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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon

  1. [b]Name:[/b] Domingo Clark [b]Age:[/b] 40 [b]Personality/bio:[/b] Cold hearted, and with the threat of the school closing he groes meaner and harsher. He won't hesitate to strike a student for misbehavior, or to get the person to do what he's told. He is very violent, he was in the First and Second Gulf War, and spent a year in Afganastan in 2002. He just returned to take up the teaching job at this school. [b]Addressed As:[/b] Colonel Clark [b]Job:[/b] Hand to hand combat
  2. Dmitri wondered what sort of jewel this was that Dango kept thinking of. He really didn't care as long as it didn't cause any trouble. He started walking, with Val by his side and Dango not far behind. Hoping to find Orien soon, if, like said before, he is still alive.
  3. Well blah on you too, sheesh. :p Lighten up a little bit, it's just role playing, I mean, I love it to death but ya don't have to be so defensive. And don't mind me, I've been on deadline lately, I've been rushed into writing stories, in case I get accepted into Elfwood, which I think I will be. So I've been a bit of a :butthead: lately. So sorry if I upset you.
  4. Dmitri was beginning to think like Valkyrie. Dango was a true idiot. But he wasn't going to say anything, he just wondered how long they should wait for him to finish playing around so they could go help Orien out. If he was even alive anymore. Then he began to think of somebody else as well. What had happened to Saraneth? He shrugged as he watched Dango get consumed in smoke.
  5. Oh for the love of the gods just pick a side. I don't know who's names he was talking about but as soon as I think of a new name I'm going to change my characters name. Just to be on the safe side.
  6. Dmitri frowned. "Dango, it's called my healing and a healing potion. The bird blood is gone. Just stand up and you will be able to breath better." Dmitri rolled his eyes, but bent down and wiped off what bird blood was left on Dango.
  7. Dmitri nodded. "Dango, if you can hear this enter your body quickly, you have little time." he said it loudly, so he could hear. He hoped he did, because he didn't want to have to try and bury such a large body.
  8. Dmitri looked at the spirits. It hadn't been really all that long since he had first seen them, but he knew now that he had a greater respect for them. "Well Spirit Friends, do your thing." He said silently as he stepped back to allow them full acsess to Dango.
  9. Name: Joseph Demetrius Age: 33 Appearance: 6'5" tall. Short black hair with a mustache and gotee. Strong build, and born to kill. He isn't small, far from. But he is still quite stealthy and able to snap a government or military leaders neck in two with maximum ease. Unit: Black Ops Specialty: Assassin Weapon: Silenced ZMG 9mm Uzi Bio: He was born in St. Petersburg, Russia. His family moved to the U.S. when he was five. He can speak fluent Russian, German, American (American, not English. Two different languages there ^.^), and French. Refuses to learn Spanish. When he was 17 he decided that he would go into the military and make his father, whom was a former KGB, very proud. There he learned to kill, and enjoyed doing it. Eventually he was put into Black Ops, where he could put his skills to the test.
  10. [B]Name:[/B] Alexander "Alex" Conrad [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Appearance:[/B] 5'10" tall. has short brownish red hair. Wears blue jeans and black combat boots that are covered by the pants leg. Has a solid black shirt. Wears black sunglasses at all times to hide his eyes. He is normal build for someone his age, with newly forming muscles that he is still learning to control and the occasional crack in his voice from the onslaught of puberty. Unfortunately the chip doesn't control that little bit of life. [B]Bio:[/B] He was 11 when he had the chip put into him. Like the others he suffers from extreme headaches because of the chip. With these head aches he loses control and begins to destroy things, big or small. Luckily he hasn't had one of these headaches around his mother, whom is divorced from his father. Because she would probably be dead. In one of these fits of madness he was electicuted, and the pupils of his eyes turned white. Because of the chip he didn't lose his sight, but it was made better. In the dark he can see heat signature, and in the light he sees normally, but his eyes have prevented him from seeing things normal ever again. Now he is able to control his madness when the headaches strike. Or so he hopes.
  11. Dmitri gave a small smile, "Then by all means ask. I hope to the gods that they can help." Dmitri looked back at Dango's recovering body, he wondered if Kamori was still there, or if Dango was able to re-enter his body. "If there isn't a soul in it by morning he will die." Dmitri said somewhat sadly.
  12. Cooly.. always ready for a good war. [b]Name:[/b] Tawn Duelton [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age-group:[/b] adult (240 years old) [b]Race:[/b] Drow (Dark Elf) [b]Alliance:[/b] Rainbow Alliance [b]Appereance:[/b] Shoulder length white hair. Piercing red eyes. 6'4" tall 180 pounds, ebony skin. Black Mithril armor, two adamantine rapiers, and a dagger in boot. Long black cape. [b]Biography:[/b] Although he clames allegience to the Rainbow Alliance he will quickly change sides if the odds prove more favorable on the other side. He is from deep underground the world, and lives on the surface now to make sure his hand is in surface world affairs. He cares not for peace, but just wants to see the chaos of war. If there is a person that he dislikes, he will find a appropriate time to stick his dagger into that persons back, no matter what side that person is on. Do not trust Vladimir, because he does not trust you. ~Edit~ Name Change :) If you don't like it tough, it's staying with tawn. :flaming: ;)
  13. Dmitri blinked a few times to get the forming tears out of his eyes. He then began rummaging threw pouches and found a old vile of healing potion. He hoped this would still be good as he ran over to Dango and poured it down his throat. He threw the vile away and put his hands over the wound. He began to mutter a prayer. "Mielikki save this creature of nature, he did not know the ignorance of what he did, save him please." He said over and over to a goddess he hoped was listening, and would consider a creature of nature, even if he was a demon. He gave a great sigh when he saw the stomach wound slowly start to close, "Yes..." he hissed happily. He looked back to Valkyrie, "I think he's going to be okay, now I think it's time for the real Dango to fight for his body though."
  14. Dmitri hesitated for only a second. He knew he had to do this, he jumped forward with his swords leading at Dango's stomach. He drove the katana into Dango's stomach, and sliced an arch into it, ignoring the cries of pain. He dug deep and cut hard. He brought his sword out and plunged his hand into the stomach and reached around. He found it, he brought out the Fang and set it on a rock. He raised up his scimitar and brought it down on top of the Fang, breaking it in two. He then looked over at his dieing friend. And wondered what to do now.
  15. Dmitri drew his scimitar and katana. He posed ready to strike. "Dango, I know you are there in spirit form, I can't see you but I hear you. In order to destroy the Fang we have to be able to get to it. And we can't wait for him to let it out. We have to cut it out! Speak Dango and let your answer be known!!"
  16. Dmitri narrowed his eyes, he knew something was wrong. "You aren't Dango.. What have you done with him?" Dmitri demanded. He put his hands on the hilts of his scimitar and katana. Preparing to draw them and attack if Kamori made any sudden movements. "I'll ask once again Kamori, what has happened to Dango." Dmitri asked but he already knew the answer. He could hear all thoughts from the living and should be living. So he heard Dango's plea's. He just made it to where Kamori didn't know it.
  17. Dmitri shook his head. "No I'm fine, Deteria wanted control but I denied him. Thank you for the concern." He took a deep breath and looked around. He saw Dango walking up to them. "Val, if he starts talking bad again. Either walk away or beat him up, I won't stop you." He gives her a sly wink.
  18. He was struggling hard to keep Deteria under control. Deteria really wanted out all of a sudden. Dmitri gritted his teeth. "Not... now... Deteria..." He looked back and saw Val coming up to him, it gave him a glimmer of hope as he pushed Deteria back even harder, and finally felt himself gain control. He sighed a deep sigh of relief.
  19. Thanks Vicky, I've read some of your stuff too, it's pretty good. Keep it up.
  20. Dmitri closed his eyes and groaned. He was so glad he didn't have any demon part of him. He released Val and started walking away. He had enough, if those two wanted to fight he couldn't stop them. He just hoped they wouldn't kill each other off. He just walked shutting out their screaming, their anger, and entered his own little world. Then he felt the oncoming of an unwelcomed guest known as Deteria.
  21. He puts his arms around her, "Okay.. but I thought I might try anyways." He sighed hoping she would tell him what she knew soon. He looked at the jewel on the ground and wondered what it did. Didn't care to pick it up.
  22. Dmitri looked at him, "The way Kamori what? You better tell him to control himself better, he may be dead but there are ways of getting rid of unwanted spirits." Dmitri said angrily. He started to walk to Val to try to help calm her down some.
  23. Dmitri threw his hands up in defeat. Then felt himself getting angry. "Why in the Nine Hells can't you two just get along?!?! Dango, just shut the hell up! Or I'll make you!" He was really angry, but he wasn't really angry at any of them, it was the other things that was causing this, he knew Dango's spirit buddy was causing some of this, and Val's demon was causing it as well. He just hoped Deteria doesn't decide to join in.
  24. Dmitri could see something bad was going to happen soon if he didn't step in. "Alright you two, calm down. Just calm....." Dango, refer to her as Valkyrie or Val at all times. Valkyrie.. just... calm down." He wanted to say more but he didn't know what to say.
  25. Dmitri looked uneasily at the two. "Well tell your spirit person that I don't sleep much, and I usually keep a pretty good guard." He sighed figuring that didn't help much. But he was going to try to do his best to keep everyone safe.
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