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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon
[SIZE=1][B]Gavin was once again traveling the streets of the bustling town of Glen Haven. He was looking for anything interesting in this Harvest Festival. Unfortunately, everything was, obviously, based upon some sort of harvesting type thing. Gavin was drawn to a part of the town that he had visited the previous day. He was once again looking at a sign that read: [I]La Boulangerie DeFerias. [/I] From what he could tell the store was still open, but he was leery. He had a bad habit of indulging on breads and sweets of the sort. His will power held out for quite some time, he was even able to leave that part of the town for a short while. He explored more of the town taking in the sights, for what seemed to be such a small little town, there was a lot to be seen. Ultimately, however, he found himself once again in the presence of the bakery. He looked into the window and saw the proprietor. A young looking woman that had a streak of flour on her cheek. Her blonde hair was put up in a bun to stay out of her face and food. Even though she had the look of a "commoner" she was still very beautiful. Gavin studied her for a few moments, she had not taken notice of him as of yet. He felt his heart give a slight pain. Something he had been experiencing frequently. He hoped it was not the heart problems that his family was known for. On the second moment of pain, he realized it wasn't a "bad" feeling, it was one of remorse. He missed his queen, and this baker, reminded him fully of the queen he so longed to see. He almost slapped himself. He frowned at his ignorance. He should not be so weak, especially in public. He stood up straight, adjusted his sword, and entered the bakery. At first he smelled stale bread. Then as he got used to the smell he noticed it was still a satisfying smell. The proprietor noticed him and gave him a small smile of shock and happiness. As if he was the first person she had seen in a long time. "Um... h-hello..." Gavin stammered quietly. "Hello..." the woman replied with a continuing smile, her voice edged with an accent he could not quite place.[/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B]The following morning Gavin awoke with his head on the floor of his room, and his body sprawled across the bed. After he was able to get himself up, he felt the stiffness in his neck, it was so sore that he was not sure if he would be able to get to the dining room. He dressed himself into some simple leather breeches and a white tunic. He did not feel like wearing his full armor this day, he wanted to have some comfort. He adjusted his sword on his way down to the common room, which also served as the dining room. Otik saw him coming and quickly rushed into the kitchen to prepare his guest's breakfast. In fifteen minutes, Otik returned with a plate full of eggs, bacon, spiced potatoes, and toast. "What would you have to drink Sir?" Otik asked. "Tea, or coffee, either will be fine," Gavin replied, eyeing his breakfast hungrily. When Otik left, Gavin started on his breakfast. [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] Gavin walked around the town. It was very crowded and he saw many interesting looking people. His first stop, was to the blacksmith. Who didn't take kindly to Gavin. "Ye can wait!" The gruff, stocky man said with a raised voice. "I 'ave orders that were placed two weeks ago! Wit' this blasted festival I'll probably ne'er be able to done! So yer horse can wait. I'll get to it when I 'ave a chance. Good day!" The smith had been able to herd Gavin to the door, and slam it in front of the warriors face. Gavin had nothing to do, except return to the Tea Kettle. He took his lunch, and informed Otik that he would be staying indefinately. "In that case, twenty jin will insure you residence here for two full weeks. If you need more time after that, you can pay as you need," Otik explained. Gavin paid out the jin, and went back into the town. He had to find something to do, the boredom would be the death of him.[/B][/SIZE]
[I]Rated PG-13 for violence, and mild language.[/I] For as long as could be remembered, there was always a tribe of some sort wreaking havoc in the realm of Noramia. Never, though, had there been someone to unite these tribes under one standard, and convince them to fight against the peaceful races and kingdoms. The someone to have done this, was a courageous, yet evil man named Alexius Dumat. Dumat used the wealth of his family to convince the barbarian tribes of his cause by giving to them the food they desprately needed. By providing the goblinoids the images of feasting upon the flesh of the innocent, he won their loyalty. With his intelligence and wisdom, he was given the approval of the evil dragons. With his powerful new allies, he coerced the Dark Wizards, and other "civilized" dark forces into following; giving to him a grand army that the forces of light were unable to contend with. The lone Senate of a crumbling kingdom has charged a warrior with the task of finding a small group of fighters to exterminate Alexius Dumat. They warned that the quest would be perilous, and would more than likely result in his and his companion's death. The warrior shrugged off the warning, he must do as he must. _______________ First off, I will be taking the role of Alexius Dumat. Someone, anyone can take the role of the warrior charged with finding this group of fighters. [b]Please note, I will be the one choosing who will be the "Chosen One," so do not automatically sign up a character that is described as the person who will rally the troops.[/b] Even though dragons were mentioned above, no one, not even I, will have a dragon. That will keep this RPG fair, and easy to run. Just make a normal character. [b]He/she can be of any race, other than were-creature, vampire, demon, or dragon of any kind. No exceptions.[/b] Finally, [b]Use Common Sense When Making Your Character!![/b] _______________ [COLOR=DarkRed]~Sign-ups~[/COLOR] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] Nothing outlandish. Elves are not immortal in my realm, and only live for about 700 years. If your elf is over 550 years of age you will be asked to change the age. [b]Race:[/b] You cannot be a drag [b]Class:[/b] [b]Alliance:[/b] Good or Evil. If you put good, then you will be of those eligable for the "one." If you are evil, then you are on the side of Alexius Dumat. No exceptions. [b]Description:[/b] Pictures will suffice, but a written out description would be nice, but isn't recquired. If a picture is used, make a link to the picture, instead of posting it in with the rest, makes thing easier to read. [b]Weapons:[/b] Just give the type of weapon you have. No explicit detail is needed. I will look scornfully upon any enchanted weapon, and weapons that are larger than your body. [b]Personality:[/b] It would be nice to have to see what type of character your... character has. [b]Biography:[/b] This is an obvious matter. [b]Spells:[/b] If applicable. You know what has spells, or should know. Mages (wizards), druids, rangers, clerical powers are considered spells by me. No warriors can have spells. Unless they wear no armor, and carry only a dagger to defend themselves. [b]Use common sense when making your character.[/b] [COLOR=DarkRed]~My Sign-Up~[/COLOR] [b]Name:[/b] Alexius Dumat [b]Age:[/b] 43 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class:[/b] Warrior [b]Alliance:[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [URL=http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v55/Rayman_879/4eaeeaa5.jpg]Alexius with armor[/URL] Alexius is rarely without his armor. When his helm is off people will see hair cut short, and dark eyes. He has a large scar down the side of his face from a battle against dwarves. His face is showing the wear of time, as he is getting wrinkles around his mouth and eyes, mostly from squinting in the sun. His hair is starting to show specks of gray. Even though old age is starting to creep up on Alexius, he remains physically fit, and ready to take on the world. [b]Weapons:[/b] A greatsword which he wields in one hand, and a whip with a wooden handle in the other. [b]Personality:[/b] Quick to give harsh punishment, Alexius is capable of striking fear into any of his minions. This is what has been able to keep him in control over the tribes of goblins, orcs, trolls, and other such creatures. The laws he creates for conquered lands are strick, but fair. He has a fair court system set up for any supposed criminals. Just because he is evil, does not mean he is dishonorable. He will never stab a man in the back, and always gives his enemies a chance to fight back. His attempts at making his armies do the same have proven futile. [b]Biography:[/b] Alexius remembers his life as a youth quite fondly. It wasn't a troubled childhood, in fact, it was quite pleasent. When he struck out on his own, and became a knight, he began to quickly realize the corruption in the kingdoms he served. After many years of not finding a honorable kingdom to serve, Alexius decided that he would create his own kingdom from scratch. In this kingdom, he determined that it would be ruled by honor, and fairness. It would restrict the people to certain rights, but would give them enough so that they would not feel too oppressed. At first, Alexius used eloquent words to draw people to his cause. He was laughed out of many towns, and imprisoned in others. On one such occasion in which the latter occured, he was rescued by sell-swords who had been impressed with what he said. They would later become great officers in the army he would soon build. After the events that built his army occured, he found his dream was coming true. Some of the cities he had conquered found that living under his rule was much safer than it had previously. He was finding less resistance in each city he rode forth to capture. The only thing left was the thorn in his side that he found in a large city, the city that had set an assassin after him. He knows of the crumbling Senate, and their pawn, and now makes the preparations to thwart their plans.
[SIZE=1][B]"That'll be eight jin, Sir," Otik said. "Any additional night will be four jin. As you have probably figured by now, each meal is two jin, and up; ale included." Gavin fished out the coins and handed them over. "I'll be sure to let you know by noon if I will be staying another night. Is that satisfactory?" Otik smiled and quickly answered in the affirmative. Gavin smiled as he took up what little of his belongings he had and found himself a cozy little room. It wasn't much, a bed and a table with two chairs. It had a window, so it was very good. He decided that it was too early to sleep, considering there was still quite a bit of sunlight out, so he went for a walk around the town. He saw a nice bakery that had some delicious looking items. Unfortunately, but perhaps, fortunately, for him it was closed. He decided that he wouldn't really need anything like that, it wouldn't do well for his health. Then he thought of all the ale he drinks. "Damnation... it wouldn't really matter." Gavin sighed. He was tired, and the sun was starting to set. He returned to the inn, and retired to his room. Where he eventually had a peaceful night's sleep.[/B][/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=1]Gavin entered the inn. As he was accustomed too, he thought he would find a run down little room with dirty tables and a greasy, fat, old fart for a innkeeper that would be very rude. In fact, though, it was quite the contrary. The common/dining room was very clean looking, he figured it was because of the barmaids that were currently scrubbing away at the tables. He was greeted by a friendly face, which he quickly surmised as the innkeeper. Gavin studied the man over, seeing that he was in fact a "larger" man, but was neither greasy nor old, perhaps middle-aged. "Welcome to the Tea Kettle Inn, Sir Knight, what will be your pleasure?" the innkeeper asked. Gavin smiled at the hospitality, it was something he had not received at many of the other roadhouses and inns he had visited. "I'll take whatever is hot and ready, with a mug of ale. I will also be needing a room for the night... perhaps several nights." Gavin said, remembering how his horse had lost a shoe, and needed to get re-shod. "Certainly Sir, would you like to get your room after you have had your meal, or before?" The innkeeper asked politely. Gavin thought this over for a moment, then felt his stomach clench in hunger. "I'll wait until after I've eaten, thank you Master....?" The innkeeper smiled as he finished for Gavin, "Otik Waylan." Otik took Gavin's extended hand in a warm, friendly shake. Otik then lead Gavin over to a table, comfortably put next to a window, so that the guest could gaze outside as he waited. A few moments later one of the barmaids arrived with Gavin's meal and ale. He studied the attractive burnette, watching how she moved. She had the grace of a feline, he noted. He also noted her voluptuous body, that her barmaid uniform did little to constrain. He sighed inwardly as she walked away. The temptation of the flesh was always after him it seemed. His heart would remain true to his queen, no matter what. The queen that had, against her wishes, exiled him to see the world.[/SIZE][/B]
I have no plans of dropping out this time. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][B]Name- [/B]Marshall Dumat [B]Age- [/B]47 [B]Gender- [/B]Male [B]Appearance- [/B]Marshall is a physically fit man, even for being near fifty years of age. He has short black hair that is starting to become littered with gray. His eyes are a strange, piercing blue, the kind of blue that can capture a person and not allow them to escape. He is of average height, standing at about six feet. He is mostly seen wearing the normal priests garb, black clothing with the collar. He will, however, change clothing as he sees fit. [B]Religion- [/B]Catholic [B]Occupation- [/B]Paladin (Explained in Bio) [B]Bio- [/B]Marshall's childhood is not important. What is important is his adulthood, and his ascention into priesthood. Marshall never imagined he would become a priest. He started out as a body builder, and model. One day, he just stopped. He traveled from his home, to the Vatican. There he swore his love to God, and explained how he wished to become a priest. The Catholics saw the promise in him, and allowed him to study at the Vatican, and later enter into the priesthood. What he would become in the priesthood remains a secret to all, except for a few Cardinals; even the Pope was out of the loop. Marshall's job was a enforcer of the Catholic Laws. If ever there was a priest that disobeyed the orders of the Church, or a supposed demon possession, Marshall was sent to rectify the problem.[/SIZE][/COLOR] Not too over the top is it?
[I]With permission[/I] [b]Name:[/b] Danyal Targonne [b]Age:[/b] 43 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Islanders or Chaos:[/b] Chaos [b]Dragon:[/b] [URL=http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v55/Rayman_879/DragonStrike.jpg]Pyre[/URL] Pyre, is one of the largest of all dragons. He became so large by litterally consuming other dragons, and taking on their strength and power. Pyre obviously breathes fire, which can burn through almost anything. [b]Weapon:[/b] A greatsword which he wields in one hand, and a whip with a wooden handle in the other. [b]Personality:[/b] Quick to give harsh punishment, Danyal is capable of striking fear into any of his minions. This is what has been able to keep him in control over the tribes of goblins, orcs, trolls, and other such creatures. The laws he creates for conquered lands are strick, but fair. He has a fair court system set up for any supposed criminals. Just because he is evil, does not mean he is dishonorable. He will never stab a man in the back, and always gives his enemies a chance to fight back. His attempts at making his armies do the same have proven futile. [b]Biography:[/b] Danyal remembers his life as a youth quite fondly. It wasn't a troubled childhood, in fact, it was quite pleasent. When he struck out on his own, and became a knight, he began to quickly realize the corruption in the kingdoms he served. After many years of not finding a honorable kingdom to serve, Danyal decided that he would create his own kingdom from scratch. In this kingdom, he determined that it would be ruled by honor, and fairness. It would restrict the people to certain rights, but would give them enough so that they would not feel too oppressed. The first kingdoms or tribes Danyal conquered were the orcs. Soon after, the goblins and trolls came under his control. One day, in preparing to attack a human kingdom, Danyal recieved a visitor. This was not the assassin he expected, or the scout that was due back, it was a dragon by the name of Pyre. Pyre offered his services to Danyal, in return for the glory and bloodshed that would soon follow. After that he used his new armies and allies to conquer humans. As the years passed, and his army grew along with his rule, he discovered that he may actually have found a threat to his domination. An island that had dragons and humans peacefully coexisting. [b]Appearence:[/b] [URL=http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v55/Rayman_879/4eaeeaa5.jpg]Danyal with armor[/URL] Danyal is rarely without his armor. When his helm is off people will see hair cut short, and dark eyes. He has a large scar down the side of his face from a battle against dwarves. His face is showing the wear of time, as he is getting wrinkles around his mouth and eyes, mostly from squinting in the sun. His hair is starting to show specks of gray. Even though old age is starting to creep up on Danyal, he remains physically fit, and ready to take on the world.
[B]Name: [/B] Gavin Mantar [B]Age: [/B] 32 [B]Gender: [/B] Male [B]Occupation: [/B] Knight [B]Weapons: [/B] A greatsword with a detachable dagger on the hilt, that he keeps strapped to his back. As well as a short sword on his hip. Finally another dagger that he keeps hidden in his boot. [B]Personality: [/B] Gavin is from a knighthood that strongly believes in honor. He can not lie, spy, or commit any other acts of mistrust towards another human being. If Gavin makes a promise, he will fullfill it no matter what the consequence. Though, with all that, Gavin still likes to listen to good music, drink lightly of ale, and hear a good story from a bard. [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://www.toddlockwood.com/Regdar.jpg]Click[/URL] [B]History:[/B] Gavin was born in a kingdom many miles away from Glen Haven. He was raised in that same kingdom, and entered the knighthood there as well. All his life was spent in the same kingdom. To defend it from those wishing to destroy it. One day, his queen summoned him to speek with her. He entered the hall and proudly walked up to her throne, and knelt before it. He raised his head and looked at his beautiful queen, whom was ten years younger than he. She gave him a simple task, to explore the world. For he had been in the kingdom far longer than he should have to enjoy life. Gavin attempted to argue that he was happy living in the kingdom under her rule, but he was still denied. She explained, in truth, that her council members had seen the love he held for her. A love they all to well understood, and would not allow to happen between a knight and a queen. She was forced to release him of her rule. With a farewell kiss from the queen, Gavin set out from the kingdom, and queen, he so dearly loved.
[COLOR=DarkRed] Kronnan swung his mighty sword in a wide arc in front of him, cutting down many of his adversaries. He brought the sword back up, then let it go down onto another enemy’s unfortunate skull, allowing brains and mucus to fall to the ground. He brought his sword up once more, but this time in a defensive position. There were no more attackers. He let his gaze wonder and saw the ring of bodies lying around him. He looked at his few remaining companions. They smiled to one another; they were victorious. “Praise be to Crom!” They yelled in unison. They bent forward and reached for their nearest deceased adversary. With their daggers they split open the corpse’s chest, and cut out their heart. They raised the bloody mass to the sky and offered a silent prayer to their god. They then brought the hearts to their mouths, and took a vicious bite from them, so that they could consume the power of their fallen enemies. Once they had completed their Ritual of Victory the small group of Deklar Tribesmen set forth over the snow covered land to return to their home, leaving their dead behind, it was their way. After several hours they could smell the cooking fires, and see the plumes of smoke that they were creating. As they drew closer, they could see that the plumes of smoke were far too large to be for camping fires, and there were too many of them to be a bon-fire. That left only one solution: the village itself, was on fire. They dropped everything they carried, except their weapons, and ran forth into their village, which they came to see was nothing but burning rubble. They did not know what else to do, so they started scouring the area for survivors. What they found instead, were heads on stakes. In the center of the impaled heads, was another post. Atop this one, was a metallic symbol. In the center of the spiked circle prison was an unusual symbol, it had a straight bar just a little off-center, with two more coming out of it in diagonal directions, one angled up, and another angled down. (What they saw was the letter “K.” They have no written language themselves, so it was just a strange sight for them.) They stared, puzzled at this symbol, when they heard several “twangs.” When they felt something hit them, they realized that the twangs were from bowstrings. By the time they had their swords drawn, it was too late. All of them received several arrows into the chest, killing them all, all but one. Kronnan survived. Presumed dead. Luckily for him, his leather armor kept most of the arrows at bay. One, however, did find its way through and punctured nothing, but came close to the heart. It caused enough pain that Kronnan lost consciousness. Long enough for his enemy to think him dead. __________________________ The Deklar Tribe was attacked by the same group that has been terrorizing much of the world. They are known as the Followers of Klutu. They are led by a madman by the name of Brashnard. Brashnard, other than being a madman, is the cleric of a god name Klutu. This god, unbeknownst to all, except Brashnard, is pure evil, and seeks to destroy all other religions, and any who choose not to follow him. With illusions of greatness, Brashnard has been able to convert many warriors to his cause, as well as many peasants, who feel oppressed by their rulers. With his growing numbers few kingdoms have the power remaining to put a stop to him, and none are going to sacrifice their pride to ally themselves with others. There is one kingdom though that is willing to put down its pride. King Danyal Dragoon, son of Dmitri and Lauralel Dragoon, has posted a bounty for the rescue of his beloved daughter, and the death of this accursed Brashnard. He simply awaits the heroes that will step forth to take this challenge. __________________________ [B]~The Jist of it~[/B] Basically, kill the madman, save the princess. This is a mythical setting. I will allow the following: Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Halflings, and Gnomes. I will NOT allow: Demons, Half-Demons, Vampires, Half-Vampire, Were-creatures, Half Were-creature, or anything else of that sort. I’m sorry, but the inclusion of all that is ridiculous. I expect good post quality. Even though I prefer quality over quantity, I would like to have both. Don’t have a five-sentence paragraph and be done with it. Put thought and detail into your posts. When this starts we will all be in the presence of the King. Also, no one shall be playing the part of Brashnard. He will be more of a NPC, controlled mostly by myself, and Eclectic when she gets her sign-up on. She will be playing the part of the Damsil in Distress, hopefully... ~Sign-Ups~ [b]Name:[/b] Keep it mythical, and keep it somewhat original. I will be upset if I see Japanese type names. [b]Age:[/b] Elves don’t live forever in my realm, and they do get old. An elf is considered an adult at 100 years of age, and an elderly at 500. So keep the ages real. Dwarves are adults at about 50. Everything is considered adults at normal ages. [b]Race:[/b] Choose from one of the five I will accept. [b]Class:[/b] Choose from - Barbarians, Rangers, Warriors, Thieves. NO wizards. [b]Religion:[/b] If applicable, cannot follow Klutu if you choose a god. [b]Description:[/b] I would prefer a well-written description. But I will take pictures. Better be good pictures that are not Japanimation, or any other form of anime. Be sure to include what armor you wear. [b]Weapons:[/b] I like enchanted weapons, I really do. But don’t make up Demon swords, or indestructible armor. No oriental weapons either. Medieval Europe style weapons. [b]Bio:[/b] Doesn’t really have to be long. Include your character’s personality in it. ~My Sign-Up~ [b]Name:[/b] Kronnan [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class:[/b] Barbarian [b]Religion:[/b] Crom [b]Description:[/b] Kronnan is considered a giant among gnomes, dwarves, and haflings, and sometimes among humans and elves as well. He stands at a towering six feet, eleven inches. Kronnan is extremely muscular, at one point his father was afraid that he would have trouble wielding a sword. His fears diminished when he saw that his son was quite capable of holding a sword. Since Kronnan's departure from his cold, northern home, he wears less fur and more cloth. Lucky enough to find it, Kronnan wears strong leather armor beneath a brown tunic and breeches. His boots, as described by a sailor, are like warships at full sail. Kronnan keeps his black hair long, and lets it hang loose around his face. He has very dark eyes that are filled with unusual intellect. His skin is of a darker nature, almost a light caramel color. He has many tatoos on his back and arms that are of tribal design, but they mostly stay hidden underneath his armor and clothing. [b]Weapons:[/b] Kronnan carries a bastard sword, forged by his father, as well as a ceremonial dagger, used to cut the hearts out of his enemies. [b]Bio:[/b] Kronnan was practically born on the field of battle, for soon after his mother brought him into the world, their village was attacked by a neighboring tribe. After he and his mother were safely hidden away, Kronnan's father went out to join in the fray. After many hours his father returned, bloody, but unscathed. The Deklar Tribe suffered minimal losses, while the attacking tribe was completely wiped out. Kronnan's father took his son out of the hiding place, and onto the field of battle, where there was still an enemy alive. Kronnan's father held his son in his hands as a fellow tribesman lifted up the enemy, and slit his throat. He held the body over Kronnan and allowed the blood to coat his body. Kronnan, was baptised in blood. It was the will of Crom that it be so. Kronnan was trained by the best of warriors in his village, including his father. When he reached his seventeenth birthday, he was taken out of the village, and put into the woods, alone, with only his sword and dagger. He could only return to his village on his eighteenth birthday. By doing so would prove that he was truly a man, and worthy of Crom. Of course, Kronnan returned to his village, strong and healthy. Since then he helped to protect the village against any raiders, and to provide food for the village. After the annihilation of his tribe, Kronnan managed to make his way to a nearby village, where he was nursed back to health. When his strength returned to him, Kronnan set forth to find out who his attackers were, and to destroy them. After two years of searching he discovered what the name of the group was, and who their leader was, he just did not know where to find either. Until now, when King Danyal Dragoon asked for help. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B] Alex Conn; Goes by Conn [B]Age: [/B] 27 [B]Sex: [/B] Male [B]Appearance: [/B] Conn has shaggy black hair, and dark brown eyes. He isn't very athletic, but he isn't completely a couch potatoe. His high metabolism keeps him slender, if not scrawny. He has enough muscle on him to do the most simple of tasks. He wears most of the time blue jeans, some sort of t-shirt that is black. Since black goes with everything, or so he's heard. Also adorning his feet is a nice pair of hiking boots that give his ankles the extra support that he likes. [B]Background: [/B] Conn was born and raised in Ottowa, something he isn't exactly proud of. He was raised by loving, over-protective parents. Which is why he was never really athletic. They did not want their little Alex to be hurt. Conn was a Boy Scout at one point in time, it was something that his parents actually let him do. With this in mind, he has the motto forever in his head: Be prepared. Conn is very punctual and always expects the unexpected. Which is also why he is able to keep a job when most cannot. [B]Equipment: [/B] A butane lighter, for the cigarettes that he ran out of. Also a sheath knife that he keeps in his hiking boot, a Scout is prepared after all. [B]Miscellaneous: [/B] Conn is highly allergic to dust. Barely getting of it into his nostrils will send him on a sneezing frenzy that can last from minutes, to hours. [B]General: [/B] N/A[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=Black][SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B] Gavin Arvad [B]Age: [/B] 27 [B]Gender: [/B] Male [B]Race: [/B] Miadan [B]Birth-Place: [/B] Alcance, Ichoria [B]Class: [/B] Warrior [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://www.toddlockwood.com/BitterChiv_det.jpg][U]Gavin[/U][/URL] [B]Personality: [/B] Gavin is the most cold-hearted, and untrusting person someone could meet. If their name is not Gavin Arvad, they are untrustworthy, or so Gavin believes. After contracting a childhood disease that left his face scared and somewhat disfigured, people judged him by looks, poking fun at his ugliness. So in response, he became on the inside, what others saw on the outside. Ugly. This was added upon when a young girl called him ugly, and would have nothing to do with him. Then several years later flung herself at him in "rapture." He knew her lust was only for the money that his grandparents had acquired, and willed to him. Since then, women were on top of the list of his most untrusworthy beings. [B]History:[/B] Gavin lived a decedent life. He was descended from one of the wealthiest families in Alcance, which put him in a uncomfortable position. Farther back than he could remember, he always wanted to be a great swordsman. His parents did not approve of this desire, but eventually it got the best of them, and they allowed their beloved son to learn to become a Knight. This pleased their son for quite some time. That is until he found himself unable to survive the rigors that they went through, the expectations that they were held to. Thus he left the Knighthood, and left behind his family. To strike out on his own. To hell with his fortune, to hell with his family, to hell with Astartes. In the wilderness Gavin became a warrior. He took up small jobs here and there to protect caravans, merchants, nobility, all the sort. It was hard starting out, but he has managed to make a living off of this life style. Now he just waits for the next challenge life is going to throw at him. [B]Class specific[/B] [B]Weapon(s):[/B] [URL=http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/dlcs_gallery/DLCS_EX6.jpg]His Sword[/URL] He also carries a simple dagger that is not pictured. [B]Prayers/Magic: [/B] N/A [B]Skills:[/B] Gavin is practically a master with swords and daggers. If he trained himself more the could almost be able to weild a sword and a dagger together in battle, giving him quite an advantage, but, he has decided to just stick to one weapon in a battle at a time. Unless he finds need for another. Also, with being on his own for so long, Gavin is quite capable in administering first aid. Mostly to himself, but if someone he is supposed to protect is injured, he will grudgingly tend to their wound. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
RPG Phoenix Collective: Underworld Law [17+]
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Manic Webb's topic in Theater
[I]San Bajo Pier [/I] - 7:30 p.m. Darian sat on a bench, the sun was very much set. His laptop was on and he was intently playing Diablo 2. Currently he was fighting off Durial, a nasty slug thing. Darian smiled. He loved to call it the nasty slug thing. After defeating the slug thing Darian waited throughout Tyreal's long dialog. He looked at his watch and saw that it was already 7:30. He couldn't understand what was taking everyone so long. He had been there for two hours already. Did no one know about punctuality? He sighed and continued playing his game. Hopefully someone would show up, if not, he would file a complaint with HQ. "Doubtful," he said to himself. He enjoyed downtime like this, gave him time to improve his mad Diablo 2 skills. He saw a pair of headlights. They drew closer, and he stoped his gameplay. He pulled out his pistol, because one could never be too sure. He aimed with a steady hand towards the lights and waited. ~~ [B]Did not know if this meeting was outside or not. So I chose outside. Opening for a PC to show.[/B] -
OB Character Name/Codename: Dmitri Dragoon/Bad Boy Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v55/Rayman_879/darkness008a.jpg]Click Here[/URL] Personality: Overall, Dmitri doesn't try to make many friends at OB. He is happily content with just finding the right RPG to sign up for, and hope that it doesn't die too quickly. After all, very few RPG's ever find a conclusion. For the few friends he does have here he stays very loyal to them. Even if he can seem a bit insulting. He usually doesn't mean it. He respects those of higher power, such as Moderators, but that doesn't neccessarily mean that he likes them. If anything, Dmitri can seem somewhat arrogant, egotistical, perhaps even a little psychotic. But, he can still seem friendly without caring if you died tomorrow. History: Dmitri first arrived in Otakuboards V6 at the Battle Arena. Where he quickly learned that double posting was bad, thus he stopped doing so. After taking a long siesta from Otakuboards he came back with renewed viger. Creating his own RPG that to him, seemed very successful, reaching over 400 posts. Though, most of the posts now seem like SPAM. But successful none-the-less. After a while he found himself making another RPG that didn't go over to well, so he decided to just join RPG's that others made. Over time, his post quality at OB improved drastically, as did his creative writing skills. Movie Morph: Riddick Movie Morph Character Name: Richard B. Riddick Movies: Pitch Black, Chronicles of Riddick Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v55/Rayman_879/riddick.jpg]Click Here[/URL] Powers: Surgically enhanced eyes allow Riddick to see almost perfectly in the dark. The only downfall? Sudden bright lights cause him temporary blindness. When in constant light situations Riddick wears a pair of sunglass/goggles. When not wearing the goggles his eyes appear to be a silvery-gray. He has extraordinary strength, but not superhuman, and has a high tolerance to pain. He is also a very proficient fighter and knife user. Annoying Quirk: Even though he can seem to be a not-so-good guy, he enjoys sneaking up behind people and putting his hands over their eyes and asking "Guess who!" He also neglects to clean up after himself when he shaves his head. Stereotype: The Anti-Hero Personality: Riddick will not go out of his way to save somebody. Though when help is needed, he somehow manages to give it. He always appears to be aloof in intense situations. Also, Riddick will always try to play head games with enemies and allies, trying to show himself off as the badass. But deep down, is he really that bad of a person? __________ I edited it up a little bit, again, changed the movie morph, I just wasn't happy with Hellboy. If this makes the cut then thank you. If not, thank you for at least considering me.
RPG Phoenix Collective: Underworld Law [17+]
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Manic Webb's topic in Theater
Darian sat in front of a beautiful fountain. The water was shooting high into the air and landing softly back into the pool of water. Even though his back was to it, he could still see it in his mind... behind all the technological mumbo jumbo that was coursing through. He was a computer nerd of the highest standards. Of course it helps when you are alive and old enough to see the first of the computers being created. Then giving out subtle hints to people such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobes as how to improve upon them. The laptop in front of him is of his own design and make. Capable of wireless high speed internet from anywhere on the globe, DVD-Rom and burner... anything one could think of. Even with Diablo 2 on it. Darian was exploring the internet when the e-mail came. He saw that it was from work and quickly read it. His services were required at the San Bajo pier tonight. Name of Theo Curry was team leader. The name sounded familiar. He did a quick reference check, a little bit of hacking and found out just about all information he could want. Another e-mail. This one told him to stop hacking the Phoenix Collective's network. He looked up to the sky, "I shall defeat you one day!" he said with a shake of his fist. He closed his laptop and stuffed it into his bag, then went after a taxi. -
RPG The Demon Tale [R: Language, Violence, Gore, and some Adult themes]
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Ninjah's topic in Theater
I have returned. Thank you Vicky. [COLOR=Indigo][I]He is nearby, watching.[/I] Ken heard this and almost laughed. It seemed almost too obvious, too... coincidential. But, he had to admit, from what he could remember from school and legends, the seventh was a "bandit," that would mean him. "Joy," he said under his breath. He then heard sirens fast approaching. He was then faced with the question of whether or not he would help those poor six bastards, or leave them to the police. Afterall, demons and gods were of no concern to him. The sirens drew closer. "What the hell?" he asked himself as he made his way quickly to them. The one that seemed to be the leader almost attacked him. Ken easily backhanded him in the face. "Don't **** with me. Now come with me if you don't want to be taken back in by the police." Without further questioning or conversation, Ken turned, and started running in the direction of his shack. Not caring who followed him or stayed behind. [/COLOR] -
RPG The Demon Tale [R: Language, Violence, Gore, and some Adult themes]
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Ninjah's topic in Theater
Since you waited such a.... short period of time to get this started, I shall have to let you know that I will be out of town and unable to get to a computer until Thursday night. Until then, if it is necessary, I would like for Vicky to temporarily watch over my character. That is if she wishes to. Oh, and please read my character bio before you do so. You will also notice that Ken is not in jail. [COLOR=Indigo]Ken whittled away at a piece of wood happily. This little project of his was going along much better than most of his other ones. His happy little world was suddenly shattered when he heard an urgent voice that startled him, thus causing him to break the piece of wood in his hand. "God damnit!" He swore softly at the distraction. He took a peek out of his shack to see what the commotion was and realized that it was just the jail. Probably some out of line inmates, Ken figured. Though, something did tweak his curiousity, and he found himself quickly making his way over the small distance to the jailhouse. With some careful climbing up the fire escape he found himself hanging on a ledge looking into cell window at several people. He quietly listened to their conversation, a rather unusual one at that. Something about ancient evils, reincarnation, ignorant topics such as that. Ken started to go into his own little world for some reason, when a voice once again shook him from his peace. "Hey.. who are you?" "Uh oh," Ken said, then quickly made his way from the window. "Wait! Come back!" The voice urgently hissed. "You must help us escape!" "There is no profit in it! Sorry!" Ken called as he quickly escaped. "You a**hole!" [/COLOR] -
Top five bands aye? Difficult, but not that hard. 5. Linkin Park - Not really my most favorite, but I prefer them over others. I could do without the rap though. 4. Drowning Pool - I liked Drowning Pool when Dave Williams was singer, and I like Drowning Pool now that Jason Jones is singer. 3. Fountains of Wayne - Not because of "Stacy's Mom." But because it is a good band that one can sing along with. 2. Anthrax - Mostly with John Bush on vocals. He is probably the best singer they have had yet. Especially enjoy "Safe Home." In fact, Anthrax was at one time one of the leaders in heavy metal back in the '80's. Record companies were their eventual downfall, though, they now are fighting their way back to the top. Far better than Metallica could ever wish to be. 1. Motorhead - They are absolutely the Gods of Rock. They are in the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame and are still widely known. Lemmy, lead singer, who is nearing 60 years of age, is still singing with his own unique voice.
Sign Up Phoenix Collective: Underworld Law [17+]
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Manic Webb's topic in Theater
[B]Name: [/B] Darian Dumore [B]Gender: [/B] Male [B]Race: [/B] Elf [B]Age: [/B] 256 Appears to be in his late twenties, early thirties. [B]Alliance: [/B] Phoenix Collective [B]Skills: [/B] Although Darian's Fairy brethern are behind in technology use, he excels in it. If he weren't in the Phoenix Collective he would more than likely be one of the leaders of integrating technology into the Fairy Culture. Thus, he is distinguished in the use of most modern technology and if given the proper resources could do anything. [B]Tools: [/B] Darian carries a backpack which holds a high-powered laptop. With it he carries two extra batteries in case he is in the field and cannot get to a electrical outlet to recharge. He also carries two pistols in shoulder holsters under his jacket. [B]Description: [/B] Darian is rather tall for an elf, standing well over six feet. He keeps his silvery hair shoulder length, and always has it pulled loosely back. To hide the tips of his ears. In public he always wears a nice pair of slacks, a button up shirt, and a sports jacket, sometimes even a tie if the occasion calls for it. When on a mission, he wears whatever the situation calls for. [B]Biography: [/B] Darian was born in the "Underworld." He was raised in a technologically deprived community and was very sheltered for the better part of his life. When he neared his first century of life however, he discovered that the Overworld was advancing in technology very rapidly. Naturally, he became obsessed with something that amazed him. As the years passed and the technology advanced, he made sure that he knew how to utilize everything. With his knowledge in technology he was sought after for the Phoenix Collective. When weaponry became as sophisticated as it is now, Darian abandoned his knowledge of white magic and replaced it with the knowledge of modern weaponry. Even improved upon it to some extent. Thus he is a genious in the field of technology, and weaponry. -
[B]Name: [/B] Ken [B]Age: [/B] 35 [B]Gender: [/B] Male [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v55/Rayman_879/malerogue.jpg]Clickety Here[/URL] [B]Reincarnation of: [/B] The Bandit [B]Origin: [/B] Nagasaki, Japan [B]Personality: [/B] Ah, what can be said about Ken except that he is what most people call an a**. He thinks he is better than most, and when he wants to get his point across to someone he does so using his evil sarcastic skills. He is always out to save himself, no one else. [B]Bio: [/B] Born in wild, wonderful, radiation fallout infested Nagasaki Ken was responsible for taking care of himself. After he was born his father moved to America to take jobs away from American automobile makers, he was never heard from again. His mother, had two jobs to support her small family. By day she was a restaurant worker, by night, a prostitute. Almost needless to say she made more money as a prostitute than she did a waitress. What money she made went to make sure Ken got the best education he could recieve, the best clothes, the best everything. Though, unfortunately when Ken was 17 years old his mother died. She had gotten sick from her night job and it got the best of her. Thus, Ken was on his own. He soon dropped out of school and took to theivery. He disappeared completely. The authorities tried to find him and detain him, but he quickly discovered the art of not being found. For the past eighteen years he has lived this life. It has been rather successful too; he rarely goes hungry, he always has some sort of new clothes to wear, mostly to stay dry, and he has a pair of scissors to keep his hair and facial hair short. Ken now resides in a small shack near a prison. He figured the safest place to be would be right under the enemies nose. Where they would least expect to find him.
RPG The Mechanical Angel [Warning- May contain violence and gore]
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Annie's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Tiranus passed the smaller fallen angel, Lenfear. He looked down his nose at her, truly disgusted by her presence. He could not stand angels, not even fallen ones that served his master. He walked easily across the lava to his master. He knealed before the mighty Lucifer. "What is thy bidding Master?" "Ah, Tiranus, the Ever Loyal." Lucifer said smiling. "I have sent Lenfear after the Arc Angel Azreal. As you may already know he is reborn anew. In a mechanical form provided by humans." "Yes, I knew of this, what is it you wish me to do?" Tiranus asked, looking at the clawed feet of his master, contrary to the hooved version mortals saw him with. "I want you to find Azreal for me. Turn him to our side." "I thought you sent Lenfear after him?" Tiranus asked. "I did, but she is a mere Fallen Angel. Unable to perform the task properly. She did not take the demon form as we have. You, are superior. Now go, find Azreal, and kill any that stand in your way. Especially the human that brought Azreal back to life." "Yes my master," Tiranus stood and turned from his master. He walked across the sea of lava and soon disappeared. Reappearing in the human realm, in a human form. He wore a black business suit with a white tie. His skin was extremely pale and his eyes a firey red. He smiled showing off elongated K9's. Not so long as they would frighten people. But enough that one would notice. He stepped out of an alley in the forrest of metal trees and looked around. Corruption, crime, murder, blasphemy made up this city. It was a demon's playground. Tiranus wanted to play first, do business later.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy][B]Name: [/B] Tiranus [B]Age: [/B] As old as time itself. [B]Gender: [/B] Takes form as a male human [B]Species: [/B] Demon [B]Appearance: [/B] [I]Demon Form: [/I] [url=http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v55/Rayman_879/demon.jpg]here.[/url] [I]Human form: [/I] [url=http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v55/Rayman_879/lucifer.jpg]here.[/url] [B]Side: [/B] Hell [B]Powers: [/B] [I]Sword: [/I] Hellbringer - A wicked sword that was forged for Tiranus many thousands of years ago. This sword can cut through most material, though still has its limits, but Tiranus does not know what they are. He fears that one day he will find out in a most unfortunate time. He also, of course has superhuman strength, and is not one to be messed with. [B]Personality:[/B] He is the stereotypical demon. He thinks he is the ubermensch of all creatures. He cares little for anyone, including his best of friends, if you can call them that. He will without a thought kill anyone for his own personal gain. [B]Biography:[/B] Tiranus for as long as any has known, has been close to Lucifer. When Lucifer decided to try and take over heaven, Tiranus was there by his side. When the bunch were banished from Heaven, he was by Lucifer's side. Always, Tiranus was at Lucifer's side. Now Lucifer has called upon Tiranus to find this Azreal, and to bring him before the Dark Prince.[/COLOR][/SIZE] >.< ugh, I'm rusty. I swear I'll do better in the actual RPG.
"Yes, it is Andy, now leave me the hell alone for now. I've already taken care of the other person that Adrien hired besides us." Andy said with an annoyed look. He despised the fact that she carried around a stick, like that would do much damage. "Oh really? How did you manage that?" She asked. "It took about two bullets. One to make him stop, and one to kill him..." "And...?" she asked. "And about ten more to make sure." Andy said. "Now leave me alone before I do the same to you." "You wouldn't kill me in the public's eye," she teased. "So you think," he said as he turned a corner away from the mansion. "Hey You, the target is that way," Tanji said. "Yes, well, unlike the other imbeciles I choose not to get caught by the police the first day out. This may not be America, or wherever else they come from, but that doesnt' mean they are entirely uncivilized," he said as he passed a food stand that was selling bug kabobs. "Now shoo, I want some rest, the jetlag is still affecting me." Andy then turned again and entered a hotel. English named, so he liked it. He walked up to the desk clerk, "Hello, I'm an egotistic American that believes everyone in the world should speak English, do you have any rooms?"
I believe I also explained my name back in v6, but I have no problem with doing it again. :-) During my days of Dungeons and Dragons I used the same name over and over. It was a copyrighted name of Raistlin Majere. My band director, whom is a distinguished DnD player I might add, told me to get a new goddamn name. Those were his exact words. So I thought about it for a moment. At the time I had this Russian thing going on, so I decided on Dmitri for the first name. Thought a moment more, and decided since my favorite unit in Starcraft was, in fact, the Dragoons, I made the last name of Dragoon. From there on I used that name quite abit. And am now in the process of writing a biography for that character, which you can see on my Fictionpress site. *Link in Signature* Far from complete, but that is the story behind loveable Dmitri. Though, not many know about me I don't think, since I live in Adventure Arena, and can come out for only short amounts of time before I start to lose air. Which is by the way Nitrogen.
"Damn," was the only thing Dmitri said before the bolt hit him in the arm. He looked at his arm where the bolt was currently protruding. "That hurts!" he said softly through gritted teeth. "Why in the Nine Hells would you do a thing like that?!" He finally shouted at Imara. "You are a imbecile!" With clenched teeth Dmitri grabbed ahold of the arrow and pulled. Holding back a scream the bolt came out with a bit of flesh and a good squirt of blood. "You call yourself an elf?" Imara asked, having calmed down. "Yeah, but I like to put alcoholic in front of it." Dmitri said snidely. He seemed to have forgotten all about the wound that was seeping of blood. "You're an alcoholic?" Imara asked, for the time ignoring the blood. "Yeah.. nasty little thing that happens after you've been through fourteen different wars, watched your mother get murdered in front of you, kill your father with your own hands, and fight a demon. All that starts to add up, and the drink is needed to clear it out," Dmitri explained rather sarcastically. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Uh.. Dmitri, you may want to mind your arm."[/COLOR] Deteria pointed out. "Oh.. yeah," Dmitri said. "What?" Imara asked. Dmitri looked at Deteria, who shook his head. "N-nothing."
Andy was calmly making his way down the street enjoying the scenery. He had always enjoyed seeing new foreign soil. Especially one with such a rich history as this one. So many wars fought with just a neighbor, peaceful independence from the United Kingdom... it was all wonderful to Andy. He tipped his fedora forward more to keep the scorching sun out of his eyes. That was India's one downfall. The damn heat. He didn't mind it though, even with his long sleeved shirt and denim blue jeans. He was sweating, but comfortable. He was taken out of his peaceful walk when somebody rudely bumped into him. "Hey you-" he started to say, then he felt the chain on his wallet tug. "Damnit!" Someone had decided to steal his wallet. Thank goodness for the creator of wallet chains. He reached his hand out and followed the direction of the chain and grabbed the would-be thief and gave him a good yank back. When the person got into a closer range he punched them right in the face. "That is mine I believe," he said as he reclaimed his wallet. The crowd around him stopped and staired at the scene. "Nothing to see here, go on about your business." Andy smirked, he sounded like a cop at a crime scene, how ironic. The smirk was somewhat whiped away when he heard sirens. He turned his head just in time to see cops quickly speeding down the road, even though they weren't going that fast, considering all the pedestrians diving out of the way. He looked ahead of where the police were heading and saw a large mansion. "Let the cops get the fools already attempting to get Damien, and make my job easier. Imbeciles." Andy said. This job wasn't going to be as hard as he thought. He just had to wait for the opportune moment to carry out his plan.