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Everything posted by Sakura
[color=royalblue]Amber heard all the noise so she quickly flew over as fast as she could.She saw a man in robes standing in the middle of the destruction. Amber:'I feel evil power coming from him!I have to find some help!' And she quickly flew away from there.[/color] OOC:Sorry it's such a short post.I just needed to make an entrance.
I'll join too. Name:Amber Age:15 When she met digimon:3 years ago Personality:She's very caring and loving.She's also very helpful.She can also be a bit cautious at times,like if someone new arrives she'll be a bit careful until she knows them well enough. Background:She still lives with her parents and she goes to a public school.At school she's quite popular so she has a lot of friends.Then one day she walked home with a friend.She reached her house and said goodbye to her friend.She went inside and she met her digimon.They talked to each other and now they're best friends. Description(I just felt like it):Amber wears a baby blue opened jacket over a white t-shirt,with blue pants,white socks and blue and white shoes.She has chocolate brown hair and emerald eyes. Digimon: Rookie:Blade Gabumon Champion:Blade Garurumon Ultimate:Were Blade(Were Garurumon) Mega:Metal Blade(Metal Garurumon) Biomerge:------- Other:Omni Blade(Blade Omnimon) Is that okay?Should I change it because of Chaos'???Tell me if I have to.I'll change it straight away.
[color=royalblue]Amber:That was close. Sonic:Yeh!We have to be more careful from now on.Eggman's going to do everything he can to get these emeralds. Terra:Yeh!We have to find his base and get the emeralds! So they continued their quest for the emeralds.[/color]
[color=royalblue]Yami kept walking.He heard some footsteps.He turned around,but he didn't see anyone.Meanwhile Sonic,Terra,Knckles and Amber were huddled in the bushes. Sonic:We need a plan! Amber:Hmm....I say we wait and then when he's far enough up we head for that bush over there. She says pointing to another bush.So they waited.Cautiously Yami walked towards the pool.When Yami was far enough the group sped to the next bush.They peeked through the leaves.Yami sat at the edge of the pool examining the F-Chaos Emerald. Yami:This rock is so strange.I've never seen one of these! Knuckles:He has a F-Chaos Emerald!! Terra:We need to get that!! Sonic:But how??? Amber:Why don't we just spring on him?!?! Sonic:But what if he's strong?? Knuckles:We'll surround him.The only way to escape is through the pool!Unless he's chicken like someone we know!! Looking at Sonic. Sonic:Hey!!That's not nice!! Amber:Should we try it?? Terra:Why not?!?! Sonic:Okay!!Charge!!!!! They all raced out from behind the bush.Yami quickly looked up.He gripped the emerald tight. Yami:What do you want?!?! Amber:We want that emerald!! Yami:You can't have it.But what is it anyways?? Sonic:You don't know what it is?!?! Yami:No!What is it?!?! Knuckles:It's a F-Chaos Emerald! Yami:I've heard of them!!You can't have it!!It's the only way to save the world!!!! Amber:Wait a minute!If you want to save the world then you must be one of the good guys!! Yami:Yes!Of coursse I'm good!Aren't you the baddies?? Amber:No,We thought you were the bad guy! Yami:Looks like we've had a mix up.I'm Yami. Amber:I'm Amber! Sonic:Hey!I'm Sonic! Knuckles:I'm the guardian of the Chaos Emeralds.Knuckles!! Terra:I'm Terra. Yami:Nice to meet you all. Sonic:Hey Yami.We really need that emerald! Yami:But I need it.... Amber:I've got an idea!!Come with us Yami!! Yami:Ok. They sped off back to base. Amber:Hey Tails!! Tails:Hey!You found another emerald!!But who's he?!?! Yami:I'm Yami!And you are?? Tails:Oh sorry.I'm Tails. Sanza:I'm the guardian of the Chaos F Emeralds!Sanza! Lunar:I'm Lunar!! Yami:I see you need this emerald correct?? Tails:Uh...Yeh... Yami handed over the emerald.He was about to leave when...... Sonic:Hey Yami.Why don't you join us??You want to save the world too right?!So stay with us!! Yami:Really??Gee Thanks!I haven't had a friend since I left Angel Island!!I'd love to join you!! So they all thought of how to find more emeralds and foil Robotnik![/color]
Er....I'll just be a good person or whatever. [color=royalblue]Name:Amber Age:20 Class:Warrior Race:Human Alignment:A female warrior of Rayn Proficiencies:glaive skills,evasion,defense,martial arts. Weapon of Choice: Double ended glaive.(Two blades.One on top and one at the bottom)She just carries it around like a staff. Bio:She was only about 15 when enemies raided her town.Then the enemies came into her house.Her parents heard them coming and hid her away in a cupboard.The door was still open a crack.She loked through it and watched the murder of her parents.After the incident she was raged.She ran into her room,grabbed things she would need and ran to the room where her parents were murdered.Their bodies were lying there soaked in their own blood.Her father had tried to fend them off with his sword and her mother had tried to defend with her glaive.She picked her mother's glaive.She looked at her parents one more time.Then vowed to get revenge on whoever did it to them.She went to the weaponsmith and asked him to weld another blade onto the glaive.He welded on another blade,polished it,cleaned it and sharpened it.She was about to take out some money when he stopped her.He said he was good friends with her parents.She thanked him and then she ran out of town and went into the forest.She spent a few years in the forest.She got to know animals and she soon got a companion.A lone wolf cub.Whose parents were also murdered by hunters.They became friends and they grew a few years together.She named the wolf Mango.Because it seemed to like mangoes.They never left each others sides.The reason they're such good companions is because they both went through the same thing.After the few years in the wild she returned with Mango to Rayn.Everyone was scared of them because Mango was a wolf.She soon discovered that they had made a smallish army against the enemies that killed friends and loved ones.They named it the Warriors of Rayn.She joined with Mango. Description:Medium height.Tanned skin from being in the sun.Chocolate brown hair with emerald eyes.She wears a baby blue jacket open over a white t-shirt,with blue pants,white socks,blue and white shoes and a blue backpack with supplies.[/color]
Sounds interesting... Name:Bagheera Movie:Jungle Book Appearance:A sleek black panther. Personality:Loyal,protective. Abilities:strong so able to climb trees fast and run fast.his structure makes his physical attributes good such as movement and agility.Good hearing. Reason for volunteering:Needs execise away from his jungle home. BTW:His nickname is Baggie
Shinobi:Houndoom.Try to be quiet ok?? Instead of answering with voice the pokemon just nodded. Shinobi:Ok.Come on. They soon got to the hoard of pokemon. Shinobi:Ok.Fire Spin at those pokemon!! Houndoom let out a quiet fire spin.However.The pokemon were not! Pokemon:Lan!!!!!!!!!!!!! Espeon:[b]Shinobi!!They're up!![/b] Shinobi:Crap!!Pokeball go!!! The pokeball hit a pokemon and captured it.It shook once...twice and sealed. Shinobi:Come on!!Quick! He quickly picked up the pokeball and returned Houndoom.Then he raced back to camp.He was too late.Hoppe was standing outside next to Espeon. Espeon:[b]Sorry.I tried...[/b] Shinobi:It's not your fault... Hope:You got a lot of explaining to do!! Shinobi:Uh oh...
Thanks Takuya.Anyways BigCajones you are correct.That is what I was asking for.Your turn.
Sign Up Pokemon: The conflicts of Team magma and Team aqua
Sakura replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
Name:Amber Age:15 Pokemon: Eevee Umbreon Pidgeot Flareon Jolteon Vaporeon Appearance:A baby blue open jacket,white shirt inside,normal blue long pants,blue and white sneakers.She has auburn hair with emerald eyes. Bio:She used to live in Rayn until she got her pokemon licence.On her journey some people in another town told her about the Hoenn Incident.She was also told about Team Magma and Team Aqua and their goals,so she decided to stand up and fight against it. What team you're on:Chosen Ones -
Can I ask my question now?? Ok...This is an easy question but here goes. In Gold and Silver tell me what level each of the three starters evolve to all their levels.From 1st to 3rd.
[color=royalblue]The orange figure walked up to the door and knocked. Amber:I got it! Amber opened the door. Amber:Hello?Who are you may I ask?? Orange:My name is Sanza.I am the Chaos-F Emerald Guardian.Who are you? Amber:I'm Amber. Knuckles:I've seen you around before. Sanza:So have I.You are the Chaos Emerald Guardian are you not? Knuckles:Yes.I am.The name's Knuckles. Sanza:Sanza... Tails:I'm Tails.Um...Is that a Chaos-F Emerald?? Sanza:Yes..I'm looking for the others. Tails:So are we.Uh...could I have that emerald?? Sanza:What for?? Tails:To merge people. Sanza:What do you think you're playing at??God??You can't just go around merging people together. Tails:But I already merged that *points to Flickypant* Sanza:But how do you know if it will be the same??What if something goes wrong?? Amber:You know..That's exactly what I said. Terra:We won't know unless we try will we?? Lunar:I think Terra's right.However.If something does go wrong.Then the 2 people will never be the same.... Tails:I think we should still try it!! Sonic:Who's going to be the two guinea pigs?? Tails:Sonic!When did you get back?? Sonic:Just then. Amber:So who are the two people about to be merged?? They all stood there and thought.Did they want to be merged??Did they want to take the risk of never being the same???[/color]
[color=royalblue]When Nick got to the exit.Cassie and Trevor were already waiting. Trevor:Hey!About time Nick! Nick:Yeh yeh!My parents set up a surprise party for me. Cassie:Oh...How nice! Nick:Oh yeh.I gave my Cynadaquil a nickname.It's name is Amber. Cassie:Cool.Maybe I should give my Chikorita a nickname too. Trevor:My Scyther's name is fine as it is. Cassie:I'll have to think of a nickname.... Nick:Ok.Enough talking.Let's get going!! Amber:Cynda!! Nick:Haha..See Amber agrees with me. They all take one more look at the city then walk out the exit.Not looking back.They all knew that they wouldn't see Rayn again for a long time.They got to a field. Nick:Ok Amber!Quick go round up a pokemon!! Amber:Cynda!!Quil!! Amber soon found a pokemon.It was a Pidgey Nick:Ok.Ummm....Amber...Tackle?? Amber:Cynda!!! It took a run up and tackled the pidgey. The pidgey was a bit fased.Then it countered with a gust. Amber curled up into a ball for defense.After the gust attack Amber was really angry.The flames on his back shot out in a fury. Nick:Amber Flame Thrower!!!! Amber:Cyndaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!Quillllllll!!!!!! The pidgey lay there on the ground exhausted. Nick:Pokeball go!!!!!!!!! The pokeball shook once....twice...a third time...and sealed. Nick:Alright!!!!My first capture!!!Way to go Amber!!!Return!!! Then Nick clicked both pokeballs onto his belt. Trevor and Cassie were just looking on. Trevor:Wow...Your Cyndaquil's really strong! Nick:Thanks.I'm sure your Scyther and Chikorita are just as strong! Cassie:I want a pokemon.Chikorita go!!! Chikorita:Chiko!!!! Cassie:Ok Chikorita!Go find a pokemon!! Chikorita:Chiko!!!! It took a while before Chikorita came back chasing a pokemon.It was rattata. Cassie:Great.Chikorita.Start it off with a tackle attack!! Chikorita:Chiko!! The rattata fell over and then it got up.It did a tackle back at Chikorita.Chikorita was angry now. Cassie:Ok Chikorita!Vine Whip!!! Chikorita let out a vine whip.First it entangled rattata and started slamming it on the floor.Then it whipped it.After the barrage of attacks the rattata was laying on the ground wounded. Cassie:Ok.Pokeball go!!!!!!!!! The pokeball shook once....twice and sealed. Cassie:Yay Chikorita!!!Return!! Then she put both pokeballs in her backpack. Trevor:If you guys are done.Let's go! Nick:But don't you want to catch a pokemon?? Trevor:Nah!!I'm saving my pokeballs for a good strong pokemon!! Nick:Fine.Whatever you prefer. They kept walking.along the way Nick decided to let Pidgey and Amber run out of their pokeballs.After he let them out they started running around playing with each other.They had already become best friends.Then Cassie did the same with Nick.Chikorita and Rattata ran around and joined Amber and Pidgey.Then Trevor released his Scyther.Scyther flew over to the others and joined in the games.As the three humans walked.The five pokemon ran about frolicking. Soon they came to the end of the field and reached a forest.[/color]
Hey People!!! Could whoever signed up join the actual RP now???Please?!?! And just letting all of you people know.I have another RP called Sonic:The Future.I would appreciate it if you joined that as well.Even if you're not a Sonic fan.Just take a look. Ok that's all Thanx:D
Sorry.I got the japanese version...That's why they're spelt different.
The 2 teams are Team Aqua and Team Magma as someone already said. It depends on what version you have.If you have Ruby you get Team Magma and if you have Sapphire then you get Team Aqua.Their goals are to capture Gurahdon(Ruby/Magma) and Kaiohga(Sapphire/Aqua) Am I right Takuya??
[color=royalblue]Suddenly a red blur flashed past. Geotenx was lifted by the red blur and taken away. After a while the blur stopped.And it put Geotenx down. Nanaki:Are you ok?? Geotenx:W-w-w-who are you??? Nanaki:My name's Nanaki II but everyone calls me Nanaki.What about you? Geo:I'm Geotenx.Oh no!!Zan!! Nanaki:Who's Zan?? Geo:He's my friend!He fell unconsious!!We have to get him!! Nanaki:Hmm.Ok get on my back. Then Nanaki ran back to where he picked Geotenx up. The man had left.Zan was just laying there severly injured. Nanaki walked up to him. Nanaki:Geotenx.Put him up on my back with you. Geotenx struggled to pick him up.But he finally got Zan on. Nanaki:Ok we're going to go back to the town I was at before ok? Geotenx just nodded with tears in his eyes. Geotenx:Is he going to be ok Nanaki?? Nanaki:I'm sure he'll be fine. Geotenx smiled a little.Then Nanaki sped back to the town.But was a bit slower because of the weight and in case someone fell off. They got into town and Nanaki went straight into the inn. Nanaki:I'm back again.I need another room. Registerer:Sure.It looks like you need some help with that man. Nanaki:Yes thank you. Registerer:room service! The room service guy came again. RS:Hello sir.Nice to see you again.Thank you for the present. Nanaki:No problem but could you help me with this man?? RS:Oh sorry.:blush: The room service guy picked Zan up.The registerer gave Nanaki the key to the room and they went searching for the room with Geotenx still riding on Nanaki's back.They found the room and the room service guy layed him on the bed. Nanaki:Thank you again. RS:Glad to be of help.Goodbye.Call of you need anything! Nanaki:Sure.Geotenx you can sleep with Zan. Geo:Ok.But what about you Nanaki?? Nanaki:It's ok.I'll sleep on the floor. Geo:But you're paying for the room.You can't sleep on the floor! Nanaki: Don't worry about it.And I'll just use a light blanket.You 2 can have the quilt.But right now I need a shower. Nanaki walked into the bathroom and closed the door.He turned on the water and adjusted the temperature,then he got in.The water was nice and warm.He just stood there for a while enjoying the heat as it cascaded over his back.He reached up and got the soap and lathered himself.Then he rinsed it off.He turned off the water and got out.He shook himself out and dried the rest rest of himself with a towel.Then he exited the bathroom.When he looked in he saw the room service guy and Geotenx was talking to him.He walked around to them and saw that there was a mattress and a quilt on the floor next to the bed. Geo:Nanaki.I felt so guilty about you sleeping on the floor with a thin blanket.So I got this nice man to bring a mattress and quilt.And he was happy to because you were so nice. Nanaki:Thanks. Zan:Ungh...What happened??Where am I??? Nanaki:You were knocked unconcious.We're in an inn in a small town. Zan:*more elert*Who are you?!?!Geotenx quick get behind me!!! Geotenx just stood there:Zan!You should thank him!! Zan:What for?!?! Nanaki:I'm Nanaki II.Everyone calls me Nanaki.I saved you and brought you and Geotenx here on my back.Boy!You guys are heavy. Zan:Oh...I'm sorry..Thankyou very much for saving our lives. Nanaki: Don't worry about it. Zan:Who's paying for the room?? Nanaki:I am. Zan:No.You can't.You've done so much for us already! Nanaki:Not yet.*he turns to the RS guy*bring us a large meal! RS:Yes Sir! and he left to go get the food. Nanaki:Tomorrow morning we shall go weapon and armour shopping.I'll pay! Zan:Nanaki.You've don'e so much!!How do we repay you?? Nanaki:All I ask is for travel companions... Zan:Surely there's more we can do!?!?! Nanaki:No Zan.That is all I wish for in the world.Friends and Companions. Zan:Of course we'll be your friends and companions!!Who wouldn't after how you treat people!! The room service guy came back with the food. Nanaki payed him and he left. Nanaki:Enjoy! Zan:Thank you...Sincerely,thank you. Nanaki: Don't worry.I helped Geotenx because he looked so scared and innocent.Then he begged me to go find you.So that's how it was.I'd do that for anyone.Even if they're my worst enemies. They all washed their hands and started eating.After all the food,Zan decided he needed to have a shower. Nanaki:I'll get room service to bring some disinfectant and some bandages for your cuts. Zan:You don't have to.I'll be fine. Nanaki:No you won't! He called room service and they soon came. After Zan's shower Nanaki helped him apply Disinfectant and put on the bandages. Nanaki:Geotenx.Go have a shower now. Geotenx walked over to the bathroom and had a shower. Everyone was tired from the day so hey all decided to get aneary night.Geotenx and Zan climbed into bed and Nananki layed in his bed on the floor and thought of the new fun adventures that he would have with his friends.[/color]
[color=royalblue]Hi All!!! This is my second RP.My first one didn't do too well so I'm hoping this will be better.I've been a Sonic fan for a long time so I decided to make an RP of it.I hope there's some Sonic fans out there! Ok the story line is.Sadly to say.Sonic and co. have died already and there's a new trouble and new gems(not emeralds any more) the new kind of gem is the Ruby. Ok so what you need is: Name: Race of Animal: Good/Bad: [b]Position****Look down!!!Very Important!!![/b] Description: Bio: Specialities/Attacks: Before I say anything else.About [b]Position[/b].Here's a list of positions. Scientist [b]Computer Wizz[/b]---Desperately need one!!!Someone to replace Tails!! Warrior---Please I [b]beg[/b] you.Don't all be warriors!!! Medic--Depends.Helpful if we had one. I think that's all.If there's any more I will edit it. Here's my Profile. Name:Princess Amber Race of Animal:Hedgehog Good/Bad:Good Position:Warrior Description:A lightish powder blue colored hedgehog(kind of like my writing colour),A double edged sword sheathed, strapped on her back.[b]Edit:[/b]And she carries a double ended glaive. Bio:She's a tomboy.She's been on the island ever since she was little.now she's about 15.All she remembers is that she has been on the island ever since she can remember.She doesn't even know that she's a princess.The small animals she talks to knows,but they've never told her. Speciality:Super fast speed,martial arts,sword skills,good manuver abilities,since she's been on the island ever since little she can talk to the inhabitants.As in small animals.She can call upon any animal to help her.Hyper speed drive(she climbs a tree and launches herself off it in a flip spin and she can fly for short distances.[b]Edit:[/b]She also knows how to use her double ended glaive.She knows how to turn it around and use the bottom blade to attack. I think that's all I should say. Enjoy and have fun!!!:D[/color]
[color=royalblue]Sakura:Do you have a lot of pokemon? Haiku:Kind of. Sakura:Ok.Let's go looking for some new pokemon!! Haiku:Yeh! They both went into a grassy area with rocks and trees. Sakura:Amber,wait here. She said as she started climbing a tree. Haiku:Sakura what are you doing? Sakura:Looking for pokemon! Haiku:Anything? Sakura:Yup. Suddenly a few birds came down from the tree.Then Sakura jumped straight down.Pokeball in hand. Sakura:Flare go!!!!!Fire Blast those birds!! Sakura's Flareon Flare got out and singed the birds. Sakura & Haiku:Pokeball go!! The two pokeballs wobbled.Once....Twice...Three times and it sealed. Sakura:Alright!Good job Flare!Return!! She took out her laptop from her backpack.She accessed her pokemon box and put a pokemon in so she could keep the new pokemon with her. Haiku:Wow.That was great Sakura! Sakura:I've had better! Haiku:Are you really experienced?? Sakura:I guess you could say that.But I mostly have to thank my team.As I already told you when I first came I'm an Eevee trainer.So I guess I have to be pretty experienced.I have all the evolutions of eevee.I'm hoping to find a new evolution. Haiku: Do you really have all the evolutions??? Sakura:Yeh.I haven't introduced them to you yet.But you'll find out when we have to battle other people. Haiku:Ok.The element of surprise eh? Sakura:Haha You could say that.Come on.Let's get back. Haiku:Right. And Sakura,Amber and Haiku started making their way back to the crowd.[/color]
Amber:But Tails won't that be dangerous?What if something goes wrong? Tails:Nothing should go wrong.The Flicky and the Tiny Elephant fused together. Amber:But they're smaller and different to us.What if it's not the same? Tails:I guess we just have to hope for the best Amber. Amber:Sorry I'm so paranoid but I'm worried about everyone's safety.If something goes wrong and I lose any of you then I would be crushed. Sonic:Don't worry Amber.Just stay positive. Amber:I'll try.....
Sakura:Ok.That's fine with me.Tomorrow we'll bring some fruit with us and go find more new pokemon.Good night. Shinobi:Good night... ----------------------------------
[color=royalblue]The next morning they found Shinobi asleep on the rock he was sitting on,with his earphones in his ears. Hope laughed then shook him awake. Shinobi:Ungh.....*yawn*Good morning.... Everyone was looking down at him. Hope:Come on.We're moving out.Sakura says that we might even find more pokemon while walking. Shinobi got up:Ok then. They got their stuff and continued walking. Sakura:Are you guys hungry? Hope:Now that you mention it.I am. Sakura:Ok.Everyone follow me!! She ran to a patch of trees.Everyone followed her.She went to a tree.She placed her bag on the floor and got a grip on the trunk.And she started climbing it.A shout came from above. Sakura:Watch out guys! They were wondering what she meant.But soon there was a hail of fruit from the tree.Then Sakura jumped out. Sakura:Eat up guys.By the way does anyone have any water pokemon? A few people responded. Sakura:There's a river just over there.Let them have a bit of exercise. Sakura led them to the river:Wave go!!! Wave:Vape!Vape! Sakura:Go have some exercise Wave! Wave:vape!Vape! The others let their water pokemon out.Then they let all their other one's out to play around. They stayed there for the rest of the day.Playing and frolicking about.Then when it became dark everyone returned their pokemon and went to sleep.[/color]
Ok.Well since we have to be one of the characters I'll be Nick with Cyndaquil. [color=royalblue]Nick:Come on guys.We should all go home and get their stuff.Then meet at the exit of Rayn okay?(Rayn is the town they're in.) Cassie & Trevor:Ok. They all went home with their pokemon. Nick:So Cyndaquil,looks like we'll be partners! Cyndaquil:Cynda!Quil!! Nick:Hahaha...How about a nickname?Hmmmm....how about Amber?? Cyndaquil:Cynda!Cynda! Nick: Does that mean you like it?? Amber:Quil!! Nick:Ok then.Come on.Let's get home. When Nick entered the door there was a big party they all surprised him. Nick:Oh wow.Thanks...I don't know what to say... Amber:Cynda!!! Nick:Oh yeh.This is Amber my Cyndaquil,my pokemon partner!! Mum:Oh Nick!!We're soooo proud of you. Dad: Do your best son and don't give up. Nick:Thanks mum,thanks dad.By the way.Cassie got a Chikorita and Trevor got a Scyther.Now excuse us but I have to get my stuff.I'm leaving on my pokemon journey with Cassie and Trevor. Nick exited the room with Amber trotting happily next to him.He went to his room and got his backpack.He got some potions and pokeballs and put them in.(They're presents from friends and family).He also changed before he left.He put on a white shirt with a baby blue open jacket with a hood over the top,blue cargos,blue and white shoes and a pokeball belt around his waist.Then he picked up his backpack.Which was also blue and left the room with Amber.He went back to the party and looked for food.He ate some food,he gave some to Amber, then he packed some to eat on the journey.He said a fond farewell to all his friends and family.He hugged his mum and dad asthey wished him the best of luck.Then he picked up Amber and left to find the exit...[/COLOR]
[color=royalblue]The next morning Nanaki II got up. Nanaki:*yawn*Where am I??Oh yeah.I'm in that inn. He got off the bed and went to the counter. Nanaki:Thanks for the help.And give this to the room service guy who helped me. He said as he handed the registerer an item. Nanaki:Tell him it's from me ok? Registerer:Ok.Thankyou.Please come again. Nanaki II exited the inn and put a B-line straight to the weapons shop.He walked in the door. Nanaki: Do you have any good armour?? Shop Owner:We have a Magnesium bangle.It gives strong protection and doubles the materia growth. Nanaki:I'll take it. Shop Owner:Thankyou.Please come again. Nanaki II left the weapons shop and went to the materia shop.He bought some materia then left.Then he went to the Item shop. Nanaki:I would like 5 X potions,2 tents,3 Hypers and 5 X Ethers. He bought the items he needed and went to a shop and bought a map. He bought some food to eat then he left off to continue his journey.[/color]
[color=royalblue]Sakura:Since I've introduced myself...why don't you guys introduce yourselves to me. Katlyn:Hey I'm Katlyn. Kelsy:Hi,I'm Kelsy.Nice to meet you. Alyce:I'm Alyce. Haiku:Haiku.Nice to meet you. Kimura:Hi,I'm Kimura. Frankie:Hey.I'm Frankie. Sarii:Hi I'm Sarii.Nice to meet you. Katsuu:My name's Katsuu. Katie:Hi,I'm Katie. Todd:The name's Todd. Tatsuya:I'm Tatsuya. Craig:Hey I'm Craig. Xavier:Hi I'm Xavier. Bremma:Hi I'm Bremma. Randy:Hey I'm Randy. Jack:My name's Jack. (BTW Did I leave anyone out???PM me if I did.) Sakura:Ok.Nice to meet all of you. Haiku walked up to Sakura. Haiku:Hi Sakura. Sakura:Hi Haiku. Haiku:How are you??? Sakura:I'm good.And you?? Haiku:I'm well.Hey would you like to be in my team??? -------------------------------------------------- OOC:Sorry whoever's character is Haiku.I hope you don't mind! -------------------------------------------------- Sakura:Sure!I'd love to!! Haiku:Great! Sakura and Haiku walked off together talking.[/color]
[color=royalblue]They kept walking until they came to a large grassy plain. Sakura:This is the Grassy Plains.I know it's a stupid name but that's the best way to describe it.You can find quite a few pokemon here.But be careful!They all look very innocent at first but they will be fierce.To avoid it happening have a pokemon out by your side in case a pokemon jumps at you suprisingly. Everyone heeded her advice and got out their best pokemon by them.Then they started searching behind rocks. Rei:Ahhhhh!!! Sakura:Rei! What's wrong??? Rei was speechless and just pointed. It was a small bear. Bear:Bac! Sakura:That's a Fabac.They're very cute.They are actually quite innocent. Rei:P-p-p-p-pokeball g-g-g-go! And she threw her :pokeball:. It shook a few times and sealed. All of the others started looking for Fabacs.In the end most of them got one. Sakura:It's starting to get dark.We should camp out here. Hope:But why?Isn't this place dangerous at night. Sakura:Well yes,but the nocturnal pokemon all come out when it's dark.Then you guys will be able to catch more new pokemon. Will:Good idea Sakura! They set up camp and waited in the dark.Soon they saw a few pairs of eyes.The trainers got out :pokeballs:, then they all threw them,hoping to get a pokemon. Sakura:Flare ember!! Flare:Flare! Flare!! Flare held a small flame in her mouth. All the trainers picked up their pokeballs.They all threw them and some got something and some didn't.Hope got one. Hope:What is this?? It was a tiny Pygmie. Pygmie:Pina!! Sakura:That's a Sapina. Hope picked it up. Hope:Awwwww....It's sooooooo cute!! Shinobi got a Sapina as well. Will got a different pokemon. Will:Sakura what's this?? Sakura:That's a Mitami. The Mitami was a small possum like creature. Will:Cool. Rei:Awwwww...I-i-i-i didn't g-g-g-get one.... Sakura:Don't worry Rei.Atleast you got a Fabac! Rei:I-i-i-i g-g-g-guess so.... Sakura:Come on guys!Let's get some rest! They all agreed after a tiring day.[/color]