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Everything posted by Sakura
[color=royalblue]They fell onto the hard ground of the Digital World. Tao:Amber!Are you ok?? Amber:*Ungh*I'm fine.You can de-digivolve Taomon. Taomon de-digivolved back to Renamon. Rena:That was hard.That Magemon is really tough! All the digimon agreed.They had all de-digivolved back to rookie. The tamers looked at their digimon.They were covered in scratches,scorch marks and all other kinds of marks. Lauren:So where exactly are we?? Amber:This is somewhere in the Digital World.... John:Hey Amber!Do you have your laptop?? Amber:Of course!I never leave without it!! She said as she pulled it out of her backpack. John:Can you connect to the internet from here?? Amber:I'm not sure....I'll try though. She tapped away at the keys and soon got access to the internet. John:Great!!Quick search the Digital World! Amber furiously typed on the keys. Venna:Click The DigiWorld! Amber clicked on the link.It was a page all about the Digital World. Amber unclipped her D-Power off her belt and connected it to the laptop. Travis:What are you doing? He asked as Amber still tapped the keys. Amber:I'm downloading the map of the Digital World onto the computer. Takima:To find out about the places right? Amber:Right!Because this site has info about the places in the digital world. Her digvice let out a beep to signal the finish f the download.She reclipped it to her belt and went about figuring out the places.She soon got all the places down and connected her digivice again.She re-downloaded the map and saved it on her D-Power. Amber:Ok everyone!Hold out your digivices! They held them out infront of them as they were standing in a circle with Amber in the middle.Amber raised her digivice into the air.Beams of light shot out of her digivice and entered into everyone's digivice.The scrolled through the menu and found the map.It was labelled with all the places in the Digital World. Chris:Cool!Thanks Amber! Amber smiled and returned to her laptop.She closed the site and logged off and shut down. Amber:Alright!!Let's go!! She looked at her map and found the closest place was Primary Village.They all walked across the fields with their digimon next to them.Amber was talking to John about how they found each of the companions.
Come on People!!! Please Please Please JOIN!!!! I'll start after about 5/6 people maybe.
Amber heard a beeping.She looked at her D-3 and saw 2 dots.One further away from the other one.She told all the others.They looked at their digivices. Josh:Should we find them?Pegasusmon could find them. Amber:So could Blade! David:Yes,I think we should find them.They must have gotten my email too.But we'll wait until they're both together.It'll be easier. Amber and Josh relaxed.Amber watcched Blade talk to Gabumon.She looked at them and chuckled.They were exactly the same except for Blade's horn.Chaos walked over. Chaos:Hey Amber. Amber:Hey.What's happening? Chaos:Oh nothing much.My life's pretty boring.You? Amber:Same as usual. They both watched their digimon talking. Chaos:Blade's a very interesting digimon.Don't you think? Amber:Yes,actually he is.The digiegg I found him in had the same horn on his head poking out of the top.And when I saw it,it was glowing.Almost as if asking me to pick it... Chaos:Wow.That is interesting. They went into a conversation talking about the two different Gabumons.
I'm in.I'm not that great at Profiles though. [color=royalblue]Name:Amber Bio:One day she was at home talking happily with her parents.They heard noises.Screams,shouts,crying.Then they heard a noise coming towards their house.Her father got his sword and stood in the hallway ready for whoever was coming.Her mother hid her in a cupboard and got her glaive and helped her father.The door splintered as someone knocked it down.Amber stayed still in the cupboard.She sat there and listened as whoever it was killed her parents.They screamed and shouted as they died.When there was no more movement,Amber crawled out of the cupboard.The first thing she saw was her two parents lying on the floor.Bathed in their own blood.Amber ran to them and knelt beside them.She cried for a while.Then she wiped her eyes and picked them up.She took them to the backyard and put them under their favourite oak tree.She ran into the house and ran to her room.She got her blue backpack and filled it with as much supplies as she could.Then she ran to the doorway and put her shoes on.She quickly ran back and picked up her Mother and Father's weapons.She sheathed her father's sword and clipped it to her back.And she just carried the glaive.She took another look at the house and exited.She went to find the weaponsmith.She arrived at the store and asked him to weld another glaive blade to the other end of her mother's glaive.He soon got it done.She thanked him and pulled out some money.He just said it was free because he was a friend of her mother and father.She gripped her new double ended glaive and gave it a twirl.She still had her father's sword on her back.She turned around to leave and the weaponsmith noticed the sword.He offered to re sharpen it and polish it.She handed it over.The weaponsmith had sharpened it so it would slice through a hair.She thanked him and left.She exited the town and peered back at it.Then she vowed to avenge her parents death. Description:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes.She wears a baby blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,she has normal blue pants with white socks and blue and white shoes with her backpack and her sheath on her back. Personality:She is normally a nice girl with a cheerful smile but she became very careful ever since her parents' death.She's very friendly to people she knows very well.She's still cheerful though but not as cheerful as before.She misses her mother and father but she swore to avenge them and she will.She's a nice person to be around as long as you don't get her angry. Extra:(Just some extra info)She learnt how to wield the sword and the double ended glaive off her mother and father.But her mother only taught her with one blade.But she's a quick study so she soon learnt how to wield the double blade.She learnt how to turn it around and attack with the bottom.[/color] Is that ok??
OOC:Just telling you.You forgot Haiku in the Teams. Just letting you know.Bye!
Sakura:Wave!You were great!Return!! Shinobi:Houndoom return! Sakura:Now I'll choose Amber!! Shinobi:Then I'll choose.......... OOC:Pick your pokemon Trainer!
Sakura:Ok then,let's battle! Shinobi:I choose Houndoom! Sakura:How many pokemon? Shinobi:Hmmm.....Just 1(More??) Sakura:Ok.I choose Wave! Wave:Vape Vape!Poreon! Hope:Ok!Houndoom VS Wave!Let the battle begin!! Sakura:Surf now!! A large wave appears with Wave riding it. Shinobi:Houndoom dodge! Houndoom lept out of the way just in time. Shinobi:Houndoom Flame Thrower!! It let out a burst of flames. Sakura:Counter with a Water gun!! The two attacks clashed and turned the air steamy. Sakura:Not bad!Agility!! Wave started whizzing around Houndoom just tackling it at an open spot.Then it stopped.Houndoom was fazed. Shinobi:Houndoom Fire Blast!! Sakura:Quick Wave!Jump! It jumped over the blast only to get hit by a Flame Thrower well planned by Shinobi. Sakura:Wave!!Get up!Surf!! Houndoom dodged it again but Sakura had planned just like Shinobi.While Wave was riding the Surf Houndoom dodged it but while still riding it let out a Water blast.Houndoom fell to the ground. Shinobi:Houndoom get up!! And the battling continued.Soon without their noticing everyone was gathered around watching the vicious battle.
Amber watched as Josh and Pegasusmon flew away. Amber:Me and Blade will go find Mia and Salamon. David:Ok great! Amber:Blade Digivolve!! Blade:Blade Gabumon Digivolved tooooo.......Blade Garurumon!!! Amber got on Blade's back and they rode off to where Mia and Salamon were headed.Soon they found them sitting down eating fruit.They picked some fruit and put it in Amber's backpack for later. They all climbed up onto Blade's back and rode back to the others. Josh and Pegasusmon were back and they were talking to David. Amber:They're back!! Josh and David looked up to see Amber,Mia and Salamon all riding on Blade's back.As soon as everyone got off Blade de-digivolved to Blade Gabumon.Then they all huddled around to see what Josh and Pegasus had seen.
OOC:I'll have a D-3 BTW:It's Baby Blue Amber got up. Amber:Ow..... Blade:My blade's stuck Blade was in a funny situation.When they all fell he fell head first and his blade was stuck in the ground.Amber chuckled a bit and then walked over to him and helped pull him out. Blade:Ow.....That hurt! He said rubbing his blade.He got up and stood next to Amber.Everyone was hovering above David and his laptop.
I'm not sure but it could be something to do with Psychic powers. But I'm not sure.You should probably ask Panny_Chan. But that's a guess anyways.
Actually....I think I'll change mine. Name:Pain Movie:Hercules Appearance:A red plump imp like creatures with horns Personality:Annoying,complains a lot about orders. Abilities:Shape shifting(Same as Panic) Volunteering:Ran away with Panic,same reason. OOC:Hey Mandy.We'll be partners ok?
Amber:Right! She ran up to the group of normal robots and started attacking them. She ran up to one put a nice neat slice through it and moved on.The others were doing the same.Run up attack and move on.Soon only the large robot was left.They surrounded it from all sides and prepared to attack.They all attacked at the same time and the robot was soon smashed to wires and pieces of metal.Then something happened that none of them expected.A whole large group of big robots came out. Yami:Look's like we're going to take a while.....
OOC:I don't care.Whatever everyone else is using I'll go with.
Soon enough Amber and Blade arrived at David's house. She knocked on the door.David's voice replied through the door. David:Coming! David opened the door. David:Hi Amber!Blade! Amber:Hey. They walked to David's room where Josh,Patamon and Guilmon were waiting.Blade walked over to the other two digimon. Amber:Hey!So what's the problem?? Josh:He doesn't know much so he's still searching for info. Amber:Okay.So what's happening with you Josh? Josh:Oh nothing much.Me and Patamon are still the same.You? Amber:I'm the same.It's boring like usual in my household. They looked at the three digimon talking and play fighting and waited for the others.
Has anyone seen Master Quest? It's the second half of Johto. Whoever's seen it.What do you think of it?
Can we be a character from Kingdom Hearts? Coz that's kinda related to Disney. Get back to me ASAP
Sakura sat down on a convenient rock and accessed her laptop box. She transferred a pokemon in and got one out.Then she stood again. Sakura:Pidgeot go!!!! Sakura jumped on Pidgeot's back and took off to the skies.She saw Shinobi taking a rest in the trees and hovered next to him. Sakura:Hey Shinobi!Wanna ride?! Shinobi:Sure. Sakura stretched out her hand and Shinobi took it and he swung up.They flew above the group but not too fast.Soon the group saw Pidgeot fly ahead then come back. Sakura:Mountain Drop's right ahead!Not too far to go! The group kept walking.They got to Mountain Drop and they stared in awe.It was huge!!!Sakura landed the Pidgeot. Sakura:Come on everyone!!All aboard Pidgeot Airlines!! Everyone laughed and got on.Pidgeot got a little air and glided down to the bottom of Mountain Drop. Sakura:Okay guys.Go exploring!If you need something or want info come to me.I'll be sitting here! So everyone released some pokemon to help them find other pokemon.
Amber unsheathes her sword from her back Amber:Alright!!Finally a bit of action!!! She ran behind the robot and tapped it on the shoulder.The robot turned around and Amber made a nice neat cut straight through it. She saw another robot heading towards Yami so she quickly sliced that one too. Yami:Thanks. Amber:No problem.Keep working,I'll stand guard until you're done. Yami:Cool.Thanks.
Amber was sitting in her room playing on her computer when suddenly an email warning appeared on her screen. She went to her email and opened it. It was from David. It was titled Very Important! Amber:Come on Blade(Her nickname for Blade Gabumon)we gotta go to David's house. Blade:Great let's get going!! Amber:Wait a minute Blade!I gotta get some stuff first! [she got her blue backpack out of the cupboard and started to pack what she thought was important.Then she quickly had a change of clothes and ran out the door.] Amber:Mum,Dad!I'm going out.I might not be home for a few days!! Mum & Dad:Okay Amber!Take care of her Blade!! Blade:Of course! Then Amber and Blade ran out of the door and started running. It wasn't hard to run the whole way because they did running every morning and every evening to keep fit.
OOC:Oh wow! If it isn't Mr Special! Has to make a big entrance is it?!? Well excuse me for making such a small entrance!
I heard that that Team Aqua looks like pirates. And Team Magma wear robes with hoods that cover their heads. Is that true??
Name:Amber Game: (Fictional) Appearance:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes.She wears a baby blue jacket open with a white shirt underneath,with blue pants and white socks with blue and white joggers. Bio:She was a normal girl until some invaders came into her town and killed her parents.She was enraged!She took her father's Sword of Rayn and left the town.She ran to the forest for a few years.In the years she met a wolf cub.She cared for it because it had gone through what she had.She named it Mango,because it liked to eat mangoes.When she returned to town everyone looked at her strangely.She went to her old house and picked up some supplies.And she also went to shops to get some supplies.Then once again,she left hoping to get revenge on all evil people. Weapon: Double edged sword(Sword of Rayn)strapped to her back.And a double ended glaive that she just carries around.
Soon the announcer came back and gave the groups maps of the island.The groups walked off. Sakura:Come on Haiku!! Haiku:Right! Sakura went to her laptop box and got out a pokemon. Sakura:Pidgeot go!!!!! Pidgeot:Pidgeo!!!!!! Sakura got up and helped Haiku on. Sakura:Pidgeot's great.Don't worry.Just relax.Pidgeot lift!! Pidgeot flapped it's giant wings and took off to the sky. Sakura:Pidgeot.Not as fast as we usually go!! Haiku:How fast do you usually go? Sakura:Okay Pidgeot!Our speed!! Pidgeot shot off leaving a blazing trail of light behind them.Haiku watched in awe at how fast Pidgeot was going.The wind whipped their hair back. Sakura:Okay Pidgeot.Slow again. And Pidgeot slowed down to just gliding on thermals. They looked for a good place to land and catch some pokemon.
[color=royalblue]Amber:Kyubimon!DigiModify!!HYPER SPEED ACTIVATE! Kyubimon sped up.Attacking Magemon whenever there was an opening. Lauren:Gatomon!!!Digivolve!!!!!! Gatomon:Gatomon digivolved to..............Angewomon!! Lauren:Go Angewomon!!! A:Heaven's Charm!! John:Gargomon!!Get in there!!! Gargomon:Bunny Pullmel!!!!! A:Celestial Arrow!!!! Mage:Argh!!!!!!!Mage Bomb!!!! Digimon:Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Tamers:NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Amber:That's it!!!I've had enough!!!Kyubimon!!!!!!!!DIGIVOLVE!!!!!! A blue card appeared in her hand. Amber:What?!?!Oh Well...Kyubimon!!DIGIMODIFY!!MATRIX DIGVOLUTION ACTIVATE!!!!!!!!!!!! Kyubimon:KYUBIMON DIGIVOLVED TO.......TAOMON!!!!!!!! Amber:GET HIM TAOMON!!!!!!!! Everyone watched with interest. Tao:Spirit Talisman!!!!!!!! Mage:MAGE BLASTER!!! He aimed it at the tamers.All the digimon watched in horror as they were shot into the vortex... Digimon:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They all jumped in after their tamers....[/color]
[color=royalblue]Will:What pokemon did you catch anyways? Shinobi:I'm not sure... Sakura:Show me. Shinobi released the little pokemon.It looked like a little quail. Sakura:Awwww...You caught a Lanchet!They usually travel in groups. Shinobi:Yeh....I found that out. Hope:Should we get going?? Sakura:Right! Sakura picked up some of the fruit still on the floor and put it in her backpack.She went to the river and splahed some cool refresing water on her face to wake her up,then she stood with the others. Sakura:If we keep heading the way we were going then we'll arrive at a canyon.It's called Mountain Drop. Rei:W-w-w-why i-is it c-c-called M-m-m-ountain Drop?? Sakura:Well I called it that because when my dad and his scientists came one of them was seperated.He was scared of the pokemon so he ran.He didn't see the canyon...He plunged straight to the bottom.Immediate death....And the sad thing is.Is that he was my brother...... a tear fell from her eye onto the ground. Hope:How sad.....I'm so sorry for your loss... Sakura managed a small smile:Thank you.I hope none of you have to go through anything I've been through! Rei:I-I-I'm sorry..... Sakura: Don't worry Rei.It wasn't your fault.My brother was an exellent scientist.That's how he was seperated.He was studying a small pokemon.And no one noticed he wasn't with them.When he finally realised everyone was gone he panicked.He ran and dropped right in. Hope:How did you find out?? Sakura:Well...I've been here for a long time right?Well I explored that area and saw a white labcoat.I got out my Pidgeot and flew to the bottom.I couldn't tell it was him...Until I looked at the nametag.I was so upset.I cried for a long time just crouched next to his body.I'm usually not like that but the reason being me and my brother were really close.After a long time of crying I heard the sound of pokeballs opening.I looked behind me still crying and saw Amber,Pidgeot,NightShade,Thunder,Flare and Wave all watching me.Then they walked up to me and hugged me.And I kept crying.I was there for about a day and a night.The morning after I regained composure I returned all my pokemon and got on Pidgeot.I took one last look at him then ordered Pidgeot to speed off,far away from the canyon.I haven't been there since. Shinobi:We don't have to go... Sakura:No...I need to be stronger.And you guys need pokemon. So they kept walking.Sakura was lagging behind thinking about all the good memories she had of home.She shook them away and said stubbornly to herself.'This is home now!' even though she didn't want to believe it.It was true.Her father would probably be dead by now.And he died alone.His only too children thought to be dead,and mother who would have left him.Because that's what sshe said before we left. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FLASHBACK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mum:If anything happens to either of them I'll be out that door soo fast! Dad: Don't worry..Nothing will happen.I promise! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END FLASHBACK!~~~~~~~~~~ Then she strengthened up and caught up with the others but still burdened with memories......[/color]