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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon
Kevin marched straight towards the large dragon playing his bagpipes. After hitting the right notes several flames started to shoot out of the pipes, and in the air they formed into a Phoenix. Kevin stopped playing and watched his friend. "Go get it Seid," He watched his phoenix fly higher and higher into the air, and circle around a head, scratching at it's faces and eyes.
I'm not surprised you haven't heard of Gray Elves. I'm a big Dungeon's and Dragon's player, so I get a lot of my fantasy characters information from books I have on the game. That's why I had a drow and other elf mix.. and not a dark elf, because in my termonology they are the same. But oh well. I'm happy with a Gray elf :)
Alright, I edited my character Fräulein Shinkoru. I'm just a straight gray elf. I hope it is suitable, if not, well just tell me and I will do my best to get it edited to where it will be.
Name: Kevin Age: 18 Insturment: Bagpipe Summon Creature: Phoenix (See attachment for a general idea of bird) Description: Tall, 6'5". Brown hair, hazel eyes, strong build. Wears a black t-shirt and over that a leather vest. Black semi-baggy pants and black boots. Bio: Kevin's Great Uncle George taught him to play the bagpipe, and eventually bought Kevin his own. Not many appreciate the beautiful sound that comes from the bagpipes, nor do they appreciate the bird that sometimes comes out of it. ~note~ If this fails I'm sure we could make up a nice band for OB ;)
Ken watched Sayuri in awe, she was very quick and nimble. He almost contemplated puting his swords away and letting her handle the demon, which is what seemed to be happening. He was afraid of jumping in and helping , because he thought that he may only get in her way. So he just held back, and waited to see how things would turn.
How did you find OtakuBoards?
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in General Discussion
I was refered to the boards, by somebody that is not a friend. He was a fellow in a online rpg I was working in, and told me about this place. I came, I saw, I signed up, and posted a couple of times. Then just sort of stopped coming here for about 2 months, I killed of the 'friend' that recommended me here. Then I came back and now I'm very hooked to the site. :) -
My pet peeves, are ignorant, and immature people. As well as the people that try to make themselves look better by telling outragious stories that in no way could be true. There are many more, but they haven't been brought up to the top of my mind just yet.
It is a little weird, because I don't think my birthday is going to change anytime soon.... and if it does I hope it's older instead of younger, because the army won't take me if I get to much younger. But my offer is still up, I'm always free to be talked to, and I like making friends.
*Scowls at Raiha* Uh.. Sorry DayDay, but you even said it before, I've hardly talked to you.. But what the hell, if you ever want to talk to me on AIM, I'll be there. *Sighs* I just don't know what to say. ~PS~ If you got to know me you would grow to hate me anyways.
o_O Wow, that was unexpected, wasn't looking for my name anywhere in here, I was just interested in other people's crush's. Don't ask me why because I don't know. But alas, I would have to say the person I come closest to having a crush on is none other than OekakiOtaku. It really isn't a crush.. it's more of a very deep respect for her.
This would be the first time Ken had fought a demon, so he didn't know what to expect. He drew his katana, and then decided it would be best to have two weapons going, he drew his wakizashi. He didn't have much experience with two weapon fighting, but he did know how to. He put his feet shoulder width apart and prepared to pounce on the demon as soon as it's ugly head showed itself, he already decided on a target, the eyes and head. He would just have to be quick enough to get there.
Sign Up Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Shikaku Kitoku's topic in Theater
1.) I hope we don't get snorted, that would be nasty. 2.) Patience, it's a virtue, give Shikaku Kitoku some time. Just wait patiently for her to tell us when it's going to start, and then it'll start and we are all happy. So stop posting pointless little posts wondering when it's going to start and how excited you are. 3.) Sorry if I make you mad, but I'm not in the greatest of moods. :D -
Ken felt the earth shake and he quickly went over and grabbed ahold of a tree to stay steady. He looked around to see how everyone else had faired. His eyes landed on Sayuri, and she seemed a little troubled. He began to wonder if this place was holy ground or something of that sort. He carefully made his way over to Sayuri's side, "Do you know what's causing this?"
[b]Name:[/b] Nolth Dlae [b]Age:[/b] 125 [b]Race:[/b] Gray elf [b]Class:[/b] Ranger [b]Eye Color:[/b] Amber [b]Hair Color:[/b] Silver [b]Strengths:[/b] High Stanima, resistance to heat [b]Weaknesses:[/b] A Fear of Spiders. Arrogance, and the belief that he is of the "Master Race of Elves." [b]Abilities:[/b] Low light vision: Can see in most darkness in a certain range, about 60 feet. Immune to sleep spells. [b]Spells:[/b] None. [b]Decription:[/b] He has pale skin, his skin, eyes and hair are all traits given to him by his Gray elf heritage. He stands about 6'5" tall, and weighs approximately 225 pounds. He always wears black, or a deep purple. [b]Bio:[/b] He was raised by his family until he decided it was time to leave. He left home at the age of 45, still young by most elf standards. There he met up with a group of druids and rangers, whom taught him the way of being a ranger and respecting nature. He went on with that group for many more years before deciding to leave them. On leaving they gave him several gifts many of which he still has to this day. For many years he traveled on his own, shunned by some for his heritage, and being seen for what he truly is by others. He has fought many battles, and killed many foes of the forest. He was patrolling his forest when he heard the call, and felt compelled as a ranger to answer it. So he gathered his few belongings and went on his way. [b]Equipment:[/b] Black leather armor, (complete with boots) and underneath that he wears a black undershirt and leggings, also wears a deep purple cloak. On his belt he carries two falchions. In his each boot he hides a dagger, as well as one in his right sleeve. Around his neck he wears an amulet that has a power, but it isn't known to Nolth just yet. Under his gloves he has a ring ring on his right middle finger and a ring on his left index finger. They aren't anything special. He has some little, minor things as well, they may crop up once in a while, but with no grandeur.
Ken walked back to his room and closed the door silently behind him. He found his previous chair occupied now by Wolf, it looked as if he may have been eavesdropping. Ken hoped not for Wolf's sake. He sat down on the floor, with his weapons in front of him, and leaned against the wall, and fell asleep there. There he dreamt of killing evil samurai.
Ken nodded, but he had to admit, he had a newfound respect for this woman, she has gone through more than he probably ever will. He also decided that if Kyp or Kaiser ever decided to say something insulting to her again, they would have to deal with him as well. He looked out the window again and realized that it must be very late. "I'm sorry, you must be tired, and we should be trying to get some rest before we set out tomorrow." He stood and bowed low to her, and started to leave her room and go back to his own.
Ken supressed a shudder when he saw the scars, but he couldn't hold back the small gasp. Then and there he made a promise to himself that when this ordeal was over he was going to find this samurai clan, wherever it was, and neutralize them. "Those could not have been samurai, I've never heard of such things." Ken said in disbelief. "Do you think this is something they would share with the world?" Sayuri sarcastically asked, staring straight at him. "I supose not, but still, they are not samurai, they are monsters, and all monsters deserve to die."
"Well I think it works quite well.." Ken said as he shifted uncomfotably in his seat. When he had told her that she may have a family one day he didn't really mean he was offering anything. "So this samurai clan, I take it their twisted sense of humor.. sort of caused those scars on your wrist?"
Clark looked down at Reg and smiled. "Well I don't need to see you about it until I get it cleared with the General. And if you are worried that it will affect your chances on the Drill Team, don't worry, it won't affect it any, except maybe since you're a higher rank give you more command in it. So go about you business and when I get it cleared with Hathoway you'll be the first to know." Clark said, then without further word he turned on his heel and walked away. Clark couldn't go see the General tonight because of the meeting, it would have to wait until morning. So he decided to go see how Charli was doing in her class, he only wanted to watch, not interfere. But he had full confidence in her abilities.
"I believe you when you say your life was bad, but that is no reason to hate it." Ken started, he looked out the window that she just had. He let out a small sigh then looked back at her, "You've plenty of years ahead of you. You never know what may happen, something may oocur that makes everything seem better." "Oh? And what would that be?" Sayuri asked. Ken shrugged, he hadn't really thought this out that far, but he quickyly put something in, "I don't know, you may find someone, start a family of your own, and not end up like your mother.. er, No offense."
Ken didn't really know what to say, he looked down at the floor, then looked back up at her. "I'm.. sorry, you are unfortunate to not have had a.." He dreaded saying this, "Er.. honorable family." He could almost invision her sword plunging into his chest. With his eyes closed he waited for the strike, but it didn't come, he opened his eyes and looked at Sayuri, he couldn't tell what she was thinking. "Forgive me, I did not mean to say that," he said quickly, hoping that if she was mad at him, she wouldn't kill him just yet.
Ken slept peacefully until he started dreaming. He dreamt of old friends, dying because of guns, and him practically unable to help. He killed who he could and almost met death. Ken woke with a start, and looked around the room, expecting to see somebody pointing a gun at him, but all he saw was a lightly snoring Kyp. He shook his head and knew he would be unable to go back to sleep. He stood and placed his weapons back on his belt and exited the room, seeing Wolf as he did. He gave a small nod and continued walking. He started to roam the halls, and would probably keep it up till morning.
"I only asked what you commanding officer's name was, I wasn't saying anyhing else." Clark snapped. "But I knew Cosby, we went through boot camp together. Good man, stern though, wouldn't give leave to anybody during a war, anybody. That's the way he was, business first, pleasure second. Good man, the good General knows him too, he'll say the same thing about him." Finally disgusted with his meal he pushed it out of his way. "And Charli will be teaching your class tonight and she is going to do just fine with it." he said. Nate looked at him. "Colonel, she doesn't have the skill," Charli was about to say something when Clark burst, "She will do fine! I have full confidence in her! It doesn't take much skill to be a night sniper! I had to learn it as well, along with all other combat whatevers. The joys of being in my special forces unit, we learned everything." He holds up his pinky and waggles it in front of Nate. "If I wanted I could kill you with my pinky, it would be nothing." He then smiles at Nate, stands up and leaves the mess hall.
Clark didn't show anything on his face, but he looked at Nate, "Who was your Commanding Officer?" Clark asks with curiousity. "I might have met him, I met a lot of officers during this last bout, wish I could tell you doing what, but that's classified." He frankly didn't care if this turd had went AWOL or not, he had heard about the night snipers, and how they operated. He also saw with his own eyes how they would usually hit civilians by accident. He wondered how many Camel Jockeys Nate had killed that weren't even military. Didn't really matter, he had killed his share of military and civilian Arabians.
Ken smirked. [i] Well Kyp had been taught his place[/i] he thought. He finished his tea, and finished what was left of his meal. "Well, I shall retire now, I hope we have a early start tomorrow." He stood up and gave a slight bow then walked up the stairs to their room. He entered it and placed his swords in front of him as he got onto his knees to pray. His prayer done he found on of the most comfortable chairs and fell quickly asleep in it. He did not like sleeping in beds.