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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon

  1. Yay a villian! So far everything looks good. [b]Hero Name:[/b] Cyber Circuit [b]Real Name:[/b] John Dorn [b]Powers:[/b] Can control anything that is electrical, and can produce electric currents from his hands. He can also travel through powerlines. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Water, lead, rubber. [b]Description:[/b] [i]Hero:[/i] Main coloration is green. With blue and yellow lighting bolts covering parts of his uniform. He keeps it somewhat baggy, so he can more around easier, doesn't care much for the spandex look. He wears a green mask that covers his entire head, he sees out of little eye holes that have small sparks around him. [i]Norm:[/i] On a good day, he normaly wears just a t-shirt and blue jeans. When he's at work it can range from anything, to anything. [b]Bio:[/b] John didn't discover his powers until an unfortunate day when he was electricuted, at the age of 17. Since then he discovered that he could do just about anything with electricity. Over the years, he abused his powers, using them to play pranks on people and stuff like that. One day his prank went to far and landed somebody in the hospital for three months. I'll give this another day until I start it. He tried to forget about his abilities, until one day when he happened upon a mugging, he used his powers and stopped the muggers. He decided then that he would use his powers just for that (It's pathetic, I know). His normal day job is a electrician, (duh). My evil character, because everyone needs a minion. [b]Name:[/b] The Ferret/Dillion Blevins [b]Powers:[/b] Incredible sneakyness, doesn't have any oustanding powers. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Bright lights. [b]Descrption:[/b] A long nose, and is very thin. Has black hair that goes down to his shoulders and beady black eyes. He wears all black, all the time. [b]Bio:[/b] Works for Lydia Folcroft, is her minion. Does her bidding and nothing else. He started working for her once she came into power.
  2. The following excerpt is from the sequel I am writing to The White Trinity. I haven't thought of a title for it, but I soon will, I just thought I would let some of you out there to read it and tell me what you think so far. If you want to read the first installment to the White Trinity Duology, click the link in my signature. ~~~~~~ The Untitled Sequel, (Very Unfinished) On a wide open field, the world of Azeroth?s greatest forces met. They stood upon two ridges looking over their enemies on the other side. Then with the order they charged forward and met each other in combat. The battle was long, and fierce, with neither side seeing a victory soon they ordered the retreat reluctantly. For neither side wanted to be the first to run. Somehow they turn and ran at the same time. One army ran into the forested region of which they called home, the other force, ran into open plains that were the homes of others. The leader of the army that fled into the forest called upon the magic users that survived and had them open a communication link to his commander. The elf composed himself and looked into the portal at another elf, that he had learned to respect. ?King Deteria, once again we have had a stalemate. We were unable to defeat the Army of Talis,? the commander said. ?And why is that General Amakiir?? Deteria asked. ?Because I believe both sides fight with the same ferocity as the other,? General Aramil Amakiir answered truthfully. ?Very well, but I want better results the next time I hear from you, expect me sometime soon.? Deteria said with finality, then his image disappeared from view. Aramil turned away as well, he had to train his troops to do better, but he didn?t know if he would be able to. One of his captains entered, gave his salute and waited for his permission to speak. Aramil gave a wave of the hand for him to continue. ?General sir, the casualty report is in. We lost three hundred twenty-nine soldiers, only five hundred remain in our force, we need to regroup with the main army, and replenish our forces.? The captain said. Aramil started pacing, trying to figure out what to do, he didn?t know how to tell his king that he needed more men before he could attack again. *** Gaia King Deteria, as he called himself now, was pacing in his private chambers. He had to defeat his foe, but Ibis, the Sun Master, was a harder opponent than Deteria thought he would be. Deteria stopped his pacing when he felt the presence of another in his chambers. He turned around and found himself facing Nina, the Queen of the Moon. She appeared as she always had, beautiful, and with a serious look on her face. ?Deteria, this war has gone on for three years now, when will it stop?? Deteria looked at her for a moment, then a smile spread across his face as he shook his head. ?My dear Nina, I shall not stop until the Talisian threat is destroyed,? bitterly, he added. ?I care about what happens here, unlike you.? That last sentence seemed to strike a cord in Nina, for she started to scowl at him. ?I do care what happens here, it?s just that I cannot take either side without bringing the wraith from the other side onto me. You should know that Deteria.? ?Yes, I understand your desire to stay neutral in this war, but I would still like to have some support from the moon.? Deteria said. ?And you shall receive none. Deteria, I love you, but I do not want to see you fight this war, you and Ibis are destroying this world with every battle you fight. You are destroying what you are trying to save. You are to blind with anger to realize it. So please find a way to stop this war.? Nina pleaded. ?And how would you suggest I do that?? Deteria asked. ?Parlay with Ibis, call up a peace treaty, give into some of his demands, or something like that.? Nina explained briefly. ?Negotiating with humans is like talking to a stone wall, and they expect the world. I would be better off telling a horde of ogres to plant flowers.? Deteria said.
  3. [i]The world, is as we know it today. Crime is as it always is, the police struggle as they always do to keep crime down. But they can't handle it on their own. Ecspecially with the comming of criminals beyond their expertiese to handle. Criminals, that would be called 'Super Villians' have started to arise, and with them the crime rating of major cities. The police have now begun to fail at their jobs, and many are literaly dieing, trying to stop the villians. What the world needs, are some heroes...[/i] The deal is with this rpg, you get to become a super hero, to fight crime. A lot like Superman, and the other types. BUT, you cannot be an existing super hero, created by a comic book, be creative and create your own. But you cannot be a godly hero. Here's the sign up sheet. [b]Hero Name:[/b] [b]Real Name:[/b] Secret Identity type name. [b]Powers:[/b] For this, you do not have to have powers. You can be like Batman, with no powers. So your weakness for this type of character would be that you're human. You could also include a phobia. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] You must have a weakness of something realistic, something so obvious that the bad guys would never realize it. [b]Description:[/b] Include in this: The appearance of hero form, and the appearence of your secret identity form. [b]Bio:[/b] How you came to know of your powers, why you fight crime, you know what to do. If you wish to be a villian, here's the sign up. [b]Name:[/b] If you have two different names, such as a normal, and villian name, include them both here. [b]Powers:[/b] If any, you could be a Lex Luthor type villian if it pleases you. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Even if you don't have powers, include something that makes your vulnerable. [b]Descrption:[/b] The same as the hero sign up. [b]Bio:[/b] What made you evil and the sort. ~~~ Okay, that is the sign up and the rpg. Please take this seriously, if you do not I will abandon the idea before it even starts. I want to see creativity, and seriousness, though I still like to see some sense of humor. So you can have a humorous character, but just make sure he still has his serious moments. If you have any further questions, please feel free to pm and ask.
  4. Ken watched Sayuri leave, he truly worried for her, and wondered if he should try to accompany her tomorrow when they attacked. He tried to face the fact that she could very well handle herself, but he feared for her safety in the state that she was currently in. He decided that he had best get what rest he could, and headed back to the camp, to see that Wolf had gone. He wasn't the least bit worried about Wolf. Ken sat down against a tree, like he always did, and fell into a restful slumber.
  5. I shall go ahead and post my character, even though the first one has yet to be finished. I will leave the bio blank, to be filled in when the first is done. [b]Name:[/b] Kenoki "Ken" Shenziko [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Weapon:[/b] Katana: This sword is a heirloom that has been passed down from generation to generation. It doesn't have big history, just that it was used in several wars. Wakizashi: This sword he bought in a market. It is an almost identical match to his Katana, except that it is slightly shorter. Both swords have blue and black cloth wrapped hilts. [b]Description:[/b] Wears a white under garment, black full length kimono, hakama pants and a black haori, and tabi boots. (Look it up if you don't know what it is) He is about 5'11" tall. Short black hair and black eyes. [b]Bio:[/b] To be Filled.
  6. Dilvon had recieved his orders, and was now lurking in the dark tunnels of the Underdark. He had to kill a murderer, that sounded unusual in his mind, but he did not question his orders. He learned quickly the only thing he had left to fear was an angry Jarlaxle, Matron's were of little concern, as well as Lolth. Still in the shadows he came upon a peculiar scene. It appeared to be a Priestess out by herself, how... ignorant on her part. The Underdark was not a place to travel alone. Though Dilvon had little room to talk, seeing how he was out on his own. He started to make his presence known to her, when he saw another form. It wasn't the basic drow shape, so he quickly decided what it was, demon. He stepped back into the shadows, hoping he wasn't seen. This was another thing he just realized he should fear, a priestess talking to a demon, a very uncommon thing, ecspecially in the open without protective barriers around the demon so it doesn't escape. He decided that his job could wait, he was curious, and although curiousity killed the halfling, he wasn't a halfling, so he was safe. Dilvon focused his hearing on their convorsation.
  7. Patience is a glorious virtue, one that humans don't really care much for. But if you are patient, and just wait for him to return, then all will be happy. It just takes an understanding that he has a real life, like many of us. We should respect that, and just wait.
  8. Cooth was being jostled around in the arms of an excited teenager, he was not a happy kitty. But since he was being held he didn't complain much. Eventually the running got to him, and he bit Ki's arm. This made him get dropped. "OUCH! Why did you do that?!" Ki asked furiously. "I can only be held for so long, I wanted you to know that I have four legs and intend to use them. Now continue and I will follow." Ki shrugged and started running again. Cooth was having a little trouble keeping up, but he managed.
  9. OOC: It's an insignia, it's supposed to go on your uniform. o_O Clark walked happily back to his room, where he was met by a note from Hathoway, telling him to see him after classes the following day. He knew he would have to comply, so he tossed the note and prepared for bed. He felt tomorrow was going to be a good day.
  10. Ken wondered why he was so insensitive all his life, because now he did not know how to deal with this. He just kept stroking her hair reassuringly, trying his hard to figure his next move. "Just let it out, and tell anything you think you should tell, I'm here for you now." Ken said to her, not knowing what else to say.
  11. The silent assassin prowled the streets, carefully avoiding any stares from slaves, or other commoners. Dilvon, a male from the former House Gevinoc, Twenty-third House of Menzoberranzan, had to be careful not to be seen as the houseless drow that he was. But he still had family, despite the loss of his maniacle biological family. He had Bregan D'aerthe, his new family. A family led by the drow Jarlaxle Beanre, third son of House Beanre, though, that was a title he no longer used, and never told anyone, except ones that could listen very well, and never live to tell about it. He walked the underground city, finally arriving upon the secret 'cubby' hole that served as the base of Bregan D'earthe. He walked through the narrow halls, when he was stopped. It was Jarlaxle that stopped him. "Hello Dilvon," Said the cunning rogue, that wore nothing but magical garments. "Yes, yes, I know your name. You have a job, I know of your abilities, and I have a job for you. There is a certain male that some matron was willing to pay to have killed.." Jarlaxle continued to give the details.
  12. A tiddle bit late, but I cannot pass up the chance to do this. And Salvatore is God, he never made the drow suck. Name: Dilvon Gevinoc Species: Pure Drow Age: 279 Rank: Assassin (If not already taken, if so, I can change it easily) Appearance: Silver hair, red eyes. Not the tallest of elves, is around five foot eleven inches, but very masculine. Wears black drow chain mail, that will move with his body and keep close to his skin. A piwafi, that shadows his movements, and boots that make his footfalls silent. Weapon: Twin sabers, adamantine blades, golden hilts with small jewels encrusted on it. Bio: His family was killed during one of the many drow wars that always seemed to happen. But he didn't dare take the chance to let the law go into effect, so he just became a rogue. He was eventually taken in by a mercenary group, he does well in the group but he isn't a big name in it yet. Key word, yet. Being very skilled at stealth, more so than others, he was able to become a superb assassin in the group. Now he is trying to kill his way up the ladder of power, but with each murder, he finds the next one harder.
  13. OOC: Sorry for not posting earlier, been really busy. I might also add that I'm confused, but will do my best. ~~~~~~ [COLOR=purple]Zell held back his laughter, he knew what Rinoa said to him was something interesting to curious people. He merely shrugged, deciding that Squall had his right to privacy. So he made his way to the training center. He entered the green, forest like area, and started walking around. Encountering the various monsters that lurked around. But eventually he found himself facing a T-Rex, and the next he remembered he was in the Infirmary, looking at the doctor. "You're very lucky Zell," The doctor said, as she put a few more bandages on him. He closed his eyes again, then had the feeling he was falling. Little did he know that he was falling through a dark portal.[/COLOR]
  14. Cooth was licking his paws happily, and purring loudly. Having just had his ear scratched. He looked lazily as his pet, Ki, got home. He knew he shouldn't consider her his pet, but he wasn't her pet, so there ya go. He plopped down onto the floor and waited for the door to open. Ki entered and Cooth instantly started winding around her legs, almost causing her to trip. "COOTH!" Ki yelled at the cat. He looked up at her with a feline grin. "You do realize that you should have been home several minutes ago?" Cooth asked. Ki just giving him a shocked stare.
  15. "Not that I know of.. except.." Clark pulled out the plastic baggy and handed it to her. "What's this?" Charli asked. "You have been promoted, you are now a Major," Clark said with a smile. "Also, Nate is being talked to about his new course."
  16. Nolth had indeed introduced himself to everyone so far except for one. But he found that he preffered to talk to the dryad. He seemed more comfortable around her. Perhaps it was because they were both so close to nature. He didn't know why. He was trying to talk to her, but his eyes would constantly look suspiciously at the others, ecspecially the drow. Whenever that elf would come around he would absentmindedly let his hands roam over his hilts. He tried to stop doing this, but it just happened. He had to learn to accept his companions now.
  17. That's why you copy and paste it onto another word processing program ;) Anyways, I thought it was good. Like DayDay said it goes like a normal journal. I likes a lot, and hope to see more of it.
  18. Ken slept peacefully, but it was still a light sleep. So he woke up each time somebody woke up gasping for breath. He figured most of them were having nightmares, possibly triggered by the anticipation of the oncoming battle. Ken saw that Sayuri was one of the ones that had awaken from a nightmare, and saw her standing over by a stream. He silently stood and walked over to her, not wanting to disturb her from her thoughts, he stood by as silent support, though he doubted she even knew he was there.
  19. Nolth had heard the magic word, 'Ogre'. His racial enemy, and one he could not let live. He burst out of his hiding spot that he had taken up and ran straight into the room where the drow entered, and saw several people, all of whom gave him an curious look. Without being asked he just plainly told them who he was. "I'm Nolth Dlae, Ranger of the Forest." The stares didn't go away immediately, but with the mayhem the ogre's were causing, and the seeing of a figure out trying to fight them alone, caught everyone's attention again. "Shall we fight or watch the town be slaughtered?"
  20. DayDay, I'll just say I love you! :love2: ^_~ Yes you are to young for me, yes I'm only slightly joking, and yes I have grown quite fond of you. So you could say I have developed a crush on ya. Peace out.
  21. [b]Name:[/b] Xanthus [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Weapon:[/b] Sword,Bow and arrows [b]Description:[/b] Black curls,brown eyes and a brown tunic. [b]Bio:[/b] He is Ashtari's younger brother and is like Ashtari and helps people.He's very handsome and girls fall for him all the time.Including Maya.He flirts with girls all the time. Well, I would like to have this part because I feel I have the abilities to make this character work. I've been in several rpg's, and you've seen some of my work, and I think I could handle being a little brother, (considering I've been one all my life).
  22. CEO Signup Name: Robert Gutenburg Age: 44 Country: Germany Language: German, English, French Company: Mercedes Benz Description: He has blonde hair, but with streaks of silver starting to appear. He has crystal blue eyes. Since he is older, he is starting to get the 'middle age spread.' But he's still able to stay in shape. He usually wears buisness suits, but when he is not working it's usually blue jeans and a t-shirt. He likes to stay comfortable. Biography: He had a typical way of gaining his leadership role, by starting at the bottom and working his way up. He started working at the company when he was 18, and that was a measely job that paid little. But he stuck to it and worked hard. Slowly making his way up the ladder. At the age of 40, the current CEO of Mercedes kicked the bucket, and Robert took his chance and stepped in to take the leadership position. Now his company is as prosperous as ever. Team: N/A Enemies: BMW Other: Drives a Mercedes of course. A black one.
  23. "You won't be a danger to us, as soon as the fighting starts most birds will be scared away. But I'll do my best to get to your side and help you. I couldn't bear to lose you now." Ken replied to her. Sayuri didn't seem to know how to respond to this, as if she wasn't totally used to somebody wanting to protect her like this. He smiled and put a hand on her cheek reassuringly. Then turned and started to walk away.
  24. Oopss.. Thanks for pointing that out Oekaki. And what do you mean 'male prostitute or boy gets around'? I dunno, you scare me sometimes. BUT ANYWAYS! here's the attachment I said was supposed to be there, I guess I just forgot to put it on there before.
  25. Ken shook his head, "No.. I don't have a problem with it." He found himself occasionally staring at her, but eventually he shook his head and the thoughts cleared his mind. He had to be clear of mind in order to be able to walk through the front door, he also had to be slightly crazy as well. He walked over to Sayuri, wanting to ask her a question. "Sayuri, when I asked if you were alright, and you said you were.. You were lying weren't you? What is really bothering you?"
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