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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon

  1. Rohan looked at the human curiously. "What can you tell me about this silver orb human? (sorry for adressing as 'human', but you know how elves are..)" "It is an orb of great power, a power that may be able to save the world." Lance responded. Rohan nodded, then looked out of the cave. "We can leave when this storm passes. Only a fool would be out in this... the trees even cry under the strain of the winds..." With that Rohan adds more wood to the fire and sits back, not paying the human much attention.
  2. The half Drow, half wood elf ranger walks through the forest silently. Having grown tired of the battle between two men in a barren wasteland he traveled onward. His sparkling blue eyes look up to the sun to see it at it's midday point. Thinking it had been longer he lets his shoulders sag lightly. He ducks under low branches that his 6'2" height can't fit under. As the wind picks up his black cloak billows out behind him. He looks up again and sees ominous black clouds creeping over the sky. He sighs as he looks back down. "And now it's going to rain.... great." He looks at his black leather armor and decides he had better find some sort of shelter before the rain starts so his armor isn't ruined. He checks his three swords to make sure they are strapped down tightly and runs quickly through the woods and to the nearby mountains. He searches hurridly and finds a cave amongst them. He lights a torch as he enters the cave as silently as a ghost. He sets the torch down against a rock as he goes back outside to fetch some firewood. After he gathers enough he goes back to the cave and starts a fire near the entrance but far enough away that the rain won't come in and put it out. He sits back against the cave wall as he hears the first sound of thunder. Then the rain starts.
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