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Everything posted by Sakura
Don't worry Juu.You can change it if you want or wateva. Amber walked over to Celestine and Leigh. [color=teal]"Are you guys okay??"[/color] she said crouching next to them.They both nodded. [color=brown]"What happened to the serpent??"[/color] [color=teal]"I destroyed it with nature.That's the power of my sphere."[/color] [color=brown]"Mine's the power of the earth and ground."[/color] [color=pink]"And mine's the poewr of healing!"[/color] Then Amber helped them both up and brought them over to the others.
OOC:Out of curiosity how did it change from me to Leigh??
OOC:Hey Kairi don't forget I'm part of the battle too! Blade rushed forward while Shado distracted SkullGreymon. Blade:Blade Blaster!!! Amber:It's not strong enough!!BLADE DIGIVOLVE!!!! Blade:Blade Garurumon DIGIVOLVED TO........Were Blade Garurumon!!! Amber:GO BLADE!! Blade charged forward:BLADE GARURU KICK!! SkullGreymon roared.The tamers all ordered their digimon to attack. Blade and the other digimon kept attacking SkullGreymon. Soon SkullGreymon was redused to Data-bits. The digimon and their tamers cheered.
[color=teal]"Shiro wait!!!"[/color] Shiro turned around to see Amber chasing after him.[color=teal]"It's too dangerous to go on your own!!We'll go with you!!"[/color]They heard a noise and looked up it was Reicalg.Amber immediatly pulled out her sphere.Upon seeing her sphere he brought out his sphere too.It was light blue.Reicalg landed on the ground and picked up his dagger shield.[color=teal]"Who are you?!"[/color][color=skyblue]"I am Reicalg.Who are you?!Are you evil?!"[/color] he said carefully.[color=teal]"My name is Amber.We are god but there are evil ones.Are you one of them?!"[/color][color=skyblue]"No...I am good too...."[/color] he said putting away his sphere.Amber put hers away as well.[color=teal]We're going to find the crystals.Are you coming with us??"[/color] he nodded his head.She brought him back to the others and they all introduced themselves.Then they walked down the trail on their quest for the crystals.
They decided to check out the floating castle.They sped to get underneath it so any cameras couldn't see them.They saw a doorway carved into the side.They decided to work together.They launched Yami and Knuckles at the doorway since they could glide.Knuckles worked on digging into the door while Yami helped the others get on board.On the ground they all helped boost people towards Yami.When it was down to the last person it was Sonic he had to take a run up and all the others caught him and pulled him up.By that time Knuckles had gotten through the door.So they all carefully and quietly entered the floating palace.
Really??Don't tell me you're talking about Latias. I thought I got them all.......
Easy.Romania's sister is Cremia. [b]Question:[/b] [Easy]In OoT how do you get the fire arrow??
Nup that's fine.Great.We have 5 people.I may wait a while longer but if no one come's I will start.
Amber:Go Blade!!Blade Blaster!! Blade fired off shots at SkullGreymon.Blade dodged in and out of the other digimon trying to get closer to SkullGreymon.When he was close enough he fired a large Blade Blaster at it.It roared in fury.The others all took that chance to attack close up.
[b]Name:[/b]Sakura [b]Presumed Age:[/b]16 Warrior [b]Weapon:[/b]A doble ended glaive. [b]Description:[/b]Chocolate brown hair and emerald eyes usually covered by her blue tinted sunglasses.She wears a light but durable baby blue jacket open to reveal a white t-shirt inside.She wears blue pants with white socks and blue and white joggers. [b]Bio:[/b]Although Sakura still has to go to school as soon as she gets home the first thing she does is go on the computer and play "The World".Then one day she wanted to leave but something held her there.She shook it off and tried to log out but it wouldn't let her so she has to wander "The World".
Amber brought out her sphere.She closed her eyes and the crystal glowed teal colored.[color=teal]"Nature come and save us all from this serpent we befall!"[/color] she chanted.Suddenly some tree vines lashed out and attacked the serpent.It trapped the serpent and it returned back into Halo's sphere.She let out a sigh. [color=teal]"Is everyone alright??"[/color] everyone gave small nervous answers.
Hi Everyone!!! Here's a recap on the story.... This is the year 2200.Some teenagers were summoned by an anonymus(sp?)caller to search Mt. Oscar in the himalayas.They were told that the Elemental Spheres have great power over everything.Not only nature but earth,stars and planets.But there were also two spheres that were stolen and were being used for evil.They were the Darkness Sphere and the Crimson Sphere. The teenagers barely know each other but they have to learn to cope and get to know each other through these terrible times.They will have to search through many regions to complete their ultimate goal of finding the Light Sphere that contains powerul energy to counter the evil power of the Darkness Sphere.When all crystals are restored to the Statue of Orion, will the light sphere be in reach.Still they do not know of this person that summoned them, and surely their paths look dark. In any case friendship shall prevail and even stronger bonds shall bring forth newer powers to the team. Are you willing to pledge your life for this world, or will you purge yourself into the darkness that is this world, we will see.... Here are the Elemental Spheres and their owners. Fire Sphere:Power of Fire-Taken by chaos_79 Static Sphere:Power of Storm-Taken by Vilearchangemon Tundra Sphere:Power of Water-Taken by Zerosaber007 Air Sphere:Power of Wind-Taken by Kouberei Gaia Sphere:Power of Ground-Taken by Juuthena Star Sphere:Power of the Stars-Taken by Mina Karusala Celestial Sphere:Power of Healing-Taken by Rhys Mayiessen Nature Sphere:Power of Nature-Taken by Sakuramon(Me) Shadow Sphere:Power of Shadows-Taken by Darncoolguy1 Arctic Sphere:Power of Ice-Taken by Xra Light Sphere:Power of Light[Not for use!!] BAD GUYS!! Darkness Sphere:Power of Darkness-Taken by Takuya Crimson Sphere:Power of Delusions-Taken by GinnyLyn Okay we are starting at Mt. Oscar. Here is a location of all the crystals they must find.... Shadow Crystal - Effects-speed increases Location: Ruins of Dark City Flame Crystal - Effects-Fire attacks are more powerful. Location: Ash Mountain Storm Crystal - Effects-All storm techiniques are more powerful. Location: Storm Central Dirt Crystal - Effects-Ground attacks are more powerful. Location: Rocky Mountain Tundra Crystal- Effects-Water attcks are more powerful. Location: City by the sea Arctic Crystal-Effects-Ice attacks are more powerful. Location:Ice Palace Wind Crystal- Effects-Wind attacks are more powerful. Location: Windy Plain Forest Crystal- Effects-Nature attacks are more powerful. Location: Forest of Nature Star Crystal- Effetcs-Star attacks are more powerful. Location: Star Palace Angelic Crystal- Effects-Healing assist are more potent. Location: Angel's Pond Light Crystal- Effects-Light shines thru 1 person to destroy the darkness around him/her. Okay now let's start!!!!!! Sakura woke up and looked around.She saw eight other teenagers all unconcious.She went around making sure they were okay.She then went around waking them all up.They all awakened with a groan. [color=teal]"Are you all okay??"[/color] They all responded with groans and murmurs.[color=teal]"My name's Sakura.Who are you??"[/color] Okay there will be speech colours to make it easy to identify who's who. My colour as you can tell is [color=teal]Teal[/color] Fire is [color=red]Red[/color] Static can be [color=silver]Silver[/color] or [color=darkblue]Dark-Blue[/color] Tundra will be [color=blue]Blue[/color] Air will be [COLOR=royalblue]Royal Blue[/COLOR] Gaia is [COLOR=darkred]Dark Red[/COLOR] Star is [COLOR=orange]Orange[/COLOR] Celestial is [COLOR=deeppink]Deep Pink[/COLOR] Shadow is [COLOR=sienna]Sienna[/COLOR] Arctic is [color=skyblue]Sky Blue[/color] Darkness is just black in [b]Bold[/b] Crimson is [color=crimson]Crimson[/color] Okay now we can continue the story.Enjoy everyone!!!!!
Rhys for a weapon can you atleast carry a staff?? Because everyone will need some type of weapon for defense. This is great!!Everyone's in!!! Okay don't forget guys we need two bad guys. And we still have more spheres.I have put names next to the spheres taken.There's still a few left people!!Don't give up!!
That's great Yokano!! Welcome in.Yes people you can have make up Zoids but they can't be unbeatable.
The Story...... This is the year 2200.Some teenagers were summoned by an anonymus(sp?)caller to search Mt. Oscar in the himalayas.They were told that the Elemental Spheres have great power over everything.Not only nature but earth,stars and planets.But there were also two spheres that were stolen and were being used for evil.They were the Darkness Sphere and the Crimson Sphere. The teenagers barely know each other but they have to learn to cope and get to know each other through these terrible times.They will have to search through many regions to complete their ultimate goal of finding the Light Sphere that contains powerul energy to counter the evil power of the Darkness Sphere.When all crystals are restored to the Statue of Orion, will the light sphere be in reach.Still they do not know of this person that summoned them, and surely their paths look dark. In any case friendship shall prevail and even stronger bonds shall bring forth newer powers to the team. Are you willing to pledge your life for this world, or will you purge yourself into the darkness that is this world, we will see.... Here are the Elemental Spheres to choose from. Fire Sphere:Power of Fire-Taken by chaos_79 Static Sphere:Power of Storm-Taken by Vilearchangemon Tundra Sphere:Power of Water-Taken by Zerosaber007 Air Sphere:Power of Wind-Taken by Kouberei Gaia Sphere:Power of Ground-Taken by Juuthena Star Sphere:Power of the Stars-Taken by Mina Karusala Celestial Sphere:Power of Healing-Taken by Rhys Mayiessen Nature Sphere:Power of Nature-Taken by Sakuramon(Me) Shadow Sphere:Power of Shadows-Taken by Darncoolguy1 [An exeption]Arctic Sphere:Power of Ice-Taken by Xra Light Sphere:Power of Light[Not for use!!] BAD GUYS!! Darkness Sphere:Power of Darkness-Taken by Takuya Crimson Sphere:Power of Delusions-Taken by GinnyLyn Now for the Crystals. Shadow Crystal - Effects-speed increases Location: Ruins of Dark City Flame Crystal - Effects-Fire attacks are more powerful. Location: Ash Mountain Storm Crystal - Effects-All storm techiniques are more powerful. Location: Storm Central Dirt Crystal - Effects-Ground attacks are more powerful. Location: Rocky Mountain Tundra Crystal- Effects-Water attcks are more powerful. Location: City by the sea Arctic Crystal-Effects-Ice attacks are more powerful. Location:Ice Palace Wind Crystal- Effects-Wind attacks are more powerful. Location: Windy Plain Vine Crystal- Effects-Nature attacks are more powerful. Location: Swampy's Pond Star Crystal- Effetcs-Star attacks are more powerful. Location: Star Palace Angelic Crystal- Effects-Healing assist are more potent. Location: Angel's Pond Light Crystal- Effects-Light shines thru 1 person to destroy the darkness around him/her. Okay so this RP when it starts will start at Mt. Oscar and we will go and collect the crystals. Name: Age:Must be a teenager!! Sphere: Weapon:Must have something to do with the Sphere Element Gender: Bio:Must have info abt the mysterious caller Description: [b]Name:[/b]Sakura [b]Age:[/b]15 [b]Sphere:[/b]Nature [b]Weapon:[/b]Nature Glaive(Double ended) [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Bio:[/b]Sakura was chosen for the Nature Sphere because of her love for nature.She went to the forest next to her house everyday to visit the animals and take care of the plants.When she was called by the anonymus caller she was told that nature would be destroyed.She was enraged and now she wields the power of Nature. [b]Description:[/b]Chocolate brown hair with emerald eyes that are usually covered by her blue tinted sunglasses.She wears a baby blue light but durable jacket open to reveal a white t-shirt inside.She wears blue pants with white socks and blue and white joggers.She carries her glaive like a staff. Everyone please sign up!!Pick a sphere and when we have all spots taken then we will start the actual RP.Thankyou!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crimson Spider [/i] [b]What are the pokemon that only appear in sapphire? (hint: don't say latias) [/B][/QUOTE] The pokemon that only appear are Seviper, Lunatone, Kyogre, Lotad, Lombre, Ludocolo. [b]Question[/b] What happens after you awaken Groudon/Kyogre?? And when can you capture Latias and Latios??
Ok I think I got it,So to the south and west of Fort Condor. Ok thanks for the help. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Does anyone out there have any tips on how to defeat the Red Dragon,Demon Gate and the monster when you fall off the clock??? Thanks!:D [color=indigo]Combined the double post. - Desbreko[/color]
Amber decided to take action.She sent out her power level.And she soon sensed some good Saiyan power levels.She flew as fast as she could.She ended up at the palace. Harsan:Who are you?? Amber:My name is Amber. Harsan:I am Harsan and this is the Leader. Amber:Why do you look so sad?? Harsan:I think Drago killed Halzeena!! Amber:Is Drago a tall male saiyan etc..........(Description of Drago) Harsan:Yes........ Amber:And is Halzeena..........(Description of Halzeena) Harsan:Yes!How did you know?? Amber:I saw Halzeena being destroyed by Drago's Spirit Bomb...... Harsan and the Leader cried.Muttering 'she can't be dead,she can't be!'Amber look at them sympathetically.Halzeena must have been a great person.
OOC:Sorry.I can't think of anything.I'll try harder tho. ---------------------------------------------------------- Amber and Mango saw a town near by.They decided to walk in.Everyone stayed away from them though because of Mango.No one knows that Mango's kind.They walked into a shop to buy some extra supplies.Everyone stared at them like freaks in a circus.Amber whispered something to Mango and Mango left.Then she continued what she needed to do.She then left and went out in search for her trusty companion.Mnago it seems had gone back to the river because Amber couldn't find her. Amber left town and headed to the river.But she was surprised to see another hunter trying to capture Mango. Amber twirled her glaive and charged at the hunter.The hunter was surprised to see her.Amber tackled him to the ground and pointed the tip of the glaive at his neck. Amber:What are you doing?!?! Hunter:I'm trying to capture that wolf there. Amber:well you can't it's mine.Now leave here! Amber eased her glaive off of him and he ran away. Amber checked Mango for any wounds.He had a graze on his side. She took Mango back to the town and to a vet/healer.He bandaged the wound and said that they had to be more careful.They left town once more and continued the journey. ----------------------------------------------------- OOC:Sorry if this is bad.I'm tired and sick at the moment.
Amber and Blade came back to camp. Amber:Hey what's happening?? Mia:Digimon attacks.Think you can help hold 'em off?? Amber:But of course!!Ready Blade? Blade:Like usual! They prepared for the new digimon arriving.
Hi All Again!! This will be my third RP.I hope this one will be better. Okay.As the title says this is about Zoids. The story is about People that pilot their Zoids and they go on an adventure to find the Temple of Zion.In there are very special Zoids.But the good guys have to get there before the bad guys do or they will rule the world.Because the special Zoids are very strong. Ok.Now here's what you need: Name: Age: Sex: Description: Zoid: Zoid Weapon: Zoid Armour: Zoid Description: Also.I will allow [b]4 Ultimate X/Organoid Zoids[/b]. Here's my profile Name:Sakura Age:15 Sex:Female Description:Chocolate brown hair and emerald eyes usually covered by her blue tinted glasses when not piloting.Baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside.Blue pants with white socks and blue and white sneakers. Zoid:Liger Zero[Ultimate X] Zoid Weapon:Strike Laser Claws and a plasma cannon underneath. Zoid Armour:[b]1)Liger Zero[/b] armour[color=silver](White)[/color].A bit of protection.[b]2)Jager[/b]-Built for Speed.Not very good attacking.Strike Laser Claws[color=blue](Blue)[/color][b]3)Schneider[/b]-Built for up close combat.[color=crimson](Red)[/color][b]4)Panzer[/b]-Built for Far combat.Very heavy,strong armour[color=green](Green)[/color][b]5)Blade Liger[/b]-2 Blades that stick out like Schneider[color=red](Red)[/color][b]6)Shield Liger[/b]-Good protection.Can put up a strong shield[color=royalblue](Blue)[/color](7)[b]Water Liger[/b]-Like normal Liger but is capable to go underwater.[color=blue](Blue[/color] and White) That's all.If I think of more I'll post it. If you need anything post it up or PM me. Bye!!Enjoy!!!!!I hope there's some Zoid fans out here!!!
Amber and Mango sat at the river.Mango sat next to Amber and propped her chin on Amber's knee.Amber stroked her head absent mindedly while watching the river.Amber saw a fish swimming close.She jabbed her glaive into the river and pulled out a fish impaled on one of her blades.She fed it to Mango.They just sat there enjoying each others company.Soon Amber and Mango fell asleep on the river bank.
Amber went to the change rooms.She took off her jacket and t-shirt and put on a navy blue t-shirt.She picked up her glaive and her clothes and backpack and headed out to see the fight. As Amber was going out she saw Ditisin.They looked at each other.Then they turned away to watch the fight.