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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon
So.. uh.. is it me.. or are there more survivors than mercenaries? Seems kind of pointless for the mercenaries this way... [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Name: Sarah Simmons Age: 29 Occupation: Mercenary Personality: Ah, a vivacious red head is she. Even if she keeps her hair short. She is very hot-tempered and takes no **** from anybody. Even if they are her superiors. Appearance: As stated, she is a short haired red head. Her eyes are an emerald green. She stands at 5'6" tall, but is of very athletic build. She could probably kick any males *** with one hand tied behind her back. She just needs the proper motivation. She wears BDU's most of the time, making sure they are baggy enough to keep most of her curves hidden. Bio: Sarah was a Tom Boy all her life, even when she was very young. It was mostly her parents. Her mother and father both served in the Armed Forces, each a different branch. This could be a very good reason as to why she is a mercenary.(duh) Sarah became a mercenary when she was 25, this was after she completed college and actually got her degree in Creative Writing. She quickly realized that it would be hard to make money with her major, and found herself a job with something she did know about. Killing. Weapon: Two Glock 9mms. Single M16 assault rifle.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Even though I am male in real life, I shall attempt a female role in this. I tried once before, but the RPG never got off the ground. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Red][B]Name- [/B] Laura Templeton [B]Age- [/B] 14 [B]Gender- [/B] Female [B]Appearance- [/B] Laura is about 5'7" tall, though she isn't exactly sure. She is of comfortable build, still young. She has straight, long, thick, red hair, that has hints of blonde and burnette in it, but the red is the primary color. Her eyes are of a crystal blue, and very pretty. Her cheeks are also lightly covered in freckles. [B]Personality- [/B] She can be moody at times, but she has a great sense of humor. She likes it to be quiet, very much like the way she is most of the time. She opens up to people fairly well. [B]Power/Control- [/B] Alter [B]Group- [/B] Library [B]Bio- [/B] Laura was able to avoid most of the Raid with her mother. Her father was killed before she was even born. During school she would always hear about the peaceful times before all the Raids, and felt envious. She wanted things to go back to the way things were then. Throughout school she stayed away from most other human contact, until she met her two current friends. Once she met them she opend up more towards people, but still kept her distance from large crowds. She even dated a boy for a few months, but it didn't work out when she finally discovered her powers. She accidently found herself able to read her boyfriends thoughts and saw that all he thought about was getting into her pants. She would not have any of that. She quickly punched him in the nose, breaking it, and left him. [/COLOR][/SIZE] That had to have been the hardest sign up of my existence here. I certainly hope I am not the only one that signs up for the library... *evil glares* females better start signing up..
[SIZE=1]Xander downed the shot of whiskey and stared at his computer screen. He was very angry and at the moment felt as if he could kill all the Stiffs in the world. Twenty minutes ago, Kellan's name was no where on any electoral ballot. Now it was there with 86 thousand votes and a propaganda speech. "Damn that kid, and damn this country for making such simple laws." Xander cursed under his breath. He went to his e-mail and sent a message to the Director of the General Race Information Office. The Message: [I]Director, It has come to my attention that there is a very good possibility that the GRIO's main network has been hacked. The perpetrator(s) added their name(s) to the upcoming electoral ballots. It is my desire that you search to seek the earliest named candidates and remove their names from the ballot. As well as blocking their names from being allowed to do so again. I also urge you to set up Security Bots to keep further crimes from happening. Thank You, Senator Xander Mulvaney, Bounty Hunter[/I] Xander pushed the send button with satisfaction. He knew this wouldn't stop Kellan, but it would sure as hell slow him down. Now Xander needed to find anyone else that had the same ideas as he.[/SIZE]
Sign Up Killing Time {R: Violence, Language, Blood, Gore}
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to silpheedpilot's topic in Theater
I'm really not liking the new OB today.... I lost a post because it decided to log me out because I took to much time to make a good character... grr.. [I][SIZE=1]Name: Xander Dearborn Age: 34 Gender: Male Position: Guard Appearance: Xander, being in the military before being a guard, is very large. But not a bad large. He is six feet even, and is very masculine. He sports a mustache and goatee, but keeps it very neat and trim, in case he ever gets into a fight they can not use his hair as an advantage. With this in mind he keeps his head shaved, and his baldness shiny. When he was in the military he stole several things, such as extra combat fatigues, which he wears in place of his guard uniform. He also has several weapons in his private quarters, but he keeps at his side the standard guard issue pistol and shock stick. Bio: As stated before, Xander was in the military before being a guard at Vector Space STation. The reason for his joining the military was because he was a pudgy child and teased constantly about it. He stayed in the military for 10 years before quiting. He then had to find a job, and there weren't many out there for his expertise. So he found the next best thing, a security job. He has spent five years on the station, keeping things in order. Now with the Aliens attacking the order he worked so hard for is crumbling, and he is pissed. He was patrolling the Reactor Sector when the Aliens attacked. He fought them off to the best of his ability but many of the scientists and mechanics were killed. Luckily for Xander he was able to escape with his life, but not two fingers on his left hand. His main objective now is to get to his quarters, and get his weapons. Then find the remaining survivors and get off the station. He hopes he can succeed in his new mission.[/SIZE][/I] -
[SIZE=1]Xander tossed aside the folder he was reading, it was every bit of information about the person named Kellan he could find. Being a Bounty Hunter allowed him to be able to get information about any person he wanted. He rubbed his eyes as he propped his feet up on his desk, it was a bad habit of his that he was trying to kick, but it wasn't going over well. Xander sighed, there wasn't a single thing he could do about Kellan at the moment. Several things were working against him in that aspect. One: Kellan was a Preen, Xander can only legally kill Stiffs. Two: Kellan had broke no law that allowed Xander to even look at him funny. Three: This type of thing could create a scandal in the government so big it would make some of the ones out of U.S. History look insignificant. Xander would have to take baby steps. He would have to get to know Kellan some, appear buddy-buddy. Then stab the bastard in the back. Xander thought for a moment, this could be used to an advantage. If he allowed Kellan's plans to go through part way, it may get rid of this ridiculous social class, and make this country what it once was. It would be risky, but well worth it in the long run. He would just have to know when to make the right move. Maybe even get help from outside sources. Whatever the case, there was no room for failure.[/SIZE]
[I][SIZE=1]With permission mind you...[/SIZE][/I] [SIZE=1]Name: Xander (Taken from Alexander, meaning: Protector of Mankind) Age: 28 Gender: Male Social Group: Preen/Government Official: Bounty Hunter Short Description: Xander, being a Preen, dresses nicely, but he still likes to keep it casual. He, of course, has the cross on his wrist, though, given the choice he would take it off, it chaffs his skin. Most often Xander wears simple black denim jeans and a white t-shirt. Sometimes, weather permitting, he wears a nice black denim jacket, it is nothing special. Also, instead of the sneakers that most have, he was able to get a hold of a pair of motorcycle boots. They are comfotable on his flat feet. Xander sports a neatly trimmed goatee, that is black, like his hair which he keeps short as well. Xander will look at one with warm, brown eyes, and smile at people with straight, normal, white but not too white teeth. Personality: It is true that Xander is a Preen, and it is also true that Preens have no emotions. The one thing is, Xander feels guilt, and worry. He feels guilty anytime he kills a Stiff, but he knows it is his job, and there is nothing he can do about it. Lately, he has felt worried about the fate of the world. It isn't the complete emotion, more like a nagging sensation he feels once in a while when government is being discussed. Deepest Desire: Xander's deepest desire is simple in text, difficult in accomplishing. He desires nothing more than to do away with social groups. He wants all people, no matter how rich or poor to be equal. Bio: Xander lived a luxurious life, even for a Preen. Most everyone in his family is a member of the government, and many of them are Bounty Hunters, thus Xander's occupation. Xander started his training for becoming a Bounty Hunter at the age of 18. He waited two years after coming of legal age for personal reasons. When he was 21 he officially became a Bounty Hunter, and since then he has become very good at his job. Not mastered it mind you, but he is very good. Additional Information: N/A at this time.[/SIZE]
I have read the Thousand Orcs. It was a very good book. I have also read its sequal: The Lone Drow. It too, kicks major butt. I have also read all of the Starcraft books that you speak of, they were entertaining, but only for Intermediate readers. In the world of Forgotten Realms, if you have not read The Dark Elf Trilogy, The Icewindale Trilogy, the Legacy of the Drow series, or the Paths of Darkness series, then I highly recomend you to do so.
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Name: ARC Trooper #34 Company #1 Age: 21 Species: Cloned Human Gender: Male Allegiance: Republic Soldiers Weapons and Armor: Red ARC Trooper armor. Main weapon: Heavy blaster rifle. Secondary: Light blaster; three thermal grenades. Spacecraft: Is stationed on the Republic Cruiser StarLance. Biography: #34, like many of his other cloned counterparts, is an adept fighter with his fists and weapons. He and not so many others were trained by Jango Fett. With that in mind the units of Company #1 have become the special forces of the Army of the Republic. #34 and few others trained several select few clones to take on the training that #34 has received. This is to make sure that Company #1's numbers don't dwindle to nothing.[/SIZE][/COLOR] Is it okay that I used some of Tigervx's post? Since they are clones and all I didn't think there would be much of a problem.
RPG Afterwar 21XX: Ruins of a former World
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to silpheedpilot's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1][COLOR=red]Gavin heard someone ask about him. [i]About time... sit around long enough and someone will eventually notice you.[/i] He stood up and cleared his throat loudly and rudely. "Greetings, I am Gavin, that is all you need to worry about," he started. "You all have been gathered here today because of your talents. If you do not know what those are then leave now." No one made a move to leave. "Very good then. Dr. Krowe and I were the ones that selected you for this team. I will be tagging along on most of the missions making sure you don't get your asses killed. We don't like death, so we avoid it as much as possible." Gavin coughed into his balled up fist, and looked at everyone again. "I could care less who you really are, your names are enough, and I already know them all. I recomend you getting some sleep tonight. The fun stuff begins tomorrow." Gavin finished, and without further words he left the room. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] -
Mike brought the garden hoe down into the soft soil. The sun was beating down onto his bare, tanned back as he continued to stir up the ground in his garden. The sweat was dripping off of his nose as he stood up straight. He looked around at the landscape, and was proud of himself. He had hoed six acres of ground in a few hours, and still had time to kill. He started back to his small farm house, hoe in hand. Tomorrow he would plant the seeds of his gardens. Then within a month.. maybe a little more, he would be able to harvest. That is if he was lucky. If not it could take a while. Upon reaching the farm house he set the hoe outside of the door and entered. The coals in the fireplace were still glowing a soft read, so it wouldn't be to hard to start up a fire to cook his supper on. He sat down in a big comfy chair and looked out a window for a few minutes. Mike knew that his life wasn't exactly easy.. but it certainly was enjoyable.
RPG Afterwar 21XX: Ruins of a former World
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to silpheedpilot's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1][COLOR=red]Gavin scratched at his beard as he watched everyone in the barracks. It was quite apparent that he was the oldest of everyone here, with the exception of Dr. Krowe, but he wasn't really a Merc.. just a scientist. Gavin was the first to be recruited by the good docter. He had even helped to pick out some of the people now standing around, trying to be "badass" by not talking to people. Gavin gave a small guffaw at the whole setup. He knew he should have tried to get some older people, some with more experience other than living on the streets or no education. "A bunch of imbeciles I have helped hire. It will be a miracle if they survive the first outing," Gavin said under his breath. Gavin quickly snapped his hand to one of his pistols on his belt. And even though he was sitting down, he was able to draw it in the blink of an eye. He gave a pleased smile, and reholstered the weapon. He stood and started toward the group of people. Wondering whom he should talk to first. [/COLOR][/SIZE] -
Name: Mike Jenkins Age: 30 Appearance: Green eyes, and brown hair is what you will first notice about Mike, possibly. Or you will first notice the scar on the left side of his face. Maybe even his 6'3" height. But what you will notice, is the way he moves. He moves with a fluid like motion, his muscles rippling to give an eerie effect. Personality: Good humored man. But can he argue. He will argue it is day time when it is midnight if given the chance. He doesn't support religion, and makes a point to put it down every chance he gets. History: Mike Jenkins had a simple life. His parents cared for him, and he did the chores. It wasn't that hard of a life, until his father's accident. His father had to stop working altogether because of the accident. When that happened the man changed. He didn't try to do anything for himself, and had Mike do it for him. Mike went through this for five years until his father died. Then everything was back to normal. Mike never married, though the chance arose many times. He would get near to marrying a woman, and he would chicken out at the last minute. Now he is just a simple farmer, making a good living. (Good enough? I hope so, I was a little unsure on how to make the Polocidal.)
Sign Up The X League- LXG in the 21st Century
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Revelation's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=purple][b]Name:[/b] Drake Devorski [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Ability:[/b] In my terms, he is a shadow dancer. He can control any shadows around him, and can even create shadows. But that is a limited ability and can weaken him. When controlling the shadows, he can use them to cloak himself, or a group of others. [b]Nationality:[/b] Russian [b]Occupation:[/b] Thief [b]Weapon:[/b] Pair of sheath knives. Glock 9mm pistol that he uses when his knives will be useless. [b]Appearance:[/b] I can't find the right kind of picture, so it's going to be written out. Drake wears mostly black, it helps him blend into the shadows he controls. He wears black denim jeans, black motorcycle boots, and a t-shirt of the same color that he always keeps tucked in. On some occasions he will wear a black trench coat. Drake's physical attributes are as follows: He is well built, even though he is a theif, he is large. But in a good way. He stands at six foot seven inches tall. His hair is black, as are his eyes. He has no tattoos, peircings, or scars. Nor does he wear any facial hair. [b]Location:[/b] St. Louis, Missouri, USA [b]Bio:[/b] When Drake was born he did not have his current abilities. He didn't acquire them until he was 16 years of age, when he was being chased by the police. Since then he has used his powers for the wrong purpose. Thievery. When he was 22 years old he decided to go to America, because the items to steal in Russia were limited, and of little value in the weakend economy. When he arrived in America he knew that he had reached paradise. Stupid law enforcement, naive people, and plenty of tall buildings with a plethora of shadows. Within the first day of his arrival he was able to rob seven stores with supreme ease, more so than when he was in Russia. Now he enjoys his occupation to the fullest whenever he feels the need. [i]"In light, there are shadows. In dark, there are shadows."[/i][/size][/color] -
Sign Up Afterwar 21XX : Ruins of a former World
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to silpheedpilot's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1][COLOR=red] [b]Name:[/b] Gavin O'Conner [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Specialty:[/b] Guns [b]Weapons:[/b] Twin blaster pistols that he is able to use simultaneously with great ease and perfection. They are silver, and very compact. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.toddlockwood.com/After_det.jpg[/img] [b]Bio:[/b] After leaving school at 19 (he was held back a year), he instantly joined a group of Commandos. (That is where he learned to use his duel pistols with such ease.) While in this group they went on several trips to find "Artifacts." Most of the time though, they would come back empty handed. Constantly they would be attacked by the creatures that lurked about, and they would barely escape with their lives. When they did manage to find "Artifacts" they proved to be not as valuable as they could or should be. After eleven years of working with the group of Commandos, Gavin gave it up. He had accumulated enough money to just sit back and let life go the way it wanted to. But he soon found this life to be boring, and having quit the Commandos he was unable to go back, and the other jobs did not seem appropriate to him. Then one day Dr. Kurt Krowe approached him with a proposition, to join his team of Artifact-Mercs. The good doctor explained that he wanted Gavin for his skill with his guns, and his experience against the creatures. Gavin was unsure at first, but soon warmed up to the idea. He had indeed missed the action, and his trigger fingers itched constantly. Perhaps soon he would get to excercise them. [/COLOR][/SIZE] So I didn't have to sleep on it.. ~Edit Again~ Heh, stupid typos. -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=green]Gavin traveled what seemed to be days, even though it was only hours. Ever since the dream he had he felt compelled to just walk, and nothing more. With his pace, he expected to be outside of Talisov within two days. It was wishful thinking, but he was determined to get there. With him still being in his homelands, there was little threat to him, so his guard was not up as much as it should have been. But luck was with him, for nothing attacked. The most he ever saw actually was only a few people passing by. He would give the courteous greeting and go on. He had to be at Talisov. * * * After a day Gavin was outside of the Gaia Lands, and well on his way to Talisov. He stopped several miles out from it and decided to rest till morning. He had walked non stop for a full day, and it finally caught up with him. He built a fire, but kept it small enough that it would be hard to notice. He cooked his dinner and looked up at the stars, always wondering about anything.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Sign Up The White Lasin [PG-13] {For Violence, and the such}
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Dmitri_Dragoon's topic in Theater
Well Mage, I really don't need another follower of Moon. I have two on that already. As well as sun. I guess no one likes the whole Gaia approach. Anyways, mage, you can go Gaia, or you can be a follower of Dark Lasin, a bad guy as you know. It's up to you, I'm sorry, but I would prefer not to have more than two of each follower. Do as you wish. Also, this has already started up, and I am expecting someone else to sign up, though what she will do is beyond me. -
After I post this I will be sending a PM to everyone in the RPG. [SIZE=1][COLOR=green]Gavin walked through his forest. It wasn't really his forest, it belonged to everyone, but he liked to believe it was all his. He protected it after all. He stood next to a bubbling brooke, and looked deeper into the forest. He knew what was beyond the trees he now looked at, he had memorized it many years ago, it had changed very little. Except the majority of the trees had gotten bigger. He looked down at the brooke that he stood beside and sighed a happy sigh. Life was good for him; he hadn't had an intruder into his forest for two decades, and he doubted he ever would. He looked back up, and started back on his way. As always, everything was peaceful, and showed no signs of changing. Soon enough, it was dark, and he found it time to sleep. Then, started the dream. "Greetings Gavin," Said a soft melodic voice. Gavin looked around, and saw a beautiful elf maiden standing before him. "I am Elanor, Goddess of Nature, and a fellow follower of Gaia." "What are you doing here?" Gavin asked dumbstruck. "I have come to tell you that you have been chosen," she answered, still smiling. "Chosen for what?" "For something that I was chosen for, long, long, ago. You have been chosen to become part of the White Lasin. To do battle against a new enemy that is soon to plague the lands if it is not stopped. Gavin didn't know what to say, he just stood there looking idiotic. Elanor's smile, never left her lips. "What am I to do?" Gavin asked. "Meet up with the other people in the White Lasin. You will know who they are, for they shall meet up with you as well, outside of the Gaia Lands, near Sun's holy city Talisov. There will be followers of Sun, and of Moon in the White Lasin." Elanor answered. "What are we going to fight against?" "You shall find that out, when you have all met up." Gavin then awoke. He shook his head, trying to clear his mind, but it the dream still lingered. Was it real? Or was it just simply a dream? He would not know, but he did know that he would start towards Talisov first thing in the morning.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Sign Up The White Lasin [PG-13] {For Violence, and the such}
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Dmitri_Dragoon's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1][COLOR=blue]Excellent. Good job on the Dark Lasin Skedy. Since he's your character, I'll leave it at that. Also, remember that you also have Raiha on your side. But you can multi-task characters. As long as it doesn't get confusing to you, or the others. I am awaiting one other person, they told me they were working on a character, but if they haven't put anything up by Tuesday night after I get off work, I'll start this thing. So be prepared, I'll probably send a PM out to everyone when it starts.[/COLOR] [/SIZE] -
RPG Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1][COLOR=blue]Boromir gazed upon the ring, and many things raced through his mind. It was a gift, a gift to Gondor, the weapon of the enemy at his disposal. "It is a gift," he confirmed to himself, rather than the others. He stood and looked before the group that sat around the ring. "It is a gift, a weapon to use against the enemy." Something was said, but Boromir did not hear, his attention was fully upon the ring. Its power spoke to him, coaxed him, attempted to seduce him. He fought the urge to grab the wring, but his desire in having it never lessened. "My people have been fighting against Sauron's forces, protecting your people while you did nothing. Gondor deserves the ring, we have earned it." Boromir said, never taking his gaze off the ring. He would have that ring eventually, no matter what.[/COLOR] [/SIZE] -
Sign Up The White Lasin [PG-13] {For Violence, and the such}
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Dmitri_Dragoon's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]My my, I did not expect anymore to show for this. To be truthful, we have enough to start this, but, the big but. I would prefer that we have equal amount of people from each area, and I still need a Dark Lasin. Though it/he/she could be a NPC, though that would take the fun out of the end. So, we have enough followers of Moon, we just need Sun, and Gaia, and a bad dude. Hit some of your friends up, see if they are interested. Great job on the characters too, so if you haven't figured it out you're all in. :P [/COLOR] [/SIZE] -
Sign Up The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring.
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
Hmm.. time for my favorite character, even though his role was short [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred] [b]Name:[/b] Boromir, Son of Denethor [b]Age:[/b] 41 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Character you are filling in for:[/b] Boromir [b]Weapons:[/b] Broadsword attached to his side. Horn of Gondor: Not really a weapon, but good for giving warnings. [b]Armour:[/b] He wears chainmail underneath his normal clothing. And metal bracers on his wrist. He also carries a round wooden shield. [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall, dark hair, grey eyes, as most men of Gondor. Broad and muscular. Stands at about 6 feet. [img]http://www.a-arca.com/d10/artigos/images/big_boromir.jpg[/img] [b]Race:[/b] Man. [b]Personality:[/b] "The hearts of Man, are easily corrupt" -Galadriel. Boromir, as stated in his biography, was a proud man, and a valiant patriot that would do anything for his home. His intentions are good, though they may not appear that way. His will is weak, and can break under extreme pressure. But he is usually able to control it. Do not think ill of Boromir for his actions, he is only human. [b]Biography:[/b] Eldest son of Denethor II, Boromir was a proud man: proud of himself, and his city. After leading the forces against Sauron at Osgiliath, he went to Rivendell to learn of the answer to the dream he shared with his brother Faramir. At the Council of Elrond he was chosen as a companion in the Fellowship of the Ring. I think that is all, if I missed anything tell me. [/COLOR][/SIZE] -
Sign Up The White Lasin [PG-13] {For Violence, and the such}
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Dmitri_Dragoon's topic in Theater
[COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]Actually Kitty, it looks pretty good. I'd prefer the age to be a little higher, but you are from a mysterious region. So I'll accept it. Good Job :) Now then, my character. [b]Name:[/b] Gavin Duniben [b]Age:[/b] 245 [b]Race:[/b] Drow/Gray elf mix. [b]Class:[/b] Fighter [b]Weapons:[/b] Two Long Swords. Both are close to identical. They are of the same length, and make. Both have wicked barbs towards the middle of them that cause even more damage. [b]Affiliation:[/b] Follower of Gaia [b]Personality:[/b] Tries to be as light-hearted as he can be. Tries to make as many friends as possible at any given point. When people aren't giving him the curious eye, they are giving him an annoyed glare. [b]Description:[/b] Gavin stands at a even six feet. He keeps his long flowing, dark grey hair tied up in a pony tail, to keep it out of his crimson eyes. Usually, to let him move better, he wears black studded leather, and a cloak that matches his eyes. He of course has the pointy ears of his race, but his skin is that of another story. Since his parents were of an odd pairing, his skin didn't turn the black of the Drow, nor the paleness of the Gray elf. It has a dark, almost glowing grey hue about it. It is unusual enough to scare off cowardly enemies. [b]Bio:[/b] As stated before Gavin was born of mixed parents. His mother a fallen Drow priestess, and his father a kind elven blacksmith. He had a somewhat happy childhood. His mother was a kind woman, even being a drow, thus why she was a fallen priestess. And his father was able to provide a good life with his occupation. Gavin was born in the Gaia lands, and the nature of the people caused them to easily accept he and his mother into their society. But he still had to endure some taunting from some. As time passed, he grew older, and more adventuresome, and his father found it was time for his son to find his way in life. At the young age of 50, Gavin was put into the Academy of Wizards. After spending five years there, he decided magic was not his forte, and pleaded with his father for another course of training. He was granted the request. He was put into the Academy of Warriors, where he was taught the best technique's of many races, ranging from Dwarf, Elfkin, Human, and some Orc. He loved the new course, and was able to fly through the 20 years it recquired. When he graduated his father presented him with the two swords that he would learn to love, and trust with his life. Up to present day, his parents are still alive and well, and Gavin is ready for anything.[/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
Sign Up The White Lasin [PG-13] {For Violence, and the such}
Dmitri_Dragoon posted a topic in Theater
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]The White Lasin, a mixed group of races joined together to save the world from certain destruction. The White Lasin is made up of followers of Gaia, Sun, and Moon; the three main gods that created the world Azeroth. Together they succeed, apart, they fail. The followers of Gaia are made up of the inhabitants of the Gaia Lands. These inhabitants are usually elves, of any race. Though they are mostly Wood Elves, and Wild Elves. The elves like to keep to their forrests, but are willing to help others when it is needed. The followers of Sun hail from the human city of Talisov. Occasionally a dwarf will live in the city, but the humans are racist towards anything non-human, so anything else tend to stay away. With that in mind, it is obvious that the humans only help themselves, and only when there is profit. The followers of Moon come from the Forrests of Troglinar. They are a mysterious group of people that can be just about anything, elves, dwarves, humans, any sentinent race. Most tend to stay away from that forrest, for fear of their lives. This group of diverse people must band together to fight the evil that is plagueing the lands. If they do not, the world will be consumed in darkness, by the Dark Lasin. You may think that the Dark Lasin is a group like the White Lasin, only evil. You would be wrong. The Dark Lasin is actually a single being, capable of many evil deeds. The Dark Lasin is a energy an energy so pure, it absorbs everything it comes in contact with. The Dark Lasin will take the light away from the earth. It will take time as a slave, and manipulate it to do it's own bidding. And it will steal the souls of all who live on the earth, and feed on them, draining their power, using their spiritual energy as it's source of power. As long as there are people on this world, there will be power for the Dark Lasin. The Dark Lasin is not alone, though, it has manipulated evil races to do it's bidding. Most come from the Black Caverns, the races consist mostly of Orc and other goblinoids. The others, are from the Caves of Despair, they are the fearsome drow, the dark elf that despise their surface kin. But, as always, there is room for exceptions.... ________________ What is desired of you. I will note, that I will harshly choose whom I allow into this RPG. All the rules of the Forum will of course apply. The most I want are good detailed posts, with good punctuation. I know many are capable of that. For Characters, there must be at least one follower of each of the gods, and they must be of their respective races as listed. The followers of Moon I will be leniant on. Yes, you may be evil doers. I need a Dark Lasin, it may be an energy source, but it can still take solid form, so keep that in mind. It can also communicate any way it desires. Yes, you may be orc, goblinoid, drow, and the such. But keep the Drow limited, and no copyrighted characters. You know what I mean. I will allow at least two drow to be good, if they are they must be followers of Gaia, or Moon. No exceptions. Nor will I allow any "Neutrals". Period. ________________ Sign Ups! Name: Age: Race: Class: (Fighter, Ranger, Thief, Bard, Illusionist, Wizard.. that kind of stuff) Weapons: (Midieval type weapons. No guns, Katana's or of Japanese influence. The Japenese didn't have these types of mythical creatures so I want no influence from them in this.) Affiliation: (Follower of Gaia, Moon, Sun, Dark Lasin, you know.) Personality: (I want something better than: Quiet, keeps to him/herself, doesn't make friends easily.) Description: (Make it good, pictures are allowed.) Bio: (I'll be lenient on this, but not much. I don't really want a sob story.) I think that is all I need, if you have questions feel free to P.M. me here or on AIM: solidsnake68645 My character shall be posted very soon. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] -
Lets bring this back to the first page. [COLOR=blue]Randell paced in his chambers. He was gathering his thoughts, for they were currently quite jumbled together. It was quite apparent to him that the two children were in his time period now. It meant that they were hear to stop him more than likely. He would have to prevent that from happening. If he were to be killed, terrible things were sure to happen. After all, he did put a spell upon himself and the land, that guaranteed him to live as long as the land around him did. (It will be noted, that without the interference from the two younglings, in 500 years there would be a earthquake that destroys the land he put the spell upon. That is what would keep him from existing in the "Modern" time. Even though the land would later repair itself, the spell was broken when he died.) Only one person could counter the spell, and she was trapped in a rock. A rock that he needed to promise his survival. He needed some sort of help, a hunter perhaps, a hunter that could hunt down the two children and kill them. Then bring the jewel to him. "Yes.. that is what I need," Randell said happily to himself. He went to his Pool of Sight, and began to scour the land for someone good enough to help him. His looking paid off, for he saw an elf. An elf that just made a kill in a forest, and the kill was a hunter. "He will do just fine." [/COLOR]
I'm very confused, but will continue with my job. [SIZE=1][COLOR=green]"Alright, I'm going to go find us a place to stay for a while, good and secure." Frank said as he stood and left the table. When he stepped outside he noticed there was a slight sprinkle. It didn't really bother him, even though he prefered to work in dry conditions. He zipped his coat up and started walking, he knew where he was going, he just hoped it was still safe. Twenty minutes later he was at a place called Maratee's Hotel. The owner, Carl, was a hispanic wannabe. He walked into the hotel and instantly saw Carl in all his Latin ware. "Hey! My man! You still got them big cajones?" Carl asked in a terrible accent. "Yeah, I still got 'em. This place still good?" Frank asked, walking up to Carl. "What? You in trouble again? How many times do I got ta save your butt?" "Not me, a friend, a woman." Frank said, figuring giving Brody's name would be bad. "A woman? Is she nice?" Frank, knowing that nice meant a different thing shook his head, "I don't know Carl, I have really looked at her like that yet." "Ah, I see, I see, well yeah, dis place still good, bring her in, and as always, for free, I won't forget you saved my butt more than once." Carl said. "Thanks man, I'll be back," Frank said as he turned and left. "Don't be going all Terminator on me!" Carl called to Frank's back. Frank didn't turn, but just lifted his hand and gave Carl the finger. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]