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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon
At last, I can play a decent creature.. Also, any Sailor Senshi can pick me, I don't care which one. (But if I make a request for a 'owner' it would be DayDay, looks like she could use a cat ;)) Guardian Creature. Name: Cooth Age: 6-ish Gender: Male Attack(s): Claws of fury. Description: Solid black, with no sign of brown, or white or the sort. Just straight black, with very green eyes, also is a little plump, to much cat food. ^_^ Secret Identity:? S.I. Description:? Species (if Guardian Beast): Cat, all the way. Personality: Frisky. Likes to play with anything that moves, doesn't give the greatest advice, but in times when he is needed he can. He thinks he's human some what, but will always tell a Sailor, or anyone for that matter that he can talk to, that he is better than them in many ways. He's also very cuddly, and purrs a lot. He will purr for anybody that that gives him loves and cuddles. Also likes to have his belly rubbed, but will bite when he doesn't want anymore. *As a cat, rolls on his back, purring loudly, waiting for somebody to rub his belly* [i]puurrrr[/i]
Ken looked at the ground, having finished his bit of brown-nosing. He didn't really want Wolf to accompany him and Sayuri, but like he said that was her decision. He just couldn't believe that he had lied to him. [i]Oh well, it doesn't matter, what's done is done.[/i] But a question did arise to his mind, one that had been bugging him for quite some time. "Wolf, surely that is not your real name, considering it is 'The' Wolf. It sounds more like a title. If you consider us family shouldn't you at least give us your real name?" Ken asked. OOC: That question may have already been asked, but I can't remember. If so.. tell me and I'll edit.
Pritz gave a somewhat nod of understanding, though he didn't really understand all to well. But he figured that if it was important enough for her to get all armored up and all, then he should probably do the same. He quickly slid on his leather armor, but decided that he didn't want his metallic part on just at the moment. He put on his sheath belt, and sheathed his swords. He found his two daggers, which had been carelessly tossed, and placed them in his boots. He rushed out the door and caught up to her as she was going down the steps. He didn't say anything to her, he felt no need, but he did keep his guard up, in case they were suddenly attacked, which he feared they would be.
Pritz remained in the bed, and watched her stand, he didn't really know what she was up to, but he figured that she was done with him for now. After a few moments Pritz also stood up, and began to loosely put his discarded clothing, but not yet armor, back on. He had a slight kink in his neck and jerked it, giving a loud pop, and the kink was gone. Still in his bare feet he moved and looked out the window, taking in the fresh air, and looking about the area, and slum of a town.
Don't worry, I have no intention of making the freshmen cry. Though today band camp did start, and I was only worried about making sure there was an instrument for the freshmen to play. o_O So much fun. But the assistant director did get mad at me because it was 90 degrees and I was sweating like a preacher in a whore house, and was extremely irritable, just think and you will know.
I like being alone. My mom works a lot so I'm used to it, and my dad died 2 or 3 years ago. So, I'm alone all the time, and I enjoy it. Though after about the first two weeks of a complete shut off of society I begin to feel edgey and need to be around people. But I still like being alone where I can think what I want, do what I want, and say/scream, what I want.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] You know, I just remembered. I think there's some diet and all you eat is meat and meaty-things O_o, and not eat a lot of carbs. Then, after you've lost all the weight, you eat a whole bunch of carbs and salads to keep that weight. My friend tried it out once, and she lost about twenty pounds. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, it's called the Atkins Diet. I was put on that diet by the National Guard o_O. I am about 6'1" and weighed 250 pounds. That was 2 weeks ago. The Sergeant told me not to eat bread or anything like that, and eat just meat, along with a little exercise. Did so and have lost 15 pounds so far. Not to shabby.
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Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Patronus's topic in Theater
Name: Zell Dincht Age: 17 Height:5' 5" Weapon: Gloves Bio: Zell had great aspirations when he was 13 to become a great soldier, like his Grandfather, who he looked up to tremendously. To try and fulfil his dream, he joined Balamb Garden at the ripe age of just 13 in order to be trained by the world's best. He packed his bags in his room in Balamb City and went up the road to Balamb Garden. He's an honest fighter, believing fairness is the only way. With Zell, discipline knows no bounds, and being very straight forward and devoted to the cause until the end, he fits the military stereotype perfectly. He is the perfect team mate to have. Zell's an extremely talented fighter; he's quick, and at the same time lethal. His primary weapon is his fists, but he is also a master at martial arts. He can, however, loose his temper quite quickly and without warning letting loose a dangerous habbit of wanting to settle things with violence (when Seifer keeps calling him 'Chicken Punk', all Zell does is clench his fists). He has little time for logic, and prefers to act on impulse. These negative sides to his personality doesn't bother Zell at all, but it is clear to those above him that he will never be a leader, just a very useful and loyal colleague. [img]http://www.sodapop.nu/ffviii/gallery/zell6.jpg[/img] -
Sign Up Dungeons And Dragons: Lost Realms
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Mischief_Maker's topic in Theater
Sorry for the lateness of this character, I hope it's still able to be posted and other blah. Also, it is Zaknafein, and he was sacrificed, not banished. Name: Praetor Dragoon Race: Wood Elf/Wild Elf/Drow PoB: Gaia Lands Bio: Praetor is the love child of Dmitri Dragoon, the wood elf/drow, ranger. His mother (Who's name is unknown because I haven't writen that much of the story), died when he was five. Dmitri, had run off from fear, he was afraid that a new family would end up like his old one, dead. Praetor has a twin sister named Sarah who he loves dearly and finds himself responsible for protecting. He and his sister, after their mother died, were raised by a group of druids and rangers. There they were tought to fight, and were tried to be given a sense of respect for nature. Eventually he and his sister left their mentors, to find their father, not to punish him and kill him, but to find out why he did what he did. When they found that their quest was going nowhere they decided to split up and look for him. He nor, as he guesses, his sister have found their father as of yet. Though they continue to look. (If you read other characters profiles of mine, you will notice that a lot of them are looking for Dmitri. o.O) Apperance: See attachment. ~Note~ Traits from his mix race: From Wild Elf: Dark Brown hair, green eyes. Wood elf: Muscular. Drow: Ebony skin. Usually wears brown leather, to blend in with natural surroundings. Weapon(s): Longsword, short sword Class: Fighter/Ranger Date of Birth: March 19, 1014 Alignment: Chaotic Good -
Okay, just to stay on the topic. My crush, other than OekakiOtaku, is.. probably nobody else. But I like to consider DayDay a good friend, Raiha a friend, though she can creep me out at times, and Avalon a really good friend, I even helped her make a rpg. But me, as I like to say, 'Anybody that is not my enemy is my friend,' And so far nobody is my enemy that I know of. :)
Nolth watched the drow walk up the stairs, and his confrontation with the tender, albeit short. He decided since he had not seen the drow come back down that he was still upstairs, and that he would go up and investigate. He hid in a dark corner until nightfall, and when everything was silent. He was lucky not to be spotted. Finally taking his chance, he snuck quietly up the stairs, and looked through each keyhole. Spying wasn't his type, but then he never had much of a type, he was always tending to stick to nature, and he felt that finding this drow was the will of Mielikki. At long last he looked through the right keyhole, and saw the drow asleep on a bed, along with other roommates. He held back the urge to burst in and attack, he felt he should study them more. Plus, he felt a pressence there that seemed familiar, but yet he had never known before.
"I hope he's captured and gutted," Ken muttered to himself. Sayuri looked over at him, he had a feeling she heard him. He merely shrugged and continued walking. They finally found their campsite, but didn't make a fire, so they wouldn't attrack unwanted guests from the town. Smoke has a bad habit of doing that. Ken sat down with his legs crossed, and stared at nothing. Waiting for the morning when they would move in, and attack.
Pritz wondered why she would drink wolf blood, but he found he didn't really want to know. He wondered what else she found stimulating, it could be a long night. He let his finger wrap around in her hair once more as he looked up at the ceiling. He suddenly had this feeling that someone was watching them, or something along those lines. He wanted to shrug it off, but found he couldn't so he just did his best to ignore it. He looked at Vondeux again, "You are a very interesting woman."
For several nights the amber eyed elf had heard the enchanting music, and like a moth to the flame, he went to it. The travel was slow on foot, travelling through the forest, but he did not care, for the forest was his home, and he could never be in the forest to much. Eventually he found himself drawn to a village, and in that village a tavern. He looked up at it, and all the people milling around, he gave a sneer. "Humans, wretched humans, why couldn't this tune have lead me to a nice meadow, or elf village?" He walked into the tavern and had to hold back his gag, so he wouldn't offend the humans. Though he hated them, he was outnumbered, so he had to keep on their good side. He sat down at the bar, and tried not to look at the homely faces of all the humans. After ordering a red wine, he drank in silence, not looking at anybody. Wondering where this melody was coming from, he knew it was inside the tavern, but it may seem suspicious if he looked around.
Pritz raised his eyebrow slightly at seeing the fangs, not everyday he had seen fangs on somebody. "So anyways, might I ask why you have fangs? If you don't mind me asking, only thing I've ever seen fangs on are vampires, and animals. I certainly hope you are neither."
[COLOR=blue]Raiha, I'm sorry if you are enjoying this but I'm going to skip on to the phase after. Because, I'm cautious. Though I'll edit if you want me to.[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~ After many long, lust filled hours, Pritz laid next to Vondeux, twirling his finger in her hair. She was looking at him with her pretty red orbs. "Not bad Pritz," she purred. Pritz smiled. Drow were truly the best love makers out there. "Not bad yourself," he replied.
A good looking girl will turn my head. But if when I talk to her and she's a biatch, I'll leave. But in truth I'll talk to anybody, I like talking to people, even though they do most of the talking. So if a girl that isn't the greatest looking, I'll pick her over a girl that is hotter than hades, and is snobby.
Ahh.. Marching band the best days of my life. The torment of the freshmen, the long hot days of band camp, and the competitions and free football games that I sleep through. Yup, I'm in marching band. I'm the section leader for the low brass section and I play the sousaphone/tuba. Great fun, and this year, since I'm the leader, I get to work the freshmen until they cry, then I give them a nice water break ^_^
Ken smiled faintly as he followed her back to the camp. His face straightened when he saw Wolf still awake. He made his face a mask, to hide anything that may be showing. He gave him a curt nod, then found a spot against a tree, and started to doze into a restful sleep. As he slept, he dreamt about sparing with a beautiful lady. The faint smile grew again on his face as he slept.
Pritz smiled lazily up at her, "Very well, I'll take your word for it, but things will be done my way." Before she could utter a word he brought his leg up and kicked at her, giving him a window of oppurtunity. He somehow managed to get her on her back, and him straddling her hips. He held her wrists down, and smiled down at her. "You see? Things will be done my way." He said, still wearing the lazy smile.
"You're welcome," Ken said quietly, slighty shocked by what he is doing. He could feel the wound pulsing under his touch, trying to bleed, but he was able to keep it from doing so. Ken stared into her eyes and was captured by them. Slowly he was drawn forward by an unseen force, his lips brushed hers, then with more force he kissed her. Sayuri gave little or no resistance, but Ken thought he came to his senses and pulled back, looking frightened. "I.. I'm sorry."
Pritz put his finger on her lips. "Call me paranoid, but I still don't trust you, the drow are very capable of killing without weapons." He said, looking into her eyes. "You really should trust me, you may enjoy it," She said softly, kissing his finger. "Oh you little seductress, you are probably a real heart breaker, or heart taker." Pritz said, with his finger still on her lips. He allowed her to get slightly closer, but would not allow her to kiss him.
Sign Up Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Shikaku Kitoku's topic in Theater
I'll apologise anyways, because that is just the way I am. Sorry about that. I too, am sorry to hear about your troubles. May the light of the Gods shine upon you. (For anyone that is wondering, I am not a christian.) -
Ken opened his eyes, he had to blink a few times to get them feeling back to normal. He looked her over and nodded slightly, then without saying anything he walked over and found his wakizashi, he sheathed both of his swords and turned to her again. "I think that is enough sword play for one night," He said to her, wondering if she would attack again. He wiped his brow, taking the beads of sweat off, and with one final large intake of breath, his breathing returned to normal.
Pritz let his hand move along her body, the whole time he was doing this he was formulating a plan. As he brought his hand up to her cheek, he had somehow got a dagger in his hand, and held it to her throat. "You'll understand if I don't fully trust you, I know how you women use all your little hiding places so well," Pritz said with some suspicion(sp). "You won't need that for this," Vondeux purred. Pritz just gave her a look of [i]I'm not an idiot.[/i]