,A double edged sword sheathed, strapped on her back.Edit:And she carries a double ended glaive. [b]Bio:[/b]She's a tomboy.She's been on the island ever since she was little.now she's about 15.All she remembers is that she has been on the island ever since she can remember.She doesn't even know that she's a princess.The small animals she talks to knows,but they've never told her. [b]Speciality:[/b]Super fast speed,martial arts,sword skills,good manuver abilities,since she's been on the island ever since little she can talk to the inhabitants.As in small animals.She can call upon any animal to help her.Hyper speed drive(she climbs a tree and launches herself off it in a flip spin and she can fly for short distances.Edit:She also knows how to use her double ended glaive.She knows how to turn it around and use the bottom blade to attack. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amber walked along the beach.She put her sword and double ended glaive on the sand and ran into the waves.Suddenly Dolphins,Whales and all sorts of marine life swam up to her.She welcomed them all with fond pats and splashes.She grabbed onto a dolphins fin and they glided through the water.All the animals making a large party.She let go of the dolphin and dived.She saw all the fish.They swam around her making a fishy tornado underwater.She rose back to the surface and climbed ontop of a whale.The whale started to blow water out of it's blowhole.Amber jumped on the jet of water and floated there.then she jumped off and walked back to land.The marine animals protested but she said she had to and dried herself.She picked up her glaive and sword and walked away waving. Amber looked around as she walked along the beach.The marine animals were still following her.She waved fondly.They all made noises. Then she walked away from the beach waving goodbye until tomorrow.
  16. OOC:Yep that's me!!Teal for everyone that doesn't know. Amber ran up to Raynos. [color=teal]"Are you ok?"[/color] He looked at her and fainted. [color=teal]"Leigh!!I need your help!!"[/color] Leigh came running from the mouth of the cave.Leigh looked over him. [color=deeppink]"He'll be ok.He just hit his head."[/color] [color=teal]"Ok thanks.Go back and help Shiro."[/color] Leigh smiled at her and ran back into the cave. Amber lifted him up and carried him into the cave for shade. Raynos opened his eyes wearily.[color=blue]"Where am I?"[/color] [color=teal]"You're with the group again.You hit your head."[/color] she saw his worried face and said [color=teal]"Don't worry you'll be fine!"[/color] He relaxed and drifted back to sleep.
  17. Sakura walked around the deserted city. "How could this happen?" she said to herself. 'What's happening in "The World"?Why can't I log out and where is everyone?' she thought to herself.She continued walking. She absent mindedly started twirling her double ended glaive.Then she flipped it up like a March Leader would with a baton.And she caught it.She continued to walk through the city.It was so deserted.Not a single movement except leaves and papers blown by the wind.Sakura had never seen "The World" like this.She walked hoping to find a sign of life.
  18. OOC:Actually Freya was banished.I got my info from the FFIX official webpage with all the characters.But she did also leave for love. Cecil walked over to the group and started to introduce himself. Rikku was still bouncing about singing. Everyone welcomed the new comers.
  19. Ok ok. If anyone still wants to join then feel free!! Okay let's get this RP on the road!!
  20. [b]Category 1[/b]-Online Character [b]Name:[/b]Sakura [b]Character Base/Type:[/b]Wave Master [b]Weapon/s:[/b]A glaive with a blade on one end and a sapphire orb on top with small white birds/angels wings on the other end. [b]Appearance:[/b]She has chocolate brown hair and emerald eyes that are usually covered by her blue tinted sunglasses.She wears a light but durable baby blue jacket opened to reveal a white t-shirt inside.She wears blue pants and blue and white shoes. [b]Sex:[/b]Female [b]Category 2[/b]-Real Life Character [b]Name:[/b]Amber Wood [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Occupation:[/b]Year 12 [b]Location:[/b]New York City,America [b]Bio:[/b]Amber was born in Tokyo but was brought to America to study.She only moved to New York a year or so ago.Ever since The World came out she was obsessed with it.When she heard there was an expansion she begged her parents to buy it.In the end they gave up and bought it.She became a bit obsessed with 'Azure Sea'.The only reason she got so wrapped up in the games was because she didn't have many friends.Soon she met friends and started to move away from 'Azure Sea'.But she would still play it when she was bored or lonely. [b]Personality:[/b]She was quiet and kept to herself but now she's friendly and all out.Her friends are kind of gangy that's why she likes to be cool.But over all she's a cool person to be around. [b]Interests:[/b]Reading,Writing,Drawing,Computers and Computer Games.
  21. There was a red blur and suddenly there was a figure on the ground. She squinted into the sun and then looked at the others. [color=red]I'm Freya![/color] She stepped into the circle as well and started introducing herself.
  22. Amber plucked a pokeball off her belt. Amber:GO UMBREON!!! That was the set up. Golem and Umbreon VS Exploud and Magneton Amber:Umbreon CONFUSE RAY!! A beam of confusing light emitted from Umbreon and it hit Exploud and Magneton.They became confused. Amber:Brendan Now!! Brendan:Right!Golem Rock Throw!!! Golem picked up some large slabs of rock and threw them at the two confused pokemon. Amber:Umbreon Bite!! Umbreon sprinted towards Exploud and launched towards it's arm.Umbreon bit down hard,Exploud tried to shake it off.Umbreon let go and did a backflip to join Golem again. Exploud and Magneton stopped being confused. CM:Magneton THUNDER!!! NR:Exploud ?????(What are it's attacks??) Umbreon was shocked by Magneton's thunder attack while Golem stood un-affected.They were both damaged by Exploud's attack. Amber:Umbreon Moonlight!! Light fell around Umbreon and it was healed. The battle raged on.This was getting exciting!
  23. [color=teal]"Shiro!!We all need to stick together for safety and we need each others powers to successfully get the crystals!!"[/color] Amber shouted after him.But Shiro ignored it and kept walking.Not knowing what dangers are ahead.Everyone watched Shiro wander off. [color=teal]"Don't worry about him...But we have to stick together ok?"[/color] Everyone nodded. [color=teal]"Come on.Let's go."[/color] They walked down the path that Shiro had just gone down.
  24. Chaos sprinted over with his sphere out stretched.Sakhi's star had grazed it. [color=red]"Looks like you need some Fire power!!"[/color] Flames shot out from the crystal and wrapped themselves around the icy serpent. Shiro brought out his sphere as well.He threw bolts of lightning at the opponent. Sahki threw more stars to blind it so the other two could attack.Soon it was killed. Sahki looked at them [color=orange]"Who are you guys??"[/color] [color=red]"I'm Chaos and that's Shiro."[/color] [color=orange]"I'm Sahki.Are you looking for the crystals too??"[/color] [color=red]"Yes.We're with another group.Why don't you join us?"[/color] The three of them walked back to the others Shiro walked behind them while they were talking.
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