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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon

  1. OOC: Sure Duo, why not, just don't be to angelic ;) And thanx for the support guys.
  2. OOC: Because Num_Tee, I created this thread, and if you are going to be a part of this make it serious. And last time I checked you are more of a newb than me.
  3. OOC: Okay Num Tee, no. just no. You didn't even ask. So no. And that character is just gay. So no. BTW. You have been put on ignore Num Tee. pork sword... damn.
  4. [B]Reply to Valkyrie:[/B] He sighs, "Forgive me, I haven't been good around people since...." he stops, unable to continue. "Since...?" Dmitri sighs again and looks at her, wondering if he should tell her. "Since my wife and children were murdered before my very eyes, and me being unable to help them!" She looked at him, "I.. I'm sorry I didn't know.." Dmitri looked at her in a rage that he himself didn't understand. "Of course you didn't know! Because I have never told anybody about this!" He felt bad for snapping at her. "Forgive me again, and I am sorry for reading your thoughts.. I don't try too... I just do." He this time continued in a sad silence. [B]Reply to Orien:[/B] He looks at the man with some suspicion. "I am Dmitri Dragoon, Ranger and protector of nature and the innocent."
  5. OOC: Well most people ask a little better, and well.. I think what we got going on right now is pretty good. I don't really think we need anymore characters. But, it depends on what everyone else says as to whether or not you can join in.
  6. Dmitri gives a smile again. He knows she is lieing, he wonders if he should warn her of his slight psychic abilities. He decides he won't tell her just yet, and koows that he won't feel guilty for knowing her thoughts because quite frankly he had started ignoring his conscience long, long ago. "Very well," he said evenly. Then continued the walk in silence. Thinking of what she thought about earlier. He wishes her luck in that, but also pities her. An adventurer can't have a family, he tried and his wife and children were murdered before his own eyes, while he was unable to help them. He clenched his jaws, and put more steel and stone around his heart.
  7. Looks down at her as she approaches. "Have a nice chat?" gives an amused look, he heard everything she said, wonders if she is right in trusting him so well. But he knows he won't harm the girl any. He has dubbed her as a good person. He jumps down out of his tree and stands before her. "Dango will catch up to us, he has some other business to tend to. I don't really know what a wolf demon has to do, and frankly I don't want to know. So we will continue on without him." He turns and starts walking back into the forest, to his destination.
  8. Narrows his eyes at her back, decides to follow but won't let her know. He jumps into the trees silently, and just as silently jumps from branch to branch, from tree to tree, following her. He follows her to the clearing where the deer spirits graze. He stops in the tree line, not wishing to follow any further and just watches. Wanting to see what ranger skills she may possess. He takes another apple from the pouch on his side and eats it in silence.
  9. Gives a small laugh. "Who says I took them.. perhaps it was the animals of the forest? I am a ranger after all. And you can put your weapons up," Dmitri gives her a smile. He tosses her a couple of apples which she catches. "Eat those, we are leaving soon."
  10. "I did nothing with your clothes" Dmitri said in all seriousness. He takes off his cloak and tosses it to her. "Wrap yourself in it, don't be modest. I care nothing if you are naked or not. I'll go see if I can find your clothes." As he walks away he laughs to himself, knowing where he put the clothes, but doesn't want to tell her. He honestly doesn't care about her nudity, but thought he would have some fun. He walks back to the camp. "Well Dango? Did you find yourself food this morning? If not I saw some real squirrels out there." Dango looked at him with a growl, then stalked off into the woods. Dmitri shook his head and ate some fruit he picked off the trees.
  11. Even in this light sleep the dreams come to him. Dreams of death, destruction, betrayal, and power. He dreams of armies meeting on the battlefield, destroying one another time and time again. Dreams of gods, of angels, of people from the moon. Dreams of his loved ones dying again. He wakes with a start, he is covered in a light sweat. He looks around and sees the fire burning low, Dango fast asleep, and the unusual girl asleep as well. He knows that he won't be able to get back to sleep so he stands, and as silently as a ghost jumps into the trees, he climbs to the top and looks up at the sky. He looks back down at his companions, and stays in that position, being the guardian for the two until the sun's light returns to burn his eyes until he is dizzy. He sighs but knows this is the way it is every morning, and knows that the pain will pass quickly.
  12. He grinned and opened his eyes. "I myself am on a quest to purge the world of evil. There is a kingdom not far from here that I am going to, Dango is coming with me. Though why he is coming with me is beyond me. If you do not wish to come then you may leave anytime you wish. And forgive me for the comment I made earlier. It's just that these many decades living on my own in the wild has made my hearing supurb, I can even hear your heartbeat from where I sit now." Dmitri looks at her calmly. Looks into her soul, her being, her mind. "So your father cast you out as well. My father did the same, but he is dead now, killed by my own hands. It seems you and I have more in common than I originally thought. Well, if you wish to come with us in the morning I suggest you get some sleep, I would rather not make any unnecessary stops." This time he closes his eyes and falls to sleep, even though it is a light sleep.
  13. Dmitri gives her a small smile and a nod. He looks at Dango wondering what to expect from him. He gives him a look of "behave yourself". He looks back at the half breed. "If you must know Valkyrie, I do accept you because I am basically like you. Like you I am a half breed, a breed that is usually killed by the drow and shunned by the elves. I have cast myself away from all elves. And if you are wondering how I knew you were there I heard you breathing, it was loud enough to wake a snoring dwarf." With that he gave her another nod, and closed his eyes. Not going to sleep, but just making it appear that he is.
  14. OOC: Sure Xel you can join up. Post your char. and have fun with it. IC: Sees the half breed in the tree. Looks at Dango : "We have a guest in the trees my friend." He glanced over to the tree that the girl is in, but does nothing else.
  15. Dmitri knew that a phoenix was to bring good luck, but felt deep down that for him it was a bad omen. His past experiences with a phoenix made him feel so. "Another reason..." he said softly to himself. Night was fast approaching and Dmitri sighed. "Well we are in Dark Wood, we saw a phoenix, we are surrounded by spirits, and it is becoming night. Best thing for us to do is to get some rest." With that Dmitri settled himself against the tree and slept only as an elf can sleep. There he dreamt of his past. [I]He saw his wife and children die at the hands of the assasin as he was helpless to do anything. Then saw himself killing those very assassins as they had killed his family. Then he saw him battle the demon that sent the assassins. It was a long and tedious battle, the outcome were both fighters defeat, the demon losing a eye and ear, and Dmitri almost losing his life. The two came to an agreement, and fought no more, though Dmitri dreams that he will soon again see the Demon again.[/I]
  16. "So it seems we have both known a demon then. I worked for one, the demon I worked for was Tarumil, when I tried to stop working for him he killed my ..... nevermind, I sought revenge on those bastards. I killed them just as brutally. Now I am on a Holy quest to purge the world of evil." Dmitri's eyes darken. "And all are guilty until proven innocent." Dmitri once again looked into the fire, not speaking again. Reliving the painful memories of his past.
  17. [COLOR=darkred]OOC: Sure thing man, you can join this. It's a free country and a somewhat free internet. So just give a good description of your char, and find a way to find us wherever we are in the storyline.[/COLOR] IC: "Well this is called the Dark Wood. It is slightly haunted, perhaps you are chasing the ghosts of slain deer. But hey, if you are still hungry I caught some fish while you were gone, it may be a little cold now, but just stick it near the fire for a minute or so and it should be just fine." With that Dmitri stood up and jumped into a tree. He nimbly climbed up a few branches and looked down at Dango. "After you eat you should try to get some rest, in the morning we are going to set off and try not to stop until we find a town. I'll keep watch through the night"
  18. "Riight," Dmitri said to Dango, then watched him as he ran off into the forest to hunt. Dmitri looked at the stream, walked over to it and put his hand over it. He cast a spell of the ranger and suddenly several fish jumped out of the stream and onto the bank. He quickly killed the fish and cleaned them. He started up a fire and cooked some of the fish. Then after it was cooked he ate some and saved the rest for Dango, for whenever he would return.
  19. As the two went on Dmitri looked over at Dango, thinking he heard some rumbling stomachs. "You know if you're hungry there are plenty of animals in the forest.." Dango looked at him and shrugged. "Whatever," Dmitri said, and continued to walk. He reached into a side pocket and pulled out some dried fruit and ate a few pieces of it. He looked over at Dango and thought of offering him some, but decided against it figuring he would prefer meat. So he just continued on next to the werewolf.
  20. Dmitri looks at the two remaining ogres. Decides to let Dango have one and he'll take the other. He sheathes his swords and thinks of a spell. He raises his hand and shouts "FIRE!" and a huge fire ball shoots from his hand and hits the ogre, incinerating it. He looks to Dango to see how he is coming along.
  21. "Oh well I'm sure we all have enemies," Dmitri said. Then dashed forward to two of the ogres. With his left scimitar he does a slash, which is parried, his right does the same to the other ogre and scores a hit on the stomach, spilling the ogres intestines out. The other ogre brings his great sword around to cleave the small elf. Dmitri easily dogdes, brings a scimitar down on the ogres wrist, slicing it's hand off. The ogre wreels in pain, Dmitri jabs forward and impales the ogres heart on his sword
  22. Dmitri listened carefully, in the not so far distance he could hear something moving. He reached out with his mind and found what it was. "You're not smelling something big.. you are smelling several things... Ogres. Five of them beyond those trees." Dmitri said. He pulls out his two scimitars and looks at Dango. "You can join me if you wish," With that Dmitri smiles and runs into the forest after the ogres.
  23. Dmitri raised his hands in defense. "Woah there buddy.. I didn't mean any harm... My name is Dmitri... I'm just a ranger, I mean you no harm." Dmitri tried to look scared, but he was already formulating a plan, and preparing a spell to incompacitate this person quickly. He studied Dango closely, telling by his smell that he had some sort of wolf in him, something else to, but he couldn't quite place it. He slowly stood up, keeping his hands raised, then he moved his hands and crossed them over his chest to show he didn't want to fight. But had them positioned that he could quickly draw two of his swords and get a attack in before Dango could react. "What is your name friend?" Dmitri asks. "I am Dango." the half demon, half werewolf replied.
  24. The half drow, half wood elf walks through the forest. His smells all of his surroundings, hears all of the noises, and sees all of the shadows. He is a ranger, the protector of the forest and a worshiper of Mielikki. He sees a tree with several carvings on it, and makes his way over to it to investigate. He sees that it is a signiture post of rangers. So he puts his symbol into the tree. The symbol represents Dmitri Dragoon, his name. But that isn't the only name he goes by, he also goes by Deteria, his other mentality. For he is a schizophrenic. He stands from his carving, a full 6'2" height, he has short, light brown hair, and sparkling blue eyes. He wears black leather armor and a long black cloak. Under this cloak he hides three swords. Two smimitars and a katana. In his knowledge is a plethora of magical spells. He continues on for several more hours when he decides to make camp. He starts a small fire to keep away enemies of the night, and sits back against a tree, and slowly starts to doze off.
  25. Lance looked at him in shock. "What do you mean?" Rohan blinked, looked at Lance confused. "Who are you?" "What do you mean who am I? Rohan, you know perfectly well who I am!" Rohan gave a large smile. "I see, you haven't been informed yet have you? Rohan often leaves me out of the equation. I am Deteria, Rohan's alter ego." With that Rohan gave a low bow. Lance continued to look at him confused. "When to species of elves combine there are some odd consequences. We just happen to be one of them." Deteria/Rohan said still smiling. "Right..." Lance replied. "Well I am Lance the Dragon Tamer." "Well to give you the formal greeting, we are Rohan and Deteria, Rangers of the Forest, Followers of Miliekki, Slayer's of the Demon Taurimil." Lance looked at him nervously, "A pleasure." Deteria nodded with a smile still. "So what are we looking for?" "The Silver Orb."
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