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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. Oh man! Teknoman was a great show.Although I haven't seen it for a long time. I remember Pegasus and the guy's crystal that broke etc. I'd love to see it again.
  2. [color=royalblue]I think it's Teknoman. Where they get into robots with use of special crystals and stuff ......well that's what I think....... What do you guys reckon??I haven't seen Teknoman for ages.Since I was a bit younger.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=royalblue]Amber came out from the pathway. Amber:Hey guys! All:Hey Amber Amber:What's happening?? Terra and Lunar got out of the water. Lunar:Sonic's being chicken.He won't swim. Amber had a mischievous look.She got eye contact with Lunar and Terra,then looked down at Sonic.They got the message. They all walked up to him and lifted him up and dunked him in the water. Sonic:Ahhhh!!!! He was out of the water before you could say Eggman. He rushed back to his chair and tried to get the water off him. Terra,Lunar and Amber were all laughing at Sonic's antics. Then Lunar and Terra jumped back into the water. Amber unstrapped her sword from her back and put it next to Sonic and she jumped in the water as well.She started splashing Terra and Lunar.Then they started a water fight.Splashing and yelling. Sonic:Hey!Keep it down would ya'? They all got that mischievous look again and they all splashed him. Sonic:Ahhhhhhh!!!!Not again!!!I'm outta here.Seeya in a while! And Sonic sped off in a dark blue blur. Amber:Haha!!Sonic's so afraid of water!! Terra:Yeh.It's cause he almost drowned once and we saved him. Lunar:Right.I remember that day.After that day he was afraid of water. Amber started doing a free style around the pool. Then she got out of the water and strapped her sword back on. Amber:Come on!Let's go find him! Terra & Lunar:Right! They both got out of the pool as well and sped off in a green,white and baby blue blur....[/COLOR]
  4. Sorry Trainer....I didn't really mean to.You can ask your question or whatever...I just asked because you didn't ask one.
  5. Sakura

    Digimon Crisis

    [COLOR=royalblue]Rika:Renamon,Do you think we can really go back? Rena:I hope so Rika.....I hope so. Rika went to the kitchen and looked in the fridge to see what to eat. She brought out some ingredients and some bread and started to make a sandwich.Then she put it on a plate and got another plate.She put a bit of meat and some bread.Then she walked into her room where Renamon was waiting.She handed Renamon the second plate and sat on her bed eating the sandwich.They ate in silence.Just as Rika finished the doorbell rang.She went to open the door.When she opened the door she saw a very excited group.Takato infront of them all. Takato:Come on Rika!!!We're going back. Rika paused then she became happy like the others. Rika:Renamon! Rena:Yes Rika??Why's everyone so excited?? Rika:We're going back Renamon!!! Renamon had a smile on her face.Then she examined the group. A very excited Takato,Kenta,Kazu,Ryo,Jeri,Suzie,Henry and Rika. Rena:wait...Where's Mako and Ai??? Takato:We're going to get them now.Come on. Rena:Come on.I'll fade you all there.Everyone hold hands with Rika. They made a long chain.Then Renamon grabbed Rika's hand and they all faded away. Ai & Mako:Yay!!Impmon!! Takato:Yeh!!Let's go! They all held hands again and they faded to Guilmon's hole. Rika:Here goes nothing......[/COLOR]
  6. R/B/Y:Bulbasaur,Ivysaur,Venusaur.Charmader,Charmeleon,Charizard. Squirtle,Wartortle,Blastoise. G/S/C:Cyndaquil,Quilava,Typhlosion.Totodile,Crocanaw,Feraligator. Chikorita,Bayleef,Meganium. R/S:Torchic,Combusken,Blaziken.Treeko,Grovyle,Sceptile.Mudkip, Marshtromp,Swampert. Q:Explain in Detail how to uproot SudoWoodo in Gold and Silver.And what type is he??
  7. [COLOR=green]TK got to Kari's house to find her still half asleep. Kari:*yawn*Oh Hi TK.... TK:Are you still asleep???And I thought I woke up late! Kari:Don't make fun of me TK!I stayed up late last night. TK:What for? Kari:I was decorating the house.Tonight we're having a welcome back party for Mimi. TK:Oh ok.So what do you want to do right now. Kari:I want to sleep but I have to keep decorating.Then I gotta go shopping for stuff. TK:Let me guess.You want me to help. Kari::DHeh heh heh TK:Oh well.Might as well.I brought some stuff from my house. He pulled out a few rolls of streamers. Kari:Cool,I can take that off my shopping list.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=royalblue]Suddenly there was a big wave and there was a girl and an Umbreon riding on a Vaporeon. Girl:Wave return!!Hi everyone! Katlyn:Who are you? Girl:Oh sorry..how rude of me.My name's Sakura!This is Amber my Umbreon.Am I too late?Have you guys already chosen teams?? Announcer:No it's not too late.Just find someone to go with. Sakura:Ok,Come on Amber!By the way.I'm an Eevee type trainer.So can I join a team?[/COLOR] --------------------------- OOC:Seriously!can I join someone's team?? Thanx
  9. OOC:Sorry Sheikahmon. I posted before you put that post about Wave up. If you sent it earlier I would have changed it. But my story is kinda good.Or do you still want me to change it? [color=royalblue]IC: Sakura:I don't know how to prove myself to you guys.But the reason we must leave is because there are more dangerous pokemon coming.When the Pindice was defeated it let out a piercing call to tell all the other pokemon in the area to attack the new inruders!!! Shinobi:How do we know you're telling the truth about it?? Sakura:Fine,If you don't believe stay here and wait for about 3 minutes. She said sitting down and patting Amber and NightShade. Everyone stood and watched.Then suddenly a whole lot of pokemon including Pindice came rushing out charging at them. All:Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Sakura:*Relaxed*Now do you believe me?! Shinobi:Yes Yes!!Now do something!!! Sakura:Flare,Thunder Go!!!!!!!!!!! Flare:Flare! Flare! Thunder:Jolt! Jolt! Sakura:Thunder thunder attack!Flare Fire Blast attack!!!! They both attack the group,they all got frisseled and ran away. Shinobi:I'm sorry for not believing you... Sakura:It's ok,but if you really want proof of who I am...then here! She produced a pokedex.It was a new model. Will:Wow.where did you get that?? Sakura:It's a model my father was working on.I was taught how to program stuff into it.I've programed the new pokemon into it. She grabbed her laptop from her backpack and went to her pokemon box.She put a pokemon in and took another one out. Sakura:*She opened her pokeball.*This is my Pindice.Watch. The pokedex beeped,and it said Pokedex:Pindice,The Ice pokemon,It lives in mountany snowy parts.It looks innocent enough but don't be fooled,when you least expect it,it will let out a freezing Ice Beam attack and freeze you to an ice block. Will:Cool.Who's voice is on the pokedex?It doesn't sound like the usual mechanical voice. Sakura:*a teardrop falls from her eyes*It's my father's....... Will:I'm sorry Sakura...I didn't mean to make you sad... Sakura:It's ok Will.She pushed a few buttons and an ID screen came up. Pokedex:Sakura Bandata,From the town of Rayn.She is a licenced pokemon trainer.*beep* Sakura:Now are you satisfied?? Shinobi:I'm sorry for ever not believing you. Sakura:It's ok.Pindice return!! Then she put it back in the laptop and got her pokemon out again. Hope:Just asking but do you have any normal pokemon from Johto and Kanto?? Sakura:Yeh,I've got my team and a lot others.Now let's get out of here finally,before more come after us! Everyone laughed and agreed,then they finally left the snowy plain.[/color]
  10. I'm in! [color=royalblue]Name:Amber(Good guy) Age:20 Gender:Female Race:Saiyan Description:Auburn hair,emerald eyes.She wears a baby Blue jacket opened,white shirt inside,blue pants and blue and white shoes joggers. Bio:Crash landed in a ship.She got up and flew around until she saw a place.She flew to a little cottage in the middle of no where.She landed and knocked on the door.A lady answered.She explained her story and she let her stay.She went out into the mountains to train everyday.One day she returned and she some how knew that she had to leave to go on a mission. Planet:Opent Weapon:A double ended glaive[/color]
  11. ok Mighty mandy.Good to see you. You're in! everyone that has signed up can join the actual RP at any time!
  12. Ok Digifan and Psyco you're in.Now just join in.You can find a digimon later on...
  13. For the battles make sure you are stocked up on Auras. That was my favourite spell because it helped me in times on need. Like the others have said you should use Carbuncle. But it does depend which fight you're on. The first battle is very easy,keep using Carbuncle so Edea will waste a turn.The second battle is a little harder,third is harder still but the hardest is of course the last one.Maelstrom can be terrible so make sure to use Carbuncle.After that pummel her with Squall,Zell/Irvine limit breaks.If you have Rinoa or Selphie don't use the limit breaks until you have to.Just use them as a healer.You should get through it.If you have the three guys as your party then use the weakest for healing and the strongest to fight.
  14. Soon Kyubimon got to the building.Venna,Boogiemon,Takima,Dogmon,Amber and Kyubimon all looked up at the dark vortex.Then all of their Digivices started beeping again.Amber looked down at it.and 'hmmm'ed Venna:what's wrong Amber? Amber:There's another digidestined and his partner coming this way. Kyubimon let's go check it out! Kyubimon:Right! and Kyubimon sped off towards the signal. Amber:There they are! Travis and Guilmon stopped in their place. Amber jumped off Kyubimon's back and looked at them. Amber:Who are you? Travis:I'm Travis and this is Guilmon. Guilmon:Yay!!!New friends!!! Amber:I'm Amber.Come on you can take a ride with us.We have to find out what that vortex is doing above Takima's dad's company. Travis just nodded.Amber helped both of them to get onto Kyubimon's back before getting on herself. Amber:Come on Kyubimon! They soon made it back to where Takima and Venna were standing. Takima:Who's he? Travis:I'm Travis and this is Guilmon. Guilmon:Even more new friends!!! Amber:come on,we've gotta check that vortex out.Takima.Do you know the way to the roof? Takima:Sure do!Follow me. Takima led them through the building and they finally reached the roof.They all stared at the mass of blackness. Venna:I wonder what it is.... Then suddenly a human like figure appeared out of the vortex. Human:I am Magemon!What are you doing here? Takima:We could ask you the exact same question! Mage:I am here because I have been sent by my master to get the digidestined of this world and bring them to the Digital World. Then their Digivices started beeping again. They all looked.It seemed that 3 more digidestined's were coming. Amber:It's my brother John and two other people.(G/S/B Master I'm saying you're my brother becoz we both have the same parents.Hope you don't mind)Then they finally arrived at the roof. John:Woah!Who's that? Amber:That's Magemon....Who are your two companions? Tai:I'm Tai,my partners are Bobblemon and Bubblemon. Marie:I'm Marie,this is my partner Lopmon. Amber:I'm Amber,that's Kyubimon.My Renamon's Champion level. Takima:I'm Takima and Dogmon is my partner Pupmon at Champion. Venna:Hi guys!I'm Venna that's Boogiemon,Impmon at Champion. John:I'm John,Amber's brother.That's my partner Terriermon.Hey Amber have you got a spare Evolution card? Amber:Yeh,here. Mage:Are you done yet?!?!?!*Stress mark* John: Digi Modify!Digivolution Activate! Terriermon:Terriermon digiolved to..........Gargomon!!! Mage:As I was saying before.I am here to take you digidestined and bring you to the Digital World!!! Amber:You'll have to fight us first!!!Go Kyubimon!!! John:Right!Go Gargomon!!!!!!!!!! Venna:Go Boogiemon!!!!! Takima:Go Dogmon!!! ????:Can we join? Girl:I'm Lauren.Go Gatomon!!!!! Boy:I'm Chris.Gypsymon Go!!! Marie: DigiModify Digivolution Activate!! Lopmon digivolved to..........Turuiemon Marie:Go Turuiemon!! The battle has started!!!
  15. [COLOR=royalblue]Suddenly a girl walked out from one of the large mountains of snow. Girl:Who are you people? Hope:Hi,I'm Hope,we're from Johto and Kanto.Who are you? Girl:My name's Sakura.Johto and Kanto.....they used to be my home... Shinobi:What do you mean used to? Sakura:I've been stranded here for a few years ever since I was 12.My father was a famous professor and he always went on expeditions.One year he decided to bring me along for educational purposes.Then they left without me.My father realised too late,the scientists wouldn't let him return because the volcano you passed erupted. Shinobi:So how did you escape the eruption. Sakura:I climbed up a tree,and there was a Pidgeot in it.He had sprained his leg.So I made a splint.To thank me he flew to his nest.It took care of me for a few months.Then I decided to leave. Will:Have you captured any of the pokemon here? Sakura:Of course!You don't live here for 3 years and not capture anything! Suddenly a penguin waddled out. Penguin:Pinnnnnnnnnn Sakura's hand flew to her pokemon around her belt. Hope:Awwwwwwww how cute!!!=^-^= Sakura:Be careful.It's not as innocent as you think! Thunder go!!!!!!! Thunder:Jolt!! Sakura:Thunder,Thunder attack now!!! Thunder:Jolt! Jolt! Teonnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!! Penguin:Pindddddddddddddd!!! And it fired an ice beam at Thunder. Sakura:Thunder dodge and then do the agility combo!!!! Thunder:Jolt! Jolt! he dodged the ice beam and then the agility combo.First he did a very fast agility,then it did a quick attack and ended with a Thunder attack. By that time the penguin was almost dead. Sakura:Anyone want it?I've already got one. Will:What is it? Sakura:It's called a Pindice. Rei:C-c-c-can I h-h-h-have it? Sakura:Sure,by the way,you guys have to introduce yourselves later. Rei threw a pokeball at it and it shook three times before sealing. Sakura:Thunder return!!!Flare go! Flare:Flare! Flare! Sakura:Fire Blast all this snow so we know if there are anymore pokemon! Flare:Flare! eonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! The Fire Blast attack melted all the snow and some snowbunnys came out. Sakura:These are Frips. Everyone got out a pokeball and threw them and they all got one. Hope let her Frip out and it was soooo cute.It's a small rabbit that is powder blue with beady brown eyes and a cute black nose. Sakura:They usually start out at level 6.Flareon return! Will:How many of these pokemon do you have. Sakura:Quite a lot.Me and my team just go searching for pokemon all day.No matter if it's dark or cold or raining. Ok now you people have to introduce yourselves.I know Hope.So? Will:Hi,I'm Will Shinobi:I'm Shinobi Rei:H-h-h-hi I'm R-r-rei Kes:I'm Kes,nice to meet ya (Did I leave anyone important out?PM me and tell me) Sakura:Ok cool.Do you guys wanna meet my team? All:Sure! Sakura:Everone come out!!! This is Amber my Umbreon,NightShade my Espeon,You've already met Thunder and Flare my Jolteon and Flareon,Eve my Eevee and Wave my Vaporeon. Will:Wow!They're all evolutions of Eevee! Sakura:Yup.Everyone except Amber and Nightshade return! Amber's good for fighting and NightShade is my telepathic.But so is Amber.So let's get away from here! And they all walk away together.[/COLOR]
  16. Is it too late to join? Name: Sakura Age: 15 Specialty: All Pokemon especially Eevee types. Description- Brown hair, green eyes, white shirt, baby blue jacket, blue jeans Attitude: Friendly,doesn't like bullies. Team: Amber(Umbreon) Nightshade(Espeon) Thunder(Jolteon) Wave(Vaporeon) Flare(Flareon) Eve(Eevee)
  17. [COLOR=royalblue]Name:Amber Race of Animal:Hedgehog Description:A powderish light blue hedgehog.(kinda like my writing colour)Carries a double edged sword on her back. Bio: Not sure exactly who she is or who she is related to.Tomboy Speciality:Fast runner,computers,martial arts,sword skills.[/COLOR]
  18. After a long time of running.Nanaki II finally got to a town. He quickly ran into an inn that was close by. "One room please...*huff**puff*"he managed out. The person at the counter handed him the key.He took the key and then he fell on the floor from exhaustion. "Sir!Are you alright?!Room Service!!!"the person yelled. "Here take this man to bedroom 45.The key should be in his paw." The room service guy then picked Nanaki II up and carried him to the bedroom.He put him on the floor and went to get a towel and blanket.He walked over to Nanaki II and started drying him with the towel.Then he picked him up again and put himon the bed and put the blanket over him.Nanaki II dreamed away,imagining how the rest of his adventure would be like.
  19. [quote]You can have tamers if you want in this one. I don't care, as long as you can handle it...by Na'dou[/quote] [quote]BTW Can I be my own Tamer and Digimon?As in act both?Coz I don't know anyone....by Me[/quote] [quote]It doesn't matter to me...by Na'dou[/quote] It says right there.
  20. Sakura

    Pokemon Paradise

    Hey what's this about? Can people join? Do we have to be one of the three characters you put there? Get back to me as soon as possible. Either through the boards or PM me. Thanks:D
  21. Sakura

    Digimon Crisis

    [COLOR=royalblue]Suddenly Renamon appeared next to the humanoid figure. Renamon:Who are you?Are you a digimon? Humanoid:Yes I am a digimon,my name is Sorcerermon,and who are you? Renamon:I'm Renamon,what are you doing here? Sorcerermon:It's none of your business why I'm here! Renamon:Fine and she faded away. Back at school...... Rika:'This is sooooooooo boring!' she thought Teacher:Rika! Rika:Yes?! Teachers:Come up here and explain why you haven't been paying attention! Rika slowly walked up to the front of the room and faced the teacher. Rika:I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention miss.*bowing* Teacher:You are excused.Now sit down and pay attention! Rika:Yes ma'am Rika pretended to pay attention the whole time. Soon the bell rang signaling the end of school.She quickly slung on her backpack and bolted out of the door.She ran behind one of those large bins. Rika:Renamon! Renamon fades in Renamon:Yes Rika? Rika:Take me home.I'm tired from school. Just as Renamon was about to fade away Takato ran over. Takato:Hey guys!Guess what!?!? Rika:What Gogglehead? Takato:We can go back to the Digital World!! Rika:How? Takato:Guilmon's hole!! Rika:When? Takato:Not sure.Soon hopefully.But the worst that can come is that the portal will close... Rika:Ok,get back to me later.Renamon let's go!! And Rika and Renamon faded away.[/COLOR]
  22. Name:Amber Ryuuzaki Nickname:Amber Age:15 Digivice & Colour: D-Arc/Power(same thing right?)Baby Blue Friends:Renamon Personality:A bit touchie,like Rika from S3. Side:Good Bio:Been taught to live well her whole life even though she is still very easy to get angry. Digimon:Renamon Evos: Renamon-Rookie Kyubimon-Champion Taomon-Ultimate Sakuramon-Mega Sakuyamon-BioMerge Katanamon-BioFuse
  23. Venna,Impmon,Takima and Dogmon all run to the company.When they arrived another girl was already there. Girl:Who are you? Venna:I'm Venna and this is my partner Impmon Takima:I'm Takima and this is my partner Dogmon who are you? Girl:I'm Amber!And that...she indecates with her finger..is my partner Renamon! Then Venna and Takima noticed the baby blue D-Ark in her hand. Venna:where did you get that D-Ark? Amber:I dunno,I went to sleep one night and the next morning it was next to my pillow and Renamon was sleeping on the floor next to my bed.Hey whose company are these digimon overtaking? Takima:My dad's!! Amber:Ok then,don't just stand there!Give Renamon a hand!! Dogmon:Right!Renamon I'm here to help you!! Renamon:And just who are you? Dogmon:I'm Dogmon. Impmon:And I'm Impmon. Venna:Impmon!Digivolve!! Impmon:Right!Impmon digivolved to...................???I can't! Venna:What do you mean you can't? Impmon:I don't know! Amber:Venna!catch! And Amber threw a card at her. Venna:What's this? Amber:It's a digivolution card.Watch and learn! Renamon!DigiModify!Digivolution Activate!!!!*card slash* Renamon:Renamon digivolved to..........Kyubimon!!! Venna:I get it!Impmon!DigiModify!Digivolution Activate!!!*card slash* Impmon:Impmon digivolved to.........Boogiemon!!! Kyubimon:Let's go Amber! Amber:Right!Hey you guys wanna lift? She asked getting on Kyubimon's back,then helping everyone else on.Then Kyubimon sped off towards the vortex.
  24. Name:Amber Parents:Rika and Ryo D-Ark:Baby Blue Cards:Clone:Can turn into the opponent like Ditto in Pokemon. Hyper Speed:Digimon becomes faster in speed. Attack Upgrade:Makes the digimon partner stronger for a period of time. Digimon Partner:Renamon Digivolutions:Reremon-Fresh(Bubble) Viximon-In Training(Bubble Blow) Renamon-Rookie(Diamond Storm) Kyubimon-Champion(Fox Tail Inferno,Dragon Wheel) Taomon-Ultimate(Anyone know attacks?) Sakuyamon-Mega/BioMerge(Anyone know attacks?)
  25. Here's one i'm a 3D box and a bee It's very easy.
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