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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon

  1. OOC: Question, can we see each other's emerald spirit? IC: Praetor had introduced himself to everyone that was present, but now he saw a beautiful woman about his age being led down the hill. He didn't say much when she joined the group. He heard her say what her name was, Eclecis, an odd name he thought. He wasn't going to introduce himself until she was done talking to that had struck up a conversation with her.
  2. And if you were the great etc. grandson of Obie Won, then your name would be Danny Kenobi, but it is also the little fact you wouldn't have that name, because Ben never had decendants, but oh well. Name: Luke Solo Age: 26 Race: Human Saber Color: Crimson Bio: The many great grandson of the Jedi Princess Leia Organa, and Han Solo. He has already taken the test and is now a Jedi Knight, though he will gladly help fight against the Dark Side. He is currently on Tattoine settling a dispute with the current Hutt that is in control there. But he will soon be speeding back to the Jedi Academy to help. Master: Quinen (Dead)
  3. Thomas was grumbling, he now had to go all alone to some place back after his time. He was beginning to think that he was the oldest member around. He gave a resigned sigh, he hadn't been able to snatch any food while he was here, he could only hope that this next person he had to find had some food. He stepped through the portal and was zapped back in time to 1736. After the rush of being zapped about 3000 years back in time Thomas looked around. He was on a island, or what he presumed to be an island because the trees and ocean. He walked along the beach/tree line and eventually saw a small fire. He slowly krept up to it and saw a man with blazing red hair eating something, it was meat. Thomas suddenly became aware that he was very hungry still. So he calmly walked up to the man. "Oh.. 'ello!" The man said between bites, then gave a suspicious look. "Wha' do you want?" "I am merely somebody stranded here, like yourself, and I'm very hungry, do you think you could spare some meat?" Thomas asked. The man gave him a look. "Firs' wha's your name?" "I'm Thomas Hidenburg" he replied with a low bow. "Eh? Is tha' so? Well Tommy, I'm Captain Alazar Corrupto, but me mates just call me Al, or well they did." "What do you mean by that?" "I mean, here, have a taste of me mates," Al said, handing Thomas a slab of meat. "It's a rib, sure it may have belonged to a man, but after he was killed I don't think he would miss it much aye?" Thomas didn't ask questions, he didn't care what kind of meat it was, he was hungry so he happily ate the meat. "So, Al, I was wondering if you would like to get off this rock?" "Would I? Yer damn right I would! Sure I've been making fine meals out of me ship mates, but it can only go so far! But how do you suppose we do it?" Al asked. "Well you killed your men with rocks right?" "Yeah," "Well, it's because there is some soul or other rubbish inside of you giving you these powers, I was sent here to take you to the future to save the world." Thomas explained. "What?" Al asked confused. "The world is going to end in the year 4000 or something like that." "That's... uh.. 1...2...3.. 3000 years from now at least! What do I care what happens then? I'll be dead!" Al said. "I've been saying the same thing, but they gave me little choice so what do you say? are you going to come?"
  4. Praetor opened his eyes and saw he was on a island. He was suddenly very confused. He had no idea how he got there. He stood up and looked around, then felt something hit his foot. He looked down and it was a green stone, he bent down and picked it up. "It's a emerald of power," a soft melodic voice said. Preator spun around looking for the voice, and found himself looking face to face with a young girl, whom had long brown hair, and green eyes. Very pretty. "Who..? Wha..? Huh?" Praetor asked dumbfounded. The girl gave a small giggle. "My name is Jasmine, the emerald you hold is the Emerald of Nature, and I, am the emerald spirit. We will be working together." "Uh.. blah.. uh." Praetor answered. "Oh come off it Praetor! There's a world to be saving and you standing there oggling at me isn't getting it saved any quicker!" Jasmine snapped, with a slap across Praetor's face. Which seemed to wake him up. "Men!" Jasmine snorted. "Well there are plenty of other people around! Go make friends!" She snapped. Praetor suddenly became aware of other people on the island and went to go make small talk with them. Introducing himself.
  5. Name: John Cladar Age: 35 Bio: He joined the police force in Seatle, Washington. He later moved to Hawaii to get away from all the rain and such that always occured there. He wasn't all that smart at the time. Personality: Easy going, but doesn't like law breakers. Description: 6'2" tall, very tanned now. When not on duty wears flashy Hawaiian shirts. Very masculin Rank: undercover Other: Has a grudge against any street racer. So he went out and bought his own car and all the little extras with his own money. Now he's going to go undercover to get rid of the law breakers. Car Make: Honda s2000 Paint Color: Black with red striped down the middle. Other: Decals: None Extra's: 2 large NOS tanks, laptop. the
  6. Dmitri rolled his eyes at the sight of the wolf and demon. "Pathetic," he muttered under his breath. He was still pondering over what Deteria had said. It was becoming very tempting to just kill the abomination to nature. But he also thought that if he felt that way about Dango he should feel that way about Val as well, but he loved Val, and could never harm her intentionally. so he just sat there and brooded over it as he munched on a apple.
  7. OOC: Sure does, but when you address me it doesn't have to be full name, you can just call me Dmitri. IC: Thomas saw the whatever hurt the tree and became very enraged. Without thinking he used his powers and let the tree get it's revenge. The tree swung a branch around and struck the cyborg fully in the chest, knocking him back. Thomas walked up to the person and looked down at him. "You're coming with us whether you are hungry or not!" He snarled. Then with the hilt of his sword he smashed Dango across the face, knocking him out.
  8. Clark got out of the pointless questioning. Charli went in after him and would have to suffer the same nonesense. He immediately went to the MP's. "Yes Colonel what can we do for you?" the MP asked. "Keep a look out for Rijin Hikigane, here's what he looks like. Double the guard and do not under any circumstances let him out. If he does manage to get out don't let him get far," He gritted his teeth before adding. "Use any means necessary to not let him leave." The MP looked dumbstruck, but saluted anyways. "Yes Sir, we can do that." "Good man," Clark said as he turned and walked away. [i]Sorry Stimpy, can't let you get out and causing any trouble, this is a job for the real soldiers.[/i] He went back to the General's office and waited for Charli to get finished with her questioning.
  9. Hey Wondershot, Water has already been taken man, it was taken by Dayday. Unless she dropped out I'm not sure. But you may want to talk to Vicky, he seems to have forgotten about this RPG. So you might want to PM him.
  10. Jebus, only two elements left, and Kasaki.. what in the hell is Galena? Is that even a real element? Oh well. But yeah this is my bad guy, and there only two elements, but soon to be one. Dis gonna be hard, I may have to get rid of the Viking idea and get an Arab. That would be interesting, make him from the Greatest City in the World a.k.a. Bagdad. Name: Jamal ibn Fadlan Age: 23 Dragon Soul: Cudzu Element: Sand Weapon: Scimitar Time: 234 b.c. Bio: He is a lunatic Arab, he lives in Bagdad and can speak some sketchy English, Latin, German, French, and a hint of Russian. He's an educated man, albeit senile and not very well liked. He hates most, well all people he meets. He enjoys long walks on the sand dunes with his camels.. o_O He also tortures his slaves and drinks their blood, thinking it gives him power. He uses a special power of his he discovered and sand blasts his enemies. Then takes their very clean bones and makes tools out of them. Think of him as a ancient Saddam. [SIZE=4]I EDITED THIS SO YOU KNOW!!! ^_^[/SIZE]
  11. Slinx walked through the dark corridors that he and his sister Jinx called home. This was their fortress where they would watch the people that would take the place of Sonic and his powerful friends. He entered the room that his sister was currently in. "Hello dear sister," Slinx said in a menacing voice. "Greetings brother," Jinx replied, looking at something. "What is it you are looking at?" He asked as he walked up beside her. Then he let a cruel smile spread across his face. They were looking down at a Pool of Sight. They saw a hedgehog that resembled Sonic, and some sort of Cat thing. "Yes I see you already realize it." Jinx said. "We are going to have fun disrupting their peaceful existance." "Oh yes brother we are." Jinx said.
  12. Name: Praetor Kenshin Age: 19 Power: Nature Emerald Color: Forest Green Special Skill: Plant/Tree control. He can make a trees or plants work for him; limited use. Weapon: Green Oracle Sword of the Druids (Enchanted Katana)
  13. OOC: If you need a bad guy I've thought up a water element bad guy, he'd be a Viking from the year 876 a.d. He'd be about like my two characters, except chowing down on us more.. literally. IC: Thomas looked around. "Where is this wiebchen? I do not like this, he should be easier to find." He complained. Cay looked at him, "I don't know where he is, and what kind of accent is that?" Thomas wheeled around on her. "It's German you English pig dog! Now I would be watching myself if I were you! I'm quite hungry and you seem to be about the only eatable thing around here!" Thomas practically yelled. He started walking away from this girl again. He wanted to find food.
  14. "Blah, she needs to be with Reg, besides, that was a good punch." Clark said defiantly. The two walked into the waiting room of the General's. "The General is ready to see you Officers." The Assistant said. Clark waved a hand and the two walked right into the office. General Hathoway looked up at the two. "What took you so long?" "Problem in the mess Sir," Clark said. "I hope it didn't involve another broken arm?" "No Sir," Clark answered. "Good. Anyways Ren is being questioned. I assume that you two will be next on the list. I believe it is about Lt. Akashi." Hathoway said. "Frank, before I go in I want to ask you something," Clark said. "Yes what is that?" "I want to retire after this year." Clark answered. Hathoway gave a look of disbelief, almost as if he was going to have a heart attack. "What's bringing this on? Are you getting soft on me Colonel? Wasn't you that told me the only way you were going to leave this army was in a body bag?" Hathoway asked. "Yes Sir, but I want to.. to just get out of here, it's driving me insane. I want to see this competion through then I want out." "Very well," Hathoway said. "What do you need?" "A home and a car," "Well that should be simple enough, with your savings account you should have enough money to get any sort of house." "Yes sir, just see what you can get me and I'll do the rest." Domingo said. "Okay Ding." That was the end of that, now they could only wait to be questioned.
  15. Dmitri found himself liking Dango less and less each passing minute. [i]The nerve of that egotistical son of a orc. First he tries to kill me, er, Deteria and Hecate, now he's playing ranger. [COLOR=red]You could always kill him while he slept[/COLOR] You aren't any help Deteria [COLOR=red]Of course I am, but really, you should wait until he's asleep, then put a dagger into that ignorant skull of his.[/COLOR] Do not tempt me Deteria [COLOR=red]So it sounds interesting to you then?[/COLOR] I'll consider it [COLOR=red]You should, it would mean that we could play with Valkyrie and her counterpart more[/COLOR] You are worse than Hecate! [/i] Dmitri looked at Dango and the pup, he had to admit it did sound like a good idea, but he didn't want to stoop to low levels.
  16. Alex went home and went to bed the previous night. And after eating breakfast and saying a good bye to his mother he went out into the streets again. He walked along the side walk minding his own business. He took these walks very often, pretty much all day. He never once thought about what had happened last night he just wanted to walk and not be a bother to his mother. He walked to the park and was just walking around. He stopped in front of the fountain and was looking at the water when unexpectedly he had a sudden headache. This time he didnt' go into a fit of rage, he just felt sick to the stomach. He keeled forward and landed in the water. He rolled over onto his back and floated there.
  17. "Oh bloody hell," Clark grumbled as he stood up. "Well I'll just go take care of this," Charli gave him a look. "Don't worry I'm not going to kill them. But you might as well come too seargent, they called your name as well." Clark emptied his tray into the trash and went over to the four girls as quickly as he dared. "Alright DaiShamar," Clark said as he grabbed Day's wrist. "I'm glad you pay attention in class but we don't need a demonstration in the mess hall." "But Sir-!" Day started. "You three!" Pointing to Courteny and her posse, "25 laps around the football field should be suifficient enough." the three walked off grumbling. "And as for you Daishamar," He said looking at her all imposing like. "Go on and sit with your friend," he said, giving a wink. He patted her shoulder as he walked out of the mess hall and to the General's office.
  18. Clark decided to just ignore the anouncement for now, whatever the General had to say could most definately wait. He just wanted to stay in the mess hall and talk with Reg and Charli without interuptions. Though he knew that if he wasn't there in fifteen minutes they would call him again. He didn't care.
  19. Clark looked at Reg, he really didn't feel like being an a**hole at the moment. "Sure have a seat," he said. By now he had stopped stabbing his egg and started stabbing at his grits. He didn't feel like eating just stabbing at his food. Yeah.. stabbing was fun. "Blah," he said, throwing his fork down again, and muttered "Stupid competition.." He looks up at the ceiling and rubs his eyes. Then looks down at Reg, then looks at Charli, then back at Reg. "How are ya kid?"
  20. "I feel so Hamtaro," Ray mumbled. As he saw a dog running towards him. "Crap." The dog ran up to him and was barking viciously, so Ray, did the little hampster noise, and bit the dogs nose. The dog turn tailed and ran. Raymond started running to the house, wondering if he had a poseable(sp) thumb.
  21. Erm.. right. I hope you aren't going to post in numbers when this things starts. Also, if it alright for me to be Slinx there he is below. I changed his description some, I know they are twins and all but they can't be identical O_o Name:Slinx Race of Animal:Echidna Good/Bad:Bad Description: Looks like his sister, except is black with red spikes and red ear tips Bio:They came from Chaos Island.The opposite of Emerald Island.The land is Chaos like it's name.Jinx and her twin Slinx have raged war on the island and are now moving to somewhere else.They have come across Emerald Island and are preparing to reak havock on the peaceful island.
  22. Alright, I could make up some evil characters, post them and people could take their pick if they wanted one. Hell I could always make the pirate into a bad guy. But just tell me how the bad guys would be, you know, if they have the same elements and such. Then I could sketch up some ideas. In fact I already have an idea for the water element bad guy. He's already sounding so cool it's creepy. o_O
  23. Dmitri looked at Dango angrily. Then he saw the wolf. His heart went out to it but he couldn't do anything for it. "What in the Nine Hells do I look like Dango? A God? I can't help him, I don't have any magic at the moment. If it can survive till morning then I can help it. And sence it's so closely related to you, why don't you help it?!?" He said a little more harsher than he intended.
  24. Clark threw his utensil down disgusted, and gave Charli a disgruntled look. "What in the hell is wrong with these kids?" Charli gave a stare of not understanding. "Swifty breaks his ribs. Ren's getting shot up with ton's of morphine. Now Reg is cutting herself up. It's so G*d Damn pitiful. And you know what? I'm beginning to hate this army." He sighed and picked up his fork again, sort of stabbing at his egg. "I'm not coming back next year," he said finally. "What do you mean?" Charli asked him. "I mean I'm going to retire and get out of this hell hole. The General's been trying to get me to retire for two years, now I think I will." "Dom, I even know you don't have a home or car outside of this place." "That just means that I have the money to get a car and a home." Clark said stubbornly. "And what will you do?" Charli asked. "I don't know, I might try to start a family again." he said without thinking. "You have to find somebody willing to stand to be around you." Charli said a little coldly. "You seem to handle me okay," Clark responded, his words dripping with sarcasm. "Besides, who says I have to have a wife? Maybe I'll just adopt a kid? I have enough money saved up, and my retirement money will be good, and I'm still young enough to find a job. I think I could do it." "Whatever," Charli said. "Well eat up, we have classes to teach and the General wants to talk to us later." Clark said, still stabbing his scrambled egg.
  25. Alex watched Glenn with mild interest. But he thought that if Glenn could manipulate his element, to increase his spead, he may be able to do the same. But he really didn't want to just start running. He would look stupid if he did that. So he gave himself an excuse to. He did something with some rock on the other side of the park. "I'm going to go get a closer look." He started running to the stone structure he had raised. He didn't find himself speeding up to his disappointment as he got closer, but he suddenly felt himself getting smaller. He looked down and saw that he had sunk to his knees in the dirt, but he was still running. "This is not right!" he practically screamed. He started panicing, he couldn't see his feet so he tripped over them. He fell face forward into the dirt, but it didn't hurt. It was as if the ground was water to him. He held his breath under the ground until his lungs burned. Then took in a deep breath, and had no trouble breathing. He could breath underground, in the rock. "This is weird.." he said perfectly. He jumped up and when he landed again, the ground was solid under his feet. "THANK GOD!!" he started kissing the ground, happy for it to be solid again.
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