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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon
Well.. seeing how there aren't that many true human's I guess I'll give it a shot. [B]Name:[/B] Wilhelm Lanatuef [B]Race:[/B] True Human [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Weapons:[/B] 2 Adamantine falchions forged by dwarves. (hope dwarves exist) [B]Appearance:[/B] 6'5" tall. Short, but long enough to run his hand through, wavy, reddish-brown hair. He has a muscular build, and is well tanned. His eyes are a piercing crystal blue. Wears brown studded leather armor over a normal tunic and breeches. Occasionally a green cloak. He wears his two swords at his sides. [B]Short bio:[/B] He has had a troubled young life. His parents were killed many years ago when he was to young to remember how they died. But he was told that it was because of the Dragonlords. Although he holds the Dragonlords in contempt he is still open minded, and prefers to see all sides of an issue before passing judgment.
Pritz turned again and walked up to Karl. "Have you ever fought in a real resistance? I have, and we never refered to our soldiers as members. Sure they were a part of the resistence, but they weren't considered members. You may be a member of the Order of the Dragon, but you are more than that. You are a soldier of it. And whether or not I care for these people.. know you nothing of the drow?"
Pritz turned to regard the human. "Yes a drow, do you have a problem with it? I surely hope not. Anyways be careful of this other human. He only wish to have a club of fighters. Not a force." Pritz once again started to leave.
He smiled and looked down at her. How he loved her, the joy she now brought to him. "Perhaps now, it is time for change." He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Let's not worry about that town, I'm sure they can handle themselves. Surely there is somewhere we can go where there aren't any problems."
He turned to regard her. "We will be here as long as it takes, perhaps there will be a way for us to help these people. But if they do not give good enough reason for us to help then we shall leave, where we will go I do not know. But just watch your money and belongings and you will be fine. This is the place." Pritz walked up the steps to a rundown building. He opened the door and walked in with Aria on his heels. They barely got in when they were stopped by a guard. "Who are you elf?" the guard asked coldly. "I am Pritz.. I was summoned," Seeing the guards eyes shift to Aria he quickly added. "This is Aria, my partner." "Partner aye?" Pritz wondered if the guard took it the wrong way. He hoped not. "Well, you are expected, even though it was sooner." "Complications." Pritz replied coldly. The guard and Pritz stared down each other for a moment when a annoyed cough interrupted them. Pritz looked away and saw another human had entered. "Greetings Master Pritz. I am Jason Dovonex. Leader of this little resistance." the man said. He was tall, about six and a half feet tall. He was middle aged, if not more, with grey eyes and salt and pepper hair and beard. He appeared as if he had seen many rough years. "Why have you summoned us?" Pritz asked, getting to the point. "Yes, well, we have many members in this resistance, but they are inexperienced, they need training, they need a drow teacher to help them learn to fight." Pritz clenched his jaw angrily. "I am not just some teacher that will train everybody that needs it. I'm not a teacher at all, I have one student already, and I do not wish for more! If you desire a teacher then why don't you hire a human? The drow exel in two weapon fighting techniques, something humans are unable to do easily." He drew his scimitars and presented them. "Do you think you could use both of these weapons at the same time? I thought not. Nor do I believe any of your 'members' could do so as well. I have already fought for a civil war many years ago, I was a leader in that resistance, but it wasn't just some club where you have members! It was a force! An army! We trained long and hard to do what he accomplished, and yet many still died." Finished Pritz did a twirl with his scimitars, resheathing them. He turned and started for the door. "Then teach us the ways that you talk about!" Jason said from behind. Pritz just ignored his plea.
He smiled, "Yeah. I do have a quest I should be on.. but of late I've been rethinking that quest. I just have a feeling that I am going to go to that town, find the ruler, whom may be good or bad, and kill him anyways. I've been rethinking my life Valkyrie. I've lost one family, but so many years lay before me, hopefully I won't spend them all alone." He followed her gaze into the distance, wondering many things, and for once he didn't know it, he was thinking the same thing as her.
Pritz gave out a small laugh. "You could be sixty years old and I would still consider you a child, considering I am many more years older than you. But you got yourself a deal. I won't treat you as a child. And yes I am ready." He stood and started for the door, with Aria following. "Where are we going?" Aria asked. "Probably someplace more run down than this area," Pritz answered unhappily. "Supposedly there is a resistance group that wants to get rid of the current greedy ruler, and has heard of me, and wants my help. So I decided that I shall help if the terms are agreeable. Don't worry though. You will still be trained. No better way to learn than to experience it."
The scariest way to die in my mind would to be old, really old. To die of natural causes, and to be alone. Not to have anyone to mourn your death, or to find your corpse, or to care that you died. With no friends, no family, no heirs, no anything. That is truly the most frightening way to die I think.
He tried to compose himself as he dressed. Tried to rebuild the stone and steel wall that Val had successfully turned into mud. He felt extremely weak, especially after the comfort she just gave him. "I am sorry Valkyrie," he said slowly. "I should have controlled myself a little better. He strapped on his sword belt and suddenly felt lost.
Giving a sigh of relief he looked at her, his fear easing. "It's okay, I've got to face my fears at some point.." Realizing once again what just happened he pulled her over in a hug, almost to the brink of tears. Deteria couldn't believe Dmitri was so afraid of water, but didn't say or do anything. "Thank you! Thank you for making sure nothing happened!" He started shivering but wasn't sure if it was from being chilled or if it was because he was scared. Either way he was shivering.
Pritz blinked. She had really shocked him with this proposal. The thought of finding his friend, well, more of a brother, really stunned him. He would be able to return home, live happily in the dark.. dank.. moist.. no. That wouldn't do. He had come to love the surface, and it had been so many years since he had his friend that he may not recognize him. "I thank you Aria, but, I think that can wait.. I still have much to do here. Such as teaching you, and talking to those people." He took another bite of his food, then pushed his plate away, hardly eating anything. "I do not think we are without friends anymore," Pritz said finally.
Once again, "Oh boy.." he thought back to the days before the war and before he left. His good friend said something: [COLOR=blue]Damnit Dmitri women will be the death of you!![/COLOR] He was beginning to think this true. But he couldn't stop his legs as they kicked forward, going after Val, wondering just what may happen.
"I see.." Pritz stayed quiet for a moment before finally deciding on what to say. "Well, now I know something about you, I guess it's only fair I tell you about myself. My family was killed when I was a baby. And at the age of five I became a slave to a drow noble name Vladimir. This drow sold me to a relative. Vladimir had a half breed son that I stayed in contact with. When we were old enough me and his son entered a war to end slavery. Vladimir's son killed him. The war ended and I became a noble. Vladimir's son left to the surface. I came to search for him and lost my way. I've given up my search figuring him dead. Now I'm trapped on the surface doing odd jobs, I have a natural ability with magic, but I trained hard for my skills with the swords. Like you. I have no friends or family on the surface. They are all underground, in a home I cannot get to.." He sighed and took a drink of the liquid provided with the meal.
OOC: What race is Aria? I may have missed it at some point but I don't know what she is.... IC: He paid the tender for the meal and a few more days on each room. He turned to his meal and ate at it, though not eating it all. "So what's your history? I'm sure you have a family, friends, loved ones, or other such."
Dmitri did not know what to say or do. But he did know, that if his skin would allow it, he would be blushing, but since he has ebony skin he couldn't. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Wondering if he should do what he was about to do. Well, he did. He took off his clothes and weapons and placed them neatly on the shore. He got into the water carefully, keeping his walk on water spell on top of his mind in case he needed it. "Oh boy..."
"Oh, well it may be or it may not be, we shall see." He said, motioning for the tender to come over. "Two breakfasts. Good quality." The tender walked away without a word. "Today we are going to talk to some people, they didn't really say who they were, just said where to find them." After a while the tender came back and gave them the breakfasts. "Six gold," he looked at Aria. "Three more gold from you. You need to pay for your room!" Aria started to pay, but Pritz stopped her. "I'll pay for it all."
Dmitri nodded. "I understand completely. For I to have trouble forgetting the past. And I thank you for the company, no offense to the others, but you make a better companion on the road." He said no more about this, instead he just started walking again, but at a slower pace. He was still thinking of this. He thought that maybe someday the two could settle down... [I]no, that probably won't happen, I still have seven centuries of life ahead of me, but her being part demon, could have many millenia ahead of her. Oh well. I'll still be there to protect her as long as I can.[/I]
Pritz blinked to get the sleep out of his eyes. "You start early don't you? Okay okay, give me a minute to get my bearings straight. Come on in if you want." He turned and went over to the dresser, picking up the letter and putting it in a nearby pouch. He put on his cloak and weapons and all the pouches he figured he would need. "Okay, we have a small appointment to attend, after that we will start your training for today. I think with what may be coming up I will teach you some swordsmanship skills. So make sure you have your weapon with you. If you are going to learn magic as well you are going to also learn when to use magic and steel. Combined the two work quite well. Also when casting a spell you will be vulnerable, since you have to have good concentration or the spell will mess up and you could kill yourself or someone you don't intend to." He handed her the spell books and told her to carry them for now. Then he started out of his room and downstairs. Her following.
He read her thoughts at that moment, but he wasn't trying to, he just did. He heard that echo in his mind a few times as he continued to walk. When it finally struck him as to what she said he stopped. Blinked a few times and looked at her. He badly wanted to tell her he felt the same way, because it was true. He had come to love her over the past days. But he remembered what happened the last time he loved. His family was killed. "I... I.." He struggled for a second, trying to gather his thoughts. "I love you too" He wanted to tell her that he couldn't love her though, for he feared for her safety. He looked down at the ground, not knowing what to say.
They aren't too strict. I mean they do their jobs to keep this forum enjoyable. I support their decisions, because, basically we have no say in what they do, they make the decisions. They give us this forum to talk on, so we shouldn't complain about the decisions they make.
OOC: Alright, this rp thing has gone to far to let it be destroyed by confusing posts. So, I hate to tell you this Vicky, but I'm going to just pretend that Danutela was defeated the first time. Thus making all the confusing stuff non existant. Bring him back at a different point of the plot, I don't care, but I just want to see this one continue on. I mean, come on, make this interesting by not having us fight the devil over and over, since he can't really be defeated. It's just plain stupid. IC: Dmitri stood up and looked down at Valkyrie. "Well this little battle between the brothers has gone on long enough. I still have a destination I want to get to, and I'm going to continue on. You may join me if you wish." he glances at the brothers one last time before giving a tired sigh, and heading off into the woods. Hoping that Val will go with him.
"Oh right, okay." He stammered as he quickly got up and started to leave. "That goes for you too" Pritz said to her. "What do you mean?" "I'll be in my room if you need anything from me as well." He said with a smile. He left the room and closed the door gently behind him. He went over to his room and entered, he placed the two books on his dresser, figuring he would look at them later. As he set the books down he noticed a letter next to them. He picked up the letter and broke the seal, one of which he didn't recognize. He unfolded the paper and read it. "Interesting," he murmured. He tossed the paper back onto the dresser and rubbed his eyes. "I'll go talk to them in the morning I guess." He turned and went to his bed and sat down on the edge. Looked out of the window in his room at the ran down city and shook his head. He laid down in the bed and closed his eyes, and quickly fell asleep.
Pritz nodded. "I see, well, it may be because of your ability to speak with the dead. The dead can sometimes put their abilities into a living being." Pritz sat down in a chair in her room and pondered over this. [I]She can cast spells that some drow wizards have trouble casting. She must have some potential if the dead are communicating through her, and giving her their powers. She is a strange one, so very strange.[/I] Pritz smiled. "This is going to be a challenge," he muttered to himself.
"Aria, if you want me to be your teacher you need to be honest with me. What is the 'other stuff'? I need to be able to know everything you can do." He looked at her with narrowed eyes, but not trying to look threatening. "And if you are afraid of scaring me away, let me assure you. I have lived for many decades, and I am a drow, nothing can surprise me anymore hardly. I mean, the drow summon demons to this plane of existence to help us with certain tasks, so.. yeah."