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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon

  1. At one time Clark was actually starting to like Ren, but now he had started to loathe him. He never understood why General Hothoway allowed an inexperienced brat judge the drill competition. He could understand Seth being allowed, even though he should be home, most paralyzed officers would have been Honorably Discharged. He suddenly found himself wishing for another war to be sent off to. "Well Leuitenant Akashi, are you comfy on your little thrown?" Clark asked coldly. Without waiting for a response he walked away, and up to the announcement board. Where he tacked up a sign. *Drill Tryouts* [b]Six will be accepted, six more put on the back up team. Judges will be the Following: General Frank Hathoway, Colonel Domingo Clark, Major Charli Howards, Leuitenant Seth Akashi, Ren (Forgot last name). Tryouts will commence at Fourteen Hundred hours.[/b] Clark walked away from the sign to get ready for his other classes. The hole time he was reconsidering staying on here as a teacher.
  2. Alright, I have made some decesions on whom has made it. I judged it all on spelling, and how imaginative, yet realistic, your character is. [b]Raiha[/b] - [u]Dr. Luyii Rae-Shen[/u] - Ministry of State Security (China) [b]aYokano[/b] - [u]Ken Sinic[/u] - KGB (U.S.S.R.) [b]dbzanimegrl17[/b] - [u]Kitty Nokimana[/u] - Chobetsu (Japan) [b]The Unholy Newt[/b] - [u]Bradley James Russo[/u] - Australian Secret Intelligence Organization [b]Hybrid Theory[/b] - [u]Jonathon Walker[/u] - MI6 (G.B.) [b]Duo Max[/b] - [u]Mikhail Sergei Gallitinov[/u] - KGB (U.S.S.R.) [b]rokas[/b] - [u]Rokas Rakauskas[/u] - KGB (U.S.S.R.) The ones that have not been accepted, if you want them to be, I would suggest you try to correct your spelling and grammar. Possibly your character as well. Also note, that since it is Russia with Communism, thus the United Soviet Socialist Republic, the economy is different. If you need food or anything like that, it's free. Communism is like the closest thing to a utopia humanity can get, because if you need something, all you have to do is get it. Finally, for the character names, all of them so far are pretty good. But try to have a name that matches the country you are from. ~Edit~ I added rokas to the roster. Also, I'm going to give it another day, then I will attempt to start it, when I do I will send out a PM to all that are in it telling them. The issues about the Director of Intellegence, The Directors, will be NPC's, Non Player Characters. Basically you are given the orders by yourself. Please note that at one point in time we must all meet, whether it be as enemies or allies. Anything can, and will happen in this RPG. Once in a while my posts for it will be like a news bulliten, that could be affected by the posts.
  3. John sat down in his Lay-Z-Boy and sighed in relief. It had been a long day full of power outages, new transformers, and other annoying jobs that made him really tired. He turned on his t.v. to the news and was greeted by the usually to cheery music, and the stupidly smiling news anchors. He boredly watched the usual stuff, and actually dozed through the weather. John was quickly awakened by the music of a special report. The anchors reported that Spin Cycle, the villian that had been apprehended years ago had escaped prison. "Well this is just dandy." He muttered to himself. He sighed again, he would have to keep his guard up for Spin Cycle, but he knew that he couldn't do much tonight, he needed sleep desprately.
  4. Eh.. Hrm.. Haven't decided anything yet except this: I'm going to give this a little while, since some people I know that want to sign up for this are unable to because of the IP problems. Anyways, here is some info for you guys, just the intelligence agencies of some countries I was able to find. Use these in case you want to include something about it in your Bio. Ministry of State Security (China) General Directorate for External Security (France) Federal Intelligence Service (Germany) Chobetsu (Japan) KGB (Russia) MI6 Secret Intelligence Service (United Kingdom) Central Intelligence Agency CIA (United States)
  5. Alex had forgotten his not by the end of first class. He had more important things to do than to worry about some note. His interest was rekindled slightly when he heard other people talking about it. Curiously he edged his way over to the gaggle of girls. He recognized one as the weird goth chick, the others he had heard of but didn't know them. When he had gotten close enough he spoke, "Peace of Mind? Yeah, they contacted me too," he said, holding the note between his fingers.
  6. Zell woke up. He didn't have a clue as to what had happened, but when he looked around he knew something was very wrong. He wasn't at the Garden, but he could smell sea air, having grown up at a port. He started walking, and soon heard a group of voices, he didn't understand any of them, but then a voice he did recognize said: "I mean dont you think we need to find out why we may be here. I know that I'm not the only one who wished to know." He smiled, it was Rinoa, hopefully she would know something. He jumped out and ran up to her, startling the group that was there, and Rinoa herself. "I want to know!" Zell said enthusiastically, but still with some annoyance.
  7. OOC: Luckily she posted before I did. Ken was giving a good beating to Kyp. But what she said mostly. Also use paragraphs, you know, hit enter once in a while to space the speaking out. And why do you capitalize your a's all the time? ~~~~ Ken was scowling at Kyp now, since he wasn't exactly sure what Sayuri was doing, but he felt it best not to disturb her. He got closer to Kyp, and said in what he presumed was a whisper, "If you even look at her wrong, you will be in a world of pain." He said in all seriousness. Then without further speaking, he looked to Wolf and Twilight, to see how their battle was going.
  8. Later in the evening Clark went to go see Hathoway. "General sir, I could care less about who or what teaches the class, but we must obey the laws. Ren left this school without much permission, that means he went AWOL. Last time I checked that deserved some sort of punishment. It doesn't help matters, that I found out from the hospital that they were both in, that Ren broke out of his room, and broke Seth out as well. If not against the authorities orders, then the doctors orders. I admit that the hospital here is good, but they may not be able to help him if he needs it." Clark explained. Hathoway gave Clark a look that made it seem he was thinking it over. "Clark you are a real ******* bringer. You caused a teacher to leave, and you have broken a boys arm, and a whole bunch of other things. But if, repeat if. Seth needs medical attention and we can't provide it then he will be sent away for it. That's final." Once again Hathoway was looking out his window. "As of the return of those two, Ren is now dead to the military, officially. He died in a most unfortunate training accident, and it wasn't in one of your classes. So don't worry. But rest assured you paranoid a**h***, I'll make sure MP's are posted around those classes to make sure wonder boy doesn't do anything stupid. I'll even allow you to look in from time to time, like, once a year." Hathoway was finished, and Clark knew it. He saluted the General's back and left the room. *** Clark was walking when he was almost plowed into by Reg, he didn't care what she was doing, but he remembered what he had to tell her. Once again he pulled a plastic baggy out of his pocket and handed it to her. "You have some stripes now, Private First Class. Drill try outs are friday. On that day the General will have an announcement to make for the entire school." Clark said, then added, "This means you can make those 'friends' of yours do whatever you tell them." He gave her a small wink and then continued on his way.
  9. Ken's neck was slightly bleeding from her nails digging into him. But he too saw Kyp and Arus. He quickly turned on them, knowing that Kyp may try to do something. "If you even think of touching her, you have to kill me first." He said evenly, without emotion. If they said anything back to him he didn't hear it. He looked at Sayuri, and vowed as long as he breathed, he would make sure that she was not vulnerable.
  10. Ken was taken aback. He didn't know how to stop her from killing people very well, considering she was a third demon, angel and human, he thinks. He heard her scream, but because of his hearing loss it wasn't all that loud. But he could still tell she was still in pain. He kept his arms firmly on her shoulders, as her body continued to contort into it's mishappen form. Ken was now very frightened, he hoped that she would kill him, but he knew that it was a possibility. "Come on Sayuri, fight it.." he urged, but he didn't know if it had any effect. He gave her a gentle kiss, hoping it could do something to trigger anything that could stop he pain.
  11. Ken shook his head again, his ears had stopped bleeding, but his hearing was still a little fuzzy. Now he could tell what volume he was speaking, but some others may have to speak up for him to hear them properly. He looked up and saw Sayuri clutching her head in severe pain. He stood up quickly and felt that the wound in his leg had healed as well. "Sayuri? What's wrong?" He asked urgently. She moved her lips, but he didn't hear it. "What?!" OOC: Allow him to keep his partial deafness.
  12. The remaining guards in the room started to take aim at Wolf. Ken quickly drew their attention to him. Quickly they started firing at him, and Ken was barely able to dodge the bullets. Then he felt it. A piece of lead hit him, it burrowed deep in his calf muscle, and he quickly fell to the ground. "Damnation," he cursed silently in pain. He stood to the best of his abilities, and hopped around on one foot, distracting the guards while Wolf faced down his brother. Ken held up his wakizashi, looked at the nearest guard and threw his blade at him. It struck the guard in the head, between the eyes. He was dead before he even hit the ground. Ken gritted his teeth, and took the pain as he jumped up, and brought his sword down upon another guard, quickly cutting off his scream. He thanked the gods that they had to reload their weapons. Quickly he moved, cutting down guardsmen whom were scrambling to reload before they were cut down. He came up to a guardsmen, and before he could strike him down, he found himself face to face with a pistol. "Crap," Time seemed to slow down as Ken watched the guard pull the trigger, and the hammer fell down to strike. As it did, he ducked back, and barely avoided the bullet from piercing through his head. But he was still effected. His ears had a incredibley loud ringing in them, and he found he heard everything muffled. Almost nothing at all. He kicked his foot up and struck the guard in the groin, then as the guard doubled over he raised his katana up and impaled the guard on it. "The coast is clear!" Ken said normally to Wolf, even though to everyone except Ken, it was a shout. He grimaced in pain and reached up to his ears, and felt blood seeping out of them. "Damnit!" He shouted.
  13. OOC: So you took the transformer down off the power line after it was put up? You do realize now that there is no power in the house, and everyone is in darkness, unless the back up generators are on? He's an electrician. Pardon the sarcasm. IC: Dillion Blevins, or the Ferret, Lurked in the corner of Larcroft's office/room. He sneered at Christian as he walked in, and was given his job. Dillion believed he could do a better job at killing than Christian, but he kept his thoughts to himself. He knew that he would be given a better job. He always was. He just had to bide his time.
  14. Nuclear war, mankinds biggest fear since the start of the Cold War. The Cold War was the struggle between the Soviet Union, and the United States, from the year 1945 to 1989. But with the fall of communism, the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, and many other grand changes, the threat of nuclear war has diminished. Or has it? The year is 2010. Communism has risen again in Russia. The old Soviet Empire has returned in full force, and stronger than it was when it first came around in 1917. The Republic of Russia, weakened in the earliest parts of the 21st century. This caused old communists to spread the Marx gospel, renewing communistic beliefs. With a coup in Moscow, the Communists regained power. The New Soviet Union quickly spread out, and regained it's lost territory, sending the Western Countries into chaos. The United States gave Russia an Ultimatem, to stop their spread of power, and bring back the democracy. Of course, Russia refused. Thus, the start of a new Cold War. Both Super Powers sent their intelligence agencies out to the enemy, to gather all they could in information. Each side, trying to find a way to undermine the enemy, and to prevent a total nuclear war that could very well destroy the world. ~~~ Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is as follows: You will become a spy for the Soviet Union, or any Western Power of your choosing. You're job will be to prevent total Nuclear War, several things will happen. Sign up sheets (universal) [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] Over 25 [b]Languages:[/b] Important!! You can be fluent in a total of 3 languages, that includes native tongue. You can have some minor knowledge of other languages, but it is limited. [b]Country:[/b] Must be a real country. Make sure it is a Super Power (ex: USA, USSR, China, Britain, Germany, France.) Which ever country you choose you will be automatically put in their intellegence agency. [b]Description:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] I will send out a special invitation for somebody to be the Directors of intellegence. Don't request it, if you do, you will be the last person I ask. If it must happen, some will have two characters. ~~~NOTE~~~ I will be screening sign ups, if I do not think it's acceptable, you will not be in. So do not think that if you sign up, you will be automatically in. If you have any question feel free to PM me. ~~~~~~ Here's my sign up: [b]Name:[/b] John Chavez [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Languages:[/b] Fluent in: English, German, Russian. [b]Country:[/b] USA [b]Description:[/b] John is 5'11" tall, with black hair, that he insists on dyeing red. Though his name is Latin he is very caucasian. He has green eyes and is very muscular. He wears whatever the job recquires. [b]Biography:[/b] John started out in Military Intellegence after basic training. He excelled in what he did and was noticed by the government. At the age of 29, he was asked to join the CIA. He was also asked by other Agencies, but the CIA sounded better for him. He had a few odd jobs starting out, not doing much and pretty much being the low man on the totem pole. But with the coup in Moscow, and the return of the Soviet Union, and the Red Scare. John finds himself loaded down with work. John's area of expertise is in weapons and explosives. Though he is quite good with computers and other electronics. He has also become a very good lock picker. John is single, wishes to remain single, and was ordered to be single. To much lieing involved for him to have a relationship.
  15. Alex had read the letter many times, not really able to draw a conclusion from it. Obviously he had to help somebody, but he didn't know how. He had walked to school today, not really wanting to drive in such dreary weather. His black trench coat fluttered a little bit in the wind. He sighed as he looked at it. "My last year," he said with a small smile, then thought of what was going to happen after he graduated, military. Good ol' army. He wasn't looking forward to basic, but he had to do it. He thought of the letter again, and walked into the school.
  16. OOC: You do know that in regular military you would now be considered AWOL? Right Wondershot? Thought I would let you know ;) [i]IC:[/i]General Hathoway looked at Swift rather confused. "Not that I recall, but if you can refresh my memory I may have. Was there something you wish to talk to me about?" *** Clark had started his classes as he always had. But he was easier on the students, some would say he was losing his edge. He didn't care what the hell they thought.
  17. Nolth kept an indifferent stance through the hole dragging ordeal, though he held back an urge to put a dagger in the drow's back. He didn't want to stoop to their level. Lacroix had placed the onyx piece in one of his pouches and continued on, and Nolth followed from a slight distance. He didn't have much of a clue as to where they were going, but he thought it best not to speak. The little troupe continued on for many hours, Nolth felt his belongins get lighter, he figured he knew the reason. He made his way over to Bast, and drew a dagger to place at her back. "I wish to have my belongings back," he said in an even tone. Bast gave him a shocked, hurt look, he returned a look of nothingness. She shrugged and rolled her eyes, then promptly returned his belongings. "Next time I will cut of an appendage." He said with little emotion. Hoping it didn't sound like the false threat it was.
  18. When Arctis had looked back at Cooth, she saw the cat rolling in the ground, purring loudly. "COOTH!? What are you doing?" she yelled at the lovey cat. Cooth looked lazily up at her, wondering why whenever somebody addressed him they had to yell. He got to his feet and began to wash himself. "If you must know I was studying the card a bit more." He lied poorly. "It is a card of the main boss, gives very little knowledge on him. Let a different guardian study some, they may be able to get some more out of it, I'm just here for emotional and battle support." Cooth promptly started to lick his paws again. Ignoring the stares that some were giving him.
  19. Ken looked at his surroundings, he knew what needed to be done. He edged closer to Wolf and whispered in a voice that could only be heard by him. "I'll distract the guards, you worry about your brother, but leave the guards to me and don't worry about what happens to me. If I die, you will be on your own, and vice versa. Go when you are ready, I already am." Ken slowly eased a step away from Wolf, and crossed his arms over his chest, secretly putting his hands on the hilts of his swords.
  20. Nolth went to take a step forward to the demon and drow priestess, he had a sudden rise of blood lust. But he found himself hitting a wall. He couldn't see it, but he raised his hands and felt around, sure enough there was a barrier blocking him. [i]This priestess isn't as dumb as I originally thought..[/i] Nolth paced around outside of the barrier, quickly becoming bored with waiting to see the outcome. But a twinge of curiousity kept him from leaving. So he leaned against a stalagmite that hadn't been given shape yet, and watched the demon and priestess.
  21. I'm sure we don't want your money, though we had better get paid or we will go on strike. Anyways, the rpg is up in the Adventure Arena, go post at your leisure. Have fun with it, and sign ups are still open for a little bit.
  22. Dmitri_Dragoon


    [i]The world, is as we know it today. Crime is as it always is, the police struggle as they always do to keep crime down. But they can't handle it on their own. Ecspecially with the comming of criminals beyond their expertiese to handle. Criminals, that would be called 'Super Villians' have started to arise, and with them the crime rating of major cities. The police have now begun to fail at their jobs, and many are literaly dieing, trying to stop the villians. What the world needs, are some heroes...[/i] John Dorn felt a small current go through his finger. He enjoyed the feeling of elecricity flowing through his veins in the morning. After all, he was Cyber Circuit, controller of electricity. John looked down the many feet to the ground below, and wondered what would happen should he fall. [i][COLOR=darkblue]Probably a few broken bones...[/COLOR][/i] He mused. He let one final jolt of electricity before he finally decided that he was done. He climbed down the power pole to the ground and looked up at his handiwork. "Do you think the big boss lady will be happy with the new transformer?" John asked his coworker. "Probably not, but that's the best any can do, and you are the best." "Damn right I am.." John replied. He had just given a new transformer to Lydia Folcroft, new owner of the Folcroft Enterprises (By the gods do I love irony). John looked up at her grand estate in envy, with his pay he could barely afford the appartment he owned. But hopefully with this job he might get a bonus, or raise for good work. Unless the witch decided to complain about something that isn't wrong. John sighed silently to himself as he and his partner packed things up. He had a feeling that it was going to be a long week.
  23. All right, since it is now Monday for me, I will say that I will start the rpg when I get home from Band Camp this evening. The sign ups will still be open for a short period of time afterwords. So be prepared for this to start sometime after 5p.m. eastern time.
  24. Name: Alexander (Alex) Silvenesti Age: 18 Gender: Male Description: Fiery red hair, green eyes. Is 6 feet, 6 inches tall. Wears blue jeans, and a grey sleeveless shirt that has a ying yang between two crossing sais, as well as black combat boots. Bio: Alex had a simple life. His father died when he was 14, but he didn't mourn all that much. He shunned himself away from most people, but was still able to make friends. As the years went by he opened up more and made more friends. His best friend later called him a social chameleon, meaning he could blend into any social group with no problems.
  25. Clark continued to poke his food, his new habit, as he looked at Charli. "You do know that drugs aren't allowed right?" "I am not on anything!" Charli snapped at him. Clark merely shrugged, "Okay, I believe you." He continued to poke at his food, wondering why she was in such a fine mood.
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