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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon
"Oh well you know, having the government put a microchip in your head does this sort of thing to a person." Alex replied rudely and sarcasticly. "And then it doesn't help that I get these migraines that send me into a angry frenzy that eventually electrocutes me and fries my eyes! So now my pupils are white, I have infrared vision, so I can tell when somebody is nervous. I'm like a natural lie detector. So yeah I am not like other people." He explained with much sarcasm, even though it was all the truth. He hadn't planned on telling her all that but he did anyways.
OOC: o_O jesus, clark is superman, he's everywhere at once. IC: Before Ren hit his chest with the knife Clark instinctively reached out and grabbed the knife pulled back Ren's arm and snapped the bone, he lifted his leg and kicked the boy in the stomach. "Well sh*t!" Clark said, realizing what he had done. He scooped up the unconscious Rijin and the paper and took him to the medical ward. Upon entry the nurses scrambled and started asking what happened. "He tried to kill himself, but I prevented it fortunately. I think I broke his arm, and you may want to check his abdomen. Also get General Hathoway down here stat!" *** Hathoway made his way to the medical ward quickly upon hearing of this. "Alright Domingo what happened?" he asked. Clark skipped the salute and got to the point. "Sir, something is happening, I doubt it's a conspiracy or anything, but it seems as if to many of these students families are dieing. Also it would appear as if Seth is in trouble with the law. He's new here but I don't know what his deal is." "Yes Colonel I know, I don't know what is happening either, but I'll get to the bottom of it. Until then I want you to keep a close eye on everybody, and for God's sake man! Lighten up some, we don't need you torturing the students with all this happening." Hathoway said. "Yes sir," Clark said with a snappy salute. *** Letter Response. [i]Charli, You do know that we scan mail as it comes in right? Think about it and you will understand. Anyways, I'm not sure if you want to come back here, a lot of stuff is happening. Dai's sister died, Ren's father died, Reg's mother died... do you see a trend here? I do and it worries me. For some reason I think the government, or the school or something is causing this. I know it sounds to... James Bondy to be true, but that's what I am thinking. Either way General Hathoway is going to get to the bottom of it, I'm to help, I'm also help keeping the peace around here, funny isn't it? Well I'm sure that you will here news from the other people you sent a letter to. I'm going to have them give me the letters so I can have them mailed without the screening process, and I promise I won't read them myself. ~Domingo Clark[/i]
"Well I'm not to fond of larva, it's kinda wriggly and nasty, the fire doesn't bother me.. I.. I.. would prefer to finish it here.. err." He fell to one knee getting weak from the injuries stustained, and unfortunatley he had healed Orien that day so he was fresh out of healing spells. "Hecate, darling, you may have to finish him off, I can't heal myself until morning.. ergh.." He almost collapsed and fell forward, but didn't. He held his own.
"My name is Alex," he answered from up in his tree. He jumped down, caught a branch and landed on the ground. He held out his hand cautiously. "Pleased to meet you."
Hathoway looked out his window, he saw several things going on, he had already learned of the memorial thing at the flag pole, and had ordered it to be taken down in the morning before ceremonies. It was put up without permission and he didn't want this school to look like a push over. OOC: You have some weird dreams Wondershot... very weird indeed.
" I have a better idea," Deteria said. He called one what magic abilities he had. In the sky clouds began to form. Then there was lightening and thunder. The clouds covered the moon's light. And the rain doused the fires. Deteria stood up on some rocks. "Now you fight at my level again! The moon is no longer shining upon you!" Deteria raced forward once again, ignoring the pains that have been inflicted upon him and began to slash at Dango's leg again, even went so far as to cut off a toe. He ran around and around, unable to be seen from Dango, and the rain. Deteria almost slipped, but luckily he was well balanced and kept his footing.
Alex looked down at the girl, she seemed strange, and he could sense another presence with her. "Who are you? Answer me now! Or suffer.." he said to her, not really wanting to hurt her.
Deteria wasn't crying in pain, he was crying in rage. His eyes began to change color agian. They were turning a shade of blue and purple, as Deteria allowed Dmitri control as well. A green light began to glow around Deteria. The remaining forest came to life, and began to attack Dango, branches, thorns, and other limbs began thrashing at Dango's legs. Leaving severe scratches. The taller, older tree began bashing against the back of his knees. With a strength that wasn't exactly his own Deteria pushed the finger off of himself. He stood and raised his scimitar, Cutter, and sliced down on the finger. Cutting it off. Deteria looked up at Dango. "You coward! Face us in true combat! Bring yourself back to our level and we will kill you easily!" OOC: Don't try to step on him, remember Deteria is fast and will easily dodge.
Thomas was grumbling. He didn't know what time they were in, but he suspected that they didn't enjoy sword wielding wilderness men walking the streets of this metal forest. He couldn't sense any familiarality in it. Nothing to connect to, so he was miserable. He didn't like this person he was walking with, and he was hungry, and he wanted to go home, and live the rest of his life with the wild he loved. [i]Let them kill themselves off, won't hurt me any[/i]
Clark didn't know what to say. "If you cry I won't tell anyone or see you any differently. I admit I just broke down and started crying just a few minutes ago." Clark took a breath before saying anything more. "My wife and children died in a car accident twelve years ago, while I was away on a mission in Iraq, so if you decide you want to talk just say so, and I'll listen." Clark said, he didn't leave her side but just offered silent support.
OOC: I pmed, Mighty Kai asking if I could join. She hasn't replied yet, but I'm hoping she says yes. I'm going to go ahead and get my char on here. But he's not going to have interaction with other characters until it's confirmed that I can be here, that way I can delete these easier. If the answer is no. IC: Hank McCoy was hanging upside down in his labratory, mixing chemicals. When he was this intent on a formula he always locked the door and never allowed anybody in. He set down a beaker and jumped down onto his blue hairy feet. To the X-Men he was known as Beast. But to the science world it was Henry 'Hank' McCoy. He was an expert biochemist and the result of his mutation was a experiment he preformed on himself. He finished mixing his chemicals and put a drop under a microscope. "Excellent. The substance has supurb structure, and seems very stable, it should do just fine." he said. Then grabbed the beaker full of the stuff and locked it away in a cabinent, with his other successful expirements and quickly began to work on a new one.
OOC: It's quite all right. I saw that and was a bit confused but it's no biggy. After all, I don't have an i between the D and the m. So it's really not the same. ;) But hey it's America, and names are free to use.
Deteria looked up, "Impressive.." But that was all, he felt little fear towards this abomination. He looked at Dango's foot, which had a big ole toe on it. And jabbed a scimitar into the toe, underneath the nail. Dango roared and raised his foot to step on Deteria, but he was already gone. Running around, and somehow climbing up Dango's body. Dango was trying to swat at him, but Deteria was easily dodging. He was running up muscles and the sort. Finally he made it to Dango's shoulder and jumped into his ear. "You know you should clean this out sometime." Deteria started poking his sword around in Dango's ear. "The bigger they are the harder they fall, and the bigger crater they leave." Deteria stabbed his scimitar into the soft flesh of Dango's ear and sliced around. He jumped out and climbed ontop of Dango's head.
Alex had been walking in the Park, when he about tripped over somebody. He looked down.. way down, at what he had about tripped over. It was a blue eyed, black haired girl. "Hello," he said in a nice bass voice. "Uh. Hi.." she replied. "Well since I almost tripped over you I guess it would be best to introduce myself. I'm Alex." He said. "I'm Saina, damn you're tall." she said. "I get that a lot." The two continued to talk, and for some reason more people were showing up and they were introducing themselves, and all talking about strange powers they had and other things. Alex politely listened but had no clue what they were talking about.
OOC: Hey Wondershot, you may want to go back to page 4 and read one of my last posts there. I added in the little conversation that the General had with Ren. If you read it answers will come to you.. o_O
Alex was walking along the street, it was pitch black and he finally took his sunglasses off. He wished he could look at the trees and his surrounding but all he saw was heat signature. This late at night there wasn't much in the way of heat except for his own feet, the occasional bird, bug, and other such. He sat down along the side walk and just looked out at all the houses. Not paying attention to anything. He heard footsteps and looked around. He quickly climbed up a tree and sat there, looking to see who it was.
"Dango, you forget, I'm a ranger of the forest, I've fought all kinds of beasts. And a true wolf will be nothing. Now I know what you are going to say. But my true wolf form is bigger! I don't care, all wolves are the same." Deteria was still on Dango's back, he had grown tired of this exercise. The swords that were pressed against Dango's back pushed through the skin, into the chest cavity, and out again. He twiste his swords around before viciously yanking them back out. He got off of Dango's back, but kept his guard up, not expecting Dango to die so easily. But he may be wrong.
Thomas was mumbling. He just wanted his trees back. He didn't care about these fools destroying themselves. He is dead and buried by this time, probably anytime they go too. But he will play along for as long as he sees it necessary.
No problemo ABC. I'll ignore it easily, besides, it's not often ages are asked in these things anyways.
Clark was becoming infuriated. Everybody was dying. First Charli's fiance, then Dai's sister, now Reg's mother. He didn't know what to do. Everything was happening so fast. He was walking by himself when it finally happened. He broke, but it wasn't from anger, it was from grief. He hadn't cried at his family's funeral, but now, it just happened. He crouched down and put his face on his knees and just cried. After a minute or so he recomposed himself and went to go find Reggie. He found her, and walked up behind her, and put his hand on her shoulder. "Do you want to talk about anything?" He asked softly, and unlike his usual self, kindly.
Um.. yeah.. hehe.. um.. yeah. I couldn't help but read this thing again. But if I'm not mistaken it says that this takes place 20 years after the asteroid hit. Well upon thinking of this and reading other characters, I couldn't help but notice several of the characters wouldn't even exist if their bios are correct. Or either that they are to young. I just thought I would point that out, and if I'm mistaken, then please tell me.
I hate to be bothersome Madam Moonflow. But when will this RPG be started up? I was just wondering. I understan all the problems that occur offline. But I was just wondering.
Thomas looked around at all the buildings. Absentmindedly he started speaking english. "What is all this! Metal trees?!?" He looked aroud, and suddenly realized he didn't want the world. The world belonged to Nature, and he didnt' see much of that around any more. He hated this place. "I want to go home now!"
My left ear is pierced. I have been thinking of getting it pierced again but I just haven't gotten around to it. I probably won't either.
I would fight for my friends and family first and for most. Then Nature, I would die defending nature..(I'm a Neo Pagan, what do you expect?) Then I would fight for anybody else that needs help.