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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon
Smiling once again, "Good, and anything of your past, just remember, it's just that. It's in the past and you can do nothing to change it. And if the spirits ever bother you again do not hesitate to tell me. Eventually, we may be able to use your communication with the spirits as a way to convince them to move on to the next stage of existence." Still smiling he hopes deep down that he is capable of helping this woman.
I've not seen the movie yet, but from what I've heard it is really good. It's kind of cool that somebody who usually does a comic role can do a dramatic one just as well. Other dramatic Robin Williams movie is What Dreams May Come and Jakob the Liar. Both are very good and I highly reccomend them both.
Pritz smiled and looked at her. "Spirits themselves cannot hurt people, it's the person the spirits communicate through that hurts someone. The only kind of spirits that are able to harm the living are poltergeists, and there are ways of sending them to where they belong. "That was your first lesson, you can still be my pupil if you want. I've never let the living or dead get in the way of what I can do, and neither should you." He put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Do as you must, but if you decide to leave, I want you to know that if you ever change your mind, and are able to find me. I will still teach you what I can."
Pritz stood before the door as she opened it. "You wanted to see me?" "Yes!" Aria said as she ushered him in. "So.. uh.. What did you want to see me about?" Pritz asked, hoping she would finally tell him the truth.
Sorry Vicky, I'm 95% German and 5% Irish but still 100% American. And with that mixture of blood in me, I just plainly hate the British. I am a very patriotic person, and I despise any country that America was in a war against before the 1900's. :)
The only good thing about the movie was the language and the gore. The movie overall was pretty crappy. But what do you expect for something from Britain?
OOC: Wtf is going on? I am so damn confused. Why can't you two learn how to spell? And second of all stop making my character do stuff he would never do. He cares nothing for the fact that Dango is Danutela's son. He is just bent on killing Danutela. Also it is forward, not falward. Now who is where, and who is what?
Dmitri smiled. "Weakling am I? I'll show you weakling." Dmitri took a few steps back, drew his two scimitars, and started a spell not related to rangers. "Deteria, soul inside of me, join Dmitri in power, give added strength, make us invincible(sp)." He crossed the two swords over his chest, as he felt Deteria adding power, taking partial control. Dmitri's blue eyes started to swirl with bits of purple. Those eyes then darkened, as they became a black and grey swirl. "Belbau ussa yorn phraktos d'lil ilythiiri lueth d'lil darthien. Belbau ussa l'yorn ulu malar natha rivvin ogglinn! Phraktos d'ssussun xxizz ussa!" Dmitri yells in the language of the drow. His body starts to enlarge, as do his swords, he grows to a height of 7'8". His muscles get larger, to compensate for the growth spert. His leather armor strains under the growth, but it soon expands to fit perfectly. In a voice that is not his own, but is he looks at Danutela. "There are advantages to be a magical schizophrenic elf, and one that is in the favor of the gods!" He uncrosses the scimitars at his chest and runs forward once again. He slams his shoulder into Danutela's chest, and sends a scimitar up. It slides under the necklace, he twists the sword around and cuts out. Slicing the chain of the necklace, and causing it to fly off Danutela's neck.
Dmitri nodded and sat down next to her, he glanced over at the two fighting brothers and shook his head. "That was some good thinking, and good fighting you did." Dmitri said to Val, still watching the two brothers fight. He moved his neck so it would pop, relieving him of a headache he was forming. He looked at her, realizing finally that she went back into her half demon form. "Well I was going to ask if you were okay but it appears as if I don't need to worry." He bit his lip, thinking himself stupid for saying that, then decides to change the subject. But doesn't know what to change it to, so he just sits there in silence.
Pritz bit his lip and watched her leave, knowing that something was very wrong with her, but he didn't know what it was, and wasn't going to push her for an answer. He stood and talked to the tender. "Prepare two of your finest meals. Send one of them up to Aria Ravena's room, make sure she knows it's there, but don't disturb her anymore than you need too. And give me the other meal." The tender nodded and went back into his kitchen. Pritz looked up the stairs and hoped that Aria would be alright.
Dmitri looked at the exposed Adam's apple, and took his shot. He reached out with both swords and jabbed one into the throat and ran the other one across it. Black and green demonic blood spewed forth. "Let go of him!" Dmitri yelled to Val. She released him and jumped to the ground. Dmitri jumped off also. Danutela, roaring in rage, started to disappear. "I'll be back! In 100 years I will return and take my vengeance upon you!!!" Then he disappeared in a red and black mist. Dmitri sheathed his swords and let himself fall onto his rear. He didn't understand why such battles with demon's, or devils now for that matter. Drained him so. He just hoped that the brothers wouldn't be to upset over missing out on the short, but exhausting battle.
Pritz knew something was wrong from the sudden change of expression. He asked in a low voice. "Is something wrong? I've known you for about a hour and you have been acting very strange." He was actually feeling worried for her. Not knowing what was wrong usually bothered him. He hoped she would be truthful, so that he may help.
Dmitri saw the hand reaching for Val. HE jumped again and sliced at the hand with his katana, taking off a few fingers. With his scimitar he shot out his hand, and punctered Danutela in the eye. Danutela let out another roar of rage. "Damnation." Dmitri hissed, knowing that this battle was going to be long and tedious.
Dmitri drew his enchanted katana, named the Green Oracle Sword. And his also enchanted scimitar, Demon Slayer. He had used both of these swords in fighting a demon before, and had been able to defeat the demon, not kill it, just banishing it back to the Nine Hells where it belonged. He stepped up to Valkyrie and whispered to her, hoping she would hear. "Fight with all your heart, we can't kill him, but we can inflict enough damage upon him to banish him back to Hell." He didn't know if she had heard him or not, he could only hope that she did. He flexed his grip on the swords, and sprinted forward to Danutela. As he ran he called upon his divine powers of the ranger. The first spell he casts is entangle, his target: Danutela. The strong vines of bushes and trees reach out and grab ahold of Danutela, impending his movement. Dmitri next casts protection from fire, considering that the pyrotechnics that the devil showed made it a fire elemental. He ran up the vines that entangled Danutela and started to attack his his swords. His movements fast and fluid motions, his swords a blur as they cut into Danutela, some of the wounds healing faster than others, some, not even healing at all. Danutela screamed in a pained rage and released Rad.
Not having the same psychic abilities as his brother, he was still able to figure she was lying, but did not say anything. "You wouldn't have had to worry about money. I guess since I'm the teacher I can pay for anything. It's no big deal really." Aria bit part of her lower lip, enough that she could feel it but not so much that he would tell. And she thought: If he only knew.
He blinked a few times, taken completely aback by the question. Was he teaching this girl or marrying her? He thought over the question a few seconds when he finally produced an answer. "Well I don't see why I would. You told me before anything happened.. so no harm no foul." He lead her to a empty table and got her sat down, not paying attention to the happy smile she had. He sat across from her and opened the wine, pouring both of them a glass. He didn't know exactly what the inn had in the way of food, and he was a little scared of trying it, but if she ordered something he probably would too. "There, now that we both have a glass of wine, and are seated, and probably soon to buy a meal that may assault our stomachs, why don't we get to, understand each other better?" He glanced about for a second, wondering if he should, not sure of the other customers reactions to what they may soon see, and he was most worried about the warrior he saw over at a different table. He decided that he might as well try. He reached up with his gloved hands and pulled back the hood of his cloak, showing off his white hair, and red eyes, and ebony skin. "You said you wanted an elf to teach you magic, you found the best kind there is, the drow are adept magic users."
OOC: Uh.. okay, I guess you can join. Though I don't know why the hell Dango is so upset with me. I made the excuse that he had some business he had to attend to and that he would catch up when he could. Because I didn't know what had happened to him, so I made up a rp excuse so we could carry on. Also Dmitri is talking with Valkyrie at the moment and far from everybody else. IC: Dmitri sighed and looked up. "It's amazing what you know Valkyrie." He thought the best course for what to tell her. "Deteria, is another mind of me. I am the cross of a good hearted race of the elf, and a evil hearted race of the elf. Both races have different views on life, love, and happiness. The wood elf in me is the predominent mind set. I cherish life, even though I take it. I respect nature and such. But the drow half, Deteria as he likes to be called. Is the chaotic, evil, destructive side. If he were to ever manifest himself in my mind nobody around me would be safe. I have tried everything in my power to rid myself of him but I fear that I will not. That is basically what, and who Deteria is." Dmitri took a deep breath, and looked up at Val to see what her reaction is to all this. Wondering why she had really stayed with him. Knowing there was some truth in what she had sad, but also knowing that there was something else. He looked up at her again with sparkling blue eyes, and wondered what he truly felt for her.
True, but also about the way everyone is a potential agent. What happens to the people that the agents take over? Does the Matrix instantly wipe clean everyone's memory of their ever existing? Or when the Agents take a new form and leave a body, thus making a new one. Does the Matrix instantly give it a history and life? One of the many questions.
There could be a Matrix. But if there were, don't you think we would have heard about some of the fights that would take place between the agents and the little people that got out? I mean, the way the movies look, the destruction they cause would be a little noticeable. So really I don't think it exists.
I haven't heard about Chester, but if that is true I hope he gets well soon. And yes Hybrid Theory is a damn good c.d. I love all the songs. Meteora also kicks butt. I would like to say it's better than Hybrid Theory but I can't. All I can say is that they are equal in butt kicking.
He sucked in a breath and looked at her. "Your guess is as good as mine. I have no idea where to start. As you know I don't have any experience in training, or teaching a person." He had a feeling inside of him. "How about we get some food, and discuss what you know, what you want to know, and try to learn more about each other. I'm sure we've both got some stories to tell." He extended his arm and bid her to go before him, which she did, and he followed her down the steps.
Dmitri sits up and leands against a tree. He begins to think of several things. His dead wife and children take up most of his thoughts. Then he thinks of Valkyrie. He mutters under his breath. "Her husband left her, my family was taken from me, but I feel, that her loss was more painful.." He closed his eyes and allowed his senses to reach out, to feel all presence in the forest. He had no intention of seeing Val until she wanted to see him, but he stood up, and without saying a word to anybody, walked into the forest, blending into the morning shadows. He didn't have a destination, he just walked, but he wouldn't go far from his friends, whom he felt responsible for to keep safe.
"Gi zhennu lueth Usstan usieva natha wlalth morfethar ol jal alur! But non the less, I thank you, if you hadn't done that it would have been bad." Dmitri said. "What did you say?" Orien asked. "I said, I guess a spell makes it all better.. I was being sarcastic and rude, forgive me." He looked down, appearing downcast. "What in the Nine Hells happened?" Vlakyrie asked. "I'm schizophrenic, I have two different forms of elf in me, and with that mix I guess I also get two different personalities. I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner, if Deteria, that's my other self, ever got out. The consequences would be terrible. Nobody would be safe."
Dmitri and Deteria looked at the intruder into their mind. "What are you doing in here? We had just come to an agreement! Dmitri was going to wake soon. But he can't with you in here!" Deteria said angrily. "I was worried about Dmitri." "I'll be fine as soon as you get out! There are enough people and other stuff as it is!" Saraneth raised his hands defensively. Then exited Dmitri's mind. He remained to look asleep hoping no body would notice. A few minutes later Dmitri's eyes opened and he saw Valkyrie sitting next to him. "How long was I out? And why did you sit at my side?" Dmitri asked confused.