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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon
Praetor couldn't help but give a small laugh. "It's quite alright," he said. Then he proceeded to sit down next to her. He looked around nervously before finally giving up. "You know this is the first time I've ever been around a girl like this. So.. I'm a bit confuzzled." He continued on with pointless stuff that really doesn't matter, he was more or less babbling. Finally he came up to something worth talking about. "So where are you from? Age? That kind of stuff?"
RPG The End Of The World As We Know It (revisited)
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Corey's topic in Theater
Andrew narrowed his eyes. He felt he should at least tell her. "Very well, if you haven't noticed Demons are running amok in this place. The forces of hell have broken through into our realm and are now destroying us. There is a last ditch resistance going on of Humans and Angels. Is that good enough for you or do you wish for more information?" Andrew asked annoyed. Preparing to attack once again. But it confused him as to why a fallen angel would not know about this. -
"I'm afraid I don't know what you are talking about," Clark said cooly. He kept a straight face and didn't bother to look at Nate. "I think you do," Nate replied. "Well then you thought wrong." Clark said, finishing his breakfast. "Now if you'll excuse me I have an extra class to prepare for today. I'm responsible for Seth's classes since he's in court." Clark stood up without another word and left the cafeteria. He made his way to Seth's area and got stuff set up. "Behind enemy lines.." He mumbled to himself. HE began thinking of his days back in the Gulf War, the urban fighting he did in Bagdad that was kept secret since it wasn't a complete success. Then he left that place and checked his two areas, they were the way he had left them the day before. So he just puttered around until it was time for his class to start.
Ken looked around at the open air market. He didn't truest these places, so he wen to the edge of town and found his own meal. He picked at a berry bush and found a great deal of edible berries. He ate them quickly and found most everyone else he was now traveling with. He didn't see Kyp, didn't really care either, he didn't like the kid. He was too rash, and arrogant for his taste, and he didn't like the fact that the kid thought he knew everything. But he didn't let that get to him. He lurked with the others, not saying much, and not doing much. He would just fight when he saw fit, and do pretty much as he pleased.
Praetor obediantly followed her. He listend to her every words, not wanting to miss them. He suddenly for a minute came to his senses, and he shook his head. He felt really dumb, and tried to keep himself from losing control again. He sat down under the tree she had indicated, but still felt uncomfortable, because she was still standing up. He was puzzled for a minute when he finally realized why. She was wearing a skirt. [i]Well I could see how that would cause a problem.[/i] he thought, then felt scared because she may have heard that, since she had the psychic element. He frowned slightly and tried to clear his mind of all.. [i]bad[/i] thoughts. He decided that he would stand back up, since she couldn't decide how to sit down. He would only sit down again if she did.
OOC: If Swift heard twenty shots then he needs to get his hearing checked. The rifle only had 17 bullets. I didn't know how many rounds were usually in a sniper rifle so I just guessed with the number my .22 can hold. IC: The next morning started as it usually did for Clark. Got up before dawn, ran a few laps around the track, showered, shaved, and the other yadda. He attended the flag ceremony and then went to the mess hall for breakfast. Which was as always a good protein based meal of eggs and bacon. He sat down alone again and picked at his meal, for some reason lately his heart just wasn't into his usual self.
Kel decided to go to the form class. The previous night he had watched the dueling, and decided that he would watch the students he had interest in with their form. He didn't know what to expect with the form class, for everyone was different in their own unique way. He himself had a form unlike many others, that had propelled him to the top of his class for a while. He silently entered the class room, and subtely let the instructor know that he was there, and patiently watched the younglings at work.
Clark was curious so he decided to watch one of the classes. The mere thought of Night Sniper Classes was balderdash to him. So he watched from a distance the class progress. Then he realized something that had never happened before. He didn't like this teacher one bit. Then an idea fromed in his mind. He walked up to the teacher, came up right behind him undetected. He let out a annoyed cough and the teacher turned on him. "What do you want?" the teacher growled. "That's: What do you want, [i]Sir![/i] a**wipe." Clark replied, very annoyed. He made a small gesture to his rank (Colonel). "Fine what do you want sir?" Nate asked again with sarcasm. "I merely wanted to take a crack at the course for a moment," then without a reply he went over and snatched a bolt action rifle from Day, giving a quick wink. He got in position and aimed. He fired once, then cocked and fired again, he did this until he ran out of bullets in the magazine. He waited patiently for the people at the other end to comfirm his hits. "17 confimed kills. All head shots and in the eye area." Came a small voice from the other end. Clark smiled and handed the gun back to Day. "Well, I think that is all for tonight." Clark said, then walked to his room. Where he enjoyed a peaceful nights rest.
RPG The Fast and the Furious: Race Wars, Hawaii
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Eclectic's topic in Theater
John was driving along, he was mumbling and cursing everything in sight. "I don't see why the hell we have to go undercover to do this. Stopping them with brute force would be easier..." He continued on with this rant. Then if finally dawned on him. He hated his job with a passion. -
General Hathoway was pacing his office, he was clutching a letter in his hand. He didn't know what to do with it. Should he disregard it, or tell the person it is ment to be seen by, he didn't know. ** Clark finished with that class and was now going onto the Parachuting class. "So much for so little," he said to himself. His heart still wasn't into teaching but he did his best. He even managed to kick a few kids out of the plane. That made him feel better after a while. But he was still curious as to why Charli was so upset at him.
RPG The End Of The World As We Know It (revisited)
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Corey's topic in Theater
Andrew looked at Alicia, he instantly show hatred for her. "A fallen Angel huh? You're just as bad as the demons!" He snarled, raising his sword, preparing to strike. Something deep inside of him told him to ask questions then attack, but he seldom listened to that part. With his sword raised higher he started making his way towards the angel, with the intent to kill etched in his eyes. "If I can't kill a demon I'll kill a fallen angel!" He cried as he ran forward to face her. -
Praetor didn't know how stupid that sounded. To him it sounded like the best idea he had ever heard. "Sure, as long as you know what to talk about," he said, wearing a weak smile. He wanted to know what he was doing. He never acted like this around people! But he felt as if he could do nothing but try and make Elce happy. So he would do whatever he was told to.
Thomas and Al continued there havoc. They were thoroughly enjoying themselves in not having to do any time traveling and causing trouble. But now they had busted out several windows, found some alcohol and were drunk off their a**es. They were in heaven.
Praetor seemed to have lost his mind when her hair fell down around her shoulders. He just sort of stood there staring at her, his mind numb and blank. If his mouth had been open his tongue might have been hanging out and drooling. Jasmine saw his state and started prodding him, but he didn't realize it. He couldn't take his eyes off of Elce, he was entranced.
OOC: Vicky I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you should read Boba's last post in the Recruitment forum.... [COLOR=darkred]Kel walked the corridors of the [i]Chu'unthor.[/i] He had just seen a very good lightsaber duel that had him thinking. He didn't really want to take on a student just yet, considering his last one met a untimely death. [i]Rotten Huttese[/i] he thought. He calmed himself down quickly and was trying to decide which student he should take on. [i]Young Abob would be a good one,[/i] Kel thought. He still had time to make his decision, so he would just wait for a little while. Kel continued to walked down the corridors, realizing he had no idea where he was. He used the force and came to a conclusion, he started walking in a direction that would take him to someplace recognizable.[/COLOR]
Sign Up Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Shikaku Kitoku's topic in Theater
YAY! ^_^ Another Professor. Now Dragomir won't be alone. Please remember though, he's the DATDAT (Defense Against etc.). Hahaha, that's a funny way to abbrieviate it. Mrs. Rowlings ought to take that up. -
Thomas and Al walked around in the future place. "I wonder how much trouble we can make?" Al asked with a devious grin. "I don't know.. shall we see?" Thomas asked returning the grin. They both let out a evil laugh and started running around. They started destroying things, even caused a small fire. "HEHEHEHEHE!!" They were both laughing.
Praetor didn't really know what to say, so he just agreed. "Yeah, he is, no offense though isn't his name a little odd?" Praetor decided not to think of the name for to long. Praetor let out a little noise of distress, "You'll have to forgive me, I honestly don't know how to act around people, so I may appear a little... off at times." He said finally, then added with much hesitation. "So.. um.. Anything interesting ever happen in your life? Other than this?" [I]My God I'm dumb[/I]
RPG The Fast and the Furious: Race Wars, Hawaii
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Eclectic's topic in Theater
John left his house and got in his new car. He thought it was an okay car but he still hated it. He started mumbling something about 'undercover'. If he had wanted to do stuff like this he wouldn't have left Seattle. [i] Oh well, it pays the bills,[/i] he thought. He started up the car and started driving around. No idea where he was going to go. -
Dmitri sat up and looked at Dango, "Dango? How can you make up your mind with all that mess in there? You are thinking of twenty different things!" Dmitri stopped. He shouldn't have been reading somebody elses mind. So he just looked ahead. He couldn't help it that he was able to hear Dango's troubled mind so easily. So he just looked at Val, gave a small smile, and said nothing else.
RPG The End Of The World As We Know It (revisited)
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Corey's topic in Theater
Andrew was slammed against a wall, his breath was knocked out of him. [i]Well this demon's to big, time to run![/i] he thought to himself. He staggered up onto his feet and started running as fast as he could. He couldn't defeat this demon by himself, so he had to find a group of somebodies, hopefully it wouldn't be another demon. Andrew turned a corner and saw two humans facing a demon, [i]Well this'll do,[/i] he hoped. He skidded to a stop and had his sword pointing to the demon. "Don't kill her!" One of the men said. Andrew just gave a puzzled look. -
Ken was awake, listening to the conversation and the plan that was suggested. He ran it through his mind. Kyp and Sayuri both had good points. Men did have a weakness for women, but not all men did. But if a woman showed up and was almost naked, any man would be destracted by that. He still didn't have his eyes open but he could feel the tension in the air, so he decided to break the tension somehow. "Sounds like a good plan to me," he said, still not moving or making it look like he was awake. So Ken continued to lay there, walking the line of being asleep and being awake. Either way he was still getting his rest.
Ouch, man, no offense, but I think she told you. :P Just please don't get mad at me. *cowers in fear wondering where his common sense is that keeps him from saying stuff like this*
Ken laid back with a smile. [i]Two hundred fifty men, this is certainly going to be fun![/i] He thought with a smile. He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep, where he dreamed of killing gun users.