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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon
[SIZE="1"][B]?I don?t think she thinks very highly of you,? [/B]Reggie said as he turned off the television. [B]?She just doesn?t understand that I was acting in self-defense.?[/B] [B]?Greg, er, Xaoc, they were trying to arrest you and you aren?t exactly a fluffy kitten when it comes to any type of confrontation.?[/B] [B]?Yes, but that spoiled brat should not speak of what she doesn?t understand.?[/B] Reggie sighed heavily knowing that he wasn?t going to get anywhere with Xaoc. [B]?Well, on the bright side you at least got some nice media attention.?[/B] [B]?Bad media attention.?[/B] [B]?Hey, bad publicity is still publicity. Maybe you?ll get some more respect at the vigilante clubs.?[/B] [B]?You?re just too funny,?[/B] Xaoc said without a laugh. [B]?I need a change of armor and a reload of weapons.?[/B] [B]?All right, you need your mask recalibrated? It looks like it may have taken a few hits.?[/B] Xaoc thought briefly on it then peeled off his high-tech gas mask, [B]?Very well, it wouldn?t hurt anything.?[/B] Taking the mask Reggie waved his hand around the room, [B]?Help yourself to whatever you need.? [/B] As Reggie began working on the mask Greg wandered the room gathering up ammunition and ignoring the guns since there wasn?t anything new around. He the replacement armor was stored and Reggie replied with a grunt and a pointed finger at a closet. Greg opened it up and took out a new set of armor and put it on while he waited for Reggie to finish up. [B]?All right, man, you?re all set. You looked armed to the teeth, you need anything else??[/B] Putting the mask back on Greg Eisberg was once again Xaoc. The voice that replied returned to its robotic sound as it passed through the vocal amplifiers, [B]?No, I have everything I need.? [/B] [B]?Hey, before you go: Scuttlebutt has it that a ?Bat? has been shaking things up with a select few.?[/B] [B]?Has Scuttlebutt said anything else? Is this Bat an imposter or one of the former partners??[/B] [B]?Second question first: No one knows. Whoever it is, they?re good. The gender hasn?t even been seen. As for the first question: big Arkham breakout. A bunch of Batman?s old enemies were released, no one knows how, why, or whodunit.? [/B]Reggie said. Xaoc was paused at the window looking out over the busy city below, [B]?Keep your eyes and ears open and let me know if you hear anything about this. I?ve got a bad feeling about this.?[/B] Without further farewells Xaoc was out the window, leaving Reggie alone with his thoughts in the high-rise apartment that he afforded because of his gun trade. Xaoc, Reggie thought, was slowly becoming a criminal. It didn?t bother Reggie in the least since his own actions were highly illegal and many of the people that Xaoc fought were customers. Reggie only hoped that Xaoc would come to his senses and either go full criminal or stop his activities altogether. Going full criminal would be the most logical since there was no one that could convince Xaoc to stop his activities. The name Xaoc even reflected the criminal world since it was the Russian word for chaos. Reggie knew that he would have to start treading lightly. Even though he was great friends with Greg Eisberg he knew that Xaoc was essentially a different person and not one to be crossed by allies. But he also knew that before long one of the two would finally be stopped by the law. With the police force as fraternal as they were, even with its corruption, they would not stand to see their brethren harmed by Xaoc. The full force of the Gotham PD would bear down on him and if they suspected Reggie in anyway no amount of bribery would protect him. With the eventual influx of cash in the GCPD?s coffers they would be better equipped to deal with people like Xaoc and the other criminals. All of this reminded Reggie of the days of Batman when the Dark Knight would provide technological help to the police and Bruce Wayne would provide monetary assistance. It didn?t seem strange that the offspring of Bruce Wayne would follow in her father?s footsteps. Something clicked in Reggie?s mind. [B]?There is no such thing as coincidence??[/B] he muttered to himself. He kicked at the floor and sent himself and his chair scooting across the floor to his computer. He started pulling up several different files most concerning Batman and Bruce Wayne. Just by skimming through the files he started to see some interesting things. First and foremost was the public knowledge that the two had died at relatively the same time. Reggie began to see that on nights Bruce Wayne was at a public function there was no mention of Batman. It?s not like crime exactly stopped in Gotham and Reggie knew Batman never took unnecessary breaks. [B]?Bruce Wayne was Batman?? [/B] Other than what he had read he had no further proof. He sincerely wished that Oracle was still around so that he could ask her about this. Of course, he thought, if she were still around she would probably be very unhappy with the life he built upon the reputation as having worked for Oracle at one time. [I][B]Follow her father?s footsteps... [/B][/I]Reggie?s eyes widened as he looked at the screens in front of him. Years ago Bruce Wayne had returned from a trip that he learned the ways of the world, and he seemed mature and then not long after Batman showed up and the maturity Wayne had shown went away. Selena Wayne comes back after years of soul searching and then a ?Bat? rumor starts. Reggie smiled. This would be his ace in the hole if things started going south for him. He wouldn?t even tell Xaoc since this information would be rather upsetting to him. ** Xaoc was at a loss. His life of fighting crime had come crumbling down around him with the arrest attempt made by the GCPD. They no longer wanted his help they wanted him in jail. After all the sacrifices he had made, after all of the assisted arrests, he was a wanted man by the law. [I]Perhaps Reggie was right, [/I]Xaoc thought; [I]perhaps my methods are too harsh.[/I] Xaoc decided it wasn?t his methods. It was the police?s. They were too soft on crime and that is why they were losing this war. Xaoc knew he would have to step up his efforts in order to help them. But if they got in his way again, he would do more than incapacitate them.[/SIZE]
I have a question: Is it public knowledge that Batman and Bruce Wayne are one and the same? I know that Muuh Puar briefly touched on this in his last post but I just wanted some confirmation. Additionally, is Oracle still around or did she exist in this version of the DC Universe and if so may I briefly use her? I've come up with some interesting ideas that I would like to explore but I don't want to be stepping on any toes. Thanks, - D.D.
[SIZE="1"]The bell overhanging the door rang as a customer walked in to sell his goods. Greg looked up from behind the counter with a smile that quickly disappeared to see it was a repeat customer. [B]"Hello, Robbie, how are you today?"[/B] he asked as pleasently as possible the younger man approached. [B]"I'm good, Mr. Eisberg," [/B]Robbie scratched vigorously at his neck, "How much for this stereo?" Greg put on the glasses that were for show only and glimpsed at the stereo. [B]"Isn't that the third stereo you've sold me this month?"[/B] [B]"Uh, no, Mr. Eisberg, not that I know of,"[/B] Robbie shifted uncomfortably. Greg knew he had him in a lie. [B]"Robbie, burglarly is a crime and you selling me hot items isn't going to get you far in the world and it can even bring me down too. I will give you ten dollars for the stereo and the address of the people you stole it from. Then I want you to turn yourself in to the police and get help for your drug problems."[/B] [B]"Man, $#@% you!" [/B] Robbie stormed out of the pawnshop with the stereo in tow. [B]"Oh, Robbie, I wish you hadn't said that,"[/B] Greg whispered. ** It was night time and Xaoc was on the prowl. Already his night had been eventful with the apprehension and mild maiming of some punk named Robbie. The night was still young, though, and there was plenty left to be done in Gotham; The City of Crime never slept and neither did Xaoc. Xaoc found himself perched on top of a car inside of a parking garage. He was watching a man wonder around, apparently looking for his car and completely oblivious to the group of six LoBoyz following him. Xaoc adjusted his gas mask and started his pursuit of the LoyBoyz. The man that the street gang was following had apparently found his car and the LoBoyz made their move, as did Xaoc. Coming up behind a straggler Xaoc quickly and quietly snapped the man's neck and allowed him to flop to the ground. As he approached his next target the gang had caught up with the wayward man. [B]"Please- Please, no!"[/B] Was all the man had managed to get out before being struck in the face with brass knuckles. Xaoc wasted no more time and drew out his 1911 and put bullets into the backs of three of the Loboyz who quickly dropped to the ground crying out in pain. The two remaining thugs spun with their guns drawn and started shooting without even looking. Xaoc wasn't there though. He rose up behind the two men and smashed their heads together hard. They, too, fell to the ground in a daze. [B]"Freeze you bastard!"[/B] Xaoc slowly turned as he heard the cocking of a revolver and saw the man he had just saved pointing a gun at him with one hand and holding a badge with the other. In a matter of seconds the garage as ablaze with sirens and lights from the GCPD squad cars and SWAT vans. [B]"You are under arrest for several murders in Gotham City. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can, and will be, used against you in a court of-"[/B] Xaoc cut off the arresting officer's sentence with a roundhouse kick to the head. As he finished his move he brought out both of his pistols and unleashed their potential on the police force, being careful not to kill, only incapacitate. Although being caught offguard the police opened fire on Xaoc, who felt several hits dig into his armor. He knew he would have to get out of their soon, the armor wouldn't stop all of the bullets. He darted for the side of the garage, still firing his gun, and lept over the concrete barricade, leaving several severely wounded police officers in the garage above. __________ [I]I censored the major cursing in the comic book fashion, didn't know if it was a requirement but I do know it felt right.[/I] [/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][B][U]Name:[/U] [/B] Greg Eisberg [B][U]Superhero Name[/U]:[/B] Xaoc [U][B]Age:[/B][/U] 29 [U][B]Gender:[/B][/U] Male [U][B]Appearance:[/B][/U] Out of costume: Greg is quite often seen in business casual attire. While trying to keep a relaxed appearance he doesn?t want to look unprofessional. He has dark brown hair and eyes to match and he keeps himself meticulously groomed. When Greg is Xaoc he wears an all black suit that is form fitting, but not skintight. He wears a black leather jacket that is lined with Kevlar and leather pants that are made in the same fashion. Both are designed to allow mobility in the joints so that he is able to move. Because of this needed mobility it does create a weakness to his armor. To top off his costume he wears a black gas mask. This is due to a fear of encountering an enemy that uses gas attacks as well as hiding his identity from the public. The mask also has other features that will be explained in the ?Equipment? section. [U][B] Personality: [/B][/U] As the pawnshop owner Greg is very polite to all of his customers and will sometimes just give money out of pocket without collateral to customers. He understands that people can hit hard times and the things they are selling have a higher value than what he can give. His general kindness has won over the hearts of the people that live nearby him and has even granted him a reprieve from protection payments to local thugs. Xaoc is a ruthless vigilante that uses excessive force whenever necessary. The polite demeanor of Greg Eisberg completely vanishes when the mask and armor are put on. He has absolutely no problem with killing criminals if the situation requires it. Unfortunately there are times when he blurs the line between innocent and criminal which can lead to the death of both types. Due to this occasional lapse in judgment he should be considered untrustworthy. [B][U]Powers: [/U][/B] Greg has no exceedingly special powers to speak of. His only physical abilities come from the US Marine Corps training he received when he was in his late teens and early twenties. His knowledge of weapons also comes from his time in the military. Greg is extremely intelligent but is usually hindered by his near psychosis. Greg also has a friend still in the military known only as Reggie that supplies him with ammunition and other little gadgets that may come in handy. More about Reggie can be read in the ?Character Bio.? [U][B]Equipment: [/B][/U] Xaoc/Greg?s gas mask is something that he designed just for the purpose of crime fighting. Reggie built the mask for Xaoc and maintains it for him. He also considers the mask to be his greatest creation. The mask has a 360 HUD display giving Xaoc a complete display of his surroundings. It is also equipped with night vision and infrared and even glare dampening that Xaoc can control remotely from a wrist mounted computer. Xaoc, while heavily influenced by Batman, maintains an extensive arsenal of weapons. He tries as best he can to keep up with the latest in assault rifles and side arms. When he is on patrol he usually has with him two 1911 .45 caliber pistols and a M4 assault rifle as well as several combat knives and plenty of ammunition. [U][B]Character Bio/Snippet:[/B][/U] Greg is a second generation American. His grandfather and grandmother were both Russians who survive the Holocaust during WWII. Shortly after the war the two moved to America, Gotham City to be precise, and welcomed their son into the world. Greg was born in Gotham General Hospital and attended public school. His father ran a pawn shop which allowed Greg to meet a great deal of interesting characters when he helped out his father. Growing up he idolized Batman and all of the allies of the Caped Crusader. He knew when he was young that he would one day be just like Batman. Greg was 17 when Batman was killed. The Dark Knight?s death put Greg into a deep depression that he hid when he joined the United States Marine Corps. The depression, Marine Corps mantra, and the stories he was told by his grandparents led to the harsh actions he is prone to take upon the criminal underworld. It was in the Marines that Greg met Reggie who would later help Greg acquire his weaponry. To help fund this Reggie started a lucrative arms dealing business. In agreement with Xaoc, Reggie won?t sell the weapons in Gotham directly but makes no promises that the weapons won?t make it back into the city. Because of the arms dealing Reggie has acquired an arrest warrant that he and Greg both ignore. Xaoc?s ruthlessness in his crime fighting has also led to a warrant issued for his arrest as well as the distrust of other, more legit, superheroes. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="2"]Opposing Villain[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Greg has no defining foe. The truth is he is practically a standalone that has both villains and heroes alike against him.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][B][B][U]Name:[/U][/B] Jacen Meltorn [U][B]Age:[/B][/U] 30 [U][B]Race:[/B][/U] Human [U][B]Appearance: [/B][/U]Jacen wears his hair cut short to the scalp. He maintains a very clean-cut look by maintaining a mustache and goatee meticulously. He has blue eyes and a smile that gives him a roguish look that helps him be rather successful with the ladies. If he tries hard enough he can even manage to catch himself a stuck-up she-elf. As he travels the countryside he wears a mixture of leather and chainmail. When he is visiting a village or city he dresses accordingly to allow himself to mingle with the various classes. The attire he wears for these types of occasions is rarely obtained legally. [U][B]Personality:[/B][/U] Jacen is a conman at heart. Despite this he is a skilled fighter that is always on the alert for danger. This could be due to his conman status always making him have to think one step ahead of others. [U][B]Weapons: [/B][/U]Like everything else Jacen has a well-kept long sword. It has no other special attributes. Jacen also carries a small number of knives that he can hide on his person when his sword is too conspicuous. [U][B]Abilities/Powers:[/B] [/U]Jacen is very persuasive. He can use his charm to convince almost anyone anything. There are some exceptions but there is little he can?t acquire with words. Because of this he usually has a very nice supply gold at hand for the instances when he can?t talk his way into or out of a situation. Besides the gift of the gilded tongue Jacen is very skilled with his blades and can use them for an assortment of tasks from cutting up dinner to disemboweling someone who may or may not deserve it. [U][B]Bio: [/B][/U] Jacen was just outside the Blended City. He had traveled for three days to reach these gates and wanted to make sure that his entrance was grand and well remembered. Jacen wanted people to know that he had come to answer the call of the Allied Council. If all went to plan his name would be known throughout all of Alimathia. He would then be able to capitalize on that fame and retire from the life of adventuring and turn his attention to the women of the world.[/B][/SIZE]
[CENTER][COLOR="navy"][SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"]Merely a Glitch[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Navy"]The alarm sounded and the engineer quickly made his way down into the steam-filled engine room. It never failed that when he was eating that something would go wrong. Finding nothing wrong in the gauges and print-outs he reported to the captain that the alarm set off by a mere a glitch.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][B]Name: [/B]Alexander “Alex” Dragonov [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance: [/B]Alex is a man of average height standing at an even six feet. As a child he was of a heftier build but as he grew older his weight dissipated as he worked harder to stay in a healthy state resulting in an athletic build. Alex has a long jaw-line and a pointy chin that runs in his family. Despite this he does have a baby face that he keeps covered with facial hair (that he keeps well trimmed) that makes his twenty-five years of age seem to be too young for him. Alex deviated from the looks of the rest of his family with his hair and eye color. While all of the members of his family have dirty blonde hair and blue or green eyes, Alex has jet black hair that, unlike his beard, is constantly disheveled and hazel eyes that can sometimes have a manic look to them. He maintains a wardrobe similar to that of a biker. He has never personally rode a motorcycle, his mother forbade it, but he inherited a motorcycle jacket from his father and he wears it all the time regardless of the weather. He also garbs himself entirely in denim jeans and plain t-shirts at all times. He also favors steel-toed boots for their safety features. [B]Personality:[/B] It is important to know that Alex is mentally unstable. He suffers from occasional and drastic mood swings similar to bipolar disorder; he is also cynical, borderline pessimistic. There are rare occasions where he can look at the bright-side of a situation but usually makes up for it by following through with how it could go wrong. It is an annoying habit he has and he realizes it but he doesn’t care how others feel about it. While he is apathetic towards how people feel towards him and maintains a cynical view on life he does have a great deal of loyalty to those he considers a friend. His loyalty to friends and cynical views are the two parts of his personality that act as a double-edged sword. His undying loyalty can make him too trusting of someone and his cynical views can help to prepare others for multiple options while also aggravate them. Alex is also very curious. He likes to learn things and when something interests him he will throw himself into it until he knows as much about it as possible. Because of this he is a jack of all trades yet a master of none. This part of his personality does a great deal of good in keeping his mental instability in check as it keeps his mind focused. [B]Special Skills:[/B] Because of Alex’s natural curiosity he knows a great deal of things. His strongest skills are to be able to look at a situation and see multiple ways in which it could conclude. Aside from that skill there are many others but he doesn’t share his knowledge with others unless they ask and even then he keeps the answers vague and usually difficult to understand. [B]Weapons/Equipment:[/B] Alex tends to not carry many weapons. Even though he is mentally unstable he understands that he is mentally unstable. Because of that he knows that it probably isn’t the best idea for someone with oftentimes violent mood swings to carry anything that will bring harm to someone else. If he focuses himself on the situation at hand he is able to use many weapons to the point of being able to defend himself. His specialty weapons are usually small blades and handguns. He is also quite adept at explosives and nothing makes him happier than a good explosion. [B]Writing Snippet: [/B] [i]That was an interesting experience,[/i] Alex thought as he observed the landscape around him. It’d been a while since he’d seen an entire universe explode like that. Okay, he had never seen a universe explode like that he finally admitted to himself. Regardless it raised his curiosity enough to wonder if any other universe had exploded like that. [i]Oh lord,[/i] he thought, [i]my entire family is dead.[/i] He fell to his knees and felt tears roll down his face as the reality of the situation fell upon him like a ton of bricks on a cockroach. Then he remembered the old saying that cockroaches could survive anything and wondered if they could survive an exploding universe. He got up from his knees and continued walking, his grief momentarily forgotten as he began to ponder the possibilities of anything surviving the destruction of existence. [i]Well, I’m here, I guess you can survive something like that.[/i] He continued walking along and just noticed that he was on a road. It wasn’t a very good road, it was made of dirt and had a great deal of water-filled holes marring it. [i]Someone should fix that,[/i] he complained. Nothing ruined the landscape like a bad road. He was brought out of his thoughts by a sudden explosion which caused a great deal of excitement for him. He looked eagerly around and saw the mushroom cloud of the explosion just yards away. His smile grew broader as the dirt and other debris started to pelt him and the ground around him. “Good explosion!” “Wer sind Sie!” a voice from behind demanded. Alex turned, his face still smiling, to see a soldier pointing a rifle at him flanked by a number of other soldiers. One of the soldiers didn’t have a weapon pointing and seemed to Alex to be the one asking the questions. “Hi! How are you? My name is Alex Dragonov. What’s yours?” “Englisch? Sie sind amerikanisch? I mean, you are American?” the soldier asked. “Well, I suppose you could say that. Your German, right?” “Ja, I am German. What ist an American doing in the middle of Europe in the middle of war?” “War? Who’s fighting? Well, obviously the Germans are, but who are you fighting against? The Americans? The Brits? The Froggies? Oh, oh, oh what about the Ethiopians? I’ve always wondered what would happen if the Ethiopians went to war against Germany! Of course, they did in a way when Italy tried to take over Ethiopia and got their butts kicked and the Nazis had to come and help kick the Ethiopians butts.” “Silence!” the German officer said. “The Nazis were eliminated after the Great War when they tried to take credit for the Empire’s victory. Now silence yourself. You are coming with us.” Alex shrugged. [i]That is life,[/i] he figured. Just as he was starting to enjoy himself someone had to come along and spoil the fun. He never got ahead.[/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]OOC: Got a little carried away. Been a long time since I've been on here. Thought I'd like to get back into the game. And I know that some things may contradict themselves, but that's just the way Alex is.[/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][B]Ray's plane had touched down and he was already in a rent-a-car driving to his destination. He was about to meet people that he really didn't know except online, and it frightened him a bit. He took it all in stride however and didn't let it show on his face the fear inside. This was his custom when alone. When in groups he had to fake showing emotion, which sucked in the long run but he managed to do so. He turned his Grand Am into the parking lot and found a space far from the entrance of the building. He didn't want to go in suddenly. His social anxiety would kill him around so many new faces at one time. [I]Perhaps, [/I] he thought, [I]I could just go visit some of the places I have always wanted to here in Texas... like, the Alamo and Denton Co. where B.F.S. was from.[/I] "Or I could just walk in there and hope not to die from the stress of it all." [I]How the hell did you become a teacher? You dealt with over a hundred new people this year, and will continue to do so every year that you teach.[/I] "If I knew the answer to that then I wouldn't be sitting here wondering if I should go in." [I]You are a pansy[/I] "People don't say pansy anymore you imbecile." [I]And who, exactly, says imbecile anymore?[/I] ".....Touche" [I]Just go in there and make me proud![/I] "Why don't you just go to hell?"[/B][/SIZE]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]John thanked God for giving man the ability to put food in a bar. This meant he actually acknowledged that God did do some smart things. The food wasn't great, but it was filling, but the beer was superb. Good German import, he lived for this stuff. John's attention to the food made the other avatars not notice him as the avatar for Beelzebub Demon of Gluttony. He had been the first of the avatars to arrive at the bar, but unlike the others, food took precedence over conversation, he could really care less about what is going on, unless Nebution had something to do with it. He hated that man-made S.O.B. John was working on his fourth helping of pork roast and kraut when the other avatars started to look a bit wild. Leliel looked to be behind it all, but he could be mistaken. Hopefully they wouldn't need his assistance, he had far too much food to consume.... "Well damnit, no more food." [COLOR=DarkRed][I]Then why don't you go help out your friends?[/I] [/COLOR] Beelzebub said to him in his head. [I]I would rather not, this food is not half bad..[/I] [COLOR=DarkRed][I]You'll need them, help them, use your other talents to help them out.[/I] [/COLOR] [I]Fine.[/I] John slid his chair away from the table and put a hundred dollar bill next to the plate then walked outside to join the others. Being quiet they barely noticed he was there and he just prepared himself for whatever they were preparing themselves for. Though it didn't really concern him. He pulled out his dagger and started to give himself a manicure whilst he waited.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
OOC: Sorry, work takes precedence over pleasure. [B][SIZE=1] Ray sighed, he hated flying, but driving from Maine to Houston would be a real bitch to pull off. He took a drag on his cigarette as he packed his last suitcase. He hated being late for anything and he was probably going to end up being late for this. A mandatory teacher's meeting made him have to reschedule a flight until two days later. He flicked his cigarette butt out of an open window and then proceeded in closing the window. He went downstairs to turn off his coffee pot and to make sure that his cat would have plenty of food and plenty of litter. Paranoia had his neighbor checking in on the cat every so often to make sure there weren't any parties or the such. Pulling one last A&W Creme Soda from the fridge he awaited the arrival of the taxi cab that would drive him to the airport. [/SIZE][/B]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple][B]Name of Angel/Demon: [/B] Beelzebub - Demon of Gluttony [B]Name of Avatar:[/B] John Castle [B]Age of Avatar:[/B] 32 [B]Sex of Avatar:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [I]Body:[/I] John is short and very plump. When he came onto earth he created his avatar in the likeness of Danny DeVito. He always thought of DeVito when he thought of himself as a human. [I]Eyes:[/I] Black, beady eyes. [I]Hair:[/I] His hair is black and has an almost greasy look to it. He is also balding. [I]Face: [/I] When he smiles, he squints, making his eyes harder to see. He has no scars or other telltale traits. [I]Clothes:[/I] John likes two types of clothing. Business suits, and Hawaiian shirts with kakhi shorts and a wide brim straw hat. [B]Weapon of Choice:[/B] A dirk or any gun that shoots fast. After all, he isn't very athletic. [B]Weapon Style (is optional):[/B] [B]Power:[/B] He can control food. Sounds stupid right? Well, he can control whether or not that food is poisonous, or going to give you an allergic reaction to it. More often than not the allergic reactions are fatal, usually by causing your digestive system to explode. [B]Favorite Color:[/B] Purple, because it relaxes him enough to eat. [B]Likes:[/B] Fatty foods. He also likes the word combination of "Free Food," because, hey, come on, it's food and it's free. Beer is also good. [B]Dislikes:[/B] Health food, Atkins, and other diet regimens, stupidity. [B]Biography of Avatar:[/B] What better lifestyle for the demon of gluttony than food critic. John Castle has traveled the world and has criticized food from any region, and he doesn't have to pay a cent. Being a world renowned food critic he gets to eat all the food he wants and not have to worry about a thing. His favorite place to visit is Germany. Because they have good food, and good beer. It just so happens that he is somewhat a beer critic too. [B]Personality:[/B] Surprisingly John is easy to befriend, and easy to piss off. Usually if he has a good beer, or a good plate of food in front of him he's happy and ready to be a friend to anyone. Especially pretty ladies that are somehow attracted to his... charm. But the second you interrupt his meal, or do something extremely stupid he will be ready to kill you (and he more than likely will). [B]Mortal Enemy: [/B] Nebution, because science leads to health studies. **** that! [B]All-in-all: [/B] Angry fat man.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B] Ray Conrad [B]Age: [/B] 23 [B]Gender: [/B] Male [B]Appearance: [/B] (First I'll give you a written description until I can get a more recent photo of myself on here) [I]Height: [/I] 6' 00" [I]Body: [/I] Unlike his younger self Ray has thinned out some. He's still a little round around the waist but it's not noticable unless you look closely. Even though his body fat covers it, he is quite muscular having worked out for many years with free weights in his home. Unfortunately, he has this habit of eating a bit too much so he wasn't able to lose a lot of the body fat. [I]Face: [/I] He has long eyebrows, luckily they aren't overwhelming. He has a scar on his left eyebrow that makes it look like he has a cow-lick. He sports a full beard that he has been working on since he was 19, he keeps it trimmed to maintain a professional look. [I]Eyes: [/I] Hazel. He is supposed to wear glasses, but one day when he was 19 he decided to stop wearing them, and surprisingly, the women started noticing him a little more. [I]Hair: [/I] He keeps it short. It's brown and just lays on his head with no natural part. When it is short enough he likes to spike it up a bit with gel, or just run his hand through it to give it an organized messy look. [B]Character Snippit:[/B] Fighting off the fatigue from his first year of teaching, Ray opens his email account up in the comfort of his own home. After filtering through all the SPAM that he thought his internet provider was supposed to filter he came across an unexpected email from a friend he hadn't heard from for a while. He read the message and thought he recognized the name, but wasn't sure. Then he remember OB. It seemed like ages ago since he had graced that website with his presence. He smiled at the screen as he sent his reply. He had always wanted to see Texas.[/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkRed]Let me know if it isn't enough. I just don't get all that emotional about anything. *Shrugs* It's the way I am.[/COLOR]
5 Most under rated and over rated bands or artists
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
[U]Underated[/U] [B]Anthrax[/B] - They are a heavy metal band from the early 80's and have survived to present day. They are quite capable of coming out with new albums every couple of years and they keep each of their songs true to the genre. They write their own music and are just amazing musicians. They aren't greedy for money and have said "We thought about sueing people for downloading our music, then realized that they are as broke as us!" [B]Motorhead[/B] - This band has been around for over 30 frickin' years. Lemmy, the bass guitarist and singer sounds like he has been smoking since he was 8 and is, himself, past 60 years old. They even had an album out last year. [B]Public Enemy[/B] - The only rap group you'll hear me talk good about. They... are just hilarious in the way they talk about the country [U]Overated[/U] Linkin Park - They were good when they came out, but when they started to have more rap than rock they went downhill. Metallica - Greedy egotistical bastards that don't deserve the fame they have. Rap music - Why the hell would you write a song about rims, bitches and hoes, and how you popped a cap in someone's ***? Country music - It's emo music with a twang. It is the twang that gets me. And that, as they say, is that. -
About a month or so ago I decided to pick up the novel that was based on the movie. If the movie is anything like the book, which it should be, then it will be kickass. I never really cared for the Matrix Trilogy, but I've always thought Reeves was a decent actor. So yeah, looks to be a good movie. A must see when I have a day off from work and college.
Sign Up Rebirth: The Age of Dragons(PG-13, V,L,S)
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Vilearchangemon's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Jasper Cargorn [B]Race: [/B] Human [B]Class:[/B] Warrior [B]Age:[/B] 39 [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v55/Rayman_879/bwarrior.jpg]click here[/URL] [B]Element(Mage Only): [/B] N/A [B]Weapon of Choice:[/B] Bastard Sword [B]Magical Speciality(Mage only):[/B] N/A [B]Personality:[/B] Jasper has seen quite a bit in his life. But that does not stop him from being kind to others. He is often seen as a light of hope in Venna because of his optimism. However, he can be quick to anger and is rather vicious in battle. So his natural good-hearted tendencies have a dark shadow that can suface easily. [B]Bio:[/B] Born in Benithor he was expected to become a mage. He spent 2 weeks as an apprentice to a mage before he was sent back home to his parents. Jasper just did not have the spirit of a mage in him. One day a group of warriors was passing through Benithor. Instantly Jasper knew what it was he was going to do. At the age of 8 he told the warriors that they were going to take him with them and teach him how to use a sword, or he was going to hurt them. The soldiers laughed but liked his spirit. Without telling his parents, Jasper found himself on the road to Venna to join the ranks of the best fighters in the world. Jasper was able to catch on to everything he was taught very quickly and became a distinguished fighter with any type of weapon and with his bare hands. He still received many disciplinary beatings for insubordination. Eventually his instructors figured that no amount of beating would make him stop causing mischief. Now he continues to show a light-hearted take on life and helps out those in need in Venna, even if it is helping a feeble old man carry his goods from the market. But he is beginning to feel that he intended for a bigger role in the greater scheme of things.[/SIZE] -
[B]Name: [/B] Jack Napier [B]Super Villian Name: [/B] The Joker [B]Age: [/B] late 30's. [B]Super Powers: [/B] None, just his determination, intelligence, and most importantly, insanity. [B]Biography: [/B] Next to nothing is known about Batman's greatest enemy, except that he operated as an enforcer/hitman for various crime bosses before becoming the "Clown Prince of Crime." The Joker first encountered Batman during a botched robbery at the Ace Chemical Factory. He escaped by leaping into a drainage vat of chemical waste, but later discovered the toxins bleached his skin chalk white, dyed his hair fluorescent green, and stretched his lips into a hideous, permanent red grin. It's not hard to understand why such a transformation snapped his already unstable mind. The Joker's methods are simple: gain pleasure in breaking every law and moral stature known to man. More importantly, he makes the crime funnier by playing a game of cat and mouse with Batman. Joker views every crime, infliction of pain, and murder as the ultimate joke -- mocking Batman. Joker's trademarks are his razor sharp playing cards and the laughing gas Smilex, a chemical that infects his victims with the same ghastly grin as his own. Extremely intelligent despite his lunacy, the Joker often accesses information within Gotham City that should only be available to government officials and the police. His only real motive is bringing Batman as close to the edge as possible. Joker strives to outdo Gotham's other villains as well, for if they have the honor of doing Batman in then he has no purpose. To The Joker Gotham is merely a stage on which he performs. [B]Description: [/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v55/Rayman_879/joker.jpg]With Harley Quinn[/URL] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v55/Rayman_879/jokercolorLG.jpg]Close up[/URL] [B]Gender: [/B] Male
This is an RPG idea that came to me in a dream. No joke. I wanted to see what people thought of it before I turned it over into the Inn. What I'm putting on here is just the basic story. I have yet to design the character sheet, or decide the name of two of the moons. Probably just some other names that I'll pull out of my butt. But if one of you has a creative name, share it. [SIZE=1][B]In a far away sector of space there is a planet. This planet is orbited by five moons. Upon each of these moons are a colony of humans. These colonies take up much of the land on these moons, and are becoming dangerously close to being overpopulated. The planet that these moons orbit is very inhabitable. Unfortunately the people of these moons are unable to colonize the planet. The reason? An unnamed species of hostile aliens live on the planet. Each time the humans attempted to colonize the planet, or have diplomatic talks with the aliens, they would be driven away, or killed. That scenario has occurred time and time again, eventually the humans gave up, and faced their threat of overpopulation from new angles. Over time, governments fell, genocides were started, and the moon colonies were thrown into chaos. One day, during one of the more peaceful times of the dubbed, Chaos Wars, one of the moon colonies saw something coming from the planet. They thought it unusual, since nothing ever came off the planet. They watched in fascination as the large metallic cylinder came towards them. Most never knew what happened when the cylinder hit their moon, for they were killed instantly. Other moon colonies that were in sight of the other watched in horror as the moon’s surface cracked and bubbled in volcanic eruptions. Watched as cities fell into the ground, watched as their neighboring moon turned into a very small sun. Three days later, the same thing happened again to another moon. For sixth months, the remaining three moon colonies waited, wondering which one of the moons was next. Only one, was planning a way to keep it from happening. On the moon, Ora, the current government discussed what would be done to counter the threat from the planet below them. It was decided, a group of volunteers would travel down to the planet, and do one thing. Find a way to stop the aliens from destroying the rest of the moon colonies. In three weeks the group was set. A total of nine were going to the planet. Three from each of the remaining moons. Ora had sent word to the other two moons about their plans, and received full support. This group would be led by Captain Jacob Dogah, of the Republic of Ora Army. This is the story, of the Heroes of the Moons.[/B][/SIZE]
For a long time now, I have been brooding over an idea that I can't seem to get off the ground. I have been wanting to create an RPG set in the "Wild West" era. I know this isn't a particularly popular form of RPG, but I always like to go a different way than most. I already have a small inclination to the plot, but it isn't much. So far I have two brothers, names of Eric and Gary Dalton. They are failed bankers from Ohio who move to some Arizona town, probably a fictional town, and become outlaws. Basically the two become sort of the "Anti-Hero". What I have yet to figure out, is what they are going up against, and who will go up against it with them. I was wanting to try and avoid as many cliches as possible. I understand, though, how that will be difficult. I am open to any and all suggestions, questions, etc.
Marshall smiled, "She has told me very little. About the only thing she has said to me since I arrived are sarcastic comments." "So she has given you nothing?" Sammuel asked. "Oh, no, she's told me some. Mostly just about what happened when she received the first of the wounds," Marshall paused, he wanted to make sure he had Sammuel's attention fully. "She was at a bar, and a fellow made an advancement to her, and she denied. Probably very rudely from what I gather of her. He did not approve of her rejection and acted rashly. She put him in his place quite efficiently." Marshall smiled, slightly approving of what she did. Suddenly he started reliving his younger days when he was a fighter. "Marshall? Your mind is wandering..." Marshall shook his head, and cleared his thoughts. "Forgive me, I was starting to relive some of my earlier years." With the nod of forgiving heads, Marshall continued, "As Christina started to leave the bar, she was struck with sudden pain in her hands. She black out briefly, but remembers quite well seeing her own blood oozing from her hands, when there had been nothing to puncture them. The rest is unimportant matter that lead up to her being here." Sammuel sat back in his chair in quiet thoughtfulness. Jules remained quiet as well, but regarded Marshall, who was beginning to look quite haggard from days of restless sleep. Marshall felt the eyes on him and he forced a smile. "Forgive me once again, I must look terrible. I haven't been able to get a good night's sleep since I arrived here. I'm just not comfortable in hospitals." Which was only partly true. The fact of the matter was, everytime he fell asleep, he dreamt of bloody hands, reaching out to grab him.
Marshall stormed out of the room. He almost took the Lord's name in vain, the girl was that aggravating. He looked into the room that he was able to get for Christina. It was small, but it had most of the necessities of life, but still denied a lot of freedom. He had also made sure she received her clothes back and even made it so that she could get some new articles, so that she wouldn't be stuck wearing the same thing every day. He turned from the room and started walking down the hall. She wasn't cooperating with him, and he was starting to get annoyed. He had to find a way to get her to talk, even if it wasn't to him. He stayed deep in thought for several hours. He needed somebody young, and not bad looking. He was able to gather rather well that the girl was not a homosexual, so it would be a male he needed. He needed outside help to figure this out. After making several phone calls he was reffered to a semi-young man who was a friend of a priest, but an athiest. Marshall found that ironic, but did not refuse the help. The young man would be there as soon as he could. _______________ [I]That was a might bit difficult...[/I]
OOC: Thanks Rhym for not ignoring me completely. Looks like I'll need to come through on my own... ________ [SIZE=1][B]Gavin opened his eyes, and immediately wished he had not. What light that could shine through the smoke hurt his eyes so badly that he wanted to black out again. He almost did, and he almost lost the bread that he had eaten earlier. Luckily he kept the bile down. He tried to sit up, but a hand kept him down. He looked at a shadowy figure, whose face was hidden behind a cloak. "Stay down, you are still weak from the demon's attack." The figure said in a gender neutral voice. The demons. Gavin had almost nearly forgotten about the demons. He felt for the wounds that he had sustained, and felt that they were wrapped up the best they could be. He looked around once again and saw that he was next to The Tea Kettle Inn, or what was left of it anyways. Otik sat nearby, ashen faced and obviously very upset. Gavin's heart went out to him. The middle-aged innkeeper had lost everything, his home, his lively hood, everything. Gavin sat up, against the protests by the hooded figure. "What is your name?" Gavin asked the person. "Aleks," the figure replied. "You are much for talking are you?" Aleks remained silent. Gavin shrugged, "My name is Gavin. Thank you for helping me." Aleks gave a nod of acceptance. Gavin looked around the ruined town. He saw several pieces of paper fluttering around. There would be a lot of cleaning up to do from the survivors, if there were anymore. Next to him, Gavin noted, was his armor. Obviously it had been salvaged from the ruins of the Tea Kettle. He would put it on the first chance he got. One of the pieces of paper fluttered towards him. He saw that there was something written on it, so out of curiousity he read it. "We need to go west," Gavin looked at Aleks. "Will you go with me to the west to help this girl...." he looked at the paper again. "...Terra."[/B][/SIZE]
Marshall walked through the automatic sliding doors. This was the part of the job he hated, hospital visits. He despised hospitals more than anything in the known universe, he couldn't stand the smell of death that surrounded them. He entered the High Security Wing. This was where all the people deemed "dangerous" were kept. Not neccessarily to protect the doctors and priests, but to protect them from themselves. He found the door he needed, and showed his I.D. to the non-Catholic guard stationed outside of the room. After a brief clearence check Marshall entered the room. Here he saw the young lady in question laying peacefully in bed asleep. He would let her sleep, and awaken on her own terms. It was the least he could do for her. [B]_______[/B] In the several hours it took the girl to wake up, Marshall had been visited by the guard outside several times, probably to make sure Marshall wasn't molesting the girl. The priest took it all in stride and politely told the guard all was well. When the girl finally woke up she was startled to see Marshall, and almost attacked him. Luckily she had been secured to her bed. Marshall pulled out a small notebook and a pen. "Hello Christina, how are you?" "I'll be much better when you tell me who you are and why I am here!" she snapped, apparently very angry at Marshall's presence. It may have been the fact that she was barely covered in the hospital robes she had been outfitted with on her arrival, or she was just angry. Marshall smiled, "My name is Marshall Dumat, I was sent by the Church to ask you a few questions regarding the incident that took place earlier today." Christina didn't wait for the questions to be asked, "Look old man, I was enjoying a drink at the bar when some man asked me a question. He didn't like the fact that I had refused, and he forced me to hurt him for my own good. As I tried to leave something happened..." "What was that Christina?" Marshall asked softly. Christina held up her hands which were scabbed over, Marshall hid his shock. Christina then continued, "I was sent to the hospital where they claimed I attempted suicide, then sent me to this place. The Arch Bishop that met me here called somebody then had me sent to this room. After, of course, they stripped me of all my belongings and gave me this cloth that can't even keep the cold off of me." She said, giving her robe a slight tug. Marshall was deep in thought for a moment. "I'll have your clothing sent back to you, as long as you answer one more question, and agree to stay here a little longer. I may even try to get you a new room." It was Christina's turn to be thoughtful, "Alright, deal, for now." Marshall nodded, noting the girl's answer fully in his mind. "How did you get those wounds on your hands?" "I.. don't know."
OOC: Definately not the kind of dragons I grew up with... _____________________ [SIZE=1][B]Gavin broke the bread in half, and put one half in a pouch, the other he started eating on. As he munched on it, he heard a thump on the roof of the bakery. The sound seemed out of place, there couldn't be a person on the roof, and there was no bird large enough to make that noise. He started to exit, when he heard a shrill cry, it was a death cry, and it was inhuman. He looked back at Isabelle, who had a worried look on her face. He frowned, dropped the piece of bread, and pulled his sword from its scabbard. Gavin stormed through the door and out onto the street, where he was met by a creature he had never seen before. It caught him by surprise, its ghastly appearance sent a chill up his spine. The creature braught a clawed hand down to slash at Gavin. The warrior raised his sword to block the hit and felt a jolting shock in his arm as the clawed hand struck the blade. Gavin looked at his sword and saw that it was intact, he looked at the hand that struck it, and saw that it had barely drawn blood. He cursed under his breath, and realized that this would be a difficult fight, but he had little choice, he had to protect those in need. Gavin drew back his sword and went on the offensive, driving thrusts and slashes at the demonic creature, who blocked them all with ease. Gavin was started to tire, he had to finish this fight quickly. He went on the defensive, and allowed the demon to drive him back. He blocked as many of the blows as he could, but unfortunately, he took several hits that seared his flesh. In a desperate move he took the dagger off of the hilt of his greatsword and thrust it forward at the demon, who had just started an attack and was unable to block it. The dagger went into the demon's abdomen and sunk deeply into the flesh. The demon clutched at the dagger that Gavin had released, and let out a deafening roar of pain. Gavin took his chance and brought the sword around and struck the demon's neck, slicing the head off. The decapitated body flailed for a moment, then fell to the ground. Gavin retrieved his dagger and looked about. He heard more screams of pain and death, and went in search of any that would need his assistance. First, he decided, he would go back to the Tea Kettle and retrieve his armor. The blood that now appeared on his tunic made him realize it would be useful to have. He ran in the direction of the inn, doing his best to ignore all that was going on around him. He smiled thinking of how he must have looked at that moment, panicked, and running away. He rounded a corner and could see the inn, it was still some distance away. As he passed an alleyway a demon jumped him. It brought a clawed hand up in a uppercut motion, cutting through Gavin's tunic, and slicing open flesh. The hand continued up and Gavin felt it strike under his chin. He flew back and struck the ground hard. The world went black.[/B][/SIZE]
[B]Name:[/B] Gunther "the creature" [B]Age:[/B] 35 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Cyborg [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v55/Rayman_879/darkness.jpg]Click Here[/URL] Gunther is without the mouth-plate. His menacing white teeth are always clearly visible. His smiles, although charismatic, can curdle milk with fear. [B]Weapon(s):[/B] Twin Desert Eagles. Long dagger he keeps in a sheath on the small of his back. [B]Biography:[/B] Gunther, started out life almost immediately as a orphan. He has no recollection of who his parents are. He was picked up off the streets one day by a scientist who needed a human test subject. This scientist had spent much of his life perfecting his procedures on animals, such as cats, and mice, eventually getting to humaninty's closest cousin, the great gorrilla. After many years of work, he completed Gunther. The end result was a cyborg of immense strength, and agility, though, with little emotion. The scientist did not see it neccessary that his creation have a mass quantity of feelings. So left what would be important. After many years, he heard several of the Scientist's aides conversing. They spoke as to how their boss was upset because of a flaw that he had discovered in Gunther. Gunther, was of course concerned about his own well being, and tried to find out all he could from his creator. Unfortunately for him, the scientist died, taking his secret to the grave. Or did he? There was rumor of a notebook that held all of the scientist's secrets. This book could contain the knowledge that Gunther needs. He had to find it at all costs. When he learned of the scientist's daughter, he had to get on it and find out what he could from her. He was distraught when he learned that she was very young, and would be of little use as of now. He would wait. He had an immense capacity for patience. When the time was right, he struck. He found no information from the girl, but that was okay. He would find the book if he had to kill every human on the planet. No mortal force would be able to stop him once he started.
[SIZE=1][B]Gavin smiled at the girl's question. "No, I'm not a Paladin. Paladins have a religion that they follow, which gives them power. I have no religion. I am self-relying. I'm just a normal, everyday warrior.." Isabelle watched him for a few moments. She noted a sense of regret, sorrow in his voice. "What brings a warrior to these parts?" She asked, daring to pry. Gavin started looking at a rack of muffins, he couldn't decide if he wanted to tell the truth, or bend it. "I'm just traveling around..." He bent it. He turned his back on her for a brief moment, showing an insignia on the sleeve of his tunic. "Is that not an insignia on your shirt [I]Monsieur[/I]? Does that not mean that you belong to some sort of army?" Her curiousity was getting the best of her, Gavin didn't mind the least bit. "Yes, I was a knight at one time. I was exiled because of love," Gavin said, then remained quiet. A long drawn out akward silence followed, when the scent of bread aroused Gavin's interest. "Isn't there some bread you should be worrying about?" Isabelle started, she had forgot about the bread. She ran off to the ovens to check on it. Luckily it wasn't burnt yet. She had hoped to sell something to Gavin. Gavin had hoped to buy something.[/B][/SIZE] Did I handle your character well enough? [I]Oui[/I]? [I]Non[/I]? If I need to change it let me know.