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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon
Clark wondered what the scream was about as well and started looking around. After his last talk with Stimpy, and Charli's warning of paintballs, he had grown disgusted with the thought of eating. "Well Charli, I guess if anything happens to me, then I know who helped them, but don't worry, I don't punish the other officers. Only the brats they help." He stood up and took his tray with the special sauce, and threw it away. He passed by Stimpy he bent down next to him, and looked at all his friends. "You'll have to do better than that Stimpy. Expect something special for yourself and your friends tomorrow in class." He said coldly with a smile. Then he stood and walked away from the table of boys.
He looked at Charli, "Then if you aim to please then why are you not going to let me have my fun? You know they won't succeed in humiliating me. For I have no humility left." Charli merely shrugged, "Thought I would give them a fighting chance." "Well they don't have one, after all I've seen the past decade or so, there won't be much they can do to me, but I shall let them try, but I just hope they know that when they do try they may not escape unscathed."
Deteria was getting annoyed at Dango. "Dango we both know perfectly well who you are, and I will tell you now that Dmitri and I have fought demons several times more powerful than you and defeat them. You will be little challenge, so I suggest you take Hecates advice and just leave before you get hurt." Deteria gave a small nod of the head, signalling that Dango was free to go and live a little while longer.
Clark got his meal and sat down alone at a table and started to eat it like a machine. He blocked out everyone else in the mess hall, already knowing what was going on. [i]Well, by this time the first years will be plotting my demise, in which I will have to show them the terrible error of their ways. Which means some students will be spending time in sick bay. hehehe. [/i] He slowly formulated in his mind what he now considered the enemy would plan. He had taught like this before, in between the Gulf Wars, so he knew what to expect from them. Every year it was something different, but every year it was still stupid. He wondered if he should tell them of the fact that he was a veteran of two wars, and a liberation. Nah, let them find out the hard way. He just hoped Charli wouldn't say anything to the little a**es. Then he saw her go over to them and say something. [i] Damn you Charli, you always spoil my fun![/i]
Sign Up Dragon Souls: Journey Across Time (13 spots)
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Wondershot's topic in Theater
You said they could be from anytime up to 4000, so does that mean they can come from any part of the past? Like even B.C. time? Just wondering, my character will be a little 'older' if I need to change him any just tell me. Name: Thomas Hidenburg Age: 27 Time Period: 1422 Dragon Soul: Buliwyf Element: Forest Weapon: two longswords, bow and arrow. Bio: Thomas is a German, he is descended from the Vikings and is ambidextrous. He can fluently speaks English, and loves solitude. He knows nothing about the extinction of mankind because he, well.. it's obvious. He lives in the forest away from the rest of the world and takes only what he needs to survive. Like I said I hope this character works okay, I figured since it was a Time Travel RPG, then they would have to find people through time o_O -
Uh, I think it said only one force per person, only two people per force. Name: Alex Age: 20 Gender: Male Description: Tall, about 6'11" tall, very stout and muscular, his nickname in high school was 'Oak' because of his build. He has very light brown hair and green eyes. He always wears blue jeans and a t-shirt, along with black boots. He never wears winter clothes, just his blue jeans and t-shirt, occasionally he will wear a flashy Hawaiian Shirt, but that is the most. Bio: In elementary school he was a scrawny little kid that always got picked on. But after a few years, (and after hitting puberty) he hit an enormous growth spurt and was very tall by the end of middle school, and only got taller into high school. As a freshmen he had to do a stupid report on ancient cultures. This stupid report suddenly became his obsession, and he became very smart in this area of study. After graduating from high school he started college in New York, to major in Ancient Cultures and Archeology. He loves outdoors as well. He loves to take long hikes and spend time in nature. Even though he is doing the things he loves he feels an emptiness inside of him. He blames it on the fact that he had never dated once in his life, and not the fact that he had some sort of power. He was walking in Central Park on that day in December, since he hadn't had time to get out into real nature he had to settle with the park. He stumbled upon the other seven litteraly, he doesn't often look down to watch where he is going ;). Elemental Force: Earth
Sign Up Miltary School Mission [Spots:unlimited]
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Ninjah's topic in Theater
I beg to differ, Clark is not evil. It is just no body has found his soft spot yet, and they probably will not either. He keeps an evil look about him so people will fear him and not bother him with minor things. Because if there was ever a evil military leader, or teacher, then things would turn out like they did for the Nazi's. Clark's main goal is to make the students battle hardened and not afraid to defend themselves. There is a method to him madness. -
OOC: Hope you don't mind Kiara but Wilhelm will be who you bumped into, gotta introduce him to the Dragonlords somehow.. IC: Wilhelm had been lurking about when someone bumped into him, his solidity prevented him from being phased too much. He helped her up. "Thanks. My name's Kiara. What's yours?" she said. Wilhelm bowed low, figuring she was a Dragonlord. "I am Wilhelm Dovonex, a servant Madam. Would you care for anything?" He had to hold back a grimace as he asked, and he tried not to make eye contact with her. He felt he could throw up at anytime from asking this.
OOC: First off.. Lord of Hell.. love it.. ;) Second, Sakura Kid. I was kinda noticing that there were only two teachers.... And if you need other teaching positions, I'll gladly fill one or two as you see fit.. I'm sure the kids will love it :devil: But just say yay or nay to it. IC: Finally, this class was over. "Alright pukes, twenty push ups and you're dismissed. And remember, today was the only easy day, you only get another one of those if I die. Because I don't get sick. Come on! Count them off!" They had been counting them off, but not as loud as they should have been.
Deteria smiled, "Perhaps we should as well, because I really want to play with you," He said with a wink and a larger smile. He put his hands on his scimitars and prepared to draw them. Deteria loved this side of Val, he wondered why Dmitri loved the human side so much. [COLOR=crimson]"You wrech! I love both sides of her! Even if the demon side is a little crazy!"[/COLOR] Dmitri said in the background. "We'll see Dmitri, we'll see."
OOC: You did quite well Dai ;) IC: Clark was beginning to wonder what was taking Stimpy so long. [i]No bother, he'll begin to enjoy doing push ups till he pukes.[/i] He mused. He had began to see that he had pretty much ragged on everybody enough to hate him. "You all hate me, I'm glad. It'll make it easier to train you, you're hatred will be used. Perhaps in a few days we will begin to have little spars, unless any of you think yourselves able to take me on already." He looked at the group, expecting no one to step forth. He was pleased when no one did. But he was also disappointed, he wanted to show them some further humility. "Here's a description of the class a little more. Each week there will be a test of what we learn, the one that passes the test is the one with less bruises. Hehehe.." "Now then, tomorrow we start the harder part of class. We will begin to learn defense. Defense is the main part in a fight. You have to learn to known when to defend and when to attack. It is key... blah blah......" He continued on with his verbal lesson of defense and other such(thus the blah's, they represent his continueing I figure most people know how to fist fight and we don't have to go into detail).
Name: Raymond Conrad (Like You'll find me) Age: 17 Personality: Is a angry person, is told by many he needs anger managment. Also is told he belongs in a nut house sitting next to the person crocheting(sp) something that isn't there. But he can still be a nice person at times. He will listen to anybodys problem and not pass judgment on them no matter what. Pet Peeve: Anybody that says wasper, religious fanatics, people in general. Hobbies: Writing, reading. swordsmanship, band, Appearence: 6'1" tall. Short brown hair and hazel eyes. Will always wear a t-shirt, blue jeans and black combat boots. Is built well, not fat, not skinny, but healthy. Luxury Item: six inch foldable knife. lucky rabbits foot.
*Sigh* Well then I must apologize, in my youth I guess I became to giddy to really think this one through. I suspect after I say this the topic will be closed and forgotten along with the rest. My apologies for doing this, next time I will think it through before posting something like that again. Because in truth, I can't explain it much more. So adios amigo, guten nacht, auf weidersehen, and all that good garbage. Good bye topic too. [COLOR=crimson]PS: Sorry if I sound rude, I'm not trying to be.[/COLOR]
I just remembered something else, Forgotten Rogue reminded me of it. I'm scared of portraits of Jesus.. because of a dream I had of him. I don't think it's a good sign either. I had a dream that Jesus came out from under my bed and dragged me into the pits of Hell. I think that's why I'm a little edgey around religion. But yeah. that's something else that scares me.
Hey I wasn't sure which forum to put this in so I thought this one seemed like the best. I thought it was an interesting article for fellow D&Der's. It's an article that proves, as it says, that D&Der's can succeed. [url=http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/366/366020p1.html?fromint=1]Well here is the article.[/url]
I'm scared of Smurfs. Yes smurfs the little blue things. I once had a dream that a large group of smurfs had tied me up and were lowering me into a pot of stew singing their little theme song... *shudders* Ever since I haven't been able to look at a smurf again. I hate spiders, I'm not afraid of them, I just hate them and like killing them. They are the only thing of nature I like to see dead. I'm also afraid of stupid people, granted I'm afraid of myself at times, but I mean the severly stupid ones. I hope you know what I mean because it makes me scared just thinking about them. Well that's what I'm afraid of.
Tawn smiled evily, then without being told he went out into the crowd and grabbed the one that had spoken. "What is your name?" he asked still wearing the smile. She looked at him with a little bit of fear, "Uh.. Rei." He pulled her up beside Catmint, "Why don't you tell everyone the plan you have just mentioned?" he urged, his eyes burning with evil delight.
OOC: Since it appears somebody isn't reading other posts well I guess time will have to advance quickly. IC: Flag Raising and Orientation moved by quicker than expected, and he found himself in his second class for the day. He looked at a group of boys, eagerly waiting their training in hand to hand. He paced in front of the boys with a angry scowl. It wasn't that he was in a bad mood all the time, it's just he hated kids and would rather be killing Arabs. He looked over each student, then stopped in front of one. The kid had long black hair, and a look that showed he thought he was the s**t. Domingo pulled the boy out of line by his hair. "What is your name son?" Domingo snarled. "Ren sir!" the boy replied. "What's your full name? No nicknames!" Domingo ordered. "Rijin Hikigane sir!" "Well then, from now on you will be known as Stimpy, anyone calling you Ren or Rijin, will be in a world of s**t." Domingo pulled Rijin's hair hard and pulled a knife from it's sheath, he put the blade close to the scalp and cut the hair off. "That's your first lesson, your hair must be gone. The enemy could very easily grab a hold of your long hair and slit your throat." He pushed Rijin away. "Go to the barber and get a hair cut. You have twenty minutes." "Where is he sir?" Rijin asked, severly annoyed. Domingo smiled. "On the other side of the complex, at least a twenty minute walk. So if I were you I would run."
Domingo entered the boys bunker. He walked up to the group of four boys that were talking. "What in the hell is going on here?" He asked coldly. The two brown heads and blonde haired boys stood up quickly. The red headed one was more slow. Domingo grew angry and pushed the boy to the ground. "Twenty five push ups now. Next time you will stand faster." He looked at the other three who were trying not to fidget. He scowled at them and then turned upon the rest of the bunker. "I am Colonel Domingo Clark, you will adress me as Colonel, Colonel Clark, or Sir. Is that understood?" The boys all answered in unison. "Yes sir!" Domingo continued. "I am the Hand to Hand Combat instructor, if you listen to me in class you might survive with some mentality. If you don't you will be a vegetable. Raising of the Flag is in ten minutes, then breakfast will commence. At oh-ten oclock there will be orientation for you new dips. Tomorrow starts the hard stuff." He turned on his heal and left the bunker.
Tawn looked at the voice that spoke. He was amused to see such a character speak here. He hoped the person would be flogged. He stepped out of the shadows of the building and shielded his eyes from the glare of the sun. He stood close to the podium that Catmint stood. Tawn wasn't a big name in the Rainbow Alliance but he was still attending this little get together as he like to call it. He still hoped the speaker would be flogged by the crowd.
[COLOR=crimson]Deteria smiled and waved as Orien left, "Bye bye! And thank you!" Now he could concentrate harder on keeping Dmitri at bay, this third of himself went and found another part of him fighting with Dmitri. "Let me have control again!" Dmitri snarled. "I think not my friend, I haven't finished with Valkyrie yet, when I do you may have your control back," Deteria answered calmly. "If she lets the demon part come out then you will surely die!" "Small chance to take for a little bit of pleasure. Besides, any results would be yours as well," Deteria said with a shrug. "You sick son of a orc! Don't you dare touch her! I'll kill you!" Dmitri yelled as he charged Deteria. "Tsk tsk, Dmitri, you should control your rage," Deteria said, easily stepping out of the way. "Do not worry I will make it pleasurable for her." "I hope you die at her hands!" Dmitri shouted.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=crimson]"Once again my friend I would advise you not to go in there!" Deteria called after Orien. Deteria disappeared and reappeared right in front of Orien. In response to Oriens shocked face. "You can run but you can never hide. Remember little half elf, this is my mind too, I can travel freely through it. Let me just tell you, Dmitri went to sleep when he washed up and it provided me with the oppurtunity to take a little bit of control. When he is ready he can take back his body, but until then I just want to have some fun with Valkyrie. You now since you have invaded our mind. So I ask you again, nicely this time. Please leave."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=crimson]Deteria snarled and tried to shrink back to normal size before the beam struck him. But it was too late and it struck him squarly on the chest and sent him flying back. "By the gods that one hurt..." He said as he stood up and shook his head. He casually walked back up to Orien again, wondering if he could do well in a magical fight against a trained sorcerer. So he decided to go about it with melee. In his hands a long sword appeared, it was black and had barbs on the blade. He ran forward and sent the blade straight at Oriens stomach.[/COLOR]