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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon

  1. Clark returned to his seat and his pathetic meal that the army tries to get them to eat. He once again started his routine of poking at his food, wondering if it would attack his fork. He also wondered why the meat was green and the vegetables were brown. He hated army food. He looked at Nate for a second, then at Charli, he gave her a small smile. He looked back down at his food, he could have sworn he had seen the sirloin steak move.
  2. Ken walked through the city, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells that radiated from the area. Some were good, some were horrible, but he enjoyed it all. It was quiet, the way he liked it. No sounds of gun shots in the distance, just the sound of people going about their business of the day. He went through a open air market and saw several interesting booths. There were booths for food, good and bad, weapon booths, and unfortunately a gun booth. He stopped at this one to look over the merchandise. "Hello! Is there something I can help you with Sir?" the merchant said instantly, with a smile. Ken shot the merchant a look that could kill almost anything, the merchant's smile faded, as he took a step back. Ken flashed his sword, but didn't draw it. "You have until nightfall, which is soon, to destroy these guns. If you don't, I'll find you." Ken promised. Then walked away and went to a blade seller. There he looked over several swords from the west, which were rare items. He finally found something that caught his interest and couldn't pass up. It was a wakizashi, of the same make of his katana. He paid the tender for the sword and walked away. He smiled as he put the wakizashi on his belt, he now felt whole. He also smiled at the fact that the gun merchant had indeed left, and was probably destroying the guns, though Ken didn't really care. Ken walked around the town some more, before finally deciding to go back to the inn.
  3. Ken sighed and rolled his eyes. He began to wonder which god decided to place him with such idiots. To him it seemed the only people with any brains were Sayuri, Wolf, and himself. The other two were complete dolts. [i]They're a disgrace to their titles,[/i] he thought suddenly. Which he found he may actually truly believe. A clumsy and not very stealthy ninja, and a disrespectful samurai. Ken thought he must have done something to anger the gods.
  4. "Clumsy oaf," Ken practically snarled. He honestly didn't know how this person survived this long. Constantly saying 'I'm the master,' when he's supposed to be hiding. [i]He's lucky he was trailing us and not some seriosly evil beings, or he would be dead. [/i] Ken kept walking, ignoring anything that came from Kaiser's mouth afterwords.
  5. Hey Ryan, if you still need that info on Snape here is a good batch of it: Full name: Severus Snape. Age: 35 or 36. Hogwarts information: Head of Slytherin House. Current Career: Potions master at Hogwarts. Physical Appearance: Greasy, shoulder-length, black hair, sallow skin, hooked nose, thin. Professor Snape is current Professor of Potions at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft, although really he harbours a secret desire to be Professor of the Dark Arts. He is also the current head of the Slytherin House. Snape is a somewhat enigmatic character who harbours a dislike for the ever popular Gryffindor first year Harry Potter. He tries not to let this spoil his day, but Harry is a constant thorn in his side. Snape is an occasional Quidditch referee.
  6. Kel waited patiently, then the alarm went off. "So much for that class!" He said as he ran out of the room to the bridge. A glance out of the viewport showed him several black ships approaching, strangely familiar looking ships. He ran past some escape pods, and saw the Younglings huddling in there. As he ran he came up to Xanko and young Abob. He didn't say anything to them as they ran into the bridge. That is where Abob told them what the ships were, Sith Battleships. Kel frowned at the news, knowing this was going to be a hard battle.
  7. Dmitri heard Val stirring, he heard the bow land near him. He opened his eyes and sat up, looked at the bow and shook his head. He saw Valkyrie's faint trail, and decided to follow it. He stood up and walked down to the lake as well.
  8. Works for me. I like your reasoning better than the sites. They were a little.. weird I think anyways.
  9. I have a question, did they ever give a date for when the Harry Potter books took place? Because I'm at some sight that says it took place in the early nineties. I think the people are full of crap, but that's just me.
  10. It's good, though I had a little trouble deciphering it, but when it finally dawned on me what it meant, it was good. Good job.
  11. It was the very least I could do for a good friend such as yourself. Good luck with the wand as well.
  12. Here you go Ms. Oekaki some stuff about Professor Flitwick. Sorry but I couldn't find anything about his wand type, you may have to just make one up. Sorry I didn't send it PM. Full name: Filius Flitwick hair: white ("a shock of white hair" PA5) distinguishing features: very short ("tiny little Professor Flitwick") voice: somewhat squeaky age: "older," since he was a Dueling Champion when he was "younger," was teaching at Hogwarts during the 1970s. He is descibed as "ancient" House: head of Ravenclaw field: Charms office: seventh floor, near the base of the West Tower interests: decorates with live fairies quite a bit drink: cherry syrup and soda with ice and an umbrella
  13. Clark sighed. [i]Another fight, beautiful.[/i] "If'll you'll excuse me I'll only be a minute," he said as he stood up. He walked over to Reg, Dai, and the other girlies. "We'll Private what was that all about?" he asked Reg sternly. "They were teasing Dai about his sister." Reg replied. Clark snapped his head and looked at the three girls. "You three, laps until you puke, then, I want fifteen more." He looked at Reg, "Eight laps for you," then adding in a quieter tone, "I'll see about a higher rank for you too, and Dai, behave yourself." He looked at the five kids one last time, "I'll know if you run those laps or not. If I see you didn't, I'll make sure you do." He turned and returned to his seat, and watched the four girls walk out, only Reg seemed not to grumble.
  14. Clark smiled, "I've already forgotten about it, and I talked to General Hathoway like you said, and eventually we got to the subject of Sniper classes." Charli seemed a little troubled, but said nothing. "I don't think you have to worry about getting replaced. Hathoway has agreed to find Nate a new assignment here."
  15. OOC: You do know that you don't have to reply to every post right? That way when you wait a little bit, you can make a nice big long post for the dinner scene. *makes a shocked sarcastic face* IC: Time went on with the classes. Clark left Hathoway's office a little disgruntled. He assumed that the General wanted him to retire. [i] Oh well, he can retire if he wants.[/i] He thought. He walked to the mess hall a little early for dinner, but he had nothing else to do, so he just sat down at his usual table and waited patiently.
  16. Clark was happy again. He went to Hathoway immediately to tell him. "General sir, I've decided that I don't want to retire just yet. I want to stay on a few more years." General Hathoway looked at Clark, then turned red with rage. "GODD*MNIT CLARK!! I was hoping to get rid of your sorry *ss! Alright fine, I won't ask why, but you had better get your act together. I know you don't like that new sniper teacher. Why is that?" "Sir, have you seen a sniper at night?" Clark asked. "Sure so what?" "Everyone knows that they are worthless, they have to have night vision to see, and most of the time they miss their targets. I think this captain is a fraud, and we don't need two sniping teachers, Charli, er.. Sgt. Howards is quite capable of teaching the students on her own." Clark explained. Hathoway paced around, he could see the point of this, they didn't need two sniping teachers, when Charli was well qualified to do it on her own. "Alright fine, I'll see if he has any other specialties, maybe he can take Seth's job." "I'm quite capable of covering that class, after all 3 operations, two in Iraq, and one in Afganistan, two successful. And checking his record only shows him in one, and doing very little except going AWOL Twice!" "THAT'S ENOUGH COLONEL!" Hathoway bellowed. "I'll find him something to do! But until I do he stays on as the second sniping instructor!"
  17. Thomas and Al, finally got sober. The two went along looking for Oni and the others. They took plenty of food and booze. They were going to make this fun.
  18. Clark stood there dumbfounded. She didn't want him to leave. He couldn't help but think that he had been in this army for over 20 years. Most people wanted him out. He nodded. He just decided he would leave when she did. "Charli!" he yelled, then ran to catch up with her. "Fine you win, I won't leave until you do, is that a deal?" He asked, not looking at her.
  19. Andrew lowered his sword. This angel was confusing. "Demons do exist, I've just killed a few. But if you are serious about helping I won't deny the help. But I'll keep my eye on you!" He said. Then slowly he held out his hand, offering her to take it in a truce hand shake.
  20. "Eh.." He started nervously. "Well, I'm 19, and live in Boston." He felt her finger on his face, and it made little tinglies go through his body. He was amazed, he had never been seduced like this. Hell he had never been seduced. It felt like his heart and stomach were both in his throat. His eyes even crossed for a minute. He was beginning to get scared, almost like a trapped animal. He needed to somehow get away. But yet he didn't want to, there was something else lurking in his mind that he wanted to do. He was confused.
  21. OOC: I'll consider this as time before Clark went to see Charli. Remember Oekaki, Clark still needs to be answered :) "Balderdash. I did not miss a shot, 17 bullets in the gun, 17 hits, sounds pretty flawless to me." He finished his lunch and was getting ready to leave. "I still don't know what you are talking about, because if I'm not mistaken I am the second highest ranking officer here, just below General Hathoway. I expected to be treated like it. And if you thought I was pissy last night you haven't seen anything yet. Ask some of my students about that." Clark snapped. Then stood and left the mess hall again.
  22. Name: Pritz Side: Good Age: 20 Appearance: 6 foot even. Has a thin black beard and black hair as well. He is well muscled, and has a look of a military man about him. He has a scar on his eyebrow. Bio: Meh, he doesn't have much of a life. Parents are dead, and he does what he wants. But he is still good hearted and hates bad people.
  23. Dmitri snorted. "Like I'm afraid of you.." he mumbled. He laid back down and tried to sleep, but found himself just looking up at the sky. [i]Urgh!![/i]
  24. OOC: I'm sorry Ms. Oekaki, but I think I must drop out of this. My character has little use in this. And there are a few certain people that I have come to not like in it as well. So I regret to say I must drop out. Not like my character did anything anywho.
  25. OOC: Alright pull them off good. ;) IC: The classes went by quickly, he didn't have much trouble today, and was very glad with it. He was still confused as to why Charli was so mad at him. He saw the daggers her eyes threw at him this morning. He decided to confront her about it. He went to one of her classes and waited patiently. When it was over he walked up to her. "Sgt. Howards, I want to know what the hell I did to annoy you so badly." He ordered her, the first time he had ordered her to do something ever.
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