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Everything posted by Sakura
Amber walked through the foresty place with Mango trotting at her heals.Now and again there were small noises in the bush.She twirled her glaive like a batton and then flipped it up and twirled it again. Mango ran ahead and played around in some moss.Amber chuckled at her frolicking. Amber:Okay Mango!Let's go!! Mango got up and followed Amber through the forest. They finally reached the open air.It was a large field with a river down the side.
Amber stared in shock.She saw the female blown away and that the other saiyan had spared her life.She was confused.Why would he do that??Aren't enemies supposed to be mean?? She kept thinking about everything.Then she decided to follow the power level of the saiyan.
Amber did well in both.She was close to Nick. She prayed that she would make it in.She didn't come all this way for nothing!She watched the other contestants,sensing their power levels.Quite a lot were normal.But some were very strong. She continued to watch the contestants go through the tests.
Sakura ran after the two winners. Sakura:Stop!! They both turned to face her. Sakura:That was a great battle.I would like to have a match against the both of you. They both looked at each other. Kenshin:We'll think about it. Then they both walked away and Sakura looked at them steamed for battle.
This should really give it away. It's after being in space with Rinoa in the Ragnarok. Please!!!It's not that hard!!!
Amber walked into a small town with Mango trotting at her heels. Everyone gave her wierd looks...like usual.They just ignored them,they were used to it by now.She walked around the town.She stopped for food and then exited the town again.She twirled her glaive like a baton.Mango growled dangerously. Amber:What's wrong girl?? She looked the way that Mango was growling at.Suddenly Mango raced off.Amber blinked then ran after her.Soon she saw Mango growling at a man.The man was poised to attack.He had his sword out ready. Amber ran out:NO! The man turned to face her.Amber whistled and Mango trotted to her side. Amber:Sorry sir.Don't mind Mango. Man:It's ok. He said sheathing his sword. Amber:Excuse my asking,but what's your name?? Man:Oh sorry.How rude of me.I'm Karn.And you are?? Amber:I'm Amber and this is my friend Mango.Sorry she attacked you. Karn: Don't worry about it. Amber:So what are you doing out here?? Karn:I could ask you the same question. Amber:I'm going on a journey. Karn:What a coincidence.So am I. Amber:What for?? Karn told the story of his wife and Sean. Amber told her story about her parents too. They both understood each other. Amber:Would you mind if we travel with you?? Karn:No.It would be nice to have some company. ----------------------------------------------- OOC:Hey Oyeah!Should we have met or not?? If not just tell me.I'll do something with it.
Sakura had finished her breakfast and went to explore what all the noise was about.She walked over and pushed her way through the crowd. She finally saw what was happening.There was a girl and a guy in the middle of the group.It looked like they were about to fight.Sakura stayed there intent on watching,someone accidently moved backwards and backed into the end blade of her glaive.The person jumped and rubbed his behind.Then Sakura went back to watching the soon to start battle.
Amber:Then let's get ready for battle!! David:I agree.But is Blade ready for it?? Blade woke up:I was born ready!! Amber:That's the way Blade!!!Now!DIGIVOLVE!! Blade:Blade Gabumon digivolved to.............Blade Garurumon!!! Amber jumped on Blade. Amber:Actually.Can you guys handle it??I'm going to see what's taking Chaos so long.The digimon could come after them!! David:We'll be fine.Go ahead.Message us if you need anything! ---------------------------------------------- OOC:We have D-Terminal's right?? ---------------------------------------------- Amber took off with Blade following the beeping.
OOC:I only joined the other day. Sakura walked through the forest close to her town.She had decided to leave and go on a journey.She twirled her double ended glaive nervously.It was quite dark and she had heard tales about the types of things that live in these woods.She heard a russeling in the bushes.She spun around and was poised for a monster.It was a small rabbit.She picked it up.The rabbit seemed to like her so she kept it with her.She named it Amber.
Sonic looked up confused. Sonic:Wait a minute!!I know that voice!!And only one person calls me cuz!!! A white porcupine came out of a hatch. White:Yup!!It's me cuz!!Roket!! Sonic:Roket!!It's great to see you again!! They hugged each other friendlishly.Like two old friends united once more. Sonic:How long's it been eh Roket??? Roket:I dunno...About 4 years maybe?? Sonic looked at his friends...They all had confused looks on their faces.Sonic rubbed the back of his head. Sonic:Whoops!These are my friends.Amber,Terra,Lunar,Sanza,Filth,Yami and Knuckles. All of the group said "Hi" Roket:Well I'm Roket.I'm Sonic's cousin.I'm the master of staffs! They all gave a bit more info about each other. Sonic:You still got that big robot? Roket:Actually no.This is another one.My first one was destroyed in a battle so this is my new one. They kept talking until they decided to head back before any more robots came to destroy them.
Amber flew around in a frenzy.Then she felt a power level.A strong, evil one and flew towards it.When she arrived she saw a male saiyan and a female saiyan.The evil energy was emiting from the male and sadness but good energy was from the female.Amber tensed up and twirled her glaive,what she always did when she was either bored,confused,angry,worried or itching for a fight.This time she was a mix of worried and itching.She watched for a while before entering the scene.
Sakura walked out of the inn she had been staying at. She looked around.It was early in the morning and pretty much the whole town was awake. She juggled her double ended glaive and gave it a twirl.Then she walked off to find some breakfast.Sakura saw a cafe nearby so she walked over to see what food they offered.She walked up to the counter and looked at the menu.She finally decided to order a hot chocolate and some pancakes.Sakura wasn't very hungry so it was only a small meal.She went to a table and sat down.She set her glaive down on the table and waited for the meal.When the meal came she drank and ate in silence.When Sakura had finished she picked up her glaive and left the cafe and started looking for entertainment.
Amber walked into the Martial Arts Collisium and squinted around looking for the registration tables.She found one and walked up to it. Worker:Excuse me miss.Your name please?? Amber:I'm Amber Worker:And age?? Amber:15. Worker:Okay,Just follow all the other contestants. Amber walked over to where all of the other fighters were going into the breifing room.Amber looked around and saw the room was packed.She walked up to a warden and asked if there were private rooms.He directed her to a small room with not much space.He said he would call her when she was needed.Amber walked to the middle if the room and put down her backpack.She took her double ended glaive and started doing moves that her mother had taught her for meditation.After a while Amber put down her glaive and unsheathed the sword.Amber stood in fighting stance.Light on her feet incase she had to move suddenly.Amber swiped and slashed at imaginary enemies around her,then sat down and rested.She picked up her stuff and went back to the main room and took a seat.
Um.....When something happened in the second disk you could run around and do anything without losing rank points. I can't give much info because I'll give it away...
Well....That's kind of what I was thinking. The assasin just went around terrorizing people and going around a killing spree. Anyways I agree.
Name:Sakura Bancouber Age:15 Race:Human/Half mage Weapon:A double ended glaive.(A glaive with a blade on top and a blade on the bottom.)It has magic qualities in it. Description:Chocolate brown hair with emerald eyes. She wears a royal blue robe that goes up to her knees. Bio:Her mother was a human and her father was a mage.One day she decided to go on a quest.Her mother was against it but her father was for it.Her father encouraged her to give it her best.Her mother was still upset but she gave her,her glaive and her father put some magic qualities in it.Then they wished her good luck and she left in her favourite blue robes.
I'll join.BTW:Is this based on actual characters or made up??? Name:Sakura Age:15 Description:a girl with chocolate brown hair and emerald eyes. (Can we wear modern clothes??) Bio:A few years ago her parents were killed.She took her mother's glaive and went to the weaponsmith.She asked him to weld another blade onto it.Then she learnt how to master the glaive from a teacher.Then she left the town.Vowing to destroy the people that killed her parents. Weapon:A double ended glaive.
Is this going to start soon?? I can't wait.I'm sure this will be good.
If you don't mind I'll ask a question. In FFVIII what was the only time that you could do anything without losing rank points??
Amber:I'm on it!!! She raced off after the robot that was giving off a shine.As she was getting close she unsheathed her sword and charged faster.She had to admit the robot was pretty fast.She sliced her sword in a wide arch and it put a nice big diagonal cut through it.She sheathed her sword and picked up the emeralds.Then she ran back to the others.Sanza was sitting there miserable. Amber:Honey!I'm home!! Sanza looked up and saw Amber holding the emeralds.He ran up to Amber. Sanza:Thankyou!!! Amber smiled at him and his emeralds. He placed them in a pouch on his belt. Sanza:They'll never get taken away again!
Amber:Quick!!BLADE DIGIVOLVE!!!!! Blade:Right!Blade Gabumon digivolved to..........Blade Garurumon!!! Amber:BLADE!!!ATTACK!!! Blade:BLADE BLASTER!!! A jet of icy cold water attacked Tuskmon.He growled. Blade:I need help!Maildramon!! Maildramon came over and attacked. Josh:Pegasusmon go help them!!! Pegasus:Right!!Aquas Beam!!! An aqua lazer shot out from the triangle on Pegasusmon's head. Pegasus:Star Shower!! Pegasusmon flapped his wings and it showed night sky and suddenly a lot of stars came out from his wings. Tuskmon growled. Tusk:Horn Buster!!! Digimon:Argh!!!!! Amber:Blade!!Again!! Blade:Blade Blaster!!!! Maildramon attacked(Sorry!I don't know it's attacks) P:Star Shower!! Tuskmon growled once more and was reduced to data-bits. The digimon returned to Rookie. Amber ran up to Blade and hugged him. Amber:You were great!! Josh ran to Patamon and picked him up. Josh:Are you ok?? Pata:Just a little tired.... And he went to sleep.Josh chuckled and held onto him. Mia went to Salamon and picked her up.Salamon had gone to sleep. David:Hmm....That was close!We have to be more careful!Anyways.We have to get those two tamers!But Pegasusmon and Blade are too tired. Chaos:I'll go with Garurumon! David:Okay.... Chaos:Gabumonmon digivolve! Gabumon:Gabumon digivolved to........Garurumon!!! Chaos got on Garurumon's back and rode off in search of the tamers following his trusty digivice.
Sakura smirked:We'll see who's the stronger Umbreon!Amber get ready!! Shinobi smirked back:Yes!We will.Umbreon go!! Sakura:Amber!Night Shade!! Shinobi:Umbreon Confuse Ray!!! The two attacks clashed and left smoke.The two Umbreons had turned away from the attacks.And were ready to re-engage in battle.
Your in Yoka. And yes you can have two. I only need a few more people!!