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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon

  1. Dmitri shrugged happily and put the jerkey back in his pouch. Then looks at Dango curiously. "You know Dango, I can sometimes here the little convorsations between you and your little friend, but don't worry, I don't mind that you have found yourself a greater power. But just watch out for yourself, there are several magical items in the world, and they aren't all made with good intentions."
  2. "Dango, it's basically dried, and seasoned beef. You know cow meat? Here try some." He tossed a piece to Dango, and then offered some to Val with another smile. "See, I don't eat just fruit." He then gave her a wink.
  3. "Then don't say either," he said to Dango. As he ate his apple he began to think of something. He had picked something up from one of the last towns he visited not long ago. He stuck the apple in his mouth and began to rumage through his pouches. "Ah hah!" he said aloud, the apple dropping out of his mouth. He missed it with his hands so he caught it with the top of his boot. He stood there on one leg and pulled out a cloth sack from a pouch. He kicked the apple up and caught it with his hand. He opened the sack and pulled out some beef jerkey and sniffed it to see if it was still good. The man he got it off of said it would last forever and a day. But Dmitri still wondered. He stuck a piece in his mouth and chewed, it tasted alright, but it was very tough. He assumed it was good as he swallowed it down. "Beef jerkey anybody?"
  4. Dmitri caught the apple easily. He handed it over to Val, "Here you go." He said with a smile, hoping she wanted a apple, if she didn't that's fine but oh well. He walked over to the tree and grabbed a few more apples before Dango took them all and put some of them in his pouches for later, he went ahead and ate one for now.
  5. Dmitri blinked a couple of times. He was still confused but he would take Val's advice and try not to think about it. He started walking side by side with Val. Then suddenly he felt a gnawing at his stomach, and the twinge of a headache approaching. He realized he was hungry and began to wonder how long it's been since he ate. "Is anybody else hungry? I am.." He began to look at all the trees for fruits or something to eat.
  6. Thank you, and I will take your advice, I think I will continue to write these. They've become enjoyable to write. Once again I thank you.
  7. Dmitri was thoroughly confused. He had no idea what was going on even with the sketchy explanations the two gave him. He knew it had something to do with a demonic thing called Fang, but that's about where it stopped for him. But then he got to thinking. [i][COLOR=indigo]Oh joy, three people on a journey together, and all of them has someone else tagging along in their minds, to which the others cannot see.[/COLOR][/i] [i][COLOR=red]Makes things interesting doesn't it Dmitri?[/COLOR][/i] [i][COLOR=indigo]Shaddup Deteria[/COLOR][/i] He made a mental note to watch Dango and his new 'friend', and to keep another eye on Val to make sure the demon half of her didn't try to do anything foolish. He was going to have to pray hard to Mielikki for help.
  8. I know of a couple of local bands around here. My Band director is a drummer in a band called Miles of Gray, or M.O.G. They are okay, I don't care much for the singing but the music itself is pretty good.
  9. Do I think there are aliens..? Why of course, I'm one of them o_0 My ship is parked in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. But in all seriousness yes I think there are aliens out there. I don't think the Greater Force would have created just us and then put all that extra space out there to be empty. There is most certainly aliens out there. They are smart staying away from our dumb planet.
  10. It is my belief that whatever a persons religion states, is what will happen. Some believe in reincarnation, some in Heaven and Hell. It is my belief that when I die I will go to another plane of existance, probably the dream world. There I will live in that world until I die again, and then move on to the next phase of existance, what ever it may be. I am not afraid of death, but I do not wish for it.
  11. That was beautiful man, really touched the heart. In a way it sounds like trouble I've had. But it was very good. Very good indeed.
  12. I've put some of these poems on previous forums. I got good rating there, I thought I might put some up here. Heart. (Wrote this for a friend) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ What has happened to me? Before, when love was mentioned, I would flee. But now that love has found its place in my heart. It makes me confused, I don't know where to start. I feel myself alone, I love her so much. But where is she? The one I held close to me... The one that gave me a child. The one that would make my heart soar. The one, that makes my heart sore. ______________________________________ Defeat ~~~~~~~~~~ You can destroy my body You can break my bones. But you will never defeat me. My heart is strong As is my will. As long as I strive As long as I thrive Remember this You can beat me, But you can never defeat me.
  13. Dmitri heard this and became curious. He turned around and regarded the two. Upon looking at Val he had the sense that it was the demon half. He wondered if he should bring Deteria up, but pushed that thought aside seeing how she was talking to Dango. He felt as if he was being left out of something, it didn't really bother him, but he felt like something wrong was going to happen, he was uncomfortable. He hates it when he gets uncomfortable, it means people will start dieing soon. "I know this probably doesn't concern me... but what it going on?"
  14. "Yeah.. we should.." He gave Val's hand a loving squeeze and started walking, releasing her hand. Not wanting Dango to, do whatever he would do. He remembered the location on the map and knew it wasn't far from here, about twenty miles at most. It would take about two days hard travel to get there, but he figured everyone could make it. Or he hoped they could. Every now and then he would glance over at Val and give her a small reassuring smile.
  15. Dmitri took a deep breath. "Okay, Orien is facing a powerful sorcerer and needs our help. The ashes is what is left of the map he gave us. It just decided to burn up. Luckily I remember it quite well, and know of the area he's at." He looks at Dango. "And you... you.. are just you." He looks at Val, "You are just beautiful." Then he looks at the ground, "And I am confused as hell."
  16. Still holding the orb, wondering what in the Nine Hells it did, he saw Dango. "Dango? Where've you been?" He asked, even though he knew he really didn't care.
  17. Dmitri gave a small frown, but decided that it would be better in the long run. "Sounds good to me, I guess when she wants to play I'll let Deteria out, I'm sure the two of them would have fun, and I think that is what she ment when she said there is something more to me. So I don't mind... Now I think I may go back to my own body, and let you two finish up here, I'll relay the news to Deteria, I'm sure it will make him happy." With that Dmitri said his good byes and started to float out of Val's mind. His corpreal body floating into the world's air and going back into his own. He slowly woke and stood up, before him he saw a glowing orb, confused he picked it up and studied it, wondering what it did. He looked over at Val, who was still sleeping, and smiled happily. OOC: I'm only assuming that the orb was outside waiting for Dmitri to wake. If it wasn't then I'm sorry, but it is now.....
  18. Dmitri was at a loss, he didn't know what to do now. "She may be right, you are one hundred ten years old. The demon half is what is giving you long life. If the demon part leaves, then aging may catch up to you, and you would die.." He looked at the the human Val. "Do you think we could bargain with her?"
  19. Wilhelm glared at Ryan with disgust. "You truly are a sick bastard." Ryan returned the look. "I thought you hated dragons Wilhelm." "Aye, I do, but killing a defenseless baby, no matter the species, is wrong." Wilhelm replied coldly. Ryan got close up to Wilhelm. "If you don't do it, then you can leave, and leave the dagger." Wilhelm clenched his jaws and shoved past Ryan. He closed his eyes and jabbed the dagger deep into the baby dragon, cringing when it gave a cry of pain. He pulled the dagger from the dragon and turned. He sheathed the dagger without cleaning it off and walked up to Ryan and whispered into his ear. "I promise you this, when this war is over, I will kill you with this very dagger, if not before." Wilhelm whispered with all sincerity. He walked back to his chair and sat down, and waited for everyone else to do this dirty deed.
  20. OOC: It's okay ^[U]¿[/U]^ IC: Wilhelm looked at Ryan without emotion. "I am of course against it." Ryan gave a troubled look. "You know that I see us more as a guerilla force, I do not approve open war," Wilhelm looked about the people that already agreed. "But I see I have little choice in the matter, may beurocracy live forever in the heart of men, so that we may finish the Dragonlords work." Wilhelm said sarcastically. Then walked over and took his place among the ones that had agreed. Not shaking Ryan's hand or the such. He ignored the looks he got from the others.
  21. "Orien, buddy, now isn't the greatest of times. You need to leave, and not disturb us for a bit. If you do it may kill us all, so please I beg you, leave. We'll contact you when we are finished." Dmitri said to Orien, very urgently. OOC: Well Vicky, you may have to, I don't even know what the hell you are doing, but, we'll catch up to you later. :)
  22. "Oh boy.." Dmitri said. He really didn't know what to do from here. "Alright demon, it's time for you to leave." My he felt dumb. He just wondered how he would get her out.
  23. Dmitri smiled as he felt himself go into he sleep. Suddenly he became aware of his surroundings. He could see the two of them laying in the circle asleep, and he moved to Valkyrie. He entered her mind and looked around for her. "Nice and tidy, just as I would expect.." OOC: I'm going to let you pretty much take it from here, I don't really know what to expect in your mind. :)
  24. "Well that's what we are going to prevent when we go in. But if the demon half does somehow get out, then we will die." Dmitri stated bluntly. "But that's what the circle is for. We will both lay in it together, and hold each others hand. We will suddenly become very sleepy and will eventually go to sleep, that's what all the juice is about. Once asleep me, Dmitri will enter your mind, Deteria will still be asleep and unaware that I have left the body. So we're safe on that. Once I am inside your mind, you and I, and when I say you, I mean, you. Will travel down, find your subconsciousess(sp). Determine which is the demon, and basically exorcise it out. That's what it is basically, an advanced exorcism. If something goes wrong, I'll probably die before you will, and Deteria will have control of my body, then he will probably kill you, but I hope not. If that does happen I just want you to know that I love you, and that I'm sorry for failing you." He took a deep breath and looked at the circle, making a gesture that she should go first.
  25. "Yes of course, you may want to tell them about Orien as well, in case he decides to show up. And I think Dango is currently on the other side of the world. So he's no worry, and the other who knows. While you do that I'll get things prepared." As she walked away to her friends again Dmitri began gathering some spell components, such as berries, bugs, and leaves. By the time she returned he had everything prepared and a circle drawn with bug, and berry juices and leaves. He looked up at her with a smile, "I'm ready when you are."
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