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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon

  1. Pritz sighed and rubbed his eyes. He looked at the pleading girl and felt sorry for her. "Very well. I shall take you as a pupil. Though, I'm not sure how well I will teach you, I've never had a student before... but I will try my hardest to help you." He said with a smile. Aria smiled happily gave him a quick hug. "Okay no more hugs." Pritz said pushing her away gently. He thought this is going to take a while.
  2. [I]In his sleep he saw himself facing a mirror of himself. The two faced each other. Deteria paced around Dmitri. "My friend why do you not wish for me to enter the world?" Deteria asked. "Because [B]friend[/B] I know that you will do nothing but cause suffering for my friends." Dmitri replied. "Friends? You don't consider them companions? Or Enemies that haven't revealed themselves?" Deteria asked with a sneer. Dmitri remained silent, but continued to stare hard at Deteria. "Oh.. I see what it is. You have feelings you haven't felt for 31 years. You shouldn't be like this Dmitri, it's unbecoming, and annoying. You should have killed the demons and angel right off the bat, and the half elf.. well I don't know about him. But the other three should have been dead the moment you saw them. But what do I see you doing? You're helping them!! And your are stumbling over your feet to make sure that the female is safe. Why is that?" Dmitri stared at Deteria for a second longer before answering. "Because I made a silent promise the spirits of this forest to protect her. I overheard her conversation with the deer, I wasn't planning on protecting her, but when she said that I was the one that would watch over her, and for some reason I agreed to that!" "My my Dmitri, you have become a foolish elf. You killed your father, you killed countless others, and now you are growing a heart again. Women shall be the death of you." Dmitri lunged at Deteria, but passed right through him. "Have you forgotten we are inside of your mind, also my mind, we can do as we please. Well, I am quite amused by all this, and I think I shall allow you to go on. I won't try to take over you again for a while now. This fighting between us has left me exhausted."[/I] During this whole conversation inside of Dmitri's mind, he twitched several times, even though he was in a deep fitful sleep. Occasionally his hands would go to his weapons. But he remained asleep non the less, for many more hours.
  3. Dmitri clenched his teeth in pain and struggled to look at Valkyie. "Deteria.... wants out... I'm. Schizophrenic, it hurts..." Tears were forming in his eyes. Never before had Deteria fought so hard to get out. He looked up at Val again. "Knock me.. unconscious.." He struggled hard, knowing that if he wasn't unconscious in a few minutes Deteria would get out and then all his companions would suffer.
  4. He stared at her in disbelief, "How did you hear about me? I didn't think I was all that much of a popular figure on the surface?" He felt a little unnerved by the fact that someone had heard of him, and that the person wasn't out to kill him, or another drow. "And why do you want me to teach you all this?"
  5. Listens only partially to Orien's and Saraneth's convorsation. Since he is having troubles of his own. Something that he hadn't revealed to anybody was happening. He was schizophrenic and his other side was wanting out. [I][COLOR=red]Come on Dmitri, buddy ol' pal. Let me out to play a little bit![/COLOR][/I] [I] No Deteria, everytime you get out you cause trouble! [/I] This sort of convorsation went on in Dmitri's head many times before. Dmitri always wanting to keep Deteria from the outside world always struggle to keep him under wraps. Now the convorsation was becomeing somewhat violent and painful. And Dmitri was clutching his head, and holding back tears. He to the side and doesn't know it puts his head on Val's shoulder, the pressure in his head making him think it's going to explode. The pain is becomeing unbearable.
  6. Looks at Orien. "Hello Orien, this 'angel guy' is Saraneth." His eyes narrow at Orien. "How about we know a little more about you aye? You haven't really had the chance to tell us who you really are other than Orien, and your a half elf mage. But I will respect it if you don't wish to say." Dmitri looks into the fire, no longer saying anything, appearing to have some sort of conflict inside of his mind.
  7. Pritz laid back in his bed comfortably. It was a cheap room, but it was more comfortable than the rocks he had been sleeping on. He closed his eyes and wondered how everything had been going in his home. It had been about ten years since he had gotten lost. He had long ago given up on trying to get home, everyone probably has taken him for dead. "And I could have been there king one day." he mutters to himself softly as he looks up at the ceiling. He looked out the small window in his room and saw several run down buildings. "Well I wonder what this towns story is..." He got out of bed and went over to the window and looked even more into the town. "I'll have to ask around....." OOC: okay.. I took the pic off... it was just darn annoying...
  8. Nods, "Yeah, that answers most of my questions. Now I will do the same. I am Dmitri Dragoon a half drow, half wood elf ranger. I'm on a quest to purge the world of any evil I see fit. I was going to do that but certain things have prevented it. Oh yes," motions to Val. "This is Valkyrie, we just met a day or so ago."
  9. "Simple questions. Like who are you? Why is an angel on the surface? You know, simple questions like that. If answer them I will answer any questions of yours I can." With that he sheaths his swords and crosses his arms over his chest. Showing he means no harm, only peace.
  10. [COLOR=darkred]This is another Midieval RPG. Real weapons, prefer that chars' be something normal, but if not no biggy. Also, no weird *** weapons that are made of pork or anything dumb like that. The Setting is in a slum of a town called Paradise. Where the ruler of it takes all the peoples money for his own needs and ignores the populace. Basically the characters are just adventurers that happened upon the town. They won't know each other but they soon will I suspect. [/COLOR] Pritz walks through the wooden gates of the town. He keeps the hood of his cloak low over his face, so he can hide in it's shadow. Pritz, a warrior drow from a city deep underneath the earth. He lost his way when he got separated from his battle group and not able to find a way back underground. He walked quickly through the run down streets, doing his best to avoid the grasping hands of beggars, trying to get money for food or booze. He either brushed them away or kicked them away when they grabbed ahold of his green cloak. When some of them got brave he risked to open his cloak and let them see his black leather armor, and two swords at his side. This usually caused them to back away quickly. He looked up at the signs outside of some of the buildings. He saw a few mageware shops and no weapon shops. Finally he came upon a inn called the Drunken Elf Inn. He shook his head at the name but felt it was the best thing he could come up with. He entered it and saw a kitchen/dining room area with a bar. He walked up to the bar and bartender. "How much are rooms?" he asks softly. The gruff and tough tender looks at him hard. "Three gold pieces a night." "Very well." He reaches down for a pouch and pulls out six gold pieces. "I need a room for two nights." The bartender quickly snatches them away, thinking he had best get the money from this person when he offers it. He puts the coins in a till underneath the counter and brings back up a book. "Just sign your name here," the tender says pointing a grizzly finger at a blank spot. Pritz takes up a quill and signs his name: Pritz Panzerdragoon. The tender reads the name and looks at Pritz, who still hadn't moved his cloak. The tender hands him a key and tells him where his room is. Pritz turns and heads up the stairs to his room.
  11. Nimbly dodges out of the way, doesn't try for a counter attack. "Please. I don't feel like dieing today, or trying to fight an angel. I just wanted to ask you a few questions."
  12. Dmitri's ears twitched when he heard the scream. He didn't have to have the squirrel to tell him that she was in trouble. So he started running the way she went. He didn't know what to expect so he jumped into the branches and lept from tree to tree. He got to the stream and jumped out of the trees and landed with a skidding halt right before he fell in the stream. He quickly drew his scimitar named Demon Slayer and his katana named Green Oracle Sword. He looked up at Sarneth defiantly. "Stop now so nobody has to be harmed!" He gritted his teeth, expecting at any moment to die.
  13. Wants to follow her, because though she may be still able to fight, she isn't as strong as she once was. He walks out of the cave, ignoring Dango, and calls out for a squirrel. A lone squirrel scampers up to him and he bends down to it and whispers into it's ear. "[I]If she gets into any trouble get back here quickly and tell me[/I]" He sends the squirrel on it's way and he goes back into the cave, but continues to look outside, feels somewhat like a worried parent but shrugs it off.
  14. "Do you ever feel old when you are around humans? I do, I'm ninety eight years old. I see these humans that are forty years old and already close to dying, makes me feel old around them. Though in reality I still have at least eight more centuries of life in me." He sighs and looks at her, realizing that she looks somewhat like his deceased half-elf wife. He shakes his head and looks back out the cave. "I don't know what will happen know. The angel may return, he may not. Dango may try to kill me, he may not. Orien may sprout wings and turn into a fly, he may not. Now I am just talking just to talk." After he says that he abruptly stops talking and remains silent.
  15. Opens his eyes and looks half heartedly at Sarneth. "Well. If you're going to fly out there's nothing I can do to stop you." He waves at Orien. "Use one of your magics to bring him back or something, or just let him fly, there isn't much I can do against a flying object. I have no ranged weapons." Fully rested he stands and sees Orien had fallen asleep many hours before. Dmitri decides it would be best not to fall asleep again so he stays awake. To make sure the angel doesn't return to harm anybody.
  16. "Right, well, I've faced worse in my ninety eight years of life. An angel doesn't really frighten me, nor do demons anymore." Dmitri said. "Do you fear anything?" Orien asks sarcastically. "I fear life and water. I fear no beings mortal or immortal, I see them more as a key to a different existance." Dmitri sits down against the cave wall. He looks at Valkyrie sleeping and sighs. "Yet once again we got no where today, except another dreary cave. Why do I even try." He mutters as he closes his eyes to do the meditative sleep his kind does. The sleep that puts him to sleep but keeps his senses alert and able.
  17. Dmitri raised his head and looked at Dango. "If you don't like it then leave, go on your own way. I don't apologize to people unless they deserve to be apologized to." He walks up to Dango with no fear and pokes a finger into his chest. "Your kind is the kind that killed my family. And I have no qualms about killing anything with demon in them. And I am quite capable of doing so." He turns around and walks off. Grabs Orien's shoulder, and the angels shoulder and drags the two into the cave. "I am quite capable of walking thank you!" Orien shouts. Dmitri shrugs and lets go of him. "Then walk or stay out here."
  18. OOC: Alright Vicky. I didn't know what happened to you so I used the excuse that you would catch up to us when you finished your business elsewhere. Oekakiotaku (Valkyrie) pretty much did a good job putting the rest of it into detail. Also for everyone's info.. Since Dmitri here is a ranger he has odd spells that work with woodlands, I'm a DnD player so i know this :confused: Anyways the things may be odd but they are legal. IC: He looked at her curiously. "So you've lost all sight of your demon part. What's the big deal about that?" He just shook his head. Knowing that he would never understand anything that had human blood in it. "We'll talk about this more later, I guess I have a angel to find." He takes a glance outside and breathed deeply and thinks: I hate angels... He walks out of the cave and goes up to Orien. "If anything other than me or you enters that cave before I return, I will kill you." Then without further word he turns and starts off into the forest again. He stops and looks around. Knowing how to make this easier. He finds an oak tree and once again reaches inside of himself for a divine spell. He casts it and feels the magic coursing through his blood. He walks into the tree, literally. He walks into the tree, and instantly has a visual of all oak trees in a five thousand feet perimeter. In this visual he sees the angel gone human, and steps out of a oak tree near him. He silently walks up to the angel, not knowing really what to do, so he pulls a rope from a pouch and binds the angels hands, then uses a few hankerchiefs that he has acquired to bind his mouth and eyes. The angel of course has awoken by now, and started squirming. Dmitri draws a scimitar and clonks the angel on the head with the hilt, knocking him out again. A few more hours later Dmitri is rearriving at the cave and sees Orien still sitting at the campfire. He drops his prisoner there. "Watch him for a minute." He enters the cave and finds Val asleep. He watches her for a minute then starts going back outside.
  19. He thought for barely a second. "Sure.. I'll help you, and I'm not mad at you, at least you told me now before something happened. It would be a bad thing if you suddenly turned human in the middle of a fight." He thought for another second as to where to go. [I]so she becomes human, okay, best place for her would be in nature, it's not like she becomes crippled or anything, a little weaker, but still capable. [COLOR=red]Just lead her to a cave you twit[/COLOR] Shut up.. okay, take her to a cave, get her dried off, being human she may get hypothermia easily... so yeah, get her dry and warm... need fire wood..[/I] "Alright, there should be a cave in the nearby mountains, there always is. Just hope it doesn't have any orcs, or lead to the Underdark. We'll just hope that the angel will... do something non evil or whatever. Come on, we should move quick, the temperature is dropping and if you become human while wet you can get sick." He absentmindedly took her hand, and started running to the nearby mountains, hoping to find a cave quickly. "What about Orien?" Val asked. "The half human will find us, as will the wolf. Frankly I don't care." A few hours later they made it to the mountains and found a cave, before entering Dmitri entered to make sure there weren't any nasties in there. Once he gave the okay he got Val in, already showing less demon characteristics. He went out and gathered as much firewood as he could gather. He brought it in and started a fire, hoping to get Val dry as soon as possible. Wanting to ask her a few questions, and maybe allowing her to do the same.
  20. "Fine, when I first came to the surface world I had never seen a running river or such. So I just stepped in and almost drowned, luckily I was able to pull myself out, so... jah. There you go I'm afraid of water and I can't swim. That's why I walk over the water with a levitation spell." He sighed and looked at her with a sarcastic smile. "There, another secret of mine is known to you. I don't know why but I feel I can tell you anything easily. Now, we have an angel to go after." He swallowed hard, looked at the river, then look at her again. "Go as you will, hell, he may have flown away..." He said somewhat hopefully. Then, he looked one last time at the river and ran along the bank. Looking for the angel.
  21. He frowns, knowing her to be right. He must trust her more, he knows nothing about the celestial beings except for what they are. But he actually feels himself trusting her more and he doesn't like it. Dmitri nodds and starts to run after him. Watching the tracks at his feet, he hopes that the person doesn't run into a big creek. Just as he hoped that, he found himself standing before a big creek. "Gods be damned!" He looks all around this side of the bank, Val catches up to him. "I think he ran into the creek, I hope he didn't continue running in the creek, hopefully he went to the other side." Dmitri looks at the water fearfully. Any water always frightens him. "What are you waiting for?" Valkyrie asks impatiently. "We need to find him." Dmitri frowns, and calls upon his divine spells. He concentrates hard and takes a step onto the water, not sinking in. He takes in a deep breath and walks across the water, being careful not to look down. He gets to the other side and frantically looks up and down the bank, unable to find any tracks. His heart sinks as he looks back to the creek and Val. "Looks like he swam." He states somewhat sadly. "I hate water."
  22. OOC: I've not forgotten. Haha.. I'm the only character that is fully mortal.. Haha.. oh wait, check that, the wizard is a half elf. IC: Dmitri looked at her oddly, he had underestimated her abilities, he vowed never to do so again. Figures he shouldn't listen in on her conversations with spirits again. After realizing her strength, he figures he shouldn't mess with her to much. Thinks to himself: [I]Damnit to hell Dmitri, don't let yourself get to close.[/I] He looks at the human again. Knows he isn't human, but nor is he demon. "Angel..."
  23. Looks at the human, is, very confused. He was sure he felt some sort of power that no mere human could possess. Perhaps his senses for this sort of thing are decieving him. "Who are you human?" Dmitri asks in some disgust, for once he actually felt hatred for a race, an odd thing for him. Probably because he is confused, and he hates being confused.
  24. He absentmindedly puts his hands on his scimitars. "I haven't felt any power like this since... Taramil, a demon." He starts to slow, but decides not to stop and investigate. "If he or she wishes to make it's presence known, it will do so on it's own time. But if you really want to see what it is... just say so. I'll look into it, hell, the kingdom isn't going anywhere anytime soon." He says, with a soft resigned sigh. He looked at her again, wondered if she had some sort of charm on her. She was somehow able to knock down the wall of steel and stone around his heart with minimal ease. He narrowed his eyes, thinking she might be some sort of witch sent to kill him. He shook his head at the thought. "Strange child." He said, barely a whisper. "What?" she asked. "Nothing."
  25. Raises an eyebrow at Val, wondering why the sudden agressiveness.. then he looks at Orien. "Careful friend" Raises his own hand as it turns green. " I have my own magic, and who knows.. mine may be more powerful." He lowers his hand and it turns to normal. "Dango, my wolf friend, is around, he will catch up to us." Feels a presence nearby but shrugs it off for the forest spirits. "Now if you don't mind the two of us, er well, three of us will be going, if you wish to join us.. might as well. This party seems to get bigger with each passing day. And we aren't stopping till we gained some mileage." This time Dmitri starts walking off again, hopefully with no more stops.
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